Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1915, News Section, Page 6-A, Image 6

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Skin Eruptions
I'Jill Uanisli
Qalrkly Hrmord by the ftm of Btt
Mt'i OUdum Wafer, Um Frsdi
cator of All Hkin Eroptiona.
Just la a few day you can clear th
ln of all blemishes, pimples, fclotchea,
Itver-spot. muddy complexion, black
heads, ete If ytm will Ptuart'a Cal
cium "Wafer.
Pimple and eruptions come from th
tarWJe from tm pur Mood and you can't
Way PwTtn TVaee Whoa Tea Ooa Oe
Ua of aYU Bo Seallyr
tir them by rubbing tuft on the out
M of tha face. Purify tha Mood and
the blemishes will disappear.
ftuart's Calcium Wafers will often
Icar tha complexion In a few dare' time.
That 'a tha wonderful part of It they act
right off In a hurry. That's bocauae
they're made of Juet tha Ingredients
needed to drive all poisons and Impurl
Jee from the blood.
Your faca will became aa Clear and
pure a a roae. With Stuart' Calcium
"We fere you don't have to wait for
month before getting result. Even boll
have been cured In a few day' time
with theae remarkably effective blood
cleanser. i . . , ,
Tou can get Stuart' Calcium Wafer
of any druggist at SO cents a box. Also
mall coupon today - for free trial package.
Free Trial Coupon
r. A. tnart Co., Sit Stun Slds.,
Marshall, MioKl Send me at once, by
return mull, a free trial j-ark age of
btuart's Calcium Wafers.
Street ..
THIS "AD" i.i
Good, but a
"Walking Ad"
is Better
Thousands of Omaha Men
are walking around with
$10 and $15
on their backs.
Clothes Shop
Her Grand Hotel Bldff.
16th and Howard Sts.
Uiii Jeanette M. Goldberg' DeliTtri
Addren on Behalf of Jewish
ChanUnqna Society.
An sppeal for a return to Judaism on
the pert of Indifferent Jews was voiced
by Miss Jeannette Miriam Ooldberg of
Philadelphia, field secretary of the Jew
ish Chautauqua society. In a talk at Tem
ple Israel laM evening. A Inrgn audience
greeted Miss Ooldberg, who represent
especially the religious correspondence
school department for Sabbath school
'Create a temple-going habit. Accom
pany your children to the temple. Don't
think you have don your duty when
you send your children to tempi and
yourself go out shopping, or to the thea
ter. Strengthen the relation between tn
horn and the aynagoru. Mak the
synagogue the canter of communal life,
tha position It has held In tha past." she
His Ooldberg emphasised the necessity
for well trained religious school teachers
who are able to cope with the questions
called up by childish minds. "More
scoffer are a result of Ignorant or un
wise misdirection In religious matter
than anything else." h aald.
In her Introductory worda, Mlsa Oold
berg gave an interesting sketch of the
position of th Jewish woman, from her
oriental status to the present position
enjoyed by the American Jewess.
The Jewish Chautauqua movement was
tarted by Itabbt Henry Berkovlt of
Philadelphia twenty-three year ago.
Rabbi William Roeenau instituted the
correspondence achool for teacher two
year ago.
Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Omaha will
be on the program of the twenty-fourth
annual assembly of the Chautauqua,
which will ba field In 81. Louis, December
Miss Ooldberg will be the guest of Mrs.
J. N. Kopald until Monday.
Railroad Travel
Increases Largely
Instead of psssenger business west
bound dropping off, a anticipated by th
railroad official. It Is Increasing as win
ter approaches. teavtng out of consid
eration special trains and private car
parties going to th Pacific coast exposi
tion, through travel la much heavier
than during the summer. Travel on the
Union Pacific's Overland limited ahowa
an Increase of 100 per cent over the cor
responding period of one year ago.
Railroad men say that while the
through passenger business la holding up,
or ahowlng an Increase, the local travel
between towns In Nebraska and Tewa
shows a decided falling off. This they
attribute to the a-reatly Increased number
of automolillea that have gone Into serv
ice during the last year. The campatm
for the Improvement of the country road,
the railroad passenger men assert, has
had much o do with the Increased travel
by automobile.
Increase In an enorch aotlvltle are
shown In th annual compilation of sta
tistics of th Omaha dlocas of th
Catholic, church, which has just been
mad public
Baptism last year numbered 1,(9, of
which 286 were adults. There were S4t
marriages, of which CM were of Catho
lics and 170 mixed marriages. Three
diocesan priests were added, bringing
tha total to 136, beside forty-three priests
of religious. Four new parishes bring
the total to lit. One new church was
Duut, masing a total or
Tbe number of parish schools was In
creased from ninety-two to ninety-five
nd the number of pupils from 10,M to
11,783. Cretghton university had a total
enrollment of 1.S7D and Spalding college
1.10. Seven academlea for young
women added 1,190 to the list of young
folk receiving education In Catholic in
stitutions, making a total of 14,683.
Fires One Shell in
Two Days and Gets
A Canadian Goose
"Where, rh, wher have the Httla duck
goner' Is a tuneless melody Ed Docekal,
Charley Pattella. John Iwl and Dr. M
II. Dunham sang upon their reiurn from
a two-day excursion to Schuyler. This
quartet of Omaha hunters hiked for the
Schuyler camp with th express purpose
of bagging enough of th feathery flock
tc provide sumptuous Sunday dinners, but
th duckleta refused to be a part of th
conspiracy and put th blink on the
Omahans' hope.
Charley Battel! fired on shell in th
two days. That or:; shell, however, did
It duty well, for a it brought down a
Canadian goose which fell a victim to
the wile of ft bunch of decoy left out
ever night. When Battel! went down to
the blind In th morning b spotted th
gooae and qulokly plugged him.
Th other huntsman war ft bit more
fortunate than Battel!, each getting
mall bag. Dooakal earn horn with two
mallard and flv teal and grounh on
hi luck. Th first day out Docekal waa
th only on of th party to get ft bird
"Th shooting, Is certainly punk," de
clared Docekal. "Th duck if there are
any are certainly steering .clear of th
Two hundred and fifty residents of the
Miller rark school district attended the
opening of a social center at their school
Friday vning, enjoyed ft program of
muaio and readings and shook hands
with each other in a get-acqualnted ses
sion after the formal xercle.
Principal Hunt of th school. Superin
tendent English of th Recreation board
and Supervisor Rurk of the social cen
ter made short talks.
Music wai furnished by tha Chambera
Music Society of Omaha School of
Orchestral Music, Mr. ant! Mr, and Ger
trude Thlam and Earl Plckne- u
Evan offered ft reading.
German Lines Grow
Thin on Russ Front
Russian military observers are finding
frequent indication that th German
line on this front are growing Increas
ingly thin. Thee are furnished by re
ports from th fighting lines, notably
from th sector northeast of Riga.
Drill master report that excellent
progress I being mad In th drill work
because of tha willing spirit of th new
men and th admirable relation declared
to exist between them and their officers.
LONDON. Nor. JO, The Copenhagen
correspondent of th Morning Post sends
th following!
"Russia Intends to place millions
additional troop In th field, according
to ft notification by Premier Ooremykln
to tha Ruwlan preaa, say a private dis
patch from Fctrograd."
Thanksgiving Dinner
Tel. Donar. MO.
FROM 12:80 TO 7:80. P. M.
. t
: j
Consomme Royal
., M , Cream of Oyater
Stuffed Crlory . guMii Ollvea
Ileal and Wafers
Crab Meat a la Newburg
Feast Turkvy Chestnut DresslnS
Craiibsrry J.ily
Stuffed Duck. Clnnambh-Appl
Candled Bwaet potato
.Potatoes, Whipped
With Malted Butter
Cauliflower, ltollaadalee
French btrinir iieane June Pea
Perter House 'Rolls,
rruit 6.04 Wafers
tunc'U'i 1'lum Pu1iljnK.
. . ,. bherry Bauo
Cafe Parfklt
1-rosen Neaselrode Pudding
Chocolate Velvet lea Cream
Ansel Fond and Pound Cake
Pumpkin, Mince and Iemon Pi
With Kuauefort Cheese
Deit Tssse
Contempt Hearing
to Be Had Monday
Hearing of chanres of contempt of
court brought against member of tb
local motion picture operators' union by
proprVtors of the Princess theater, was
postponed until Monday morning by Dis
trict Judge Redlck.
Tbe Princess theater Case arose from j
picketing the pi are by the operators, who
the theater management now allege i
violated ft "peaceful picketing" order
Issued by the district court.
While playing foot ball with a crowd
of small schoolmates In the rear of the
Garfield school at Sixteenth and H
streets, South Hide, Earl Arthurton, 9-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Arthur
ton, Fifteenth and I streets, austalned
a broken leg. The limb was snapped Juet
above th left knee cap. Dr. A. A.
Frick was called and aet the bone In
ay we cant hlp but look
better and feol better,
after an Intlda bath.
Pianos and Player Pianot Now Being Sold at a Fraction of Their
Cost. Just Six More Days, and This Great Sale Will Be Over
If you miss getting one of these sweet-toned pianos at these prices you have over
locked the chance of a lifetime. You can Bave $122 to $200. Call early tomorrow. Don't
let cash stand in your way when we offer such liberal terms.
This Hew $300 Upright
Sale Price $178
Sends one of the pianos
to Your Home. Pay the
Balance at $1 a Week
Sends one of these Player
Pianos to Yoar Home; Pay
the Balance at $2 a Week.
This $550 Player Piano
jf r '"3
Sale Pries $350
Wc Saved the Biggest Bargains For the Last Wock
According to morning reports to tha
railroads, clear and calm weather was
tha rule over Nebraska and most of the
country, west to th mountains, fin
country It i a llttla colder, temperatures
having ranged from II to M degrees
abov ero.
Tampers with Jars- Wheel.
nri.r.iiu, ii. NOV. Hlnullr,.
,in.M... it -
'-v" i leniency was tna ver-
dlot returned by a Jury this aft.n...
agalnat John P. Kelly, clerk of
Th 7'ire was that of tamper
5 T.Uh. th ,ury wh""- The maximum
penalty Is nneyear In th workhouse and
To look one's best and feel one' besi
Is to enoy an inside bath each morning
to flush from the aystem the previous
day's waste, sour fermentations and pois
onous) toxins before It is absorbed Into
th blood. Just a coat, when It burns,
leave behind a certain amount of Incom
bustible material In the form of ashes,
so tha food nd drink taken each day
leave In the alimentary organa a certain
amount of IndUreatible material, which If
not eliminated, form toxin and poisons
which ar then aucked into the blood
through th very ducts which are In
tended to auck In only nourishment to
sustain the body.
If you want to see tha glow of. healthy
bloom in your cheeks, to see your skin
get clearer and clearer, you are told to
drink every morning upon arising, a
glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of
limestone phosphate In It, which la a
harmless means of washing the waste
material and toxins from the stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels, thus cleansing.
sweetening and purifying the entire ali
mentary tract, before putting more food
into tha atomach.
Men and women with sallow skins, liver
spots, pimples or pallid complexion, also
those who wake up with a coated tongue,
bad taste, nasty breath, othera who are
bothered with headache, bilious apello,
acid atomach or constipation ahould
bagta this phoaphated hot water drink
ing and ars assured of very pronuonced
result In one or two weeks.
A quarter pound of limestone phosphate
ooe-ta wary little at th drug store, but It
la sufficient to demonstrate that Just as
soap and hot water cleanses, purifies
and freshens th akin on the outside, so
hot water and 'limestone phosphate act
on tha insid organ. We must always
consider that Internal sanitation Is
vastly more important than outside
clean! In eaa, because the akin pore do
not absorb Impurities Into th blood,
whU th bowel pore do. Advertisement.
J250 New England, upright
$250 J. P. Hale, upright
$400 Emerson, upright
$300 Marshal & Wendell, upright
$325 Schmoller & Mueller, upright
$275 Mueller, upright
$300 Tryber, upright
$350 Cable, upright
$450 Steger & Son", upright
Our Ironclad Guarante stands
Dark of every sale. Sooner or late,
you Hre going to buy a piano. Why
not talk It over at home today? Think
of this opportunity to get a standard
piano at such a low price.
. 00
$22 5 Small Upright
$600 Chlckering & Sons, square
$600 Weber, upright
$350 Ivers & Pond, upright. . . .
$550 Steinway, upright
$1,000 Chickerlng, grand
$1,100 Steinway, grand
$450 Schubert Player Piano ...
$550 Playatone Player Piano-,
...a so
Remember, this Is the only store In
the city where you can buy New
Steinway, Weber, Hardman, Steger &
Sons, Emerson, McPhall, Ltndeman ft
Sons, Schmoller Mueller Pianos
and the famous Pianola Piano.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Go.
1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha
Headquarters for the New Aeolian Vocallon,
Columbia Grafonola and Vlctrolas.
Recognized as the Oldest and Largest Piano
House in the Middle West.
i ii inisiiiimniii mmnsiin iisan wn iirnnnminm nrnnrn T" ' TTTT
Warfi" AS
Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Be "For Rent"
Own vourown I
home. You can
purchase one on
; e a s y monthly
; payments like rent.
: Itead the real cs
1 tate columns.
Moveaseata of Uceaa Steamer.
Port AnHras. H.IM
rirK4IIABK..Vr.4rtcli VIII..
bKH'.K.Nf. KrUtUut.rjord...
KAI.MolTH M.uw Aauiwaa
BlltTI'dN Afenupta
HltiHTIANRAM. . Ooalalna.
NSW VOKX llr.n.rjor4
(lU-lovi rrurisa
uvmnroou oacsr ii.
Culls from tlio Wire
The first national conference of the
National Security Ifairue will be held in
f'hiraso on Noveniler 17. At th -on-fennue
the league will determine upon Us
policy towsrd national defense plana.
Kabbt Xoloinon 8-heeter. prealdent of
th Jewish Theological Seminary of Amer
ica and widely known as a traveler and
author, died at hi home at New York,
lie was born In Krkshsn. Iioumsnla, No
vember T, 1M7, and rant to lbs I'nlted
Males In lMXi to accfpt the prreldency
of th Jewlah theolosiral seminary.
John T. Hall, also known aa John T.
Kewoumvr. at New York waa foumt guilty
of u.lnn the malla to defraud l.b.0 ama
teur poets, who were induced to enter a
prise sons and poem contest conducted
by the John T. Hall Mualo Publiahlns
uomiany. Judse Foster sentenced Hart
to two years la tbe federal prison at At-
uima, ua.
Allen WUtlama, and Peter Bynum. be
lieved to have been a member of a party
ei in res oenaiia inai nt i j up and robtd
a small store In the ilealdton oil field in
vaianonia, u.'u iron wounas received In
a pl.t hi oartie following nw rouoery.
I'eputy Hhailff Balew also waa wouuded.
but la expoclea to rvcover. Williams was
a by slander,
The stock and grain brokerage firm t
ray lie at Becker or PL iiuia made an
anlgnment for the benefit of creators.
The firm had br.nchea In Kaiwas City
and In Mealco, alo. Aaaeta amount to
iiw.uw m stocks and bond, but HA.uuO of
theae securities have born pledged .
ii y tor loans. lUauilllles. amouot
curliy for loans.
l' vio or fTO.Uuu.
Vlnclent aloract, an aged and prom
inent Italian, waa assassinated In New
Orleans' In lie Italy. Tue police found no
trace of the aaaaaelna. but are working
on th theory that the killing reaulied
from a black hand plot. Morecl waa inva wounded five year aso alter
he had asaiatatl In the prvaecuUoa f Uie
LeniMiia child kldnai-er.
The first formal steps In a campalga
for 'ha creation of a world supreme court
for tks Jurilnia.1 setlletiienl of all Inter
national Oupule) were takea at a lunch
eon given at the tiankeie' club at New
York, which Was attended by men prom
inent In publlo life front alt accitona of
tlut couulry. The lunehea resulted In th
forinalion of the World e Court Lagu
of America by the election of a board of
govern.. r, who will later eWct oifkeers
kJtd pciluct Uie vr(uiiuuio.
i'h Boosts) price the worid orcr."
Thanksgiving is new-clothes-time for countless
men. It's a ldgical time to buy-winter and the
holiday season just ahead
Get style and wear both-r-and pay a medium price.- We
have the exclusive sale here of the famous STYLEPLUS
The illustration shows you their fine style. Notice the
peaked lapel on the suit a little point, ' but little points
combine to give clothes their character.
The overcoat, the Maryland model, has become a national
favorite. Set-ih sleeves with cuffs, patch pockets, box
back. Satin sleeve lining and satin yoke..
Of course we have many other styles and models. And
other makes at other prices.
The Home of Hirsh Wickwire, Society
Brand. Schloss Bros.' Suits and Overcoats at .
$15.00 to $35.00
Exclusive Distributors for" Patrick Duluth "Bigger-Than-Weather"
Mackinaws, at $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00.
Jit '
:; i