8 Tim BKE: OMAHA, SATTKDAY, NOVK.MKKi; -jn, mi;,. AKC0I1A FIRED ON ! WITHOUT WARNING Ilalian Eeport Sayi Shell Ag&intt 5 Wireless Apparatus First No ? tice to the Captain. SHIP IS t STOPPED AT ONCE 2 NAPLES. Nov. 18. (Delayed' In Transmission.) The official report of the Investigation into the sinking Of the Italian steaniRhlp Ancona by m submarine off the Tunisian coast, It was announced, was sent to Thomas Nelson Page, , the United States ambassador at Rome, tonight. The Investigation reached the con clusion that the submarine fired a rjiell against the wireless apparatus of" the Ancona without any warning. The captain brought the vessel im mediately to a halt. -The aubmarit4, having hMstrd the Aus trian flag, the investigators found, the Ancona waa about to hoist th Ttatlai hulira, but the Mas; waa only half wav up the mast when the submarine launc'.ej C torpedo, which at ruck the steamer jrrnldshlps. .Th captain of the Ancona, the official account says, ordered the lifeboats low ered, but while thia was being; done the submarine continued firlnrr Sftelnat the Si tamer's boats. - Some of the boata were Jwed by shots. oMlKlnK lbs survivors t climb up the ropes. In th meanwhile, U Is alleged, those on board the lubma rme Jeered their victims. , Charity Federation ' Tor Omaha is Urged, By Welfare Committee Ci A movement looking toward the fed eration of the various charities In Omaha hd the Installation of a budget system rr handling finances, has bean started. committee to consult with the heads ej the various charities In Omaha with regard to such a plan waa appointed at riion by the welfare committee of the Or.mmarctjU oiab. IN. P. FWI of The Omaha Bee presented 15 the committee the plan used In Cleve land, where the federation and budget rian has been conspicuously successful. Mr. Fell also had experience In Cleveland eith the Jewish charities operated also oh the budget plan, lie pointed out that While the Jewish charities collect some S30.CC0 or $30,000 per year for use ' In charity work the system has so elimi nated the unnecesaary expenses that fcirmerljr burdened the societies that leas than 4 per cent of the money collected , IK vnnaumea in cosi or collecting, ac counting and the general administration of the, finances. hrThl record Is In marked contrast to foe situation In many charities where .a ttre per tent of the money oollectfld, cslnnalbly for charity,' actually iou as ea'ary for the collectors, t bookkeeper feoord keepers and ethtr attaches, while De poor continue to suffer end -melt.-' NEW SHRINERS BOI.;. . ' 3-- 'AT THEIR TEMPLE , (Continued from Psge One.) JXfed.' trie candidatesusppeat-ed .ndaftr -Wing cautioned to obey every Instruction is the letter, the tnlUatloo was started. A this point the doors of the building i6re olosed'to the, public. end after that. Ivhat happened to the candidates will ever b known to aiy except them fMves, the officers of the order and the Hhrlners who were spectators, for none 2 them will ever tell. 1 ;' git at Bassstt Board. .The Initiation of candidates wss fin t'Thed, shortly after o'clock. After that all candidal who wars, able to do so, t aether with 6hitie spectators, hurried suway to the banquet at the Masonic Tern X"'0. They were back in the', Auditorium vt T:t0 o'clock. A recital and musical tii'ogram continued until o'clock. The recital was in charge of Wave Whltcomb, eeprano; Miss Amy Neill, vlollnlut; Wll Vjfjn Clair Hall, tenor, and Edgar Nelson, ptuiist. The program follows; , , ..... . liolberg Suite ;...'..:..;..rieg i'relude v v V.. "Harabande ..j ..J ,, "Klsaudon Stoclurne, C minor ,Clipln lOdgar Neiaon. llecltatlon and aria (from The SlgUrd - opera) ! K. KeyeV William CTalie Hall.' fctcena ed Aria "'11 dole suono" , ' "Ardon gl 'Incense Mad e-ene . from "Lucia" ..(.,..... Donlxettl ' Wave Whltcomb, . it) Barabande and TaatbourIn.,.'..Leclalr tti Cprlce Vleiuiols Krvleler ,tt) Tarabourln Chlnola. Krelsler Amy Fmeraon Nelll. a) rulflllment .v.,..McPermld At Iawnin( , ("adman IV) Bacnunent '. ......McLnrrnld i'i)I.ina Florenao JUJ Mother o' Mine ......Tours. William Claire, Hall. v Ave Maria Hach-Oounod With Violin Obligato Py Miaa Neill. " J'ai oleure' en Hove Ueurac Hue K?) An Open Secret Woodman Wave WhltconiD. ' . JCpoa the, .conclusion if the program Mere waa a short interralaaion, during which the lower floor was clearud of the aeata, eiter which the danclna; began. Tue danos was one of the social events of the year and as a function quite up to tue annual ball of the Knights of Ak-r-Ben. SIX MORE BODIES TAKEN t FROM MINE NEAR SEATTLE j. " i FEATTLR, Wash., Nov. 1.-The bodies ef six men were recovered from the -iiortb weatera Improvement company's mine at Ravensdale Uat night and early today, making fifteen recovered In all, jt leaving alxteen bodlea in the mine. 1 which a duat exploaion occurred Tuea iuy. It waa a 1 moat certain all bodies w-juld be out before night. HUDGE JAKES CHARGE OF , THE RIO GRANDE ROAD DENVER. Cplo.. Nov, 1,-H. U. Mudgs. Ttewly elected president of ths Denver Kjo Grande Railroad company, arrived TTday to tfk personsl direction of ths rempaay affairs.. Jit 'Aeat tm te llMSUal. C. B. PUnchard, postmaster at Blanch ard. Cat, writes: "1 bad kidney trouble o bad I had to go to the hospital. Folsy Kidney Pills were recommended to me -aud they completely cured me. I cannot speak too highly of them." Sufferers la every stats hsvS had similar benefit jrom this standard remedy for kidney in. A bladder ailments, it banishes back-t- ha, stUf joints, swoliea muscles and e.11 tba various avmptoiua of weakened it dlaeaaad kidney a ol4 everywhere. Moloney Goes Agrees to Cut Money Demanded to $1,085 Io ynu .now this man? Ksve you evrr ern him snywhrrc? If so, ahrrr? When, t "rider what clr- cumstsrnf-a? Tho l' turo In the In t st and heat photo of Arthur Hauser, allna Buck Vraer, dcs;nerse desperado, charsed with terrible crime thai reused half a dol' n c!tl" to seek him. Chief of Tetetlves Malrnev Roes tij Wlrhlta In hrlttv Kit, rt.. V. . i for trlal on rh of mllrr,n w. If. Smith, caahler of the Woodmen ef the World. In order to assure the proper admin istration of J-istlce. the nuthnrltlra are anxious to ret In touch with everyone who rsme In contnet with ilauser while he was In Omshs waKlng his rnmpslgn of crime. I Thus far It Ik a mystery where Maimer lived while In !tnaha. This plj ture la printed In the hope that some hotel clerk, some rooming house pro prietor, street car rond'irtor or sny other cit'ten who mlsht rosslhly have I rubbed elhowa with the denpergdo. will coine forward and throw more light on Hauarr'a actions In Omaha. The picture printed her la one taktn in Indianapolis the day after hla arreat there.' It la aald to he an exceptionally faithful llkrnoes, In fait, the first really good plct'ire local police have yet seen. Kiom the rlrture the peculiarities of Mauser's features which gave rlae to his nick name, "The Ane-Msn," msy be noted. Ills neck Is short and thick: bis ears appear to be the lobeleaa ears of an animal; bis prominent, fang-like teeth; From Our Near Neighbors Irvlaarton, Mr. Charley Veatal and Cheater Men drlckevn weie Omaha via tors Wednes day. Mrs. Chatmsn and Mrs Johnson of Omaha vlalted at the Veatal home Sunday. Mra. Naah, who has been vlxltlng old frlenda around here, left for her home In California. Mlaana Mary W'txke and Anna flundall returned Monday from the Norfolk Chris tian Eniioavor convention. Mra. S. r. Firewater and Mrs. TCvans sttended the birthday club, which met at the Phil Brewater home in Omaha Thursday. Mrs. A. D. Knight entertained Mon day for Mrs. Naah of California. Thoae preeenl were Mra. B. R. Brewster, Mra, Hwltser, Mrs. Fred Noyce. Mrs. ftprlng, Mra. Powell. Mra. Prl Cbrlatopheraen, Mra. llarta, Mra. Tuney, Mary Noyce, Mr and Mra. Kvana. Mrs. IJ'an. Mrs Hasard ana Mrs. John Anderson, Light refreshments were served. Paplllloa. Mrs. Thompson was an Omaha visitor Sunday. Mra. Brener and daughter, Angle, were Omaha vleltors- ..... ".'..'' Mra. Veatal and family were Omaha Vlaltors Saturday. Mr. and Mra. John lillca were umana visitors Saturday. . , Ti e Iullxa' Aid met at the Evans noma Wadnrsdsy for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. John HeiMjrtchson were Omaha visitors Thursday Mra. Ilackman and Minnie Detn were Ontalta vlattors Wednesday. ' Mr. Archer Hasard and Mlas Annie Jacobs were Omaha vlaltora Thursday. Mrs. Carl Spring of Benson is visit ing at the John Blelck home thia week, John Plmpklna of Winner. B. D . vis ited at the- John Chsse home Iset Sat urday ' Clint Chsse of Stanton,- weo., waa ine guest or hla parenia, mr. aim mr. Chaae. Tuoaday and Wedneeday. Miaa Gladys Mom, aaaiauKi ny aiiae Alice Hut-aard, entortained the prcspjrte. rian Christian Endeavor society Thurs- dsi' evening. . "' Mr. and Mrs. Frsnk Keen inn it. anu Mra. A. A. Crandall anj cnuoren u Omuha were Bands y gueels ot we. anu Mrs. Janes tstewooa. . Mesdarr.es R. O. Fase. K. 8. NlcVerjota tnr 11. U. l'attei-eor entertained th Preabyterlan Ala eooieiv im""T nocn at th noma oi i Mr. and Mrs. J. M. urunner ana i.i.i i,M.n, who .have been Visit ing wltn Mr. and Mrs. Frank acn, i spending this week with frlonds at B are an- nlnuton. , . -.v Mlna Oeorgia Oliver rei""'" " dsv from Madison. Jsen.. w' been Vla'ting.wun "- -;,: -;: dy.. Mlas Ol v.r ;, tlan F.nUeavor ranmn fore going tu Madlaon. 1 gprlaaMetd. Walter Prugh of Blnkln. Mo., was here on a short visit Friday. " O. Adalt has returned from a visit to rierca. Neb. . , , . .... Frank Armstrong of Grand , Vsllsy Colo,, Is here vlaltlug hla parehW, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Armstrong. Mrs. W. J. Armstrong wss taken to a hospital Thursday for a surgloal opera tion. , Mra. W. H. Davidson arrived Wedneev dsy from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Qulnley of Omaha were here last Sunday. J. C. Wads returned from Mississippi last Sunday. v T J Wright has been appointed as sessor of thia precinct to take tee place ef K. J. Qulnley. who realgned to become deputy I'm ted States marshal. Andrew Mortenaen of Primrose visited his daughters. Mrs. Chester Keyee end Mrs. Robert Keyes, ths fore pert of the week, Alois.' Alice snd Joe Blwell attended the Nebraska-Kanaaa toot ball game at Law rence. Kan., iaat Saturday. They went by automobile. Evangelist Moore cloeed hla revival meetings at the Adventlst church last Sunday. There were thirty couveraiona. Mra. W. H. Ellis left Iaat Monday for Centonla, Miaa., to visit her daughter, Mrs. Bert Boien. Mrs. Sarah Armee, formerly -of this place, died in Wyoming at the reatdence of her son, Joseph Lrtskell. Mrs. M. C Stearns of South Omaha vuited at A. C. Heed's the fore part of the week. Miaa Clara Mlntura visited friends In Cniaha Iaat Sunday. A vara. Mlsa Myrtle Calkins was here from Yveeplng Water Friday. Mrs. (Jeorge fhsrklay entertained ths Woman's club Wedneeday afternoon. Mra. 'Herman Behrns was an Omaha visitor Thursday. Carlos Durham returned Tuesdsy eve ning from a trip west. Mre. John Kastens and daughter tf Ola the, Kan., are spending the week a 1th relative southwest of town. The Avoca Oun club will bold a shoot ing match bar on Tueedejr. Neveinber St. Melvln Kear ot Alvo was a visitor here the flret of the week. , Mrs. Florence 'Durham has returned frotu a few weeks' visit with relatives at rarnam. John Ehlere and wife, who have been vialting relatives here, have relumed to their home near be rt rend. Mrs. P. Nutsman la visiting relatives at lertraad. Mrs. Omar Jameaon and ' children of "Weeping Water apent Mr vera 1 days thia week with A voca frlenda. Superintendent Eda Vargusrdt was over from plaiumouth several days this week. Mrs. Marie Mngenaen of Weeping Water waa here the flret of the wevk vUilluf relatives. About fifty ef the friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holienberger pleasantly aur Prised them Wednesday evening at their koine. That data the tweuly-aeoond anniversary of their wedding. KvangellatM meetings at the Congrega for Hauser After Wichita A 4e A - LATEHT PHOTO Or ART low forehead, small, beady eyes, - and laatly, hla gorilla-like arms of unusual length, all combine to give one an Im pression that he is sn spe. rsther than a human being, his victims told tho police before his rapture. The picture bears out the "Ape-Man paeudonyn. Chief Iunn announces that the Wichita authorities hsve agreed to turn Arthur Itauaer over to ' the Omaha tional church will continue all next week. The Avoca High school girls' Kensing ton met with Mlas Villa Oapen Wednes day evening. Mr. snd Mrs. John Blschof snd aon of Council Bluffs visited Avoca relatives on Sunday. Hellevae. The Ladles' Aid society of the Presby. terian church held Its annual harar i i the old postofflce building last Thursday. The aale waa well attended and a good profit for the new kitchen was assured. Ths construction snd operation of the ferry operating between llellevue and the loaa Bine of the Mlaaourl has been de layed because of a sandbar which has formed near the Iowa aide. The J.flO-foot cable la burled beneath twenty feet of sand on the bar. llr. and Mrs. E. EL Stark have moved Into tha houae formerly occupied hv Ed ward Meyers while they are building; a L J) My 0!o Cob Pipe ' : ' (f 1 iais4S:s ..w smsmak (.. I An' what voa lack btbmt, ' XJ I II Yo' bovlUjart a corn co& i . J'f 1 1 But wh,n o V VW Va&f, . VTT A -Ss-: I f smaarWfAeneeef V -' ' - J II I Ofm 6ffer rVwn b-idm mm I LM l) ? ilf I I ft'fW. tA. .row on' V.lvt ' t 11 I Ee'ry day 1 find yvabrtt.r, rW' JWl K. l 1 - ,&ssr kinder than befo' Ps2kJt i'liJiK i' -J v. 1 gJL5BSSSSSBSSJ BBB BBB1 BBaZZ f'MW fi''' I The economy of VELVETS slow -burning may not mean a great . deal to you, but it is cer tainly no drawback. . No quick artificial process gives VELVET these qualities. Time alone makes VELVET mellow. Panama-Pacific Ex "Tha Grand Vim Avas loom mwmrdad VELVET "for fcs mupmrim emaKty," ffttJ!f3ZSamGk Crfra Hit 10c Tina Sc Metal-lined Ba$ One Pound Claaa Humidora ad "lit- 4ll if , V -s . ' ;f j si' uwees!- ;S t V t.. 1IAUSKR, THE "APE MAN." police uponpayment of tl.085, which 's a reduction"" from tho original demand of 11.600. Captain Maloney or the detective de railment left Friday afternoon for Wichita, taking with him the money and tegiiiMtlon papers for the fugitive. It is expected that Hauser will be In Cmnha Saturday evening or Sunday I'torn'ng. new house on tha Nurlall' property. which they have recently purchaai led. Floyd Bplcer and family left for Mer man last week, where Mr. SWcer has se- i-umu employment. f ' , ,, ... . 1 , . -- tary academy, ,. Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whltmore spent j uiwhjt biiu nruortuRr ia vsxnana. Mr. and Mrs. Butts motored to Fremont Thursday. Mr, and Mra. Richard Webster motored from Lincoln Sunday for a short visit with Mr. snd Mrs. Fred Whltmore. Mlsa Nora, Peterson, who Is attending school at Peru, vlalted her parents this week. Mrs. A. L. Zwelbel baa been quite 111 this week v.ith neuralgia, O. X. Kopp went to Fremont Sundav to see Dr. Agce. His eye Is slowly Improv ing. Mlas IJIIisn Morrow and Miss Nichols entertained the Kentlngton club at the home of Miaa Nichols Thursday evening. Mr. snd Mrs. FTed Whltmore enter- viiniic nununeu arrived noma rrom i ""i , , Lincoln Thuraday evening for a short1 Miss Lucllo Coyer of Lincoln vlalted visit. He Is attendinar tha Nubrmjika mih. 'her Simi,r ..hi, vti.. s i A S a pipe improves with age, and f by no other way, so the best that is in tobacco can be brought out only by time. 4 All tobacco is matured to some extent, but VELVET is matured thoroughly. And the smoothness from which VELVET takes its name is the result. Fragrance VELVET has, and all the qualities of good tobacco. Yet VELVET'S natural mildness is made even mellower by its more than two years ageing. position' kimKat talned faturdsy evening for Mls Kva Mavier and Ml Freeman of H-naon. The men rf the Mcthodlxt F4licopiiI rhurfh will entertain tha women ef the congregation Friday evening at the church. W. 8. 'Eddy moved into the house Just vacated by John Lenteil, Mr. Ooodno Into the houae vacated by Mr. Kddy and Itoy Kbert Into the house vscated by Mr. Uonrino. The Woman's Mlaaionary society held Its monthly mooting (VVedncaday at the church. Rev. Mr. Hurgeen gave an ad drena on China. Margaret Itoldsworth eang a solo. Mlae Frieda Heimhach, who has been 111 for four weeka. ia able to be out and will return to her school near Be Id en after Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mra. F. C. Knnedv motored to Fremont Thumday afternoon. The regular meeting of the Valley Wo man'a club was held Friday sfternoon at the home of Mra. Roy Fgbert. Mra. Webb gave a paper on Schubert and alao an Inatrumentai aelection from his nom poaltions. Mra. Monahan gave a paper on Nebraska under France. ReatUneMnn. August Prochnow of Fort Calhoun was here Monday. Victor Klonlnger was on the sick list several days this week. The Pleasant It HI school wis give an entertainment and box social Wednesday evening, November 24. Henry Keuhl. whose health haa not been good e,ncj hla operaMon In the spring, returned to the hospital Monday snd underwent a second operation. Mr. and Mra. E. E. Odell entertained the former'a sinter, Mrs. Smith, and aon of Clark county. South Dakota, aeveral days thia week. From here they go to Iowa for a vielt. Mrs. Wesley Pliant, who has been suf fering with atomach trouble ' for some time,- was taken to a hospital at Omaha last Friday. It la tea red she may have ,o tiii'irro an operation. George Dierks, -a ho ia one of the board of mnnagera of the Douglas County Ag ricultural aoclety, haa contributed to a fund offered as a reward for the mur derer of James Man y at Benson. Weeping Water. Mr. and Mra. H. W. Orton left Tuesday for Cal fornia, where thoy will spend the winter In the vicinity of Fiillcrton. The. Plays-rounds rssociation has -recently purchaaed some new equipment for . the public school' playground. Mr. and Mrs. Adnlnh Moaenaen rvUlted Sundav et the Chris Raamussen horns T --t I ' J - ...... -' ir. ViriCKQ, nr nelDal of the hla-b a ;hool. . . Rev. Will Reed, a mlaslrnay In wwaor, comn Jimonca is here on n wlth relatives, Thli cltv.wna hla Diruipiace. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Johnson returned Wednesday' from a three weeks' visit In Minnesota and South Dakota. They re ported snow and cold weather In tha sections vlalted. Dick Koester unloaded 3fX) head of sheep here Tuesday to feed on his farm south of town. W. O. Clark cf Kanaas City visited sev eral days this w?ek at the home of his pa rente, Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Clark. Mlsaea Eva Fmbry and Mildred Claflln of University Place. Neb., visited Sunday with Mrs. E. I Hunter. Mrs. W. C. Ladd has returned from Dayton, O., where she spent the sum mer. 1616-18-20 Snug Up Boys! It's Top Coat Time AND SUCH A COAT AS boy might be proud to styled by "Sam Peck" in rich materials, Double or Single Breast, Generous Collars and Outside Pockets, Box Back or loose Balmacaan styles Special Value at $6.50 Mackinaws of real (weather resisting qualities, in Rich. Plaids and plain colors $3.95, $5.00 and $6.50 Boy Guaranteed All Wool Sweaters "With deep Byron or Shawl Collars, in light, me dium or heavy weights.. Navy, Maroon or Grey $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50, $4 r . 1B16-IS-20 rAKNAM Seasonable Specials From Our Women's Shop Special Sale of Girls, Shoe Top and Junior Suits Gratify that little girl's desire to own a Real uit by buying her one of these snappy new modelB. There are 23 of these .suits, in sizes from 10 to 17 years, consisting of a jacket and a separate skirt. Former Values from $13.50 $17.50--Saturday, $q all at one price.. . A Sale of Girls' and Junior Coats All broken lots and odd sizes for girls from 8 to 14 years, and juniors from 15 to 17 years. Former Values fully double. Good, warm, serviceable gar- - menta, at a clean-up price "5.00 Girls' School Shoe Special A great opportunity to get a good shoe at a real bargain. Misses' High Cut Button Shoes from se lected patent, gun metal and tan leathers, with Rock oak, welt, sewed soles. A perfect-fitting, comfort able shoe, that will give unusual service. tO AC Our regular ,$3.50 value, for Saturday at. .. CtJtO 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising: no matter how good advertising may be . in other respects, it . must be . run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful. WML I 7AENAM BTEEET. J ANY wear, eood. ' h. Ate ' r'f''.fs'Vy1 STEEET. 25 New Millinery Creations for particular women, suitable for Dress or Street wear, in rich Velvet, elegantly trimmed, usually .' from $7.50 to $10.00, and ' even a few - at , $12.00 jr nn -Saturday... O.UU - 25 Little Shapes for .v Misses and Small 1 Women . '.' Ohio styles and trims that usually sell from $4.50 to $7.50 j Saturday ....$3.50 to O s I : if' Y- r 1 1