Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1915, News Section, Page 3, Image 3

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Kennedy and Oerdes Go to Kearney
to Investigate Action of Super
intendent Vanderslice.
(From a Ptaff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. 19. (Special Tel
ram.) Two membera of the State Board
of control, Meo.irs. Kennedr and Oerdea,
have rone to Kearney to tnveatiirate mat
ter concerning the conduct of the au
perlntendent of the tubercular' hoapltal
there. It Is charged that the superin
tendent, E. R. Vanderslice, has been very
Irregular In his handling of the funds of
the Institution, It being charged that he
has taken the warrants aent to him to
pay employes' salaries and given out his
personal check to the employe at a less
mount than the state warrant called for
and then eashed the warrant.
It la understood, however, that the total
amount will not exceed $100.
"Punch Boards' 1 ndrr Ilaa.
Attorney General Reed, In answer to an
Inquiry from the county attorney of Oos
per county, has given out an opinion that
"punch boards," as they are called, usu
ally operated In cigar stores, are gambling
devices and therefore the owner of the
place In which the same are used Is liable
to prosecution. He also rules that travel
ing salesmen disposing of the same are
subject to prosecution. It is the duty of
the county attorney to prosecute all of
Debating Teams at
University Picked
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 19. (Special.)
Two teams to represent the University
of Nebraska in Joint debates against Kan
sas at Lawrence and in Lincoln Decem
ber 10 were picked last night from a
squad of sixteen.
The question to be debated Is military
end naval preparedness. Nebraska will
have a team on each side. The two
teams are:
Affirmative Harold J. ' Schwab, Mc
Cook; A. C. Swenson, Oakland; B. C.
Zimmerman, Lincoln, and J. U Polk,
Louisville; alternate.
Negative K. E. Carr, Beaver City; Guy
C. Chambers. Sidney; C. ' E. Schofleld,
Lincoln, and R. B. Waring, Geneva, al
NORTH PLATTEv Neb., Nov. 19. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Th state rested shortly
after noon today in the trial of Willie
Beatty and Warren Soules, charged -with
stealing two head of cattle from Alfred
Bergman, May SO, last. The first witness
for the defense was Beatty hlmeslf, who
sald : that he was In Brady with, his
parents on Decoration day. He admitted
that a roan heifer claimed by Bergman
carries his brand, but says that the ani
mal rightfully belongs to him. He denied
driving a bunch of cattle past the W, C.
Elder ranch on June 1 as testified to by
a witness for the state.
The court adjourned until 7:30 tonight
when Beatty will be cross-examined.
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
BEATRICE, Neb., Not. 1. (Ppeclal.)
The body of Ferris Parll of Axtell. Kan.,
another victim of the motor wreck at
Randolph, Kan., which oocurred October
1. and which Cost twelve Uvea, was
found In a deep hole near the piling of
the bridge across Taney creek, where
the motor went down. The clothing had
caught on a large spike In the piling and
prevented the body from floating down
stream. The deceased was a son of John
Parll of Axtell, where the remains were
Funeral service over the remains of
the Very ReT. James C. Freeman, for
twenty-five years pastor of St. Mary s
Catholic church at Wymore. were held
from the church at that
morning at :30 o'clock. Fifty-two priests
irom mis section or Nebraska participa
ted In the services, which were In charge
of Blshnn Tihen of Lincoln. Th.
tlsters of the deceaeed were present at
the services, but his two brothers were
unable to be present.
Mrs. Hattle Oardner, wife of Charles
Gardner, station agent for the Union Pa
rlflo at Cortland, died at her home at
that place Thursday morning, aged 40
years. Phe had been In poor health for
five years. She la survived by her hus
band and two Children.
The committees having In charge the
work of soliciting funds for the Young
Women's Christian association. Thnrt
sucoeeded In raising hearty 11.000. About
uuu is necessary, and this amount will
be used In procuring headquarters for
the association. .
Big Demand for .
Huskers in Dodge
FREMONT. Neb.. Nov. 19. (SoecUl l
There la a scarcity of cornhuskers In
this section of the country and farmers
are handicapped m their work of har
vesting their crop as a result. The Young
Men's Christian association, which acts
as a alocal employment bureau for tim
farmers of thla community, has had 190
calls for cornhuskers since the first f
November, but has been able to furnish.
but ninety men. , The crop is turning out
fairly good, but much of It will be unfit
for marketing owing to the soft ron.
dltlon. Some farmers who cribbed the
corn picked first were compelled to
snovel it out to keep it from spoiling.
MADISON, Neb., Nov. 19. (Specials
Married, at the home of Dr. Charles
Slugle, uncle of the bride. Thursday
evening, at Alliance. Neb., Mr. Earl H.
Sutherland, and Miss Nellio E. Grant,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Grant of this city. The groom is the
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Sutherland of Carns, Neb., and has been
for several years deputy county register
of deeds. -These young people have grown
up In this vicinity and are high y re
kpected and among the most popular in
this city. After visit ng Denver and other
western places thoy will be at, home In
Mr. Sutherland's new home, 'near the
court house, on and after January 1.
Stock aad Prod ace Show at C'osad.
COZAD, Neb.. Nov. 19. (Special.) The
Farmers Institute and Stock and' Pro
duce show opened here yesterday ' au
spiciously with about 2,600 people In
attendance. T he exhibits in all the de
partments were exceptionally fine. There
were forty-alx- entries of horses and
colts, ten of cattle, twenty-five of poul
try, sixty-three of produce, thirty-four
of domeetlo science, 192 of domestic arts,
and In the country school exhibit there
were 296 exhibits representing twelve
schools. Mr. John Dal ton of the Ne-tu-aska
state farm at Lincoln did the
Judging of the horses, cattle and poultry,
and Miss Dickinson of the Nebraska
state farm did the Judging of the do
mestic science and domestic art exhibits.
Miss Dickinson also gave a splendid
talk to the women In Allen's opera house
at 1 o'clock, which was followed at , X
o'clock by an entertainment furnished
b the Cosad Woman's club.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Nov. 19. (Soeclal.) Advo
cating a short ballot, election rf post
masters by the people, oho branch of
the legislature only with a much redurAd
number, as law as three, members from
each congressional ' district who ahmiM
be elected for four-year terms and half
of them every two years,' Congressman
Dan Stephens spoke to a falrlv rood
crowd at the Llndell hotel ball room
last night, being Introduced by George
W. Berg of this city.
He. said there was no reason why ths
governor should not ilck the heads of
the different departments in the same
way that a president nicked the hta
of the different departments In the na
tional government. "They are nothing
more than clerks," said he, "and should
be In harmony with the head of the state
at all times"
While not desiring to - criticise any.
body, Mr. Stephens said that the last
few months had shown how Ineffective
a stato government was when the heads
of the different departments could not
It., K. A CO.
Browning, King
& Company
Everbody knows
the superiority of
our Suits and
Overcoats at from
$20 to $50.
But take a look at
what we are
selling at v" .
Ogallala Fire, Noted
Indian, is Dying
CHICAOO, Nov. 19. -Ogallala Fire, a
noted Indian chief, and a survivor of
Custer's last fight, is reported today
to be dying at the home of his fr'end.
Chief Little Bear. Chief Ocallala Fire
la 87 years old. For nearly forty years
he exhibited throughout the country as
an attraction In circuses ar.d museums.
Ilia home is on a reservation In Idaho.
Dearer Meets Colorado.
D.Bi?YER! Co'0- Kov- 19-The annual
Tool ban game between Denver univers
ity and Colorado university, two Hocky
Mountain conference teams, which have
en outdistanced for the championship
will be played here tomorrow. No othor
conference gamea are scheduled.
Met. ok lllKh Victoria...
CV?" 7MeCook lIIh "chool foot hall
team trimmed the Curtis agricultural
chool eleven this afternoon In thorough
SFiJ? t..?- Th local though lUht.r
at every point of the game.
Tr4 o St. Joe.
MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Nov. 19Cateher
S.nnk "k",.0','! Milwaukee AJ:
to the BL, Joaeph team of the Wttci
league In exchanre for Outfielder Ray
Williams, according to a report thla afternoon.
Here's an eye
opener. And it's
up to you to take
advantage of it.
The best at the price
ever shown in
"Derby .Time"
The season is right
now for Derby Hats.
Get yours here.
Knox Hats,
$5 to $20.
$3.50 to S 5 00.
Coot Ball Hraalta.
Oklahoma. 21; Kansas Aggies. 7
Haakell. tl; Oklahoma Ayaiea. 7
Teira, Texas Aggies, IS.
fcaJier. ; Ottawa. .
Browning, King
& Company
Ten Million Busheli of the Tuber
Raised in Nebraska, According
to Estimate.
(KYom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. l!.-SpeclaJ.-From
flgoren compiled hy the State Board of
Agriculture the potato crop of Nehraska
amounted to 10.4fiO.fitO bushels, raised on
!C,2S4 acres, an average of 107.8 bushels to
the acre.
Cherry county was by far Ihe banner
potato raiser, the amount showing 1.015..TKJ
bushels, grown on 9,7 acres, while Mc
pherson county reported but one acre.
on which van grown and even !'X bushels.
DoiiRlas county grew 1S0,29 bushels,
while Lancaster county raised H7.447.
Kaaf Car la Mliap.
The automobile which made the record
run from Lincoln to Omaha lost Tuesday
participated in an accident Inst nllit In
which the father of Lee Biirrouuha, the
owner, who was In the car with his son,
Was quite severely, but not eerlously In
jured. Mr. Burroughs turned his car Into
the curb In an endeavor to get out of tho
way of a speeder who was taking the
whole strett, but was hit hy the Joy rider
and both himself and father thrown out.
The speeder did not stop to ascertain the
damage, but got away as quickly as pos
sible. , .
HASTINGS, Neb., Nov. l!.-(.perlal Tel
egram,) The shutting off of ahlpmenta of
enlvarann and neo-aalvarsan from Ger
many has caused the curtailment or bus
penHon of treatment of a considerable
number of patients at Initlealde asylum
who are beyond the reach of any other
Krom twelve to fifty patients have been
given the German . drug monthly, hut
lately th hospital haa been unable to se
cure enough of It to meet Its needs.
HASTINGS, Neb., Kov.V (Special Tel
egram.) Thoilgh a. decrease waa expected
because of the delayed harvests and the
Increase In feeding In this section, the
reports of the four Hastings hanka show
an Increase of tWO.Ono In deposits over
last fall. They expected to set a new
record of more than M.000,000 during, the
Cared Mer at C tap.
Nothing frightens a mother mora than
the loud, hoarse cough of croup. The
labored breathing, strangling, choking
and gasping for breath call for Instant
action. ' Mrs.' T. Neureuer, Eau Claire,
Wis., says: . "Foley's Honey and Tar
cured my boy of a serious attack of
croup, after ether remedlos had failed.
I-recommended. It to every one, as we
knew from our own expertenc. that It
Is a wonderful remedy for coughs, colds,
croup and whooping cough." it dears
air paasagea, soothes and heals, bo.u
everywhere. Advertisement.
Request of Justice Hughes to Have
Name Removed from Ballot ii
in the Mails.
(From a Ftaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. W. (Special -Secretary
of State Tool haa not jet received
the letter from Justice Hughes, which
Is said to be on the road, containing a re
quest for the secretary to refrain from
placing the name of the Judge on the pri
mary ballot for the republican nomina
tion for the presidency.
However the secretary has assurance
that It Is on the way, having received a
message last night that his telegram to
Mr. Hughes assuring him that he would
give his request consideration had been
received, and thanking Mr. I Vol for the
same, and also saying that the request
had been forwarded by mall.
Mr. Tool has given It out that In face
of the fact that the 'Nebraska primary
law contained no reference to the matter
of declination of nominations for th.
presidency ho will hold that hia ruling
will go until set aside by the courta.
While not stating what his ruling would
be on the matter It Is generally conceded
that the request of Judgo t.ughea that
his name be not placed on the ballot will
be granted by Secretary of State oPoot.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Tenderfoot Stumbles
Into Rich Placer Vein
IlArm CITY. 8. 1, Nov. H.-tPpeclal
Telegram.) Reports from Terry Lodge,
thirty miles to the west on Kapld creek,
tend to confirm and give reassurance of
the great placer dlrcovery made yester
day. It develops that Ed Mitchell, who la
sinking tho tunnel from which the black
dirt was tested, has been digging In It
several weeks and. being Inexperienced,
did not know what he had found. The
dump at the mouth of the tunnel la es
timated by practical mining men to con
tain from Wl.000 to 1 1 Ml. 000 In gold.
In early dnya at Canyon City, a few
miles mcst of Terry Ixdge, nearly $20,000
In gold wns taken from a placer pocket
Ii. twenty-four hours
The new discovery has many features
different 'rom other placer propositions
In the lilack Hills. It Is located at some
distance from the rreek and the lead
tends away from the creek and downward
Into the bowels of the earth at the base
of a mountain. How wide the arna of
block dirt carrying the heavy gold de
posit la no one can tell, but that It la of
Immense proportions Is shown by the dis
tance dug Into It at the present time.
There are no Indications of bedrock after
driving rods downward In the bottom of
the tunnel a distance of ten feet.
When bedrock Is reached old prospectors
hold up their hands and shake their heads
knowingly when asked of values which
may be found. At present the worth of a
cublo yard of dirt ccmlng from the mine
Is from Sl'iO to 1300. If the bedrock sur
face when struck proves roughened,
tremendous values will be unearthed.
A Room for the Roomer, or a Roomer
for the Room. Bee Want Ads Do th.
Gold Medal Given
William D, Howells
BOSTON. Nov. 19. William IVan
Howells of New Tork today was awarded
the gold medal by the National Institute
of Arts and Letters for distinguished
work in the writing of fiction. Mr.
Howells was not present, but a letter
from him was read by Ripley Hltchoock.
secretary of th. Institute, expressing hla
appreciation. A medal Is annually
awarded for distinguished service to art
lettera. although It la stipulated that ths
recipient need not necessarily be a mem
ber of the organisation.
New members elected by th. Institute
were announced as follows:
Charles R Miller, Ellhu Root, Henry
Osborne Taylor. Robert I. Altken. James
Earl Fraaer, Bertram O. Ooodhue. Breck
Trowbridge, all of New Tork; Ernest R.
Kroeger. St. Louis: Arne Oldberg, Evans
ton, III.; Gamaliel Bradford. Ellery
ffedgwtok and Ralph Adams Cram of
Severe Rheumatic
Pains Disappear
Rheumatism depends on an acid In th.
hlood, which affects the muscles and
Joints, producing Inflammation, stiffness,
and pain. This acid gets Into the blood
through some defect In the digestive
Hood's Barsaparilla. the old-time fclood
tonic, la vary successful In the treatment
of rheumatism. It acts directly, with
purifying effect, on the blood, and Im
proves the digestion. Don't suffer. Get
flood's today. Advertisement.
EssWaStsaaSMssMaMgjs '. 'lJ''li'" ' W L . M,. ";--- - . ? .
KING-PECK Clothes will dress you right on
Thanksgiving; Day Choose Them Saturday
In no other store will such assortments greet you, nowhere else will you
encounter such splendid styles, such worth-while Merchandise, or sucn a
pleasing, efficient lot of salesmen, as you'll find here to servo you promptly
and gladly.
Closed all 1
Day Thursday !r i: v
November 25 Jg? "hS-
it ( H s !! vv -1 . M 4
-U v ,;V(U I .y The
X -4
N ( - Oil - ..-mvAi
i! J,; A
fj a 4 , . Hi.!! . S
' Iff ' v 'fflfi r I - ? t I
iff ' J tV MS " A
if 'MtikiVM'i'i'-'-'
Is muMMil . .
7 mb m -
H 'i -A1 hV- :f 1 1
Hi ifl'.ii-Hir. .
I ' :"" "-"-T il i t 4. 1. '
Men, Here you'll encounter the state's most
remarkable showing of
You'll Want
a new
And there's, no mis
take about you finding
it here. Greater assort
ments make this almost
a certainty.
$2 to $10
The Cornhusker State can boast of no other showing that
will rival this. In Assortments, Character of Garments and
Values it stands conspicuously in a class of its own.
Daring English Models for Young Fellows and all the more
conservative styles to satisfy the tastes of all Dressers. Rich
p ;i Fabrics and Patterns. Every Suit is strictly nana lauorea,
dulls easily $3 to $10 undervalued.
Form-Flttlns; Coats Balmacaans Boi Back Coats Shed
Rain Coats Silk Uned .Coats Plush and Fur Lined Coats
OverCOatS reat storm Coats In fact, a coat for every purpose, styles
America's Most Excellent JjJ
Hand-Tailored Clothes
Look to Your
Feet, Men
They ought to be
dreased jutt right for
Thanksgiving day.
Fancy Top Shoes
$4 to $6
English Shoes
$4 to $6
Compare them with the finest Custom Tailored Clothes
you've ever encountered. They stand second to none.
The Handsome Suits Feature at These Prices
Embrace the last word in styles, fabric and patterns.
Their distinctiveness makes them the ideal clothes for the ex
acting dresser.
Luxurious Quality Dress Overcoats
The Fabric, Finish and Style all suggest superior quality.
One of .these coats on your back and your good appearance is a
Dependable Fur-Lined Overcoats
The man with a need for such a coat will do well to supply that need early, as
the Fur market Is advancing dally. Our present stock was bought at most advan
tageous prices, and are offered you at same savings. Wonderful assortments,
all popular and serviceable Fur linings, Rich Shells, COC Up t1 Efi
broad variety cf collars; priced from j?a&J to P"w
Proper Thanksgiving Clothes for Omaha Boys
BBSBBBafBaMBBBBBBBBaj ataaVVaVBaaMaaaaaBaaaagaaaaaaaaaaM gaaBaBBBBaBaaaBBaaa aBBBaVavavaB agaBavagaaHaBBkVaaaVBBBBBi apBBBBBBBBBiaBBaBB
Your Boys' Store on Our Second Floor will be one of the busiest
spots in the . city Saturday. Some boys will need suits, others over
coats or mackinaws, and, o. course, they'll come to Headquarters,
where they realize that styles and values are always ahead.
$2.95 to $10 $3 to $10 $3 to $7.50
I iMf lei 1 a I 7Y
Dress and Street
Omaha's foremost showing
of worth-while Gloves, In
Capes, Mocha. Kid, Fur
lined and Fur Gloves. 611k
lined Gloves
$1.15 to $2.50
Unllned Gloves
$1 to $2.50
Fur and Fur-lined Gloves
94.50 to 910
Best Makes of
Union Suits
Our immense stocks assure
you of the proper slse in any
garment you might select.
Silk and Wool Unions
Wool Union Suits
$2 to $5
Cotton Union Suits
91 U $2.50
W a-tl
in the City Values in
Sweater Coats
Every wanted style,
weight or color may be
selected with ease from
our extensive stocks.
Superior values at
every rice.
$1 to $10
I Vmahas LargestMvestiLeading Men$ Store"
B.. K. a CO.
t-A:i.'tr-..M-y t.d...... - ' ' - - 1 ' ... -