: ( ; i J ,r" ... t- HKLP WANTED MALE aaleaiuea aad Solicitor. NEW too Kitrhrn Invention, cut house- temperance drinks; 36 per cent commls I II f , w t;i Will CUIIIIIlin- , l . - - ... .. . imir!ninrn I ly drawing account Red I rJn,J?,'r- Aorn & Co.. 814 Hartford Bldg.. -r. Mi 8. Main St.. 81. Loula. - " ion; Mil week I ron Company, Mo. Dept. T. AGENTS Roll a repeater, quick Bale. bis profit, every household a possible weealy consumer, one trial makes a steady customer. Inscriptive circular convince and free, sample proves. A. H. Motter Sons, SJ13 arreu Ave., Chi cago." AOK.NT8 Earn S50 weekly. We will show Atih.NTS WANTlJl-10t per cent profit selling useful specialty; used In homes, hotels, stores and by auto owners; good repeater; sample free. Auburn Speoal tiew Co., !ept. IW2, Auburn, N. Y. ACT vjL lClv! Automobile gasoline goinu up, oell Uaao-Tuntc. Squats gaaoinie at Jc a gallon. Eliminates carbon. Dollar an hour profit, bales Guaranteed. White Mfg. Co.. Iept. 10. Cincinnati, O AtiKiNTS Amasing invention. (8 dally In per cent profit, new business, no uU nw ito wur latest is a corner. I , VI,"-, " " i I X """ i i " wnilo learning. We absolutelv guar- rite quick. Snyder. Box m. Ft. Collins, I ; 'J?. hr. nK.hnl nd ' 'very answer to this ad. 'e make ro 7". Micros st lalnh'"iUe" Mf-1 no --harge whatever. Write today. Tha HhT agent, proposition out. earn from gj-V1- 7 ,' J Credit and Reference Co.. Dept. tft to I2 dally easy. Something new. .i'. fni1 n"""'" from W .J;1I. City. Neb. F.very family wants it . Write qu.ck for tr &mtTwr. '"'J K.VK.ItNVKNTrO?luNS-Thou.n1l particulars Advance Co.. Waupaca. Wls. J,0.'' "h"w. wJ.n,rtow"' b,nh.g aJ,d of sniolntinents to ha made. Fre. M,k. - : ' I - ' v 1 c . n 1 ni mi 1 e- ft L H 1 1 1 f IIP MTIIO 1 1 I competition. World's best home massago ; missions paid weekly; state exuerie ice limcunie. trks by walerpower. ueugnta u K. Howell, Station C. Cleveland O ' both sexes. Write for particulars and I jr-.-v. .,, , : free book on beauty and health. Address MLhSJIN-rpabli specialty man for Mlackstone Co., IU Meredith Uldg., To-: Nebraska; staple line on new and ex ledo, O iceptional terms; vacancy now; attractive HiRAPK JIICB CHEW1NO OUM-tiell to all storekeepers, etc. Looks and taslea like grapes, i roiitatilo business bulit up quickly with this novelty. Write today. helmet Oum Co., Cincinnati. Q. SAL.ESMEN La.rge eastern manufac turer of popular linoleums requires ad ditional selling agent to call on dealers In email towns with staple line of proven merit; fine opportunity for side line salesmen wishing to increase Income; at tractive commission arrangements, goods sell from lithographs; Write fully. Ad dress P. O. Box 4t.l, Madison Square bla tjonew York City. MONEYMAKERS" uL'iDEbOuK MAUA Z1N1&, Xc postpaid; eiillntens you richly. New Ceututy Supply, Lies Moines, Iowa. Advertising rate, c word. A GEN To Try our ofiice and factory spe cialty; 1O0 per cent i-rotlt.. Write at once; we will send you tiee particulars. C. J. feUckney & .o., Wnervllle. O. AGENTS wanted In every town to sell our vulcan.zeis to auto owners. Big proilts. amith Mfg Co.. Omaha. bALESMEiN W hole time or aide line; 10 minutes' time pays you 10; pocket sam ples; prompt couiii.i8iLns state territory covered. Elwuod Mfg. Co., inc., 1118 Michigan Ave., Chicago. STEEL, changeable signs, outsells every thing, merchants buy; M enameled let ter sample, mailed, Lie. Convex Sign, lii N. L'earuorn, Cnicago. MAN wanted 10 represent Chicago manu facturer of tuel saver, endorsed by many owners of flat and office buildings, factories, stores, residences, eio., and recommended by leading contractors and builders; guaranteed to reduce fuel ex pense at per cent to Ml per cent ana sens useil hen properly pteseuled by man ding and reaponsibil.ty in Ills . rtf Atnnillna community; there la an unlimited field and any man with ordinary business ex perience can seil and install; reliable man who can satlnfv as to responsibility can n,.A im lha u.'.irlf With ItlA C.rlA.ntV of ' I- making several thousand dollars in the j next few months. Address Crown Fuel Saver, Stock Exchsnge Bldg., Chicago, 111. IF SALARY of lloo per month and com missions, with liberal expenses. Interest you, addreaa Dept. Z!9i. 29 9 Indiana Ave., Chicago. S1DE1-L1NERS make fM per week or bet ter, during January, February and March; samples free. The J. F. Meek Co., Coshocton, Ohio. o SALESMEN make big money selling our punch board deals. Address Belirend Bros., 4S47 Adams St., Chlcaso SALESMAN wanted; experience unneces sary, easy work, big pay; write for large list of openings offering opportuni ties to earn from J100 to 1600 a month while you learn; address the nearest of fice. . Dept. 439, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago, New York, San Francisco. WE Dav salary I90ajnonth and expenses 1 to asents tor our new guaranteed fast sellers; easy, steady, permanent work. experience unnecessary. Rayburn Fac torlus, I. 1444 N. Clark St.. Chicago. III. AGENTS make big profits handling our "Fast Selling Holiday Post Cards," ' Nov elty Signs,'' "Holtuay Decorations," "Pen nants, etc.; ,uoJ varieties; demand un limited; writs today for free catalogue. Sullivan Co., 1234 W. Van Buren St., Chi cago, III. REPRESENT well rated factory manu facturing exclusive patented staple arti cles; no canvassing; experience unneces sary; by devoting all or spare time you should make big money. Pease Manuiac turlng Co.. Desk 99, Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS, young or old, make big money easy selling our new Christmas special ties; cleur $j to $10 daily; write for tree catalogs Cruver Co. Jackson & Campbell, Chicago. AGENTS Use our capital, jump Into big permanent business; new automatic fuel saver; fits any stove or furnace; saves 25 per cent fuel; exclusive territory. States Mfg Co., i Consolidated Bldg., Chicago SALESMAN WANTED We have an opening ior a live hustling salesman for the small and medium size towns In the vicinity of Omaha to sell our high-graue line of Buperla paintings (fac simile oil paintings) and Buperla gravurea (repro ductions In one tone), to consumers at popular prices, making shipments througn local dealers; exclusive territory and lib eral commission to the right man; one having had experience selling direct to consumers (house to house canvass); give age, experience, references and all other Information in first letter. AddreBS The Cincinnati Fine Arts Company, Cincin nati, Ohio. SECURITY salesmen to sell an Industrial preferred stock; 16 per cent commission. Address Y 144, Bee. o MAKE $30 to tiiO selling our new 0u canaTe power gasoline table and hang ing lamp for homes, churches, stores and halls; costs 1 cent per night. Ex clusive territory. Dept. No. 21, J. B. Hall A Co., S2 isouth Wabash Ave., Chl caKQ. RAINCOATS Direct from factory .to wearer for men. women and children. We specialise In two numbers. Agents price U.U). Retail price uo. Our agents average six coats daily. Writ today for details. Better still, to save time send money order for sample. All charges pre paid. Money back any time you return sample. This Is the season. Get busy and clean- up. Standard Raincoat Co., Cleve land. Q. WILL you trade me your spare time fur SJ0 a week? I have a wonderful offer for an ambitious man In every com munity. No canvassing. Butler, 671 Factories Bldg., Todelo. P. MAN to give away premiums to ad vertise Rogers' years silver, to! per month and commissions. All or part time. A. ('line. 140 Copeland Bldg., Phlla rtelnhla. Pa. AGENTS SOU per cent profit. Free samples gold sign letters for store and office windows. Anyone can put on. Metallic Letter Co., 4J6 N. Clsrk. Chi rsgo. SALESMEN to call on hardware, gro cery, variety and general stores in the smaller towns to carr your direct fac tory lines of enamelware, earthenware and seml-porc elaln ware; salesmen hav lng an established territory preferred. We pav liberal eommloslona each week and samples being pocket sise will not interfere with regular lines; write at once for territory If you are Interested In a good legitimate line at honest prlcs) thst will build a repealing business. In replying give home address and at least two references. l imed Manufacturers Co.. 1102 American Truat Bldg., Cleve land, O SALESMAN Excellent permaoent posi tion now open for capable salesman In Nebraska; staple line for general retail trade; liberal commissions: $.16 weekly advance. Ralph H. Ide, 31-47 Williams Bldg. Detroit SALKSmAN Vacancy Iec. 1. Experi enced any line to sell general trade in central west; unexcelled specially roponllion: commission contract; $3 weekly expenses. Continental Jewelry Co.. 66-47 Oontuiental Bldg.. Cleveland, Oiilo. . HELP WANTED MALE tlin ( Solicitors, -i.hMK.N Thirty minutes' time will bring you lift dur; splendid Income on reorders: fifteen minutes' talk to re- merchant a. ta n. rf.r- circular, in vA.,r ,.tt . ' ". .-. Hi nSKSr." ,.."V Y,?. f""! o ; H IOH-CI..AS.H specially mlramiin for .4. eru-.mg work to reprcnent bl manu raclurlng corporation; commission con tract with weekly advances; growing business with bright future for rlulit man. 8lcg Manager, JioS Jackson Blvd., I hicafro. SALMKN to sell th. livo.t nn.ikul. tion on the market today; articles are eoici in naidwnre. electrical and automo- now. Telesign North Clark St.. nioago." SAI.KSMEN-$45 to wooklv selllnsr auto owners, thresher men and farmers, nigh grado line of advertised 01N. gr. ses, etc. Wg demand. Illeral c ro mission. Halso on Co., Iept. 7. Toledo. O. Council Hluffa, la, COMTETENT salcpmen or merchant preferred ly we-ll rated Cleveland con cern to sell merchants greatest specialty I of tho dav: t:ki to ajn n. n.nnk. i commission contract for balance nd 19 6; t'A wceklv for etie K. Blxler Co., HI, 47 Carlin Bldr. Clevo- iitna, J. WANTED 1 young men willing to earn from ia to Mu per week, aocordlng to their abll ty. Will be taken out and shown how to sell the proposition. Apply 8 an Monday morning, O. R. Jenkins, 812 Hatrd Block. COAL, agents wanted in every town; get a trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte, Neb. GOOD opening for experienced, Industrial insurance salesman; no lnpse debit; apply st once, 616 Brandels Bldg. AOENTS-Share In Immense Christmas profits; our agency system sure for old or new. Particulars free; clean and sure. Oreyson George Co., Box 784, Little Rock, Ark. CARTS1DKS IRON RUST SOAP CO., 4"ii4 Lancaster Ave.. Phlln lelphls. Pa. Gartslde'a Iron Rust Soap (Trade Mnrk, Pi wit and CopM'iMlit regiBicred in the U. S. Patent Olflce) removes Iron rust. Ink and all unwashable stains from clothing, marble, etc Good seller, big margins, agenta wanted. The original 2oo a tube. Beware of Infrlngments and the penalty for making, selling and using an In fringed artclle. o WANTED Expert specialty salesman to sell our line of self-measuring oil handling devices to the general store and garage trade In Kansas and southern Missouri. Excellent proposition to cab able salesman having good record. Ad oress, with references, B. F. Bowser Sk Co., 907 Syndicate Trust Bldg., St. Louis. WONDERFUL opportunity; start as our aaent: becoma manufacturer: every day necessities; fastest repeat sellers: ,pagt 40 WPeky; sample, free. Frederick jj0tjl Co-i 533 Warren St., Boston. Moss.-o BARN S0 weekly selling collection cab inets to merchants. Write for free sam ples. Savers Co., 661 Laclede Bldr. St ixnna mo SELL advertising pipes; sample nd nar- ticulars free. Japanese Novelty Co., Clinton. Ia. WANTED Salesman to call on grocers, general stores and confectioners In small country towns. 25 per cent commis sion. Mo weekly drawing account. Crown Cider Co., 207 8. Commercial St., 8t Louis, Mo. Dept. 4- o WE PAY $36 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry com pound. Yeafe contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 78, Parsons, Kan. o DRUNK, sick or crazy not us, but our plan lets you collect the money and keep It all. We get ours later. ,U. 8. Mfg. Oo,, Dept. 76, Columbus. O. o AGENTS Get newest, o. direct from makers. Full list free. Nat'l Agents' Assn. 122 Michigan Ave., Chi cago. o WANTED specialty salesmen to sell ad vertising slides to merchants on a commission basis. Splenold side line for !'ve w 1' salesmen. New York Ad vert la I'"g '"ide Co., Tribune Bldg.. New York. WANTED specialty traveling salesman to sell our newspaper advertising serv ice to merchants and banks In small towns. We offer exclusive territory on strictly commission bais. Big money to right man. National Engraving Com pany, lf.4 Nassau St., New York. o AGHNTS, handle latest sensation. Little Marvel, self-llghttng burner attach ment; just out; flta any burner; retails 15c; made by makers of famous Simples lighter. Call, write, Automatic; Gas Ap pliance Co., Inc., 23 East 14th St.. New York. o. AGENTS wanted; own your own busi ness: sell Flitch vegetable soap; write for free cample. J. A. Frltch, bt. Louis, Mo. o AGENTS Large manufacturer wants re liable men, women, to sell guaranteed hosiery, underwear, shirts, direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, (88 Broadway. New York. o SALESMAN wanted for leather goods, calendars, advertising specialties; strong line for banks; exclusive terri tory; liberal commissions; canvassers and brokers keep off. Banker' Supply Co., Iowa City, la. Factories s4 Troeloa. WT5 need men; had to turn down two jobs per week lately; get In; learn y our method; get one or these jobs. Cata logue D. B. free. Nebraska Automobile School. 2406 Leavenworth St. MOl.EK BARBER COLLEGE LEARN the barber trade by our. sys tem of expert Instructions and fre ellnlA Positions waiting. Call or write for cata logue. Omaha. Neb., A. B. Moler, Pres. WANTED Practical furrier and opera tor. Sober, industrious man. Write, giv ing details. Cedar Rapids Hid at Fur Co., Cedar Rapids, la. -o Drug btore Snaps, jobs. Kneist. Be Bldg. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trt-Clty Barber college; low rate tuition. Including set of tools; wages paid; eleo trio DULsaag. hydraulic chairs; oatalogu free. 1124 Douglas St.. Omaha LEARN to operate a gas tractor; equip yourself to command h-igheet going wages. The Bull Tractor School of Gas Trautioneerlng opens November 29; an other term January t and the spring term January SL Courses provide good tech nical and practical training. Lecture room and demonstrations at the school. A thorough, practical course. Tuition only $10 per term. Answering, advise what term you prefer. Address Bull Trac tor Company, School Department. 2700 University Ave., B. E-, Minneapolis MECHANICAL draftsman wanted. ply 424 Bee Bldg. Ap- Useellaaeoaa. RAILWAY mall clerk wanted; $75 month; Omaha examinations coming; ample questions free. Write Immediately, rranklln Institute. Dep't 14 J. Roches ter. N. Y. WANTED Names of high-class men with unquestionable roenrd desiring permanent salaried position In skiuth America; postage for application and particulars. N. 4k Co., Box 14J4, Dit A., Los Angeles. o. SALESMAN Larg eastern manufac turer of popular priced linoleum requires additional selling- agent to call on dealers In small towna wilh staple In of proven merit; fine opportunity for aide line ales man wishing to Increase Income; attrac tive commission arrangement: goods ell from lithographs. Write fully. Ad dress P. O. Box 416 (Madison Su- Sta tion!, New York City. WANTED A first-class grocery man to take charge of our grocery dtt.; Ger man preferred; must liave a good char acter and reputation and furnish good reference; none but experienced need ap ply; slut wages. Becker 4t Co., Albion, Neb. GOVERNMENT position in postofflce, railway mail and other branches are food. Prepare for ''exam" under former '. civil service secretary-examiner; Booklet (t 86 free. Write today. Patter son Civil Service bchool. Rochester, Co.. HKLP WANTED MALK MRN wanted Immediately to qualify for milmud firemen, hrakemen. also for '-. iwmn, ' "".mmy; avrv locality; experience un and position i!!Tfr: W-r Hallway I,.. .HIS k. lxiuls, Mo. monev made at home knitttnir hosiery; machines furnished on time: we buy or sell your goods, easy and con stant work. Wheeler Co. tine), 33, Madi son, Chicago. fSrt monthly and exrnse. to travel, dis tribute samp'ra and tske orders, or ap point agents. IVrmancnt. Jap-Amerlcnn Co., Chicago. i RE a collector. We aire you practical experience we tea. h you free and pay let telling where they are, what they pay, with specimen examination ques tions Nat l Cor. Institute, 4o0 Seventh gt.. wsanington, u. c. o A PLC- HODI E P MKN tor firemen, brakemen. flM monthly. Railway, T ft, Bee o. GOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work to fill positions which we have open right now and are waiting for com petent men. Lefcrn by our system of actual work on autos. tractors, alec, starting' lye. Free catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEOB. Kiol Karnam St. Omaha. Neb. ARCHITECT. of vear ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN I M lea ! WANTS KMPM'IYMKNT. 10 YEARS' EX-Cevo-i1,KKltNCK. NEW YORK Q1TV, Hl'Fif1- ri.u. r. I., I'F.IKUII, fllil.ll, I YEARS IN OMAHA. BliST Ol' REF ER EN CES, GOOD SALESMAN, COl'LD HANDLE MOST ANY 14N E Oh BCILD INO MATERIAL tR sPECIALTlbW. P. B. NEWMAN. 2fil N. 28TH ST. ABL.EBOD1EU men for liremen, brake men, 1M monthly; experience u n neces sary . Adiiress Y ill. Bee. o BECOME a detective. Eurn big pny. Easy work. Travel. Excellent oppor tunities. Write, Rubber City Secret Ser- ABLB-BODIED men for firemen, brnke- men; tuu monthly. Railway, Y 96, Bee. W ANTED Names of ambitious men. 18 or over, wanting railway mall clerk positions. 75.0ii month. Answer Immedi ately. V 129, Bee. HELP WANTED Mali: ami i ehii.k. V ANTED Man or woman to put out leather ventilators. Write for sample and particulars by mall. luo. U 8. Har den. Hotel Neville. Omaha, SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Positiun as aieuiu fireman. hotel clerk or ail around huuse and yard luau. Call F. W. Cartel. Phone Douglas nib!. WANTED Position as housekeeper by colored lady, good references. Tel. Doug las 2406. VUL'NU man, ii, wants bookkeeping or any kind of clerical position; commer cial college and public school education; good p.niiia.n; accuiate and reliable; lujd ernte salary. Phone W. 20ti0. COLORED man, position as cook for boarding house or restaurant. Web. 2u4. NEAT colored girl wants light work. Tel , Web. 4769. EXPERIENCED colored girl wants place as chambermaid or dishwasher. Tel. Web. 6027; ask for Ella. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants position as housekeeper for a couple of gentle men. Phone South 2996. V ANTED tenographlo position by young lady; some experience. Col. 919. POSITION as bar porter! lunch man, stock or house man; hotel clerk and buffet exnerlence: rellAbl hnnHt nnrf sober; excellent reference. Will consider any offer, city or out. B. Johnstone, 1821 Cas St. Phone Tyler H6I. WANTED Job as house carpenter by steady competent mechanic. Address n in yrne avenue. WANTED Position for light housework and sewina bv middle aged woman. Phone South 2996. A neat, competent, middle aged lady de sires a position In a refined, private family of two. No laundry work. Only A-l need reply. Best city reference fur nished. Web. 6263. Call between 9 a. m. and 12 m. FAMILY washing, guaranteed. Harney 7199. Work REFINED German lady. 45 years, wishes position as housekeeper In respectable home. Without reference. 62S N. 32d St. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga tinea W collect. W d.strlbute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new homo. lUO-LUi-1114 Dodge St. Invalids Need Pensions $,009 StJBBSCRIPTlONS EARNS V0. For the Invalid' Pension association. The Ladles Home Journal. $1 00; Satur day Evening Post, $1.60; Country Gentle man. $1 ft). $98 needed In November. Your order or renewal contributes 50 ecnts. Please phone Douglas 716$ or address, GORDON, The Magaslne Man, Omaha. iuiuni:v citrtuinu, si; worK guaru teed. Central Tin Shop. Douglas 4i4. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a stranger are Invited to visit ih Young women' Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary A., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Ixxik for our traveler' guide at tho Union station. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any us for and get something you really need? it costs you nothing to loin ths Swappers' club and yuu will find It lots of fun swapping things. Write Room 1D4. Be Bldg.. or phone Tyler lOuO. AUTOMOBILE) For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile' classlfl catWn. ADDING machine; cost $300.00 new; excel lent condition. Want Jewelry, book cases, filing cabinets, automobile, good stuck or anything of value. Address 8. C. 6. Ml, Bee. AUTO Light weight. 191 model, perfect shape, fully equipped, new Urea, to wap (or four or five-passenger ear. Address U. C. tSX Be. tf ADDING machine; cost $3u0.00 new, ex" cellcnt condition. Want jewelry, book cases, filing cabinets, automobile. Good vr aujiuing 01 value. Address S. C 60, Bee. aTLOT WUl trade for a Ford. 2M6 Man Utlfcou. BOOKCASE Will swap large oak revolv ing bookcase, suitable for books pamphlets or advertising matter, for office table or anything I can us. Ad dress S. C. 661, Bee. CAMKRA-"Reflex." 67. reveislble backj double Tllu t hnl1.r I 1 I shutter. V to 1-100O second, ' Eueynas " L 4f i."M,tf'rmlt ,en y Rodeustoct, Munich, all In flrst-claa condition. Cost value Address 8. C, ft.6. Bee. C-.fh "CLE-lii good ctmuitlon: ...T tr,tnew ot puncture-proof tires. VV list have you. 8. C. 69. Bee J.MXJ Thoroughbred Irish water spaniel pup. Will make a fine retriever and watch dog. will swap for poultry. I nderwood typewriter, or what have luu? Address B. O. 663. Bee. DETROIT GAS STOVE with oven and broiler to trade for library table, or will sell at a bargain. This stove Is In good condition. 8. C. 661. Bee. L'KSK Will swap good roll-top desk and chair for large oak office tab or any thlng I ran use. Address M. Wi7. B-a ELECTRIC AUTO HORN Motor driven" vibrator type; cost $11)00. will swap fcr assortment of late Edison (Amberoi records Address U. C. tii. Bee. tf (CONTINUE ON COLUMN FIVE.K (Tllia PAGE.) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS Of TITLK. R!TFT ABSTRACT CO, oldest abstract omce in ivrr.r-.aKa. Krandel Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract v o., a modern ah-tract office. n& 8. i;th St. l'hons D. Us7. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DW0RAK, C. F. A. -q-4J7 Rsmgw Bldg.rhon Don 7406, ADVERTISING NOVELTIES M. r. Sharer Co.. win. Famam. D. T474. AMATEUR ri-fSlll-iQ. r.w !,v;!Trd tr ,f fvrrha from Photo daft Shop. 416 Be F.ldg. Dept. U ARCHITECTS. Everett B. rods. Wl Pa-ton Plk. p. mn. ATTORN MVS. C T. Dickinson. jTpaxton Plk, p. lV4, AUCTIONEERS? towd Auction Co.. ilts-u W O W. R. ujsj. AUTO INSl RANCI AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR: Omaha Radiator RelTco. tm Tar. P. Wl. BATHS, BATH-1M Palrd Blk.. ITth and Doug! MbAtlKVTor ul """" Turkish attend.-.. .'"JT." n,, ""ntlemen: lady V"n2."n fr" ladles; Swedish rr,.,..-V- 1919 Farnam bakkriuh; BRASS AMI IRON ro i'N DRIES I'axton-Mitchell CoTfTth and Martha flta CARPENTERS A N D Co NTH ACTORS? STEVENSON, mTm. tougl- 66 Lsard Son, 190 Cap. Are. T. lea. O W Hoknnon, 2506 Lvnwth. Trl. CHIROPRACTIC nrilffAI. ADJCMlT Pr- j. C. Lawrence. I Ralrd Ddr p. Mi ch nd DR KN0LLENBERG. W Be. Bldg. Ty,er CHIROPODIST. ' Crrrle J. Buford. tap Pax. Riw Rr(1 correal sr hailT ; Coffee &s- J2R sss W. A. SkVfe'-. COMSE1S. NuBone corset. Web-Sun, bk. Red 43M. UANdno ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mackle'a Doug. $444 PE LUXE ACADEMY. IU 8. 18th St TURPIN'S BCROOL OF PANClfO. ffth and Farnam. Classes and prlvau lessons. Harney 614J. wnmim Just completed, forty-four-pag book of new dances for i9lf ind lam pi...iu scribed. Compiled by Albert Turpln. Ev. j inainsr moma nav a copy. Mall orders filled. Price. $1. v DKKBSlIAKINCt. Terry Pressmak'g colleg. SOth ft Farruua LADIES' JACKETS remodeled in the lat est style; reasoname price. 1911 Far nam St. Phone Douglaa 2829. DRESSMAKING by day. All work guar anteed. Web. S896. DRESSMAKING COLLBOS. Kelster Dressmaking Col.. 1R2$ City Na DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 1 W. llth. P. $071. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, $12 Neville Block. Evi dence aecured In all case. TyUr UK DETEJCTIVB Fifteen year' experience, commercial and private cases; lady as sistant. Address A 431, Boe. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ill W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Room. 1M7 Douglas. P. 2184. DRUGS. DRUGS at rut price; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogue fre. Sherman 4k Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. tLUC 1 HOLYSI. Uloa Allender, e$4JBe Bldg. Red VI. KVERYTHINU rOR WOMEN. ACCORDION. ld. knife, sunburst, box pleaUng; covered button, all else and styles; hemstitlching, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work Tuttonhol.s. pennant. Ideal Pleating Co.. 2U Douglas Block. Douglas law. FURNACES AND TINWORK. HABBRSTROH. 4086 Hamilton. Wal. S971 FLORIST. BATH'S, flortat. 18Q4 Farnam St. D. 1000. U HENDERSON. 1814 Dougla. D. 126. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass n. HEG8 4s BWOBODA. 1416 Farnam 6L A. DONAQHUK. 1621 Harney. Doug. 1001. FUUMIEHf. I BAM KNEETER. lWOFarnam. Red 6834. H Rothhols. 2818 Lea en worth. It. eio-i. MH1UUIC4I. UUIilMU. THE largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costume. In the country. Theo. Lleben at Son. 1M4 Howard. D. 411. "instruction-. English. French Instruction. 106 Lyric Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H H. CLAIBORNE. 61$ Paxton Blk. Red 740L Notary public, deposition ataoo. C. W. BRITTSUl Baker Jllock. "EicTllTING FIXTURES, WIRING. DUItKIN Tb'VurnJln."rt" Sll. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS CO. Exchange Bldg. MAIItl R. Massage, women. Call D. for spptmt. MOTORCYCLES. HA RLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. l aruulD in used machines. Victor Rooa, "Ths Motorcycle Man.'$7uS Leavenworth. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tlun picture machina and film bargatna OCULIST. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, psy as you can. Drs. McCarty. 1111 W. 6. W. Bid. osteopath yVavsici an JOSFPHINB ARM8TRONO. lt Be Bldg FATE-ITS. D. O. BaraalL Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till. vR".yD.T"5 PAtH OF trouhi :. ::-.. ":?r anrt. . 'tomi ..r' i..V"'",J"m. kidney , r t;nts. A. Pturgea. V Brandela Theater Bldg. H, PILLOWS AND BRDDINO. OMAHA PI LI XI W CO.. Mattresses made to order or remade. 1S17 Cuming. D. 40J. FLU M ICS fLkANEUI, CVTtLED. dyed. P Fl.-ele 1IM City Nat SAFE AND TIM la tOCKEIPERTi? O A T7T7C? 0r-ned, repaired. eomfa Paven- 171 r I- cnangeti. r. K. Port. 1 pods, d. imt. PI4NOS lllk KENT. W per month A Hosr. IMS Pouglaa I'RINTINQ. Printing. Tel Doug. (ISO. tH 8. llth St. CENTRAL Printing Co. POUOLAS I7M. rtQUGLAB Printing Co. Tel. Petiglas 4. SCALE REPAIRING fm. Wtandard Weal Co.. (II lrth. P 1 J SHOD REPAIRING. FRHEPMAN BROS., sboe repair, til & It jf '! RP. C.. XM rarn m R.$44l SEWINU MACHINES. We rTl Hell needle an parts for all sewing machine. "MICKEIAS," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney. Douglas I Ml ' STEEL CEILINGS.' CARTlRBheetMeta!Comnny. US S la, STORB AND OFFItsTriXTURES?"" PFflKS, safes, scales, showcases, shale. log, etc. W buy. sell. Onvth Fixture SupplyJCo., 414-lg-tS 8.I2th. Doug. H14, "STOVE AND KI RNACE nEPAIRs7 ALL REPAIR" Water fronts, furnace rolls, etc. Quick ervlc. Omaha Htov Repair Wks. 12Q6-S Douglas St. Tyler sa Tc-LECTRIC MOTOR REP A IRI NO. CAHILl ELECTRIC Co.. Be Bid. D $t7. TOWEL St'PPLIE. OMAHA Towel Supply. 107 8. llth. D. Ms TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINQ A- BTEINLB. 1806 rarnsm St. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter $ ma for ft, uiiver iypwnter Agency, uut rarnan. BUTT'S Typewriter Elxchange, 81$ & lit bt- Ail wakes fur sal or rout. RENT a ''Remington not Just a tro writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 1&4. VACUUM ILklAMiUI. ALL makes, E. B. William, $0$ B. 18th. Tyler loll. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, Id fl. Paxton Bk., II yr. xp. WEDUINO STATION KRI. Wedding announcomenta Doug. Ptg. Oo. WINES AND LI4UORB. ALEX JETE8. Kl-S 8 llth Bt Wines, liquor, cigars. Plat dinner II to t, loo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, ttth and Capitol Ave. Tan-cent lunob. BUT your family liquor at Klein Liquor house. kU N. 10th Douglas lsua SWAPPERS' COLUMN r;(jUlTY or 2( in house and six lots In Fremont, Ned. Will swap for good hotel or restaurant, or anything I can use. Address L 4M. Bee. GOOD three-hole burner and oven aaso line stov for a good washing machine. . c. i- GOOD oak, six-foot, extension dining table, Iron bed and sprlnr want small range. Address S. C. . Bee. GOOD sewing machine and Icebox: will trade for good davenport. 8. C. 618, Bee. GARDEN TOOLS Spade, snovels. I rakes, hoe and grass knife, to trad for 4- mlnute Edison record, or anything. Ad- ureas a. 1;. S34. nee. tt HAVK a buagy, good a new, oost $160, would consider a late model motorcycle or what have you H. C. 517, Bee. HAVE large fine mammoth jack that cost me last spring $1,600, that I will (wrap for automobile, live stock or any thing 1 can usu. Jack I $ year old, is4 hands hUh. weight about l.luO, la sound and registered. S. C. Cttf. Bee. HAVE two Indian motoroycles In flnn shape, both twin machines, that I w.ll swap for auto, any make. B. C. 064, Boo. I HAVE new full leather 20-volume set or "Messages of the President" to swap for diamond, or what have you to offer. Books can be seen and examined. Address H. C. , Bee. 4-MONTH scholarship, value $.10; to ex change for something of equal valu. 8. C. 619. Omaha Be. PIANO Hamilton piano In tip-top shape; black walnut cas and cost $l'0. Trade for clear lot or lot in Omaha or Bluffs. S. C. 668. Bee. PAINTING Will exchange first-class painting for plumbing work. Address R. C. 34. Bee. 7-Room, modern house; hot water heat; XiM) H. 19th Ht. Will take 6-passedKer car or lot In Carter Lake club as part payment, l'hone Webster $961, or address O 4:i5, Bee. SMALL soft coa heater for dresser, In good shape, or what have you 7 S. C. 809, Bee. TWO-CYLINDER gasoline engine, good as new. win swap for anything 1 can use. Motorcycle pi ef erred. Address 8. C. 161. Be. TWO and one-half horsepower electric motor will trade gasoline engine, or anything 67. Bee. I can use. Address 8. C. TO SELL or trad your shotgun or rlfla, See FRIKDMAN. ml Douglas. VACUUM cleaner, cleans rugs, curtains, wall paper, etc. Want second-hand typewriter. Address 8. C. 368, Bee. ZINC-CVERED kitchen-cabinet table, to exchange for small dresser, chiffonier or anything I cun use. 8. c. 616. Bee. MEDICAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Pr. K. R. Tarry cures pile, fistula aol ther rectal d.aeanns without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no nionej paid until cured. Wrhe for book o rectal diaeaaes with testimonial DM. E. U. TAKHI, $40 Um Bldg. RHEUMATISM treated suocsf uily, re sults guarant'd Dr. Bowser. 114 Be tilde LEGAL NOTICES BIDS will be received nt the city clerk' of I ice, Ida urove, Iowa, up to s o'clock p. m., No vein her 30, L1j, lor paving cer tain strct-ts and alloys in sail city. e-tl. Hinted ut ji.e") to ,iki yards, curbing etc. Plans and scutcations ran be seen at city clerk's office or at engineer of fice. K. C. liaynor. Sioux City, Iowa. The council reserves the r glit to rejeot any or all bids. Certified check, 10 per cent of bid, to a comiiany bid GEO. C. HUBBARD. VMy Clerk. Ida Grove. Iowa, November 18, lDli. Nsv-d-lt Few Facts and Fancies About the Midwest Tournament Pin Tumblers Jo Hummel and Charley Wlthnell, rep resenting the city commissioner; George Iow of Kansas City, representing the Midwest congress; Kd Tracy, repre senting the Omaha association i W. L. Bchnenman, representing the Farnam alleys, and P. J. Sweeney of rH. Louis, rolled the first ball on th sis alley to start th tourney off. Ther sre two Alnen Prau tNtmi en tered in th St Louis delegation. Th team which roll Sunday night Is th championship quintet of 1I14, not th on w hich rolls tonight. Oeorge Btrots of Pes Molne. rreldnt of th Midwest oongress, I confined to a hospital In De Molne and will be unable to attend th tourney. At the annual meeting, which will be held at th Pax ton hotel Sunday at I o'clock. Vice ITfsldent C. B Bills will preside. Bt Louis. Lincoln and Cedar Rapid are In th field for th 1)11 tournament. Th odd favor th Mound city as eleven team from th show-m stat metro poll hav entered th local event. Lin coln ha some strong supporter, how aver, due to th unwllllngnes of om to make th trip south, and I expected to put up a scrap for th honor. Cedar Rapid bas not ven on team entered In th event thl year and la not con sidered seriously. Ther will b no douti and slngi vent rolled today, th only event to day will b the team rolling tonight. The Falstaff team of FL Iouls, which w formerly the Hyde Park team. Is on of the boat known team la th coun try. It la a consistent tourney winner and la expected to show sum speed In th Midwest. Th Budwelser team, which roll tonight. Is also sum quintet of pin tumbler and I at present leading the two big scratch league In SL Louis. Th Bt, Loula team, which will roll her boast om Interesting characters. Harry Deen of th Falstaff team I on of th few great exponents of th back-up ball. Harry I said to b wls ard with It. Deen and Jul Rchmltt make up th Mound city's crack doubl team. Otto Stein of th Washington Is called th Jimmy Smith of St. Louis. In other words. Otto I soms money bowler and la a good man to garabl on. f H. C. Menne. president of th SL Louis Bowling association, will arrive her to day. Menne I city treasurer of Bt. Louis and It will be up to btm to maka th big spiel for ft Loula a th llll tourna ment city. It 1 expected hi political x perlecn will oome In In good ttead when thl trick come off at th annual meet ing. Menn I aald to be a good bowler, who ha followed th cam for twnty year. He roll a big round-hous book. If Bt. Loula land th 1916 event h will probably b elected th exeoutlv to handle 1L D. J. Sweeney, th king of bowling; In Bt Lout, beat th rest of th Mound. City gang In by arriving yesterday. 4weony 1 th original tournament fiend of th United States. H makes aU tournaments, be they big er email, and he 1 known to every pin tumbler In th land. Sweeney' strong point Is conver IUCAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Cenpll- ana tarnish- br Ksrr Tills Ousrantee n AtMrwct eompear, 101 SouU B-veaueata WARRANTY WCT1DS Mary IMvoska and hustiud to M-Jln Ironta. parts or lot sad 10, block II, iBvpeo.om-nt Asaoelatlon's add $ I AunM PoUnoa and wife to a. A. Walkw, lot 1, block 44. Klor-nx 1 Dsrkor Coowaar to frank O, ftswar lot lf7. LMir-Dworth H.lxhts Bark-r jfnpnr to ttisrt-a Horn, lots 108, 1M, tot six) ant, Leaniorth llalchis. ... 1 Charlos L. Wrtsnt st si. to Rrn-at Brunbt, alto fast of lot . block 7. Kalvldars ald.. SM Uaaa H. rawdary and husband ta Ifally lnsatraot, lot it Mock 8. baulavard Tar raca j.dt Anlhony T. Bran nan snd wifa ta Wltla iVIad, lot 4, Mook T, Kirat add to Bout Omaha loo C. Oaorts Oarlbsrs snd wlfa te Jnna P. Hurly. part of lota aad a. Mock 11. (Vaisdtos a irrat AA $,0f John V. Hurl. 7 and wlta to C. Oaoraa Carl barg. lota 1i and , blaak i. Frurn Hark. MS N. K. IDIIraaoa and wlfa to Jobs gaklae, lot 4. block I. Kountta Kaath's add ... 1,000 Northant Tniat Cempanr to Aaiarlcwa Ra diator Company, lot I, block ill. City o Omaos I LEtiAL NOTICES NOTiCia TO CONTRACTORS. By direction of the property commit tee of the Board of 1 tenants of the Uni versity of Nebraska, bids will be received until 4 o ciock p. m. Wednesday, Decem ber 16, 1K16, at th offlc of th under signed for construction of a cheiulnlry building on the city camtma of the I'm. veisity of Nebraska at Lincoln. Separate inua win oe reoeivea ror instauauon of heating and ventilating, plumbing and vacuum cleaning and electric wiring for said building; all bid on building con struction and th several installation of equipment must be la strict accordance wim pians. drawings and specifications now on file In the office of tha auuartn. tendent of construction ia the University Administration building at Lincoln. Bid ders must confsr with th said superin tendent of construction and must in ail cases use the blank form prepared un der the direction of said superintendent for bidding purposes. Approximate cost of said building Including equipment above mentioned la $JOO,0U0. Bids must be accompanied by bank cashier's checks or certificate of deposit payable uncondi tionally to i ne rjoarn ot rte gents of the I'nlverslty of Nebraska, 'n the amounts and for purpose, stated In the "Instruc tions to bidders" accoinoan vlnar nlana and specifications. Bids must be sealed and plainly marked on the outside cover i neiniHiry nunaing, or. "Chemistry Building tuuulpmeiit." as the ease may b (heating, plumbing. Ac). Th. riul.t i. reserved to reject any and all bid. TUB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, J. B. DALES. Secretary. Station A. Un- co'n. Novl-l4--Pecl NOTU B TO CONTRACTORS. By direction of tha rirotwartv pnmmiti.. of the board of regents of the University of Nebraska, bids will be received until a o ciock p. m., Wednesday, December 16. llllo. at the office of th. unr1vr.lun.,l for construction of a hospital ou.luing on mo gruuiiua oi ma university medical col leare In Omaha. Separate blda will b received (or installation of heating and ' veuiiiaiuiK. piuinuing and vacuum clean ing and electric wfring for aald bulld Ug; all bids on building construction and the several Installations of eoulument must h In strict accordance with plans. , drawing and specifications now on file in in oiiic or in superintendent of construction In the university adminis tration building at Uncoln and In the office of Ar hi tec ts Iatenser Ik Sons In Omaha. Bidden may consult plans and specifications either at the offlc of said superintendent or said architects, but must in an cases use me plank forms prepared under direction of said super- uiienueiii iur oiuoing purposes. Approxi mate cost of said building Including equipment above mentioned, lt30,0oiX Blda must be accompanied by bank cashier' checks or eertlMrales of deposit payable unconditionally to the board of regents of the University of Nebraska. In the amounts and for the purposes stated In the "instructions to bidders.'' accompany ing plans snd spaciftcattona. Bids must be st aled and plainly marked oo the out side cover, "Hospital Building," or "Hos pital Building Equipment," a th case may be (heating, plumbing, etc). The right I reserved to reluct aay and all bb's. Th .University of Nebraska, J. 8. DALlud, Secretary. Station A. Lincoln. sation. IT could get a laugh out ef a cigar titer Indian. Pad Hopkins of Grinnell, la., who Is 61 rears of g and ha been a tournament figure for year, will be her. Pad has Issued a blanket challenge to any bowler In the country qyr 40 years old. H I A great pot bowler and when h arrives om Mg pot game can be expected. C. L Healey of th Jack Daniel of St foul I the real bowling Apollo of th country. Healey I only its feet flvs high, which make him about th tallest bowler extant and I some sthlet. H used to be a crack water polo player on th Illinois Athletlo elub team. i Rude Meyer of the Jack Daniels I th Beau Brummel of th St Lout aggrega tion and I heralded a th matinee Idol of all th girls. H look Ilka a Fifth aver) fashion hop. says D. J. Swsenay, who waa passing out th dope on all th SL Loulsans last night Th Mg free lunch and open hous for II of th visiting bowler will be on at Washington hall. Thl plao will b open whenver visiting teams ar bar. Th Flat tam of Minneapolis, which) will tske th alleys tonight comes with, quite a reputation. Six teams ar en tered from th Twin Clti thl year snt the Flat ar aald to tt th cream ot them all. -, Pick Qrotte ha a nice Job at the touma-s mant. Pick I custodian of a cash regis ter. He sells ticket to peotators snd la som ticket eller, according t tho what wcr frisked for a buck for a season card. Carl Cain, secretary of th local asso ciation, and Oeorgw Lowe, secretary of l the congress, ar ths busy little lads at i th alley. Running a tournament Is some Job, a either on of these chaps will quickly testify, and if you don't be lieve it go up and tak a look at them burning th midnight olL Pad Huntington's Swede pulled soma big city stuff for th boy last night Pad dug up a flf and drum Corp om Place, attired them as rural Swedish lad i and marched them through th street from hi alleys to th Farnam allays and than had them lead hi quintet on tho alley. ALL EYES ONNEW ORLEANS Will Be Boon to Pugilism if Cm cent City Twenty-Bound Bontt Are Successful. PROMOTERS SETTLE SQUABBLES NEW ORLEANS, La.. Nor. X Box Ing follower will view with interest th effort of Promoter Tommy Burns and Do mini ck Tortlch to mak New Or leans th puglllstlo center of tha coun try. If all goea well, ohamplonahlp matches which hav been practically abolished sine California put up th bars will be restored and onos mora th varlou title holder, who hav had thing o easy of late, will b forced to defend their honors. Of course, all this will depend on whether th matches now being consid ered prov to b a financial suocass. Shortly after boxing was discontinued In California a law permitting twenty, round bouts waa passed In Louisiana at th solicitation of th merchants of New Orleans, who believed that championship fights would adverUoe their city and bring many tourist their way. That was over a year ago, and so far no big bout has been staged in th couth owing to th fact that th promoters hav been, fighting among themselves. Reoently Burn and Tortorlch settled their differ ence by Joining hands and now It only remain to be seen whether th sport can be made to pay In that ction of the country. If the . plans of th promoter go through, It 1 probabl that soms now champion will b mad this winter. Ever sine California closed It gates to th glovemen, th pampered champions hav been growing fat on ten-round bouts, and It I quit probable that som of them hav forgotten to put up A real fight. Ther la no test Ilk a twenty-round bat tle to a decision and whether Walsh, K1I ban. Williams or Ertl. all of whom hav th ten-round habit, could suae fully defend their titles in real fight is uncertain. Ertle, who claim th bantam tltl. ha never fought over tan round. Kilban has had but on twenty-round bout Sine h defeated Attel for th title, over two years ago, and he only got a draw on that occasion. Freddie Welsh has held -th lightweight tltl over a year and a half and haa yet to defend tt In tha only way that counts. Tersa Offered Welsh. Walsh may be induced to appear at New Orleans, as, h . has been offered good terms for a match with Jo Man dot. Mandot I a clever boxer, but h la far from being a dangerous hitter. Ther are several others whom th general public would prefer to so In a match with Welsh. Mandot waa chosen by the promoter on account of local aentlment, Southern boxing followers ar Interested only In their favorites, and on that ac count th selection of th New Orleans boxer was a good move on their part. While th promoter ar figuring on championship bout In all th varlou divisions. Interest I centered In th heavyweight. According to Tommy Burns, he I anxious to match Jim Coffey with Prod Vulton; th winner to meet Prank Moraa. th survivor to tackla Js Wlllard for th tltl. However, Wlllard s backers seem to hav other views, they ar talking of having th cham pion meet th untried Pulton with any preliminaries. Wlllard never was much ot a ten rounder, and ho probably think It would b much wiser for btm to begin with a few easy matches before taking any chanca. la twenty rounds h would be almost sur to score a knockout, which would caus any rudones in hi work to b overlooked. When Wlllard fights Mo ran, or whoever happen to be th leading contender at th time, th bout probably will b held at on of th local open air club. JAMES SMITH, JR., OF NEW JERSEY IN TROUBLE NBWARK. N. J.. Nov. 0.-Jamss Smith, jr., former United States senator from New Jersey, announced today that he had resigned th presidency ot th Federal Trust company of thl city aad placed hi business affairs In th haads of a trusts. Mr. Smith's Indebtedness approximates H.7&O.00S. HI assets ar estimated at more than tt.OuO.DOO, and ba expects to pay all claims.