Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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IT has been almost a years since the cry of "hoops, my dear," was first
The single hoop has repeatedly appeared in Omaha since then.
But now the IntelUrence comes that the boopskirt Is flourishing In
Lincoln, and separata hoop fonndatlons are in the shop windows and sell
ing briskly. The women hire called them "the dearest th'ngs."
We have all seen the ugly constructions hidden away in attics and
looked over the Illustration of advertisements In Harper's Weeklies. In
fact, this generation of femininity started life with strong prejudices against
hoops and a determination that no tyrant fashion would ever force the
mode upon u.
The hoops have accomplished a crafty entry Into 1915 fashions. They
do not look like the horrors we have seen of them In the past. Instead,
they-are of flexible reeds set in net foundation asd covered with soft net
Our grandmothers have told of the beautiful young lady who was
killed by the train because her hoopsltirts caught on the track. They
caught on the fences, too, and lovely maidens were gored to death while
trying to take short cuts across pasture:!. They also caught on the stairs
and pretty necks were broken.
But there Is quite another story out In Lincoln since the hoops bare
appeared in the shop windows.
Listen a girl was saved from death by lightning In Nebraska City
thirty-seven years sgo because she was wearing a continuously wired hoop-
skirt. It was a portable, Individual
dealing current safely to the earth.
If they do appear in Omaha, we
to their credit.
Debut of Mill McCord.
Jin. William Ilallcrk McCord presents
tier daiiB-htet-. Knt Margery McCord, to
oclety at a dVout tea to be g-lven Wed
nesday, December 1, between the hours
of I and I. '
Mr. and Mrs. M'eOord are also planning
a dancing party to be given at the Hotel
Kontenelle, Monday, December 27. for
their daughter. Mlaa McCord la vlaltlng
friend In ft, Josrh and la expected
home Tuesday evening or Wedneaday
Thanksgiving Home Party.
Mra. John J. Mahoney left for Mlnne
anolta Sunday afternoon to vlalt with her
daughter, MUa May Mahoney. who haa
tha chair In Frenrh In the college of Bt
Catherine In , Minneapolis For tha
Thanksgiving week-end Mrs. Mahoney
and Mlaa Mahoney. with Mr. and Mra.
Ross Barber, will be gueela at a houae
party In Uenvllle at tha country place of
Mra. Barber's parenta, Mr. and Mra.
Timothy O'Connor. Mra. Barber haa been
a gueat in Omaha when she waa Mlaa
Btta O'Connor.
Omahani in' Lincoln.
Mrs. It. C. Hunter aaalated In receiving
Friday evening at a musicals given to
evar 100 gueata at tha home of Mr. and
Mra. Q. H. Blrchard.
Mra." W.- A.' Kaion and Mra. Pattle
Vaughn were tha gueate last week ot
Mr. K. B. Fancher.
Mra. W. i. Andrei, formerly of Omaha,
gavs a house warming Monday evening
with Mlas Violet Cook of Tor tha honor
Mr; and Mrs. W. A. Wlllard and child
ren will leave for Lincoln Tueedey to bs
the guests of Mr. and Mra. F. W. Ban
ford. Mra.. Banford will entartaln In
formal Thanksgiving In honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Wlllard.
Thankig-mnf Party.
Mra. Harrv' V. Burkley and Mra. C. W.
Hamilton will be hoateaaea thla evening
to 300 guest inembera of the Reeearch
club at tha KnUfhte ot Columbus club
houae. The decorations will be In Thanks
giving scheme, with yellow chrysanthe
mums and tablea will be placed for
lards. Aaalallng Mra. Burkley and Mra.
Hamilton will be Mlaaea Alice McBhane.
Veronica O'Connor and Cotter.
Tea for High School Girls.
The directors of the Vlaltlng Nurse as
eoclatlon gave a tea thla afternoon at
the city hall rooms for girls of the 8outh
fide High school and of tha Unlnger
Travel club of ths Central High school,
who have organised aewlng clrclea for
tha aeaoclotlon. The board of directors
a. R. Towns.
(Dr. Mattle L.
V. R. Adnma.
O. K Bradley.
Vlntor Calituoll
Annur, : :
,-nlA W. J. llvnea.
nlDh W. Conneil, u, J. Ingweraen.
II. O. Kdwnrda,
Pen tlallauher.
H. O. llarte.
W. D. Uoaford.
lohn U Mot-ague,
l.uther I. Kountse,
Myron Learned,
Chat Ira Mets,
Bartnn Millard.
N. t Doge. Jr.
C. B. Scarr.
C. W. Ruaaell
"Mlaa Alice iiuchanan.
Hotteiei at Tea Room!
On tha opening of the "Yuletlde tea
room." to be conducted by tha ladles o!
the First Preabytertan church to raise
funds for their charltabla work, tha
hoateaaea for the flret day, December 1,
will be Mesdamea Frank Judson, W. F.
Milroy and Walter Preaton. -
Past Festivities
Mlaa Grace Mk-kel entertained Lea
Amies Whist club Saturday afternoon at
her home. Prlsea were won by Mra.
George Keebler and Mlaa May Raam.ii
sen. The club will meet Saturday, De-
ember 4. with Mra. Frank J. Murphey.
Future Events.
The Columbian club will give their an
nual Thanksgiving party at their hall
Tuesday evening. Seventeen prises will
be awarded.
Mlaa Verns Klrachbraun will give an
afternoon bridge Tuesday for Mlaa Ella
Joseph, guest of Mra. Mildred Rubel, and
Mlaa Rosalie eVhmuckler. guest of Mrs.
William Holsman.
Temperance Meeting-.
Ke porta from the national temperance
onventioa, held recently In Seattle, will
le heard by ntembera ot Jbe Omaha
onien'e Christian Temperance union
Friday at X o'clock, at the home of Mra.
Alice Mlnlck, 4S14 Davenport at reel
Afternoon Bridsre.
Mra. William Hill Clarke entertained
five tables at bridge this afternoon. The
decorations were chryaanthetnuma and
Harriagre Announcement
Mr. god Mra George E. Mlckel of Wal
nut, la., announce tha marriage of their
daughter. Geraldlne. to Mr. Simpson 8.
Burke en Friday afternoon, at Council
At the Orpheum.
Mra. A. V. Klnaler will give a party to
all at the OrvUeutn theater thlg evealrut
The Hon. Norrta Brown mill entertain
ueais. Parties of Xuur U1 be given
Monday, November 22, 1915.
lightning rod and conducted the death
shall probably hear other good tales
by Messrs. I.. M. Cohen, J. 55. Cullen, J.
K. George, It. I,. Huntley, Fred Meyer
and O. C. Hedlck. Mra. W. N. Chambers
will have three .gueate and Mr. l 8.
Butkenroad will give a amall box party.
For Thursday evening the Ladles' So
cial club of the United Commercial Trav
elers havs taken twenty reservations.
Events Today.
The Bouth frlde Progressive club will
entertain thla evening at a Thanksgiving
party at their hall.
Wedding Announcement.
The announcement comes from Ban
Francisco of the marriage on September
II or Mlaa Myrtle Dillon of Los Angeles,
to Mr. 8. L. Fes of Chicago, at Grace
Episcopal church of Ban Francisco, Key.
J. Greaham officiating.
After the ceremony both bride and
bridegroom returned to their homes, In
lending to keep the marriage secret for
nome months.) The bride finally confided
the atory to a friend and tha news leaked
out. Mra. Fee la an accomplished mu
sician and formerly lived In Omaha. Mr.
Fee Uvea In Chicago and la a railroad
Immigration unit.
Personal Mention.
Mra. J. W. Murphy, who haa been ths
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Owen McCaffrey,
will return to her home In El Paso, Tex.,
the middle of ths week. Mrs. Murphy is
accompanied by her sons, John aril
Owen, -
Mrs. Edward F. Riley haa returned
from a four weeks' trip to Ban Francisco.
Los Angelea, Ban Diego and ths Grand
Canyon, Arts. Mrs. Riley la accompanied
by her elster. Mrs. J. It, Fleming, who
will return to her horns st Scranton.
Pa., noxt week.
Mr. and Mra Walter Hopewell of
Tekamah, who were ths guests of Mra.
Hopewell's alster, Mr. and Mra. O. W.
Hervey, stopped at Lincoln Saturday to
aea ths Nebraska-Iowa foot ball game.
Mrs. Joseph Fischer left last evening
for Nashville and Memphis, to attend
the wedding ot her nephew, Mr. David
Bummerberg. and Miss Edith PearUtone,
which will be celebrated next week at
the bride's home. Riverside Terrace, Mem
phis, Tenn.
Miss Mildred Rhodes, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter H. Rhodes, attended
the Nebraska-Iowa foot ball game In
Lincoln Saturday and remained over Bun
day the guest ot Mlaa Clinton of the
Kappa Gamma houae.
Mra. Louie Volltntlne of Chicago ani
baby daughter, Jean, are tha gueata ot
Dr and Mra. Charles A. Hull for a few
days. Mrs. Volltntlne Is a sister to Mra
Hull. '
Mrs. F.ugene Duval and her daughter.
Mlaa Alice Duval, left yesterday for New
York, where they will remain a couple of
weeks vlaltlng Mr. Elalr Duval. Thruaday
ot thla week Mra. Duval and Mlas Duval
will bs In Philadelphia, where they will
be spectators at the University of Pennsylvania-Cornell
foot ball game.
In and Out of the Be Hive.
Mrs. Ilattle Blnger Is vlaltlng her
parents. Mr. snd Mrs. Gustavs 8ummer
In Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Msg Katleman of Lincoln
There is no
When you blow out a
Safe Home match, it is
OUT. And it stays out.
Every Safe Homematch
a chemically treated to
prevent after-glow.
Safe 'Home matches
are extra long and exfra
The extra length means
extra service.
SafeHome matches are
non-poisonous. They
are safe to have in the
AH grocers.
5c a box.
The Diamond Match
FROM JAIL Fifteen-year-old
Lizzie CasseUe,
sentenced to twenty days
in jail for truancy tinder
the strirt New Jersey law,
has been released. It was
found the girl's absence
from school was due to her
mother's illness.
If S rS
t-ts'it ., t-
L- V . ..... -J. W
? T,a. '
KtLr '"'Alt
are spending a few days in Omaha en
route home from their wedding trip to
St. Louis. .
Mrs. Helen Sturdevsnt. who haa been
with her alster, Mrs. II. D. Morrill, for
the last two years, will leave Tuesday for
ner nome in lirlilgcport, Conn.
Apartments, flats, nouses and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Beo "For R-mt."
4 - yu
A Specialty Tuesday of Quality Blankets
A LUES of a sort to render econ
omy, equally with service and ,
good looks, an cbject of real worth.
Double Cotton Blankets
Heavy weight, wool finished, double cotton blan
kets, white, gray and tan. Regular size p -C
for large beds. Worth to 12.00, pair apIsaJV
Fine White Wool Blankets
Extra large alze, tine all-wool filled double blankets,
bound with 3 and 4-inch pure silk ribbon, color to
matcn borders, weight 5 and 6 pounds to j fQ
pair. Sold to $, sale price, Tuesday, pair. .$3rO
The Best Values
tag When You
s-a ''' - i i II II
Have attained an enviable reputation among Omaha Ar
tists and have been heard and admired at many concerts and
recitals the past two seasons.
All of the latest designs in mahogany, burled walnut,
golden and fumed oak and Circassian walnflt are on exhibition
for the holiday season.
Some Grocers and Meat Dealers Peti
tion City Council for an
Is Omaha to have another Sunday
closing campaign?
A group of grocers and meat mar
ket men petitioned the city council
to pass an ordinance which would
prohibit the sale of groceries and
meats on Sunday.
The committee of the whole of the
city council took the matter up and
the consensus of opinion was that
these merchants should be able to
regulate their business without an
Cominlcxinrx-r Jardlne declared his be
lief that such an ordinance would be
class legislation. Mayor tJahlman spoke
against the pasngo of the pmpoacd ordi
The ordinance was referred to the city
legal department for recommendation as
to the state law on the subject.
There la a difference of opinion as to
whether the ordinance would be clues Irg
lalation within the meaning the state
laws. A state statute provldea that no
work shall be done on Punday, excep
tions being made for works of "neces
sity and charity;" also for operatlona of
railroads, ferry boats and a few other
About eight years ago Omaha went
through a Sunday closing upheaval. The
arrest of a cigar dealer waa made a teat
case and trie supreme court of the state
sustained the cm victim of that dealer
for being open on Sunday, relates the
city attorney.
It Is hinted that in the event the city
council derlln ng to raw the proposed
grocery and meat market orllnances, an
effort will be made to Invoke strict ob
servance of the state law on Sunday
Don't Let Tsar Cold irt Worse.
Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey will cure your
cough and give you restful sleep. Good
fjr children. Only 35c. All druggists.
Robert GerUer secured a license to
marry Miss Jennie Wawrxynklewlcs at
the marriage license bureau at the court
house. Mlsa Wawrzynklewlcs's mother's
maiden name was Mlsa Mary Schlman
ski. The bridegroom la the son of
Ignets Gertler. Mr. snd M-s. Gertler
will live at S18 South 1 ulrty-second
We Art Adverthed
in Undercloth
Need Them Most
Women's Plain and Fancy
Thread Silk Hosiery, In. various
shades to match the shoe tops,
and black and white. rn
Worth to $1.00. at OVC
Women's Mercerised Lisle and
Fiber Hosiery, spliced soles,
heels and toes; double garter
topa. Worth to 35c, -Peclal
Women's Union Silts, in part
wool and all cotton. Many well
known makes, Including Cor
wlth and Forest Mills. nn
Worth to $1.60, special ...yOC
fleecy lined. High ne"ka? lon2
a e.v..; Dutch neck, elbow mr?
Sleeves: ankle length.. Eftf.
very special .
.. il"'" Veata with Aakl pas.t
Match. In heavy fleeced -
cotton Velast.c. V.Vb.d IQr
only, tic Auailiy.rm.nt .."C
Great Interest
in Free Auto at
Gayety Theater
If ever there was activity around a
polling place, that place Is the lobby of
the Oayety theater. The occasion of the
strife Is the fact that the theater man
agement snd that of "Tho Gay New
Yorkers" company, which Is playing
there this week, Intend giving, absolutely
free, to some patron this week a brand
new Faxon "Six" touring car, valued at
Keveral autoa have been given away In
. Omaha In the past, but In each case tho
method of disposing of them was styled
as a "popularity contest," which In
short order resolved Itself Into a raco
between from four to six con,tetnts,
j the general public soon losing slqht and
' Interest In the affair. But, as Is cus
tomary at that theater, the Gayety will
dispose of Its car In an entirely differ
ent manner.
The car was procured from the Noyes
Kllly Motor company th's week, and that
concern announces that to whomever the
car is awarded. It will extend the same
courtesy In the matter of acquainting
tho new owner Just how to operate It
as though he or she had handed their
company $786 cash for It.
That there may be no claim of favor
itism or any other unkind statements
covering the award of the car. Its dla
poHBl will be left entirely In the hands
of the following committee: G. R.
Savin of the World-Herald, O. L. Knlaely
of the Newa and Ralph Poud of tho
Omaha Bee.
During this present week that the con
teat Is on the Gayety'a prices remain
the same aa at any other time.
Clark Says He Was
Only Witness When
Campbell Was Shot
M. A. Clnrk, 2013 Douglas street, a rail
way mall clerk, aarerts to the police
that he la positive that he was the only
eyewitness to tha shooting of C. D.
Campbell of Lincoln, Friday night.
Clark says he waa walking about 100
feet behind Campbell when the latter
turned from Farnam south on Tenth
street Just as Campbell reached the
alley two men came out of it the
shorter of the pair fired. Campbell called
for help and the holdup men fled west
to Eleventh street.
After running forward and helping
Campbell to a seat on the curbing. Clark
says he rsn to tho Oxford hotel In search
of help. As he waa in ths building a
Jitney driver, who asserts he caught
Campbell as he fell, came in and 'phoned
by Our Custom1
PERHAPS this will be a remind
er that you will need blankets
for Thanksgiving visitors. Values
here are self apparent.
Soft Fleece, Double Cotton Blankets
For three-quarter slxe beds. Gray, white and tan.
Good twilled blankets worth to 85c pair, if
at pair 09C
Maish Comforts
The very softest comforts made, feel Ilka down; beet
grade of A-l silkoline covering, pure white cotton fill
ing. Size 72x84 Inches. Regular price $3.60 An
and $4.00, sale price, each 4XOy
Splendid Shoes for Women and
Children at Inexpensive Prices
Women Warm Felt Slippers for
Thanksgiving, Romeo style, hand
somely fur trimmed. Black, blue,
brown, wine and grty colors. AO
All sizes, pair yOC
360 Pain of. Infants' and Chil
dren)' Shoes, hand turned soles. Fan
cy colors. Worth to $1.25, CQr
special Tuesday, pair OVC
Women's Dress Shoes, all sizes.
Patent leather and dull calf; cloth c r
. kid tops. Worth to $3.50, js a -sale
price, pair )aCstO
4i0 Fair Misses and Children' Shoes,
made from kid or calfskin; button and
lace: neat styles and very pa (
serviceable. All sixes to 2. J)l,4y
Specially priced Tuesday, pair
11 v. II
Few Selected Specials in Linens
and Thanksgiving Suggestions
75c Hemstitched Tray or
Serving Cloths, 49c
Made of very 'fine quality
Irish damask, all linen; pretty
patterns. Slse 18x27 Inches,
hemstitched ends.
2Cc Napkins, I2c
All-linen, damask dinner nap
kins, large alxe. U tba Irish
linen; rery elaborate patterna
(no seconds).
X-Ray Photograph Reveals Trouble
After Doctors Are Battled ior
Last Tour Years.
After four years ot treatment for
supposed tuberculosis and other lung
trouble, little Sophie Passovoy, 8-year-old
daughter of M. Passovoy,
janitor of Temple Israel. Is now on
her way east for an operation to re
move a metal pencil cap from her
Unknown to her parents, the child had
evidently Inhaled the cap, or had accl-
1 dentally allowed It to get Into the wlnd
' pipe while playing with a pencil In her
mouth. When the results of the metal
I substance lodging In the lung began ts
! affect her health, a foreign body In tho
j lungs waa not thought of by the phy
! rlclan who was called, and the child was
! treated first for pleurisy, pneumoni i
bronchitis and other lung affections.
Later, when treatment availed nothing
and the child g'ew woise, the doctors
concluded she had tuberculosis.
tinea to Lnnsi Specialist.
Only recently, Drs. Goets and Pratt,
who were called In the case, begun to
suspect that the trouble might be due
to a foreign substance In the lungs. To
settle the matter, an X-ray photograph t
was taken of little Soplilo and the doc- I
tora' Idea was substantiated. When Dr.
Jonas was asked to operate to save the
child's life, he pronounced the casa so '
grave that a lung specialist's services
were advised.
So now little Sophie is on her way with j
Dr. Pratt to Pittsburgh, where she wi'l
be treated and later be operated on by
Dr. Chevalier Jackson, whoae speialty
is cases 'of children and grown-ups un- .
fortunate enough to get things lodged
In the lungs. Dr. Jonss says that Dr.
Jackson is the only American surgeon '
who successfully attempts such tntrlcste
cases of lung surgery, and that the
Omaha girl is quite sure of ultimate re-!
covery it under bis care.
Sophie's parents live at 6T.44 Allison
avenue, Benson.
George Davis of Council Bluffs con
fessed to Detectives Rich snd Pszanowskl
that he robbed his grandmother of 1b
the greater part of which he Immediately :
spent. He was arrested In a local pool i
hall and will be turned over to the Coun
cil Bluffs authorities.
S2.50 All Linen Scalloped or
Hemstitched Cloths, $1.98
. Thesa arc made of a very fins
quality Scotch damask, all linen;
breakfast size, beautiful patterns.
$1.00 Cloths, 89c
Hemmed, ready to use, in a fine
quality of German mercerised dam
ask. patterns copied from a rery
high class linen. In the satin stripe.
Um2 Celebration
of Xhdzr Sntercsr
The Arrival of a baby la the fiooicriolJ
completely changes tho entire aspect of
toe ruture. But In too
meantime, during tba
anxious period of .
pectnney, there Is a
tplcmlld remedy known
B "Mother's Friend"
that does wonders. II
f m ii ' tJl " tor external oe. re-
Mil-V-v1! ,1CTeJ 019 pln of
HT72 - j cmucla expansion,
nerves, extends Its In
fluence to the Internal
Organs snd remotes to
a great extent the ten
dency to worrr and ar-
ii. assea
prehenslon. It Is a natural treatment, safe .
for the mother, has no drag effect wbatso- - '
ever and for thla reason must exert a most 4
beneficial Influence upon tlioe functions di
rectly connected with motherhood. In a
very Interesting book the subject Is freely
discussed snd a copy will be mailed free to
nil expectant mothers by Pradfleld Regulator
Co, 406 Lamar Brig., Atlanta, Gs. Get a
bottle of ''Mother's Friend" today of sny
dnnrglst Cse as directed snd you will then
know why mothers for nearly half a century
have nsed and recommended this splendid aid
In motherhood. Their letters are fneasssrs
vt cheer, that breaths comfoi t in every ward,
Try This If You
Have Dandruff
There is one sure way that never falls
to remove dandruff completely and that
Is to dissolve it. This destroys it en
tirely. To do this, Just get about four
ounces of plain, ordinary liquid nrvon;
apply It at night when retiring; use
enough to moisten the scalp and rub It
In gently with the finger tips.
Ity morning, most if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or four
more application will completely dis
solve and entirely destroy every single
sign and trace of it, no matter how murh
dandruff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching ani
digging of the scalp will stop Intantly
and your hair will be fluffy, luntrou
glossy, silky and soft, and look and feci
a hundred times better.
Tou can get liquid arvon at any drug
store. It is inexpensive, and four ounces
is all you will need. This simple remedy
has never been known to fall. Adver
tisement " coodies that just
m-e-l-t in your mouth
light, fluffy, tender
cakes, biscuits and
doughnuts that just
keep you hanging
'round the pantry all
made with Calumet
the safest, purest, most
economical Baking Pow
der. Try It drive awsy
bake-day failures."
Received His hast Awards
hnt Cxi Bmk
f tilt to ttumd Csw.
Id..,. 1 "I . (J J"H
Kg "Goodies!" 8$
s, '