Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1915, Page 11, Image 11
THK HEK: OMAHA, TUKSDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1915. i A hi 1 OK HKXT M lief lUneum, Gordon Van Co.x til N 11th 8L Tel D MM or Har lSTf. Maggard's ru and Sturaire Co. Call us for tlmstes for mov Inf. packing. shipping. 1713 Webster St Holism Hm FIDELITY RF-NTAL KHKK SL.HVUK li.ll j Li Phone Do vela a IKS foe complete Hat ot vacant houses and apartments: also for Storage, moving. and Jackson WANTED To buy on monthly payment. amall atora room, with living roomi above. In Central school district. Phone Red 7864. 11 mi bob Crelgh Bona A Co.. H Bldg. nouses , J, prU of u,, pity. J.C.Reed Exp. Oa, moving, parking A storage. !2ti7 Farnam D. 144, FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE SEPARATE, locked rooma, for house- hold good and planoa; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. W 8. loth St. Doug. 4W8. n-.vfKV nnoMS strict! modern: nice. homelike place; fine yard; 8840 FraMi lln St. 126.00 rooma; strictly modern cottage; paved street; practically new house; Wl Sherwood Ave. SCOTT AND HILL CO. Douglas 1009. Stores and Offices. For Rent Choice Offices in Brandeis Building Being released by grain dealers moving to their new building February First Can make reserva tions now by applying to F. P. Manchester, Secre tary, Omaha Grain Ex change, 755 Brandeis Building. Phone Douglas G733. BRADY Dec. 1st, small office on lTtli street, 2d floor. 270 en. ft. The Bee Building, Office Room 103. WANTKll TO BUY WE pay ChlcaKO prices for aluminum scrao castings Psxton-Mltchell Co. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. 6146. Yale buys everything 2d hand. Web. 4904. WANTED TO RENT SMALL, furnished apartment for three adults. Best of references. N. E. Bark alow. ' REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH L t.VDS FOR SALE Minnesota. 40. 80 or 160 acres good heavy soil, well settled part of Todd county, Minru; food roads, schools and churches. Price, 16 to $20 per acre. Terms, tl per acre cash, balance tl per acre a year; 6.0U0 acres to select from. Schwab Bros., 1028 Nebraska. FOR SALE 640 acres, 9 miles from Kim ball, Neb.; near railroad station; 112.60 per acre. Will consider Omaha (dear) residence property in part payment. Ad drees L. Bee office. South Omaha. FOR BAIE Best large body high-grade medium priced land in Nebraska; vary little money required C. Bradley, Wei keek. Neb. CHOICE 120 acres, rich, high bottom land: 40 acres in corn, 40 acres fall plow, 25 acres alfalfa, IS acres timber pasture; im provements all new, house, barn, double corn crib, etc; 2 miles to town, -mlle to school; good road. Have two places, ao wish to sell one. Priced to sell. OTTO a. FRAHM, FORT CALHOUN, NEBRASKA. PIRT CHEAP My 240-a. farm, 3 miles from Kimball, 83,000 In improvements; school on farm; $30 per acre if sold within 80 days. R. D. Wilson. Kimball, Neb. WUsssrta, UPPER WISCONSIN Best dalnr and general crop state In the union; settlors wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Boo Line Railway. Minneapolis. Minn. Mleccllaneeea. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR 8 A LET Write a food description of your land and send it to the Sioux City. Oa.) Jour nal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every 8aturdav evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen sds on twelve dif ferent days for 88; or 80 words, 84, or 76 words. $. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper. 850.000 readers daily in four great atatea. FARMS WANTED DAIRY farm for rent. About 400 acres. Two miles from Council Bluffs. One of the best dairy farms In the country. 8f per acre. Apply to George O. Clark, 18 Pearl St. Phone 174. Council Bluffs, la. REAL ESTATE LOANS. 1 .XI TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th A Farnam Sts. CITY aud farm loans, 6 per cent. J. H. Dumont & Co., 419 State Bank. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture into cash. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas, 22B State Bank Uldg. 6 AND 8 for loans on best class city residences In amounts $2 OK) up, also fsrm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO., 1622 Farnam St OMAHA homes? East Nebraska farms. O KEEFE REAL ESTATK CO.. 101$ Omaha National. Phone Douglas 1716. MONEY on hand for city and farm loana H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. ICL CITY LOANS. C. G. Carlberg. 8u " 1$ Rr.nd... Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE NEAR 29th and D dge Bu.. b-rm. all mod. home. In fine repair, very valuable lot; a bargain for some one: terms or small property taken in exchange. HASP BROS., 10S MoCague Bldg. TO EXCHANGE Improved 160 acres three miles from Yates Center; want hardware store. Address E. B. Hatch, Yates Center, Kansas. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE $3,00) ( rooms: living room, dining room, bed room, kitchen and pantry on lt flour; two bedrooms and bath on 2d floor; oak finish: all modern; cement basement and walks; east front lot, 4"xl42; located 2j42 8 36th Ave. $ouu rash: balance terms. C. O. CAKLBEHO, tli BrandeU Theater Bldg. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Nearly All Cereals Take Drop, with Wheat Makin- a Fall cf Two to Two and a Half. RYE MAKES SMALL ADVANCE OMAHA, November 12. 1!!5 All cereals rn the l!st dropi-ed a half to 2 cents lower. V heat takes the biggest slump, selllns 2 to a1 cents under Sat urday's prices. t orn was also lower, selling a quarter to a half lower, arid oats were a quarter to a half lower. . , . Kye advanced a half to a cent higher. Rarlev was nominally unchanged. The receipts of all cereals were good. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 2,2.C0U bu.; corn, 14.000 bu.; oats, 362,0(10 bu. Liverpool close: Wheat. V.iffld lower; corn, unchanged to d hlaher. Primary wheat receipts were 3.941.000 bu. ana shipments 1,529.000 bu., against re ceipts of 3,026,000 bu. and shipments of l,Mo,Ou0 bu. last year. Primarv corn recelDta were 776.000 bu. and shipments 62.2.vOt bu., against receipts ot 1,307,100 bu. and shipments of s.i.wu du. Inst year. Primary oats receipts wera 1.308,000 bu. and shipments 1,436.000 bu., against re ceipts of M3.0UO bu. and shipments ot 2, 140 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats Chicago VA 207 U0 Minneapolis 1,001 Duluth i,;e.s Omaha 141 3 oo Kansas City 867 ra St. Louis 26 t7 67 Winnipeg 2.7 These sales were reported: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, 98c. No. 8 hard winter: 2 cars, Mc; 8 cars, 9oc; cars. Wo; l car, 93V. No. 4 hard win ter: l car, Hoe; 2 cars, imc; l car, no; 1 car, 91c; 1 car, 9uo;, 8 cars, 90c; cars, Kc; 11 cars, Mc; 4 cars, &8S;c; 12 cars, 8Sc; 3 cars, 7c; 2 cars, 86c:. Sample: 1 car, 90c; 2 cars, 84c: 1 car. 82c; 4 cars, S2c; 1 tar, 81c; 1 car, 73e. No. 2 spring: 1 car, 98c. No. 2 mind: 1 car. S1.(0. No. 8 mixed: 1 car. We; 1 car, 94V; 2 cars, 92c. No. 2 durum: 11 cars, 94c. No. 3 durum: 2 cars, 92c; 2 cars, 91c. Corn No. 2 white: I car, 61V. No. 4 white: 1 car (new), 87c. No. 6 white: 1 car (new), 57e. No. 6 while: 1 car, 61c. No. I .yel low: 1 car, 64V No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 64V; I car, 64c. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, 64c. No. 1 mixed: 2 cars, 62c. No. 2 mixed: 1 ear (near yellow). 63c; I car. 62V; 2 cars. 62c; 1 car, 6lc. No. 3 mixed: 1 ear (near yellow), mc; l car, b;c. Io. 6 mixed; 1 tar, lc; 1 car, 61V. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 6lc. Oats Standard: 2 ears, 36c; 1 car. 3uc. No. 8 white: 2 cars, .Vc; 9 cars, 34c. No. 4 white: 4 cars, 84V; t cars, 34V. Sample: 1 car, 33c; 1 car, 32c; 2 cars. 32c. Kye No. 2: 2 cars. 91c. No. 3: 2 cars.. 91c; 2 cars, X9c. No. 4: 3 cars, 87c; 1 car, 86c. Sample: 1 car, 85c. Barley Rejected: 1 car, 4HV. Omaha 'aih Prices Wheat: No. 2 tur key, rWcjrll.OO; No .8 turkey, 974W.)c; No. 2 hard. 9tj98c; No. 3 hard. 9.1Wc; No. 4 hard, S.ri!jc; No. 2 spring, 7JijS8c; No. 3 sprlnv. 95rd98c; No. 2 durum, 92 9Sc: No. 3 durum, 9102c. Corn: No. i white, 61Mlc; No. 3 white. K3lc4 No. 4 white, 6trt4iffi61c: No. 5 white, 60V( oc; No. 6 white, $P$60V; No. 2 yel low, 64W64V: No. 3 yellow, 63lf4c;, No. 4 yellow. 6o0l3n; No. 5 yellow, 634f 63V; No. 6 yellow. 63JM3c; No. 2 mixed, 625J62V; No. 8 mixed. l42c; No. 4 mixed, eiViiTWI No. 6 mixed. 614 (f(61V; No. 6 mixed, 0ati1c. Oats No. 2 white, 364fr36V: standard. 3636c; No. 3 white. 84V 85e: No. 4 white. 84 34V. Barley: Malting, 63ff57c: No. 1 feed. 47H63c. Rye: No. 2. 90iilc: No. 3, Piffrttlc. Chicago closing prices rurnlshed The Bee by Logan A Bryan. Mock and grain brokers. 31o South Sixteenth. Omaha: Artli-lel Open.l High. I Low. Close.1 Sat'y. Wheat Dec. I 1 02 I 1 02' May. 1 (kVh (1041 Corn J Dec..6161i May. 65V4' 1 03r i m i 03ii 03'g 1 OfS 1 06 1 Wft 1 06HI 1 05 I 1041 . 62 f 61 F61ifcifM2( 61 6l eeniKHifi'?; 66 38, 38 38H3SS5 40N 40 40l40V(5H IT 17 18 77H 1717 16 7S 17 17 16 76 17 171 16 T! 9 30 9 15 9 20 9 12U 9 16 945 9 86 9 45 936 9 27 9 16 27 12 8 60 9 87 9 47 9 S6 I 9 60 Dec. WW! May. Pork . Jan.. May. Lard Jan.. Mir 16 fe 16 76 9 1ft? 9 17H 9 40 tUDi Jan..9 1WB a) May. I 9 40 I CHICAGO GRAIN AKD PROVISIONS Quota trons of the Day on Varloos Commodities. CHICAGO, No. 22. Although depressed most of the time today, wheat rallied in the last half hour, influenced by a falling off In the Canadian visible sup ply. The market closed strong, at Hnc net advance, with December at $1.03 and May at $1.0ti. Corn finished a shaijp off to c up, oats virtually unchanged, and provisions varying from ten cents decline to a gain of forty cents. At the end of the session, the fact was plain that speculative short sellers of wheat had been over enthusiastic throughout the greater part of the day Later announcement of a small decrease In the Canadian vlalbe supply came as a surprise and found the market almost competely devoid of offers, the bear side having depressed to exhaustion. Attempts by shorts to cover made prices run up at once with an Impetus which even in the latest trading had received no per ceptible check. Reports that a blockade of Greece was in operation and that a Scandinavian steamship line to the United States had been compelled to abandon all traffic were effective early against the wheat hulls. Corn swayed with wheat. Afactor In the comparative strength late In the session was a notable decrease of the country offerings to arrive, whereas the outlook during the first part of the day was REAL ESTATH INVESTMENTS Make Offer 44 ft next First Natlr.nsi $46,000 asking price. Make offer. Harrison & Morton For Two Davs We offer 60 ft. on Farnam near h for 846,000. Act quickly. Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. BENSON heme, $26 cash and $26 per month. Benson 723 J. i REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS HAVii, about AM city lots in growing city in Wyoming. Win trade for real estate near or in Omaha. Make an offer. Address M-416. care Bee. GOOD 6 or 8 room, well located, clear, iiuubv, ftniunu i.9ju, iay ror it in clear lots. Colfax 4l3. FOR SALE Modern house. Doug. 4602. CHELAP for cash, 3 dandy lots. N. E Cor. 32d and Seward; paved street. Phone Webster 8726. LEGAL NOTICES Notice Is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the Board of Directors of the Short Line Irrigation District at their office in the Village of Bayard. Neb., for the purchase of fif teen thousand five hundred eighty-two dollars face value of the I per cent serial bonds of said district until l a o'clock p. m. on the 7th day of December 1916; said bonds are issued under and by virtue of an Act of the legislature of the state of Nebraska, approved March 26th 1SU6. Session Laws 195. Chapter 70 and all amendments thereto and pursuant to a vote of the majority of the qualified elec tors of said dletricL The Board expressly reserve the right to reject any and ail bids and will in no event sell any of a id bonds ror less uw mueiwiv, per cent of the face value thereof. By order of the Board of Directors (Signed) CATHERINE ROBERT8 Davrviai - . '-.nju wisvricc. for more 1'berfil receipts. Oat' held within narrow limits. Most of the option ceveloped tho market to a more decided advantage. 1 he main renson wan thm the weea's svcrsRe weight of hog arilxals hero a the lightest on record. (lets followed other cereals downgrade. Hl'TTER Steady; creamery. ?3ij;tlr. rXIGS Steady ; receipts, l.W'S cases, firsts. JH1H29V: ordinary firsts. 2iytf 1"V: at mark, cases Included, JtIV. POTATO KS Hisher; receipts. 60 ears; Mchl)an and Wisconsin whites, 8-lfOc; Minnesota ant Dakota white-;. 0'uij7c, Minnesota anil Dakota Ohlos. WMt'tc. POri.TRY Alive, lower; fowls lie; srrinss, li'; turkeys, old. 16c; young, lift lfc; dressed turkeys, 22'!3c. NKW YORK UKIUKRAL MARKET Fratnres of the Trading and Closing Prices on Hoard of Trnde. NEW YORK. Nov. 12 -KIOV R-Steady ; spring patents, $'i.4ji6.75; winter patents, tS.4Hii.65. 'HEAT Spot. Irregular; No. 1 durum, $111. f. o. b. New York; No. 1 northern, Duluth. $1.68. and No. 1 northern, Mani toba, $1.07 c. I. f. Buffalo. Futures, barely steady; December, $1.10. CORN-Spot, steady; No. 2 yellow, 76c, prompt shipment. OATS-Spot. ateady; No. 8 white, 42 42o, HAY-Btendy; prime. $1.82; No. 1. $1.30; No. 2, $1.20; No. 3, $1.0utj'l.(; shipping. Wo. HOp! Stes-dy ; state, common to choice, 1!M5, Si30c; 1S14, MUOi-; pacific coast, 1!U5, l:itrl6c; 1914 98 11c. HIDKS Stcadv; Bogota, 30a31c; Cen- . . . . , M. imi niiiprn-R, UKATMKH-Hrm; hemlock firsts, S'i:" S4c; seconds. 3.IH3-V. : Cov- tllMH'lUIMVa . LI...I, .I...J... A 1-IVllOV. iffi 7 Ml fainiiv fmnnhi iin..i .ia..u. mesa. l.!i'l7.0i); family. $ls.0if iS.So! Ixird, firm; middle went, $.t-9.3i-.. i A wLOW steady : city, 7V; country, 7(ii7V; siH'Cial, Sc. BUTTER Firmer: receipts. 4.664 tubs; creamery extras, S2t?S3V; firsts, ffiJiJlc; seconds. 2fi27c. rji Htb i rreg u la r : receipts, i.uiti cases; fresh pnthered extra fine, 4yrf44c: extra firsts, :HtW42c; firsts, 3T.(?j39c; seCcmdn, 2Vd 34c. CHEESE Firm: receipts. 8,14 boxes; state, whole milk, flats, held, specials, 1V; stHte, whole milk, flats, held, av er.ise fancy. I'c; state, whole milk, flats, held, current make specials, 16V; state, whole milk, flats, held, current make average fancy, 16c. POULTRY Live, prices not settled; dressed, firm: western fresh chickens, barrels, lKff23c; fresh fowls, loed, 124W 17c; turkeys, l&tff2Sc. OMAHA GKNP AL MARKET, POULTRY Alive: Turkeys, any sise over 7 lbs.. 17c; broilers, 160 17c; springs. 11c; ducks. 10c: geese, 10c; hens, !altc; young glunea hens, each, 36c; roosters, 8c. OY8TEKS Chesapeake, standards, per gallon, $1.10; standards. $1.26; selects, $1.60; northern, standards, $1.46; selects, $1.76: New York counts, $1.90. Northern, small cans, 24(ft28c; lurge cans, 35(&4;c. Chesa peake, amall cans, 20i)2c; large cans, 300 FISH Halibut. 12c; salmon, fresh pink, 9c; fresh red, Uc; catfish, fresh, 16c; trout, fresh, 13c; white fish, fresh, 17c; red snapper, fresh. 13c; catfish, froxon. 13c; smelts, frozen. .10-lfc. t.oxes. $l.2fi; smoked white fish, 14c; kippered salmon. 17c. FROZEN FISH-Halibut. rises to suit. 10c; catfish, large, for steaks. lc; sal mon, falls, 9c; salmon, silvers. 10c; No. 1 trout, 11c; No. 1 whitefiah, dressed, 10c; No. 1 whlielish, large. 1Jci No. 1 white fish, Jumbo, 18c; pickerel, round W. C. 6c: Pickerel, headless. 8c: black bass. order size, 20c: herring, dressed, pair frosen. 6c; blueflsh, extra fancy. 12c: red snapper, headless, dressed 0c; floun der, ioc; scallops, per gallon, is.ou. SMOKED USH-Whlte. 10-lb. baskets, per lb.. 14c. KIPPERED FISH-Salmou, 10-lb. bas kets, per lb., 17o. CELKRY-Mommonth, per dox., 76c. BEEF CUTS HI us. No. 1. 19 V : No. 2, 16V; No. 8, 12c. Loins. No. 1. 2ic; No. 2, 18c; No. 3. 14c. thueks. No. 1. 10c; No. 2, 9V; No. 8. 9c. Rounds, No. 1, 14c; No. 2, 13c; No. 8, 12c. Plates, No. 1. 10V: No. 2. 9V: No. 3, KV. LIVE POULTRY Broilers, 1 to 1 lbs., in separate cornn.. 17c: over 1 to 1 lbs.. 16c; springs, nny slxo; 2c; ducks. ficxea, price, out not wanted, izc; lens, over 4 lbs. per lb., 11 V; roosters. 8c. Turkeys, 17c; old Toma, 15c; under 8 lbs., 8c; less than 6 lbs. each not wanted. Ueese, full feathered and fat, 8c; picked, price, but not wanted. Guineas, each, 25c; young, 1 to 1 lbs. each, 86c. Homer squsbs, 14 ox. snd over. $3.00; 10 to 12 ox., $2.00; No. 1, must welgn 8 ox., $1.80; under 8 ox, jOj Pigeons, any kind, per doi., 60c. Btar Brand Ben Davis. $2.75 ner barrel: Willow Twigs, $3.26 per barrel; Wlnesaps, $3.60 pet barrel, Jonathans, $3.00 pur bar rel. Shield Brand Black Twigs. 13.60 ner barrel; Black Twigs, commercial brand, 83.26 per barrel; Ben Davis, Illinois, $2.76 per baire . FRUITS California Valencies. 12Ss. box. $4.76; lt.08. $6.uo: isXw, 3j4s, $&.2o; l,s to zms, inclusive, 16.60. Florida oranges, all sizes, box, $3.60. Lemons, SuiikIhi, 300j, 360s, box. S'i.00; Red Ball, 800s, 360s. box $4.50; Grapefruit, all sizes, box, $4.00; 9, $.1.60. Peaches, Colorado F.lbertas, Call tornla Sal ways, box, 50c. Pears. Winter Nellls, box, $2.26. Grapes. Tokays, crate. $1.76: Emperors, crate. $2.00: Emoerora. In Kegs, Keg, li.ia; Malagas, bbl.. Ji.10 t J i iiMl Bananas, bunch, $1.75 to $4.00. VEOETABLKA Cabbage, lb., ln. Head lettuce, dox., $1.00; leaf lettuce, dos., 4c. Celery, Pascal, doi., 75c; Jumbo. 90c; Mich., 3fo. Onions, red, lb., 2c; yellow, IV. Cauliflower, crate, $.'.50. Brussels sprouts, lb., 20c, Tomatoes, lug, $1.50. Peppers, basket, 76c. Parsley, doi., L5a. Rutabagas, lb., lc. Green beans, wax, basket, $1.00. Spanish onions, crate, $1..'0. Squaiih. lb.,' 2c. Artichokes! dos.,' $L2f! Casabas, crate, $3.40. Potatoes, Colorado white Stock, bu., mc: huge Amherst Onljs, bu.. tc Sweetpotatoes. bbl., $3 00. Cran berries Belle and Bugle, bbl., $1.60; Belle and Cherry, $7.50. CIDEK Motts, keg. $3.75; Motta, bjls., bbL, $7.25: Neliawka, keg, $3.2o. NUTB Walnuts. No. 1, lb., ltc; black, 3c; hickory nuts, lb., 4c; filberts, lb., 15o; pecans, lb. 12c; almonds, Non pareils, lb., 19c; Ne Plus Ultras, 16c; 1XL8, 17c. Figs. 12-10 ox., box, 80c. MISCELLANEOUS Crackerjack, case, $3.50; half case, $i.76. Cornpops, case, $J 2. half case. $1.66. Hallo -w dates, lb., Sc; Fard dates, 12V; Drom dates, box. $2.75. Popcorn, lb., 40c; ease. $2.f.0. Salted Pea nuts, can, $1.15. Sugar walnut dates, box, $L50. Honey, case. $3.75; Airline, $1.80. Cocoanuts bag, $5.23. doz., 76c. APPLES Per bbl.. Ben Davis, 111. .$3.00; Jonathans, 11.. $3.50; Jonathans, Kas., $4.00; Hlack Twigs. Star, $4.00; Mo. Pip pins, Star. $3.50; Ben Davis, Star, $3.00; Willow Twigs, Star, $3.60; Genltons, Star, $3.50; Jonathans, Star, $3.50; Ben Davis. Mo.. $3.00; Ben Davis, Ownpack, $3.50; Black Twigs, Shield. $3.50; Black Twigs, Commercial, $4.00. Bechtel's Jonathans. $4.60; Domlnos, $4.00; Mo. Pippins, $4.00; Ben Davis $1.50; Willow Twigs. $4.00; Romaniess, $4.00; Genltons. $4.U0; Wlnessps, S'i.00; Mlnklers. $4.0; Osceolas, $5.00; Black Twigs, $5.00. Colo. Columbine or Blanket Prarmalne, box, $2.26; Colo. Peony or Pappoose Pear mains, box. $2.00; Colo. Tomahawk or Robin Peermalns, $1.60; Colo. Paragons, box, $1.60; Colo. Manns, box, $1.60; Rome Beauties, Idaho fey. ex., box. $2.00; Rome Beauties, Wash.. 64s, fey, box, $2.26; De licious fey. Wash., all sixes, box. $2 tut; Spitaetiburgs, Wash., ex. fey., box, $2.76; Ark. Blacks, ex. fey., box, $2.75; Stay men Wlnesaps, ex. fey . box. $2.26: Orlmca, Wash., fey., box. $2.00; Grimes. Wash., choice, box, $1.75; Wlneraps, old fash ioned fey., box, $226; Winter Bsnanas. fey., box, $2.50; Black Twigs, ex. fey., box. $2.2i: Wagners, ex. fey., $2.25; Wenatcheel. ex. fey., box, $1.85. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 21. WHEAT De cember, 9MV; May. $1.02; No 1 hard. $1.06'; No. 1 northern, $1 .01'1.03; No. 2 northern, 97c'til .Ot. FLOUR Unchanged. BA HLEY 54Ui3o. RICE 8:'94c. BRAN $18.00. CORN No. 3 yellow, 68fi9e. OATS No. 3 white. 84M5c. FLAXl,97Jr2.01. Evaporated Aiuilea and Dried Frnlts NEW YORK, Nov. 22. EVAPORATED APPLES Steady: fancy, KirOV; choice, 7ic: prime. 7fr7V. DRIED FRUITS-Prunrs. unsettled; Cailfornlas. 3(jjUV; Oregons, 9(i9V. Apricots, firm; choice, 10filov,e; ex'rv choice. lUfUc; fancy. JlV&12c. Teaches. If'rm; choice, 5V5V; extra choice, lift 6c; fancy, otiiiV. Kalslne, rt aJy; loose niUMcateix. 7Vit)7V: choice 'to fancy, seeded, 8(fi8o; seedless, Srjjllc. Ouiaba Hay Market. OMAHA. Nov. 22 PRAIRIE HAY el ol' e upland, $10.6m-u.tO; No. 1, $10. (XH 30 50; No. 2, $.5X(il0 00; No. 3, $6 OOiH O), choice midland, $10.50; No. 1. $j.0w I0.(; No. 2. $S.Ufi.00; No. $. M .Ofr'a ; ciiolce lowland. f9.Wni9.50; No 1. I.'.0.00; No. 2, $7.00& (10; No. 8. $5.00i(T.OO. ALFALFA Choice, $I2.0UOO; No. 1 HLoO-uU-OU. No. 2, $9.0tsttll.0O; No. 8. 7.0u faH.OO. OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Heavy and Prices Lower EverywhereSheep and Lambs Higher. HOGS MOSTLY FIFTEEN LOWER OMAHA, November 22. 1915. Itecelpts w. iv (.V P". IIoks Stu-en Kstlmafe Monday 13.000 6,000 13,'0 Same day last week..b,275 Same day I wks. .. 1J.S.4 S&me day 3 wks. ago.. 15. 513 Same day 4 wks. ago.. KM Same days last year.. 6.926 3A 6.140 3.611 2.8J7 4.839 il.3iij 2J.316 14.160 16.121 14,21$ 'Ihe tumiK.iirf tame tint reerip.s of cattle, hoiis and sbeep at the Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as (.oinpared with last year; . 1H 1"14 P" Cattle '...1.0X0.0 832.927 HT. Hogs 2,3i.87S 1,001.847 631 Sheep 2,994,6m 2.892,861 108.234 The following table shows the averag prices of hoes at the umana live stock market for the last few days, with com parisons: Date. I 1916, I 1914.1 '13.1 1918. I 19)1.1 1919. Nov. Nov Vov. No. Nov. Noy. Nov. t fe T 36 $ 4S 1 S3 T 861 I 79 7 61 781 $ M J 7 63' T 791 6 14 7 H . B Ml -j I 7 SN i ; $4 T.r I 86 T 86 S 8 08 T li i 121 7 SOl 7 T 67? 6 61 48 7 61 7 in 7 721 1 4 tl 7 98 7 73 T 84! 7 W 7 47 7 86 4 87 Ik - 121 KM. 7 4,1 7 67 1 bit 7 m: 6r 7 Is 7 M 7 88 IS' 8 &: 87 8 87 K 14, T 70! 7 74l -7 81) 7 74 UOtr. 16 8 SBH T 661 7 91! 26! 1 M TS7 7 84 1 98 7 7 94 7 96 'ov- ll fc '.ov - ''1 H, 7 83 T S3 an 7 44 7 Ml 7 63 8j 7 44 So 7 81 T20 ',. is, s mvij I Nov. 1 6 S.l 'ov. fill 58 Nov. ti; I Nov. 8.1 K 7 191 7 H T TV 7 331 7 69 7 441 7 71 7 71 7 73 6 14 7 46 7 69 7 7 8 13 7 08 7 li 7 S 18 6 8 7 84 "Sunday. Kec lpis and disposition ot live stock at the 1 nlon stock yards In Omaha for twenty-four hours ending at 8 o clooK ycsiciday: RKCEI PTS CARS. Caltle,llogs.Hneep.M ses. C, M. A St. P IS Missouri Pacific ... 1 Union Pacific 9 C. A N. V.t east.. 3 C. N. W., west.. 130 (., St. P., M. A O.. 3 , 14. A Q.. east... 3 C, H. A Q., west.. 107 '., K. 1. A P.. east 83 C. H. I. A P., west 1 Illinois Centrsl .... W Uileagi il. W 44 Total receipts ..612 11 S 26 .. 26 ii i !'. i 14 I 8 6 .. 1 f I 1 66 60 iO DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs, eneep. Morris A Co 961 72S 928 Swift and Company 1.0W (Ydahy Packing Co... .1.436 Armour A Co 1,216 J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co,,,. 17 Knutson 634 934 1.89 2.30! 1,18 1.276 187 "lis W. B. Vaneant Co 191 Benton, Vanssnt A L.. 265 .... Hpill A Son 68 F. B. Lewis 836 Huston A Co 69 .... J. B. Root A CO 6 J. H. Bulla 151 L. F. Husx 161 F. G. Kellogg 184 Werthelmer A Degan., 4M .... H. F. Hamilton 276 Sullivan Bros 164 Rothsch'ld 145 Mo. A Kansas Calf Co.. 179 Christie W Mlgglns 7 I Huffman 22 .... Roth , 67 Meyers 16 17 Glassberg 8 .... Bnker. Jones A Smith. 86 .... I s nner Bros 91 .... .tchn Harvey 244 .... Kline m Tennis A V 164 Other buyers ,..1,495 .... 7.62S Totals 10.040 4.192 13.964 CATTLE Receipts were the largest that tmy have been on a Monday since two weeks ago, and really larger than anyone had anticipated. At the aamts time all other market points were heav 1 y loaded with cattle and prices were i very here sharply lower. Unoer the In lluencu of heavy receipts and lower prices the nmrket here broke in about the same lyropurtlon as at all other markets. A few choice light yearling Blockers Id at prices that were Just abuut steady with fast week's close, but trom that the geutual market opened with buy ers bidding anywhere from lOdttftc lower on killers, both sleeis and cow stuff, and alHo on the general run vt feeders, where sellers could get bids that aid not look over 10oi6c lower they were inclined tj rut loose, and early sles were generally quoted about that much lower than last week. (quotations on cattle: Prime cornfed beeves. $9.603 10.00; good to choice fed yearlings, $a.6u(Ul).60; fair to good fed yearlings, 7.2i-.g common to talr leu yearlings, $6.O0n7.00; good to choice heavy lx eves, $s.6txht).00; fair to good oornfud t eeves, $7.20(16.60; common to fair corn led beeves, o.2o'yi'.0o; prime grass beeves, i". :ViH.2o; good to choice graaa beeves, 7.2tniJ.75; fair to good grass neeves, $6.6o (p7.iA,; coinu.on td fair grass beeves, to. 26 ltl6.60; good to choice grass heifers, $..7u (yti.7i; good to choice grass cows, $&.5u3f b.ti; fa Ir to good cows, 4.fnif7i.fiO; commj.i to fair rows, 3.5it(4.5o; good to choice feeders, $7.2ofy8.0i; fair to good feeders. b.UK0 J.3; common lo fair leedera, $u.uutf 6.50: ffood to choice Mtoekers. a6.uOrM.ui: falr. tod1. lockers, $Mji7..; common to fair stoekers. 86.606.60: stock halfcrs. $5,760(6.75; stock cows, 4.60np6. ,6; stock calves, $6.00t)X.2ri; veal calves, S6.O0fi4).6O; bulls, stags, etc., $4 366.26. Represents.tive sales: CoWi. No. At. Pr. No. At. Pr. I MO I 7t 6 ait I 16 71 u 1 1101 I S) 11 104 4 Sa HULLS. 1 1344 4 10 HEIFERS. 8 tso 10 STOCK E1UJ AND FEEDER8. I l I n 1 7M I 76 aa ton M Ms I (0 Ill 4 to U 7W 4 10 a US 111 HOGS Receipts this morning were the heaviest since November 11, and with only two exceptions the hcavieut since lale in September, About seventy-two cars, or 6.0UO head, were received, this be ing 141)0 head larger than a week ago, and about 200 head larger than last year, but smaller than two weeks ago by a little over 100 head. Shippers did not get In very heavily, and as packers were talking sharply lower, what purchases they did make were anyway 10815c lower. Tops failed to beat $6.36. a flat $16c reduction from Saturday's high price of 86.60. The close also found quite a sprinkling of underweight hogs still unsold. Part of them were from western territory, the balance being natives, and while some of the corn feds moved, killers have taken such a violent dislike to the range stuff that light hog values suffered more or less all around. Buyers claim these light hogs are being bought, much more cheaply in Chicago than they are at this point, and that was another bearish factor. The bulk at $6.2(X6.3.. with a sprink ling down to 86.00 and a good .probability that some of the lights would sell "under the hill." Two or three loads reached 1136. the top. Representative sales: No. AS. .. M... at .. 64... u... 6... tl... u .. .. ... A 1. Sk. Pr ..tli 40 4 09 ..111 ... IIS M I 11 No. 71.., St.., St.., 0. ., ... TT.., A. Sh. Pr. . .so so si .. 4 11 ..tut n S ..871 40 4 at ..lit 1W I I7t . .no m) i ..Mi 0 M no to 1 re ..171 .. ..Is ... at t o ... 11 P1Q8. ..104 ..! ..l ..) :::.t? $H:: ..) ..11$ ..141 I M I 10 M I ST SHEEP The smallest Monday supply received in a long time put In an ap pearance this morning. Estimated re ceipts were ftfty-stx cars, or 18.500 hsad, In addition to which were the seven cars that arrived Saturday, but were not sold. Supplies were only a little over half as large as either one week or two wseks sgo, and were smaller even than last year, when 14.211 head were reported in on the corresponding day. Trade in fat lambs opened out early on a mostly 16c higher basis. Feeders were not in very heavy supply and held firm at the comparatively hlh price that were paid last week. Pretty good light feeding lambs equaled last week's top of St. 66. while others had lit tle trouble In making $o.60. Four cars of feeding wethers held from Saturday looked high enough at $5 HO. This Is the largest single shipment of feeding weth ers that has bteu marketed her this season snd Is nearly as many as have been here during the whole summer and fall. Muttons followed the fat lamb advance, and looked a flat 16c higher. Supplies were light, consisting almot entirely of ewos. best of whtrh sold at $5 40. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, food to choice, $ 4ti8.H); lambs, fair to good, $t 2fti..40; lamos. feeders. 17.75'if 60; yearliiiKS. fair to choice, $ 00i6 50, yearlings, feeders. 6 isTiV,,7.!,; wethers, fair to c'lolce, 15 0 05.75. ewes, good t) clK-lee, $.'i.i'ti6.40; ewes, fair to good, $4.5) 6.25; ewes, feeders, $4 1fi6.2o. (IIICAt.O LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle tnaett led lions Stron lets Slrona. CHICAGO, Nov. 22. CATTLE Receipts, 2.tAo head; market unsettled; native beef steers. $T..7."irlv.30; western steers, $6 .Hmf 8.S6; cows and hellers, $;'.7O7.10; calves, J6Aif 7o HO; Receipts. .;.ii head; market strong. 6c hlgner; bulk of sales, 6 05'jf .); light, $5.7vu.r.8; mixed. $Y9Otr.s0; heavy. $6.06416.90; rough, S6.OwiT6.26; pigs, $3.7ri.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recslpts, SO.OOO head: market strong; wethers, $5.8fifi6.35; wes, $3.904f,76; lambs. $6.76(19.10. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. I1UIS. Nov. 81. CATTLE Re ceipts, ' 9.900 head: market lower: native beef steers. $7.50fl.20; yearling steers and heifers, $s.6(vtrl0.2t):, cows, 3VMVfJ7.eO; stock era and feeders, $,VCW7.i6; southern steers, $6.?Mff t.60; cows snd heifers, $4.00 f6.60: native calves. $6.0010.50. HOGS Receipts, 11,200 head: market steady: pigs and llsht. MOOlYtlftl- mired snd butchers, $6.Sf.,76; good heavy, $6.70 iti.78. SHEEP AND LAM RR Receipts, S.frt) head; market loOTXic higher: lambs, 800 8 85; sheep end ewes, $6.50ft6.25; year lings. 86.60ir7.3i. Kansas City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. $3. -CATTLE Receipts, ss.fW head: market lower; prime fed steers. $9.2MnO.0O; dressed bee steers $7.SOfi9.0: western steers, $6.ft ro; sto-kers and feeders, S.5t'fu.78; bulls. M'VrftJR; calves. $6.0iMT 10.00, HOGS Rectlpts, 8.000 bead: market lower: bulk of sales. $6 5rb6 SO; . heavy. $.WliM.6V narkers and butchers. K.lMf 6.50; light. $fl.:(Vfi.60: pig. 85601M.J8. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7,200 head; market lopnc higher; lambs. $4. 8.60: yearllnss. $on7.10; wethers. $6.60 tl6.00; ewes. $4 7M?6.0. lonx fits- Lire- twk Market. SIOUX CTTY. ta.. Not. 5J. CATTLE Receipts, 7i0 head: market s esdy nn tlv steers, SI.r-8T7.lS; butchers. $4 -0 J..0: rows and helfera, $4.0f((r6.i: csnn-rs. $3 0004.25: stoekers and feeders, $l.?6irr6.': laVi? ,45oflr': bul1"- " e,c- HOGS Beee pts 6O0A head: market 10c 'ower; heavy. $6.15fr6.26; mixed, 86ff.ft6.18; light. S6O0.ns; bulk of sales. 66.0H6,$i SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recotpts. a.SX) head; market steady; ewes. $ i0fV. S; lambs. $7.00(68.80. St. .frtseoh Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. a-tATTLE Re rr J" head; market wealC, steers, $6 oo9.00: cows and heifers. $3.7&rS.; calves $6 00fl.60. HOGS-Recelpts, 8.900 head: market. 1y: hulk of sales. 88 264TA48. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head; market steady; lambs, $,0tt9.6O. Stork la Slsrht. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets: Cattle. Hogs Sheen. Omaha , Fioug City... .Chlcajro SL Louis Jvanras City. Totals .irooo 13,500 3,600 51.000 8,600 7.300 . 5,700 ..23.00 . 8 900 .S3,00 ..83.600 77,200 47,70 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 23 CnirjrFIC xh market for coffee futures was easy to day under scatterlnv ltquldat nn an-1 some trade selling which seemed to be Inspired by apprehensions that Interfer ence with shlpmens of coffee t 'Scandinavian countries might tend to restrict the Buropean demand In Brasll. A good deal of the bua'nasa was' In the way of switching from December to later months, and while December ruled rel. tlvely steady, there was very little sup port in evidence. The market opened at a decline of t to I points and closed at a net loss of 10 to 11 notnta with Mv (contracts selling off to 6.71c and July to soo. i-oiea, s24j nags; November, 6.6k; lVcember. .6oe; January, 6 60c; Feb ruary. 6.60c; March, 6.(2c; Arrll. 8.81c. May. 8.71c; June, 6.76o; July, 6 81c; Au gust, .86c; September, 8.81c; October. 6.96o. Spot, quiet: Rio No. 7, 7o; Santos No. . 8'4C. Cost and frelrht mark it was aomowhat Irregular, Santos grsdos being about unchanged st S.lOc to 9.8'c fir 4s, whl'e Rio offerings were easier with 7s quoted at 7.00c to 7.20c. The officii I cables reported a decline of 1 1-I6d in the rate of Rio ex'haig on London, with mllrels prices uncha S'd j at Santos and &o rels higher at Itlo. Bahla reiiorted a clearance of 1.40J baia for New York. I Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 22 WHEAT No. $ hard. 99cfi$1.04; No. 2 red, SlOfyfJ 1.09; December. 96c: May, $1.00. CORN No. I mixed. 68c; No. t while, 69c; No. 2 yellow, 6c; No. 8, 5V; Decem ber. 6Hc; May, Slle. OATS No. t white. 371380; No. I mixed. 35U36c. BUTTER-Creamery, 80c; firsts. c; seconds, 26c; packing stock, 19c. EGGS Firsts. 28c; seconds, 22o POULTRY liens, UVi turkeys, 12c; broil rs, 19c. Metal Market. NFIW YORK, Nov. tl. METALS Tad, rulet; offered at $".tV Spelter, strong; spot. $18.7f1925. Copper, firm; electro lytic, $20.00. Iron, steady; No. 1 northern. $17.rA818.l: No. 8, $17.2o(817.7S; No. 1 southern, $17.6018.00; No. 2, $l7.2.a'17.75. Tin. quiet, at $33.60340.00. At London: Spot oopper, 8$ 16s; fu tures, 82 15s; electrolytic. 96 10s. Spot tin, 172; futures. 170. Antimony, 12Y Lead, spot, 27 7a d. Spelter, spot, 00. Cotton Mrrket. NEW YORK. Nov. M.-COTTON-8pot, quiet: middling up'snds 11 76c: no snles. Cotton futures opened barely steady; December, 11.66c; January. 11.80c; Maroh. 1206c; May, 12.17c; July, 12.24c. Cotton closed steady at a net deollne of 6 to S points today. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 22. COTTON Spot, steady: good middling, 7.40d: middling, TOM, low middling, 8.68d. Sales, 10,000 bales. Oil and Rosin. SAVANNAH. Oa., Nov. 21. TURPEN TINE Firm. 64c: sales. 600 bbls.: reeelDts. 326 bbls.: shipments. 149 bbls.; stocks, '12.6V1 bbls. I ROSIN-Flrm: sales. I,0?8 bbla re jcepts, 1,444 bbls.; shipments, 1 0 bbs.; 1 stocks, 66,750 bbls. guotatlont: A, B, C, !D. F, E. O, 86 66; H, S.V70; 1, $VTT5 K, 6.0j; M, $6.H); n, 86.85; WW, $6.90. afar Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 22. SUGAR Raw. firm: centrifugal, 4.77c; molasses. 4c; re fined, dull; cut loaf, 4.90c; crushed, 4.80c; mould A, 6.45c; cubes, 6.26c; XXXX pow dered, 6.10c; fine granulated, Sc; diamond A, 6c; confectioners' A, $.90e; No. 1, l.7nc. Futures opened firmer today on covering by shorts and some support from trade Interests. At noon prices were I to 6 -oints higher. St. Loola Grain Market. ST. IOUIB. Nov. 22,-WHEAT-No. I red. I1.13&1.16; No. f hard, $1.06; Decem ber. $1 .02; May, $1.06. CORN-No. 2, (IV; No. t white, 41fj2c; re"ember 69c; May, 6383V, OATS No. i 86c; No. $ white, nominal. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. . WHEAT-Stvit No. 1 Manitoba, 11a 6d; No. 8. lis Id No. I hard. old. I3s 44: No. 8 hard. new. ro. lis an; no. a, iiiicago, new, 11s CO. CORN-Spot La Plata. 7s lid. FIUR Winter patents. 42a. HOPS-In London (Pacific coast), I4fl-tt. Dry floods Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 22.-DRT OOODg Cotton goods steady. yarns, steady; dress goods, steady: jobbers report 1 a good advance of bus ness. Will stxfead Plant. PITTSBURGH. Pa . Nov. 22 -Extensions costing $760,000 are to he mad to Ihe Donor plant of the United States Steel corporation, according to an an nouncement made today. Work Is to start Immediately. Cotton (ilanlnsr Report. WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. Cotton ginned prior to November 14 amounted to 6.777,794 running bales, Including K2.6n2 round bsles and 69.477 bales of ses island, the census bureau announced today. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Dfilinirs Mark Lowest Ebb of Any Reg-ular Session for Months. METAL SHARES A DIVERSION NEW YORK Nov. 22 Dealings In stock today marked the lowest el b of any regular tension loi several inontha. Sans amounted to only 4:'l,0no snares, one-thtrd of the tolal number occurring In the tlrst hour, in the afternoon there weie long stretches of absolute spathy when former favorites were almost motionless. Domestic policies were a factor. In the sense thst some discussion was Indulged In concerning the main points of the pres ident's forthcoming message to congress, more especially the question of national defense. Wall street expressed the bel et, however, that no legislation Inimical to legitimate business would be proposed. The Bnlkan situation was considered from various angles. Greece's attitude toward the all es was again the source of much conjecture. Metal shares afforded the chief diver sion of the day, that group manifesting further strength on the JO-cent quotations for copper. Gtigrenhetm exploration rose 1 to the new high record of 79. Pe troleums were substantially higher for much the same reaain. various producing companies advancing prices of crude and renneq oils. Texas company rose 4. to the new record of 3f4. and Asso ciated Oil. In which the Southern Pacific company has large stock holdings, rose 7. to 68. Motor shares and the recog nised wsr issues were two to rive points higher at their best. American Iocomo- tlve common and preferred being helped py reports of additional large contracts. United States Steel was slpgglsh, and Bethlehem Steel was not quoted at all, Ralls were backward throughout, with sudden weakness In New Haven towards the close, the stock falling $. to 77. Baltimore A Ohio for October reported a net gain of $1,202,000. and Lehigh Val ley Increased Its net business $116,000. The only unusual feature of the firm bond market was a transfer of $1,000,000 of United States registered 2 per cent bonds In one lot at 99. sgslnst a pre vious quotation of 97V Total sales, par value, aggregated $5,779,000, United States registered 4s were per cent lower on call. Number of sales and leading quotations nn stocks today were as follows: SklM. Hltl. Low. Clnsa. A ISMS A16 H r4 t.tno IM4 IIS Ilk ) ea 7H '' am, lux, a U.IM 1t 10' i.soo ns n t 111 no 117 lit 11 to )rH 1S !!" 0 mS tM4) 824 II, (rm mti, m- l.mti 1074, tms lots 14.100 lit-, nit, lit 8,100 H', tl MS 4l I too n4 to its Te-in ins rTH t;s I. ton IM IMS P-'S MH " M I. soo MS MS .1s H'4 MO M US IMS US lw 9n lis Its .oo It, MS I rm Ms MS .4"0 Ts "S s s sit It. 400 4"S 4T 411 rt 4S 4ns lis WW tT,S 178 ITS II. 0OS IMS 1S 1344 I (OH IHM, 4D ms It.Sisl 7tH t TS IMS tf, SI IIS 4. Win us 41 414 l" nn let inn W si a:s no MS i IS Itas it nn tns as ms I. toe H, 1444 !'4, I!i IS H 1JS Vl 4441 64S 44S i.Mn Its 1S lS i.w mi lnts lets 1J.OW 1 77 77 1tm 114S. HI IIS 000 nss HS l'S 1.600 US M M 4S 3, ton n, H14 j,tXlll too l7 17 IS , I tnt pss M s , t.nno Ms tJS ts , t son sis M Ms , I 'nn lots ints tots 1 400 ss iiu rs l.tnn ini m l'lu KO US H K7S II inn ms "1 ant nnn 140s 1S ls too 4S ms MS tT,n T ( ft 1.100 lit ltns lins 4 eon us 77 rrs fat II. sns T4 no s ' S imn 4t 4-n son DOS In an 11 ion 7IS MS ) Jlllls-rnalinsrt Amsrlran Beet Susar.,.. Amnrl,n Can Amsrlrsn teoeio)T .... American g- a R Am. cas tra Am. Susar Ksfinlss AmsrleM Tel. Tsl Amrtrn Tnhseee , Anaormda Copper Atnhtlfin PsMwis LwoetMlT Pa Ml mors A OMo Potnlstimn SimI Brookljrn Rapid Transit., rkliromts Pstrohnm .... 'snsdisn Paelrlo ' Otilrml lathr ! a otiio tliii-sro O. w Chloasn, M A St. P.... Chlog N. W ftilrago. R. I. P. Rr.. C6tn Cnpper rolorsiio Fmi iron.... Crucible Stsel rnr S R. O. frf filMlllsrs' Hseurltles ( fTirsl Flei-t.rto flmet Northern pM Orsat Nn. Ore rttt Omtmholm Eiplorttton.. Illlmla Central Interhormish Cen. Cnrp. . Inspiration Onnpae International Harvaatar... Kansas f'ltr "outharn ... Ihlrli Vsllay IxiiiIpvIU. a Naatirllla... Manlran Palnlnim Miami rnpr Mlaamirl, K. T, pftf... MlaaonH THrtfla National niaetitt National laa Navaria Owpnrr Naw York Cantml N. Y.. N. H. A H Norfolk A Woatarn Northara Paelflo Paelflr Mall Paotfle Tal. A Tel PannsfWanta Pullman Palaaa Car Par "nn. Coppar fteaitlns Hanuhllo Iron A Staa'i..,, Southarn Paelflo Southarn Railway Studahakar Company . ... TannaasM Cmmer Tawa Company .,, , Tnlon PnHfln t'nion PaelMa nM Cnl'-d atatae staat 1 S. Steal pM t'lall Cnpoar fMlnrfl f'ntnn Weatlnahnnaa Kleotrle ,,, Montana Power ,, 41-nrsl Motorg Wsbaah R efi Intornatlnnsl Marina pM. 442,ore rharas. New York Money Market. . w YORK. Nov. 12. MERCANTILE PAPER 8W3 ner cent. STERLING EXCH ANOE 60-dav bllla. $4.6450; demand, $4 6960; rabies, $4.7036. SILVER-Bar. 62e; Mexican dollars, sain , BONDS Government. Imnl,., rall- -,1, linn. MONEY Time loans: easier- Ml 11111 on days, 2itf2V6 per cent; six months. 2.1 per cent. Call money: Steady; h'gh, I per cent: low, 1 per cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent; last loan, t per cent; cloa ng bid. 1 ner cent: offered at t per cent. Closing quotations on bonds today were ss follows; tl. B. rrf. Si. ras.... MS Mo. Pan. ry. (a 44 4o coupon W N. T. C. dab. 4S....1II V. S. aa. rag 101 14 N. Y. t'llr 4Sa 10', S to coupon 101 UN y. stata 4S....llt V. H 4a. rs lossn. I . N. H. a H. So aoupoa 110 ev. a Panama la nounon. ,1tS No. Pacific 4a.. Am. Kmaltar a....ltts Va Is A. T. T. a. 4Sa..lOTsr. 8. L. rat. at Armour A Ca. 4Sa.. ptu r-ae. T. A T. ti Atrhtaon san. 4a.... Pans ran. 4Sa Pal. A Ohio 4a tl 60 saa. 4Ss. ins 4S , M'4 lot ICS'. Can. rcin 1st tosPaaillnc san. 4a rs hoa. A Ohio 4S.. iss. LA a. P r. 4a Tns 1 A. f l Am Aft iX SEm Pas jaas 8a 1vT It O m A S P 4V.. lm o rf 4a ms C. R. I. A P. 441 So. Rallsrar la. Avtt C. A . raf. 4S., TV A R. O rat. k Prla sn. 4a Can. raectrto M... Ot. Nn. 1st 4S. III. fan. raf a.. K. C So. raf. 4a. I, A N unl. 4a.. M. K. A T. 1st 4 Bit. . stsUnlaa Pacific 4.. . t'H oo ct 4a . T4P. . Ruhhar la. .ItnstT. S. Slaal Is.... . sou Wahash tat Is 4 ,.10S ..mik ..104 .. 4S . MSWaat. t'nlne 4S. .. . MSWaat. Plan. ca. I. . SSAntlo-Pranok la ... ., II IM London Stock Market. LONDON. Nov. 22. American securities on the stock market were quiet, but toady today, Americans buying a few gold bonds. SILVER ?6d per ounce. DISCOUNT RATES Short bills snd three months. 606 per cent. Loeal Seenrttlee. Quotation furnish ail or Burns Blinker A Co.. 44t Omaha NcUkmal bask building. 4tock- Bankers Mortsasa Loan !aars A Co., p!4 , ax-Ola Fairmont Oraamarr. P' Klak Rubber Co.. 1 par eant ot4 .... Saw state Talaphoaa pfd Omaha A C. B. Bt. Rr.. pM.... Omaha A C B. Rr A .. P'd r-lata Bank of Omaha Swift A Co Bulibursar A Son. pfO Btawart Warnar gpardomater I nlon Stack Tarda Stock. al-4l.... Bono1 Anslo.rranrk I per aant petaa. 1. fhlraso Tal. Co. first ta. 1zl Chlra.a Br- "o. flrat ta. lart German rinv. 6 par cent sotaa, 1114. Unroln Tal. A Tal. as, ttt Omaha Watar 4Sa. I4t Omaha A ' B. st I(r. la. 1MI Omaha Oas ta. ml..., Iowa Jtr I- U. ml Bad Cloud, Nab.. 4 Ha lit fttoax fit Stock Yards ta. I9M siomi Falls. S. n.. ta. IM". Thuraton Co.. Nob., la. Itll t'nloa Stock VarnW. S. ").. ta. Mil .. Wichita talon Stack Tarda Is. 1M4. Bid Askad. . MS 14 . W-S . im , 104 0t . 44 tS , 70 71 . 4 MS . Ill 1 .. 1s IMS . MS 4 . Is to . . 97 . 17 M . ioi s mis . RS , . Sot.Tt . let) . 1 VIS . ti it . HI M . W N . M . P0 tl . 10-.S 1"4) . 104 I04S . MS 100 . MS 100 IMPERIAL GERf.MN GOUEtlNr.lEUT 5 Of OrtflirtO 5203.75 nit forties 1,000 Mirk, JO &jftJO Ei-Conpoi, April 1,1111 With German Exchange st normal rates the Bonds would jrieU about 8. 71MMERMAHH & FORSHAY Members of the New York Stock Exchange p and WALL 8TIOCKT. NKW YORK. Russ Commander at Tannenberg Is Dead 1iNDON. Nov. 2i.-A dispatch to the Morning Tost from Stockholm says that Lieutenant Oenersl Samaonoff. who com manded the Russian troops in the battle of Tannenberg, died a prisoner of war In Germsny. His body Is now In Stock holm on the way to Russia. INSPECT KEOKUK RAILROAD New Yoik Capitalists Consider Taking- It Over and Converting It Into Electric Line. ECHO OF SUNDAY MEETINGS DER MOINEH. Nov. 21.L-(8pecial.)-A party of fifty csrltalista from the east made a brief visit In Des Moines Satur day, going from here to Fort Iodge on an Intemrban Inspection tour. The visit ors were the guests of N. W. Halsey & Co. of New York, which concern handles the bonds of the Fort Dodge, Des Molne A South railroad. The party has been traveling In a special train and visiting; several holdings of the Halsey company. It Is claimed one object of the Des Moines visit was to look over the lies Moines A Keokuk line with a view of Its pur chase and ultimate conversion Into in electric line. The Rock Island has a lease on this property, hut It has not been regarded as a profitable Investment as a steam road. It is claimed that oper ating obstacles would be overcome If the road were electrified. "Hilly" nnnrtay'a Bevenaea. An echo of the "Billy" Sunday meetings of a year ago was revealed In the report of the au-lltlng department of the street railway company recently. During a period of fourteen days in November this year the earnings of the company show a decrease over those of the same period a year ago of 83,281.80. Thla Is an average decrease per day of $234. That th ap parent decrease is really due to an ab normal Increase during the Sunday meet ings Is shown by the faot that no such decrease for this year is revealed when Mondays are compared, and Mondays were the days Sunday held no meetlns. On the Sundays of a year ago the street ear earnings showed a decrease of $600. Snffraare Orator to Aid. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt former Iowa woman and one of the best known suf frage crusaders In the United States, has offered to pay the expense ot a auffrags worker to assist the Iowa suffragists to win at the coming election. She has pro posed to send Mrs. Elsie Vandergtift Benedict of Colorado, who was all through the recent campaign In New York state, to help In Iowa from January to June of next year. Mrs. Benedict is said to be one of the most competent women In the whole movement. Screeds on Chnrck Doors. "Society Is a dangerous criminal" was written on church doors In many parts of the city Friday night The police, who were notified, are of the opinion that friends of Hlllstrom. who was executed In Utah, Impelled agitators to get busy with the red paint. A short time ago the same screed was painted on the steps of the city hall. e Girls Ask Police Aid. Gertrude and Mabel Hyde rushed Into the police station In great excitement last night and asked the protection of the police from two young men, one of whom was their brother, Fred Hyde. The boys were drunk, the girls stated, and they had been following them snd they wanted ths police to help them. The police went out and found the boys waiting near the station. They were arrested and given five days oil the charge of Intoxication. Ktlnr "tidies Franchise. Will Friable, editor of the Minneapollt News, who was a newspaper reporter in Des Moines twenty-five years ago, Is lo Des Moines studying the local t ranchlst situation In the street car matter and also Into the strength of tho Cummins for president mdvement. f -t-n't,!!! f Grower, Wade Hauser, a 17-year-old Hardin county boy, is Iowa's champion corn (rower this year with a production of 160 1-10 bushels of shelled dry corn on an acre of Hardin county soil, so it was announced by ths boys contest club management st Ames Saturday, He will get a free trip to Ban Francisco for his winning. The names of thirty-nine other winners from all over the state will be announced soon. These boys will also get trips to the exposition. "tttrhts llnnae Throuarh Malls. Chief of Police Crawford Is fighting boose by using postal cards warning property owners that tenants are sus- S plcioned of housing unusual quantities of liquors and unless the practice, is stopped Injunction proceedings will w be begun against me property owner. The chief ' w,!l "'1st the Injunction law to aid him in bis boose crusade. Greece Will Flout ' The Entente Allies LONDON, Nov. 23.-A Dally News dis patch front Athens, filed Saturday, says: "The newspapers here take the view that the allies' action In Imposing a com mercial blockade upon Oreece la contrary to International law, because non-combatants will suffer from the fact that grain cargoes destined for Greece have been held up. The newspaper, Hestla, declares Greece will not give the declara tion demanded by the allies. "Bulgarian troops have ceased their at tack from Prllep toward Monastlr, be cause they fear Serbian troops at Katcu anlk wfll advance and encircle them." To Confer on B rid as. AUSTIN. Tex., Nov. 22. Governor James H. Fern-uaon of Texas will confer Tuesday with first Chief Venuatlano Car ranis. of Mexi-o on the International bridge at Laredo. "PAR VALUES AND THS MARKET PR1CS." As artlila In las Nov. It taaua of THE ODD 1iT RHVIBW daacrlblns atocka which sra still ow prtrsd la compartaoa with previous years Sand for ssmpla oopy. John Mulr A Oa. , Mambara of taa Naw York Btuak Eit-Kansa, 41 Uroadwar. Naw York city.