Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1915, News Section, Page 10, Image 10

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Maty Channel and ImproTementa in
Omaia Teaching: Facilities
Since Days of Long Ago.
An Omaha man who attended
chool here thirty years ago, but who
does not regard himself In the "older
t" a yet, commented tbe other day
upon the difference between school
daya aa he knew them and school
days he hears his kids talk about to
day; "I remember attending the Leavenworth
rhool for several fears," remarked this
man. "W had double sats. the boys
Those Assigned to New Workhouse
Must Wash Their Faces and
Brush Their Hair.
"LIEUTENANT" ROBERT FAY, leader of the alleged
gang of German bomb plotters who planned to destroy
ships carrying war cargoes from New York to the Allies.
ffiny Mew CMi&
for MM
and (Iris being divided. Teacheni those
days bad varied Ideas regarding punish- ,
want. On afternoon I brought Into the 1
School a live erawfleh 1 rausht at the
eld. Cut-Off lake. As punishment the
teacher made me sit In a seat a girl
for aa hour. The sir! assumed the atti
tude of helping the teacher pjnlnh a
Haughty hoy. The embarrassment I
would suffer yk to be tnr punishment."
Intensive education as It Is know, to
day was not In vogue thirty years ago.
There wss a general supervisor of draw
ing, who made the rounds of the wohools,
and another supervisor who taught music,
but that was about the extent of the
Specialised Instruction In the grade
schools. Kindergartens and manual
training were but dreams of pedngiRy.
rresetit System H Machine.
The public school system of Oreater
Omaha today Is a big machine, with Im
provements appearing every now and
then. The last year has been marked by
various Innovations.
.Aside from the regular teaching stuff,
there Is a corps of supervisors and spe
cial Instructors. At fVntral High and
Bouth High schools there are deans who
look after the particular Interests of girls
who need special help or advice. An as
sistant superintendent Is visiting all of
the schools, unifying the new course of
Study and holding teachers' meetings.
A commercial high school Is of com
paratively recent beginning end an eve
ning high school has lust been started.
Kvenlng grade schools were started
within recent years. A special school for
boys Is known as the Fort school, where
printing, woodwork and metslwork are
taught. . German and Bohemian are be
ing taught In various schools snd any
modern language must be taught In any
school when a petition of required signa
tures is filed with the Hoard of Educa
tion. In a few of the grade schools the de
partmental system of education Is being
followed, the fifth, sixth, seventh and
eighth shades being taught by teachers
whs specialise In various branches, in
stead of the old system of one teacher
Instructing aU branches in one particular
room. .
- Htir Facilities Available.
Uraneh publlo libraries have been es
tablished In some of the grade schools
and a comprehensive library Is available
to .pupils of the Central High school.
Tuplls at this Institution have such ad
vantages as domestic sclenoa In its vsr
toct branches, een to laundering. Other
'features at the Central High are: athletic
oach, tend, cadets, glee clubs, dramatic
Club, school publication, students' coun
cil -and auditorium.
Pianos and vlctrolss are common sights
; In the schools today and some have pre-
tentioua collections of pictures and stat
uary.' The school board made a liberal
. appropriation for athletic apparatus for
' the grade schools and an expert director
. visits the schools end Instructs the boys
and girls how to play tbe gsmes to be it
advsntage. m
Children living at places remote from
three public schools are hauled to school
every morning, returned, for lunch and j
taken home after the close of the school
day. (
Doors , of schools have been equipped
with anti-panic devices and fire drills
are called at irregular times.
Kmaaeroas lOioo, tirualaatloaa.
In recent years the toachers have
taken more than an academic Interest
in the children. There are many organ
isations In the schools. At Central Park
and Park schools, for instance, the
teachers' have
vrsamnu ooys ciuds
whose members agree not to smoke until ,
they ate 11 years of age. Bouth High
has a Help-a-Chlld elub. Orchestras have
bean formed at Comenlus. Ksllom snd
Long schools by the supervisor of social
estenslon, a new position.
, The social centers In schools Is a
recent feature, the school board recog
nising the recreation board to the extent
of granting use of ' certain schools for
even'ng, activities, such aa music, ath-
IAI4sa lmfiSkVASV1Afri- nlnKa h.a( I
-, ....,........... uiiirra ciuos
ana otner purposes.
; "There Is not much excuse for the boy j
. .... uuvs uui i an vaucauon !
. these
days." remarked the man who!
aiu-naea scnooi nere thirty years a so.
, . . . , .
. but who does not regard himself one f
. tbe "oUier set." as yet.
South Side Girl
Drives Burglar
: . Out With a Clock
Pretty Kiss Mary Englin. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. F. Knglln. ?n North Nine
teenth street. South Bide, Is a heroine to
day as a result of an experience with a
burglar Tuesday evening at her home.
At U o'clock the young lady waa awak
ened from slumbers by a rustling move
ment la her loue bedroom on the second
floor of her home, la the dim light she
was astonished to -see a bulky man carry
ing a flashlight and a revolver la his
hand gaslng at her with the force of the
Usbt on her face.
"Please go away," Miss Englin en
treated. With a vicious flash of his revolver the
man replied. "Shut up or Ml blow your
brain out."
Instead of lowering In paralytic fear
the little girl of tt) years sprang from her
bed and taking hold of a mantle clock on
tbe dresser at her elbow let fly at the
marauder. The commotion awoke the
parents sleeping downstairs, and with
haste the would-be burglar broke through
the bedroom window and jumping from
tbe front porch made his escape hi the
The police were celled, but no evidence
of the direction In which tbe burglar had
Ukcn, or who be was, could be found.
(Hlki Celda Ugfru.
lon t wait, take Dr. King's New Dle
covery now. It wil help .your Coujh
and sooihe the "Lungs, toe. All drug
g t. A d v ert I wuieo L
City prisoners, soon to he sen
tenced to the city workhouse, will be
required to wash their faces and
brush their hair before appearing at
the dining tables. When flrrt re
ceived at the workhouse they will be
Elven a bath, their rlothes removed
and fumigated and sets of working
clothes provided for their use while
working out sentences.
These are features of the-set of rules
bring prepared br City Commissioner
Jardine for guidance of Rnnarl.iiendent
Hase. who will have charso of the work
"These prisoners will be given to un
derstand that an attempt to esmpe will
be at the risk of their life and limb,"
stated the commissioner.
To Kl I n Old Jell.
Next Monday the mt'uounty Jail at
Eleventh and Iodte streets will be thor
oughly cleansed and furnished for the
proper care of the prisoners. The city
will Install at once fifty bunks, new
blanket and will lisve a supply of
overalls, jumpers, mittens snd socks for
the workers.
A merit system will he established,
whlt-h will be on the basis of six days
off of a thirty-day sentence for good
deportment. The penalty for refusal to
work will be solitary confinement, ex
ceptions being made for illness or other
reasonable csuscs.
Three stibstsntlal mests will be fur
nished every day and the men will not
be required to work under conditions
which warrant cessation of labor.
I'allee Jadve to Co-Operate.
The police judge wfti cooperate by sen
tencing prisoners to the city workhouse
In cases where such sentences seem wise.
The superintendent of the workhouse will
require proper language among the pris
oners. Persons applying for lodgings will
be given the "work test," ss Is being done
at Chlcsgo at this time. The chief pur
pose is to discourage visits of profes
sional tramps, who seem to have the Idea
that Omaha la an easy town, some of
this class welcoming a county jail sen
tence here in the winter time.
The first work for these prisoners will
be filling a deep rsvine In the southeast
part of the city. Temporary noon rest
snd feeding quarters will be erected at
the "camp."
Walthall Billed
as King of All in
Emotional Drama
Henry B. Walthall, who plays Ben
Cameron In 'The Birth of a Nation."
now being presented at the Brandels
theater, was born on a cotton plantation
In Bhelby county, Alabama. He was
educated at home by a private tutor
with his brothers sad sisters. Beyond
sw'mmlng In the river, riding and good,
hard work he did not Indulge In any
particular sports' and did not see many
pec pie, as the nearest neighbor was
UiTi-e n.iles away.
Wfceu he later went to Tfew York he
appeared to advantage In the civil war
drama, "Winchester." In which he
plyed the part of Captain Clay Ran
dolph; "Under Houthern Rkles" s Steve
Danbury, and In "Old Point Comfort."
James , Klrdwood, who has been a
stage associate of Walthall's, persuaded
hint to "try out" in a certain part In
photoplay. Te result was the comment.
"u or ,n" association of the greatest
juirecior v.un the greater actor, which
I wss broken on several orraslnni nniv
to be rer.ewed. '
He finally Joined the Blograph and
when Griffith left to take charge of the
Pellanrt- Majestic he went with him and
a pi eared In all the big features mads
by the great director. Walthall's work
as fltrongheart In the photoplay of that
name, us the Indian In "Ramona," Hol
femes .i "Judith of Bethulla." In "Lord
t'humloy." In t..e "Avenging Con-
science, ' a remarkable
"Home, Sweet Home," as the little
colonel In "The Birth of a Nation." in
insens "U hosts" and "Pillars of Bo
clety," have all been creations which
stand out prominently end which have
led to his recognition aa "the greatest
sctor of them all." ,
a garnering or too enjoyed a musical
A . .
Iprogrsm at the Edward Itnaew.t.e .,
Thursday evening, sigmund Indsberg
ana Jonsnnes Hrl 11 furnih.H ik. .i
The event was the Mi.t t .
i 1 lrB w ua
presented by Kunlce lisor I I fUlVI ASS
or social extension work In the publlo
schools. Superintendent Graff of the
schools made a short sddress. The next
Program will be lven on the evening of
December 1 by flvo local soloists, who
will offer a program from nigoletta''
The Benson Baptist Missionary circle
entertained the Haptlut Missionary quar
terly of Omaha and vicinity at an all day
session In the Uaptlst church. The devo
tional service ipened at 11 o'clock and
the local memtwrs served lunch at noon.
The program opened at 1 o'clock, Itev.
A. j. Mcciung of the Presbyterian
church rendered vocal mualo. and the
speech of the day was made by a home
missionary. ui Christiansen, of South
elds. Reports were made from all th
Omaha Circles during the session.
Clyde Tsylor. rs Miami street .nH
Walter King. 1218 Davenport street, were
axrwea by letectlves Rlrh and Pasa
nowaki. who found the pair loitering In
a door way of the Merchants National
Bank building In the early morning. A
hammer was found In the posoesslon of
Taylor. Not being able to give a good
account of their Intentions they were
locked up and are being held for Investi
Inspector J. A. Davis of ths publlo Im
provements department suffered severe
scalp wounds when he was struck by a
port of a concrete mixer used at paving
work on Military avenue.
' . - - - j- j - - ' 4 -
- t v "
fi - Jr. "v: 4 ' i " '''' .--.. .'
Commissioners Do
Not Favor Sunday
Grocery Closing
v Tt is probable that an ordinance offered
lost Tuesday at the city council meeting,
proposing to close grocery stores and
meat markets on Sundays, will be placed
on file by the committee of the whole
next Monday morning. - .
Commissioner Jardine,' who Introduced
the measure by request, is egslnst the
proposition cn the grounds that tt would
be class legislation to pick out certain
classes of business places for Sunday
24th and L Sto. South Omaha
ualify iHligh - - Prices Low
Unifold Bed
"We have just received a cur
load of these Davenports.,They
come in Golden or Fumed Oak
arid Mahogany. Special . price
"ii8. $21.00
Chairs end Rockers to Match
The Hew Designs in Library Tables
At Specially Low Prices
Thirty-two styles to select from la special Colonial ja
dtwigus t'J-inrh Library Table, In either golden HIV "Vll
oak or mahogany, $18.00 values, at.... V'"iwU
See Our New Daylight Display Room
LlOtec? yMm tar
rata ixb sm 07 Sm
Simon - Najare, a Mexican en rente
from Stafford, la., to Kansas City,
stopped off In Omaha to see the sights.
Simon had fJO and his railroad ticket
when he went into a downtown restau
rant about 10 o'clock In the evening.
Five hours later he was found In an un
conscious condition at Seventeenth and
avenport streets, minus everything but
80 cents. He remembers nothing stnoe
being in the restaurant, but , from the
bruised condition of his face and body,
tbe police deduce that he was strong
armed and robbed.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results,
ioRie Prido
, Llange
Complete Line
"Quick. Meal" Ranges
lVNflV, ftsMti'1; ;sggfca;-3
Jardina Eaj Eeport that Ninety Per
Cent of Property Owners Hare
Signed Petition
Dodge street from Seventeenth to
Twenty-second la more likely now to
be graded down than It ever waa be
fore. Two of the principal obsta
cles to the proposition are now prac
tically removed.
One is. that Senator O. M. Hitch
cock, whose property 'Is at Twentieth
and Dodge streets, has signed the
petition. Senator Hitchcock la one
of those few who have held out per
sistently against the petition.
The othr obstacle has been the refusal
of Frank B. Kennard to sign the petition
for the property he owns on that street.
Negotiations are now on for the sale of
the Kennard property, and the deal, it is
said, is llkoly to be consummated within
a few days.
Majority Sln.
It has been reliably reported to City
Commissioner Walter Jardine that some !
90 per cent of the property owners have I
signed the retltlnn, and that it is likely I
the petition will now be presented to the
city council next week.
It Is proposed to cut down the steep hill '
on Dodge street from Seventeenth to :
sbout Twenty-second, making a cut of ,
perhaps thirteen feet at Twentieth, where J
the brow of the hill Is located.
It Is now thought likely that after the
petition Is filed In the regular way the
matter may be referred to the new city
planning board as one of the matters
properly to be gone over by that body
before the grading Is actually begun.
Sentenced to Pen
for Issuing Check
Without Any Funds
One to five years in the penitentiary
and a fine of 1100 and costs was the pen
alty imposed upon. Epward C. White,
who pleaded guilty before District Judge
English to a charge of giving the Fon
tenelle hotel a check for 136 on the
United States National bank, when he
had no funds on deposit there.
vThe crime which he committed wss de
fined by the legislature in Its last ses
sion. The severity of the sentence, ac
cording to county officials, resulted from
the fact that White was known to have
turned numerous other similar Jobs.
O. J. Heath pleaded guilty to a like
charge and was fined 00.
Oar Jltstr Orr Tata sag Be.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip,
enolose with So and mall It to Foley
Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name
and address clearly. Tou will receive
In return a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney
ptl la, for pain In sides and back, rheu
matism, backache, kidney and bladder
ailments and Foley Cathartle Tablets, a
wholesome and thoroughly cleansing ca
thartlo, for constipation, biliousness,
headache and sluggish bowels. Sold
everywhere. Advertisement.
Rug Valuos
That Ooopoak
Roal Economy
9x12 Seamless 0 7c
Brussels Rugs. . . . V I O
9x12 Seamless CIA AH
Velvet Rugs Q 1 4.1,11
Special Values in Small Rugs
You'll feel better and look better on Thanksgiving
Day if you are warmly and correctly clad in Stylish
Clothes from Beddeo's. It costs no more to buy on credit '
that is, the kind of credit you get at Beddeo's. Come
Saturday and buy all you need.
Open an account by simply pay
ing a payment down, balance at
1 irer
Of Broadcloth, Zebeline, Novelty Coatings, Plain Tailored
and Fur Trimmed styles, in all the newest models, at
312.50, $13.75, $15.75 and $18.50.
Fur SU and Separate
Suits for Women
A special rack of Lsvfflea Suit, in all elaes
and material, priced Saturday 4 33
Fnr Trimmed Broadcloth and Poplin gnlta,
gm?.$240 and $29.50
TRIMMED HAT! Saturday we offer 17B
beautiful Trimmed Winter Hat
93.05 Wd
Cboloe of ISO Beautiful 80k
Dresses, specially prload JQ75
for Saturday, at "1Z
Entire 3-Story Building at
1417 Douglas Street
For Our Little Busy Bees
Free Dolls
I ' 1 1 '' ' 1
I You Can See Alice
for Men and Young Men I
Smart styles, cut on conservative or r
trrme models, for all classes of men mi l
young men. Hundreds to select from.
$15, $18, $22i, $25
Winter Suits for
Men of All Ages
Plenty style to suit all men. One, two
and three-button models, In all tbe season's
beat patterns. Our salt values can't be beat
In Omaha, at
$15, $18, $20
Hats, Shoes and Furoiibings on Credit
and Poplin
f k 4 C
10 V I 3
This Beautiful Doll will
bo given Free to the little
girl, under 10 years of ege,
that brings or mails us the
largest number of doll's
pictures cut out of the
Daily and Sunday Bee be
fore 4 p.m. Saturday, No
vember 20. .
Tola AoU's Bams la Altes.
as la twaatj-flTS iacbsa
high, haa light brow hair
and browa sjss, aad is bsau.
UfoUy arsasso.
Her picture will be in The
Bee every day this week.
Cut them all out and ask
your friends to save the
pictures in their paper for
you, too. See how manv
pictures of Alice you can
get, and be Bure to turn
them in to The Bee office,
before 4 p. m. Saturday,
November 20.
If you don't win this Do Hr.
perhaps you can gt one nsxt
wsas. Only on doll will be gtvn
to any one person.
at The Bee Offico J
IF op Results
Bee Wan: Acis,