Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1915, News Section, Page 2-A, Image 2

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Resolution to Snp-nd Carpenters
International Union Cansei a
Sensational Debate.
ETidencei of Swath of Slaughter Cut
Through and About Cham ijrne
and Yprei Are Decribel
(Corrrpmi1nr of the Asant-latsd rrsss.)
CHAIjD.V, Franre, Nov. 16. There
" Mill wrerkatfe enouah remaining on
BAN FRANCISCO. Cai., NOV. JO. aftrr the bottle wu fouant to tiva anma
Tho American Federation of Labor, ui- of the havoc of drmruction when It
In the closing sessions of Iti thirty-1"8 f"8h "fter tha adi-anre. within a
fifth annual convention today, fared r"r", n""n 1m''r n '"lh br tTT
. , "" ,hro ln brpalth at leaat a !..
the problem of attempting to heal a; nno ,,. wrre engad on both eld-.;
breach In 1U ranks that developed at 25,0rt prisoners were taken; and at leaat
the session last night, which In the ty" nr threo shells for every man en-
languaga of prominent officers and
delegates threatened the disruption
of the organlxatlon. The trouble
arose over consideration of a resolu
tion that, had It been adopted, would
have meant the loss of 200,000 mem-
(rnKod wn fired.
That aheet of preparatory ahell fire
which had depended upon fifteen m'.les
of (let-man front trenches had meant
ewnth of slaughter to start with. Tor
.three daya, thla bombardment ronMh'J.;.
(According to th account of German
nrimt.nmr thv fmA uiw . K .Y.w
urs 01 me leoerauon. 1 ne resoiu- j of their aubterannean chambers under
tlon, offered by the adjustment com- their crumbling- parapeta. a wall of artil
mlttee, called for the suspension of .,rJrlr Wk ot the trenches kept the
( ""wik-, iruin rvacmnff mem. in xroni 01
the United Brotherhood of Carpen
ters and Joiners, the second largest
International union In America.
The reaolutlon to withdraw the charter bwn
the trenches
the continued
crash of
Clara Smith of Miss on Ridge Wins
First Award in Three-Acre
Corn Contest.
PAWNER CITT, Neb.. Nov. tn.-Hpe-clai.)
The eeoond annual three-acre com
a-rowtn content conducted by W. M.
Thompson of thla eltr for Pawnee eeonfy
novs under n years of ar came to a
close Friday afternoon when the wln-j
ners were awarded their premiums and
a corn ahow was held here. About!
seventy-five boys and one srlrl competed
In the contest, according to the rules
prescribed, and mora than 600 parenta
and friends of the contestant from all ,
parte of the county were here today aa !
irueets of the Pawnee City Kuelneea Men. !
A buffet luncheon was aerved In the base
ment of the court house at noon, after 1
which a meetlns- waa held ln the district
c-nir room. Govemnr John H. Morebpad
K. ?ell, preeldent of tho Midwest
Ut Insurance company of Uncoln. who
ha acted as contest manag-rr fcr M-
Thompson. The following boys received !
First or governor's prise, $. Clare I
rmun or Mission Creek precinct, yield I
tires taken by ths Trench government
against subjects of countries at war with
Franca. The ownera of these hotels have
acquired Interests that cannot be Justly
Interfered with, but. what can be done.
In ths opinion of leading members ef
the principal hotel ayndlcate Is, to de
velop mors tersely distinctively French
hotels under French management, and
with French employee.
To accomplish thla, irreater extension
Is to be rtvan to Institutions organized
foe tha training of hotel employes and an
effort win be mads to And capital suf
ficient to support such French hotel I country run from ths Vnlvereltv of I rts h i
enterprises as ar needed In certain
Places to compete with foreign establlah-tnente.
I here today, la to a. Washington Histe
ni nva men entered and Ilnho four.
Tim for the five mllea waa 18 .Oft-V
WsitHI nartoa Wins Rm.
PtLLMAN Wash., Nov. St. Washing
ton Stats college won ths annual cross-
A part man ta. Rata. Hemes and cotta
ean be rented qulokljr and cheaply by
Pee "For Rent"
Store If ours: A: 80 A. M. to P. M.
Telephone Tyler 600.
ixtccmti srassrs
thnnnnl hlu.t. - .tnn- h Ki4ui " nuaneis na1 SO rounds rer acre
wire. For months the French had 1 EL" 1W? !
I . , . hum v wiu i 'w Hivrn :
accumulating ammunition which
of the Carpenters' union wss the reault . xhrr Poured out from every calibre of
of tha failure of the orranleatinn to re. . un-
fraln from alleged encroaching upon Jur
Isdlctlon awarded ths machinists, coupled
with the Carpenters' union's attitude to
ward tha federation.
Oaaspre Pleads for Moderation.
In tha course of the debate Mamuel
Compere, president of the federation,
"We are not safe from disintegration
and failure If wo loae sight of the Ideals
ef human brotherhood."
John B. Iiennon, opposing ths etpulaton
of the carpenters, said:
"We are net safe from disruption."
Andrew Furuseth, secretary of the flea
man'g Union of the Paclflo Coast, de
clared his belief that the Carpenters'
union waa deliberately seeking to compel
the federation to withdraw tha charter.
Daring ths hour In which charges were
hurled at them and speaker sfter speaker
taunted them with bad talth, ths big
delegation of carpenters sat silent
Tha carpenters ware accused of dis
mantling and setting up machinery In
buildings In various cities and with claim
ing the right to do such work In de
fiance oC ths express commands of ths
federation convention In Philadelphia
last year.
Furuseth In his speech said: "I prefer
ths charge that ths claim put forth by
the carpenters Is put up scientifically
and purposely to bring about expulsion."
Caasaraasteo A are J Vna.
George l Perry, president of ths Print
ing Pressmen's union, offered a substitute
for tha adjustment committee's reaolutlon.
lie moved that a committee of five rep
resentattvea of international unions, with
President Oompers, be selected to attend
the convention of the carpenters and try
to get them to recede from the stand
they had taken. Berry's substitute was
The program today called for ths pres
entation cf more than fifty resolutions,
and for the election of officers. It was
not antlclpatsd that any candidate would
be named in opposition to President
Oompers for re-election. - J
Will Orgaalsa 1'aempleyed,
Initial steps toward organising ths un
employed men of the United Btstes were
taken yesterday by tha American Fed
eratlon of Labor hi convention here. aT. acting under direction ef
local central bodies of various parts of
the country, are to undertake the work
In conjunction with ths executive council
of the federation. Ths plan was sn
pounced by ths executive council, which
recommended that te task, be started as
soon as practicable. The convention ap
proved the council's recommendation.
OOTHENTIUKa. Neb.. Nov. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The auditorium building
now occupied by Oeorgs Bhostrom ss a
garage burned at noon today. It was
Iraposcibte to save but three of the cars
In the building.
The building was owned by George
Small and valued at tft.lflO, Ths stock
waa owned by Oeorgs Rhostrom and waa
valued at tl.500. Ten automobiles burned
ln the building, ths owners being C. O.
Soulea, Herman Nelson, Elmer Edson, '
8. L Burton, p. W. Rosser, L W. Ous
aon, Mr. Chsevsr and sis cars owned by
outsiders la for storage and repairs. Ths
cars were valued at tt.000. The total
lose waa tU.00O with not a dollar of In
surance, en any of the stock, building or
large livery barn within throe feet
ef the garage on tha wast and Hickman's
foundry building within a foot of ths I
building wag saved by tha flrernen.
Aurora Organizes
Speed Association
AURORA. Nov. 3&-Speclal.)-The In
corporation of a speed association In
this elty with a capital stock of 110,000
ha Just been perfected and tha first
moating will be bald In tha county fair
grounds next June. The projectors have
a very ambitious program and H Is
the clear Intention to hang up a lot
of splendid purses tor the racing events.
The Commercial, club of Aurora will
unite wrtb the speed association In mak
ing tha Jane event one of great im
portance la this part of the state. Racing
week will be made a "Home comlna"
time and tbe Hamilton county people
all aver ths world will be Invited to
coma horns. .
Soma great horses have been trained
bora, OnolLne with a record of 104 as
a four-year-old. was raised In Hamilton
ommty and O. W, Curry, who owned him,
had avveral other ajruost as fast Marlon
T. Chapman, now deceased, was a fam
iliar figure on Nebraska tracks.
Tha Aurora tract- ! fast and the stables
are modern. It Is located at the edge
of tha town and Is a popular place for
horsemen te winter.
IImii, brI Harvard Tba akeatvlaa.
CRETE, Neb., Nov. SO. (Special VThe
rtoene olle Wservrs are Ktr'ng pre
pared for their Thanksicivlne me, witch
Is t obe played wlm Harvard llixh school.
Tl.s Harvard school always lias a good
tram and ths ixn kgxrrcaui.n will be
fiuskied to their utmost to make a abow
n aaalnat their heavy cKii-nts. The
scrub have played but one tame this
yer ami In Uet thev defeated tbe Clay
i enter Hlrh achcol team, by a score cf
II in g The Harvard ten in is coached
by Uuy HlLkie. a former Uane student.
?-m Slisstsjl via Gaaae.
Tha TTeet O erT.fc;,a of the South are aeeteoua of rn-jrlm a Thanks-!-
day r.w.l ferlt same wlih a loam
v-r&Wg about 1j IvmuUs. Cali buuth
Swept On Like Tide.
Thla ahell fire not only killed and
wounded Germans; not only made the
most elaborate trenches Into dust hesps.
but littered the field with smaahed Ger
man caissons, transport wagons, clothing,
equipment and all the Impediments of an
There was peace In the Oerman
trendies for the first time In three days
aa the wave of French Infantry rushed
for ths German trenches. Then the
French guns stopped firing lest they
kill their own men. Tha wave had not
more than 300 yards to go. Estimate the
time that It takes ths avsrags man to
run that distance and you have ths time
It took ths French soldiers to reach the
wreckage which had been tha Oerman
trenches and grapple with any survivors
In ths dugouts. In some plsces ths wave
swipt on beyond ths trench like the tide
running up an Inlet. Ths Germans be
tween such forces were caught In a pair
ot pincers. This accounted for the pris
oners who wore taken In batches. They
were surrounded by Infantry with ne way
of retreat open to them.
Oaly Little Thlnaa Remain.
"Only the little things now remain,"
said a French soldlor who was salvaging
ln ths ruins of ths Oerman redoubt of
La Poche, ths pocket in ths famous Trou
Ilricot sector. "At the start, of course.
ws burled the dead and gathered up tha
broken machine guns which had been
destroyed by our gunfire." .
Ths town of Tpres In ths British Itnss
probably remains the moat coloaaal ex
ample of shell-flrs. But Tpres was a
town. It was not built to wlthsand shell
fire, but as horns for men In time cf
peace. In Trou llrlcot tha Germans with
tha science and s mating Industry, which
characterlie their operations, bad set
out to build thmsslvos a bastion which
would wlthsand ths kind of fire they had
vlartied upon Ypros. They hsd been at
work for many months perfecting - It
from tlma to time, enlarging and ktrenth-
snlng It, busy as enta In a hill. It waa a
vast warren of sandbags bristling ..with
machine guns a knuckla-Uke salient la
ths German front line. Bmell forests of
barbed wire guarded It right and left.
It was as proof against shrapnel as a
slate roof against hall.
TMs explosion of any high.1 explosive
shell . was localised In ons of a multitude
of chambers built with a view to recelv.
lug such visitors. Shafts In ths earth
underneath the whole offered further 1
protection. In the center was sort of
well In ths midst of thn walls of sand
bags were (he occupants might enjoy
immunity from snythlng except bombs
from the sir.
Form of Sheila.
Rut ths French guns showered tons
u n tons of shells upon La Poche for
those, three days. When a chamber was
destroyed they gave the Germans no tlma
to repair It. For seventy-two hour the
blasts of explosions were tearing at that
redoubt a hurricane .of all ths big cali
bres from six to fifteen-inch with soma
smaller ones thrown In for good measure.
Undorncath La Poche at the end of a
Fnnch mine rested a huge charge of
exploolve. That whs fired Just before the
infantry charged. It carried Germans and
eandbnKS heavenward in a oloud two cr
three hundred feet high and left a crater
of at least 100 feet In depth and ISO feat
In width. Any Germans who survived
were In the pall of dust from It aa tha
French ' Infantry charged over the bare
apace where the barbed wire had bean
destroyed by guns which were given this
part of the work to do. In tan minutes
from the time that the French Infantry
left their trenches they were In full poe
teeslons of La Poche.
"It was easy, monsieur," said a soldier,
'easier than soms such simpler fortifica
tions which we found later on where tha
shells had not fallen so thickly. Ws
rushed In and we looked around fur
somebody to fight with. But there was
no ons For moat part there waa nothing.
but the fragroenta of men; and there
were men lying about trying to apply
flrat aid bandages and a few stunded,
unhurt. What could they do, but yield.
Those who aought refuge down that
abaft, there, were all burled alive: and
we dug out a few who still had the
breath of life In them from that shaft
From the highest point of the ruins one
looked right and left along the front Una
of German trenches which had been au
elaborately dug and were brokeb, baif
filled ditches as ths reault of that tar
rifiu concentration of gun-fire; and the
same thing waa to be seen in tha region
of Loos where the lirittxh guns had
wrought the earns kind of Ivavoc.
a free trln to Lincoln, where Dnmrnnr
Morehead will deliver his premium money
In persm.
Becond, gold watch given bv Consreaa
man C. F. Reavle of Falls City. Ernest
Thomea of Pawnee City precinct, yield
M bunhela nad 20 pounds.
Third, 25 given by N. Z. Bnell of Un
coln, Albert Krofta of Table Rock pre
cinct, yield A buahela and 1A pounds.
Fourth, lit. given by W. M. Thompson,
John Kradhury of Turkey Creek precinct,
yield M buahela and 18 pounds
Fifth. $1.1, given bv W. M. Thompson,
John Hauner of Cedar Creek precinct,
yield 86 buahela and 60 poin1a.
flxth, $11 given bv W. M. Thompson,
Rudolph UlsVo of Miles precinct, yield
83 bushels and 80 pounds.
Seventh. $10, given by W. M. Thompson,
Arthur Hlldebrand of nouth Fork pre
cinct, yield SI bushels snd 27 pounds.
Prise for (essays.
Each contestant was required to write
a composition on corn growing, for which
the following prises were awarded: Flrat,
Charles Kosal, Table Rock precinct, g;
second, John B. Beldl, Clear Creek pre
cinct, $4; third, Brnast Atkinson, Pawnee
City precinct, $3; fourth, Arthur Hllde
brand, South Fork precinct, $$.
The businessmen of each precinct In
the county offered prises for boys In
their precinct, and the following awards
were made:
Mission Creek preolnct, Clara Smith,
$S; Plum Creek precinct, Hubert Sharer.
$: Turkey Creek precinct, John Brad
bury, $8: Ateinauer precinct, Lennder
Kalln, $0; Miles precinct. Rudolph Slake.
; West Dranoh preclnot. Fletcher
Biruch, $s; Clay precinct, Oscar Humm,
$10; Pawnee City precinct. Krnest At
kinson, $; Cleer Creek precinct, John
rtauner, jr., as; xahle Hock precinct, Al-
Sherldan precinct, Le
Houth Fork, precinct.'
Medal Given Eliot
by Arts Academy
BOSTON. Nov. . Dr. Charles W.
Kllot, president emeritus of Harvard
university, waa notified today that by
unanimous vote he had been awarded
the first gold medal of the American
Arademy of Arts and Letters, "a a
recognition of special distinction."
By subscription of Its members last
year the academy established, a gold
medal "to be bestowed for ths entire
work of any person of either sex, not a
member of the academy, who shall be a
native or naturalised cltlsen of the
I'nlted rHates."
It was enounced that tha formal pre
sentation would take piaea during tha
winter, probably In New York.
Iledler Oal far Senate.
KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Nov. SO. Herbert
S. lladlry. formerly repuUlcan governor
and attorney gneral of Mlseourt. today
announced tils candidacy for the United
blalca senate in lale.
bert Krofta. $
ImnA Am... ma.
Arthur Hlldebrand, $s.
Hubert Shafsr of Plum Creek precinct
was awarded a cultivator offered by
Wherry Bros, of this, city for the beat
single ear exhibited !n the corn show.
Miss Florence Bain cf Miles precinct was
the only girl , who sntered tbe contest;
and she finished with a yield of seventy,
four bushels and sixty pounds per acre. .
F1vaAera Prise.
John Tomsk, jr., 0f Sheridan precinct.
won the offered by the Farmers State
bank for ths largest yield from five acres
grown by tenant farmers. His yield waa
nlnety-ona bushels and fifteen pounds.
In this contest Oeorgs M. Miller cf
Pawnee CSty precinct was second wit
a yield of ninety bushels and fortv-alx
pounds, and Emerson Carmlchael of Weat
rancn precinct was third, with a vieM
of elghty-flvs bushels snd forty.flve'
pounds. ., . ... . . , . , .
Ths agerage yield of ths eighteen hl.'h.
est contestants In ths Thompson contest
was mors than eighty bushels ner acre
for fifty-four acres. Tha avan vim
ot ths five highest contestants in lf
tenant rarmers' contest, conducted by .
Farmers Btate bank, was slf hty-slx bush
els and sixteen pounds per acre from
twenty-five acres.
Exquisite Velvets
One scarce dare mention reception gowns
without aaying "of velvet," says Vogue in
its winter fashion number, and velvets for
suits, coats and trimmings are equally fash
ionable. Velvets in their finest guise are to be
had here in a truly marvelous ra,ne of col
ors, every shade in demand.
Russ Green - - Bordeaux
Carnard - - Duck Blue
Menthe - - Gendarme
Golden Brown - African Brown
Royal Blue
And all Intermediate Tones
(Correspondence cf The Associated Press )
PARIS, Nov. ll.-French hotel pro
prietors hsve been very much worked up
by recent publication of a list of eleven'
leading Parisian hotels that are still I
unuer tno direction of Germane or Aua
trlans who had taken the precaution to
have themselves naturalised before. the
war, and who thus escaoed the
tratlon of their property and other mess-
Many Children Suffer
From Kidney Trouble
..lTi.d'T7 ln: har
swelled snd her eyes puffed, a leading
physician bora at ths time, tiSated her
without tha allghteat aucceas. A sun p u
A .yKjrh Bw-n- having beenlirt
at ths house at the tlma, J reaoiT)1
.no aa ii agreed with her atom '
acn I continued ualng It with gratifying
reault. The Inflammation began to sub.
side after she bad taken tha first fifty
cent bottle, and ater she look two large
bottles she pronounced cured by thai
doctor and has been in good health, ever
elnee. Ths doctor came to aes her every !
day and examined her every second day";
until ho pronounced her kidneys In per
fect condition. j
Now then tha doctor waa under the !
Impression that I waa giving; aiy girl
hla nediclne, but as hla medicine had
failed to do a bl: of good, and deelrlng
not to offend him, I dm not tell him I
waa giving her Swamp-Root and he did
not know the difference. I did not uao
ons drop of his medicine after I atartej !
my alrl on Swajnn.Ront mnA .i I
ways ftlt thst Pr. Kilmer's Bwamp.
Boot saved my girl's lire, for which I
am grateful.
I caurtot praJsn It too highly.
Very truly.
New Brunswick, N. J.
Stats of New Jersey, I
County of Mlddleaex f
Mrs. Mary Hyrne, being dutv sworn
by me. according to law, on her oatrj
aalth that (he above statement made by
me la Juat and true.
Swern and subscribed to b. fore me.
thla lrh day ef Julv, A t, 1n .
Notary Public.
Blankets and Comforters
Some Interesting Values
This season owing to greater efforts, to
gether with early buying, we are able to
give better valuea than ever before.
three-quarters and full-bed size, handsome
plaid combinations in nearly all colors, also
plain tan, white and gray
$6, $7, $8.50, $10.50 a pair
bed size, silkoline, sateen, or silk mull cov
erings, either wool or cotton filling, exclu
sive designs, handsome colorings
$1.50, .$2.50, $3, $G and up to $10
broken plaid patterns, full size, extra heavy
quality; colors, pink, bine, gray, tan,
$2.50 and $3.00 a pair.
Iteddlng UcPnrtment riaaoment.
V v
rwiiSJ VwJ
wvewajf boierrse;
KsSgSggceiaagMtBgsV ggf Vl
g w
for Thanksgiving br3
The mature judgment of the entire season has been expended :
upon the things you can find here in a few moments and at !
the lowest feasible prices for the things worth while.
A small expenditure will complete the
' wardrobe of Milady who it well dressed.
A new dress for afternoon affairs, a gown for evening wear, ;
a warm coat for the game," and new blouse to freshen the ap
peirance of one's suit.
Thompson, Belden & Co. have been building a
successful fashion servico for nearly 30 years. ,
A Special Exhibit of Thanksgiving Apparel
at Pleasing Prices has been prepared for Monday
Coats, Dresses, uits. Blouses, Furs
I 11." 'nil 1 . , . ' V 'l .
We Want You to Try
A Pair of
Sorosis Shoes
Test them well, watch them .outwear
much higher priced shoes; notice that they
hold their shape and so always look well.
No matter what or how severe the testa
..'you put .them to, you'll soon learn to ap
preciate Sorosis Shoes and join the regu
' lar fjorosis enthusiasts.
'..'. v Sole Distributors for Nebraska,
Infants Wearables
Dainty and Attractive
Cashmere Sacques
Kimonas - Shawla
Capes with Hoods
Trimmed with Ribbons and Hand
Embroidered Sacques, $1.50 and up.
Kimonos, $2.25 and up.
Infants' Crochet or Knit Sacques, plalni
white and white trimmed in pink or blue
65c 85c $1.00, $1.25 and up
Infants Bootees and Moccasins, crochet
and knit styles, of wool, silk and wool, or
all silk - 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c. 85c. $1, $1.50
Infants' Wear Thlrfl Floor. ?
Eiderdown by the Yard
Both single , and double-fleeced
t eiderdown, 27, 36 and 54 inches
wide, in red, pink, blue and plain
white; much used for bathrobes,
children's blankets, etc
60c, $1.15, $1.25, $1.30, up to $1.60 Yd.
Ostrich Boas
Lend distinction to ' your
costume, and during 'the
moderate days late fall, and
early winter they are suffi
ciently warm to be comfort
In these colors and combi
nations; " - Black, black and
white, white, "natural ?"and
natural and white. Priced
$1.50, $3.50, $5.00 and $8.50
, Children's Gloves ;
Children's Kid Gloves in
in, white and tan, ,2 clasps;-;
full pique. $1.25 a pair..,:
Children's all-wool Oolf
Gloves in all colors and sizes,
25 and 50 a pair. ' ' ;: :
Powder Puffs
Monday - 7c
Large ; size, . fine q uali t,
an unusual value for 7t.
Toilet Goods Section
Thompson-BeldeTi & Co,
i ' '
X. BP mat Oo..
Blaa-aamtea, V. T.
rrasc Waal 3aa-tst WIU (a for Tsa
Rang taa caota to Dr. KHmarA Co.,
Mnahamtoa. N. T.. (or a sample si as bot
Ua, It will eoavlaoa anyon. You will
also raoalra a booklst of raluafcla In for
aiatloa. tailing about tha kidneys a fig
blaldar. Wban writing, ba sura and naa
tioa tha Omaha guadar. Boa. Ragula
fifty -osnt and saa-doUar slse bottles tor
sals at all drug etorsa.
On July 1st of this year
would have bought all the
"closed" rough in the pos
session of tbe De Beers
Perfect Diamonds only
are obtained from closed''
What does it meant It
means , that perfect dia
monds are scarce, and will
be more, so, as a couse
quenee, prices must ad
vance. ,
Our .stock of Perfect
Diamonds, in all sizes, is
as yet ": complete. Make
your selections early.
15? 3t DODGE
AmA. Cava tea ta gl.00 oa rary
JTnat a few ef oos aaaay kmda.
ooai. frosa A'.
to fajnaoa. Q nfl
nse w wi w
Saxlty, by-ptoanet Pose Tor tar-
.....Tr.. S9.00
Saaaiaat liaa srg ana
wSSr. S6.50
iroTlaSae rmaoy Lamp, lii
haad aiokad. at wwtww
Walaat Moek The
Mpsolaity Lamp, Zgg
nd Vat
Cherokee Vat Tha
Iowa vat, beat grade,
waU Boraaaad
a boo eonada ver toa.
Bvosm fiaxmaf.
Out rrloa OmI Oo. Tel. Xtoar. MO.
11 A"' AIr Farm Homes I
DfcBanaP Bails
Ttla loatltutloB la ta oolr ons
la taa central west with separate
buildings situate la their ow.
am pis groands, rat atlralr la
tlact. aa4 rendering It possible to
classify eaaea. Taa oaa buldlng
being fittsd for and drrotad to taa
treatment ot Boa-oogtagloug and
non-mental diseases, aa eUkera Va
lng admitted ; tha ct&ar Kaot Ot
tags beUg designed tor aad e
Teisd to tha xolaattw treatment
ot select mental cases rwgulrUf
tor a time watchful car aud spe
cial nursing
in the territorv
described by this map are regular read
ers of
RiiMoori Valley's Greatest Farm Paper
No other medium pretends to reach the
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His publication conducts annu
ally the greatest power farming
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