6-B 'JJIH OMAHA RCXDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 21, 1913. Second Popular Price unicipal COHCEBT Auditorium F..0KDAY, MIGHT WW 29 DAVID BEETHOVEN and r.n All-Slar Cast rrcucniJnB 'The Rehearsal' A Modern Comedy" With Mn.ilc and "ADELAIDE The Powerful One-Act f!cet hven l'lny. Trlcen: Arena, ?tV to 91.50. ItaW'nny, BOr to ?I.RO SEAT HAM-: XOW ON. HIPP E Continuous from Hi.' to 11 n. m. All ats loo. Botk Atr. sraeoa ul Evenlar. Home of Paramount Pictures Today and Monday , "A BUTTERFLY Oil THE 171! EEL" A Tortillas; Brans of Katrtmony and Sivctee, with KJ lbrook Blina and Vivian Martia Tuesday and Wednesday PaulincFrcdcrick Li Th. rascinatloT Emotional Ar." tier, is rtmom Flayer ruai of th Oriental Hay. "BELLA OOIINA" Mr Hobft JaTloh.na rj iiiti.uaj, iiiua, tfalUIUSJ H rlwt Tim oa th Sore.. , KUnA . Goodrich Va International Sjtas;. Bsaaty, fourth Wif of Wat . Goodwin, la "Armsirong's Wife" I An Zacltlag Varaatonnt rtotur vi j hob ana irj. r A J, llT'gPg3jm ain 'f 'fl uf "ThA I ' , i- jaav aaw D :- i mJ ' -yr ,-4 -i,c 'V--"v.-. : J ? :: :h -, v iJIartaret Taylor N fSmj EVZLYIT NESB1T U . 1?": v Tho.horon.cmborh.rdrit . 1 ll' ' 4? 11 I uti,u..anc In vaudevlllo In thia country a little over two years ago, may recall the danrlnn frock a ah thrn wore, which wero almple and ord nary and were aome tlmra erltlelaed for allowing Xwt taata. But that la all poat hiatory, and after flnrlarlng a determination to work to ao compllah hera'.f for tilai hoadllne dlatlno II in, which, It !a tald, ahe haa done ao well that rhe d-norvca her poaltlon and la In It cn fonuli-o morl'e, ahe la In a po kltlon to (ratify licr dra rea and haa aoi about InM-atlna; her net with a wardrobe that la a distinct feature. Hhe now poa tet'fit mnny clabcr.ite catumea anl la rankrd with the brat dreaacd women in vatdevllle, the ehlhltln plnco fir late Crai rr.-atlona. At the Talnce theater. New Tori:, aho waa on the aame bill with the Farhlon fihow and la aald to have attracted much more attention than tie much advertlacd million-dollar dla flay on the twenty mcdcla. For a rtellar event thla week, the Orf'beum la presenting Evelyn Neablt. Not once alnce her return to the ata; haa ahe l ad anything to any to the newapapera In regard to her connection with tho moat aenaatlnnal criminal rase ever tried In the atate of Now York. With Jack Clifford, who appeared with her In the English mimic hnlis, ahe la offering a a nglng and d-ncln noelty. 1'revloua to tho tlmo of her marrluge, GoodrcA Atkhtttlrpi Robert fonttll t tAi String Genevieve Fusseli Evelyn Neablt waa eomethlng of a atago favorite, and It la only a a meana of earning a livelihood for heraelf and child that her theatrical work haa been re Burned. The act aha la to offer in Omaha la the aame that won wide aucceaa for' her and Mr. Clifford in London. It la concede by reviewers that Mlaa Neablt haa a ilnglng vole of good quality and that aa .a dancer aha la exptlonally graceful. Charlea Howard, who acorcd one of hla blggcat blta with Ward and Vokea. h to contribute a alnglng, dancing and talking melange. In thla act called "A Happy Combination," he la aasHted by Keman Orlppe and Margaret Taylor. Clever aa acrobat and equally clever aa dancera, Brown and McCormack ore vtraatlle', entertalnera. ' They are panto- said mtmla dancera whoae offering la to be popular to an unuaual degree. With their old auoceaaful sketch, "A ease of Emergency," Charlea and Fannie Van will be another of the entertaining features for this week. Hilarious amuse ment 1 provided by Mr. Van aa the stage hand. Toe-dancing Is a rarity In vaudeville. For thla reaaon the work of Arnold Grazer and his sister Ethel, Is likely to be highly appreciated. Their act Is said to be one of exceptional grace and rhythmic beauty. ' Feat a-wheel that eem utterly Ira poiaihlo are accomplished with pre cision by Jed and Ethel Dooley. They are versatile entertainer who wer formerly seen her with h Harry Lauder show. Markamanahlp with thcr pistol and rifle Jhij Morrissy -At the Giye will be expertly shown In tho work cf the sharpshooters. Corrlgan and Vivian. Some lively thrills are also caused by their performance. If you have no Idea of how plctureaque la the Contenttn valley of France, you should not miss aoeing the motion pic ture view of that region aa presented by the Orpheum Travel Weekly. Other Views will be street scene of Cairo and a curious collection of young birds. As the world advances, should It hap pen In hi time and while he atill haa hla wonderful grasp, perhaps D. W. Griffith may find a aubject to produce that will mean Infinitely more to all the people, that will be bigger and more elaborate and entail Inconceivably more expense and difficulty, but. until auch a time cornea. If It .ever doea, hla "The Birth of a Nation," now seen at the Brandela theater for an Indefinite run, covering, aa It doea, the whole rupture between the two distinct factiona of a great country and what cam out of it, to a glorloua conclualon will remain the high water mark. It ahows what can be done. It Is true, end most people believe that whtt haa ben done ran be done, yet Shakespeare, hundrrxle of years axo prayed what It la possible, to do with the Knal.Ph language and still ho has not been surpassed or even approached to this day and liktly never will be. 6ee "The Birth of a Nation" during the time It ia being presented at the Brande'.e theater and you will warmly agree with all you have read of It. In It one la actually wltneasing In a single night tnc condensed action of a lifetime In the annals of our nation. War, roman' and eoclalogy play Immense parts but the entlro gauntelet of human emotions Is played upon as never were they before and as It Is doubtful If they will be again. The full and aplendld musical score, rendered complete at each showing by an eapeclally trained symphony orchetra, alone Is worth going to hear, and this l but one of the crowning features of ihj glorious presentation. The Gay New York, is, the widely hcar alded musical burlesque show, are now making the r annual appearanco In Omxha at the Geyety theater, beginning loot evening. The company, numbering forty people, which characterized Its opening New York aucceaa, la being aoen hora Intact. "Madam. Who Are You?" la tho title of the two-act mualcai farce. It con tains bits from everything and every where. It la unpretentious, light and airy, however, and la light fare for the patrons of the Gayety theater. The book and lyrics are by Don Roth. Harry Vou Tllaer composed the acore of original muslo. The ahow has a sprightly ohorus, a plot of more or less continuity and la offered by a company that his spirit, coupled with earnoatneas and enthusiasm. The presenting names are Fox and Stew art, Ed Jerome, Dolly Morrlsey, Ahna Fleming, Helen Van Buren and Florence Talbot. There is also featured a beauty chorus equal to a Fifth avenue fashion plate. Today's matinee will start at S o'clock, as will the grand holiday matinee Tnanksglvlng day. The big excitement around the Oayety all week will be over the Saxon "Six" touring car, which Is to be presented free to some patron during the week. Particulars as to just how it will be awarded may be obtained at the box office. The car la valued at 7S5. The New Tork Fashion show, feature pictures of recent Metropolitan Fashion shows at George M. Cohan' October T, S and and Carnegie hall September IT, 38 and will be the Thanksgiving attrac tion at the Boyd for three days. The films are correct reproductions of events that recently stirred fashion cir cle, and. In fact, the larger part of the general reading public of the metropolis tn two marvelous fashion shows, the first at George M. Cohan's theater, the other !at Carnegie hall. Mrs. Bell Armstrong "Whitney's Fashion show on September 27 ' 2S and & represented a value In exhibits of nearly 1000,000, and requirement were such that nearly fifty professional living models were necessary to serve exhibits. There was a crush of anxious sightseers and patrons each afternoon of exhibition. Here was lingerie, robe, gown beyond calculation. The earn was true at the International Fashion Show association' a exhibitions at Carnegie hall October T, I and t. Her the exhibit represented an aggregate of less value, probably, but sufficient to daxsle the most keenly expectant; robes, gowns, mantle and what not, the Uving model supplied wholly by noted actresses with Alice Brady and Grace La Rue In special numbers, all staged by Julian Mitchell. Living model wearing the latest style of gown will also be shown. Beginning tonight and at every per formance for the entire week, Mrs. Heulah Dale Turner the well-know Omaha roprano and a favorite In musi cal circles will sing afternoons at 3 on J at nights 9:15. $ On the csll board for the first half ot the week at the Km press Is found Evetvjr and Dolly, those clever girls, who, o- murs vinpcing iuia untieing bit rxrnp tiii rvnllal. mnA .Allf. k. I... Hlnfnn n n 1 ' Hooney offer songs, dances and chntt r. Wlnsch and Poorc, In a song offering en titled "No Trespassing" is the h 1 line attraction. The sketch Is presented In two parts and Is written by 0ori Potten Pmith and staged by AlV-r. White. The bill will be closed by Han Ion, Dean and Hanlon In a style of acro batics of their own, which Is to my tlie lenst decidedly orig'nal. "Frlond Wilson's Dougliter" Is tho photoplay for the first part of th? rvfol.. It is a story of rrvclutior.r.ry tlims p.i-J excertionnlly well ccstumed. TU ra-f Ircludns HMer' HoTcr, n ?elw CP'T and Gertrude McCoy. The play la li tlirre i arts and handles dnmili.' :i- tims In a v.ond.Tfui manner, and ut t same tlmo Is filled with exciting In - -drnts. For the last half of the week the t.U Is opened by Bert Wiggins and company In his nonsensical bit, "On Joy Street." Empress patrons will recall him as hav ing played here two years ago. An at traction for the women is offered In "The Tarls Fashion Shop." presented by Mr. C. V.'. Cross. Gowns decidedly Pari sian in a maze of chiffon and velvet, brocaded charmcuse and beaded lace, mi attractive models. Bongs and latiTT dancca make thla a rare treat. George Rosoner. !n his characteristic studies, "The Old Soldier" and "The Dope Fiend," w'll ba more than welcomed. Hi portrayal of the latter character U probably tho bent that will ever be seen. Tho bill Is closed with a big musical surprise offered by the Five Musical MacLarens, who also offer a lvgo num ber of sonss and novelty dances. "The Pitfall." the modern drama In four parts, is offered for the Inst half of the week. . Thomas Llngham, Mary Sola and Truo Hoard man are the lead ing characters. Hearst Sclig No. 93 and a Vltagraph comedy entitled "The Counts" complete the bill for the last half of the week. ThU week's offering at the Strand In cludes Rlohard Travers In a thrilling "The Man Trail," Sunday and Monday, followed Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday by Robert Mantell In "The Blindness of Devotion," a beautifully Produced modern society drama. This la Mr. Mantell's first film appearance and he Is said to score a moat trium phant suooes. Friday and Saturday the pleasing actress, Mile. Petrova, will be aeen in "My Madonna," a story of aa artist life, her Joys and sorrows. Each uiu every piuiure is oi a mriereni na ture and all come here with the hlghi recommendations. "The Raven." Edgnr Allen Poe's mr terplece. wh eh futures Henry L. V.'a uau miu vt arua no. vara, wii ue s.iov.v at the Boyd theater fj f,ur days, starr ing today. In order to make this martrrr I"c - nb aolutely perfect In every detail. Kssr.n.-' y haa spared neither time or money . architect of national renown was ee.it tj Fordham. near New York, Poe's horn . for the sole purp so cf drawing a set of plans of both the Interior and exter'or of the house, which was bu It In the Revolutionary period and wh.'ch now stands as a historic memorial to Amer ica's greatest poet Henry B. Walthall, who plays the leading role. Is a lover of Poe and has read and reread the famous poet's works so many tlmea that he (Continued on Page Seven Col. Three.) -T" ,r., rny , . , eHTrrT-' 'm sisal tarsatsJi Bbft aaaVQaSaaUttafi 1L -li'l HI 1 ! II f ' - " itf.. r. J a. AM.4 aaaasaaaiaa IMMDB T7 THEATER Now In All Its Entirety WSiat.fe ' . Critics Say: The uncanny call of the Klu Klux Klan made goose pimples rise. Omaha Bee. Whoever; misses it will live to regret the day. World Herald. The thrill and dash of the charging clansman calls for wild applause. News. IF A 1 Fromvcoast to coast the most stupendous dramatic sensation this country has ever known now playing to delighted and enthusi astic multitudes. Two Shows Daily Afternoons. 2:15 Sharp Evenings, 8:15 Sharp PRICES: Matinees, 25c to $1.00 Evenings, 50c to $2.00 HIGHLY IMPORTANT: "The Birth of a Nation1' will never be presented In any but the highest class theaters and at prices customarily charged In such play houses. D. W. GRIFFITH. 1