Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1915, SOCIETY AMUSEMENTS, Page 8-B, Image 20

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    T7ir, OMATIA RUNT) AY BEE: NOVEMBER 21, 1915
Thanksgiving Week Sales of Keenest Economical Interest Begin Monday
TUT ArrMtrixi'
JjCnif Underwear Underpriced
The Best in Kid Gloves
Don't Mist Then Monday Specials
Ladles' fine silk and wool, itilk and llsl union suits,
all elses and extra large sties, worth to nn
$3.50, odd lots, at J 1 70
Ladles' heavy fleeced or part wool union ?Q
suits, $1.50 values, at OaC
Children's extra heavy or medium fleece union suit.
In tan, gray or white, nn
Two Splendid Monday
Ladles' Imported Kid Gloves, in Monarch, Perrln and
Derby makes, best styles for fit and wear, with fancy
embroidered backs, f tZf p J CO
pair OliOU TO$mOU
Ladles' lambskin washable gloves, also heavy suede,
in all wanted colors, with heavy embroidered backs,
mode of fine quality of, eking, worth t 1 Q
$1.50 pair, special at ij 1 a 1 a
Yoixr Every Thanksgiving Wish
In Fresh Poultry, Fresh Fish, Oysters and Meats of nil kinds supplied
At lowest possible prices. Let ns htive. yonr orders early so we can
fill them as rnrefolly as both )ou and our wives desire.
Ladles' Jersey knit shirts. In black or
colors, worth to 69e, at
Ladles duplex leatherette gloves, guaranteed fft I
washable, worth $1.00, at OaC i
i i - ---------y--,jmbvirVYriVivivrrivi
Our Great Annual Thanksgiving Sale of Linens Begins Monday Morning
Timely Offerings of Table and Decorative Linens at Pleasingly Reduced Prices
Pattern Cloths and Napkins to match, high
grade, satin damask, 8x10 cloth and one
dozen 22-inch Napkins. The Set. . .$5.50
Pattern Cloths and Napkins to match, extra
weight satin damask, all newest designs, 72x
72x90 Cloth and one dozen 24-in. dinner
Napkins. The Set $6.73
72x90 Cloth and one dozen 24-inch match
Napkins. Tho set $7.33
72x108 Cloth and one dozen' 24-inch match
Napkins. The Set ... . .$8.13
Pattern Cloths, satin damask, 8-4 size, $1.89
104 size $2.23
Napkins, satin damask, lots of Vz dozen each,
22-inch size . $1.23
20-inch size 98
2-4-inch size $1.69
Hemstitched Tahle Sets, pure linen, 8x10
cloths, 1 dozen napkins to match. The
Set $5.48 and $4.48
Hemstitched Lunch Cloths, 3G-in. sq. ea. 59
3-Yard double satin damask Table tf m r t
Cloths, 72 inches wide, $6 cloths. . . . tpHkJU
3Vj-Yard heavy satin damask Table
Cloths, 72-in. wide, $5 cloths; ,
4-Yard heavy satin damask Table
Cloths, 72-in. wide, $5.95 cloths. .
Satin Damask, ' 72-in. wide,
heavy quality, 95e yard;
Napkins, 22-in.j" to- match,
for $2.95
Satin Damask, 81-in. wide,
(extra wide), $1.50 quality,
yard ...... $1.15
Embroidered Scallop (hand
cut), 64 circular all linen
cloths, $5.00 values, each,
for $3.25
Hand Made Cluny Lace, 20
t inch center pieces, $4 to $5
values,' assorted patterns,
- choice, each ...... $3.25
Hand Embroidered Madeira
Napkins, 14-in. size, dozen,
.at . $3.50
Guest Towels, beautiful de
signs, all linen huck, hem
stitched, each ; 29
Kitchen Towels, Glass Tow
els (non-linting), Side Tow
els, dozen $1.00
Table Padding and Silence
cloth, heavy quality, to cov
er 45, 48 or 54-in. tablesat,
yard . . . .' 48
Table Pads, ready ' for the
( table, heavy quilted mater
ial,, 54-in. size, round or
square, each .$1.50
Mercerized 22-inch Napkins,
dozen $1.25
Mercerized, 20-inch Napkins,
dozen 98
Mercerized 63x63-in. Table
Cloths, each ......... 88
Our Annual Thanksgiving Sale of
Silverware and Novelties
Fresents many wonderful chances to save on both your per
sonal and Christmas needs. This will positively be your
best opportunity of the year to buy new and strictly up-to-date
silverware at a price ridiculously low.
Four-Piece Tea, Set, consisting of
Sugar, Regular $20.00 Value J Tea Pot,
Creamer, J $12.50 Coffee Pot.
300 pieces of Sterling Silver consisting of Pickle Forks,
Cream Ladles, Berry Spoons, Tea Strainers, odd Forks and
Spoons; regular $1 to $3, your choice 79
Twenty-six piece chest of Silverware, consisting of
6 Knives,
6 Forks, ' j
6 Dessert spoons J
Regular $13.98, Special
(6 Tea Spoons,
1 Butter Knife
1 Sugar Shell.
Pearl Handle Fruit Knives, with Sterling mounting;
regular, $G.50, special . ..$3.75
The best grade of silver made and guaranteed 25 years.
Tea spoons, per set of 6, regular $1.98 .98
Dessert spoons, per set of 6, regular $3.50 $1.75
Fruit spoons, per set of 6, regular $2.00 $1.25
Knives and forks, per set of 6, regular $7.50. . . . . . . .$4.75
Berry spoons, regular $1.50. ......... t. ........... . .75
Berry spoons, regular $1.00 .50
Cold meat fork, regular $1.00. . . .50
Olive Spoon, regular 75c 39
Sugar Shell, regular 75c ...... .................... .25
Baby spoon and fork, regular $1.00 50
A Thanksgiving Sale of Embroideries, Art and Fancy .Goods
That Offer Splendid Savings to Bayer Here Monday
60o Spotless Hair Brushes . ,80e
20c Hom Supporters,' pair -'..loo
26c Drees lea; Combs at ... . .. .104
60c Pad Supporters at 10c
$2.60 quart Thermos Bottles
at ..... 91.75
$1.00 Corduroy Auto Caps ..BOc
$1.26 Aato Veils at 70o
A special line of New Neckwear
lust received to to on sale Mon
day. 50o Collar and Cuff Sets, laoe sad
organdie collars Monday ...,2B
$1.00 Collars, la lace, Swiss and
organdie, and fancy Collar 'and
Cuff Bets,' sale price, Monday OOc
This Is a very strong dress net
season; all kinds and colors of
silk nets are popular for gowns,
fancy waists and dancing frocks.
40-lnch special Bilk Dress Nets, all
colors, regular price f 1.75, special
Monday $1.00
A fine line of S 8 to 42-lnch Dress
Nets In dark colors, worth up to
$1.76, special Monday at . ...9Se
$1.00 Boudoir Baskets at ... .BOo
C. F. C. Crochet Cotton at ..7 He
5 Oo Pillow Top at .v. ...... .25c
54-lnch linen Lunch Cloths, worth
$4.60, special at 91M
Por baby clothes, for, Infants'
dresses, for corset covers, for
skirts and party dresses. "
o A big case of 6-yard' strips '.of
tire finest quality band loom em
broideries in edges and inserting.
1st lot, worth 20c, at, yard
2d lot, worth 16c, at, yard ..lBo
8d lot. worth 60c, at, yard ,...20e
60c corset cover embroidery at,
yard t t. r' .-. ..... .lc
8 So skirt deral flouncings at,
yard M'le
3 Splendid Specials in
Wanted Silks Monday
20 pieces of imported English
hollow cut Corduroy, chiffon
finish, in nary, brown, prune,
damson, marine, taupe and
wisteria, former price QP
$1.26, Monday'...... OaJC
10 pieces Black Chiffon Dress
Velvet, a superior, quality, rich
luster and color, a bargain'
Monday, worth w4tr) Cf ,
$8.60, at . ... . . ... .VUU;
20 pieces' of yard 'wide Black
Chiffon Taffeta, a Quality that
will give satisfaction, our fam
ous Gold Edge,' worth QQ"'
$1.26. Monday ...... OOC
Surprising Dinner ware Bargains t Thanksgiving Sale
On 4th Floor
$35.00. French China
Dinner Bet,-$24.98
Limoges French
China, 100-piece din
ner set, blue Forget-Me-Not
spray pat
tern, 4 dozen plates,
service for 12 per
sons, Monday, $24.98.
100-piece Dinner Set,
English ' semi-porcelain,
blu or . brown
border, regular $12
value, " Monday, spe
cial, $6.98.
98o footed nut or
marmalade set, 7
pieces, three decora
tions, Monday, spe
cial, set, 49c.
On 4th Floor
Our $9.50 set of 52
pieces, complete for
six ; neat border, gold
line, choice of four
patterns, Monday, at,
set, $5.98.
1,000 white China
plates, 5 and 6-inch;
4-inch fruit dishes
and oatmeal dishes,
soup plates,' choice,
Monday, each, 9c.
Surprising Value-Giving m Women's Outer Apparel
Garments with the real swing or touch of individuality in each' one. You 11 vote them
the season's biggest bargains. '
175 High Class ' ffa ' fJ Your ' choice- of fine
Tailored Suits K JJ Chiffon Broadcloths,
Nearly all ample$, made a)))Xa j) Velvets, the popular
toeeliat $35.00, $45. oo KrJs l gabardines and other;
and $50.00, Monday at- M elegant suitings. Gar-
ments made by an exclusive suit house with a most enviable repu
tation. Garments you'll find hard to duplicate elsewhere at sale price.
100 BEAUTIFUL COATS in plushes,
and novelty velours, the season s most ap
proved styles, made to
sell at $25.00.
FUR SET SPECTAL-Elegant sets in Mar
mot, Brook' Mink, French Mink, Iceland
and Eed.Fox. . , .$15.00
wuu o uiubv ay
$25.00 values. Ilnndreds of them for your
selection, in broadcloths, gabardines, pop
lins, etc., in fur trimmed, plain tailored or
belted styles; all colors; '
exceptional bargain Mon
day, at, choice.
$12 J 5
Maker's samples of regu
lar $5.00 garments; good line
of colors, on sale, Monday,
at, each $2.05
A Great Sale of
Another big lot of Sample Dress Skirta secured by our buyer for cash at a
great bargain, go on sale Monday. Silk Skirts, classy styles in gabardines,
poplins, plaids and check materials; plain colors Q QC
and black; worth to $10, choice.. ., , $00
WOMEN'S BATH ROBES, all colors and sizes, great values,
Monday, at $3.05
Long Silk
100 of them in the lot,
samples made to sell
at $10 and $12.50;
good line of colors, on
sale, Monday
For a Few Days Only this Over
coat Sale Will Continue
$30 $
$20 $
Overcoats tailored by Hart-Schaffner & Marx
and other high grade makers, is positive proof 01
the great values we are ottering.
77hs Season's Styles, Fabrics and Models
Woolyheads, heather mixtures, Scotch mixtures,
meltons, kerseys, chinchillas and many extreme
fancy mixtures.
Full box coats, single or double-breastedthe
modified Balmacaan, Chesterfields (satin and silk
lined), long weather coat ulsters, convertible or
shawl collared coats and the extreme fitted young
fellow's coat, single or double-breasted.
Just a few day more. We advise early selection.
im. v ii n u HI
lP '-' d liir i . f ill 1 1 V
$7.50 Boy's Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws, $5.5X) Positively the best boys' cloth
ing values ever offered by any clothing house in Omaha. Boys' all-wool suits, with
2 pair of .pants, boys' heavy all-wool mackinaws, Boys' heavy, long overcoats. All
styles and all sizes. Ages 3 years to 17 years.
Thanksgiving House Famishing Netds at Special Bargain Frictt
for Monday Selling
S -piece, self-bastiDC, fuU-enam-eled
roaster, worth II., at,
each ' 81.50
Medium slse genuine "SaTory
roasters GO
Large slse '"SaTory" roasters
at 080
Sheet Iron roast or drip pans,
any size from 6i to 18x19,
at 10s
10c Dover egg beaters. .. .f
"Lead" egg beaters 3Uc
C5c Holt's cream whips, with
J' 400
"Fearless" cream whips, with
glaas jar 80
Potato ricers 100
A fine l-pleoe stag handle
carving set In a nice box, every
blade warranted first quality,
a (1.60 Talue at. 81.80
Saturday Is the last day of
special sale and free demon
stration. You must have your
order placed Saturday to get
the $10.00 set of aluminum
ware given by the factory rep
resentative free of any charge
with each range.
l-jt blue and whit ste
I and 4-qt., all whit IM
-qt-, blu and whlt Harlln ket
tle, with rover
Enun.l colnndtri lp
All whit oju1 mixing bowls,
it IM
Any t6e flour sieve...,. lOO
Any 10c flour sieve ,, 7
Pie pans, any sUe. 2 for. ,
Cake pans, any slse, t for.' 5
Any sUe aluminum pie pan. , HO
Any alie aluminum cake pan,.,. , $0
Tin steamers IOO
Any size tin colander. 5
Quality, Freshest Goods and a Saving of 25 to 50 it Pays to Trade at Hayden's
Tor your Thaakstfvlns' Mutrr. tla.
trd and rak, try a sack of our
famous- Diamond H. Flour; nothing
(lii; per sack. 41 lb HM
IT lbs Bt Pur OranuUUd 8ur
tor sf.oo
Ne I rana Wax. Strtna or Orecn
Means for , TSo
No. 1 cans Wlsovnaln Erly Jun
ea for sHc
No. I cans Polk's Qolden Pumpkin.
Hoinlr.y or Eaur Kraut. TVk
No. S cans fancy 8V iuar Cora
tor TVt
U-os. Jar Pur Fruit ProaervM, ss
li-o. Jr Pur Ktilnd Hony.S3
Ku-o Uueeii 1)IIvhi. par quart.. Km
Th bt lctetlo Macaroul. Varml.
ll or Bp4blU. tk fit
Tail ' ran Alaatta Salmon .10
Snider fanioua oup, per tn..THt
(Joaft Jar Hlatnarcit, ivn .our,
Otivikln. Chow-Chow, tulJa sweet
or Miur Ptckle SS
Quart lar Mlm Mansoes. .... .30
Iinoortwl 8arlne, can 10
lKDello OH exrdln. per caa. .W
4 It, fanrjr Japan Rio or Penrl
Ttflura tor .'. ..S&e
No. can fancy California sliced or
iialved feachre, packed In heavy
iyrup for , IS
rtc Oolder. Santo Coffe lb.. too
rlJ rmlta. at for Too Thank.
atvtaa, tie or Caxe.
Pur ppl Cider. Red Jacket brand.
per sollon sa
Imported -crown Ki. new. lb.. SO
inported Janl lte. per lb 16
Impelled Hallowe'en Intte. lb., loo
Condensed Mine Meat, pka S-,o
Imported cleaned Currant, lb. 1S4
Cholc California Peachen, lb. TH
Dromedary Data, per pk( S-t0
New California r!, pk TV
llumond brand California Walnui.
per pka SO
t'Ulfomla coo kin a. ner lb 10
California Feedleaa Raisin. lb..lSH
California, Seeded raialn. pk(. 10
rh beat new Lamon, Orans or clt-
"on Peel, per lb ...SO
Cluster Ralelna, pka IS
rh beat mixed new Nuts. lb. 1TV
lima onaa, bokm amo
stTTEinn, . .
rim QaaUty. rrat Ooods eat
Low Uua.
Th beat Creamery liuttsr. carton,
per pound .....SO
Th best Creamery Butter, bulk, per
pound S
ifaucy No, 1 Country Creamery But
ter, oer lb S7
Kaicy Dairy Table Butter, lb,... as
'b. Oood Butterin for o
fxacy Table Butterin, equal to
Cruainery Butter, lb SB
The beat atrlotly Fresh Kkk. rer
doxen 3So
Th beat No. I atorase Egg: per
doxen S60
Th beat full cream, N. Y. White.
'.Vlirf-onain Cntm or Touna America
Cheese, per lb. SOo
lilS sTw Or aaallak Walnnta.
MoaAay, par la. 17 V
Tokay Grapes, basket S6o
16 lba. beat Red River Ohio Pota
to for ISe
II lb, rood Cooking- Apple ISa
tt lba. Jonathan KatinK Applea. lo
Fancy l. onsln Cabbaae. lb lo
Fer 100 lba ?
bunches Kreah Radishes 5p
4 heada fresh I-ef Lettuce a
faucy Ma Zttao So, TVo
1 stalk fresh Celery S
Red or Tellow Onions, per lh....
4 bunches fresh Beets. Carrots or
Turnips for
Notable Savings on Dependable Furniture
Buffets, Dressers, Chiffoniers,
Davenports, Etc
for $22.00
0 odd Buffets, golden oak.
Small Duofold Daven
ports, fumed oak, Spanish
leather, opens Into full
slse bed 3'J.OO
Large Bed Davenports,
Spanish leather, same
Golden oak, black leathi
er Duofold or small size
Davenports, on sale
for 27 JiO
3 patterns fumed oak
PuffeU. 4 8-inch slse, bev
eled mirror, best quality
44 to 48-inch . . . .$19.50
ta only odd patterua
golden oak and mahog
any Dressers and Chif
foniers. $18.00 to 122.00
articles in two lots, on
sale for $12.50 and$ 14.50
Fumed and mahogany
Ladles' Desks ...$10.00
Odd Dressing Tables, oak
and mahogany ...$10.0O
rg H
M Blsarii ,
Fumed oak chin
rlosets, hke cut,
ll.0 value, at,
ua S10.6O
Heavy roll aprlnsa. Ilk cut (110 colls).
Luiury S4.00
S"u!l!T.C0U! l,k ou- but duality.