I 13 BRINGING MR JG - HAVE. Wtf OBJECTIONS TO ME FOH A ON-1N- LAW- what iv TOUR fANirMf OPiNtriM r I r OMAHA MEN VISIT : WRRKTMNR TURK He Think i They Are Spiet Givei Hie Viewi on Wreitlinf ! and Boxing; J IS A QUESTION OF NERVES J lr ID W. 1MITII. I CHIOAOO. Nov. l.-(Spec1al.)-Break-, ln in on fin nap h u having yee. itordsy in hi room at th Morrlaon hotel i several "plea" from Omaha created th ; flrt rlf fl of anger that Tusslf f Hussan. the Turk, who U matched to moot . !8tcher In Lincoln Thanksgiving after- noon, haa ahown sine ha came to Chl iciro to flnlah up hla training. I Ilussane'g ' training- 1 partner. Karl j Schultt. brought th Omaha men Into j Hussane'a room, Inhoncently enough, be i causa they said they wanted to sea the Turk. They were Introduced to the man ' from the Balkan mountalne and when he found out they were from Omaha and merely wanted to find out what condition ; ho waa In, the Turk waa furloue. j "You bet, I'rre itwd, right now." he ' roared at thm, a he spread h!s bathrobe open and ave them a flash it hla shsp. "Tou co bet on your man, and I'll bet you loae your money; that'a all 1 got to y." Tha reception waa ao peppery that the men from tho weft t least they aald they were didn't linger long. Hussan made a mild break In hla training- on night to go up to Milwaukee to aea Andre Anderson, who haa been running on the road with h'm, fight Fred Fulton. Andre got licked and this broke the Turk all up. - Does Wot Train Rlfhl. "Ha no can train the right way." the Turk aald on the way back from the arena. "He train like moM American ,nd foreign wrestlers. He get fat and siny ft never get that big body down where It eand mm punishment. Further discussion along th's line brought out the fact that the Turks al waya haa bad an ambition to become a fighter. While ha admits that he Is a trlfla too old Just now he 57-he still haa a strong leaning towards the aloo game. He haa been around a good deal with Jim Flynn, the Pueblo ftr. msn and vetrean trial horse, and haa done considerable; boxing with him. Here are a fow ideas that the Turk gave me aa a matter of comparison between tin wrestling and the boxing game: "When I its In condition for a hard match en the wrestling mat I CDuld go along for four or flva hours and at the end feel pretty fresh and not as tired as one aould expect. -But when I try the boxing geme-ah. that's entirely different, rve gone on and boxed with Flynn aevrral times. Kvea though J considered myself In fine ahapa physically, strong and well all over. I tire aa quickly as If I oeer had done a minute's work to fit myself. ' MoalBC Is Different. "Why, at tne end of a couple of rounds of feinting and Jabbing and soms f ist footwork, my arms simply go desd on me and I have trouble holding them up In front of my fare, It's the queerest thing X ever saw. "It must be that the nervous strain In boxing- is much greater then It l tn wrestling. When you grsppTe with a man you get a chanoa to rest a HUle now and then and can exercise and pJt Into action different ids of muscle. But In boxing It is all along one Jlne and that la where the strain romrs In. Terns ps well conditioned ,bor might find it difficult to wrestle for sny length of time without tiring..' jest ss 1 find It Impossible to box for more than five or six minutes without golttf to pieces. It's a etranee thing aid Ie nver heard St satlafaotorlly explained.' Ida Grove Trims Lake City Eleven; v Fourteen to Six IDA GROVE l ; Kbv, t.-i,ietlsl Telgram.)-Wlih' Fullbmck, King. Half, hsck Bluer snd (luurris CIojj and Jen sen, of the regulsr Ids Orove foot ll I em en the s'de l'ne and their pi sees filled by substitutes. Ida drove defeated Lake City this afternoon, U te . Early In the third quarter it looked like the same oi;l end In a row as Lake City refuted to acoj,t a penalisa tion ef half way to their goal and banish ment of Tackle Wrltrlit for slugging. H wsa claimed II. si Wright ha4 been prev iously wsmnd twice to destst. LeUte City scored firet, a long forward pass to Cochran psvltig the wsy. Ids Orove rallied strong and five minutes had carried the ball the length of the field for a touchdown and added another in tba third quarter. Just twfore the game ended. Lake ( tty held Ida Ureve for downs on their one-yard lln. Goodrich mad both ecorea for Ida Urove and Nofcee scored for Lake City. Ida drove ends tie sea son Thanksgiving dy with a gam with OraaJia Commercial Hign school her. The have gone through thus tax wite a vuifurua iit ef victories. -y i tf p UP FATHER HAVt 0UrWiFC't AND DAUGHTER?) CONSENT- CARE. NOT WHAT You Sav - i I'D HT w i- I I OLD our WYOMING DEFEATED BY THE WESLEYANS Visitor tt No Stage of the Game Have a Chance to Soore, Home Team Bathing the Flay. HARD FLAYING FROM START V NIVEIUJTT PLACK. Neb.. Nov. II ( Special Telegram.) Before a large num ber of arumnt, who had arrived for the annual home coming festivities, the Wee leyan'a defeated the University of Wyom ing, here today, 10 to I. Members of the foot ball squid from the University of Iowa, who will try conclusions with tha Comhuskera tomor row, were the guests of Wesleyan and occupied grandstand seats. Most of the Cornhuskers wer also present. ' Wesleyan won the toss and shose to take advantage of the wind, which waa rather strong during part of the con test. By meana of Una bucking. We. teysn worked tha bell down to the visi tors' goal and Durham went over for the rirst touchdown In eight minutes of play. Illnman missed a difficult goal. Wea leyan. ; Wyoming, 0. Teeleyan Adds Haven More. Wyoming tried the line, but could make no gaina, neither were forward passe effective. After anme kicking the first quartsr ended with the ball In Wes leyan'a possession In the center of the field.' About tha middle of tha second quarter a forward rass, Hlnmann to Alexander, was good for a gain of thirty-seven yards and tha speedy end ran twenty yards more for n touchdown before the visitors knew ht had happened. Hlnmann l icked goal. Wesleyan, II; Wyoming, 0. The remainder or this period waa fea tured by soma very aggressive work by Craig, who wsa tha best ground gainer fcr Wyoming. In the third quarter Wyoming tried a number of forwards passes, but could not gain distance. The Last Toarbdovta. The last touchdown came when Wes leyan gslned possession of the ball on a blocked kick and Hudson ran ten yards through a broken field to the goal line. Htnnmann kicked "goal. Wesleyan, W; Wyoming, t. The last quarter was mainly a defensive one for Wesleyan until Coach Kline put in several new men to replace some who have been nursing Injuries. In the last few minutes Wesleyan ruehed the ball almost to the end of the ftekl and was cheated out of another touchdewn only by the blowing of the llnal whittle. The game was fast and clean, with few Injuries. Kston played a greet gme at quartet', as did also Kline, end Leah. One or the letter s tackles was especially siecta'ular. Penalties far HoMlasr. Wesleyan surfered most from penalties, incstly for holding. Wesleyan completed three forward passes for a total of lflui jaids, wMIe Wyoming completed two for twenty-five yarde. Wealeysn fslled on three and the vUitors on twelve attempts to gain ground by the aerial route. The line up: WMLEIAN'. I WTOMINfl L.K.I 1. IP ... Mann . .. Irwin ... Long . .. Dr.iw Partridge .. Kerrla . WUcox Carthe'l .. wiina Mat'renn MM.ouhJ!n Williams ... , i . ..I.T. L.T.. L.O. UU.. e l i' iiuvnrn ..... Ih H rl n rV Mc'r'ck tC.)!H T.I H.T.. Illnman R B i U.K.. Ketoii ....Q.H. Q B.. "iMeon I.llll.H K'ine R.H.H.H.. lrheivi yu v a . Cr It Officials Rferee: hHoe. t nlvfrxltv pf Iowa fmt.lie: Hj-ll'gsn. rx-.Va'. trefka. Linemen: All. n. Bellevue Indians Scalped bv Doane Tre B!vue Indians loel to the Doane T1re by a score of 14 to yesterday afternoon. Although Doane carried the bell four and a half times aa far as Bellevue. they succeeded lit scoring only two touch down. Hel'evue wsa contlnuslly on the defensive and Doon on the offensive. At no time wss Doan'a goal In danger, the Indians never getting nearer than their forty-yard line. Once only the visitor wer forced to punt from their fifteen yard Hue. Doane felled to soore in the first quarter, slt.iough twice they backed the ball to their opponents' goal Una. twlo losing the bell on Intercepted forward Tl' second period passed without a score until the last few minutes of play, when Kdrnonds place-kicked from an j angle on the Iwentv-ftve-yard line. ! Throughout the first half Belleoua punted ' consistently on first downs. The second half loane came back with more drive end punched the bail down th field five times, twloe for tallies. .After carrying tha ball half tb length of th field by steady tin amashes in the fourth quarter. Donna failed a touch down by trying two forward passe ever tike goal Una, each of which waa Inter- oapted. The gam ended with Down' taU on Bellaoaa'g tea-yard Bne 4: X lSrf e , hi ii vr " i " TUB HEK: Copyright IMS, International Nw 8rvice Registered Li. 8. Patent Office. r AN) NAitfiOV I LL Fix y ll 'I Harvard OTIS New Haven is ringing with tha name of Otla Guernsey, the man who had more to do with the; snatching of vic tory from th Princeton eleven than any other player on th Tale team. Guern-' eey will be closely watched by Harvard In th great gam of th year next Sat urday. And Juet because of Guernsey, Yale will trot onto the field at Cam brWf with less odds agalnat It thaa would have obtained tern week ago. OKLAHOMA CRUSHES THE KANSAS AGGIES Undefeated Sooner. Eleven Defeats Jay Lawk Farmert by Score of 21 to 7. MANHATTEN MO 0UTPLATED MANHATTAN. Kan.. Nov. 14-Th un defeated CnlvtrsUy ef Oklahoma foot ball eleven added another victory to lt long uat of games today by huntbllng the squad from tb Kansas Stat Agrt cultural college, a to T. Th Oklahoroana outplayed th Manhattan men, th only Aggie touchdown coming aa th result of a fuaibla a fw minute attar tb first parted opened. To MulUvna tha Aggie quarterback. t tha honor for m siliut th OaJsv IT" c" r::.;i OMAHA. SATITHDAV. XOVKMHKK 20, 191 :. WILL CQOe HOLD M OCA A MNUTE? OOO 1 ' Will Watch This Lad GUERNSEY GETTINO A WAT A DROP Yale has come back, and her victory ever Princeton proved it. Standing oa the flfty-flve-yard una Guernsey booted the ball over the cross bar In the great est kick seen on an eastern foot ball field in thirty-two yeera. In his run ning, too, Guernsey showed himself on of the most capable fullbacks of tba eastern gridiron world. Guernsey haa played on Yale Steven for three year, but never distinguished homa goal lln. . Th fleet Manhattan player snatched up the ball when an Oklahoma player dropped It and sped fifty yards for a touchdown. Hartwlg kicked goal. , . - With th count 7. to In favor of th local eleven, th Oklahomana opened up and on straight foot ball, pressed across th gridiron to a . touchdown. Seven point wer added In tha second and again In th third period. In th final period tha 'aAggiea grew stronger and held th Sooner eat. Lincoln High Scores Touchdown on York YORK, Neb.. Nov. i.-(Siial Tele gram.) In one of the scrappiest games of foot boll ever pulled off In York and la which the visitor wer frequently cau tioned against rough work. Uaooln High defeated York High, T ta H bam today. Bohntldt of LineoU had a aaausaor broke vT ta th gi Drawn for The Bee by George McManus T YOU TOLD ME YOU NEVER ?MOKEO inT minute? c' r 'II Saturday KICK. himself before. This year he waa out of tha gam nearly all iaon because of tllneaa and when ha did ooma out for praotloe he oould not round Into condi tion enough to warrant a piao being grvea bin. With 8oovtl out because of a broken nose and a broken thumb Ouarnaey waa tha. only available man to hold down th full back lob. Tale waa forced to us him, and so forced to win ovwr Prlnoeton. Kearney Normal Wins In Contest with Peru PERU. Neb., Nov. -Special Tele gram.) Th beet gam of several sea. sons between Peru and Ksarnay elevens was won by Kearney today. IT to a Pre ceding the gam all classes were dis missed tor an bour and a half and all th students, taama and band participated In a grand rally, after which several floats carried th competing toama with th students four abreast marching In a grand procession three blocks long. The game waa clean and well fought, al though there were no spectacular Plays on either side. There wer no stars and th story really reads that Kearney haa the better team. Th forward pass well xeouted) won the game. Matters of Omaha was umpire and Dudley of Coun cil Bluff, referee. Attar the game Peru) boys and faoullty gave a raoeptloa ta Kearney la tha gyiu- J ' THE & -m-ir . ill lr- b k 0 LET HE "1 C 1 Ci hi !,. 'I H SIOUX TRIUMPH OYER OMHA LADS High School from City Up the River Wim Over Omaha Eleven by 7 to 0 Count Both SQUADS LACK TEAM-WORK In a game that showed a great lack of teamwork on either aide, Sioux City High defeated Central High at Rourke park Friday afternoon by tho scor of 7 to 0. Omaha had numerous chances to pueh over a touchdown, but through mlsplays or fumble threw them away. Toward the close of th third quarter the locals woke up and dashed down the field fifty yards on two beautifully executed for ward passes. With tha ball on tha eleven- yard line Omaha then lost tha ball on downs, due to three successive misplaya, each on of them counting; for a loss. Montgomery proved th star performer for th visitors, while 8ml tS Grove and Nichols played a star game for Omaha. Grove at lrght taokl stopped every play sent through his position, and on the of fensive acquitted himself equally as well, making good gains on tackle-back anft tackle-around play. Smith at end stopped all play sent around his end and never failed to gain when given the ball. Nickol ran th team most of th game, taking the place of Neville, who did not start tha game on account of an injury which he sustained In th Lincoln game. Ha showed generalship all through the gam. leeie la ecead Period. Th Bioux touchdown came at the start of tb second quarter. With tne ball in tha middle of the field the hostile crew wept the Omahans off their feet with series of well sustained rushes down the field, and little Montgomery rushed through th line for the leet ten yards and a touchdown. He kicked the easy goal. The Central eleven waa considerably weakened by the absenc of Fullaway, Morearty. Reea, Beard, Newton and Daugherty. The llneupi OMAHA. SIOUX CTTT. smith R.K. R.E. Menefee Grove R.T. R.T. . Payntar R.O. R.tl. . Krogh C. C. ... Mason L.O. L.O. Crowley L.T. L.T. , Daugherty ....JK. L.& , Nichols Q Q. ... Welrloh R rf. R.H. Peterson F.B. F.B. lnn I.H. L. K. ....McCormlck Hanson ....... Koonts Jacobaon Jones ' Herrig , . Montgomery Relgel Hinckley Gates Substitutes: Omaha f'nhan n Neville for Nichols. Nichols for Pper- "n. jjrogan Tor favnter; Ploux City Tarashan-ky for anson. Brown for Gates. ruuennown: Montgomery. Goal after touchdown: Montgomery. Officials' Haoeley of Nebraska, rnferee: Rathbun or Peetnee. umpire: Mever nf w.iav.n head linesman. Time of quarters, 12 mln- Omaha Mat Fans to Have Pullmans for Thanksgiving Day Ovwr S500 worth of seats to tha nt-h.v. fHuasan match at Lincoln Thanksgiving anernoon were sold on the first day the eats were put on sale at tho Merchants hotel. This Is taken by Promoter Melady to Indicate an enormous interest in the match. Other reports from all over the country also testify to this Interest. In the Merchant hotel iiwui r twenty-ftve cars, which will run over the (Burlington next Thursday afternoon, will W - .. TX..I1 a- m r-usnu.ii COAL' net rof trim fn-O eommodatloa of th women folks who will fo from hw to attend the match. sfeaoo Laaaae. Msek DREADNT JXTMPRR8. Paul 1st. d. 3d. Tot. Courtney ..141 H 117 SM Van Hern.. KS 111 VI 1 Larson 1 10 19) 40 Hargadm . M 148 14 w Glasgow ...147 IK 11 in Totals ....6M 4 s 1M4 MINA TATIX3R8. , Totals . . . .174 M 4 17S IDEAL SHrRTS. , . 1st. Id. Id. Tot Johnstoq ..-133 137 1M 431 Mr-Lafferty 115 14S 100 tot Straw !gj Prooopte ...111 in 364 Kirkhm U9 llt rj Rothke lul 156 HO Totals ....tit 670 461 1004 rm-Humtr Leagrae. OAK BRAND OVERALLS w , 1st Id. Id Tot. Mullck M4 111 171 4H C. Smith.. ..Ill 114 111 157 Berka in 144 176 471 ToUle ....448 in V PATRICAN CLOAKS 1st. M. M. Tot. Plereon ....lfl 113 114 Harberre . 1"1 K 164 S4 Graham ....137 137 177 411 Harrington 111 111 111 1M Masllka ...14 Ub 1 PA Totals ....841 (Ut 684 1178 CLASSIC COATS. 1st. Id. M. Tot. McDougal .1 130 1 DM Maseey la) 12t 1J 1X1 Bis ford ....111 111 1U M Swanson ...130 171 144 44 Bushnell ...161 141 111 431 Totals .... tt 3U90 MACKINAWS. 1st. Id. Id. Tot Parker 127 131 1-4 413 Knee 134 ISO 1M a Cornell Ut 111 111 X4 Florkee ....1 171 1 470 Weslergrd .190 161 1ST em Wolff ... Sherman Bench .. Handicap Totals ... H 461 43 IS STORB 1st 3d. M. Tot. VaKin ....171 1T1 11 !B4 Terrell ,...14S 1ST 10 4M Cain 12 lfS ! 47) Toman ....17 l4 1 Cochran ...170 T12 1 VJ Total 13 xr, LUXUS. 1st M. Id Tot Ooff 17T n 14 IS P. Jaroah..l4 161 ltt U7 Totals .... 7i4 711 HM lUiuAL. OVERALLS. lt. Id. fcl. Tot. Hay Vi 1J Bver ....l:" lt W ti Phelp lol 140 1 II Del 141 Ul Ul 4u DONT YOU DARE TALK EACX TO MY WIFE.! PLATTE WARRIORS BLANK LEXIHGTOK Undefeated Eleven from Lincoln County Gives Drubbing to Opponents, 40 to 0. HEAVY LINE TURNS TRICK NORTH rSLATTD, Neb., Nov. 19.-Bpe- . clal Telegram.) North Platte High's un defeated eleven won an easy victory to day from Lexington, 40 toO. Lexington played desperately during the first half, holding their opponent to a 7 to 0 score. They wer weakened, however. In the sec ond half before th lino plunge of the local and wer unable to prevent them scoring almost at will Th lineup: LEXINGTON. NORTH PLATTE. On minings LE. L.E. Overman Morgan L.T. L.T Baker Bwen -...La. L.G Crook L. Hewett C. C Calhoun Haaenoamp (c).R-G R.G Hood House R.T. KT Bogue Crandell R.E. R.E Thompson Houaer Q.B. Q.B Jones McKea UH. L.H.. Cool Atkinson F.B. F.B Kelly P. Hewett R.H. R.H Christ Touchdowns: Bogue (a). Baker, Jones, Kelly. Goats from touchdown: Cool. Thompson (3). Subetttues: O'Connell for Hood, Norrts for Cool. Reynolds ror House. Referee: Baaklna. Umpire: Halllgan. Linesman: Hesnard. Grand Island College Wins Over Hastings by 7 to 6 HASTINGS, Neb., Nov. 19.-(8pecla! Telegram.) In a bitterly fought struggle Grand Island college defeated Hastings. 7 to , this afternoon. A a result Grand Island reiterated its claim to the state title, disputing the claim made by Wes leyan. and aa these two teams will not play the championship may be left un settled. Hastings scored ita first touchdown In tha first few minute of play. Prince carrying tb baU over after White and Pratt had made long runs. A forward paas by Taft and Lowrey netted Grand Island twsnty yards to Hastings' one yard line In tha second period and Lowrey made the touchdown and kicked goal. It was an even struggle from then on. Riley, Bteln, Whit and Prince were tho Haetlng stars, while Taft and Lowrey were th principal gainer for Grand island. Th lineup: Uififpruna GRAND ISLAND. fE Johns Gait L.E. Piinoe L.T. L. Stein L.G. Taylor c R. Stein R.G Martin R.T Sherrlok R.e! Crouch Q.B Pratt (o) La Dunlap F B i.. v Rlnck L.G Rosene C. G. Taft R.O... R-T... RE.. Q.B... UH... .......... Hahn -. Goldenstein R. Goldenstein Halts Lowrey F.B. vvtiite RRiRH.. (I ni...,:: Taft HubsUtutes: Hastlna Brown Moss Bltner. Brown. Stratton. Refere?: Kearns. Omaha. Umpire: HagerT, MISSOURI VALLEY TEAMS W,LL PL.TURKEY DAY Th elevens of the Univeralty of Mis souri and Kansas will rest today prapara toryto the big battle between the schools at Columbia on Thanksgiving; day Bth elevens have rounded to fine condition and while Kansas is a favorite, the Mis souri supporters maintain tv... ,v ...m. viiqjt will have a number of surprises for the Jav hawkara, ' Other bnportant Thanksgiving day jam, axe the Univeralty of Taxaa-Notr. d"h ' AmrOn. the Drake-Ame. contest at De. Moines, the Oklahoma. City and th Georgatown-St. Louis unl versity game at St Louis. LiiJJ l?n M 111 4KB - 114 127 141 Doharty ..J17 y ir 4. Wartohow 1S4 m 101 g-g Learn xq m jjg Total ,...tn7 '1 STgi; WROTH S CAPB. n. .XL 'L V: ot 5 4$ Lindsay ...lil 14T 1M Hansen ...90 1i 23i Teal 1M Kl m Panton ..lfil 17 m 4M Total ....(CM 91! rgg METZ. lt. 2d d Tot. Bowers ....164 1M J. Jarosh .lw y, Hunt'gton tti m jtn Conrad ....171 H7 81 Naal ....17 Jul a&j M4 611 571 in. Z1. M. Tot. ..101 13 141 11 ..128 1H lat n ..134 1K Its 4H4 .. 11 11 a 61 Tftal -...gal 911 1064 ! i UL.n AGE. 1st Id. Id. ?aler ITS V 1 Id. Tot. M4 4 4t.7 4M 54? "land i 1M jS4 1 154 17t Elm'rman .1 l VQ arp J68 m joo Total ....17 wa 46 tbSi BRANDKS. lt. Id. Id. Tot rritcher no lrt 11 Orieble ....114 1?a l 446 Lefler U7 l.t 176 4U I.oney 179 1S 1 Kennedy 171 17 Ul Total ...J!) 75 M 55