Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1915, News Section, Image 1
The Omaha Sunday Bee News Section PAGES ONE TO TWELVE i THE WEATHER. Unsettled nfv VOL. XLV NO. 23. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21, 1D1&-S1X SECTIONS-FOKTY-lY)UR PAOES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. CAMPBELL DIES Of WOUND GIVEN BY HOLDUP MEN Lincoln Man Shot by One of Two Bobbers Diet Following Re moval of Ballet from Abdomen. DRAQUET OUT FOR MURDERERS Smaller of Two Bandits Said by Vic tim and Eye-Witnessei to Hare Fired the Fatal Shot. . DESCRIPTIONS GIVEN TO POLICE C. D. Campbell, aged 50 years, a drainage contractor, who was held up and shot at Tenth and Farnam streets Friday night, died at noon at fct. Joseph's hospital. After being shot by one of the highwaymen, the authorities were immediately notified, and the wounded man was hurried to the hospital. A steel-Jacketed bullet was removed by surgeons from the abdomen. According to detectives it was fired from a small caliber au tomatic revolver. The body will be taken to Lincoln fcy two of Campbell's brothers, who are in Omaha. Campbell's wife and five children are frantic with grief. Authorities In surrounding towns and cities, train dispatchers, train crews and every person who may assist In the "ap prehension of the holdup men, have been notified of the description given the local police by Campbell Immediately after the shooting aud substantiated by V. 8. Han It Ins. a Jitney driver, 1112 South Eleventh street, who witnessed the crime. Hanklna appeared it police headquarters to look over twelve men arrested on suspicion, but failed to Identify any of them. ft'imller Holdup Murderer. "Tho smiller fellow, of the two ahot Campbell and didn't give him any sort of a chan -e. It looked deliberate," said llnnkins. He asserted that they ran to Kleventh street and went south on that thorough fa re after Campbell dropped. B. 1 nrnos and Joe Schwartz of San Antonio, Tcj., have been held until they give an account of their whereabout at the time cf the shooting. f ha ilea W'nener and Frank Miller, who l;:rt nrevlnlla to the Camnhell ahnntlna-4 held .up find robbed It. R. Baltser, 913 futh Thirteenth street, and Roy Blmp ecn, Spring Garden, Mo., waived prellml rary hc.iring in police court and were bound over to the district court on a iharire ef l,lghwy robbery, with bonda lixed at $1.0(0. The two men were- nr irtcrt less than five minutes after they rolled Hoy Simpson by Officers Barta Mraawarwt rettlfWd wliocks In ills pockets to the value of $3,700 and tO caah. Wilson Asks Mann ' and Gallagher to Confer With Him WASHINGTON, Nov. JO.-Presldent Wllnun today asked Senator Oalllnger and Representative Mann, republican leaders of the senate and house, respec tively, to confer with him before the opening of congress on legislation for na tional defense. The time of the con ference will be arranged to suit the two leaders. The president sent the Invitations in ac cordance with his announced plan of making the fight for military prepared ness along nonpartisan lines. Just before the opening of congress the president will confer with republican members or the senate and hotue milit ary and naval committees. Mexico City Mail Service Restored WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. Regular mall service with Mexico City has been re stored and no more private letters will be forwarded by tue State department. Dispatches today from Tarapico said Carranza forces had made great headway in the state of Tamaullpas since the defacto government was recognised by the United States. Villa forces have been driven into the state of Ban Luis rotosi. Americans at various points report that the Carrania forces have given guaran tees and were "treating them as well as could be expected in the circumstances." Carransa forces are operating against bandits in 8an Luis Potosi. The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Sunday: Knr Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity Partly cloudy and comer. TruurtHlart m I Onmba Tfesterrtny- u E Hours. Deg. R a. m 4) R a. m 35 7 a. m Hi jj 8 a. m 4 9 a. m , T 10 a. m 11 a. m 43 T L t V IS m 1 . m 4 E 3 p. m ...44 4 p. ni 44 5 p. m 44 p. m 41 7 p. m 43 Comparative Lor I Record. 1916. 1914. WIS 1913. Utaheot yesterday 46 o5 72 ."il Iiwut yesterday S5 1 42 42 Muan teimxrature 4t X f7 hi ireeipltation 00 .00 .IS .00 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Vormal temrrature 36 Vxcmi for the day 4 Total detMi noy since Mar-h 1 80) .Normal precipitation .03 Inch I x-fn.nry for the day 3 lni-h ToImI rainfall lni-e March 1 38 74 Inches 1'c-fu-lfm y wince March 1 1 10 Indies iwt clency for cor. period, 1014. 1.71 inchox Jkfic-lency fur cor. period, 19U. 7.7! inches Mrporta from Stations at T 1. M. Station and rtate Temp. High- Knin of Weather. 7 p.m. est. fall. Oinahn. cloudy 41 4a .00 JL. A. S t;HH. Local Forecaster. KEEPERS OF OUR 1 STll 45 (&Ph- jf& J J SUNDAY TO ATTACK BOOZE IN TORONTO Canadian Drys Think Evangelist May Bring About Triumph for Prohibition. FOUR THOUSAND TRAIL HITTERS SYRACUSE, N. T., Nov. 20. (Special Telegram.) "Billy" Sun day was more than ordinarily busy tonight. He was loading his gatllng guns with shot tor his coming attack on the . "booze" citadels of Toronto, Canada. If the present plans are car ried out, the Canadian town's liquor ramparts will be cannonaded ail day Monday by the American evangelist and his aides across the border. The first' crash. will come in the. morning a Toronto university, when "Billy" wlh speaV to thousands of students. The real battle, however, will start in MoBdJiy atteracton at the Arena, when the evangelist will open with s broadside on "The Trail of the Serpent," before more than 10,000 persons, Including the pre mier of the dominion and other, gov ernment officials. To carry on the fight Sunday has cleared, the, way, hundreds of "key-men," from towns in the province of Ontario will attend the meetings, to receive their orders for the battle. ' ' The feelings of the people of Ontario and of Canada will be tested and the temperance workers claim that Ontario is the heart of Canada, and If "Billy" Sunday can swing it to prohibition, it will mean the triumph of the temperance cause throughout the domln'.on. Sunday goes to Toronto through the efforts of Newton Wylle, general chair man of a Canadian committee of 100. What Is believed to be Mr. Sunday's greatest sermon against the liquor traf fic, "iTatUlng With Boose," wll be de livered at the arena at 7:80 o'clock Mon day evnlng. Premier to Meet Party. In the Sunday party at Toronto will be Mr. and Mrs. Sunday, Mlo Miller, Mrs. William Asher and Homer Rorie heaver. The party will leavt here Mon day morning, arriving in Toronto at 9:30 o'clock. The visitors will be met at the sti.ton by the premier and other offlcialse and conveyed to Toronto uni versity, where Sunday ' will deliver his first sermon on foreign soil. The evangelist returns here Tuesday evening. That afternoon Rev, Isaac Ward of Philadelphia, Penn., will speak in Sunday's place at the local tabernacle. Four Thousand Converts. The present week has seen hundreds of trail hitters, ranging from the college and high school students to Indians and down-and-outers added to Sunday's roll, until the total is 4.044. It is estimated that 333.000 have attended the revivals to date as compared with 231,700 for the same period at Omaha. Excursions from near by cities and towns brought crowds this week. Sunday forgot to pray for the Syra cuse university team this afternoon, and the orange was held to a scoreless tie by Dartmauth. Homer Ilodeheaver and George Sunday, however, rooted for Syra cuse technical this morning and that school trimmed Syracuse North High. Incendiary Fires in Redwood Forest REDWOOD CITY, Cal., Nov. -Flres set in many places, under cover of dark ness, swept the Lahonda volley redwood forerts, south of here today. A man, caught with a torch in his band, stabbed William McClellan, a ranrh foreman, to death and escaped. A posse captured a man said to be the sayer and brought blra to jail here. Aid was sent to the fire fig' ters. WILSON TO EAT DINNER WITH FAMILY AND FIANCEE WASHINGTON. Nov. -President Wilson will taae Thanksgiving d'nner with his family and his fiance, Mrs. Noi man Gait- at the White House. A th'rtv-flve prund - turkey, fattenel by South Trinible. clerk of the houae of representatives, on his Kentucky farm, will be shipped Monday for the occasion. EX - CHECK - ER THE. SDBSEA PURSUES STEAMSHIP VERONA Wireless Message Says Sister Ship of Ancona is Being- Followed by Large Submarine. SHIP IS WEST OF SARDINIA BULLETIN. MADRID, Nov. 20. (Via Lon don.) A later wireless message from the Verona states that it eluded the submarine in the fog. ' MADRID, Nov. 20. (Via Lon don.) A telegram received here to day gives a wireless message said to have been, sent .out. by the Italian; steamship Verona stating that it was being pursued by a large submarine' with two ' periscopes. ' .;. :. 1 L ' . According to this telegram the. sub marine la accompanied by a steamer. t The position of th Verona was given as latitude 40, longitude . Off Cabopalo, The telegram was received from, the town of Boiler, on the Majorca Island, in the Mediterranean, off the" Spanish coast; 110 miles south of Barcelona. The Verona was scheduled to sail from Oenoa, November , touching at Naples. November 10, and Palermo. November VL on its way to New York. No word of Its sailing, however, has been received. Latitude 40, longitude . is a point tn the- western Medlteranean, about 110 miles west of Sardinia. The Verona Is owned by the Italia Societa Dl Navigations a Vapore, which also owned the Ancona, sunk recently by a submarine In the Mediterranean. It has been engaged for several years In passenger service between New York and Italian ports. It was S.121 tons gross, 4X2 feet long, and was built In Belfast In 1908. Body of Hobo Taken South by a Morbid Young Woman Buried CHICAGO. Nov. .- The body of the unidentified hobo which served for a time as the hero of an Atlantis. rirVm morbid fancy, was burled with cere mony here today.' Over the body a sermon preaching charity to the unfortunates of the world was preached at the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul. From the casket the name of "Dr. Al leyne Hensley" bestowed on her phantom lover by Miss Julia Crumley of Atlanta had been erased and there was no other name to take its place. A pinched little bouquet of chrysanthe mums and rose geranneuma alone adorned the coffin. It was a gift from hobos of Chicago. Hobos, headed by Jeff Davis, president of the hobos union of America, were the pallbearers. Expenses are said to have been paid by Visa Crum ley's family. l i Girls Have Their Gas Supply Shut Off and Now Lose the Ice "Oh. fudge!" "Oh. I think It s Just too mean!" "The stingy old government!" That's what the girla at the postoffice are saying about the latest order from headquarters still further curtailing the privileges and appurtenances of their lunch room. Six months ago Custodian Taylor, un der orders from Washington, deprived them of the use of gaa in tholr gas stove. Saturday Custodian McCune notified them that, starting December 1, the gov ernment will cut off the supply of ire for their toe box. at least until the robins nest again, that la to say, until tha weather gets warm. Boone Kelly, assistant custodian and generalissimo of janitors, broke the news 7 .iris. He expressed sympathy, but advised bowing to the inevitable. Custodian UcC'une statad decidedly that It's "all foolishness" to have lee In the winter time. The girts, said he, ran set their salads and milk and cream on the Btt'S CARTOONIST FIERCE BATTLE FOR MONTE SAN MICHELE Italians Take Position on Slopes for Second Time and Repulse Seven .Counter Attacks. FIGHT FOR G0RIZIA STILL ON ROME), Nov.' 19. (Via Paris, Nov. 20.) The Italian bombardment of Austrian positions in and around Gorilla' continues ' with unabated vigor, according to the official state ment issued today at' the headquar ters of the general staff. The text of the communication follows: "All along' the front the artillery duel continues. Our . guns .dispersed enemy marching columns' In the Astlco gone and In the, upper Cordevoll. It destroyed shel ters on ,Mlttagkofl (Gail), It, bombarded b'arrac.ks'at QortKla arid alto swept' nu merous .enemy barracks- posted on heights to the east of the oily and, others hidden In orchards and gardens near the city. Finally It shelled a column of troops which retreated hastily Into Oorisla., , Tn tha Car so plateau nur Infantry re newed Its attack yesterday with success and especially la the Monte San Mlohele one,- where the Perugia brigade sue rMis grotmTwh slopes from tha third summit of tha moun tain to the Isonso between Petsano' and Boschlnl. Aftrward, driven from that po sition 1 by i a violent counter attack. It counter attacked In Its turn and recon quered the lost trenehos. Throughout the night ', the enemy renewed furnous as saults, succeeding seven times tn resch- Ume. by the accural" re of our artillery and rifle fire and was hurled back in dts- order with enormous losses. The worn- out. but Indomitable, the brave fu.llllers of th. 129th regiment, thai' swathed In sandbags, enemy trenches in the derknesjs, com pletely dispersing the defenders and tak ing ITS prisoners besides abundant war material. ... "Enemy aeroplanes yesterday threw bombs on Verona, where four cltlsens were wounded, and on Orado, where there were neither victims nor damage. Another enemy squadron threw fifteen bombs on Udlne. killing twelve persona and wounding nineteen civilians and eight soldiers. The material damage done waa unimportant. ' Cat Farms and Fur Shops in New York Will Be Examined NEW YORK, Nov. JO.-Inspectore of the state bureau of industrial hygiene today began an examination of 0 fur making shops, most of them in the lower East Side of this city, as a precaution against anthrax. The inquiry results from the death of Miss Sofia Rosen, who is believed to have been Infected with of cats fur. Cat farms on Long Island and other sections nearby will be ex amined and any infected animal will be killed. window ledge. Why spend good money for Ice when all the outside world s an Ice box? i"r. Mccune Is even h ivlng the loe cooler removed from hi office tn .h. winter as well as from at least two other offices In the building. in not weather as much as l.oro pounds1 . ur i. uihq m tne red era I build ing. This la too much. But a ray of light la piercing the dark ness of the girls' lunch room. The ral lying cry of the former fair patrona of the lunchroom. "Gas for girls." is having effect. The department has made a pro posal to the girlsnot matrimonial, but electrical. "You buy an electric stove and we ll supply tha electric current." says the de partment. Bo the girts are uvil.nfi ji tut the electrical cont.-ivanr. -when it's ap ple blossom time In Nebraska they'll have loe again. With Ice and an electrlo stove they'll be able to set up housekeeping In style. MAHN SAYS WILSON CAN'T CALL HIM TO THE WHITE HOUSE Republican Leader Asserts Presi dent Not Going to Summon Him to Receive Orders Like Dsmocrat. IS INVITED TO SEE EXECUTIVE Illinoisan Declares He Is Willing to Confer on the Subject' of Defense. WANTS FACTS ON PROGRAM WASHINGTON. Nov. 20. Presi dent WilHon today asked Senator Gol- linger and Representative Mann, re publican loaders of the senate and I house, respectively, to confer with him before the opening of rongrexs on legislation for national defense. The time of the conference will be arranged to suit the two leaders. The president sent the invitations' in accordance with his annonunced plan of making the fight for military preparedness along nonpartisan lines. Will Hold Conferences. Just before the opening of congress the president ' will confer with republican members of the senate and house mili tary and naval committees. While it was being made known at the White House that tho republican leadeie had been Invited to a conference, Repre sentative Mann, who was at the State department asking for protection of American planters who have been driven out of Mexico .made a statement on the president's proposal. . s "The president may give orders to the democrats in congress," he said, "but he certainly cannot call me to the White House to give orders. Wni't ne Dictated To. "I am perfectly willing ti consult with him. but not to go up tho re to be told to do what he has decided upon. Every body la tor preparedness, of course, hut I am not willing to say what attitude the republicans .In the house will take toward the administration's defense pro gram until I know Just what it la from the documents, not from the newspa pers." Mr. Mann said he had heard that the president had 'Written a letter to him. but that he would. hot discing It until after he had seen It. , v Burleson Urges AH, ' to Mail Christmas Paokages Early WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. -Co-operation !of the public In the handling ot Christ-, ! mas malls Is sought by Postmaster Oon 'eral Burleson, who In anticipation of an- other record breaking rush of . holiday !u,tJ",t'uct,"n' Z.0 I nnRtmutftM fop the riufclr m.riA AffMftlv dispatch and delivery ot such matter. Persona are advised" to do their Christ mas mailing early. Mr. Burleson la confi dent that If tho publla will aid to that extent the holiday malls will be promptly and efficiently bandied. Placards urging the publlo to mall par cels early, etc., will be posted In all post- out December 1 Parcel, mailed '"ly "ay(Mb'r W?.rd"' Not t0 Psne,d U"U" Chrlstma -""asters are advised that clerks and i wrlers may be required to work over- not to the extent of working a hardship on them. Police at Wichita Announce Release of Hauser to Omaha WICHITA, Kan., Nov. aO.-Arthur Usu rer, wanted in Omaha for the murder of W. H. 8mlth, a national officer of the Woodmen of the World, will be taken to Omaha for trial, the Wichita police an nounced today, following a conference with Omaha authorities. Italy Will Declare War On Germany Within Few Hours IXJNDON, Nov. M. (t.36 p. m.)-The correspondent at Berne, Bwltserland, of 'tha i.ntri .i,n.v i.Uminhi ! Dlnlomata underhand that an Italian declaration of war on Germany la only a matter of hours.' Chicago Embezzler Taken in California OAKLAND. Cel.. Nov. M.-John Brok man. for ten years a trusted employe of the General Electric company at Chicago, was arresteU here today accused of the embezzlement of tft.SOO while head of tha company repair ahora. Brokman con feaaed, according to the police. "I got In with some fellows who had a great deal more money to spend than I had and I lived beyond my Income," he I '" ''',or,", nav ald- Padding tha I payroll was Brokman's method, the po- "" ' i Divorced Wednesday, Married on Saturday HAN FRANCISCO. Cat, Nov. .-The marriage of Tina Iemer, Russian pian ist, to Madlmlr Shavitch of New Tork was announced here today. Miss Lerner tea a ranted a divorce Wednesday at ! Reno from Louis J. Rarhner of Berlin. Uhe and her nsw husband were mujte students together In Burlln, ten yeara ago. The marriagd took place h-re y terday before a justice of lite Miss Lerner giving her age S year. LAY CORNERSTONE MEMORIAL AT NILES Impressive Ceremonies Reminiscent of Former President McKinley Held at Birthplace. HERRICK AND DYER SPEAK NILES, O., Nov. 20. The corner stone of the Notional McKinley I irthptace Memorial was laid here at noon today with ceremonies remi niscent of the former president's life. 'Lad Kindly Light." the hymn which clung to the murdered presi dent in his dying moments, and the Strauss wslts, "On the Beautiful Plue Danube," a favorite of Mrs. Mc Kinley, were played by the I'nlted Hates Marine band, and James H. Hoyt, an intimate friend of the former president, recited personal reminiscences. TrenMcnt Wilson was forced to decline an Invitation to lay tho cornerstone, but he sent a reprvaentattve of the national administration and promised to be pres ent at the dedication of the building later. Qther guests of the day Included Hcnators Atlre Pomerene and Warren O. Harding of Ohio; Representatives Wil liam A. Ashbrook of Johnstown, O. ; J. O. Hchmldlnp of Cincinnati, one of the trustees of the memorial fund; Oovernor Frank Willis of Ohio. Myron T. Hcrrirk of Cleveland, former amhneeador to France, and U C. Dyer of St. Louis, a member of congress and commander of the United "panlah War Veterans: Gov ernor Willis, Mr. Herrick and Congress man Dyer being the principal speakers. Troops and Veterans Parade, The day's program began with a parade In which state , troops, veteran organisa tions. Maaons and other organisations In which MoKinloy was Interested took part. Camps of Spanish war veterans and posts of the Grand Army of the Re publlo from Cleveland, Alliance, Canton and Akron, O., and Pittsburgh, Sharon and New Castle, Ta., were In the line of marchers. Half a doien bands made musto for the parade. - . After the Masonlo part of the program a tablet waa affixed to the stone bear ing this Inscription: KWOTTEn 19 ' To perpetuate the name and achievements of William McKinley, , twenty-fifth president of the United (Hates of America, Horn January 29, IMS. . Died September U,. IDOL , ' . Description of Ralldlasr. The building Itself, when complete, will be a two-story structure of severe colonial' design, flanked by one-story Wings of almost 'equal length 'with the main structure. The main portloo'la to be supported by sla Ionic columns ' and the facade of each wing will carry as many similar- support In seoUonal form. The cornice -Will be plain and.' reatangu-. lar doors -and '(windows twill emphasise the Straight lines of tha design. Stantop Stockman : Brands Cattle 'by Tattoingon Ears ,'CHETENNE,. Wyp.. Not. .-Bpeelal.) State Veterinarian A. W. Trenoh and his force are swatting with Interest the arrival here of the first consignment of tatooed live stock ever shipped Into Wyo ming. Its coming Is heralded by a stack of health Certificates whlclWTiave been received at the veterinarian's office and which relate that each of twenty bulla shipped by 8. Peterson of Stanton, Neb., to Thomas f haw of Wheatland, Wyo., la tatooed on the ears. The use of tatoolng of live stoc't as a means of identification la a new i wrinkle to Wyoming, which produces as many cattle as any other state. The Day 'a War News IMPORTANT PROGRESS (or the Teat oa le forces tavadiag Serbia la reported from Berlin today. The Serbia a liae ( retreat waa further narrowed by tha taklaa; ( Slealra, while farther east Field Marshal Yoa Maekrasea's forces aeeapled Haska, thlrty-eevea allies from the Montenea-rln border. LONDON NKWI AGENCY eorrew psslrsl at Derae telesrraahe that It la aaderetood la diplomatic cir cles that a declaration of war oa Gerraaay by Italy le loasalaeat. niSSIA AND PKRSIA have settled their differences aad Rasslan troops therefore) will aot advance to Teheran, nor will the ehah leave the city, advices front Te- SITl'ATION WITH Serbian army le less aerloae thaa most reports have Indicated, according to persons recently at the front, a . London news agency dispatch from Ath- A DKSPKRATB BATTLE on the (arts platean, In which th Italians sacereded In raptarlnn; an Aaatriaa position nnd retalalaa: possession of Hi althoaaa once driven ont nnd nfterwnrd violently attacked, le reported by Rome. COMPARATIVE Ql IET prevails oa the western battle front Is. Indl. rated by the Parle report today which mratluna only artillery ri- fwiRELESa Ml.MAGK said to have hern sent by the" Italian atcamer Verona In the Mediterranean re ported the steamer wae beta par. seed by a lare anbmarlae, n dis patch from Madrid stales. ITALIAN. OFVICI4L REPORT stales that, tbe Aoatrlan nlr raid oa I'dln resulted In the death of of twenly-scven others. AN ATHENS DISPATCH to London filed yesterday casts some donbt n the unofficial reports that Man as Ir la la tbe haada of the Bal STarlane. The dispatch reported a Srrblaa advaare at Monastlr and added that the lateatloaa tower Moaaatlr of the Bulxarlara who had occupied Pre I eye . wero un known. ' Lvaiaa, however, sr. ernu ta report of kleaaatlr'e fail a probably aalkrntl. . ENTENTE ALLIES " ARRIVE TOO LATE TO HELP SERBIA Impresiion Prevails in London that the Situation ii Rapidly Go ing" from Bad to Worse with Kingdom. SEEBS ARE SLOWLY DIVING WAY Anglo-French Troops Based on Saloniki Are Only Able to Main tain Their Positions. WEATHER A FACTOR IN RUSSIA LONDON. Nov. 20. Although no official confirmation haa been re ceived of the report that the Bul garians have captured Monastlr, In southwestern Serbia, little hope la felt In' England that the announce ment la premature. Accepting it as true, the impression is growing that the entente allies arrived too late to give any service to the Serbians. The only thing certain in regard to the Plight of Berbla Is that Its military situa tion is going from bad to worse. In the north tho main Rerblan armies are giv ing ..way slowly before the battering Austro-Oerman .'forces, which probably would move more rapidly if weather conditions were better. . It Is established that the Hulgarlans are In Prllep and at least have made Monastlr untenable. The Anglo-French armies, based on PaJonlkl, seem to do ' no better than hold tholr positions. ' Optlmlstlo feeling In regard to the diplomatic situation In Greece still per. slsts In England. The reasons for this optimism, however, continue to be ob scure.' The weather seems to' have Intervened again tn Russia.' Little activity Is re ported except 'in the retirement of the Russians to the east bank of the Ptyr. In lOallcla. In Courland wet weather in the swampy district evidently haa brought both sides to a stand still. On the other fronts there are ' few changes. Desperate fighting continues between the Austriana and Italians. In Mesopotamia, General Nixon Is reported to be in sight of Ilagdad. i Anananre Capiat- of .rbtaa. . BERIiIN, Nov. . By Wireless to Bay ville.) Announcement - waa made by tho war office today ct the capture of 1.S0O more Serbians. The occupation of Novavaros and Blen loa In western Serbia, near the Monte negrin border. Is reported. Toward the center of. the Teutonic advance the town of Raska.. about twelve inlles northeast of Novipasgr, has been reached. Today's statement also reports a bom bardment of Wastende, Belgium, by hos-' tile monitors, which withdrew when re plied to by the German batteries on the coast. . .. . rreaeh Official . Reaart. -' PARIS. Nov.. 20. The French war arf ' this afternoon gave out a report on tha progress of hostilities reading as follows: "There was reported last night nothing more than some artillery fighting and var ious engagements with hand grenadea In the Artols district, at the barricades of The Labyrinth," tn he Argonne at Courtes Chaussees and at Vaucjuols and in Lorraine, at. a point oof jar from Relllon." Persia and Russia :,1 Make Agreement; ' Shah Will Remain TEHERAN. Perala. Nov. l.-Vln Lon. j don, Nov. 20.) A proclamation : iawued. by the government today confirmed tha ' unofficial announcement that , the shah , has decided not, to leave Teheran, owing , to the adjustment of questions raised be tween Russia and Persia. FKTROQRAD. Nov. W-Va London.) Tho foreign office received from Teh eran today a telegram saying the Per alan government had adopted measures to put an end to tho agitation Said to have been carried on in Persia by German agents, and to disarm bands of Irreg ulars, in consequence of this action the Russian troopa, which have been ad vancing toward Teheran will refrain from .entering the city. Mayor Thompson Will Ask that His Name Be Withdrawn CHICAGO. Nov, 20.-(8peclal Telegram ) Mayor Thompson announced today, that he will aslc Nebraska officials to with draw his name aa candidate for presiden tial nomination. Wssk Begin aiag Vov. 89 Free Movie Coupon This Bee Coupon entitles bearer te a free ticket to any of tkeee aignlass Moving Ho tore Theaters on the days named. Present at Boa Offlee wtta regular price of one adult paid ticket and get additional ticket free. GRAND DESSE "TIltTIS and St. IIAUTUUV' Bouta Omaha. lStk sad Blaaey. "The Buckle of The atoms of Bout Omaha's High oitli Amngameat Pictures. Belt." CoM ani MnnSiT r.soi Mnn. ant Thyr. nil't hn, cp'm- ntrhu II atronwsn- pnl4 hr oam MH im r s 10c d- sdml H mlMlnn. HIPPODROME ARDOR 8614 Cumlag 8 3ad Arbor. Z&rToV1 Tear Tavortta. talnable. pood Mondays This rousun lood t and Thuradayn MnncUr siht If a- villi one PalO romiNuiiwt br s ml ... . xlmlwlim. llCKet. SUBURBAN L0THR0P Where Ton la. 8h aad Lothrjp tertaiameat le The Family first Consider. Theateg. atioa, tr t Hid iJkiwu. evenings Willi C-j ur Moo4a. ODS paid adiuia- ifhL ak'T-