The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page I L IRE' NEW ADVENTURES OF FVesenied IJy This -w,mM- r rWS-Wi ft huh -H iA orgy PEL WRITTEN BY GEORGE RANDOLPH CHESTER Author of "Qn-Rich-Qulck-WalUnfford" DRAMATIZED BY CHARLES W. GODDARD Builder of tha World's Qrsateet 6erg INTRODUCING burr Mcintosh - - - max fiqman - - - - - lolita robertson - - Copyright 1111 by Ths Star Co. M. for- ala;a Rights Reserved."" A TRAP FOR TRAPP. FA . . .. . OUR round eyes stared wistfully through the wide plate-glaee window and two mvmmm luisan m . o u.u rn Were mrroundtd. fram hair to ool. lar. by frecklee; the brown eyea were eat In "Then the poat ofD.ce authorltlee come around an oval faoe of apod featurea. except for tha with a bang, and paaa you the flnlab of Five tobeleaa eara. which ran down on a tangent hundred-and-twenty-per cent-Mlller." to the cheeka The blue eyea were so Ailed Toung Jimmy bounced Into ths room with with snthualaam that even tha surrounding a tr,,hly bent and broken auto horn la his freokles seemed to glow; ths brown syes hand w.r.? clc'a,'Bl3r Jhpus-htful. .v. B,a m, Bw vorn," hs reported, eur- "Uncls Blackle might buy It for ps." hops- 'veylng with admiration ths recent work of fully speculated Toad Jeeeup. his freckles tn warden elatera "Mlaa Violet said that aeemlng to dance. He could not have been w might as well get one when we went ter mors eager It tha window had been fuU of ,ha tirea. ao elaaaa a-lva ma an order." . ... ,. . thoughtfully decided tha "Nobody would. young nephew of r.t . -w.I w .wBL.-: m - . ... . . There waa a ion projected their very aoula through ths un armpathetlo plata glaee. "Let's go la and look at It." and Jimmy led' tha way quits deliberately. "Where tba use." grumbled Toad, hut ho PUSHVP, IB WIIIUII UVIU WVJI (oiieweo. a amau-eyea man came rorwara imroeai- pay off your flrat booba witn two-rourtna; ately, amillng. He waa rather plump, and and with tha other fourth Uatenl you pyr bald in front, so that hla large nose seemed amid wheat 1" te be a aort of handle to that part of hie 'th joy!" yallsd Blackle. "Then you run a face which began above ths eyebrows. lottery with the wheat profits. I guess, and "Hello, boys I" hs grseted them with tha -trm a pound of oak for the capital prise." cordiality due to the progreea of good eus "-oad Jeeeup and young Jimmy came etamp. tomera. Tha wealthy looking Mr. Walling- lnK ln wltn tnejr .rma full of auto aoceeeorlea ford had Juet opened an account. which had been pounded to blta by tha gleeful "How'a the new aearchllghtT" Warden orphana. "Fine and dandy!" replied Toad, with an. "Found a lot of things wa need." explained thualaom. "Wa make everybody stop at tha Jimmy eagerly. "We're going to taka soms of slds of ths road and wait." them down to ba repaired, but a lot of them "Wbat'a the price of that new ear In tha wa ll have to buy new. The girls said you'd window V Inquired young Jimmy calmly, better Juet give ua aa order for anything w thruatlng hla bands Into hla pooksta, and want." - . looking up at Louts Trapp with busineee- "That's right. Jim. ha a sport," grinned like soberness. Blackle. "Why wern't you In tha first plaoe. Ths changs la Mr. Trapp was Inatantane. "Who's running this rsnchr Inquired Wsl. one. His eyea glaaed. lie screwed up ana llngford with a traoa of curtneaa, and, writ, side of his faoe until hla mouth waa all in Ing tha order In a hurry, he gave It to young one corner; then released his oouataaaaoa Jimmy; v. hereupon the boya daahed out of With a amacK. i ne little aix, ne mrrra, aww nnnini With ratneriy kinaneee. -xwenty-six nry, and hs led the way to the wladsw. Toad Jeaiup was already ever there. "How fait canine got- laouirad Toad, his stiff, da.'k-red hair almost quivering. "Saventy." and Lou I a Traap held tha hack of one atubby band la tha ether palna while he studied thi two boys speculatively. -That's the emoothest-runnlng angiaa oa Ua aaar. ket" . The twa hoya wno bad beea aaepted py Wallingford and Blackle Caw bent on tha car an appreciative a sea. It was aa aa- tremely low. eartridge-ehaped runabout. most -.bvlouafy built for apeed. and tha da. signer had meant It. absolutely, far two Uya. one freckled and one rather plump. Louls Trapp seems to ba rsthsr a hard uetamer." epeiutated J. Rufua WaUlagferd. and the three other membera at the reetltu- iion conference, sitting on ths veranda at Walllt.gfords beauUtulsuburban heme, wars slleatiy tbougbtfuL 1 opened aa aooaunt witn him in order to get aoquamiea, out 1 h.van't been abl. to aU.alaU his aaanolai Imagination.- . tk. two beautiful Warden st store and The two beautiful Wards si store and Blaokls Daw laughed at that them huaekio rose and leanea against tne raji, axeeauig La solder-like legs aad twirling hla bias -ha. "Hall have to give up tno nrxy tneueano ha atols from the Warden astata lust tha asms- and Blackle gesed dowm Into tba .l.i.. kl... ...a l Vlrtl.t Ooula la auntber ala on the Hat of awlndlsra who . tM.. - - ' . robbed you orphana of your fathera forruna. gnd Lonls wufbsva to bo oroeea oS. Wall, fock who's here r through whleh cejne a man ao bald-heeded that a near-el shied lamp eleaaer had onoa wainngTera imnms wm wwwra roietaaea aim iwr mm mm jnv mmm Baal on. avna wm muvuini . -Th OiIa.M cbuokUd Wtaitnarford. wb wtvti ftlwtra fsiOMd Vy W. O. Jon-. -rlt a as ilaxkle were laugnmg aiiariouaty si tne Onion's latset soaems for getUag htaaaeLf ,V" Llf"-. ,. - -Well, why dawt yej go through with Itr aiwed Blaekle. "k. mouse me" observed ontoa jsaea ponteir topping the flawleeely nude bead, whlc- Plaekie called an egg. "I don t mind living, for a anell. In a bam hotel, or even a hospital hut 1 draw the lino at the penitentiary. "I'll im.1 you the scheme for five thoueaad J. Rufus leaned baolt la hla library chair, and aurveyd Onion with mock disapproval. "Tour streak of yellow's beginning to ahow tnrouan, ne cfiarpreo. Toad Jeeeup bobbed In at the doer. "Si TJnoI "Say. you got a couple of bueted tiros, Iw' klndCh wa'ttlnt.- J.?..- !om ,T J.Z ZAymJmmmV Faanls aald Id better get aa ardor ns' hat from you Wallingford smiled, and wrote aa ord sr ss for the tlree; then be returned to tba basiaees proposition of Mr. W. O. Jones. T caa remember when you'd take aehanee,' as eaia. witn a aiy wink at macaia "That's lost It.' respondsd Mr. Joaea, 1 air. Joaea -I took 'ia ail, and there ala t any chances left. Lver alnce I put In that two stretch, crackle scaiog If0'.' Ihets rocka la a striped suit, twelve yeara get nervous whea Fro In a small room. why I came to you smart sure to pot in a iw tancy tuga now aoout it. Jim i isa ae at :t this way f "Not me." Interruoted WaUlngford: youl- "X doa t think goa understand thla acaeata." aw ww. ' " - " . - uu . . . . wva. Rr mm .www, " . . " weeK. ana niTs anoiiea i or a patent on it. w. www a iuv .ww ----- , . ... wawin.w k ... u. .. iur tnem ail to seen atm aad sparo rouraaive. tha onion" aj, h, .mall of rubber. ilrecUy in plained wVlllaiford? with amlliag nin- tsn-dollsr bills, hs dropped them lack Into after ws've so "Wl'rli" "Tllwlfg!" hs auddenly ehfiakad tato tha Laughing, tba sisters stepped oft tha aids thm oenUr. For the first Instant alnos their ii'linoe ss It be were amueed with himself ths drawer, whloh he cioeed and locked. He him to hold. 1 11 poison him! hs dsolsrsd yln. .hon wj,, th. T;AX9 Marketing Com. awtraaoe to tha porch and wandered round approach, tha paeumaUo bora etepped shriek- having deacended to auch trlfiea "It's divided the mofiey into four equal pilea "This dlctlvely. panyl Bay. Uatenl Close my wheat at tha the rardea. while Onloa Jeaea waa led lata u I troVbU-llght, te Tba ueid on "ara fitted with s ours." bs said, handing one of the pllea to At that momont there cams , slamm ng down market! Oulokl Quick!" Say. Hit an I Whar! ihf library. ... . Alnt aha a daadyr demanded Toad. Jump. i lamps. It1! lorTg tubV proTlded with tks market?" A moment of allencaV hS Toad Jeasup and yowag Jlmmr oama rao- in9 t OBto the poroh, hta hair touaied, his 2Junnelat one and and a eondaastag lens tw hundred aad fifty duuars into his up. spsed. a low gray eartrldgs-shapad runabout, turned from tha 'phone with a weak amUa! Ing home, full of eathuelaam for the aew ,hlnlB(r, hi. freckles red with Joy. it ths ithsr. It "s lined throughout with turned hat. . In which est a diminutive driver and a dl- ,nd m drop of pefeplratlon trickled off tha oar. and all thla enthuelasra they poured out Si.d, )t in fifty-two mlnutea from Colum- vurBuh.J Vllsor "loth Tna tuanel is plsced will pay off tha first twsnty-fivs In. mlnutlve paasenger. both with gogglss and end of his nose. "Gentlemen, what can I do on Violet and Ftusnle. Also, they revealed ciroi..- announced Jimmy, stopping tba Isna of tho gaa Ismps. and the light setoro." and Wallingford drew two of tha fylng hair. for youf "M their settled and hspeleas JnT1"-"L hV motor with a touch of his too. is reflected through tha entire length of the owr- him. snspplng a rubber band xt th, Y,ry instant in whloh Blackia and "Give us a little statsmsnt of your buai. nobody la tea whole wide world weuld giva The beye were met with a etranaa lack of I.hV- around the remaining one and shoving It to Wal'lngford rscogniaed the car and the crew, riess." busked the heavleet-set man. looking them the earl - .... . anthuslaam. Violet had plumped down ia a . ... . one slds. Hs chuckled aa be stole a aide. " :,hYna- haoDened which aave Broadway at the waate paper baaketa at sv.ryn.rln! Vlelec watching their wletful faaaa. sad- winH, w(n h.r fs.r.traight before her He V!- S?a 1? Xoai ""Ward glance at Louis Trapp. That JVf U. Urn Thrllla. Two glrla atsrted to Snd ever, tlcU in "r'oSm. an! ath. etily giggled aaf drew Fannie aside. both h.nda at her heart. Fannie waa hack of an order-allp. hut Mr. Trapp did not gentleman a eyes had expanded until the color S?oss the street In front of the car. and door and window. tM -l-t's play ons of his own trioka oa Mr. wht snd .tiff, and was squeestng her left used the dlsgrama. was visible. They were a mottled canary. itoDDed midway to d vclde In which direction "I'm going to quit It." declared Mr th.. Wallingford - aha urged, and explalaed It ta vna with bar right ao hard that the tips of "Urn-hump- hs admlttsd. with ths indlffer- "Lend us a hand. Trapp. if you'rs not busy,-- f., nearer sidewalk. They held hande. There's ao profit In tt-" and hi 7P oxctted whispers. her flagers wsre crlmeon. Jim Wallingford. ones of ons who Is not esser for the untried, requested Wallingford. "Fold two ten-dot. Jur-iing. and pulled each way: whlls Toad evolent glare at the three Intruder, it tiVj Fanale ehook hor head at first, hat finally t the library window, waa leaning out with "It looks pretty good. If I had aome. I might lar bllla In theee circular lettera so they will j."UB too near tor ths brakes, tried to had only stayed I away another Sav "wi aha erolled. aad it waa aha who led la tho m sagging kv, and his face was ths color of sell half a dosen or ao on commission." fit these envelopes," snd reaching Into one of :h,BK, hla mind aa oftsa ss they did. When don't owe a cent." He monied hla .m, careful sseoutlon of which fol. a n,h. kl. Daw having no fle.h to war- Tre no doubt" smllsd Wallingford. Big. hs bottom drawers of his de.k. he paaeed Mr. S;;BBalI, separated, one of the girls fol- "lou can look at my booka. I can pay aver lowed, ghe sailed the hoya. aad led the way r. hlm ,Pp4 out through the window, one broad-chested. Jovial fellow. Wallingford Trapp a sheaf of circular lettera. oa which ow,d the car acroee to the wrong aide of body." -. a pay every. mm'mm' . .. Tr " - . long leg alter tne otner, ana ior onoo tne waa. and the soul of osreleee generoelty. t"a ""e oi tne puee oi duib. ,h. street. In ordsr to tumble in rront oi it; "That's all tha . ... . . . drovo nails i through Iwo of tha Urea oa Wal- feWl, had ne; grla for his pala didn't know but "hat you might be In-. Lo Trapp aat numbly gaslng at tha ,a ,h.n In th. mlti.t of shriek, of terror th. heVv'e!" ae?1 maabut of ToSa vou linrfordo pet roadeter. .you ,OUng devlla!" be enaekled, with a teres ted ta tha manufaoture and marketing money for a few minutes, and then, as a Pre- oad Jeeeup did the brtlllant thing whiob ;o ,haw ua if ni...i v.f.VIt"?.' Two mlnu ea Uter Toad i'aaaap waa head- BU,wy Tol0a. -Where did yea get that oar?- J? " manuimotura ana marneting mllry to launit co-operation, he read .rked him aa a born driver. He turned the "e ll Tonly ahut vo h luh ed for the library, where Wallingford aad r-. . -ul.. la.t tValr raSaaaa. hut " .. .. the circular letter. It ... .. follows: .t . shot ",l"t Tou P. but If you ra. Illegal READ - - - - J. Rufus Wallingford . IJlaCkUe DaW com plained Onion, draw and twlrllnar hla hlaalna- chamoaana hlahbalL VH lamiin inn vvv u ivhuii ibiu nvnvd Blackle. then you "Not me.- interrupted Biacaie; youi" Mlmme a chancel" growled tha Onloa. "Aa fast as the boobs send their money In - aa raat as tne poob you u n to pay oft fcfore. Jim: but you- tha onea that sent it in nu " "Not me." interrupted wauingrora: youi- no. . ii.w...j Only a slight trace of annoyance on tha unfl, Pi, fac- 0f wallingford. aa ha wrota rvuiiiii iiiis) law the order and paaaed It to Jimmy. Mlllr WeTadl A plain crook," went on Onion, now a trine eulky. "witn my scnems tne money, as It cornea In, Is split four waya Ton snag out one-fourth tor youreelf; you "Not me," Interrupted blackle; youl" "Walt a minute!" begged Onion. Taii hi Ant . fourth for voureelf! 9dV the oeor, oropping sail tneir nrvaea ew wriii i ny . . . . . .-. union itnti gsiinia mi nun..... o. a olgarstte from ths boa on ths table and lit It: then ha started In sarnest, and apent a iolid three-quarters of an hour In sxplalnlng the tntrtcaclea of his new ech erne. "But here's the beat part of It," hs finished All you vs get ts do is pick a good boob, with fifty thouaand dollars, that'll buy you out triumphantly. "I've saved this ror tne laai. Juet before the pinch comee. Of couree. tnen. yeu got to rrame soms way mat tne oooo can't paaa It back to you. That's where I fu down. I cant frame theee floeay anglsa. That's where you come la. J. Rufus." J. Rufua lit a fat. blaok cigar. "Not me." he calmly, and finally, ststedj you!" whereupon Onion Jenee, oonceallng hla nakednees with a new felt hat. oureed pro- toundly. and walked out into the air "Tou miaaed a circus, glrla." sxplalnsd Ulachla. as Violet and Fannie came Into tha library, with the pink of excitement In the r .heeks snd i ths sparkle of mleohl.t in their eyea ' "Union jonea naa a great acneme i" .4 hta day. In Blng 8ing. and all he neada la an inveetor from Matteawan. A loud ahrlak latarrunted tha He " A laud shriek Interrupted the conversation. it waa Ilka tha approach of a hlgh-epeed lo eemotlve, and 11 gatnereo in volume ana in- teneltr Ilka tha acream of a aky-roSk.t. it 1 ok (. ...mas ta tha wladaw and hla mouth drooped open. ... "rr the Lord's sake. Pipe thle" he yelled. and tha glrla knocked over two chairs in get- . . Ti rk. k.ji a aullu attak of fright. v' " w - - Onloa Jeaes waa Juet paaalng out through the carriage gate with offended dignity. Aa Wallingford reaohed tha window. Onion, who waa inounea 10 porwineee mwmm nays, aua- gniy aprang straight up and daecrlbd a para- hola over late .the greea. 8lmultaneoualvwlth tDia ana tne iout onea i nn a sm law avrtv nrMK inoi in irom idw rva n tmm vbMlL whluod tt th drive, and round- d tbm cwrr-i into tbo oorrtuo porch. mlin jlmmr looked up at Blaokle with a emlle. n6lt jim Mm,m to us." be stated, gland a g for aa inetant. In the direction of the heavy aur, th, window, and hi. emlle deep, .... 'wH ordered Mr. Trapo ta let ua have -.fhi-. . waatad. and thla la It." ,nf r OB, known yau boye would drlva ... ... . .... helped youl" cried Jr,.t aeipeo youi onea i . . . ' ' ' . "Oh. Tm BO sorry." worried Fanale. T1 aad I are to blame. Mr. WaUlngford." J. Rufus looked from one to tha other of the Warden aleters la astonishment, then ha ahuoalaA. "This gives as aur chance, Blackia, "Now we caa aet very close ta Loele." "ror ,w C,"U rd V storage!" threatened J. Rufus Valllngferd. hl, bl round plnB fac. aflame with India-no. tlea. ana his broad Chest swelling With the .ams vigorous sentiment. "Here a your car!" and. with s wave of hie hand, he Indicated ah... i. - aoi.el. .im - 'iV"Vi. rhmm II. kii .rt. i. I? where Blackle Daw. who had driven It la. atood gaslng dowa at It with smiling ad- miration. Loula Trapp glanced la the direction of tba nana wave, mi small eyee giasea, sad las r 1 It' Blds of his face arrowed up. "M'hat'e the mattsr with It?" "The fact that It's there!" snapp4 Wal iiagrord. llngford. "Tou should have better sense. If ether manufacture under ths earns name, aa the thomba. "Tou haven't Inveated a cent; ehoulder meanwhile. Jlmmle Walllngfoi-d five. Ob to a Joaas has to sat La toy hi all not better morals, than to put a dangsrous long as he furnished the cepltal himself, with- you let the money, lay In that drawer all touched the pneumatte hom ons short, shrill thousand -rr.achlns like that Into the hands of caildrea. out profit te Mr. Wallingford. In offset to this weekl Tou'r aeing one-half of the money to bleat. The blue-eyed tramp pollcomsa loaae4 Besides, there's a law stalest IC tT HEREThenSsalt Mr. Trapp turned hla sysa on Wallingford, and released his oountsnance witn a emack. Ho dlalikad to loaa a euatomar, but It would teke Walllntford two ycaro to buy twenty ala hundred and fifty dollars' worth of a Aeasnrtea. "It'a not my responsibility." ha stated In oeer aecurlty. tou aent ma your written order for the purchaee of thla ear; and a sals la a aalo. Mr. wainngfora." "Ton took a crooked advantage of that order!" hotly charged waiungrora. "i sup- won ne lane diqk nm cr imi uv- manded Blackle Paw, whe had studied tha Tall-and-laan Blackle Daw bent over Mr. ainlv about Ave feet ala. and ha felt aa If tha i 1 1 gins iimi.w ..if. m.. imvv " him. "Would you rsthsr hava that ear or a nckinsT" naked Hiacaie, in aia aeaoiieai oi im.ii have been Just tha same." up close to hla eye. rubber band. "That Is ths Investment fund. To t V .hooHna-" Neither Walllngfords scorn, nor his India1. "What Is thlsr hs asked loosening hla Tou aee that wa have held It out, fairly and .15.1m ( ?roM if ration, nor hla broadly ewalllns; ehest, affect- countenance with a smack. "Listen:" squarely, and I'm coin to let you handle It i-.-fniitia Toad aa r AH ItAafl alaallinaV nniimt. IV WOtl 1 1 ST.. 1 1 w hair at aa lea ad Mr. Trapp in tas leaai. for Investment, ao that you win anow mere e murderer or a upiciea ..will iiuiti Bi.M-Mi, w j ' - sw.av pul ah lau ior a. irn, mrnuw, myj mm ttw v f n r nu bk m uirvumoii. -. . r fck. with the hi barrel wa were nuttlna - - - VlOlCt " of . .... break my record. Inveat It as per dope In that you have nothlna to do with thla de- . w" winTmill tank. The buralar shot "Do I look Ilka a euekerr demanded Mr. your handsome advertisement; and It you're partraent of tha Trapp Marketing Company: ? detecUva and Toad and I dropped tha Trapp In return. That'e a uaed car now. I merely going South with ths money, mall that you have no financial or peraonal. In- v...., on . i. took him -w.y ia i.. vi. Mniln'i offer It to anybody for new." t,..k a. mavnolta. Toura aa ever. tereat In It. and that I alona am morally aad .Ci ,i " 7 ; ;vK:;:-:-v I NVCSTNENT- e. Tht baslnaaa now belonEa to . . , . , . incn puni mi inn u iraii7 right hand over the bac of hla left one. and pressed both sgalnat his stomach, aa ha atepped out of immediate range. b, aa aa I safety, which "I don't 'A licking," ha confeaaed. and found for the present, la the sudden grin inteo uiacaie a pointed muetaona. let anything aland In tha way at my making money." Uls small ayes aqulnted. and ha amlled with complacent pride. jsiacaie .tumaa on ine inaignaat j. nuroa a suddenly serious face. "Then he deeervea tha money.- hs decided. The indignation auddenly left, the eyea of Wallingford. He waa amillng. Loula Trapp. gaining confidence, atepped cloaer. -. "Tou see. buslnsss Is bseinese." ha plsaa- antly obeerved. : "Mr. Trapp Is entirely right.- aald Wal- llngford to Backia. "We'll keep the car." Outside ss thsy climbed In tha oar. Wal- llngford amlled contentedly. "Oreed." ha aald. "Thafa hU weak point. . nee eaay. . . "Eaay enough .for Onion's schema.- grinned Blackle. "Jim ha geta It!" Again the swift, 'little elx" stopped In front of Loula Trapp'a plaee of buslneaa, a 0ingy repar-ana-accessory enop, to which .iiuarlna; ahow window had beea added, i.w. . .i..a mtimm - a ahtrt Trapp betrayed no uneaslnees when hs aaw Walllnaford and Blaokla Daw elamberlnr out cf the Tow gray runabout. People like Wal- ..... . - . .v. 1 .... . -. imHiviu 1 1 . 1 n..u. 11. w i . iii.q vnv aiva, . a stop now eculd mean nothing but profit. hdriviu 1. . . .1 ni.u. mwrv iii.q vnv aiva, u Trapo," Inquired Wallingford with buelneeBllke crlspnees. havq you any menu- faeturng facilities?" MP- xrapp'e eyea glaaed. HIS faoe screwed B en -one side. He pressed one palm over h9 bacK cf th other. He gaaed. uneeelng. . the little runabout out by tne euro. Muraii ma 1 be finally admitted;, "hut I h... I ... 0Uffn ef a llttlo onto aoooooorr last Xh. If that's It, I might hs latsrsstsd." ha obeerved. oonoeallag bis aaaerneee with glaalng at hla aye. aad a twisting at his mouta. Thus It was that Mr. Lonls Trspp organised tha Trans Marketing rntnnaaw. befngirsed bVwaUUigfard m eT .f a.!?. "'..Tl ""r.Vw0 . y that name convenient- s w iiiusMiuto a vts w hi v n wvuiv tv sj r in jsa ( permit Mr. Trapp to add say ather articles of manufes- Iur, b, miBj,t deelre. Thle argument was notent. alnce It waa backed by the fact that ... ...i.. ... i a-. .... w. u. Wallingford ta the eztont of five thousand dollara Thereupos, Mr. Wallingford and Mr. Trapp entered Into meet lengthy and elabor- ute srtlcles of agreesneat. which permitted At. Trana. on hla nart ta antar unon anv prsvtlega. Mr. Wallingford waa entitled ta , "".V " " wj i . . t r. t 1T ' a 7.J0": "Dr 6lr! w- k Ploaeure la dlachargissr ritweenT a taxi and a dray, ran over the curb "7 wu " away, tiyaatl X 1 ,"4 trm our book" our of there ha3 JSVo oi the sidewalk, atopplng tha noss of -PVfL .Mr' ,5" ssgsmew It If. much taveatmsat. . .. . keen left a blank la which ths amount. machine one foot from a drug etore win- '.k ,,D,tt.k the- gentlemen a mm- Wallingford ehackted. his hlg ahoaldars "10. waa atamped) made with ua oa there jot, ."'"fJ hlm,'lf hstwasn Walling, heaving and his syea half closed. another blank In which a date was stamped) Wallingford. his fses aahen. gasped to J'a. nd.B1-c,k',1- , gripped each one by a "No chance for you to lose, la theref" ha According to tha terms of our offer to you. hla breath, and strovs to fight his IA. '"'J tin"1.'' .lnt0 ch. good-naturedly commented. "I don't care amount waa only to bs held by us until way through ths crod. Blackia. bla faoa -"" '--.,"''; .i"" '1 't r shuoks sbout the inveetment; Mr. Trspa. All s profits should aocrus to ons hundred per Equally wnlte. held him back. aitv n., ,Yb?tlk.m? I want Is to see thla thing m"da " 0 h.g ts stats thst our operation. "-Lshim .lone." be said "Toull I onl, raN dd0t J ' D"nt.0' It myself. If you'll manufacture and market - aucceesful and with the ueual ex- tu th.m. TheVrs not hurt. Nobody a hurt.- f'JTn.,T,;" a J0fd about -u " P " 4 it aad pay ma a royalty." pedlency. and we herewith return your orlg- m .mash that car!" swore Wallingford. rnJ say a waro about you. Mr Trm atuhU hand, guttaraa Inal inveetment of ,10 00 together with the throuKh KrUUng teeth. .'8I -nthng about ue!" Walltngfod In Motion Pictures the asms right. Ia othsr word, whlls tha antlra undertaking waa to ba conducted under Mr. Trapp's nama and aponaorahlp, tba tubular trouble-light alona waa to ba a rau- tual enterprise, Walllnaford and Blackle aet ap a dealt in r. TraoD'a office tha next day. Mr. Loula Trapp, open In letters or inquiry om auto-auDnlv deal ere. ooened one from from auto-supply deal ere, opened one from whloh dropped brought It ovar whloh dropped a ten-dollar bill, and ha to Walllngford'a deak with a Hla scalp had slipped forward -u .-.4 ki. ..... .. a mr.r.m,.A pussled brow, "Dear Slra: Tou are probably another faka, "JACK HOADLKT." Blackle and Wallingford exchanged a oom- It you'll, notice. Mr. Trspp, this anveiope Is tnarked far Department A, directed wai- ungiora graveiy. amu.y wicn iwr lettera. ana nut mom in mis dmhw u " i -IT v- yon," announcid Wallingford. Iiftad I. tk. , . . , - """" i-reea waet Mkat whloh Louis Trapp liad n Wallingford unlooked the upper drawer on thj right-hand aide of his (leak, -T"r nmniiora unloosed the upper drawer on thj right-band side of bis desk, and dropped in it the ten dollar bill. Hi opened the oppoetts drawer and drew forth blank, oard. number one in the right band row. which he numbered and stamped with " which he wrote on it Jack Aoaaiey a name ana aaaress, and tns amount X"m "; . . , ... . What is It?' asked Louts Trapp. blinking t the big waete basket with bis small eyes, clasping thh back of one band with the palm of tha othSr. and preaatng both against his atomaoh. . 'Oh. a little aids lins." respondsd Walling. fsrd carelessly. "Trapp. you have aome va- f.ant space in the third floor front. I think I "Put .soms tablea In there I or mailing glrla. Mr. Tr.pp .crawad up-hle face. "What kind of business is thlsr ha Insist- howlng. inveaunen,- repuea waiungiora -rjafl. ... The afternoon post brought three lettera for Department A. and Mr. Trapp came over . -nem. openea. Ail three contained . neat two uaya orougnt an aa- dltional aoattsrlng few; Thursday a dossn. s'ridav a eoo re. tiaturdav nearly fifty. you aoirt mi "race door." auga "If vou don't mind. Tram,, wall' v-v tha m... 'j ... ' . . . JT T' r 1 . . . . .VIZ luneh on Saturday. "Wa want to pay off our tavaatara." atut nnnil.. Ik. " . .uaa.ovvu . n.iuiwi, .ii.r luneh on Saturday. "Wa want n ... . r -" - w . bs began dumplni iplng money on tha desk. "Bure. ' agreed . ed Mr. Trann. with aiam-itv mm ha Immediately locked the door from the in. eide. Hs climbed on a high stool as Blackia w ewrt tne money ana peerea witn ail A thousand and twenty dollara. Jim." re- ported Blackle. atroklng his pointed mus- ikoh complacently. "Not ao bad for tba first wk MW'U hold ovor tho twenty for m not orr.1 ,ninHt aw) g m nshl. Vt yvug inua s ta aweijy l.ra. wa remain Toura confidentially. "TrtDo Biarsetina- company.- Mr. Trapo Jumped dowa from bis stool, and dsooslted bis bundle of money oa ths deck hetweea Wallingford and Blackle "Thla Is a skin gamer be exclaimed. Tit have nothing to do with it!" Walllngford'a bis. Pink face waa a picture af cheerful Jo viality, and Blackle Daw laughed la keen en joyment. ".low hasty!" cnided Blackle. 'Wh '.low hasty!- chtded Blackle. "Why. you -en t knew anything about It. Trapp." "I knew by hands s his eoet a tbls much." and Mr. Trapp'a stub atrayed from his trousers pockets ta aockate. ta hla vest ooeketa. and ta tha armhalaa of hla vast, whsra thav hunt by pay off oaa-fourth of tha aookeret" "Xrann juaraetTna uompany. noininv unaerntnava iuvui ii. more umii . ,' aaa a Don't Ham. thara.- rrlnnsd Blaekla. "They're not harming anybodr. They'll aand tha monay riant back to pay off tba naxt fourth, and ao It goee merrily on V,.. SVV"nm- ..Ht.dl. objected Mr. Trapp. hla handa now finding no home. "I'm the only one that's known In thla company. I don t even get any or tne money i "You aet your share of tha tubular light," sternly reproved Walllnaford. "Now let ma make you ashamed of yourself. Trapp. Tou sea this money?" and he Indicated tha two v..,r.A lift. nii.r. mhr. . , th. that. Trapp alnce you're ao particular I'm hInrU:d0th.r.Warndd tlt,nUa,r',aWoornnDKfarn,,d than and there, and with great pomp and ceremony, wroia dui imv gwumo... m m D tlon and signed it: arter wnicn noraca u. Daw and t.ouis irspp attaonea xneir aig. Tr-,l"?!'?.'r "Now." eald Wallingford severely, "you are safe. I place this document in thla smau tin box. which, aa you see. has two locks. I lock both locks. I give you one key; I retain ths otner. nere is m ui. . in j w vwu f. Now. are vou aatlafledf "I aruees ao." hesitated Mr. Trapp, holding tne little tin dox witn ooin nanaa. avw uu you inveat tne money in tne wneai pit.- repneu mr. r. ..... y. vi rnf it and panned it quickly to Blsckie. promptly. "We ahan't be here on Monday "Trapp Marketing Company Is to bs In. morning. I'd Uks you to send for a man trom yeatlgated thla afternoon. What does It the Tllwlt Brokerage Company, as soon as mean! Has Mr. Trapp dona aomsthlng 11 you can get them on the 'phone. Olve him this -leiral to get you Into trouble? FANNIE." money; tell him to buy wheat on a five-point "Drive us to Trapp'a." dlrscted Walling, margin, and pyramid It every point up. ford briskly. Mr. Trapp s stubby nands cropped ai ma .iji. That's no Invsatment," ha exclaimed: that e araon!" . , . rinnh." arreed Wallingford briefly. "But you're bound to catch it aoms time It you play It every day. aren i you t "Sure." admitted Louie Trapp; "but It don t k.nn.n nftan enouerh. You'd have to win once out of about five times, and It don't happen." Weillngiord roae ana looinea n mi. big. confident, chuckling, nr.. hut n.nnnu tha amount you Inveat la bigger every day? Whan you do catch it, you wipe out the score, don't you?" "If It'a enough bigger," acknowledged Trapp promptly. Flgurea were an inhert. tance to him. "'Well, don't you suppose inn '"'" ana waiiingiora imiu mi 1,.... avrv week? Why. Trapp." and tie shook a Jovially impressive finger at Louis, "before long we'll have to widen your doors to set the money in. Figure it out for your. self." . . . . . Daw, regretfully aa they came away front "Wall. Jim, it s a snow-sow u, u Innrh ": k, from II" Stfc luck" grumbled Wallingford. "If Tough "f 'unD'" ,S,V ? that bjs to atr.ka a winning i ne money e ruiuna; i ev si-.v.! "ir": " . u, , that wa were able to str.ks winning on that wheat pyramij ?,11irbB w coul? .cl.e,a.a 1- Siv rakSd off A! Wt ffi. .5 f., ; mLt'" "T'v. been ' atudylag tha market mm,6.t..vV,dlehravSrv night, and It He healtated for a "J !,. Ihalt Is T due , for a aham ' " rl": vl. .tBf.B, hlm rirht ln the middle of .v.?1". iikP2 cwded Broadway, and .."ideJ!v!,, round flea with Tdeep concern, tSdr'd i1.1? , 'ffnS?"wi ..clatmed "Jim when 1,yf1u,i 'kloll ,o'uri.l ; it s Urns to t out " 'tnJrJ ? Viiht " aobVrlT c'naldered J.,'"6," ol?J after that J" :.k 1 Y;ucbkVt ahon wrbek watch- J-Vh- n " i,"0!-?,' nbr'.h,,J)mru,t." 11, oaused and con- for a gold hnck a rtl a.;ad. :,"';:" ." h , 1 . , .kinn it much lonaer." uS,,rifC wVw.r. out now"" Vi- turned Blackle. with an apprehenelva glance around him. "I'm like Onion Jpnee! 1 love fresh air. Tha mail's coming In too heavy ..,",.1 .. . t. .i.nn. II "7 ", . V.i oBIm lnveatla-atlon much !e?.M po,t mo uon mw iQnaar. J uat one winninst wouia. ..-- ahow an on-we-ievei inveeimeat w in i.a'- nMAa. i. Walllna-ff mate.proflt. opeculated waiiingit .V7f thV.oat will buck er II tne goat will uua " V,. v.. k..... ih. nnn aMrhat a a horrible thO -- ... v.". ..... i id him laat Saturday, that we might con- 1 ettlng him havVa sllcs of .. nnw .ysrv dsr at 1 o clock, be tele- Ana now. every nay . w - ' - phones for the wheat report, and aays. "Wall. ".""I."iLt; l"Z ZJr.7. Jiini.; -.t - ' Tk. .nmha. look on Walllngford'a faoa mas not m rflctlon from that on Blackle'a. It waa from wltnin. .. . . . tr,m JJ? c,"l"- hl S,bwiiiyi , the "little elx." He bad a blond and a blue eye. A hlg tra way in . mustache "Good work, kid.' aid. ne ooaerved. aa be owd away from the rear of He viewed Toad and Jimmy amueomeat. "Are you sight- cleared the crow the machine. wiin a ini or aenT" ha aeked the driver. Jimmy nudged Toad sharply. Tea.- enlckered Toad. ".fell. I have your word for It" remarked ths oftlcer. who loathed an awkward driver . of any aee. "Can vou back oat of thla. or Is your nerve gone?" Toad nodded aa ha grabbed his gear lever and threw sut hla clutch, look In v ovar bis aOAfl.saUy eloss to Toad's ser. grow fast enougtr r" ana " wt true reason for thst dally hand on ths hundred per cent, money. lo observation dawned on Blackle. It was not ?w..f,p wrBotursvuTuir obuutVr iwaitf yott S.M fWSiI. w?l1 ..Louis Trapp'a aya. glaaad and hi. mouth u. . i. . ...... 1..,.. i . . . nnin wna naa. . ! . . . , Vith The &mous Paths' Players k 'ViiS'SJm.t'u. he ndvlssd. "lou look darn young tor your The car was Just starting when Walling. ford and Blackl. arrived In time to pravant -?.?",. .-at ..heurTa..- t ernt too!" da. w.h,r" .M-f?'"?"' A ? T5"' .5 tnanded Walllnaford, In mora anxiety than anger. ... ... . Bay, netem- xoung Jimmys voice ti 'ic wi "ira In th. mchaVlSa Mat. !acki w? "Sn.boirl Wallingford Btood on tha running ooaro. on a aids street. "Wa our place. Uncle Jim!" somethlnc waa setting away from two detectives." went on Jimmy, his eyes lias coaia. "we were on lop oi ine swinging i-ound" a woman with a" baby burey. "It lit top down: ths barrel did!" snouted Well, the girls were taking cars of tha wounded detective, and" "The girls!". Both men askad It at onea. "What girls?" "Mlaa VI and Miss Fan!" shouted Toad. "They brought ua our dog they promised us." went on Jimmy. "Well. Miss Fannla eaij,a ms in ths library and gave ma this note, one said to nustls itr 'And the chauffeur waan't there!" shouted Toad, grinning with all his freckles. "Wo na a dandy ride! W.llli..tAMI An.n Ik. tT. There was a man In ths efflct when they arrived. He was a poatman with two heavy baga of mall, all for the Trapp Marketing Company. Department A. Ths poatman dumped his baga Into two big wasts-basketa which Blackle set out for him, and puffed awav. juiackie rumpled his hair. The heaviest yet. Jim," bs worried. "Ws'll have to work aulckl Wallingford got up to walk, hut sat down ne neara a noise. Louis Trspp came In, and hla ayes gllst- anad aa ha aaw the mall. Ever envalon contained money. He glanced at his watch and hurried to the telephone, called a num. her. and asked hla question. "Well, you didnt make your winning yet." ha cheerfully Informed Blackle. aa ha turned away from tha "phone. screwed up. "How much?" "Fifty .Thousand Dollars." 'This mall, is it miner' and Trapp seemed to be looking through tha envelopes at tha contents. "It's your meat." - Mr. Trapp released hla countenance with a smack. "Sure. I'll taka a chancel" ha aald. with eager animation. "I got the nerve as long as the money's coming in." Hs opened the safe immediatelv and nroduced tha mnn.v He'd bad it there waiting; In caahl Hla fin e-era aimoat cramped in tneir naste. -if you had your winning. I wouldn't buy It." ha obeerved. as he handed Blackle the fifty thou- sand. "I wouldn't believe that you ever get hut one. When I get it. I quit." He vig- orously drew tha two big waste baaketa It mail over to the end of Ms own desk. 'Tvs heen atudylng tha market every day. I think we're about due for a ahaxp rise la wheat! But wa only get one." Wallingford rose, with vast rslief and nro. duced hli key to thrilttla tin bog. "We'll lnciud. th. tuhulaV rVn.Ato. - v. tubular reflector- ha ?n , .'111- .a j n "; .TY."'"?'"? "d rapp had .7. r wMmmi, SSV.," E.f,f..rd .! w fifty thouaand dollars; and Wallingford and Blackle walked out. with no ecrep of evidence behind there to ehow that they had aver been in .r, w. -r..j " .II. IT . . way connected with the wheat-l.nveat- Mint 4.n...m.H . -v. rr1 . 1 . . company. .. ....... ad, and he turned nervously t.M h. v.i- w.i?. A".111.". thr ' Tr set men . , .. . - . r ... ... a a yoles which waj like a saw tils. "Wa rs . uiunr aaio tna neaviest stranger. from tha Postofflca denartmant ex "Walt a mlnutel Walt a mlnutal" tt.. runted Loula Trapp. and ha aimoat shrieked w.uu.u ijt -pnone trom tna hook. and made "That fifty thouaand you're out la luat what you .tola from the Warden "state Loula" reproved Blackle. "Why didn't you ,.n , tl,at wheat had gone upf- With ibis crushing remark Mr. Daw tad the way out of the room, leaving Mr ""raos shrunken in a chair, and weighing the og-i diHo, inspectors aa they started their lave- iist-i.cri. "Luakv boy - ehnekled W.lll. headea for the lltde gray runabout "Hi den t se to Jail." " "Aad he's reetltated his fifty thoua.aA a grinned Blaskla. tnouaano. -nd we have eighty thouaand beet d aat for tne expsnoe fund.- ' "Nat sisal " .t .... . . rd "lw.on "I don't think it'. KTrS: ...."""S All rl.kl . u. a. ... Uht-Jlml For two buslneaa. Good afternoon, gentlemen. What v tn xou want r- air. Trapp'a eyea had widen. 4