Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1915, Page 9, Image 9
9 no lie Bees Ho m e Madfaz i ti e P a THE BEE: OMAHA, TTKSUAY. XOVKMBEK 23. inn. ge Young Girls and Road to Success . . . rm r jr f f , r 71TI O JTi Republished by Permission of It Is fashionable to Be Modesty oays Jraris - uup. Bra. . By ELLA WHKKLEIt WILCOX. Copyright. 1WR, Star Company! Just what & young girl must do to make her life a aucceaa Is an Important problem to solve, not only for herself, but for future generations. There was once ri an unfortunate girl who was deprived of wholesome and moral guidance. auu who uuKenpr ted from woman's high estate and be o a m e mentally, morally and phy loally 111. From her vi cious, Insane and criminal de s e e n danta have been traced. As many noble, worthy and estimable descen dants could fee traced from more man one excellent woman In past gen- orations, and It Is therefore, of vast Im portance what sort of maturity each young girl attains. As little grains of sand make the shore and little drops of water the sea, so our dally thoughts, ideas and acts form our character. "Platitudes," some vivacious young girl may cry, but the sea continues to rise and fall, and the seasons to come and go according to old-established rules, and so human character must be formed by the same unalterable laws. We submit to God's plans, as the solar systems obey His mandates. "Something to do," seems to be the or der of the universe. Nothing is idle or without a purpose, save some men and women self-made derelicts of fate. The young girl born to social position and a competence la oft time handicapped In life's noblest purpose --character building. I am sorry for the daughters of wealth: I congratulate the daughters of toll. Necessity is the best friend of an am bitious soul. The people who achieve the greatest results are usually those who were com pelled to exert themselves early In life. The young girl whose every wish Is anticipated by parents and attendants un till she reaches womanhood's years has mall opportunity to asveiop mono xn sacrificing and cnergetio qualities which are strong factors In the highest type of womanhood. The very first thing to cul tivate la appreciation of the privilege of Hying. No matter In what sphere of life you were born, teach yourself to be glftd you were tiorn. . If you are a daughter of wealth, and position, jcallae your great responsibility toward humanity, and pray your guar dian spirit to teach you wisdom, love and sympathy. ' If you are a child of the noble army of the world's workers, believe In your power to help the world in its march of progression, and ask dally for strength, unselfishness and perse vere- , .cor4 vnur Imoortance in the wnov, nit - Creator's great scheme of human exist ence and realize your vast power to do good in your close association with falling-humanity. Respect your occupation, whatever It may. be. . Have one. The trades, the arts, the professions are all open to woman today. Be occupied. pevote three or four hours dally to some one purpose. It will give a est and meaning to life, and will render ennui and melancholy Impossible intrud er upon your domain of thought. Xo not allow the Idea that you are leas fortunate than other human beings to enter your mind for one moment. Qod Is no reapecter of persons. You have some quality, some feature, some blessing, which you would not exchange with any other person. Realise that and rejoice In It. Realise, too, that all possibilities of happlneaa. of success and of achievement He in your self. Never say or think. "If I had Influence or aid, I could do this or that." If you are possessed of or cultivate those sterling and robust qaulitie which atone could bring success to you under any conditions. Influence and aid will come to you unsought. The world helps him who helps himself. Never look outside for assistance. Look up. and within. Then It will come from all directions. I have heard much of lucky people and I have met and studied those deemed by their associates the favorltea of fate. I found them. Invariably, to be people who believed in ' themselves, and whose attitude, ar mina nan set me u-uricnv "good luck" In motion. They expected success, while they tolled for . It. Hair Tinting Made Easy S it1 2J r : ,V 1 ''.1 s vW V ; j! -'I ; ; ., U I i.ri' rr-i , 17 is wo$V 1 7 . , S I Advice to Lovelorn Be Pattest. Pear Miss Fairfax: I am enraged to a young man who la nice and kind. He telle me he lovea me. hut at the same, tlma girls come In to ae him where ho worka. He tella me he doea not care for them, but that he only llkea to talk to them. What would you advise me to do. aa I hate to give him up for a little foolishness on hla part, and yet I feel hurt about it? A CONSTANT READER. Don't be jealous over trifles. If ynu pay too much attention to a little thins like this you will lead your flanco to give undue weight to his own charm for women. Be sweet and amiable and don't refer to a little thing like this. It really does not amount to disloyalty, and I am aura that If you are very pleaaant and agreeable about the whole matter the man you love will come to feel ashamed of .hurting you In any way. DKii't Take It Toa Bertoasly. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a girl 1 yearn old and deeply In love with a boy of my age. He ralla me up every night and Jokea with me and eeema very In terested In me. He alao calls up a girl friend of mine. He pretends to think a great deal of me. If I continue to keen company I will , cause trouble. Aa I love him dearly, kindly tell ma what to do. ANXIOC8. Don't take telephone Jollying too seri ously and permit yourself to become too fond of one who shows an inclination to be too promiscuous In his attention. If you car for him and have reason to be lieve he care for you there doe not ap pear to he any more reason why you should give him up than that the other girl should, but If he I almply trifling w ith you the sooner you end It the better It will be for you. By All Meaaa Apoloarlae. Dear Miss Fairfax: Had an annMnt- ment wtlh a man for II: So. and we it out on an errand at and waa home at :fl. in the meanwhile my friend called for me. My mother, thlnklna I had tone arit for the evening, told him o. Now, Mlaa ralrrax, do you think It forward to try and reach him by prnne, aa I fe aa though It was my place to apologise for the situation: or. do you think I should wait for hi mto phone me, aa he la sure of my phone number, whereaa I am not sure rr nis7 "BOB, You owe this man an explanation. - I should moat certainly make every effort to reach him and clear up the matter of my seeming discourtesy. A combination of good features from several of the leading Paris bouses has made possible this charming costume of Bordeaux red panecla velvet trimmed with black fox. A long skating coat of Russian green cloth is trimmed with gray aBtrakhan by Bernard and fastened by a row of buttons at the side. Gathers at the hips give a semi-fitted effect. This Russian skating costume of Gari baldi red velvet was adapted from a Beer model. Fine soutache braid trims the col lar, belt and side, and seal fur la used. Cut Out Meat If Kidneys Are Troubling You Uric Add in meat excites Kid neys and Irritates the Bladder. (From cabled Information to Harper'a Baxar for November.) Gone are the clinging draperies, the kkirts split to the knee, the backs ex posed to the waistline. The charming simplicity of la belle guxanne, which led n vain court from its atmosphere of pre tense to an appreciation of the more real beauty of the unaffected, is heralded accord In to Emllie de Joncalre, who re veals to the readers of Harper's Bazar the very latest things done by Paqutn, Callot, Jenny, Premet and other de signer of genius In the French capital. In Parla, she says, one finds on all sides an outspoken desire to see the re turn to the day that ay beauty at it beet. Inspiration has been sought in the liveliness portrayed by Wattcau and Fragonard. The dominant note every where is simplicity. There is - a great revulsion of feeling against freakish in novations and military fashions. Skirts that give freedom of motion without too much encumbering fulness; skirts short enough to show a - dainty foot without accentuating a large one; sleeves that permit of art in their fash ioning and when tight and plain, accentu ating graceful curved or rippling with lace and saucy ruffles, these are the fashions that are already adopted. The waist line ts normal, neither angu lar nor uncomfortably small. Shoulder may gleam from decollettes beloved of the Umprena Eugenie and described l y Kalzac os so graceful that "there seemed to be no break between her shoulders and her arms." But the fashionable woman will not cut her gown to nowhere in the back, nor keep us wondering what holua her bodice up in front. , Bhe will not haxard pneumonia by wear ing low shoes in the streets or baring her throat to wintry winds. A sane fashion muffles her chin In fur and pro vides a sensible high boot, high enough to defy the wind to show her stocking above the shoe top. Fashion are ssne. Fashions are womanly and graceful. Beautiful are the materials used velvets, brocadea and lace. Stuff originally Intended for up holstery will not appear In the wardrobe. Those who admire Uakat munt be con tent with hie stage crfeots and rellse that while a peacock's tull Is beautiful It would be out of place an a canary. No more painting of the lips a vivid carmine, says Knillle Ue Joncalre. No more giving the check a blush that Is too obvious; nor should they be bleached In an Imitation of a whlted sepulchre. Rouge will, of course, be used If nature fulls, but in a natural way to give the appearance of rudily health. A wonderful mixture of brown, gold and red, reflecting all the colors of the Men as Well as Women Must Suffer for Sins autumn leaf, I called nolaette for lack of a batter name; and there U a yellow, like pale moonlight. There are aa well, vivid reda, and green, a red a mellow a old wine, and magenta I revived, but never to be uaed In combination that shock one' sensibilities. Coat arr of every length, and ao full that they billow with every movement; many of them are cut longer at the aide than at the front and back, but one can not say that any on atyle la th best, declares Emllie De Joncalre. Th really stylish woman select what I Individ ually beat suited to her sr.d If a coat, longer on the hip ha a tendency to make her look shorter and stouter, aha knowa that would be a foollah fashion for her to adopt. A noticeable feature of the winter models Is the lli.lng, which I planned for effect a carefully the garment Itself. I Many of the linings this season are of 'cloth or velvet in contrasting color. Many thousands of women have put tip with streaked and gray hair because they knew of no absolutely safe way to overcome this robber of youtli and at tractiveness. After all. ore of the chief pleasures in life is that of appearing in as at tractive a manner aa poaaibla. Trownatone" Hair blaln will help you in )ust thla emergency. A 1th it you can touch up the gray spots Inatantly or you can In a few moments' time give to your hair that rich, soft brown, ao much to be admired. Or, you can make it a glossy black If you prefer. All thU m it rout the possibility of detection, fail ure or harm to either hair or acalp. No previous experience whatever I neceaaary when you tine "Hrownalena." Just bturh or comb it Into the hair. A sample and a booklet will be acnt you upon reclpt of 10 cent. All of the leading drug atores aell j"BroWnatone." Two siaea lie and $1.00. r Two shade 3d for golden or m.idlurrk brown, and th other for dark brown or black. Inal on "Browr.aton" at your hair reaaer'. Prepared by the Kenton Pharmaral Co., 29 E- Pike Ht Covington. Ky. gold and guaranteed In Omaha by I gherrran at McC'onnell Drug Co.' Ktores and ether leading dealer. By DOROTHY DIX The spectable of a wealthy manufac turer, with polygamous tendenciea, who I ha auddenly been pulled down from his I hjgh eatate to the level of hla lowest I victim, calla at tention to the one fact that wf over look too often. That is, that a man must pay his score for wrong-, doing just a sure ly a a woman mrst There have been many cases of men who have boldly proclaimed d e f 1 snoe of conven tions and, snapped tbelr flngars at the laws of Ood and man, and who after their names have become a by ward and a hissing In the mouths of decent people, have changed their opin ion about how far a man may safely flout the moralities. There 1 no more curious fallacy than the generally accepted belief that te thorn along th prtmroa path pierce rnly the feet of the women that walk It, and that men may dally nuacathed tmong it flower. Because the law will send a woman to a penal eatabllshment and let the man who made her what ahe 1 go free; be cause we draw our aklrta away from the girl who has sinned, generally through loving not wisely, but too well, and Invite the man who has deceived her to dinner, tha belief ha grown up among men that they can do a they please and leave the score for the woman to settle , alone. Never waa there a greater mistake. Undoubtedly, th woman who slna doe w have to pay the heavleat penalty. Nature end society both punish her more severely than .they do the man for di verging from the straight and narrow path. But no man Q deceives himself as he who thinks that h can repudiate his debt for wrong-doing and lay it on the woman'a shoulders. T'ltlmate Justice collects blood money from him, too. What we sow we reap, and the one harvest that every man mist garner la hlewlld oats crop. That law la Inexor able. A. man's sins follow him to tha latest dny of his life, and sooner or later re has to settle for them. Young men think that they can drink, find because they are not Immediately ostracized for reeling through th streets ct a woman would me, they think that the public condones that weakness In a man, and that they will not have to pay for It. But they are mistaken. They tay first In shattered nerve and weak ened brain power, and they pay finally and for all time In failure. No t:il man advances the drunkard in hla office. No bualnea man puta s drunkard in places of responsibility, and so In the end the drunkard pays hla debt to the bottle In raga and squalor. Other men have thought that they could gamble without paying the gambler' debt. The penitentiarle are full of them. They thought they would know when to atop, but tha lure of the game got them. Honest work became too slow a way to make money, and there came a day when a man broken on the wheel of chance was flung oi.t into tha dlacard of hu manity. Many men think that there ia a double atandard of morality for men and women, and that while a woman muat keep her aelf clean and pure, ami above reproach, that no such obligation Is laid upon a man. They believe that a man may take Noted Authority says we must flush Kidneys with Salts if Back hurts. We are a nation of meat eater and our blood I filled with uric acid, saya a well known authority, who warn ua to be conatantly ori guard agalnat kidney trouble. The kldneya do their utmoat to free the blood of thl Irritating acid, but become irom tne overwork; they get lug glsh; the ellminatlv tissues clog and thus th wast I retained In th blood to poison tha entire system. When your kidney ache and feel Ilk lump of lead, and you have atlnging pain In the back or th urln is cloudy, full of sediment, or th bladder la Irri table, obliging you to seek relief during the night: when you have severe head aches, nervous and dlssy spells, sleep lessness, add stomach or rheumatism in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounce of Jad Baits; tak a tablespoon ful In a glaaa of water be for breakfast each morning and In a few day your kidney will act fine. This famous salt I made from the acid of grape and lemon Juice, combined with II thla, and ha been uaed for generation to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralise the aclda in urine ao It I no longer a aource of Irritation, thus ndlng urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salt 1 Inexpensive and cannot injure; make a delightful effervescent lithla-water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidney clean and active. Advertisement. Household Suggestions The artificial seltser water made with a carbonic acid gss generator la an imi tation, far from perfect, of the natural water A rerloe to make It on a small scale for family use, as it were, can only give a product differing still more from that of the kprtng. Yet the following would fairly Imitate the taste and prop erties of the natural water. Fused chlo ride of calcium, four grains', chloride of magnesium, twelve grains; chloride of sodium, fifteen gralne; citrate of Iron, half a grain; tartaric acid, two drachmas; bicarbonate of aoda. two and a half drachma. Dissolve all the salt exoep- j ting the tartaric acid and the bicarbo nate, to about one pint of water, and In troduce the aolutton Into a champaign bottle. Then, having completed the requisite quantity of liquid ao aa to leave an empty apace of about two fluid ouncea, add the tartaric acid, and Imme diately after the bicarbonate of soda. White velveteens, and moat colored ones, too. will waah beautifully. Just knead and squeeze quickly In a warm not hot lather, rinse n tepid, then cold water. Wring carefully and shake well. While atlll damp Iron on the wroni side on a thick felt or blanket covered with a clean aheet. Don not throw away your egg sheila; they are very useful when cleaning de canter. Crueh the egg ahella Into email bita and shake them well In the decautera when they are three parts filled with water. his pleasure aa he finds It without having to pay the price. This lail error has aent millions of young men down to disease and death. It haa made millions of other homes childlefa, for many a grim old man knows that he Is paying hi the lolelineas of his age for the follies of his youth. Men believe that they can love Mii'i tide away. Sometimes they ran. Bomotlmes the woman that they thought to leave behind them la a vambire who fastens herself upon them and sucks their very life blood out of them. Many a man Is kept poor by the Insa tiable demands of some bad woman for money that he dare not refuse to give her. Many a man la balked In his ambi tion becauae of the black shadow aome woman ouata across his pathway. An evil woman ran blight a toy's life Juat aa completely and effectually aa an evil man can ruin a girl's. And the men who lead a double life, the murrled men who have affinities, Is cny one foollxh enough to think they do not pay? Do you not think the man paya who 1 torn between the Jealoustea ef two wo men; who muat dally lie to them both: kho must continually trend a crooked path, and who Uvea In dread of being found out and having hla affalra pub lished to the world and made to look con temptible and ridiculous In the public eye? Huch a man paya In losing hi own self respect, he pay In forfeiting the good opinion of those who know him, and he paya even in a buelnena way if he is dis covered, because we all want to have bullded their lives four square to the world. We apend our tlmo warning our girls agalnat the dangera of life and tha temp- tatlona of the fleah, and preaching to ' them that the wages of sin la death. W might with equal propriety give the sm advice to our sons, because for his wrong doing a man hust pay In sorrow and bit terness even as a woman pay. Mgafeqs PEACOCK'S "Tho Gift Store" lias for aver Oxree-quartcrs of a century been the shop pity center Jor those "who sought individuality in their CHRISTMAS GIFTS 2)hoso toto catwot buy hen? in person, shop With equal satisfaction by rnail-thwugh chr 224 paga illustrated. Stropping Quida.&t is sent to anu one on reauest. C.D.PEACOCK JEWELERS TAILIIHID IS37 Star G AiiarrxB S treat CHICAOO