Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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    Till: KKK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, XOVEMBKU 23,-1915.
foUto CroB in Hebraaka This Tear
Thirty Bushels Per Acre Ore
Ten-Tear Arerage.
Nebraska' potato crop abowa a
far greater yield per acre this year
than the average tor the state, taken
from the yield of the ten years past.
This is one of the Interesting points
shown in a report of the United
State Department of Agriculture
Just Issued for November.
' It shows that the yield of potatoes
In Nebraska this year I- 12.272.000
party from city hall inspecting the work Saturday that represents a $100,000 addi
tion to Omaha's municipal water works.
TVUtTt, OETJSr, BTTCltg, CKICKZVa, all klads of
rreah Dressed Poultry, Oysters and Meats for th '
ThaaksilTlng Slnaer. Highest Quality, Lowest Srloea,
bushels, or an average of 104 bushels
per acre. The average yield in the
state for ten years past is only seventy-three
Sweet potato yielded 106 bushels per
acre, while the everase vlrld for the ten
year previous I 1 bushete.
The corn yield per acre Is X i bushels,
while the average yield for the last ten
years I but Jo.l bushels. The aKsTeate
yield of corn for the tate. a esti
mated by thl report of the federal bov
mment, la at.2is.0n0.
Buckwheat yielded 23 bushel per acre,
while the average yield for the ten year
paat la 17 buahel.
Flaxseed yielded 11 buehela Per acre,
while the averate for the ten year pat
la 1.1 buahel. .
Apple Crop '
The apple crop 1 given a 1.IS7.0W
bushel, or SO per oent of a full crop,
while the average for the lat ten year
was 10 per cent of a full crop.
The pear crop la recorded a l,0"0
bushels, or 70 pr cent of a full crop,
while the average for the lat ten year
has been W per cent of a full crop.
Another Interesting fact recorded In
the statistics mad up by the government
Is that Wheat and oat are a trifle lighter
per measured bushel thl year than In
1914. Wheat In th stat thl year weigh
17 pound per buahal, while laat year It
weighed M L Oat weigh to pound, a
to S3.I laat year per maaaured bushel.
Barley hold it own In weight, weigh
ing pound per measured bushel both
Clean Clothing is
Wife's Parting Gift
to Felon Husband
Percy Terrell, who stole eighty Jar of
fruit from th home cf Joseph Krledel in
order to reduce the high cost of living
for himself and hla young wife, Mr.
Florence Farrell, we taken to the peni
tentiary at Lincoln to erv a entence
of from one to ten year by Deputy fher
Iff James Mussrav. Farrell had pleaded
guilty to th charge. (
Mr. Farrell, a few minute after her
husband had been taken from the county
Jail, rushed breathless into the sheriffs
"Where la my husbandT" she cried.
th w carrying two packages wrapped
In pnp;.
He h- rone to the Union station." she
was told. . .
Oh. I must find him," Mrs. Farrell
n!l. "1 must say good-bye and give htm
these packages."
fil.e rushed awsy, caught the next street
car and reached the station Just In time
te kiss her husband good-bye and to hand
Mm the packages.
' "1 love you and I believe In you," she
t ld her husband.
Thr y both sobbed when they parted.
Th package contained clean clothing.
The Farrell are . poor and she had no
other gift to make her husband. Bhe went
to the police station yesterday, secured
come article of clothing which had been
held there since Farrell' arrest, washed
them clean. Ironed them In th morning
and Just had time to put mem into bis
hand. .
Mrs. Farrell declared ahe will be wait
ing for her huaband when he la released.
. Mohler and Munroe
Find West Country
Business Better
President Mohler and Vice President
Munroe are both back from a month
spent along the Paclfle coast and In the
Interior of the states west of the moun
tain. President Mohler waa In the north
ern country and out lu Oregon Short Line
territory. While -Vice President Munroe
did moat of th coast country aouth of
San Francisco. Both official note an In
crease of buslnes all through the west.
Vice President Munroe saying:
"There la a marked better feeling all
- through th country weat of the moun
tain and along the Paclflo coast, livery
body 1 feeling good over present condi
tion and the prospect for the future.
Financially and otherwise the exposition
at Ban Francisco has been a great
Suspended Sentences
. Given I. W. W. Men
J. 3. Rogers, organiser for the Indus
trial Workers of the World, was ar
raigned in police court, with eighteen
others of the order, and was given thirty
day suspended sentence.
Rogers asserted after court that th
order of tn Industrial Worker of the
World have no quarrel with the author-
iile. "and It th majority of the de
partment throughout th country un
derstood that we are organised for the
education of the worklngmen and not
violation of th law, they would b for
tut," He further asserted that th order
is about IM strong In Omaha, and Is
rapidly growing. -Wg have criminal
among u. tfc sum as any other organ
ization, but w are not banded together
for anything other than the advance'
merit of our class." James fdley, who
refused to take an oath, waa ordered
back to th bullpen by Judge Foster.
tneale Marrtsges,
- Will insure to thl country a healthier
nd more intelligent "family of th fu
tare," and many a woman, obviously
unfit for marriage, ha had her health
restored by th timely ur of Lydla
J'lnkham' Vegetabl Compound, th
most successful remedy for female HI
to world haa aver known. Enormou
quantities of root and herb are used
annually in making the good, uid-faau-joiu-d
i ti Tied y arid no woman who suffer
jrjin female ill should lue bop until
inserted It. Advertisement.
1 I
!j ' Q
... f .- - i . ,
j vv it.. S CVv "
f A' t-r '-,
I , ' "., V a-"ks . ; ' M AritvA"4 . -n, y-i- M'jjf :-ty-A'
. Ill 'V
Will Fifht Propoied Order to Abol
ish Sale of Produce Direct from
the Eailroad Can.
Farmers and fruit growers are
anxious to continue the sale of fruit
and produce from the railway cars
direct to the consumer.
They will fight the proposed or
der of the Durlington and Union Pa
cific, seeking to abolish this method
of disposing of produce.
The Railway commission has the
proposed order under advisement.
Claiming that th adoption of thl rui
ng would prevent the Nebraska farmer
from selling direct and the Nebr-ska
consumer from buying fruit, vegetables
nnd farm products grown In the atate.
direct the varloua praitnUationa, fratt
growers, farmers' unions, labor unlona
and organisations of consumers have be
come thoroughly aroused over the propo
sition, it la asserted that the railroads
are eeeklng to gain control of the rap
Idly expanding agricultural resources of
the atate in order to distribute all pro
duct into faraway sections, leaving th
Nebraska consumer to depend upon pro
ducts grown In other aectlon and han
dled by th wholesale commission men
Jobbers, while the Nebraska farmer and
fruit grower would be wholly at the
mercy of these commission merchant
and wholesale houses.
Meetiaa; at Lincoln,
After making a determined resistance
to the order, the representatives of the
farming Interest held a brief conference.
As a result a meeting of the various or
ganisations and Interests Involved haa
been called for November M at 11 a. m.
at the State Capitol building In Lincoln.
The Farmers' union, the Farmers' con-
greas, th Bute Federation of Labor, the
Consumers' league, the State Horticul
tural society, the fruit growers, the po
tato producers, and many other will be
present. Plan for effectually combating
th proposed order will be discussed.
Maloney Keeps His
Movements Secret
' Chief of Detective Maloney. who ha
gon to Wichita to bring back to Omaha
Art Hauser, alleged murderer of W. II,
Smith. Is keeping hi movement decid
edly secret that Is as far as tho out'
side the department 1 concerned. When
he will return with th prisoner haa not
been made public, and little Information
can be had as to when he may be ex
Before leaving Maloney asserted that
the movement of the prisoner would be
kept quiet, a feeling In the city run
high against , th man. "a great deal
tronger than th average person believe
Governor Capper of Kansas has hon
ored th Nebraska requisition for Hauser,
according to dispatches from Topcka.
New Rohlf f Theater
Opens Thanksgiving
Th new Rolilff theater which Henry
Rohlff Is erecting on Leavenworth street
will be opened Thanksgiving day. The
new theater will be one of the most up-to-date
moving picture palaces In Omaha
and the program will consist entirely of
first run and feature photoplaya The
opening day program will be especially
attractive, th management announce.
Cnr4 Mas' of r ...
Nothing frighten a mother more than
th loudr hoara couch of imn q-ha
labored braatbing. strangling, choking
and gasping for breath call for Instant
action. Mrs. t. Neureuer. Eau Claire
Wis.. ay: "Foley Honey and Tar
cured my boy or a serious aii.rk
croup after other remedies had failed.
I recomrocnoea It to avery one, a w
knew from our owa xDrtnoa that i
la a wonderful remedy for eougha, colds,
croup and whooping cough." it clear
air paasagea, soothes and heal. Ui
very wuere. aV9 ei uaeineoi.
tt' w V -
Each Makes Charge Against the
Other When Taken to the
Police Station.
Asserting that she had been
'talked out"! of approximately $4,000
and waa left stranded here, Miss
Olive Clarkson, 85 years old, and a
former resident of Denver, followed
II. F. Williams, real estate man,
around the city until both were so
exasperated that their heated words
attracted the attention of Police Ser
geant Dillon. He sent them both to
headquarters on a charge of being
Williams declares that the woman fol
lowed him all about th city, and that
the climax cam at Seventeenth and
Harney streets. He says th woman la
attempting to blackmail him. The woman
at headquarter told another story, de
claring Williams had misused her and
threatening to lodge a complaint against
him - with the- federal authorities.
Williams 1 employed here a a real
estate salesman, and has a wlfa and
children In Minneapolis. He aaaerta th
woman' story la entirely a fabrication. .
William ha a bunch of letter from
various people to back up hla story and
mention some good Omaha name. .
George C. Lawrence. 1X39 North Thirty
first street, died at th Swedish Emman
uel hospital Sunday morning at 10 o'clock.
For twenty-four yaara he waa foreman
of th composing roam of the Omaha
Trade Exhibit, where he continued hi
work until lata Friday afternoon. .He
waa taken seriously sick Saturday and
wa taken to th hospital early Sunday
mornjng, where he died following an
operation for ' loers of th stomach. Kr.
Lawrence waa on of th beat known
printer of Omaha and was always prom
inent la Typographical ur.lon affaire. II
wa a printer of exceptional ability and
a man whoa character mad him ar
dently admired by all hla fr'ands. He
was 44 years old. and beside hla wife, he
leave three young children, hla mother
and a brother. Funeral service will be
held at the home Tuesday afternoon at I
o'clock. '
I.a't Nra-Wvt Faa r C.M.
fir. Xing' New Discovery should be in
every home, for coughs and colds. C.ill
Ten enl aged Uk It Wc All dnirglsls.
Advert senienL
J- 'ul
Twenty Prisoners
Placed at Work on
Old Jaif Building
Twenty prisoner who were sentenced
yesterday by Polloe Magistrate Foster
start today on cleaning the old county
Jail building to the rear of police head
quarters. Th structure will be thor
oughly overhauled and wUl be used to
house the sentenced offenders, who will
work foi Omaha Instead of being kept In
Idleness a heretofore. Superintendent of
Prison Work IL B. Has 1 supervising
the remodeling of th old county Jail.
Put Stomach in
Order and Stop
Gas Indigestion
Tape's Diapepsin" regulates
disordered stomachs in
five minutes.
No more dyspepsia, sourness,
heartburn, pain, belch
ing", or acidity.
Nothing will remain undigested or sour
on your stomach If you will take a little
Mapepaln occasionally. Thl powerful
digestive and antacid, though a harm
lea and pleasant a candy, will dlgeat
and prepare for assimilation into the
blood all th food yoa ran eat
Eat what your stomach crave without
the slightest fear of Indirection or that
yU Wl'l ha tmthanu K -1..
... -t.u.ij ur pHir i
rlalnga. belching, gaa on stomach, heart-1
ourn. neaaacnea from stomach, nausea.
lad breath, water nrash or a feeling like
you had swallowed a lump of or
other dlsaareeable miaerlea RlmnM
be suffering now from any stomach dis
order you can get relief within five
If you will tv from your pharmacist a
t-cnt caa of rape Dlapecatn you
could always go to th table with a
hearty appetite and your meals would
taata good, because you would know
then would ba bo Indigestion or aleep
teaa tOghts or headache or stomach mis
ery all the Mit day; and, bealdea. yoaj
wuka not need laxative or liver pill to
keep your stomach and bowels clean and
Papa's Diapepala can be obtained from
your druggist and contains more thaa
sufficient to thoroughly overeora the
worst caa of Indigestion or dyapepala.
There nothing better for ras on th
r- -,v, r --- r.4-ra f ,n . t3V-
ach or to cure a stomach haa dacha
Vou cuuiUu't a..y a tw... v.- wore
ull-1 uiv4 la Vuj I..,,. .'..vw tv-merit.
17" lbs. ttcst Pure Oranu'atcd Hunar gl.Ol
No. . cans Whx. Ktrlim or Green Bean 7o
No. 2 ans Wiei-onHin Karly June IVa
Nj J cans I'olk's riolucn Pumpkin, Hor.ii y, fca"er
Kraut lor .7H
No. 2 cans Kancv Swoft Hiwrar Corn 71.
Siix. Jars Pin e Fruit Preserve ......8
i'X-os. Jar Pure Stralntvi Honey 83o
Kancy Queen O'lven, per qi art 3jO
The ht l)ometh . MucBinnl, Vermicelli. Spaghetti, tier
TbII CHns Alsiiku Knlmin
8pler's F'amoun Pnups, ner can
(Jnart Jars Ulsmarlc eLt or aour O'.ie.Uinn,
Chow, mixed net or nour PickKs
(juart lars Melon Mariroe
Imported Ssrrl'nr!, can
DoinpBtlc Cifl Sardltux. ier can
n. fancy In ran Itlcn or Perl Taolooa....
No. 3 runs Fancy California Sliced
Tacked in Hurev By run
Fnncv (InMen Snntow cff-e, Ih
FUTjimrrj-s, pits jjd Cilfil.
Pure Arrle fid' r. rtd Jacket 1 and, gallon. .
Imported R-frown Una. new. 11
Imported Kard Kates, rer lb
liTir"rfe l H illowe'on Kats. per Ih
fonlpnid Mlncc Meat. tiV?
Imnoitcil Cleanpd C 'irrnt ta. rer 'b
fliolce PH'Ifornla Peachrs, per lb
PrnmcnTirv lne- per p1"-
Ww California F'un nk
Klamnnd brand, ("alifornli "'nut
("allfnrnln Cooklnu Ka'alns. per 1",
Sopfilexn Palolns. per nkir
Seded Raisin. pVn
Zemo for Dandi uff
Voj do not want a slow treatment when
hair is falling and the dandruff germ Is
killing the hair roots. Delay means no
Get, at any dru? store, a bottle of
xenio for 25c or $1.00 for extra Urge stxe.
Cse r directed, for It does the work
quickly, it kill the dandruff germ, nour
ishes the hair roots and immediately
stop Itching scalp, it is sure and safe.
Is not greasy, in easy to use and will not
stain. Hoaps and shampoos are harm
ful, as they contain alkali. The best
thing to use la semo. for It Is pure and
also inexpensive.
Zmo, Cleveland.,
The Original
Unloa you may "HQRUOK'tf
you may got Sutftltuto,
is ever-where that
service is supreme the
pure, rich age -mellowed
bourbon that cheers the
jaded tourist like a message
from home.
At leading dubs, hotels, and
restaurants, from leading dealers,
to ask for CEDAR BROOK
is a mark of good judgment
a certainty of sausfacuoo.
For sixty-eight years the mel
lowest and best.
Cedar Brook
Tea WerU'f Fiaart WkuLcy"
j tomti n ten
..rssjsj at r. He-T'lac. sfcarg.wvm JtW3 xarte&VifwJ
VS7iigjtV' -'--'- -- iw- wevvj; J
'Ti " vbjTx s-ve iwgsswu-t j-iiwr-
Cc v tjUJ srrnn. aw w-, e) nwtv.i ar- e
' "
Sj i i n i nini irsg
ror yonr Thsnksgtving pastry, pi, bread and cake, try a
i.f oar famous Diamond H flonr. nothing flaeri sack.
The best New J.emon.
fluster Fa'alna. pkg. lee
The best Mixed New Nitta. per lb 17Ve
We will have a pecial car of extra fancy Florida
Grape Fruit the frul of the season, they are real
flner.0Tu,&.t.h.,?!,.. 6V4cv5o and 3io
first Quality, Trsshest Goods and Lowest rrtos.
The lieot Creamery Hutler, carton, per lb 800
The best Creamery liutter, bulk, per lb. 8e
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, per lb 7o
Fancy Dairy Tab'e liutter, lb 86o
2 Ibfi. nood Put'erlne lor 8o
2 ll.s. roud Table Uutterlne for 35
Far i y Tah Uutterlne. to creamery butter, tr
pound CS0
Tlie beat atrlctly Froih Hn, per dosen 330
Tlip best No. 1 Storage Frrs. -t do7.en B8o
Vlie best Full Cream, N. Y. White, Wisconsin Cream or
Young America Cheese, per lb 80o
191S Hew Crop English Walnuts, Tuesday, per lb. 17He
'lokuv lirupe, Lnskt l 3Bo
. . ""
. . .i
flu w-
. . .:5s
.... 3tO
. . .3so
or Halve 1 Peach a,
: 8"c
. . .PBS
. . .le
. . . ro
. .8'-e.
. 7-i
. .flHn
. .7-io
. .
i; lis. bst Kod lllver F.arly Ohio Potatoes for.... loo
I i'n pood Cuoklna: Apnea
.ba.' .tonalhan Fating Apples.
Fancy Wisconsin Cabbage, lb. .
Her inn lbs
ii hunches frsh Radishes
4 hinds fresh Leaf Lettuce
Fnni y Head Lettuce .,
2 KtulKs fresh Celery
Rod or Yellow Onions, per lb.
4 bunches fresh Feets, Carrot
Mallo, for icing, large can...
lOo anfl
Picturesque Way by Day
Comfortable Way by Night
Popular Way at All Times
Ar. St. Paul
7:40 p. m.
7:15 a. m.
7:50 a. m.
Lv. Omaba
7:45 a m.
6:45 p. m.
9:05 p. m.
TVofe. New steel observation buffet-lounging
car,on Omaha-Twin City Limited, leaving 9K)5 p,m,
Dining Car Service Unequal ed
The Best of Eveiything
mmmmm aaBjaaaaiaBi sassa awisaaaaaBssaasaaawa
For tickets, reservations and further Information at city office
1401-03 Parnana Bt (Telephone: Dooglas 2740)
JOHN M ELL EN, Geol Agent
Another Doll.
For Our Little Busy Bees
Vesta Laird, 2711 E St., So. Side., who collected 546 pic
tures. My, what a lot. De don't believe it will take as many
pictures to get Dorothy, but we can't tell. You just keep
pegging away and collect all tho pictures you can, and may
f " ...
; .. i
: O 7,1
You can sec Dorothy at The Dec Offioe
Address, Doll Dept., Omaha Dee.
aok ftff fli?
Orange or Citron Peel. lb. ...t?e
3 So
..Be. THo
or Turnip for.
Ar. BHnneapoB
8:10 p. m.
7:50 a. m.
8:25 a. m.
be you will win her.
There's one thing sure,
some little girl will win
her this week. Some say
she is even more beauti
ful than Alice. Any
way, she is certainly
very pretty, with her
dark hair and eyes;
beautifully dressed, and
24 inches high.
Dorothsy wUl b live
rise to the little rUl,
aadar 10 rear of are,
that bxlaa or soalla us
the larrest aumber of
doll's plot axe eat oat of
tba Daily and ganaay
Br before 4 p. ns. Bator,
dar, STov. STta.
Her picture will be in
The Bee every day thi3
week. Cut them all out
and ask your friends to
save the pictures in
their paper for you, too.
See how many pictures of
Dorothy you can get, and be
sure to turn them la to The
Bee office before) 4 p. in.
Saturday, Nov. 27th.