Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1915, News Section, Page 7, Image 7

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New Handkerchiefs
Use This Attractive Store
) ?
. ii r v-
Men's and Women's PU1n White. all-Linen. Handkerchiefs, some
with fancy tape borders. Men's Handkerchiefs, with new long Ini
tials. Women's fins sheer linen Handkerchiefs with Initials and
fancy colored eyelet embroidery; colored Initials; also colored rolled
with its great Christmas storks, its conven
iences and accommodations as your gift-buying:
We hare seen to tt, well In adrance, that variety
and ralues are. Incomparable that the quality and
character of the merchandise are absolutely appropri
ate to the exchange of friendly greetings at Yuletlde.
hems, with colored band-embroidered Initials. Fancy white snd
colored embroidered corners. Worth 19c; special,
Fancy Picture Box, with Three Embroidered Sheer Tissue Hand
kerchiefs; also Children's AU-Mnen Handkerchiefs, with colored
Initials, colored rolled hems and colored cross-stitch picture or
1 1 -.-.-I - - - --II II handkerchiefs. Special Saturday, 3 In box for
.!... . y
if SXOXD) ioipir!h) Coato
Cash At An Amazingly Low Price
There are coats fnr pvprv nrrntirm nntn strppr
jS3R5s, sport and outing especially those for the blustery
yjmaua wimere. iney emorace almost inaescnDaDie
variety of colors. This sale will cive vou a selection of
Lmodels that we do not believe has been equaled before
,Dy us in recent years.
Every size for women and misses will be found. Everyone will
be able to choose a coat exactly to her liking. This collection displays
" Fur Collars, Fur Trimmings, Wide Pleats, Wide Flares,
x Large Deep Cuffs, new Russian Effects, also the Chin
Chin Collars which are now the rage in New York City.
i f This might well be called your coat-buying opportunity par
excellence for what you would love to wear and get satisfaction out
of this winter will certainly be here. Those who know what wonder
ful values these are will make selections promptly Saturday morning.
I 4
1 L
oats Offered at Great Savings
)fi - Good heavy, serviceable coats in Chinchillas, Zibelines, Plushes,
J, Corduroys, Caraculs, Cheviots, etc. Ages . 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years.
.Grouped in lots for easy selection, special Saturday
275 and $8.75
I T?1
fit ' I 'vA V' i
i ft :4 immJ
p:? iv Wil li
A Common Sense Sale of
Knit Underwear, Hosiery
Sensible, serviceable, satisfactory, perfect fitting, low
priced underwear exactly what women and children need
now. What you have been looking for in quality and dura
bility you will find here combined with substantial savings.
Wotnen"s Union Suits, In part
wool, white and natural color. A
well-known manufacturer's irreg
ulars. Regular and extra sixes.
Worth to 2.2 6; J j QQ
special Saturday J 1 )
Women's Union Suits, in part
wool and all cotton; hlRh neck,
long sleeves; Dutch nock, elbow
sleeves; low neck, sleeveless; an
kle lengths. Msny well-known
makes, Including Corwlth and For
est Mills. Worth to qq
11.60; specially priced.. JOC
Misses' and Children's Fleecy
Lined Cotton Vests and Ankle
Pants to Mstch. all sites. Worth
to 36c Special, OC
garment OC
Misses and Children's Fleecy
Lined Cotton Vests, Ankle rants
to match. All slses, j Q
worth 2c; garment liC
Women's Fine Cotton Union
Suits, fleecy lined. High neck,
long sleeves: Dutch neck, elbow
sloeves: ankle lengths. Regular
and extra slses. r
Very special OUC
Fleecy Lined Cotton Union Suits
for Girls and Uoys, gray and
white; open crotch and drop aat.
Ages to 16 years.
Women's Union Suits, In medium
and fleecy lined cottons; high
neck, long sleeves; Dutch neck,
elbow sleeves; ankle lengths.
Cream and bleached. Regular and
extra slses; $1.00 (ZQ
values ', . . . OIC
Women's Vests with Ankle Pants
to Match, in heavy fleeced cotton
Velantlc, bleached only. Regular
and extra sixes. 59c , on
quality garment OJC
Fine Hosiery, Worth More
Women's Pure Dye Thread Silk
Hosiery, in the much wanted even
ing and shoe top shades; silk to
the knee, with a double wide lisle
garter top; full fashioned and re
inforced soles, heels and jq
toes. Worth $1.00, at... OiC
Women's Fiber Silk Hosiery,
fiber to the hem; black only;
seamless. Double heels on
toes and soles; 60c quality 0C
Women's Mercerlied Lisle and
Fiber Silk Boot Hosiery, black,
white and colors. Regulsr and
"out-slses." Fashioned and seam
less, garter tops, spliced soles
heels and toes. Light and medi
um weights. Special,
Children's Fine .nd Heavy
Ribbed School Hone, good weight,
double heels, toes and OJL
knees; pair LCtQ
Snrpios Stocks of Blouses
Ijth three marvelous groups of Blouses,
iliairufacturers. They include the dress
design, as well as simple and smart tailored
ilness in securing remarkable values. These
n sale Saturday in two groups:
( There is much to see in new materials, new
colorings, etc. Among the desirable materials are:
Dressy Georgette Crepe Blouses, Smart Crepe
de Chine Blouses, Filmy Lace Blouses,
Plaid Blouses, Washable Satin Blouses.
This is a new effort in value-giving and we
ndvise you to come early Saturday, for Blouses of
these qualities will not stay on our counters long.
ndThls Salt offers you the opportunity of baying two for tht
dve Good Service
,ek or
Mercerised Cordonnet Crochet
Cotton, in white, ecru and col
ors; 10c and 15c
Tatting Shuttles, in black or
white, all sizes. Regular
10c values, each
Stamped Linen Library Scarfs
and Centers, on natural linen;
$1.25 values, 7Kn
each I wC
Stamped Pillow Cases on ex
tra quality tubing; size 21x36
inches; 60c value,
Stamped Night Gowns, on
good quality nainsook; new and
pretty designs; OQ
60c values C
Stamped Guest Towels, on
buck and Turkish toweling;
neat aad pretty de- o 1
signs; 25c values.. ImC
Stamped and Tinted Sofa Pil
lows, some with backs. C-
Regular 25c values OC
Celluloid Ball Holders, In am
ber and shell; worth r"
10c. at OC
Dorcas Knitting Cotton, white
only, tor table mats; all O
sizes; ball i)C
Kensington Crochet Cord, la
white, cream and linen j
color; 10c bails, each... OC
Mercerized Slipper Cotton, in
red, brown, navy, green and
gray; 26c halls, Batur
day, S for
I si J FTi JM
New Arrivals in Women's Fine Shoes
AH Ilronse Hut ton or Lace, 6-inch top, Louis "
heels i . , ....iw.L.i.,
All niack Velvet Lace Shoes, full Louis heels, silk
stitched . . . : ;
All Midnight Ulue Kid Gypsy Pulton Hhoea, Louis A OC
heels Pfr.? O
All Dark Gray Kid (lypy Ituuon
600 Pairs Women's Fine Dress
Shoes, patent leather, with cloth
or kid tops, also dull kid shoes
and gun metal calfskins; lace or
button styles. Splendid $3.50
snd $4.00 values,
all sizes
Infants' and Children's Shoes,
patent leather, with cloth or kid
tops, also vtel kid; hand turned
soles, smooth Insoles, no . tacks or
threads. All sizes, 2 to 6, with
out heels, and 6 to 8 with spring
heels; choice, OC
pair pl.O
1881 Rogers Silver Sale Saturday
i We have sold this famous brand of hilverwaro in Omaha for years, and wo guarantee
every piece. B'inest Silver Tableware and Carving Sets at about Half Price. Here are just
a few of the wonderful values this sale offers:
$1.00' Tea Spoons
(set of 6)
$1.75 Dessert Spoons (1 in
(set of 6) J 1 17
69c l&i
60o Sugar Shell or Butter
Knife, each . ,
$1.00 Orary Ladles,
each i
$1.00 Berry Spoons, .
$1.00 Coffee Spoons,
(set of 0)
" I
$2.00 Orange Spoons, (1 ff
(set of 6) pl tUU
$1.00 Cold Meat Forks,
29o Baby Spoons,
$8.60 Knives and Forks, 12-dwt.
SW.V. $2.49
The above come in all patterns Grape, Grey lock and Sherwood,
Chests of Silver 1881 Rogers
26-Plece Mahogany Flnihhed Chests, filled with
6 Knives, Forks. Tea Spoons, Dessert Spoons.
1 Butter Knife and 1 Sugar Shell, $9.00 Tj- QQ
values; sale price Saturday J)00
47-Plece Chest, Sherwood Pattern, Q QQ
$16.00 value
47-Plece Chest. Grape or Greylock A QQ
Pattern, $17.60 value iplU.IO
- $1.60 Black Handle Steel Steak J rfk
Knives, set of six 1 .UU
$5.00 Black Ivory Handle Steol Steak t0 qq
Knives, set of six 0,jO
3-Plece Stag Silver Ferrule and Cap,
$7.50 values
3-Piece Ivory Handle Set,
$7.50 value ; . .
2- Plece Stag, Sterling Silver Ferrule
and Cap, $f.9S values, special
3- Piece Silver Handle Sets, Sheffield
Steel, $5.00 values
3-1'lcce Stag, Heavy Sterling Silver
Cap and Ferrule, $8.00 value
3-Piece Silver Plated Handles,
$4.00 values
j-i'iece uiacK ivory Handles, m p?
$2.50 values M .OU
If you buy your undressed
dolls now you will have time
to dres-i them for Christmas.
18-Inch Kldlyn Dolls, with bisque
heads, long curls; they open and
shut their eyes; shoes and CQ
stockings. Special Saturday, uf
Genuine Kid Body Dolls, 22 inches
long; beautiful curly hair, bisque
heaW shoes and stock- fiQ
4-lncb Beautiful Jointed iwiis,
long curls, smooth finished bodies,
full Jointed. Princess slip, shoes
aud stockings. Special - 1Q
t M. S
,1J "JO'
Long Stem Roses
colors, Saturday,
in all
Large Bunch Cali
fornia Violets
large size
Floral designs, funeral
wreaths, corsage bou
quets, etc., prepared by
experts. Reasonable prices
"What Does the Name Had-
dorff Mean on a Piano?"
When I buy alladdorff am I getting just an ordinarily good piano or do.
I obtain a really Distinctive, Superior Piano in the Haddorff, and if so, In
"What "Way Superior?
This is the vital question you will ask yourself, consciously or uncon
sciously, as you start out to buy a piano.
The Haddorff "Homo" Vibrating Sounding Board Stands Supreme
and is Used Only in Haddorff Pianos and Player Pianos.
(The Greek word, "Homos," Is used to mean "of the same quality throughout.")
The Haddorff, used and endorsed by many of the world's leading ar
tists, is our leader and represents the highot state'of iorf taction attained in
the art of piano making. '
Brandeis Piano Department Third Floor.
White and Gold $
Dinner Sets
This set makes a
beautiful and appre
ciated gift.
We make this special
offer particularly for,
Thanksgiving: buyers
with a distinctive,
-beautifully modeled
The sets are made of genuine English porcelain,
high quality gold band tho real French china effects
on the new 191C shape.
The set is sure to pleaso anyone desiring an .elegant table setting, be
cause of its rich and dainty apiearance. JjQ OC
Thanksgiving 6ale, set. P7eOsD