Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Wsddlng Kings Edholm, Jeweler.
Lighting Tlxtures Burgess-Oranden.
are oot Print It Now Reacon Presa.
For automobile insurance and liability
hornls, ero J. H. L'mnint. State Hank
"Today's Maria Frog-ram classified
ection today. It appears in The Bee
EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the va-
lous Moving picture theater offer.
Hew Boy la Oalt Horns A haby boy
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gait
of SMk Titus avenue. Mr. Oalt Is In
structor of carpentry at the Fort school
for boys.
Defer Aotlon oa Alarm Bystsm Upon
request of the municipal affairs commit
tee of tho Commercial club the city
council committee of the whole deferred
for one week action on the propose!
standard fir alarm system recommended
'.' Commissioner Wtlhnell.
Siren to Cincinnati Alexander Tacala,
wanted In Cincinnati on a charts of
mailing objectionable letters and poet
cards, waived hearing before the United
Ktates commissioner, and Judge Munger
mane an order turning him over to the
federal authorities at Cincinnati.
Mrs. Orlswold Gets Dirorce M rs. Ella
F. Grlswold has been granted a docree
J divorce from Frank M. Grlswold on
grounds of desertion. Mrs. timet waiiw
i.i suing William H. Walker. Jr.. alleging
non-support and cruelty. Joseph Stein
berg charges Mrs. Ida Steinberg with
Xa.e Car to Sundae Beginning last
right the street railway company put
r.t. a service that will enable Dundee
and Happy Hollow residents to stay
down town later. If they so desire. The
car that has been leaving the Tenth
street depots at 1:18 o'clock in the morn
ing and Sixteenth street at 1:23 will be
run through to Dundee and Happy
Stein Case Dismissed The federal
case against Harry Stein. 3314 North
Fifty-third street, charged with making
a false affidavit in applying for natural
ization papers, has been dismissed on the
application of 8teln to have his papers
vacated. It was alleged that Stein swore
he was a resident of the United States
five years continuously, whereas ho had
spent six months of the time in Luxem
bourg, Qcrmbany.
Stock Exchange
in Mexico City
is Ordered Closed
GALVESTON, Tex.. Nov. 22. The
Slock exchange in Mexico City bas been
closed by order of the government, ac
cording to a cablegram reaching the
Mexican consulate here today.
The action was taken, the message
ays, because the exchange of late has
devoted Its operations to the promotion
of fictitious fluctuations in value of na
ticne.1 currency.
Another order lust Issued by the gov
ernment calls for strict compliance under
severe penalty with tho national law
which reaulres that all prices and val
ues be fixed In national money terms,
with the jeso as the basis.
Prices for food and clothing in the
capital are much lower than for many
months, the message says.
The entire cotton crop In the states of
lnirango and Coahulla has been taken
over by the government at . current
prices and will be distributed among the
cotton mills In the states of Puebla and
Vera Crux, so as to prevent the storing
of the crop for speculation and give em
ployment to thousands.
Raises Parsnip
Three Feet
Jacob A. Wandlind of 6430 North
Thirty-Seventh street brought In a mam
moth specimen of a parsnip he raised
three feet and two Inches and weighs
nearly four pounds. He said he had
larger parsnips, some measuring over
four feet long. Mr. Wandlind said the
season had been the best he ever knew
for parsnips. This season's crop was
raised from seed gathered on his farm
last year.
Anton Adler was arrested by the federal
authorities on information secured by
Secret Service Agent Hugh Mills. He 's
charged with swearing that he owned
certain property and that it was free of
encumbrance. It being alleged that be
made these statements in order to sign
bonds for prisoners In the police court
and federal prisoners. Lots 6 and 3,
Frederick addition, and lot 11, block 8,
Sulphur Springs addition, are alleged ia
be the property to which he swore he
had title and It Is declared he has no
title at all to these. Adler admits, says
Mills, that he has no title to the prop
erty and never had. Adler Is a bartender
for Henry Pollack.
Good for Sick Headaches.
Constipation cauaea sick headache and
r. King's New Life Pills will cure It.
Take a dose tonight 2c. Ail druggists.
IJNDON. Nov. V-The Italian liner,
Verona, from Italian porta for New Ifork,
which on Saturday reported by wireless
that It was being pursued by a submar
ine, and afterwards that It had eluded
the undersea craft In a fog, is now safely
out of the Mediterranean. Word was
received here that It passed through the
f M raits of Gibraltar today on Its west
ward voyage.
Mrnt so ; Ilixpiial.
C. K. Blanchard, postmaster at Blancb
ard, Cal., writes: "I had kidney trouble
so bad I had to go to the hospital. Foley
Kidney Pills were recommended to me
snd they completely cured me. I cannot
speak too highly of them." Sufferers tn
every state have had similar benefit
from this standard remedy for kidney
and bladder ailments. It banishes back
ache, stiff Joints, swollen muscles and
all the various symptoms of weakened
or diseased kidneys. Sold everywhere.
Kusaell Thorpe, well known ranchman
ut Luck. Wyo.. la visiting Gould I'iels.
Ah riil i am Hurbank, managing director
of Hotel Fontenelle, has returned from
Ht. I .o n, where he aiiendwd the annual
iiifeiinx of the Mitsourt-Kausaa-Okla-'"ma
H ole linen s association.
Woman Says Fifteen Hundred Dol
lars Stolen from Pullman
Mrs. Jano McClurg Hamilton of Chi- j
cago, superintendent of the women's de-
ipartrmnt of the fine avts building at tho
San Francisco fair, went west over tho i
Northwestern-Union Pacific on train No. :
l" Saturday morning and some time Sun- i
day or Sunday night she was robbed of
$1,500 worth of Jewelry and silver between j
Cheyenne and Green River, Wyo, At the j
time the rohberv was committed she was j
on the Union Pacific train No. !7 and as
o. consequence the entire secret service
force of the company is working on the j
According to the report to the Union
Pacific offices here Mrs. Hamilton was
on her return to San Francisco from a
visit at her home In Chicago. She had
the Jewels, Jewelry and silverware In a
case that with the contents, weighed
shout seventy-five pounds. When some
distance west of Cheyenne Sunday she
went to the women's dressing room, leav
ing the case In her compartment of the
sleeper. Upon nor" return It and the valu
ables' were gone. The trainmen were noti
fied and the sleeper searched, after which
the members of the train crew searched
the diner and all of the other cars, closely
questioning train employee and some of
tho passengers.
The search of the train was without
results and parties in the car in which
Mrs. Hamilton rode did not remember
seeing anyone in her compartment while
she was In the dressing room.
In the report sent to headquarters the
articles In the Jewel case are enum
erated. Diamonds, gold Jewelry and plate.
both gold and silver, Is described. Offi
cials hefe are at a loss to understand
how so large and heavy a case could
have been taken out of the compartment
without the parties taking It having
bten noticed.
The train on which Mrs. Hamilton rode
Is one of the best on the Union Pacific
and generally Its passengers are supposed
to be of the best class.
Henry Kieser Has
Letter from Sunday
On Selling Cards
Henry V. Kieser. who managed the
book store at the Tabernacle, Is still on
rorresoondlng terms with Rev. William
Ashley Sunday.
In the last of a series of epistolary ex
prcsslons from the evangelist Mr. Kieser
is advised to post up on the federal laws
with reference to the sale of postal pho
tographs and other matter at Syracuse.
"Billy" serves notice he will give "Henry
a reasonable time In which to discontinue
the sale of his cards and books at Syra
cuse, and It Air. ivieser aecunea 10 mp
such sale he (Sunday) will Invoke the
federal law.
Mr. Kieser contends that he Is quite
within the law and Is willing to let Mr.
Sunday take the Initiative If he thinks
he has a case.
A large order of Bunday photo cards
has Just been received at Syracuse from
the Forward Publishing company. In
which Mr. Kieser is interested.
"I want to reiterate that I did not tell
Mrs. Sunday or any of the Sunday party
to go to grass, as was stated In a news
paper article. I would not tell any lady
to go to grass," stated Mr. Kieser.
Local Grain Stocks
Show Small Gain
The week starts off with the grain
stocks in storage in Omaha elevators
slightly greater than a week ago. Tho
principal Increase is In wheat. Stocks
now and on the corresponding date one
year ago:
Now. Year Ago.
Wheat 812.000
2.278. 000
l.0i K)
Corn 177.000-
Oats 862,000
Kye i...... iu.ifw
Barley 28,000
Totals ...1,951,000 3.647,000"
Decrease, 1.588.000 bushels.
While stocks of wheat and corn are ap
proximately the same as last year, oats
on hand are much less. Dolly receipts of
oats are very fair and are running well
along with the receipts at this date one
year ago, but recently the export demand
has developed Into Immense proportions
and this, added to .the quantities going
south for feed, keeps the elevators pretty
well cleaned out.
Omaha grain receipts were Just fair for
a Monday, tnere Doing m cars or wneai;
39 corn and EG oats. Prices were strong
to some higher than last Saturday.
Wheat sold at 86 cents to SI per bushels;
corn, 61 to 84V4 cents, and oats, 32 to .1U
cents. There were two cars of new corn
received, it selling at 57 cents per bushel.
Plans for the bot lunch service to be
instituted at the Train school December
1 by the Omaha Woman's club are
rapidly being completed. Hot soup,
tread and crackers will be served tor 1
cent, the teachers of the school taking
charge of the serving.
Mrs. N. II. Nelson, president of the
club, Is chairman of the working com
mittee and wjll be assisted by Mrs. F,
J. Burnett, head of the home economics
department, and Mrs. E. M. Syfert, vice
president. The advisory committee In
cludes Mrs, F. II. Cols, Mrs. Edward
Phelan, Miss Eunice Knsor, Mis. V. W.
Carmlchael and Mrs. H. C. Sumney.
Railroad officials here have received
word that In federal court at Milwaukee
last Saturday the Wisconsin Auto Hales
company was fined $500 and Its sales
agent, O. C. Collins, 200. The company
had shipped an automobile body over the
Milwaukee road. In transit It was dam
aged, the automobile company claiming
(100. Prof showed that the damage were
but $15, hence the fins for seeking to
collect damages that did not exist.
Jury work was resumed in federal
court with the trial of the suit of Kllxa
bttli McCoy againat the Missouri Pa
cific railroad for &,M damugea for ths
t'vaih of her son, Charles F. McCoy, a
car Inspector. It is alleged that a
string of cars was "kicked In" on a sid
iiK arc', struck a car on which McCoy
ai funding while engaged In Kls work,
Wi o 1 iiig him off Slid running oer him.
Second Annual Poultry Show to
Begin Wednesday at Auditorium
Mrs. Hen and her husband, Chan
ticleer, will have a big time In the
Omaha Auditorium this week, begin
ning Wednesday and lasting until
Saturday. It will be the second an
nual show of the Greater Omaha
Poultry Fanciers' association, bigger
and better than ever.
The hen has been held up to pub
lic admiration as an example of In
dustry, thrlftlness and wealth pro
ductiveness and the annual value of
her product runs aways up into many
Sho has also been commended for her
advertising ability. She doesn't believe
In laying a perfectly good eg for the
delectation of man, but she believes that
a good thing worth doing Is worth talk
ing about
Bo after. In the quleness of her nest, she
has brought forth an egg, she straight
way hurries forth to the barnyard and
spends five or ten mlnues In proclaiming
to the world her good deed, ably assisted
by her husband. The well-known result
of this wisdom and business sense, as set
forth by the ad men of the country, la
Prices Advance on All Substances
Used in the Making of Cuts
and Photos.
The four Nebraskans who attended the
conference of manufacturing photo
engravers in Chicago last week have re
turned to Omaha and Lincoln with a
keener Insight as to the high cost of some
of the materials they are uulng In their
respective plants. Prices are shooting
skyward, they say, because of the fact
that so much of the sine, copper, bro
mides, nitric acla and other materials
used by the trade are being shipped to
Europe to supply the munition factories.
N. J. Baker and E. 8. Parker, both of
tho Baker Bros.' plant of Omaha; George
R. Wright of The Bee engraving de
partment and C. D. Traphagen of the
Lincoln State Journal were the Nebraska
men who attended the conference.
May De Another Advance.'.
Another advance in materials Is threat
ened, although one big advance has al
ready been made. Dr. Herman Boden
helm of New York at the conference said
that the engravers are paying from 60 to
1,000 per cent more for materials than in
the past, with no prospect for relief.
Dr. Bodenhelm, who is consulting chem
ist of the International Association of
Manufacturing Photo-Engravers, con
tinued: "Not only are we unable to get
the chemicals manufactured heretofore In
Oermany, but we can't even lay our
hands on enough of the products made
In the United Plates, which are now
being used In the manufacture of ex
plosives. "All chemicals that have slku' as a
base are out of our reach practically.
Hydro-chlnone and mot hoi come from
Oermany and have advanced In some In
stances as high as 1,000 per cent Zinc Is
up 160 to 300 per cent."
Chrmlrnla Come from Germany'.
All potassium salts come from Oer
many and because of the German monop
oly of potash production have ad
vanced from loo to 400 per cent. Potas
sium bromide, which used to sell at 60
cents a pound, now costs $5.60, say the
engravers. Resunlimated Iodine, also
from Germany, Is said to have gone up
360 per cent. Klon, formerly 3 a pound,
Is now quoted In some rases at $12. These
are a few of the products used by the
photo-engraving trade.
Oet a email package of Haraburg
Breast Tea, or as the German folks call It,
Hamburger Brust Thee," at any phar
macy. Take a tablespoonrul or the tea,
put a cup of boiling water upon It, pour
through a slsve and drink a teacup full at
any time. It Is the most effeotWe way to
trtak a cold and cure grip, as It opens
the pores, relieving congestion. Also loos.
ens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at
It Is Inexpensive and entirely vegetable.
therefore harmless. Advertisement.
Pimples and Skin Eruptions
Danger Signs of Bad Blood
It May Mean Eczema. Scrofula The
First Sign of Inherited Blood Disease
Pimples, scaly itching skin, tushes, burning aenaatlons aad Scrofula
denote with nn failing certainty a debilitated, weakened and Impure lUU of
the blood. Tbe trouble may have been in your blood from birth, but no
matter how you were Infected, you must treat It through the blood. It la a
blood disease. You must use H. 8. hM the standard blood tonte for 10 yeara.
If yen expect certain relief. For purtfylnc the system, nothing la equal to
It. The action of H. 8. H. Is to cleanse tbe blood. It soalcea through the sys
tem direct to the scat of tbe trouble acting as an antidote te neutralise
the blood poisons, it revitalizes the red blood corpuscles, Increases the flow
so that tbe bl od can properly perform Its physical work. The dull sluggish
.feeling leaves you the complexion clears up. tven long standing cases re
spond promptly. But you must take H. H. H. Drugs and substitutes won't
do. Get 8. H. H, from rour druggist. If yours is a special case and you
need expert advice, write to ft. 8. 8. Co., Atlanta, Ga.
i that all the world loves hen's eggs while
I the eggs of the duck, a non-advertiser,
are tint a negligible quantity, noin in
comerce and !n excellence.
And so the swell set In chick tndom are
being groomed for the annual show, be
ing provided with handsome and comfort
able coops, furnished with clean straw
and water bowls. The symphony of the
Boston Symphony orchestra and of
Madame Oariakt will give way to the
sweet song of Biddy and her brave hus
band. Chanticleer, bet none fear that
the sun will not rise while Chanticleer Is
at the show. He can summon the orb of
day and will summon It from tho Audi
torium, even as ho does from the barn
yard. Brave Chanticleer will not leave
the world in darkness simply beeauas he
Is being admired. He will not forget his
Important duty.
All the different varieties will be there
the fair White Lghorns, the sturdy
Buff Cochlrs, the Barred, White, brown
and Black Plymouth Korks, the scrappy
Indian games and the pompous little
bantams, together with many others too
numerous to mention.
The square feet of space In the
Auditorium will b filled. Nine silver cups
are to be awarded, besides over 100 spe
cial prises.
Writing from Buenos Ayres, Argentine
republic, to Nathan Bernstein, - under
date of October 24, Fred K. I-araon,
fcimer Omaha boy, says: "Bummer will
soon be at hand to greet us with
flowers and luscious strawberries." And
this Is true because Argentine, lying
south of the equator, has Its seasons
Just the reverse of the seasons here.
He speaks of the splendid botanical
gardens, whero are displayed in separate
plots the vegetation peculiar to each
ccuntry of South America.
Ten thousand pounds of fine cheese
billed from Naples, Italy, to Qmaha, for
j the Italian Mercantile company, war
i lost when the Ancona was attacked. In
i formation to that effect has been re
ceived by Samuol Mancuso of this city.
Hair Curling Trouble
Are Over Read 7 hit!
Girls, have you heard about the newest
wuy to curl the halrT It you have not,
by all means cut out these simple direc
tions and try this wonderful method to
night before you go to bod. Just procure
a new louth brusu und a lew ounces pf
plain lh.uld silmerlne from your drug
Ktai; apply enough of the liquid with the
brush to moisten the hair from root to
tip. Tomorrow morning you will be quite
astonished when you find that your hair
has dried in such lovely waves and ourls
they appear altogether natural, instead
of having been aiUilclally acquired.
Your hair will of course have mora
"body" and flufflnesa then where the
drying, singeing waving Iron Is used. It
will apitear glossier and livelier, for all
merlne has pnved equally desirable as a
dressing for the hair. You'll find It pleas
ant 10 use, and It will leave no, sticky,
greasy or streaky trace. Advertisement.
0 Cent Bottle (32 DoseaJ
Just because you start the day worried
and tired, stiff legs and arms and mus
cles, and aching head, burning and bear
ing down pains In the back worn out
before the day begins do not think you
hsve to stay In that condition.
He strong, well and vigorous, with no
more pains from stiff Joints, sore mus
cles, rheumatic suffering, aching back
or kidney disease.
For any rorm or Madder trouble or
weakness, Its action Is really wonderful.
Those sufferers who are In and out of
bed haiif a dosen times a nlKht will in.
predate the rest, comfort and strength
this treatment gives.
To prove The Williams Treatment con
quers kidney and bladder diseases, rheu
mutism and all urlo acid troubles, no
matter how chronic or stubborn. If you
nave never triea tne wiiuams Treat
ment, we will give one 60o bottle (i2
doses) free If you will cut out this notice
and send it with your name and address.
iuc to iieiu nay uistrinuti'in ex.
perinea, to The nr. D. A. Williams Com.
rsny, lerit. till D. New P. O. Bio k
Kant Hampton, Conn. Bend at once Mid
vnu will receive by parrel Dost a regular
50 bottle, without charge and without
Incurring any obligations.
Commissioner! Object to the City
Being; Used ai a Debt Collect
ing Agency.
The city commissioners Intend to
call a halt on the city being made a
collection agency by persons having
claims against employes.
Employes drawing salaries every
month or week and who are unreas
onably negligent In payment of bills,
will be told to adopt some other sys
tem of living or resign from the
municipal service.
The commlilsonara held an extended
executive conference on the subject in
Commissioner Hummel's office.
"I can tell you things that will make
you sit up and take notice," remarked
Commissioner Kugel, Just before the
commissioners retired from the committee
of the whole meeting.
Ilofds Many Claim.
"1 am holding various claims and Judg
ments against city employee." was a
comment by Commissioner Butler.
The matter took definite form two
weeks ago when the city council received
In open meeting a Judgment rendered
In a Justice court against a policeman,
claimant being a Cuming street
grocer. Commissioner Kugel stated that
this particular policeman la drawing $100
every month and his wife Is an operator
t the telephone exchange on Douglas
Because of the personal nature of this
matter th commissioners do not want to
reveal the names of the employes In
volved, but It Is announced that drastic
measures will be adopted In the future
against employes who ignore their Just
bills for groceries, meat, coal and cloth
ing. The city attorney has been directed to
prepare a resolution directing the super
intendents of the fire and police depart
ments to prefer charges against any and
all employes who neglect to pay their
debts within a reasonable time and with
out reasonable causes.
Holdup Gets Small
Sum from Mrs. Dart
Mrs, w. I 'art or trie cit y Mission wss
stopped at Thirteenth snd Paclflo streets
by a lone highwayman, who robbed her
of $4.66.
John Carpenter of Hamburg, la., was
atrongarmed and robbed of $30 and a
watoh by two Mexicans at Eleventh and
Harney streets.
'H rp VRMggBa
CQMdsfi he ft
M m&dQ flow tho QFiyfflQdl lueaiifo !
It's the smoothest, cleanest, most delicious
chicle confection possible to produce. It
has gained first place as the largest seller
tin the world strictly on its merits.
Look at the
as men,
lit after
every ntostl
MHn.i. -Oasis'. iT rWV i s,nr " c.,. sMfWM1 - s
Finger Replaced
by Doctor After
Being Chopped Off
J. J. Msek's finger, accidentally chopped
off and Immediately replaced, will grow
sgain In lis proper position, according to
Police Surgeon Charles F. Shook, who
treated Mack.
Mack, who lives at 3303 Poppleton ave
nue. Is a butcher employed by the Italian
Mercantile company. While chopping
meat he cut off the finger.
The Injured man's fellow workmen put
the finger back In plsce, wrapped a
tNM bandage around it and took him to
the police station.
Dr. Shook left the finger tn place when
he tiented the Injury.
"I believe the wjund will heal and
Mack will be able to use hla flpger
again," he said.
lfaiel Kshler. Princess theater
cashier, testified In a hearing before
District Judge Redlek tbat pieketers for
the leesl Inlon of moving picture ma
chine opcrstors had committed acts which
tho theater management alleges consti
tuted contempt of court. In that they
'uiated the Judge's "peaceful picketing
order recently Issued.
Miss Kahler testified that the pieketers
talked loudly and blew smoke tn the
faces of prospective patrons.
Rub Rheumatism
Pain From Sore,
Aching Joints
Rub pain away with a small
trial bottle of old
"St. Jacobs Oil."
What's Itheumntlsm? Pain only.
Htop drugging! Not one case In fifty re
quires liitcri. ,reatment. Huh soothing,
penetrating "ft. Jacobs OH" directly
upon the "tender spot" and relief comes
Instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" Is a harmless
rheumatism and sciatica liniment, which
never disappoints and cannot burn the
Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a
small trial bottle from your druggist, and
In Just a moment you'll be free from
r' In "nrt s-titio pa'n, soreness,
stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer!
i.uiu swHi.s you. Old, honet "Ht
Jacobs Oil" has cured millions of rheu
matism sufferers In the last half century,
and Is Just as good for sciatica, neu
ralgia, lumbago, backache, sprat na and
swellings. Advertisement.
sealed package It guards
air, moisture and impurity
machines and money can
buyer of WHgloy'a gets
entitled to a Perfect Product.
new Jiagl bowk, wi km
Large and Inflamed. Nearly
Crazy. Disfi.urcd Terriblj.
Face a Mass.
"I was troubled with an Itching on my
face which broke out In pimples. The
pimples festered and were large and in
flamed. I scratched ana
Irritated them till they nearly
set me craxy. The breaking
out disfigured me terribly,
anal Itched nearly all the
time. My far was dmply
a mass of sore pimples. I
was troubled for about?
year or more.
"I tried ' Soap and
Ointment, and It didn't do me any good.
Then a friend told me to try Cutleura
Roap and Ointment. I sent for a free sam
ple and bought some more, I recetved quick
relief and now I am completely healed."
(Signed) Miss Effle M. Rlne, Bremen. Ohio,
Jan. IS, 1915.
Sample Each Free by Mall
With 32-p. Skin Book oa request. Ad-
dress post-card "Onrtewra, Dept. T. I
m." Sold throughout the world.
People Notice It. Drive Them
Off With Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets.
A plmplv face will not embarrass Jrou
much Linger If you get a package of IT.
Kdwerds' olive Tablets. The skin should
begin to clear after you have taken the
tablets a few nights.
ritanmj the blond, the bowels and the
Uver with Olive Tablets.
Pr. Edwards' Olive Tablets ara tha suo
cesnful aubstltute for calomel there's
never any sickness or pain after taking
Ir. Ed wards' Olive Tablets do that
which calomel does, and Just as effective
ly, hut their action Is gentle snd safe In
stead of severe and Irritating.
No one who takes Olive Tablets la over
cursed . with "a dark brown taste," a bad
breath, a dull, listless, "no good" feeling,
constipation, torpid liver, bad disposition
or pimply fare.
Dr. Kdwarde' Olive Tablets are a purely
vegetable compound mixed with olive oil;
you will know them by their olive color.
Dr. Kd wards spent years among pa
tients afflicted with liver and bowed com.
Ilalnta, and Olive Tablets are the Im
mensely effective result.
Take one or two nightly far a week.
Pee how much better you feel and look,
loc and 2Uo per bos. All druggists.
The Olive Tablet Company, Oulumbu,0.
the contents
as carefully
make it.
what he's
R if r