45 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1015. WANT ADS Went ada received at any time, but lo tncire proper rlaasifiration mt be pre erted beforw II o'clock iumn for evening edi'lnn and 7:45 p. m. for morning and Sunday edition. Want ada received after urh hour will be under In beading, To Let to Cleify." CASH RATES. Mim conaecutlv uim 1 cent a word a eh Insertion. ... T or nor conaecutlv timet. 1H cnt word. - On tUbe. I rant a. word. CHARGE BATES. Seven conaeoutiv time. cent a lint arh IneartlceL Tore conaecutlv time. 1 cent a tin arb Insertion. Orx time. 11 rent Una. Count six average wnr.li to a Iln. Minimum charae. 20 centa An advertisement Inserted to . run aritil discontinued must ba topped by written order. . , All elalma for error rnuat. oa mai wttbla fifteen rev after tha lat Inser tion o( til advertisement. Ton can place) your want ada In Tha Baa bjr telephone. TELEPHONE TTTJTFt ion. OKATIIB AND H'KKHAL NOTK K CROVKT Margaretha P.. montha. daughter of Mr. and Mre. Hoyd C. Urovev and grandchild of Mr. and Mra. O. H. Malchlen. Funeral Monday 2 p. m., 1.100 Bouth Thirty-fifth avenue. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM EMPRESS. 16TH ft DOUGLAS. Four Reels of Good .Pictures. PRINCESS, 1J17-1 DOUGLAS. Jack Rlc.hardaon, Forrest Taylor and Helen Roaenn In Tha Warning, thraa reel of thrllla and excitement. Geo. Ovey In Tha Fighting Four, oomady. Ed Coxrn In Drifting, heart Intereat dra. And a aelected Keyaton comedy. Iborta. GRAND. 16TH AND B1NNEY. Father and 8on, t-reel drama. Auto Bungalow Fraca. 1-reel comedy. Miatakea of Mammy lou, 1-reel drama. LOfilRCP, 2?fii AND LOTHROpT I a tha tUM Rooater play, Tha 8pander, featurinc Oeo. I'robert and Tayne Tan ker. OWth. S834 LEAVENWORTH APOLLO, Tha Reap! nr. Itaky. Tha Inventor. A Trick of Fate. Waet. MONROE, IBS 5 FARNAM. Vta Wlrelaee. A Oold Rooater play In five reel a. Featuring Gall Kane and Bruce McRaa. at Side. BESSE 24th & N CHARLES CHAPLIN IN HIS LATKST ESSANAV COMEDY. A NIGHT IN THE SHOW. TOMORROW EVELYN NESBIT THAW RUSSELL WILLIAM THAW "HER SON" JACK CLIFFORD IN A 5-ACT LUBIN MASTER PICTURE "THREADS OF DESTINY" OKPHEUM. ItTH AND it- Mutual Weekly. Out of the Aahea, S reela. Twin BrlJea. Freddie, the Fake Flaherman. MOVIES . FEATURES ill or TODAY LOTHROP, AND LOTHROP, Fa the OoM Rooater play, T he Ppender. MONROE. m& FAKNAM Via Wtrclcaa, t-reel Gold Rooa er (.lay. ANNOIN CKMENT8 K. Klu-IK at f M. C. a.. buam a maa bva Minify. Hume Milliner. fl vJZ. Omaha Pillow Co. Fall renovating of feathers and bedding; down covers made to order, ll7 Cuming. D.24G7. Sixteen Years in Omaha. HANCE Given by PLAZA CLl'B Thanksgiving Lie., Noxember 24tb Metropolitan IIhII, Twenty-third and Jlarney. $14 6appbir Hln to le (ilven Away. Adruls-ion 6"c Per (Viiipla. Music by K. A Hecae'a Orcheatra. AtTOJIOIULEH Overiuu a fur Irak rd.iu.. Uv. dualafs, er by tuA Ave. Co. tiufls. la. AtTOMOHILES Whenever you ara conaid-rlng e!Tln(t or Kiyltia a uaed car and you want full Value fir your money or n want ueopi who ara willing to nay for what they ara getting you will hava n regret If you buy or adertle through the uaed car colutrn of Tha Bee. 1'l.on Tyler lotto. ioiMILk8 of mileage tn your oldtlre (Rebuilt). Send tnaro to DUO T1RK CO.. 111 Chicago ft WANT two rood work teame: have uaed Overland runabout, late model, in fin shape, to exchanre. Colfax 940. DKTRoYtKR touring cn relict rlelTht a and starter, fully ra nipped T. J. Nonhwall Company, Pit Jonea rt. Tele phone IViuglaa 1 .07. IHJO REWARD for any magneto we ran I repair Coll rend Hurwdorfe., :'.in N. lth. ( ASM fop Ford far, any condition. Ad dreaa P 4'1, Pee. AUTO. dealing houa. Buy, aell and e chanae u-d care f Ii'nim D lit :s14 riAKI.ANI), t-paa-enwr. electric a'aiter and llnhta. Htewarl-Warner naa ollne feed, Rood tiiea. one extra, flna con dition. 1a I rue eho voti a real tarfain at v r'all Colfax RV.. NKHRAKKA Hnl. lt Hei vir Htx'lon. Hit Famem Pi. Phone Touvlaa T71. lnduatrlal Uurage Co.. l0th tiarney 81a. nfSINRSS CHANCES If your nneineaa llianoa FI attnd ricld Inveatloatlnn ana la Juit what It 'a advertlaed, or If you ara looklnv to atari Id buaineaa for youraa'f you ill ha pr fetlv aatlafled If you uaa the Wualneaa t'hanca column of i'he Mo. When buy Ins or ael:lrB a bualneaai t imne Tyief U"i. A RARE CHANCE for $450 To iiurchaac a ood lng eaiabllMhed tiiialieaa. Located on a Kod tiii'lnaa c rner. In the north lart of the city, t omple;e atork of maitnxlnca. pel lodicala, ciKnra, tobacco, ciin'lica notion, etc.; 25 per cent profit, and all caah trade. Can be taken tara of hy lady while hiiahand wnrka. If you are thinking or nuyina; look into thla. Muat ba aold at once. Write me for further Information. U 333, care Omaha lice. W HOTEI reatauratit, confectionery, Iowa. I'rlca tl 'l. rent I.in recelnta. H,nrw year. JIM WHAT, HIOUX C1TV. l.AKIIV; well eatabllahed, and prrfltable retail wall nauer and dnroralina IiuhI- ncaa, for aale. In proicroua city of 26,mJ. I ilarontinulnr retail department to de vote entire time to wholeaale bualneaa. A real bnrraln and wonderful ODOortun- Ity, For terma and uartlculara. addreaa Y 14. Bra. BUbINEMS placea, land,' city property handled, all .l.ln. ji.m Wmv. Ailm City. Ia. WANTBI Partner to take caah and look after dlnlnir room helo In mv rea- taurant. Cannot depend on hired help. Kxpfrlvnca not neccnaary If aobor and ateady. Am A-l chef cook and do conk I n it and buying. Choice downtown lo cation. I .on lenae. Capacity trial klven. required. Hce owner. 1215 Farnam. FOK HALK A well equipped automobile repair ahon In a live eatrn Nnbraaka town; plenty of work and a money maker for mo riant party. Addreaa Y 147, Hoe. O-FFICK for real eatate or Inaurance; aame floor aa Bee office; 13xZl feet; f.10. The Bee Hid-., tiff Ice Room lu3. COMPLKTK barber altop outfit, constat IiiK of 4 Kokcn hydraulic chalra. with cabinet heater, lavatory, towel. eJirn- pnie, loiiotia; worm over xiou.vi, win take 160.(i0. Rl'SCH ft DOHOHOFF, Freninr Hlk. Phone Pourlaa Milt. Uixtl) liookkceper, one who can Inveat h,f0 in long eataniiKhed mrg. bualneaa, with a good poaltlnn and 7 per cent in terest on Investment guaranteed. RURCIT. ft HOROIIOFF, Frenser Blk. Doug. JJ1 IF YOU want to get into good paying btiMlneaa, aee ma. Reliable Bargain Co., Room J, liaird Bldg. I'hone Doug. THKAT1CR8 -Buy, Ka or aell your tha atar, machine and auipiea through Theater Kxch. Co., Hat Farnam. 1. 1W7. APK for my Real Kslate Bulletin. It include largest and beat list of bar- fialna In It atfctoa. W. U. Tampleton. 0S tee Bldg. 1 1IAVK choice 1 arree of western land that I will exchange for lata model auto. Will make It an object to someone. Auareaa . H., last chh'agn Bt., Omaha. Iay phone Red Kit, evening Colfax (MX A LIMITKO amount of 7Vs par cent pre ferred atock. cumulative and non- sseaaable, In Nebraska, Omaha corpora tion at par, 10u per ahare. If you hava surplus funds and ara looking for a good, safe Investment that will net 7V per cent. aonress nox a--, omana, rxao., or taie t.lione IViuglaa 9X). FOR BAI.r-One of the beat Inaurance and building and loan local arenclea In tha state of Nebraska, Addreaa care of Omaha Bee. t" SIC LI. or buy a business, call on Bunch sRnra-hoff. Krxiner Hlk. T. lilt TO OKT In or out ot buslneaa call on UAWUKIffAl), ti Hee Hldg. IXIUa. 14TT. IEK Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains in eatabllahed shows O, tKTO, 6,6( li.iplement ' atock and bualneaa at exnruuu mik in jixieii, rven., rvovem ber 24, 1MB. Write Hague A Andcrbery, Mtmlen, Neb., for particular, - i KDUCATIO.VAL The VAN 8 ANT SCHOOL STENOORAPM T-BOOKKEB.PINO. Pay Suaoot for Young WooMn. k.vnUig bcbovl for Young laaa and Women, Saturday morning elaaa in typewriting. I one O. Duffy, Owner and Manager. tot Ra itth Bt Omaha. t-Al'KHT lady atenugrapuer will take puptia; anormana. toucn typewriting, speillng and punctuation taughL Indi vidual Instruction. 4b4 ivuglaa bt TmL Walnut 1 DAY bCIUJOL BOYLKd COLL1U3B NIGH 1' bv'iluub Every day la eixrollnter.t day. Rook. keeping, bhorthand, bUooi,-y, Typewrit lug, Telegraphy. Civil bervlca all Com marolal aud Lugllab branUita. Catalogue tree, BOTLE8 COLLEar, Uih and Harney feta. '1'eL louglaa Hi. Hoy lea Bldg. Tel. L. l:'4o, Omaha. Meb. (OH sale, the following echolararilpa la a first claaa Omaha Luslusoa Collvgar One unlimited oomblnaUou bualuaag and rhorthand co urea. One unlimited aiauographlo couraa. One tnree-monttia' bustueaa or steno grai hie tourae. Will be aold at a discount at tha offlog Of Tite tininht Pee STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For aala. with good reasons for sailing, a variety of course tn a reliable buil. uea vwlioot. one of the leading) bualuaae coliegea ot Omaha. Will be aold very reeonbl-away balow regular price. If yoa are considering taking a course Intekiuial tills at once, aince Fall taria bagiiix aoon. Call ot lice. Omaha Use. FOK SALE srallarr, Hoaaesjold l.oa, a;i. BARIIAIND IN Fl'RNITURK AND HAHDWARhU IK N I4TH. WEB Iu7. FOR MALM Here la a classification that u ot the utmost Importance to every reader, aa thla column offcra some excep tional opportunities eery day and a aioail want ad will sell your article at I la full value. Phone Tyler luuo BRActS bed, chiffonier drrr, dining loom table, dining ibaira, bu'fet, china rloaet, rugs, rockers, library t.tble, dreaa log tablra, booki ao davenport, curtains, to. All living room and dli lag loom fur niture In fumed oak of the Itio-time qual ity. Bedroom In Circassian walnut and blid's-eye maple. . ylU California bt. I hone Harney li7. TABLE, fumed oak, office, a library, in into drawer, very aubatantiaT, slmu.t new. Phone Hariiry Sill. A. Mh St. tfght and aold. i. C. Heed. !r e'-n ate - COt-D bajrliuiuer. t Colfax 41 JU. Fori HALF! Horace Vehicle. FARM waaon. $; hameaa. P: both ma, Johnaon-Llanforth Co.. llto and Clark Kt 1 PPAN mtilea, 2 yeara old, well broke. Lady owner leavinx city. 124 . ?ath r. 10 HAIll-i-!, welKht, l.rrt Iba.. aore footed; all guaranteed aa repreaented For all klnda of horaea ree ua. Tln City Kn. Co.. l21 Pavenport. Maalcal Inetramrata. ftrlrtly hlah rrade piano. Web J?!. t'l.AVKK 1'tnno. almoat new, party leav- Inn city. t:J- worth Harney fcJKl. MXD tra'ln, 1K) Iba. 11. 75. Waner, ml W 11 1'IT aamea for aale. J4mJ &th Ave., toun- rll Uluffa. la. 8TF.UEOTT Hfci ma trice a make tn beat and c baa pent linlne; for poultry booeaa. They are 17x21 Inchea, atronger and mora durahla than tarred felt and prerticelly fW-eproof. Ten a hundred at Taa Hea offlca. Trpe writer. rOR 8AI.B New and aecond-liand carom and pocket blKtard tablea and bowline; lleva and acceaaoriea; bar flxturee of all kind: eaav jaymente The Hrunaalck-rlalka-Collender Co.. 407-4i . 10th Bt KTKNOTYI'B fur aale, ixd aa new, I'oiia. Sm. TVPF.WlllTKK!" for rent ft Bee Bide;. K 7.L.I A Nf K Ribbon and Carbon Co., car I on paper and Inked rlhboca P. ?4I. T I K HITtlUl aolil, rented, repaired. ' rmrel Tv"wrltr Kxc. Farnam. INupftiinralli HoLSTEI.V-Jeraey heifer oalf from hlrh produiera on Nov. 4. Price. U.M tor quick aale. J. W. Welch. Benaon 40. FOR BALK CHKAf Bualneaa ( oiler Court, Fad ana complete rcholarahtp In one of the teat Omaha auatneae achnota Good raor. for aelllnr; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be) Mil very rlaaonably. If Inter ea ted inveatlcata t once, becauae fall term healnf eoon. Tlier are a variety of couraea for aale. For particular Inquire at tba offlo el The Omaha Bee. t'olnmlilan dictaphone, rood" aa new, complete act; tfr price. W Prandela Bldg. Vi-N( .k for aale. Florence 410. A I'PI.KB; we deliver. I ederaon. Flor. ivtl. Wale add. maeta ; rood ordl. C vn, Be. C'J On0oldn vv't IVhlaky. 4 full iD".XI Iquarta bottled In bond, pre t"'" t,il cackley Broa.. Omaha. PmiI baaketa delivered. II. B. ftoaen- "t1 thai. 1U Leavenworth I). 6131. t electrlo motor. Room S. Baa Bldf. FOR RALIv New and aecond-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowline alley and acceaorea; bar fixturea of all Kinua; eaay paymenta. rna ttrunawicK- Balke-Collcnder Co , 407-408 B. 10th St. C'ONCRETK mixer fur ale, or will trade for 191N model. 6-paacnger Ford; muat ba In flrat-claaa condition. (' IS. Lutn- fcrry, i'hone M-6. Craig, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE 4 lerioal and Office-. FIL.H clerk, 128; ateno., $. NO FILINO FKK. BCB1NKH8 M KN 8 KEF. 1408 Woodmen of the World Ilhlg. HTLNO. and dirt. opr.. t7T: atunn, WATTS It K f. CO , HC-4(M Brandela The. Aaeal and Ha eavomen. BALKiSLAUlEd AND SOLICITORS. Balary and commission to saleslady of ability wno can aell nign-ciaaa specialty to women; reierencea required, tut uran' deia Bldg. Kaeforr aaal 1 . OIRTj to learn halrdreina. oppenhelm. l.Ailh)a wanted for decorating aofa pil lows: exnerieniM nnn.ifl.rv ... Call forenoon. 2.107 H. lilth. ttoaaekerner a ad Uanpnlu. THE Servant Ulrt Problem Boived. Tba f Bee will run a Hervant Ulrl Wanted Ad Hh-E until you get the desired result, hla appllea to reaidents of Onuhi Unmk Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad te , n en onua or leiepnone Tyler 110. WANTtilJ An experienced second girl WANTEIVA girl for general housework. oo wmiiiin. mi ho, IBI Mt. W al. 44. VU1NTUI Vnun. ul.l 1 ...I.I .... ' eral housework In amall family. Call w. ii i ,1. in. wainut soir W A MTU l M u 1.1 f... ....... I i i. " - - . . ... ' . m .ii.i iiuunwurKi Muat hM n . ii . .ml -I..M Hi., '""i iiiico ennoren. ttewara. Alar, MIDULU-AOICU lady to help with light uunurK ana lo oe companion tor an elderly lady; Juat one In the family: no waire eMtMicteil W..H ill.. ta (i 1 - . " ' ' MIW. I1TW V, I K 1 114, WANTED Ulrt to aaslst with housework sai inr sinaii cnna; one attending fhool bait day preferred. Pbona Uaraey CHJMPKTKNT woman, without children. t v.-a9 tun in viTiaii nome. 9 in rml V Miiia I I i " L -a..,.. , ouv avj wu, )iun cotjn ma fir Am II VlH rv envml eua n M a r,r.. ?,:rcL "?t-.' i'"siwni V- k i.-in ni. bp. zt;i. COMPETENT girl for general house. "i i" r. r.. i. r egun, 1. ol. 41U. WANTKD Experienced housemaid 'or mil i vii ecuiiu wora. rs o wasning: nigri waves. Walnut Mr. jhi, l. t . WANTKl-Olrl to help with houaowork and be companion to elderly lady; no wanes iein: only one In family. 7 I I'M t xall Wtmt a a 1 M " w"-. yy ri'eivi piiw, WANTkl Competent girl for general housework, pm Park Ave. Harney 710. . . . . : . WANTKl Lxperienced white - girl for aenerai nouaewora: rerereneea Me 11 in. noiienaon. iiarney itju. WISH position aa second girl, special vo" a or rencrai nousework. web. TOStg. WANTKI Olrl for aenerai housework ard cooking, no washing, amall family. g od wagea. 1fl 8. XRth Bt. Harney HDl WANTKD ilrl for ceneral hiuiunrb good wa ires, small family. Apply at WII1D IUI Cl. dH II HI. WANTKD A foreign-born nurse girt auoui years oi tut; gooa WBgeg. Ad' dreaa K 3.15. rare Bee. WANTED Competent girl lor general nouacwom. imi noiige walnut SM. WANTEIVood girl for aenerai hniuw work; good wagea to right party. 4U0 iirrnmri, W A NTK D Competent white gill for aenerai nousewora. (.ill DOOge. Wal. WANTEl-Mlddle-aged Oerman woman or general nouaework; wagca, i Web, iW7. WANTKI tlirl fur general housework. lb2 N. 19th. Webeter 1M0. WANTEl-Whita maid for general houaework. I In family. Call Harney Ua before In the morning and between 4 and 7 InJhe evening. 418 N. Mth Ave. WANTKI k-UIrl to aaslat with general housework. Small fam'ly. 5J8 S. tilth Av. V ANTED Girl for general houaework; no laundry work. Mrs. Porter, 43 N. th Bt. Harney .. M'seenaaeeaa. WOMEN WANTED Oo.ernment Johg. List free. Writ Immediately. Frank lin Institute. Dept. 674 J, Rochester. N. Y. YOUNG woman coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit tne Young Women's Christian association building at Bt Mary a Ave and 17tn St. where they will te directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise aaatstad. Look for our travel re' guide at Union ataltoa. A RARE opportunity; comfortable liv Ing; borne sewing; plain cloth seams; any sewing machine; steadv; no caiw eas ing; no trlflera wanted; eamplee Mr; re turned If not satisfactory. Home Sewers Co., Jobbers Sewing, Rehoboth Del. HEU WANTKI) MALE 4 lerteal nmA Otftew. SALESMAN Iowa territory, HM and exn. Saleainan, city, $10 and exp. WATTS REF. (K.. M8-40-4J Brandela The HIGH-ORADKO commvrclal poeltkoha WEST REFERENCE A BOND ASM. VI rUna Kak K.' a 0 . . L. l A ' -a at va piuj, A . ftftktMeti mm4 toUcltr, Wo rtmak ers guidebook maqa ZINK; lc postpaid: nlUhln yoa richly. New Century tiupply, MoIom l.lli A i4varlialit a-. I a f. mw - ' ' ' " ' w . av w vm. AGENTS Try our office and factory spe cially: 1(1) per cent profit. Write at once; we will aend you free partlculara CJ. Stlckney A Co.. Watervllle, O. AGENTH wanted In every town to aell our vulcan'aera to auto owner. Blir " 1 v miiii wis o.. mana. S ANTED 1 young nieu willing to earn fium 1.5 to i per wavk according lo their sbil ty. Will be taken out and shown how to sell the rrooositlon Apply 4 W Mendav moinllig, U. It. Jenkins, ill Laud Llock. HELP WANTED MALE Agewta, ftaleewira aaal aollrltora. COAL acenta wanted In every town; Kt i trial car. I. M . cox. o. r-ietie. iwii. O(Hil) opening for experienced, industrial Insurance aalesman; no np ucoit; apply at once, fiifi Brandela Bldg. AOENT-Bhare In Immense Chrlatma nroflta: our aeency avstem sure for old or new. Particulars free; clean and aure. Ureyaon Ucorge Co., Box "M, Little Rock. Ark. Faetorfea a ad 1 rae. WE Dceil men; had to turn down two Jobs par week lately: get In; learn by ur method: get one of these Johe. Cata ngue D. B. free. Nel.ra.ika Automobile School. 24oh Leavenworth St Drug More Snaps, join Krie i. Bee Bldg MOLEK BARBEH COLLEGE LEARN the barler tra.lo bv our aya- !em of expert lntructlona and free clinic, 'oaltlon waiting. Call or write for rata ogue. Omaha. Neb., A. B. Molcr, Pre lr.yr,.i trie, nrtnocr . i. n u. Trt-Ctty Barber college; luw rate rulilon. Including set of tooia; wagea paid; elec trlo manaage, hydraulic chalra; catalogue . . - . ,,v, . i , ,n i, , tiiiL-u .ruiiir ree. uougiaa Ht.. oauana MECHANICAL draftsman wanted. Ap ply 424 Bee Bldg Mtaeellaaewaa. RAILWAY mail clerks wanted: 173 month: Omaha examination coming: ample questions free. Write Immediately, j rranaun insi.ii.uie, ivr i m iwa;u ter. N. Y. GOOD MEN WANTKD t one to learn auto work to fill positions which we have open right now and are waiting tor com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autoa. tractora. dec. atarting ays. Free catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. KIU Farnam St Omaha, Nab. ARCHITECT. ARCHITFCTCRAL DRAFTSMAN WANTS EMPLOYMENT. 10 YEARS' EX PERIENCE, NEW YORK CITY, BCFF- AlAJ, H. I., DKTHDIl, MICM.. B YEARS IN OMAHA. REST OF KE? ERENCEH, fHHH) SALESMAN. COl'LD HANDLE MOST ANY LINE OF 1U ILD INO MATERIAL OR SPECIALTIES. P. B. NEWMAN. N. 25TH ST. WANTED Namea of amhltioue men. 19 or over, wanting railway mail clerk positions. 176.00 month. Answer Immedi ately. Y 129, Bee. - HELP WAX TED M4LK ANU I KHUK, WANTED Man or woman to put out feather ventilators. Write for aample and partlculara by mall, luc. L. 8. liar den, Hotel Neville, Omaha. BITUATIONS WANTED WANTED roition as steam tireiuan. hotel clerk or ail around house and yard man. Call F. W. Carter, phou uuunu WANTED Position a housekeeper by colored lady, aood rclarenoe. Tel. Doug- laa 2404. VOUNU man, 22, wauls bookkeeping or any kind of clerical position; commer cial college and public achool education; good penman; accuiate and reliable; m-xl-erate salary. Phone W. 2i0. COLORED man, position aa cook for boarding house or restaurant. Web. 'M. NEAT colored girl wanta light work. Tel. Web. 47t. EXPERIENCED colored girl wants place aa chambermaid or dishwasher. Tel. Web. mi: ask for E'la. MIDDLK-AOKD woman wants position aa housekeeper fur a couple of gentle men. Phone South 2994. WANTED Stenographic poaltion by young lady; some experience. Col. 919. POSITION as bar porter, lunch man. atock or house man: hotel clerk and buffet experience; reliable, honest and sober; excellent referencee. Will consider any offer, city or out. B. Johnstone, 1H21 Caaa HI. Pbone Tyler 1461. WANTED Job as house carpenter by ateady i competent mechanic. Addreaa !W9 Myrtle avenue. WANTED Position for light houaework and sewing by middle aged woman. Phone Bouth A neat, competent, middle aged lady de alrea a position In a refined, private family of two. No laundry work. Only A-l need reply. Best city reference fur nished. Web. 6263. Call between a. m. and II m. FAMILY washing. Harney 7199. Work guaranteed. REFINED Oerman lady, 46 yeara. wishes poaltion aa housekeeper In respectable home. Without reference. 628 N. 82d St. LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found uds In Oman a-a Lost and Pound mediums meana the Immediate re turn of that article If advertlaed In The Bee. tha Lost and Found paper OMAHA 4ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PANT. Persona having lost soma article would do well to call up tha office of tha Omaha 4k Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In tha street cars. Many artlcloa each day ara turned In and tha company la anxioua to restore them to tha -Ightful owner. CaM Doug. 4Jt LOST a lodge pin with name, Brandos and Oerman-American flag engraved on It. Reward. Call Webater 127. LOST Brlndle bull-pup; answers to the name of "Ted." Finder please return to 1021 8. 30th Ave., or call Harney 1797. Satisfactory reward. Strayed from Council Bluffs stock yards six (6) French war horses, branded on front foot and right hip; tall cut off at hooka Reward. Phone 12.2 Council Bluffs. F. II. HOLLINOSWORTH. Agent for French Govt. STRAYED or stolen, black and white Holstein cow, one black yearling heifer. Address IsOS pierce St. LOST Small gold fraternity pin, S Greek letters set In pearls. R. L. Patterson on back. Return to Neb. Fuel Co. Reward LOST Black seal handbag, on Crosa town car, between Farnam St. and 24th and O, South hide. Call esouth 1273. Re ward. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your Ma clothing, furniture, niaga llnea. We Collect. Wo d.strlbute Phona Douglas 4136 and our wagor. will call. Call and Inspect our new home, IU0-U13 1114 Dodge Bt. Invalids Need Pensions MM SUBB3CRIPTIONS EARNS W0 For the Invallda" PenMl,.n aaoclatlnn. The Ijidlea Home Journal, tl.W; Satur day Evening Ioat. tl.W; Country Gentle man. $1 0J. 398 needed In November. Your order or renewal contribute 60 ecnta. Please phone Douglas 7'tJ or addreaa. OORDON. The Magaxlne Man. Omaha. YOUR furnace cleaned. 1: work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Douglae 4iM. TO UNO women coming tu Omaha a stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary" A., wbent they will be directed to auitabi boarding places or othcrwlke aaaiated. Ixok for our travelers' guide at tha Union atatlon. BWAPPEIIS' COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Wby not advertlee aomsthlng that you no longer have any uae for and get something you really need? It coats you nothing to Join the Swappers' club and you will find It lota of fun swapping thlnga. Writ Room 104, xtee utu., or pnone l yier iwiu. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile baigalua see the "Automobile" ciaaaifl- eation. 0X)D three-hole burner and oven gaso line atov for a good washing machine- 8. C. U. OOOD oak, alx-foot, exienoion dining table, Inn bed and springs: want small range. Adore 8. C. 4A, Bee. OOOD sewing machine and Icebox; will trad fit uu1 J.v.iii.,rl a i " ILia Ij BaRDEN TOOLS pade. a anovels. I nw .ii. aiae kiuii IV irwj, lor minute Edlaon records, or anything. Ad- urwm r,. v-. , riee. tt HAVK a buagy, good a new. cost SlfA would considt r a la'e luodel m itoicycl or what have you? S. C. ill. U. HWAPPKR.H' (I)l,niV HAV'L la r ire fine mammoth jnik that coat me laat aprlng J I.S. that I w i fwap for aut' motile, ve at' c r a"V thlna I ran use. Jack la R yeara old. 11-4 hand hluh. wKht al'oit l.liO, ia aoanl and rexislered. 8. C. nil. Bee. ITAVK two Indian motorcyclea in f ii'" al npe, both twin ma hl ica, that I w II swap for ntito, anv make. P C. 4, Ben. I HAVE- new fu'l e;iti.cr i-volume set of 'Mphisiii of the pro-Merit" to swap for diamond, or what have you to offer. Books cpn be seen and examined. Addreaa 8. C. '.M. Bee. 4 MO NTH aclioliiralilp, value fW; to ex change for something of equal value. H C. M9. Quia ha Bee. PI ANO Hamilton piano In tlo-Mp shape; b'ack walnu' ae an,1 coat I 0. Ti a le for clear lot or lota In Omaha or Bluffs, ft. C. M, Pee. PAINTING Will exchange firat-clana painting fur plumbing work. Addreaa I f 3M. lire. 7-ItiO.M, modern house; hot water heat; SJ4i S. Itlth Ht. Will take 5-pnaaenger car or lot in Carter l.ake club aa part payment. I'hone Webster 3H6L or addreaa C 4X. Bee. SMALL soft coal hrater for dresser. In good 'Shape, or what have you? S. C. '. Bee. TWO-CYLINDER gasoHne envliie, good as new. Will swap for anything I oni iwe. Motorcycle piefirred. Ad.jtcKB s. c. :7. Be. TWO and one-half horaeiiower electric motor. Will trade gasoline engine, or anything I can ue. Address ti. . ax. Hee. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rl!le See FRIEPM A N. 1 2l 'oug.aa. VACUL'M cleaner, cleans ruire. curtains, wall puper. etc. Want sccoad hind typewriter. Addreaa S. C. I'eo. ZINC-OOVERED kitchen-cabinet table, to exchange for amall dreader, chiffonier or anythlnit 1 can uae. . C. 6 Hi. Ha. ATTlMNTi i machine; coat $:00.00 new; excel lent condition. Want Jewelry, book cases, filing cablneta, nutomoi.lle. good stock or anything of value. Aduress 8. ( '. 6 H. Bee. AUTO Light weight, 1916 model, perfect ahape, fully equipped, new tlrea, to wap for four or flve-paaaenger car. Addreaa I). C. 83. Bee. tf ADDING machine; cost OO0 new, ex cellent condition. Want Jewelry, book case, filing cabinets, automobile. Hood atock or anything of value. Address S. C. ffiS, Bee. A LOT Will trade for a Ford. 286& Man dtrson. B KJKCABE Will ewap large oak revolv ing bookcase, auitable for books, pamphleta or advertising matter, for office table or anything I can use. Ad dress f. C. t) , Bee. CAMERA "Reflex," 6x7. reversible back, 6 double plate holders. Local plane shutter, to l-lOiw second, "Eueynas," F 45 anastigmat lens by Rodenstnck, Munich, all in first-class condition. Coat llfiO. fur what have you about same value? Addreaa ft. C, fr'Ci. Pee. C. H. BICYCLE In good cunuitiun, with new set of puncture-proof tirea. tVhnt have you. B. C. tin!). Bee. Dot) Thoroughbred Irish water spaniel pup. Will make a fine retriever and watch dog. Will awap for poultry, Cndnrwood typewriter, or what have you? A il dreaa 8. C. W2. Bee. DETROIT OAS STOVE with oven and broiler to trade for library table, or will aell at a bargain. Thla stove la In good cond'tlon. 8. C. 6fil. Bee. DESK Will swap good roll-top desk and chair for large oak office table or any thing I can VHP. Addreaa 8. C. 6h7. Bee. ELECTRIC AUTO HORN Motor driven, vibrator type; cost $10.00. Will swap for assortment of late Edison (Amberol) records. Address S. C 333. Bee. tt FOR KENT Apartineats and Flats. Tha For Rent advertisement appearing tn the For Rent column ot The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any on dealrlng to rent Phone Tyler I0y FINE atcam heated apartment, 4 or 6 rooms, on Weat Farnam St JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1MU FARNAM ST. BOARD AND ROOM In private home for two. CM Webster Tfio. MoD. T-rm. apartment. Including beau tiful east sun room, in Weat Farnam district, for rent Dec. t. Harney 139.1. 8-ROOM brick flat and 6-room apt., near Hrownell Hall. Dou. 2040. FINE 4-room apartment. Nathan Apta., Sherman and Willis Ave.; everything first class: nice large Qpoma; oak finish. Party leasing thl apartment leaving city. See Janitor, Apt. No. 1. or call office, Dcug. 1009. SCOTT HILL CO. FOUR ROOM APARTMENT. California Apt. See Janitor. Doug. 6237. FOUR modern excellently furnished rooms for housekeeping. 2302 Howard. Red S1SH. ftwarel an kimnit. Furnished Rooma that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding housaa of the high eat claaa will be found in the Furnished Rooma column of The Bee. Phone Tyler luOO. HARNEY ST., S556 Nice, large southeast room for man and wife or bualneaa peo ple; flrst-clasa home cooking a specialty. Phone Douglas 61i92. NICELY furnished room with excellent board. In fine private home. Reason able, cloae In. Phone Tyler iOai". 1.ADY of experience would like to open up business men's home or club. Those Ir.terestei cell Douglas 5."21. 712 N. pith St . fur. rms. Tyler ostW. Bd rm. for two gentlemen. Wal. 25X2. N. 2nd. 614 Modern rooms. Doug, latil. U-10 Blnney; td. and rm. ." week. W. 151) W20 LAKE Rm. ae id., fa per wk. W. 110X 1'Wralhhru. huumi. NICELY furnished room, close hi. all modern. 531 S. 22d St. i.608 DEWEY AVE.-Just moved In and remodeled place; finely furniahed and well kept; genilemen only. T. 2oftl. TWO mod. furnished rooms; close In: hot water. 211K Davenport. Tyler 2430-W. MODERN room; cloae in; for one or two bua,ness women. Call at 2302 Howard. Red 81 8. ROOM for rent In turn. mod. home; mother and daughter or man and wife preferred; have uae of house. Coltax 206. MOD. rm., private family. 321 N. 2tln. D. 3377. IN BRAND new flat; everything up-to-date, with young married couple, to young lady or gentleman. Paxton Court Terrace, half block from 2fith and Far nam. Harney 6118. Referencea. NICELY furnished room, cloae In; all modern. Ml 8. 2l'd St. TIlK MILLER HOUSE. 2153 St. Mary a Ave., excellent rooma by day or week; In fine location; handy to bualneaa dis trict. Dnualea 4W2. West Farnam Large, nicely fumUhed room; modern; hot water heat; private; walking distance. Phone Harney 3012. bit DOUGLAS Newiy furnished rooms. Furnace heat Cloae in. Red enSl. S. JtST AVE. 610 Nicely furnished, mod ern rooma, cloae In; quiet home. Tel. Douglas 78U. ONE large fnriilhd front room, all mod., and 1 room with sleeping porch; walk Ing distance. 606 8. Ifath St. Doug. 4VU. HAVE nicely furnished room In private family for gntlemn; all modern; lit o month; refervneca required. 21 8. JOth A ve.. or phone Red 47 aPKCIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT OUE8T8. HOTEL SAN FORD, 19th and Farnam, HOTEL 11 A hl.K Y . tlh rnd Farnam. ItooM and board in new, private, mod'.tn bungalow. Call Colfax Sa7 FOR RENT On room to gei.tleinan. I l atrlctly modern private tnme; cl a In; referencea. Phone Tyler I2I. RiK)M for one or two gentlemen, ltilj Chicago Bt. Apt, a. iug. iA-t, NICELY furnished room for refined gen tleman In atrlctly private modern hoiu 1501 Iieer Park Blvd Tyler H3-W. (01 PACIFIC lellghtful. coxy, home like rooms, for bualneaa men; atrlctly modern and newly furnished. Home privilege and reasonable ratea to right partiea. Call Harney i7l. (CONTINUED ON COLUMN SEVEN. THIS PAGO Ready Reference Directory , The following firms offer quality and expert service tha will please the most critical. y ABSTRACTS or TITLB. RFTH ABSTRACT CO, etdrat aaract I ."in hi Kerr i"i- in nenrasKa. v Mrannrin i nen. Tltie Guarantee and Abstract -o., a niouern aoetraoi oirice. 36 B. 17lh St. I'hone D. W7. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DVORAK, C. P. A. 4W-4T7 Ramge Bldg Phone Doug 740ij. ADVERTMINO NOVELTIKi. M. F. Sriafer ft Co., l?th. Farnam. D. T474. AMATKtll KlXISIUSd. Ht1 rt"v',oPed free If purchased from Photo Ciaft Shop. 414 Bee Eld. Dept. I. ARCH ITECTS. Everett a, DorWa. HI raTtoi ri'k, p fan. Ai'ToHxisYii C T. Dickinson. Kit Paxton Tlar. D. Ift4, A V CT I O IVBER'tu " Dowd Auction Co., lllj-14 W O W. R m AUTO INl riA.CE. ATrroMonn b mutual insurance Diuglaa 2S19. A ITO UA DI ATtTn'REPATlTs; Omaha Radiator Rcd. Co. ?t Far. D. WfH. B tf II sT BATH-JI4 Balrd Blk.. I7th and Dougitj. Mba,thfTEI? ?Por mn.a rn"d"n Turkish attendnn, fr,J '"X." 'n'1 "n,lran: lady fQ,an2""' r.or '"."lea: Swedish muaaaga. 1 r mi mn mv it i , ... bake iiTiTv L?Limi. j'th. web. r?r BRASS AM) ino F)UDRIES. raxton-Mltchell CoT. f7th and Martha Bte. C A B PK N T Ell 9 AND CON TR ACTOHaT STEVENSON, m S. 3d. Douglag 8430. Laaaard ft Son. 1906 Cap. Ave. T. Nnt O W Hokanaon. 2,)5 Lvnwth. Tvl. 21 92-J. WIIROPBACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTg Pr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldn D. mi. 7 REMOVE THF. CAUSE OF trouhT'.""";:' ivPT und -tomach $ST- Cko.?ioS flee frCe- L'mited DK. KNOLLKXBKRO, 31 Bee Bldg. Ty,or i. CIIRoiODI5T. " ' Cf.rrle J. Buford. 620 pax. Blk. Bed 45g7 COFFISI5 IIY MAILT V-'UllCC il I5 Iba. high grade 43 GO w a i. K . X.' vaxl- prepaid, t w. W. A. Skalfe A Co.. Omh. Nb7 COHSKIS. NuBone coraeta. Wb-Bun. bk. Red 4m UtMI.Ki ACAUblMlkift FALL term open at Mackle'a. Doug. 6444 DE LUXE ACADEMY. 1U S. 18th St. TURPIN'S SCHOOL OF DANCING, 2Sth and Fni-nam. Claases and privat leseons. Harpcy 6H3. i . 1 i . . . . vuiiijiibiku, lony-iour-page nook or new dances for 1915 and 1916. Clearly de acrlbed. Compiled by Albert Turpin. Ely. ery teacher should have a copy. Mall ordera filled. Price. 41. , DltUSSaf AKINU. Terry Dreasmak'g college. 0th & Farnam LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat- nam St. Phone Doujlas i829. DRESSMAKINO by day. All work guar- niittT'i, ru, ijji, DRE8SBIAKINU COLLKOB. Kelater'a Dreamaklng Col.. 112 City N. DYEU9 ANU CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co., 120 N. 12th. D. 6071. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Block Evl- oence tecurea tu m -w - DKTHivnVE Fifteen yeaca experience, ".-rtti rv,i nrivatrt cases: lady a- fJUIItlttCA '' I" ' " aietant. Address B 434, Bee. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No "pain. 13 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcklea. 724 City Nat. Rank. Taft Dental RoomB15nug- P. SM. ' "drugs. rmt'OS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 Dordiri; cafaloguc. frea a 0' Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. tSLliCTROliYSI. LTlAnenreeBWgRe BVKRYTIIiaiU FOR "WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife. unburet. box pleatiiig; covered button, all etaea and style; hemstitlchlng. point edstng. Em Siiirflirv beading, braiding. cording, eye cut wort ! buttonhole.. Pn Ideal Pltatin. Co.. 2W Dougla. Block. Douglas I'jm- FtRNACItirAKD T1NWORK. HABERBTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. im r LOHIaT BATH'S, florist. W Famam St. D. 000. t HPNDERSON. 181 Douglee. D. 12SS. UM"mber Fiortat. Telegraph Del. Am n. HESS SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St A. DONAOHUE. 1623 Harney. Doug, 1001. ,JHIIlEk. SAM KNEETER. 120 Farnam. Red 4834. H. Rothhol. 2M8 Leavenworth. H. 2763- IttbTURiCAL CQbTUala English, irvenchlnstructlon. X LyrlBlA jl STICKS OF THIS PiCAtB. xi M rtAIBORNE. 6lt Paxton Blk. Red 740L NotarV public, deposition .teno. C. W. BRITT. l Baker Block. XiGHTINU FliTURKS. WIRING. DURKIN Tho'-cumrnU.'''' m XTVIS STOCK "COMMIISIOSI. M A RTIN BROS CO. Egchang Bldg. MAEtR- Maasa ge. women. Call P. 3227 for apptmt. MOTORCYCLE. H A RLET-PA VIPBON MOTORCYCLES. bargain In uaed machlnea. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." 27u3 Lea van worth. MOVIKaTpiCTURlS MAClllSKt. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargain. OCULlSTw. Eye examined. gUaaea fitted, pay ae you can. Dra McCarty. till W. 6. W. Bldg. O BT KOP A THY t-HYBIClAN. J08EPinNTB A RMBTRONO. 414 Baa Bld'g. PATKNTS. D. O- Barnell. paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. P tTETS. H. A. Sturgea. 4.14 Rrandele Theater Bldg. PILLOWS AND hkddi.ho. OMAHA PiUJOW CO.. Mattresae mad to order or remade. 1907 Cuming. 1). 2407. PLUMP. CLhAMCD. CrRLF.r. dyed D. Elaele. 11S4 CUT Nat. IAFB AND TIMB LOCK EXPEHTI. SAFES Opened, repaired, comb, changed. F. B. Daven port. 1404 Dodge. D. 1ML PIANOS FOR Mb! NT. f3.K) per month. A. Hoape. IBIS Dougla. PRINTING. , WATERS-BARNHART Ptj;. Co., quality Printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th St. CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 8T&4. DOt'OLAS Printing Co. Tel. Dotigla 444. SCALE REPAIRING. Cm. Standard Scale Co., 613 S. 12th. D.IT1I IHOU REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, til & II Hailev Shoe Rep'r. Cn.. F04 Fam'm R.S444 SEWING MACHINES. Wp rent, renalr eeTI needles end r"''" I ' ' ai wing, iiBtUUI4 "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., IBth and Harney. Douglas 144 STEElTCEILINGST CARTER Sheet MetarCompany. MS S. 1. STORK AM) OFFICE FIXTURES. I . DERKS. aafea, arales, ahowraaea, shl. log. etc. We buv, sell. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co.. 414-14-18 8. 12th. Dong. 774. STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water front, furnae cotla, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stova Repair Wk. 1206-S Pougla Bt. Tyler 44V. TELECTHIC MOTOR REPAIRING. DSria na sail ubmIh. .klaad CAHILL ELECTRIC Co.. Be Bid. D TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supplv. 207 8. 11th. P. 6M 1 BUNKS ANU SUITCASES. FRELINQ & STE1NLE, 1804 Farnam St. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter S mo. for 43. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam, BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 314 S. IStS St. All makes for sals or rent. RENT a "Remington " not Juat a type writer. Low rent. Call Podglaa 12s. VACUUM CLtiiANERS. ALT. makes. Tyler loll. E. B. William. 308 S. 18th. WATCH SPECIALISTS, Christiansen. Id fl. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. exn. WKDU1NO STATIONERY. Wedding announcement. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINKS ANU LI44UORS. ALEX JETES. 201-3 S. 13th SL Wlnea, llquora, cigar. Plat dinner 11 to I, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klein Liquor house. 622 N. 16th. Douglas 18us. MEDICAIU PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cure plies, .fistula ant ether rectal diseases without aurglcal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal disease with testimonial DR. E. R. TARRY. 140 Be Bldg. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sult guarant'd. Dr. Bowser. 31 Be lildgj, FOR RENT Furnished Rooms. KOUNTZE PLACE private home; ult able 1 or 2; board optional. Webater 676S. FOR RENT Dec. 1 large furnished room; private bath; large closet; have good references. Well located. H. 1399. Untarnished Rooma. 3 MODERN, well-heated room; privat lamlly. illS iJavenprrt. Tyler 2430-W. 4 ROOMS, modern except heat, range In kitchen. 2213 Miami St. Tel. W. 4913. Fnrnlahed Heam, NICELY furnished home. 7 room; I eleep ing rooma; modern In every respect; clean and homelike. Web. 4319 or D. ltK2. If onaekeeplnsr Roam. TVVO UNFURNISHED room for light housekeeping, on flrat floor, with pri vate entrance; partly modern. Call Col fax 2X9. VOH RENT Strictly modern, newly lur nlahed rma . heat furn.: private. H. 814. Haaaea aad Cat tag's. North. 6-ROOM cottage, newly decorated; rent cheap; mod. except heat; storm wln dowa. 3120 Corby St. Weh. 1345. 5-ROi.M cottage; modern except beat. Ap ply 8210 Hamilton St. 'OK RENT 6-room house, all modern conveniencea, H block to car. 4H13 N. 3Mh SL M. A. Past. 45 N. 38th St. Phon Colfax 113. SIX-ROOM houae, modern. 3932 N. 23d. 122. Co far S27i. FOR RENT 6 rma., furnished; eleclrU JL'gJiJji and gaa. 27o3 N. 4oth Ave. 224 BURDETTK 6-ro m house with bata and fumace. 430. Call Webster 454. 4-ROOM house. 2519 Chaiiee; all modern except heat. Inquire 2;i3 Charles SIX-ROOM cottage modern except heat. 2.43 N. Itth St. Phone Webster 3231 RENT FREE FOR TWO WEEKS-NIca eight-room house; newly decorated; modern except heat; storm window and door; price reduced to tla. Web. 6040. FOR SMALL FA XI I LY Entire upstair of reaidenoe; nice large rooma and bath; mode a) i except heat; clean and comfortable: 410. Web. 6u0. SEVEN rooma and bath all modern. 2b2( Manderaon St. Web. S206. 4-ROCM brick, atrlctly modem. 1810 Clara. Phone Web. jUtfi. HOtVE for rent. I'hone Florence 238. 4-R. houae, all modern. 3912 N. 234 123. Colfax 3272. Rent Reduced "lew 6-foom bouae. modern exoept heat torm windows: arranged for two faroi yi tfKUt;'Iw-: Mul Corby bU Tel. Wob. Idrt. 2407 Blnney.' 6-r. brick flat. Web. TIL 7 ROOMS. t27 ( harle. 418. Wal. 26M. ' 2tu6 K.MMET. 6-r. cottage. W. Iu69 FOR RENT 6-r-ioro, new. modern, up-to-date brick flat. 2223 WILI Ava. Rent 125. Tel. D. T.30. 6-ROOM house, all modern, and on j room hour modern except heat; on block from car line. Call Colfaa 44. 6-ROOM bungalow, completely fumiahed: dralrable neighborhood, near car. Jstii Plnkney. CONtTnU ED ON PAGE SEVEN, COLUMN ONE.1 . t