Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 8-D, Image 40

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I i
Hundred Thouind Dollar. Spent on
Improrementi and for Making
Home Sites Attractive.
RESOLUTIONS FOR OEGKASDO i ''1I n'",!d ti'inT'Tiina nfMti'v 'nj
Al cost of Umffn another large tract
of Dundee ground haa been plstte1 anil
developed, about one-third of which baa
already been put on the market. The
trsrt Ilea between Dodge and Howsrri.
and ltfn Forty-eighth and fifty-sec-oni)
It contains slxty-seren and otie-hslf
acfes. which haa brn platted into .Vi
city lots. Right new houses are already
under construction on the one-third of
the trart that haa already been put on
the, market. With ran enreptlone the
houses axe of pressed brick or stucco,
there being but one frame dwelling going
up there at thla time.
That this sr-a Is tn be a suhstnniul and
beautiful addition to I n.e li made
clear by the kind and quality ' home
already being built there, and by the
fact that tho building resirictloni on the
lot range from to M.O").
The firm of George A Co. haa been
a year In platting and developing thla i
tract. Dirt to the amount of JWn.tW)
cubic yarda waa moved on ih a sice. I"
Blading and levelling.
I deraro" Improveraen la.
Kvery deta.ll of development ready for
building waa attended to. Much of the
money expended on thle Improvement waa
expended on underground Improvement.
Thua there la one and one-half mllea of
nix-Inch water pipe and one and one-haif
of ga pipe laid. There la one and one
half mile of sanitary sewer, and one
and one-half mllea of electrio light con
duce laid. Beaidoa thla, there li a half
mllo of atom aewer onatructed.
On 'the aurface la four end one-half
mllea of cement aldewalk already laid,
and two and one-half mllea of aaphalt
pavement- There la five mllea of cement
curb and gutter.
Five hundred maple treee have been aet
out. The whole addition haa been aown
with grass aeed and rye, o that the
entire landscape at thla time of the
fall makes a bcautlfu., henuy eloping
green appearance.
Clarence Pibbemsen la building a hand
ome atucco homo at Forty-first and
Dodge streets on thla addition. Mr. Nle
man la building at Fifty-second" and
Dodgo streets. Mies Marian U Ward
la building at Fifty-second south of Dodge
street. B. C. Fowler la building a hand
some home at Fifty-first avenge, near
Farnam etrect. Otijcr large and hand
some atucco homes are being built by
invealora. Sheriff Felix Mcshane has pur
chased one of the nloe corner lots, and
.xpects aoon to begin the construction
of a fine new modern residence.
Cornfield Year Ago.
A trifle over a year ago. thlg great
area was a tangle of cornfields, and
sunflower patches. It was then that
George at Co. obtained the ground,
and put the graders to work. Two grad
ing outfits all the time, and part of the three, have been at work there for
a year. Today, with the sidewalks laid,
the underground piping and conduit work
all completed, and with pavements laid,
and trees set out, together with the graaa
peeping green everywhr. thU is one
of the most sightly building spots In
Omaha, and a tract that Is looked upon
by the rest of Dundee as an especially
highly desirable addition to the already
beutlful section of Omaha.
The plan of this new area or addition
' was aa completely made before a grader
' waa put on the ground, as an architect'
plan of a skyscraper la made before the
, tintract la let for the foundation.
Real Estate Exchange Often Reso
lutions to Memories of Four
Late Members.
Four recently deceased members of the
Omaha Ileal Estate exchange were re
membered with resolutions snd eulogies
at a special memorial service of the
Omaha Real Relate 'exrhsnse last
Wednesday. J. 'A. Robhlns presented the
resolution for the late Alfred C. Kenned-.
Oeorae II. Psvne for D. V. flhole.. Colo
nel (t. 8. Curtis for Thorns H. M'-i'tpn
and President C. F. Harrison for Oeorge
N. Hlrks
Following- are the resolutions as
tlfreil Keaeedr.
The Omaha Ileal Estate evchsnr de-
strea tn n I m rm tiruin Mmnl a Irihiil Af tl.
member to Alfred C. Kennedy, rerentlyf"xrhn5" lav tribute
caiien away rrom tho scenes or earth.
It wss alven to Mr. Kennedy to spend
his lifetime In Omaha, a cltv he devotedly
loved and believed In. and which he
served in varloua iwhllc and official ca
pacities. Highly restarted snd (rusted,
he was frequently called upon to fill imel
tlons of public trust and confldem-e. With
these duties weighing heavily upon him.
he continued to carefully look after the
Intereata of a large clientage until worn
out with with responsibilities, fatal dis
ease fastened upon him. After a long,
brave struggle, surrounded by a devoted
family, borne up by the prayers of a
loyal church, and respected hv a great
city, he gave up the fight and went to
his long rest.
To her who was his faithful companion,
and to his children who rlae up to call
him blessed, we extend our hpsrilcet sym
pathy. !e Ver Wholes.
To the memorv of De Ver Fholes, who
recently wss called so suddenly from the
scenes of Ids earthly career, the Omaha
Keal Relate exrhange desires to express
Ha deepest reaiiect end appreciation.
With an energy snd Intensity of pur
pose possessed by few men, he has gone
up and down among us for a quarter of
a century, and finally slipped sway from
our midst without an enemy or an un-
all his business deallnra, he leaves to his
son. wno s'icceena him. a good name,
which In better than great riches; to hi"
daughter, the memory of a devotffl
father, and to her who In weakness and
suffering mourns the loss of life's com
panion, the cheriehed memorlea of a
kindly, thoughtful and loyal husband.
We nhsll miss I). V. Rinl-s In our busl
neaa rlri-lce. Ms family will mourn the
alisent one In the home, and the cltv and
a buaineea clientage will Join with us In
saving "A sood and faithful man gone;
bleaaed be his memory. '
Thomas II, Met acee.
The death of Thomas H. McCague.
removed from among ua one of the moat
courageous. Intrepid and far-eeelng men
of our vo'stlnn. Handlrnp)ed for many
years by dtsease mhl h tended to sap and
undermine bis energy, he nevertheless
held steadily on bi way. hla tr-mendous
will power, and great faith In the pro
Jeta n hand overcoming wea.kneaea
and olHtS( lea in a remarkable way
He served large Interests snd served them
faithfully. Iterauae of this confidence In
tho city's future, he persuaded cspltallsts
to Inveat great sums In Omaha. He had
constantly at heait the weifaro o? the
lty where he spend bis life and fought
hla wsj' to puece-e.
We, therefore, the Omaha Real Estste
It" pe.v trinute to Mr. Meca-uc,
aa s devoted husband, a loving and
considerate rather, a clear minded, far
seeing business man and a useful cttlsen.
snd mourn the providence thst took him
from among us. We convey to his wife
snd children and hla brothers, ao closely
axsortsfed with him In bualneas, our sym
pathy because of the great loss that has
como to them.
Hearse X. Illrka.
Tet us pause today for e little and give
repectf. and conelderat thought to
on who had much to do with the shap
ing of our city's destineles a quarter of
a centurv ago, To many of the younger
generation of real estate men. Oeorge N.
lll'-ks may not have been well known. Rut
to those of us who are flnlah-ng a genera
tion passed In the front line of Omaha's
upbuilding, the announcement of Mr.
Hick's death came with a shock. It waa
snother loosening of one of the old ties
that hind some of us to the past It
wss the removal of one who had stood
with us shoulder to shoulder In the days
that tiled mens souls. Kindly, gentle
manly, full of energy, a man of much
more than ordinary Intellectual ability,
often associated with men In high place,
Mr. Hicks waa a factor In our city's
formative period.
We shall mta hla cheery greeting and
his optimistic dlacuaslon of passing events
es we met him here snd there upon the
street. Much more must those of bis I
home and family clrrle be lost without I
him. !
To them, the Omaha Real Estate ex-
change offers th's word of consolation
and comfort, feeble as this msy seem to
those who mourn. . !
He Wants State to j
Look After Child:
August Trlrher. a restnursnt emploe,
living at South Nineteenth street,
aurprlsed Judge I-eslie In Juvenile court
by requeettnit that his csr-old son,
Julius, be rlsced In a rfortnstory.
The Judge and Juvenile offleers re
fused the request, which In turn sur- .
prised Trlrher. He said he thought be I
could have thf atate care for hla child j
If he merely made the request.
Julius haa a habit of running away
from home. Probation Officers A. W.
Miller says, snd the latter declares he
will try to find out why .Inline is so
Youthful Prisoner
Loses in Argument
"They've got to treat me right at the
retention home, or I won't stay there,"
sullenly leHared Wsltrr Whyle, 15, In
Juvenile -ourt.
"Well. If thst the way you feel about
It. w will put you where you will ha.
to stsy. whether you like it or not." re
plied Jude Leslie.
The Jude orderel that Walter and Ills
toy companion. Vila Pascale, should be
locked up In the county Jail InMosd of
helnr kept at Ttlvervlew home.
Probation Office A. W. Miller brought
the boys ha'-k from Ksnsav where, it Is
aliexed. thy had gore with n stolen autd.
The municipal affairs committee of tho
Commercial club of Omaha haa requeeted
the city council to defer action for two
weeke on the proposed standard fire
alsim system tecr.mmer.ded by Com
missioner Wlthnel and which wss sched
uled for discuss'on before Ue'ttee
of the whrlo eext Monday morning.
Probation Officer Carver In Juvenile
court gave expert testimony as to the de
structive quality of threei air guns, after
he had discharged them toward the cell
ing. The guns were tjot loaded, but Judge
Leslie listened to the discharge and then
agreed with Carver that the guns were
bad thlnga for smsll boys to shoot at
Casa school windows.
He ordered the guns confiscated and
released Peter Porcello and Lawrence
Caaall, whn their parents, M North Fif
teenth street, agreed to pay for the
broken windows and prevent the lada
from breaking any more.
Superintendent Oraff of the public
schoola announces that next Monday
evening will h the last opportunity for
enrollment to classes ""of the Omaha
Evening Hleh school being conducted at j
Central High school and the lllsh school j
of Commerce. The membership now J
totals nearly l.V.
leavy listing
1212 Tarnam St, Tel. D. 353
VOU. Mr. Painter or Property
1 Owner, can insure years of
service and satisfaction by using
Why Don't You
Pot Yourself
On the Payroll
fu pav the butcher, the grorer
-WI the candle stick maker, etc,
w, oi rour earning How maoa
la taeze la It for yout
Why not brine your check
down to Home Builders, have It
cashed, and. first of all. put ILK
for yourself in Hvmie Builders to
draw 7 Interest?
Do this each pay day. until you.
ge a raise; then try to pay that
raise to yourself sad add It to
your Guaranteed 7rt- Investment
In Home Builders' S bares.
The benefit of thla Is that your
money Is drawing interest day
and nlrht, and you ran ret it
when you want It on short notice.
Why not try It? Ssgln now be
fore any advance January let.
Tlsoal Areata.
Omaha, Neb.
Apartments, flats, houses and cottageo
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent."
A Practleal Demonstration Xa Concluaire Proof
came In and Xet TJa fjhow Ton.
uaAHA B riaiiOl - - - ,a
1813 rernam St. rhona Donglaa 701b. In
I I "IVitfor j j
xotrm otraBAirTiiB
The Bee is The Paper
yon ask for; if yoa plan to be
few daya.
to yon.
absent more than
hare The Iiro mailett
m -M " ' -'"""' ' " """"'-' ;. ,. - -: - - : '
, , n , I,, , ii li imii i i' - Silre-i l n i n mi i a ni id n jm i mm !
I ... . ..... - m m. m (A Fntiro
it SieMSsiinm
41 Ml 7 South Sixtfooth Street
Omaha, Neb.
Price Reduction on Beaton & Laier Co.s' "U?A
Woman Grabbed by
Throat; f olice Are
Making a Cleanup
Mis. May Mangum of 27 South Twen
tieth street reported to the police that
while she was passing the Young
'Women's Christian association building
Friday evening a man grabbed her by
the throat. The stranger leaped from
hiding place.
The woman told the pel ce aha man
aged to break away from her assailant
nd ran to the rear of 171 Jackson
street, screaming as she ran.
The man. ahe related,' followed ber
from Thirteenth and Jackson streets.
The police have a description of the man.
Petectlvea Dunn, . Kunnelly, Murphy,
Kooney, Brtnkman and La hey raided a
rendesvoua at Thirteenth ami Douglas
streets early thla morning and arrested
J. J. Rogers and eleven associates.
Thi Mia ire being held for Investiga
tion. Rogers la charged with carrying
ronoealed weapon.
William Euglebart at Creetoa, Neb.,
Identified Rogers aa being one of the
two men who stopped hint at Fourteenth
and Farnam streets and abused blm with
vile names.
This raid Is said to be the first oC a
general "cleanup" being made by the
Philippine Veteran
Victim of Slugger
Fiank May walked Into police head
quarters Tiiday night with his head
swathed in bandages, with the announce
ment that be had been assaulted. He
was declaring what he was going to do
to the fellow when he caught him, when
something In Frank voice attracted tbe
attention of Officer Ollle Farrand. Oliie
look a better look at the man and dis
covered that he bad been a member of
the regiment with which r errand served
In the Philippines. May waa given
Iodic ing for the night.
I" tie Wick, who waa found beaten and
unconscious at Fourteenth and Daven
port streets Friday night, refused to
talk of tbe assault. He was releeaed,
as his wounds were not serious.
. , ,
I mm mm
S " .iiitevir
fj t VT fj 75 yeZ-Vr
. . - - - - iMmmMM1mjmitmmmMtm1
Thio Utock is Uollins Too Fast for Us to Quoto Many Prices Comc-Scc for Yourself big Reductions on Everything
Although tha Union Pacific passenger
station at North plalte waa completely
destroyed by fire early Wednesday even
'ing, a temporary struct ore, more than
1U) feet long, equipped with offices, wait
ing, baggage and express rooms will be
rerly for occupancy Bun day.
While the North Platte depot waa burn
ing snd when it becarua apparent the
Ktrui.ture would be totally deatroyed.
t'nton Pacific officials twgsa to order
ment of material for tbe new build
in it and ordered workman te the seen.
LL .
Fumed MIo-
sion Library Table
(lmUat te Oat)
riank top, inriiea, with ahelf.
lleavy arjuaro legs. "Mtir-lp f A 7
liuslneM" Bale ITIce j)Ua0
ti H i in aas- n
85c up
2-Inch Continuous Post
Gtccl Qod
(India te Out)
Yhlt or Vernig Martin Finish
-one-Inch fillers, "Stir-Up
l!uHinea" Sale r Ap
Eloctric Irons
ri.ik rut i
All complete with stand and cords. A great
bargain and will not last long after doors
open. "Stir-up Business" . (l QP
Sale Price UliUUV
Child's Enameled
Iron Crib
(laallar to Out)
Side lets down. "Stlr-Vp Busi
ness Sal OC
itc .....54.05
I::, ' i.
KLfYtSM if!
& (Genuine
I,caihcr Seat
(Xxsotly X.tka Cat)
ramed Oak llissioa Style .
atraia-ht Una diners full leather
teat Brown Bosnian,
Leather. "gtlr-Vn Baa.
Iseea" Bala Prlae. .
g-a avea
Overstuffed Davenport
A generously proportioned, roll arm,
pillow back, overstuffed, triple loose,
cushion seated pattern tapestry uphol
stered Davenport, exactly as QR-w
pictured. Sale price.
ur s h
Turkish Davenport
Green Denim Covered (Similar
to Cut). Most comfortable piece
of furniture in the world. Regu-
Sea Big Display Parlor
Famiturm as) 3d Floor
Child's Fiber
Arm Rockers
(similar te Oat)
"Stir-up" Business Sale
Full Sized
Grass Dcds
a-lnrh poet, 5 filler, la hreul
and foot. "HUr-l'p Business"
Hale frioe, while)
ltf last
...... .,.....t
If You Can't Come in Person, Send Us Your Mall Orders, and for Articles Rot Advertised. Writs for Free Photos and Sale Prices
a. af m av t w 1 t M . r s -
Fumed Mission
Reading Lamps '
( Fut for Xma Fr fault )
lau-gv variety of handeioiue pal
terns with opal Art Ulaas shadea.
tttir-lp Buhlnesa" 8a1a A rsa
rrice-a, $6.50, $4.85 and .
415-417 South Sixteenth Stroot, Omaha, Neb.
rbsbi Duy Furniture for Xmas Presents for tho Whole Family This YearGo That All Can Enjoy It.
nmm Miiiiinmi in. i in in I mm i u i ! li li inn in .myiCTwn m n p him i .nl tiu i i iii urn iii urn , ii i i i mmmmm wmmm hum i mibi mimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmtmmmmmmmammmmmimmmmmmmtmmmmmm