Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1915, News Section, Page 12-A, Image 12

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    aiJD OM'AJIA. SUNDAY BEE:. 'XGVi.fBETt' 21; 1915.'
A Bumper Crop of Christmas Merchandise
The Safe of 1881 Rogers Silverware Will Be
Continued Monday
The Finest Sliver Tableware and Carrlnf 8ete at about Half Trice.
SblpmenU of new Christmas poods are now arriving daily, and are fast
being placed on our counter. By shopping now. you can make selections
from brand new storks. These goods hare been purchased under unusually
advantageous conditions and we are sure of the greatest Christmas business
in our history. So, we advise early selections.
xcliusive Suit Models at Half Price
40 E
Monday we will offer forty, distinctive and exclu
sive models in the highest types, of this season's suits
Anything smarter than these broadcloth, velvet
and velour suits, in the very newest shades, with trim
mings of marten, Hudson seal and fox, it would be diffi
cult to conjure out of Fashion's box of magic.
Included are beautiful reproductions of authentic
foreign models; also some exquisite original creations.
This will probably be the culmination of your long
cherished desire for one of these fine suits, for these
aristocrats will be offered Monday at very unaristocratic
prices in fact, JUST HALF PRICE.
$149.00 Black Velvet Suit, brown CHA Crfl
marten trimmed 4t.DJ
$139.00 Velour de Lane, wide Hudson 4Q er
aeal trimmed '. 4UVDU
$135.00 Klack Pau de Sorise, chin- rC-? cr
chilla collar 40.OU
$125.00 Brown Vicuna Cloth, wide Q'i'y jjA
beaver trimmed 402DU
$125.00 Labrador Blue, Broadcloth, j-fz
marten trimmed MOj&.&)
$125.00 Brown Broadcloth, marten j-n
trimmed . . . . ;..'4OZiOU
. $125.00 Black Pou de Sorise, marten fljAO Kfi
trimmed ..$JJZ.DJ
$125.00 Plum Broadcloth, marten djCO Efi
trimmed 4OZ.DJ
' $125.00 Green Duvetyne, skunk trim- cn
ming... L... ..3OZ.D)
.' $95.00! Brown Broadcloth, marten -
trimmed. 4tV Ot!
$89.00 Green Velvet and Broad- r a a
doth...: $44.50
$95.00 Tlurn Broadcloth, marten ff
trimmed 3t.DV)
$85.00 White Broadcloth and Velvet, C A c
marten trimming . , . .'tX.OU
$85.00 Navy Wailed Cheviot, marten q a j fmr
and braid trimmed 'tAtDU
$75.00 White Broadcloth, black fox d -jmm p-n
trimming 40 0J
$75.00 Navy Gabardine, marten trim- 'J
$75.00 Black Broadcloth, marten j-j7 en
trinrmed O.OU
Special Showing of New Coats, $35.00
The smartest of the season's wraps are the
big full Russian effects, in wide belted and
flared bottoms; fur collared and trimmed
We are just in receipt from New York of
several new models in the most wonderful.
cloths the textile manufacturers have ever pro
duced. '
Duvetynes, Velour de Lane, -Vicunas, Silk
Velour, Wool Plushes, Kitten'B Ear, Silk Hud
son Seal, Guaranteed Plushes, Corduroys,.
Broadcloths, etc. .
The Furs Arc
Beaver, Badger, Skunk, Opossum,. Chi
nola, Lynx, etc.
The Colors Are
Brown, Field Mouse, Navy, Subterranean
Green, Labrador Blue, Black Castor and Gray.
Tailored Suit Specials
About 60 wonderful Tailored Suits, made in the smart
materials and in the very newest models ; good fur trimmings
and every good color. Values in the lot up to CTC Hfi
$49.00, choice at : . . ..Wuu
' Special offer of 125 New Beautiful Afternoon or Street
Dresses, made of velvets, charmeuse, crepe de chine, combina
tion plaids and serges, every good mode and color. Misses'
and women's sizes. Values to $25.00, sale price Cli TBI
ATnndftv JATeev
... w
Such KNIT UNDERWEAR Values You Probably Never Saw Tomorrow a Matchless Sale
Women's Union Suits, in part
wool, white and natural color.
Worth to $2.25, ,q
special J)l)y
Women's Union Suits, in part
wool and all cotton. Corwith
ana sorest Alius, worm fQ
to $1.50. snecial VOC
Women's Union Suits, in me
dium and fleecy lined cottons;
regular and extra sizes.
$1.00 values OVC
Women's Vests with Ankle
Pants to match, in heavy fleeced
Velastie. 59c qual- JO-
ity, garment )VC
Women's Cotton Union Suits,
fleecy lined. High neck, long
sleeves ; Dutch neck, el- cft-
bow sleeves. Special. . . .OvfC
Fleecy lined Cotton Union Suits
for girls and boys; gray and
white. Open crotch and cfl-'
drop seat. To 16 years k5UC
Misses' and Children's fleecy
lined Cotton Vests and Ankle
Pants to match. Worth jj
to 35c. Special, garment. .-DC
Misses' and Children's medium
weight, fleecy lined Vests and
rants, 25c quality.
Garment . .
Children's Union Suits, all
sizes, with light fleecing. Worth
35c, special, 'JtZn
suit .Ol
Women's Vests and Pants, reg
ular and extra sizes, with light
fleecing. Worth 35c
Sale price, garment.
Boys' and Girls' medium
weight, fine Union Suits, fleecy
lined. Worth 65c,
Boys' heavyweight, fleeced Un
ion Suits. Regular price, $1.00;
Drice . . . . , 69c
Women's Harvard Mills fleeced
Union Suits. Regular $1.00
values, sale
price . . . . .
Women's part wool and fleecy
lined Union Suits, extra fine
quality. Worth to P i - n
$2.00, at
A Fortunate and Timely ''Arrival of ' New Velvets
We have just received a shipment of drete and tuitinq velvet that should have been here
August JStK and it certainly arrived at the opportune time a we were nearly sold u? in oil-
color a. and now we are prepared to show you all the neweet and most wanted coloring,
such at the new Prune shades, Wisteria, Bordeaux, Htgue Blue, African Brown, Cannon
Cray, Taupe, Russian Green. Labrador Blue, Rose, Orchid, etc 42 inches wide, specially
priced, yard ' '
$2.95, $3.95
64-Incb (not width) Velour d
Sole, In mea'i blue, African brown
and Rums I an green; for coat and
sulU. Special,
36-Inch' Corduroy for coata, aklrU
and suits, In black, white, fray,
roae, amber. Copenhagen, brown,
etc. Special,' 98 C
A limited amount of All-Silk Chif
fon Velour, In brown, Copenhagen,
amber and apricot; S3 inches wide;
S?..?;!?!..: .$3.50
40 inches wide, worth
7.60. yard
Our Imitation Fur and Plush
Coating Department was never so
complete aa It is now, showing all
the newest effecta and colorings.
60 inches wide, spectally Tr ri
priced, yard, I1.9& to
22-Inch Boulevard Velveteen, in
all the new colors. Reg- i f)
ular 75c kind, yd
40-Inch Black Chiffon Velvet, soft
finish, good weight Regu-e'i (IF
lar 14 kind. Yard QL.yD
Georgette Crepe we are head
quarters for this fine material.
Bring your Bilks, velvets and dress
goods and we will match them up.
60 new shades. Usually priced
11.76, sale price Monday, Jj gQ
64-Inch Extra Fine Quality Chif
fon Broadcloths, sponged and
shrunk. In all the latest fall
shades of African brown, seal
brown, Russian green, purple,
blackberry, men's wear blue, black,
etc Considering the scarcity and
popularity of fine broadcloths, we
offer these for Monday's selling, at
yard $1.79, $1.96 $2 50
64-Inch All-Wool Scotch Tweeds,
Tlalds, Stripes, Gabardines, Satin
suiting, Fancy Coatings, Epingles,
etc., in all the smart colorings for
fall and winter wear.' Worth to
1 2.00, Monday, mt
yard I.Oy
Notions-Dress Forms
Best Rubber Hair Curlers, spe-',
clal, card .. 10i
100-Yard Spools of Sewing
siik ..7::. ..3
" 6 Nets in Envelop with and
without elastic ..... ,.. . . .10
Boys' and Girls' Skeleton
Waists, pair .'. 15
Best Stocking Feet, Monday,
pair 5
Extra Fine Quality Imported
Novelty Braid, worth to 25c;
special, bolt 15
Good Soft Face Chamois; spe
cial, each .4t)
Sanitary Aprons, good qual
ity 15
Sanitary Napkins; special, at
dozen 10
Tatting Shuttles, each ..10
Gold-Eyed Needles, paper...l
Pants, Skirt and Coat Hangers,
each 2
Heavy Skirt' Markers; special,
each !Qt
Four Section Adjustable
Dress Form
each form can be adjusted at
neck, bust, waist and hips, also
any height. An extra skirt
marker attached to every one
to even the skirt, when on form.
Arm pieces to show the exact
setting of sleeves. Our regular
10.00 forms, on sale
for one day only, each.
Big Stock Reducing Sale in Drapery Department
We must have room for our Christmas . goods, so we are going to give
f some wonderful ' bargains . Mondays -r Housekeepers will recognize wonderful
, values in these special lots. ' ? .
About two cases of fine Curtains,
one and two pair lots, values 5Qr
to $2.50 pair, each O
One big lot traveling men's samples
of fine Scrim, Voile and Etamine in
Curtains, as long as they last, ea.i"C
75 pieces of double thread Marqui
sette, white and ecru, 40c 1 c
value, yard. IOC
. 36 pieces of 50-inch Madras, also
about 20 pieces of Duo Etamine, q n
values to 50c, yard "C
Your choice of dozens of patterns of
high grade Lace Curtains, such as fine
Quaker Curtains, Marquisette, Filet Net,
Bungalow Nets, Loom Weave and Nov
elty Curtains, values to $2.50 g r A
pair, for one day only . . P & v
Your choice of any of our regular Lace
Curtains that sold as high as ( O QC
$4.00, Monday, pair.
Your choice of any real Duchess, Irish
Point, Cluny or Novelty Curtains, val
ues to $7.50 a pair, $4 98
Two big counters of fine Cretonnes,
some of the most wonderful patterns we
have ever shown, c - j 1
at, yard ....&DC d
We Give Prominence and Importance to I Thanksgiving
These Unusual Values in Cotton Goods
The genuine Araoekeag Outing Flannel,
Buch -well-known grades as. Tunis, Iris
and Daisy Cloth. Pure white, 27 inches
wide: , extra warm, permanent nap.
Fulli winter weight. 10c
value, yard
36-inch Comforter and Drapery Cre
tonne beautiful floral and Tersian de
signs; 'light and dark color combina
tions. 10c and I2V20 value,
27-Inch Fancy
Swiss Outing
Fleecdown ' and
American Cloths;
beautiful fleecy
nap, both aides
alike. 80ft and
warm. Light and
dark (rounds;
excellent value,
at, yard
3G-Inch Finest Dress Percale, full 72x78
cloth. Made by, the well known Pacific Mills. .
All the wanted bine and white, indigo, dots,
Btripes, checks and figures, aa well as shirt
ing styles; Bookf old; 12y2c r Clf
value, Mondaj', yard....' V2
27-inch Printed Suiting and Poplin
Weaves, mostly dark, serviceable, fall
designs; neat printings, colors absolute
ly fast. Full bolts, perfect goods.' Val
ues to 12YtC, special, Mon- t"
day, yard OyC
36-inch Bleached Muslin, soft finish,
perfect bleach. II. of II. which com
pare with Hope in weight, m
count and finish. 9c value, yd ... I "J" C
Beautiful Alaskan Flannelette and Wrapper
and. Kimono Fleece, 27 inches wide. , In all
the neat fall st vies; light and dark colors,
plain twill face and heavy fleece back. Full
bolts ; 12 Vic value ; special . , . .
Monday, yard i
Bleaehed Tubing, excellent quality,' 42
and 45 inches wide. - Extra weight, soft
finish, very durable for pil- " Al
low slips. 15c value, yard. . . . I U"TC
43x36-inch Bleached Pillow Slips,
good grade, soft finish; 3-inch
hems, ready for use. Each. . . .
Pure white Cotton Batting, sanitary
and clean. Our lZJje grade,
Monday, roll
0nulns Regula
tion and Staple
Strip Nurse
Gingham; abao
lutoly fast colors.
Best Grade. Gray
and blue stripes.
Full bolts to se
lect from; UVfcc
values, yard, at
Champion Bleached Sheets, our . extra
weight, linen finish grade; torn and
ironed. An excellent wearing quality,
will wash perfectly. Size 76x90 r
inches, 55j 76x99 inches, ea. . .Oy C
Comforter Covering, neat Persian, flor.
al, Oriental and other choice designs,
light and dark colorings. -6c i 1
value, special, Monday, yard. . . .40
$1.25 and $1.35 Damask,
Full bleached , all-linen
damask In a tin quality
Scotch made; 2 yards wide.
Superior quality, double dam
ask, satin finish; beautiful
range of pat- OS
terns, yard Vufc
Napkina to match, damask,
dozen S3.00
$1.50 Fancy Buffet and
Dresser Scarfs, 98o
This lot consists of drawn-
work scarfs or squares, imita
tion filet 1 motifs, - cluny lace
and Rennalssance.. , no-
Very special, each VOW
25c Madeira Doilies, 15c
These are made of a very fine
Irish linen, la the renown rose
scallop', edge, 1x6 ins. 1
Special Monday, ea suv
75c Fine Huck Towels, 50c
These, are all linen, very
fin quality of Austrian huck;
hemstitched or scalloped
ends; with the crest border.
Monday, special, a
each UC
$5.00 Marseilles Scalloped
Spreads, $3.95
. Made ot a selected yarn, fin
ished In a fine satin effect.. All
very elaborate patterns. Large
site, scalloped cut C 1 O 5
corners; each J.Vo
Economy Sale of Blankets
Tomorrow we will place on sale
about 600 Single Beacon Blankets.
In this lot will be found the very
finest quality and largest alze
blankets that the Beacon Mills
make.' All bound with wide mo
hair ribbon and fancy stitches o
ends. Tlalds and fancy checks,
also plain shades with pink and
blue borders. Blankets in this lot
are regularly sold up to 13.50 and
more. This is an exceptional op
portunity. While they Oftf
last, each VOC
All Clean. New Renovated Feath
er Filled Bed Pillows, size 17x25
Inches; covered with extra fine
quality art ticking with fancy floral
borders on ends. Absolutely odor-
less and free from dust Well
worth $1.00 pair; while
200 pairs last each....
Woolnap Crib Blankets, size
36x50. Dainty baby pink and blue
colors. In a large assortment of
kindergarten patterns; scalloped
edge finished with very fine stitch
ing. Very soft napped and abso
lutely fast colors. Regular price
1.00, ssle price, each
boxed separately
Fine Lambs' Wool Filled Blan
kets, full 75 wool, preferred by
many to all-wool because they don't
shrink. For large double beds.
Usually priced to $5.00;
sale price Monday, pair.
Genuine U. S. Navy Blankets,
slightly soiled. These blankets
were rejected by the U. S. Gov
ernment on account of the above
slight stains, otherwise they are
perfect in weight finish and
quality. We were fortunate in
securing the lot at a big reduc
tion, making it possible for us
to offer you for the first time
in years, Genuine U. S. Navy
Blankets at a Big Saving. . Made
of very fine long staple carded
wool, both wcrp and filling, and
considered the most durable
blanket made; alze 58x84 Inches;
weight 4 to 4V pounds each.
Pure white with dark blue bor
ders. Manufacturer's cost not
less than $5.00; regularly sold
at $7.50; while lot of qo
100 lasta, choice. each. vO.VO
Down Baby Pillows, clean goose
down filled; size 12x16. 14x14 and
12X12, covered 'with fine quality
down-proof white cambric. Regular
40c values; special Mon
day, each
Heavy Woolnap Blankets, Just the
blankets you want for full size
beds. Very soft napped and twilled.
Extra good weight Sizes up to
72x80 Inches." Worth to Lf
$2.50. pair 41.0V
Three Very Special
Comfort Bargains
We offer tomorrow three special
lots of fine comfortables that we
bought exceptionally cheap. They
are what Is known as a "Factory
Clean-Up," or all their short lots
where there were from 8 to 10 of
any one grade.
It Is very doubtful If you will ever
again be able to get comforts of
this high quality at such great bar
gala prices.
Large Size, White Cotton Filled,
Silkoline Covered Comforts, me
dium and - extra heavy weight,
stitched and tied. Well worth
$1.60; .sale price Mon- nn.
day, each.'. VOC
, Extra Largo Size Comforts, white
carded cotton filled, sateen and
silkoline covered. Many have wide
plain borders; medium and extra
weight; ' fancy stitched and tied.
Always worth to $3.00; A e
each 3)1.49
Finest Quality Sateen Covered
Comforts, best grade of pure white
cotton filling. Made with wide
borders and panel centers; beauti
ful range of colorings and pat-
ems. ery soft fluffy comforts,
scroll stitched and hand tied. The
finest cotton filled comforts; never
sold for less than $3.25 and up to
$4.00; specially priced xri
for Monday, each. . . . . . .X.Ov
J. ' '