Mill. II I 'P Jklftllk tat mr fitiv t t ...... . iiiri nr.f,: I'.vi.vii.x, rs. 1 1 hii.w, .Mih.Mhl L'(, I'M.). 17 e Be es Horn e Maaz i in e P a it I - zrr . . : r i I Hypnotizing a Cobra Bj GARRETT P. 8EKV1SS. T hynotlxe a person or an animal, la simply to put the subject of 4he eperl ment to sleep. The word comet from the Oreek hypnos, meaning aleep. One may hypnotise oneself: this la "eutohypno tlsm." In a general sense we hypnotise ourselves whenever we do anything which causes va to fall asleep, such as repeating a long series of monoton ous verses, dray's "Elegy" memorised becomes an excel lent hypnotlser. It la better and safer than most narctles. and It has long twtn tnv tiill.hv ' v on sleepless nights. Singing a baby tq aleep la pure hypnotism. Children are easily hypnotised, and so Is any animal that can be approached without too greatly alarming It. Barn yard fowls are peculiarly subject to hyp notic influence. The experiment of a Jesuit priest, rather Athanaslus Klrcher, In the middle of the seventeenth century, haa become famous In the literature of this curious subject, and the story fre quently turns up In books on magic and mvsterv. Father Klrcher's discovery was that If a rooster be placed on a table, with his legs tied, and a white chalk mark De drawn on the table, starting close to the fowl's beak, the bird will become mo- "tlonlesa, and then If released from Its bonds will remain In a kind of sleep from which It can with difficulty be Similar experiments may be performed upon hens, as well as upon various other birds. The cower of serpents to fascinate small birds, rendering them unable to fly away, undoubtedly rests upon hypno tism. Tha victim Is put to sleep by the monotonous motions of the serpent's head and neck, rendered more effective hv the rlltter of Its eyes, the flicker of its forked tongue, and the reflections of Us colored scales. In the sclentmo ex periments in hypnotism of Charcot and his aids and successors a glittering ob ject kept In maxy movement was one of the chief mechanical agents employed to put the patients to sleep. In tha Insect world there are probably thousands of Instances of hypnotism pro duced by fright and terror, such as could seldom ba matched by any similar oc curence among larger animals. Even human beings are sometimes paralysed by fear at the sight of a tiger, a lion, a bear or a panther. This paralysis re sembles. In Its effect, a partial falling asleep. ' " In the little world under our feet the contrasts of physical magnitude among the creatures and the aspects of "frlgh- ...i - a-reater than at 'Tie . 1UUIRM ' level on which we live, and wa can read ily Imagina tha hypnotising Influenct ' that tha sight of a spider, for instance, would produce upon some little so.t bodled Insect, to whose eyes the eight legged monster would appear relatively as huge as an elephant appears to a man. Here may be the explanation of tha very common phenomenon of "felgn ' Ing death" which we see among Insects, as well as among the small animals. Quite likely there Is no Intentional feign ing, but simply a hypnotic effect. Among animals which may be hypnot ized by man l the deadly cobra of India, When seised by the neck and grently pressed the serpent stiffens and remains in the motionless state for a considerable time. Fasten a frog on a board and then turn It swiftly over and It goes Into a trance. Finch the tall of a llxard or the foot of a frog and the animal becomes motionless for several minutes. In many of these cases fear la the hypnotising agent " In experimenting upon human beings fear Is never employed. The favored agent is monotony acting upon the ner vous system. This may be produced by genUe stroking, by eye-strain, by visible motion, or by sounds. Patient may be "talked asleep." In the case of the lower animals the second step In what is popularly spoken of as hypotism la never taken. This sec ond step Is suggestion. To a human being In a state of hypnotic slumber sug gestions may be conveyed, either by voice or writing or gesture, which will be acted upon by the patient after awak ening. These suggestions are received be cause of the more or less complete re laxation of the self-control of the sleeper. In the hands of a capable physician the most important effects may be brought about by suggestions made In this way. They become Incorporated, so to speak, Into tha mind of the patient They In fluence his will and his actions as if they had originated within himself. It Is as serted by physicians c( the highest stand ing that such troubles as Intemperance, vicious habits, sleeplessness and many nervous disorders csn be successfully treated by hypnotic suggestion. That hypnotic sleep does not essen tially differ from natural sleep seems to be proved by such experiments as this of Maury, a French savant. He had a friend remain at his bedside and stirau- j late certain of his senses while he was asleep. For Instance, a bottle of eau de cologne wss put under h s nose, and thereupon he dreamed that he was In a perfumery shop, the scene of the dream changing to a baxar in Cairo. Maury concluded that hypnotic suggestions sre strictly comparable to dreams. In-Shoots flood roads invite uto speeding. Individuality Is often another name for aslninlty.. The bachelor's fear of women always increases with age. Tha best compliment a widower can pay his wife is to marry again. Kind words never paid a bill, but they can often stand off the collector. Even the scientist will never be able to tell how long he is going to be dead. Those who travel at a rapid pace are hurrying the footsteps of Father Time. People who are ready with an excuse for every criminal are not prompted by sympathy. They simply want an argument. Poor Gran' dad : 7A "Somewhere I saw that crinolines were com ing to stay. I've seen that more than once but I laughed ha ha, and believed there would always be room enough for a chap to sit out a dance with the girl he adored, on the very same btnch!" The staid, glum men may have railed at the narrow skirt that seems to have died but here before my eyes was a young one who was heart and soul for the dead, and arently lined up against the live wide one. "I wish they'd go back to 'em the frocks that were Booiewhere near a girl's own size! Last night the girl I've thought of most In my spare min utes and maneuvered to see alone for a blessed fiw instants wore a little affair that was a By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Change Is one of the characteristics of modern life. There U a gradual tendency for changes to come more and more rap- Idly, so that they fairly tread upon one another's heels, and a large amount of our happiness depends on our ability to adapt ourselves to them. An indi vidual of cast-Iron habits, who Is deter mined not to change if It can poBS'bly be helped, wilt find the times hard Indeed. The world Is full of people who di-tur-mine to act "just as usual," no matter what happens. They may reconcile them selves to that, but the world regards them either as bo re some nuisances or selfish prigs, and snubs them accordingly. Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, "There are certain thoughtlessnesses with regard to others that become habitual to moirt of us. They are of no particulai Im portance, though they contribute to make life slightly harder. At times, however, these little, irritating babita become seri ous. A thoughtlessness that is ordinarily tolerable becomes Intolerable at times." The modern habit of dwelling In apart ment houses is made endurable chiefly because many people are adaptable, ana free from the thoughtless selfishness that a lack of this quality brings. How many of us have Ueo wakened up from a restful esrly-to-bed night by neighbors who bad an Inspiration to start :- -: By Nell Brinklcy . dream all white shimmer and fur that roun f' clayed out at the bottom In a fetching stiffness. I liked It. And the marvel of all marvels hap pened she shrugged her shoulders and looked up at me LOOKED UP AT ME and said she was tired and would like to rest this one! So I towed my little white and black yacht Into a cove behind a great clump of chrysanthemums where there was a broad, deep sheltered seat oh plenty big enough! And my dream slipped Into It! Lady! her little frock filled It full and flowed over! Like the whipped cream on top of a Charlotte-rugae. There wasn't room for me. So I leaned above her and fluttered her fan and was for narrow skirts! NELL BRINKLET. How Adaptable Are You? plsying fox trots at 11 30 p. m.I How many of us are made miserable by the heavy tramping of the tenant on the floor above who feels frae to come In as noisily at 1 a. m. aa at the hour after midday! But most- of us who suffer these annoyances, either with martyr-like urv happiness that is ev'dent to all observers or with bitter volubility that makes the renting agent's life a bore, never stop to think thst we, too, fall to adapt our selves. If you have been brought up in a mansion with servants at your beck and call and are reduced to living In a board ing house your presence there Is toler able to yourself and others only as you adapt yourself to the conditions of the boarding house. Adaptability seems to be a combina tion of common sense and unaelflahnesa. And the lack of It reacts on the one who fails to possess the quality and on all who come in contact with him. The woman who goes to a bargain sale and insists on the prompt attention of the poor, tired clerk who is trying to placate nineteen other excitable women fails utterly to adapt herself to the basic principles of bargain sales. Buying on Tuesday, when linen shirtwaists are five dollars, secures just one dollar ana two cents' worth of comfort and nronrot at tention. Buying on Monde., when slenderer purses may require tha same waists for I3.M, requires adaptability to pty for the discomfort of the bargain sale. And that serves as an example of uce. Adjusting yourself to your circum stances Is so necessary that almost any tsne person might ba expected to m.k. . business of doing it. And most people make a business of trying to adjust circumstances to themselves. Well enough, if you are strong enough and clever enough and determined enough to do it. But If .you are not. the very next best thing is to- adapt yourself to any set of circumstances which must be tem porarily accepted, with the mental res ervation that you are going to Improve them later on. It never pa to become "set In your ways." It never pay-to fall to see the good points of the new conditions thst are rising from day to day. Change ought to be considered and weighed, and when it must be accepted It is always wise to adjust yourself to the ready made coat you have to take until you can afford to have one "ut to measure!" Consider His Father By POROTIIY BIX A chorus girl who Is suing her father-in-law for alienating her youthful hus band' affection from her gives this esse matrimonial advice: "Never marry a man until you know his ps rent a They sre the peo ple who can make or break a mar riage." This matrimonial aphorism goes dou ble, as our sporting friends say. I'n doubtedly the atti tude of one'a In laws has much ef fect on one'a d mestlo welfare, and to be popular with your wife's or hus band's people Is a safe guarantee that the dove'of peace will roost upon ;VtA'- --PH s ' . your roof pole. But the main reason why you should never marry Into a family with which you are unacquainted Is because ninety nine time out of a hundred a man and woman make Just exsctly Vie same ett of a huaband or wife aa their parents did. No matter how different from their fore bears a youth and maiden may seem when they are young, they are pretty sure to revert to their type as they grow older. Heredity, environment, example, teaching, are too much for them. They unconsciously turn back to Ideals that were bred In their bones. For thlsi reason It Is part of prudence for every girl who Is contemplating mar rying a young man to get herself Invited to (visit In his home, so that she may ob serve his father and how his father treats his mother. If prospective mother-in-law Is a tired, meek, brow-beaten sort of a woman who doesn't dare to call her soul her own; It her husband sneers at her opinion; If he Is always nagging about the housekeep ing, and forever lambasting women's ex travagance, let tha girl take this aa a warning sent her by her guardian angel, and break the engagement no matter how much she thinks she loves the youth nor how desirable a catch he Is. He will make exactly the same kind of a husband aa hia father. He has never seen a woman treated with any gener osity or tenderness, and it simply won't occur to htm that a wife haa a right to expect any consideration from her hus band. On tha other hand, If father-in-law Is still a lover to hla wife, and if mother-in-law la on of those glad-faced women who can throw more real feeling Into celebrating their silver wedding than they did their first one; If father-in-law stUl bestows upon mother-in-law delicate little attentions, and considers her pleas ure in all things, then let the girl grab their son by tha hand and rush with him to- tha altar, lest peradventure auch a good thing might get away from her. The son of such a father will make a huaband whose wife will arise and call him blessed arery day of her life, be cause he will follow In his tather'e foot steps. 'Believe me, son, that even as Mabel Is, mother was at her age, and as mother Is, o will Mabel ba when she gets Into the desolate fifties. Mabel will get fat like mother. Mabel's bralnlessness will be Just aa appalling as mother's when she loses tha youth and beauty that excuse an other faults In a woman. Mabels talk will get Just aa much upon your nerves aa mother's when you get It In forty-year dosea, instead of forty min utes. Bee what kind of a wife a glr's mother makes before you sign up a Ufa contract with her, young man. If mother Is ex travagant and works her husband to death to provide her with finery, daugh ter will expect to keep your nose to the grindstone also. She's been brought up to believe that all that a huaband Is good for is to ba a shopping ticket for his wife. If mother is a first-class nagger, consider well If you are of the breed of men that take kindly to hen-pecking. If mother is a slatternly housekeeper, re flect that your fate will ba to eat out of tin cant and delicatessen bags If you marry ber daughter, because aha will have been brought up to no standards of cleanllneie or order or good cooking. But If mother is a real helpmate to her husband, f.f aha la thrifty and Industrious and a good manager; If she Is sweet tem pered, and sane, and reasonable, and broad and sympathetic, why, pop the question before you leave the house. That kind of a woman raises up the kind of girls that make good wives. It's a safe rule to pick out your In laws first in matrimony. "The Business Woman No Bar to Mat rimony," will be Dorothy Dlx s next ar ticle. Advice to Lovelorn ' mr ftavanuca taxmwax sboald Ilava pass Directly Jlvamr. Dear Miss Fairfax: I have two lady friends: one la married and the other single. Both were going to the theater one evening and mat two men, whom they knew welL going to the same thea ter. After the theater they went to a cabaret and then home. It is proper for a married woman to go to any amusement place without her husband T M. F. Since your friends chanced to be going to the same theater whloh those men were going to attend, their accepting the men as escorts to their destination was not wrong. But they should have gone home afterward. No married woman should deliberately go to some place of entertainment with a mere acquaintance. or even a very good friend, unless she does so with her husband's full knowl edge and consent. Have mm t'aderstaadlas. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 23 and I have been going agout with e young man for six months, ilefore he mot me .. vm engaged for nearly four years. He does not keep ail appointments with me ana 1 know he goes to see his former flnaoee. is he worth worrying over, or snail 1 give him up? ANNA W. I Your stituation Is a sad one and one 'that unfortunately is not very unusaut. I You would probably ba happier if you could get up your courage to have a plain talk with the young man. The uncertainty of your situstion is what makes you un happy. Once you knew you had to give him up 1 am sure you would find the courage to d- so. Don't permit this situ ation to drag along. You must either trust the man absolutely or corns to aa understanding with him. Finding a ' The world la so full of a number of things" that many of us neglect entirely to discover ourselves! Of course there are plenty of self-centered Individuals In the world who are selfishly concerned with nothing but themselves, but even they have probably really never made the great discovery of their own power and potentiality. Whenever an Individual becomes abso lutely sure of the fact that he Is really an Individual, that he la capable of standing on his own feet and walking forward on them toward the things which he wsnts to wrest from life, then the conclusion of Stevenson's quotation la true, and he ought to he as happy as a king. of the greatest tragedies of ex istence Is that most of us Imagine that life would be very happy If some one else would mske It so. Happiness dues not depend on whether some one Is kind to you, or whether some one loves you; It depends entirely on whether you are strong enough to stand or fall by your own merits and whether you are de termined enough to put up a fight that shall enable you to stand rather than to foil. "None but yourself shall meet on the highway of fate," says a philosopher- poet. In assuring yourself of that. In be lieving that, and In living up to it you have taken the first step toward hap piness and success. It Is so easy to Imagine that, given a fair chance, you would succeed. "If only," says Jim, "I could get to tha head of tha company. If he would Just inter est himself In my behalf and give me a decent chance I'd show what I'm made of. I'd work if I Just got a little recog nition and the encouragement of a fair salary." Jim, you will succeed only when you discover yourself! As soon as you know not to think, not Imagine, but know that you are a man with tha ability to succeed lying in yourself and not In the outside world and the chance It gives you, you will succeed. Your success does not depend on having the president of the company praise you or give you a raise. it depends on your wsklng up some morning to the consciousness that you are a man atrong enough to make your fight and willing to exert yourself and go on fighting until you have climbed j t obstacles to the plaoa where your ability absolutely Illumines everything that lies about you. Then you won't have to ask for recognition to enable you to sucoeed. Your success will bring you recognition. Says Kate, "Oh, I might ba a fine woman if I had a fair -chance. But I'm working like a slave for 116 a week, and I'm young and pretty and I might so easily be happy. And what make every thing else worse is that for two years I've just idolised Arthur, and, after play ing fast and loose with my affection, he's thrown ma over. I was born Into pov erty and ' haven't even had a square deal in love. What can you expect of met" I expect everything of you, Kate, when ever' you wake up to the fact that you flieTBOUl Heod this Christmas sug gestion and plan now tho Big Gift for your family. Nothing can bring greater or more lasting happiness for all. But "Be Sure It is a Uictrola" Hero is just one of our spe cial Victrola "Outfits for tho Practical Buyer." This Stylo 11 has the largo double motor, also the same tono arin and sound box as used in the higher-priced , models. room. This outfit, with 12 tunes (six 10-inch double face records) two record albums COMPLETE FOB $106.00 Terms, $L50 a Week. A. HOSPE CO., Omaha's Great Victrola Center, where a tremendous number of Viotrolas are sold an nually where experienced men help you choose the right machine for your home where terms of payment can be arranged to suit any customer's convenience. Come now, while stocks are at their best, for already like last year a shortage of the most popular models of the Victrolas is in sight. ACT NOW THE VICTOR COMPANY CANNOT MAKE ENOUGH VICTROLAS! Choose Now, While the Choosing la Best, But "Be.Sure It Is a Victrola." A. HOSPE CO, 1513 Douglas St, 4 'The Victor Store" New World can get It and get It for yourself! ,,. Suppose you were born Into poverty. Now you have managed to work your self ip to the living wage of $15 a week Yon have gone by all the pathetic H'.tl creatures who have to exist on perhaps only a third of the sum you are earning. You have had love, and that In itseif Ik something. Now try to discover yourself. You sr pretty, you are young, you are able to compel love (even If In one Instance yo.i failed to hold It); you have anility, and with all these potentialities and powe s sre you going to ask life to stop ant make a special case of you, when. - If only you were convinced of It. you might make a special and admirable case of your own. Arthur's love waned; well, then. It probably wasn't worth having. Either Arthur was fickle or you failed to hold the gift that was given you. Love will come again, and when It does yon will be wiser to choose and stronger to hold. You are able to earn J16; well, then, you are able to earn more. The point Is, j-oti have to believe In yourself and your ability. Don't whine, don't ask thing of life go and get them. They are your3 for the taking. "None hut yourself shall you meet o the highway of fate." No one can make or mar you. That Is for you to do. Discovering yourself means recognis ing the fact that you are an Individual strong enough to work and win and fo oonquer failure and defeat. Discovering yourself means a serene acknowledge ment of the fact that the days are go ing to be filled with varying experience's; there will be sunshine and gloom; there will be falling and rising again. Every one stumbles a bit when walk ing the highway of life. To be able to laugh when you stumble, and to go on without hesitating means that you are not so Intent on the roal you walk that you have failed to discover that you are an Individual walking that road. "I am a person." says a little girl I know. We are all "persons." The point Is to know it. to aak very little of other "persons" and everything of ourselves. In-Shoots Of all officials the vice president seems to get the least for hla money. 1 Every defeated political candidate can explain all about the double cross.. '' A woman can often have tesrj in her eyes without having any In her soul One comfort Is left the man wha ber gins at the bottom. He can sink . no lower unless the bottom falls out. Small minds appear to run In the same sewers. " Eternal suspicion gives one who har bors It a bad advertisement, . Borne men are like the popular song. Mighty tlreaonjp after a few. Interviews. A lot of this canned muslo would sound more pleasing If allowed to fer ment a little. 1 - EE YOBB Just fits the average if