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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1915)
THE HEK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1915. 7 BRIEF CITY NEWS fating ristnres Furgess-uranaf. Boot Print It Now Beacon Pre. To Sell Beat Xstate lint It with J. H. Pumont, Ptste Bank Bldg. "Todaj'e JeTuvle Fporrm" classified Ttlon todsy. It appeari In The Bee I'Xl'LCSIVELT. Find out what the va ikus moving picture theetere offer. ItaUaa la rlaad Joe Mike. Eighth anl 'lirw strwts. charged with Insulting women on the street, u arraigned be fore Judge Foster and fined 140 and 'OStg. wecrglaa Will Speak Rev. Jesse Slicrrill of Atlnnta, On., for twelve yeara proaldent of the College of West Africa, in Mberia, will apeak Sundny evening at irove Methodist church. Twenty-second Bin? Seward streets. The State Bank of Omaha, corner Six teenth and Harney, pays FOUR per ceift on fine deposits and THREE per cent on savings accounts. All deposits In this bank are protected by the depositors' guarantee fund of the state of Ilebraska teals Wooden lief C. C. Pmlth. colored. Twenty-third and lrard streets, appeared at headquarters and reported that Mabel Woostcn, a colored woman, stolen his wooden leg, valued at $13. nashlne Gets Bond Charles Sunshine Bpr4 uniin in ni urn pmin nn " iibi ui' of wife abandonment. He pleaded not guilty and was released on bonds fixed at . The preliminary hearing was continued one week. Find Car In Horry Five minutes before Ray Imbert, 114 North Twenty sixth street, learned that his auto had been stols.i. Officer Ollle Faxrand found the enr, mil recognising the number re ported the find to the station. Mock Trial at Benson A mock trial staged by the Young People'a society of the English Lutheran church Tuesday evening followed a church boxaer supper which the women of the congregation served. They also served a lunch the following day during a two days' baaaar which netted about S100. Petit Jury Zxotued 'Federal Judge T. C. Munger Las gone to Sioux Falls, S. D., to sit with two other judges on an Injunc tion case. The petit Jury In the local division of the federal court waa excused till next Monday, when the damage suit of Ellrabe'.h McCoy, administratrix of the estate of Charles F. McCoy, against the Missouri Paclflo Railway company for 26.0O will be tried. Council Urges Une Scene Be Removed from Big Picture Upon request of John Grant Pegs, Rev. G. O. Logan and Rev. W. T. Osborne, negro citizens, the city council voted to urge the management of Brandela thea ter to eliminate from "The Birth of a Nation" the scene wherein the negro ser vant, "Gus," pursues Flora Cameron to her death at the bottom of a cliff. The action of the officials became of regard In the form of a resolution of fered by Commissioner Jaraine who ex plained he witnessed these motion pic tures and his view of the scene in ques tion coincided with, those of photestanta. "I think there might be no objection to the first part of the scene, showing the girl running away from the spring when she sees the negro, but I believe the subsequent chaee and death could be eliminated, without detracting from the general excellence of the pictures," stated Commissioner Jardine. Mr. Pegg said he visited the theater and observed expressions of aroused feel ings during the presentation of this ob jectionable scene. He added that thla particular scene had been eliminated In most cities where "The Birth of a Na tion" had been presented. The mayor explained there is no ordi nance I" force at this time covering a situation of this character. An ordinance Is pending. CONNELL DEFENDS HIS QUARANTINE Says Everything Posiibls it Being- Done to Prevent Spread of Contagion. HAS INSPECTOR TO WATCH Health Commissioner Connell con tends there is no foundation to state ments which have been made that Information regarding diphtheria and scarlet fever cases In Central Park, and Monmouth Park districts have been neglected by his office. He asks for specific Information on the subject Inspector Jensen, he says, has been detailed to watch the north west part of the city and arrest any persons breaking quarantine. Dr. Connell states that during the last two weeks only three eases of scarlet fever have been reported to his office and no cases of positive diphtheria re ported during the same period from the districts mentioned. Dr. Connell Makes Statement. The health commissioner dictated this public statement: ' The charge is unjust and uncalled for and Is wholly without facts. It Is true there were some cases of scarlet fever In the northwest part of the city and through my endeavors the Board of Edu cation engaged two nurses who form a nucleus for larger activities along this line. These nurses discovered a case of scarlet fever at Central Park school and another at Lothrop school a few weeks ago. It Is reasonable to assume that those casos spread more or less contagion. "As for conditions at Central Park dis trict, I want to state here has not been an Instance of a contagious disease or even suspected case reported to this of fice that has not been attended to within a fow hours by myvlf or assistant. If anybody has evidence to the contrary I want to hear from that person. Ilea Man to Make Roindi. "t presume there are some cases now under quarantine and In some Instanoes the quarantine regulations may not have been obeyed strictly. I have a man who goes the rounds, but I cannot place a policeman at every house under quaran tine. "I have been criticised because I have Insisted upon proper observance of quar antine and vaccination regulations, but this Is the first time I have been oen sured for falling to be striot In tho en forcement of rules and regulations to prevent spread of contagious diseases." U 5. Commerce Expert Urges Ncbraskans to Study Spanish "Learn more Fpenlsh, study Spanish, put courses of Spanish tn your schools." that Is the advice given Nebraska and Omaha, by Stanley H. Rose, special stent of the Buerau of Foreign and Do meetlo Commerce, who arrived in Omaha today. 'Herman and French are all right In the schools for educational and cultural purposes; but get at It and learn the commercial languages. "Here we are with twenty republics south of us In this hemisphere. Klgh teen of theni speak Spanish. One speaks Portugese, and the republic of Haytt speaks French. Why should we then not learn Spanish, next to Bngllsh? "For the very reason that we have neg lected the study of Spanish we are not at all ready to build up the trade with South America that we should. We haven't nearly men enough to go Into South America and speak the language well enough to carry on commerce on any large scale." Mr. Rose says while South America Is a good field that American manufac turers should look to for an outlet for their goods. It Is In his opinion not so good for Immediate market as New Zea land, Australia and China. "South Amer ica will be very good, too, for the future, but I believe the best Immediate pros pect now Is China, Australia and New Zealand," he said. "South America is not so well fixed financially just now as to be able to do as much buying as we should like." Mr. Rose came to Omaha from Lincoln, where he has just been attending the meeting of the Nebraska Manufacturers' association. He Is on a junket now, traveling over a large part of the United States, meeting manufacturers personally and giving them Information gathered by the government of interest to their par ticular line of manufacture. He has just been visiting manufacturers tn New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and other states, and Is now on his return trip to Washington, after which he starts immediately for a long trip throughout the southern states. He Is to speak Friday noon to the Omaha Manufacturers' association at a meeting at the Commercial club rooms. He ts meeting manufacturers personally and talking over their business with them. He has with him a trunk full of Information regarding markets of the world for goods of various lines. He has i V. Judge fyiles War Widow Cannot Get Mother's Pension The petition of Mrs. Louise Saco and her three small children, left destitute since Joe Saco, the husband and father, was called to the colors by Italy, for a pension for their support, was rejected by District Judge Leslie On the ground that they are not cltlsens of the United Statu. , The Italian government will be asked by J. M. Leidy, administrator of county charities, to support the family. The county has been providing for the mother and children through the ordinary chan nels of relief and will continue to do so until other aid Is secured. Mothers' pensions will not be awarded In Juvenile court for the benefit of sol diers fighting in the European war, ac cording to tho precedent established by Judge Leslie's ruling. i"- . - ''JJ- V STANLEY H. ROSE. long llate of dealers In the various coun tries so that a manufacturer may get lists of dealers In his particular line pre paratory to circularising them. Mr. Anna waa areatlv Interested In what little haa thus far been done toward es tablishing river navigation on a section of the Missouri river out of Omaha. He said, too, that Omnha and Nebraska oc cupy a peculiar position In the matter of commerce, being so far from the sea board, "but." he anld, "they have done wonders In a short time and I see that this Is a wonderful state and Omaha a wonderful city with a great future. I can see It no other way." Democrats Try to Agree On Dr. Hall In an effort to save some state office for a democrat In the election next fall, leaders of the party are trying to agree on Dr. P. L. Hall of Lincoln as a com promise candidate for governor. "We don't believe Morehead can make It again," one leading democrat said, "and we have about agreed on Dr. Hall" as a man that could draw the votes from the various factions of the party." The movement for Dr. Hall comes largely from the antl--Bryan faction, al though Dr. Hall Is a Bryan man and was a pro-Bryan and pro-Wilson national committeeman from Nebraska. Nevertheless so desperate do the demo crats consider their chances for success in 1910 that they are ready to agree to any kind of a compromise that would ueom to promise a sliver of hope to cling to in the whirlpool. R, R. Kimball Leaves Estate of $75,000 'Me will of the late R. R. Kimball, filed for probate in county court, disposed of an estate valued at ITa.Ctfi. The entire it, conic la to be paid ti the widow until i he two children become of age, when Mrs. Kjnhall will receive one-half and it-.c liiildren the remainder. Thomas It. Kimball. Omaha architect, brother of the dead man, la named executor. The chil dren src. Thomas L.. aged 18, and John L., gU 11 years. Anaoyla Pall Toagk. The first dose of Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Hcr.ey will help you. It kills the cold g rni. Only 2dc. All druggists. Adver- li.-riiient. HENRY PAYNE WHITNEY GET OMAHA LITERATURE 0 Henry Payne Whitney, the many times millionaire of New York, passed through Omaha yesterday on his way to the coast. He stopped long enough to get aonie Omaha literature from the Bureau of Publicity and the railroad offices, and to say that Omaha is a wonderful city. Street Cars Bump Each Other on North Twenty-Fourth St. Two street cars on Twenty-fourth street, near Michigan avenue, scraped as they passed each other, wHh the re sult that the sides were torn from the cars and several passengers were slightly Injured by broken glass. The condition of the paving of Twenty fourth street has been a source of an noyance to the city commissioners as well as the street railway oompany for some time. The pavement has been or dered relald and it Is probably due to the bad condition of the track that the ac cident happened. The conductor of the south-bound car reported that but one person was hurt by the broken glass. Florence Laborer Diesin City Cell Thomas Clark, laborer of Florence, was found dead in a cell at the police station early Thursday morning by the turnkey. Clark was arrested Wednesday after noon on a charge of drunkenness and begging on the streets. During the even ing he complained of heart trouble. Coroner Crosby took the body to the morgue. Baal Habits. Those who breakfast at I o'clock or later, lunch at IS and have dinner at ( are almost certain to be troubled with Indigestion. Tney do not allow time for one meal to digest before taking another. Not less than five hours should elapse between meals. If you are troubled with indigestion correct your habits and take Chamberlain's Tablets, and you may reasonably hope for a quick recovery. These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform Irs functions natu rally. Obtainable everywhere.- Advertisement. POSTPONE WORK ON THE CHALCO CUT-OFF AGAIN The Chalco cutori en the Burlingtoa), connecting the Omaha-Lincoln Una with the Ashland-Sioux City line, will not be constructed this year. The contract 'of the grading on the Chalco cutoff waa let last spring and work was about to be commenced when the wet weather of early summer set In. Then work was called off until the ground dried up, and now a further postponement has been or dered. ' The proposed cutoff is about twelve miles in length. It leaves the Burlington n.aln line Just west of Chalco In the northern part of Sarpy county and runs northwest through Douglas county, con necting with the ttlou City line at Yutan in Saunders county. RESOLUTIONS OF REGRET ON DEATH0F JOHN DALE Resolutions of regret fer the death of the late John Dale, passed by the Omaha Church federation, are in part as follows: Resolved. That in the death of John Dale the Omaha Church federation haa lost a valuable member, a wise coun sellor sud a tireless, faithful worker. That our rlty has lost a loyal. Intelli gent cltlsen, whre devotion to the rm im of better government and a "Qraaler Better Omaha' was admired by all who knew him. That we extend to his fsmlly our sin cere sympathy. We are comforted with them and all who knew him In the ri h heritage of his noble, useful life. "We sorrow not as those who have no heps." PROHIBITIONISTS TO CATALOGUE VOTERS Anti-6aIoon League Will Keep Rec ord of Opinion of Every Man Who it Registered. STRONG EFFORT TO WTJf STATE Every voter la Omaha and Doug las county, and hli name, age, na tionality, religious preference and at titude toward the liquor question, are to be catalogued by the local office of the Antl-saioon league. A now filing ease has been Installed by District Superintendent F. A. High. jNames and details concerning the voters of Greater Omaha already have been obtained by the office from the election commisBloner's c'ficc. A separate canvass is to be Made In the country precincts. More than 160 members of young people's societies of seven churches cf Omaha have volunteered to fill cut the cards for the filing case. They will begin to work evenings lthln a short time. Petitions t'lrealated. The Antl-Baloon league will make a greater effort In next year's state-wldo prohibition fight than It has ever made In any of the numerous contests In which it has engaged. At thla time also initiative petitions seeking to bring the state-wide prohibi tion question to a popular vote In im are being circulated. Itat Sunday these petitions were taken Into most of the churches of the city, and hundreds of signatures were ob tained. The league must have about 40,000 sig natures to place the proposed constitu tional amendment upon' the ballot for 191. Mr. High says they expect to get 16,000 signatures In Douglas county. There are about 30,000 voters registered In Oreater Omaha. BOUND OVER FOR A CRIME COMMITTED TWO YEARS AGO Mark M. Orass of Chicago, charged with embe ailing $807 from the Omaha Fi nancial company on January 14, 1013, was arraigned In police court and bound over to the district court with bonds fixed at 11.000. Austrian Aeroplane Drops Five Bombs Into Belluno, Italy BELLUNO, Italy. Nov. 17.-(Vla Parts, Nov. 18.) An Austrian aeroplane threw five bombs on the city at o'clock this morning, but only one of them exploded. Three persons wece slightly Injured. No material damage was done. The report of the aerial raid on Bel luno apparently clears up the Rome dis patch sent out last night by the Stefanl News agency, whloh said sn "Austrian aeroplane appeared over the city" at I o'olook and dropped five bombs. The name of the place bombarded was not given and It was Inerred the dis patch might refer to Rome. Bedduno Is on the Plave, fifty-one miles north of Vsnloe. WHAT S10 DID FOR THIS WOMAN The Price She Paid for Lydia Which Brought Good Health. Danville, Va. "I have only spent ten dollars on your medicine and I feel so mucft Detter man i did when the doctor waa treating me. I don't suffer any bear Lug down paloa at all now and I sleep well. I cannot say enough for Lydia E. Plnkhem's Vegeta ble Compound am) Liver Pills as they have done so much for me. I am enjoy. lng food health now and owe It all to your remedies. I take pleasure in tell ing my friends and neighbors about them." Mrs. MATTIB Haley, 601 Col. qubone Street, Danville, Va. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope an til she has given Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ft fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal Ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valua ble tonic and Invlgorator of the fe male organism. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. If yon hare the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia IlPinUham MediclneCo. (confidential) Lynn, Mas for ad vioe. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held In strict confidence. Engineer is Eun Over by Automobile Bmli Carlson, engineer at a hotel at Thirteenth and Jackson streets, was struck by an automobile at Seventeenth and Davenport streets. The police are searching for the driver, who Is said to have sped on after strik ing Carlson, who suffered vstious braises. Ths Injured man was cared for by the police surgeons. , slLns CIRCULATE PETITIONS TO RAISE REWARD MONEY Commissioner JCugel will recommend ' to the city commissioners that petitions be circulated to raise SM additional money asaeeaarr eacMre Use seiease eg Artie HaJser, sllegtrd luuiuu,. . H. Smith, now being held by the Wichita police. It has been stated that the Wichita authorities will turn Hausor over to Omaha upon payment of 11.500 reward money. The Omaha reward was twOO, MADE to OEDEtt 2S, WO, $15 nd up. IF you feel that $25 or $30 is about what our Suit or Fall Over, coat ought to cost you it will be worth your while to look at the generous variety of Up-to-Date styles we offer at that price. Some new arrivals to day make the showing of Fall and Winter fabrics at its best. A Nicoll Make overcoat means a heap of comfort and tati faction Special values $25, $30 and $35. NICOLL Thelkilor Jerrems' Soxia . 200-211 fio. 15th St, "The Garment of certain satisfaction" a . UNDERWEAR For Men, Women and Children IS SI II .... I I IfK If ESCO" Quality underwear has "downed" every underwear dis IV1 comfort. Carefully finished and tailored, with stoutly Bewed buttons and seams. Proportions always right in all models so that they fit any form smoothly, snugly and with positive comfort. No washday "terrors" If you wear "Mesco" Quality underwear soak all nlffht, rub up and down on the washboard, squeete through a wringer and you have the same soft, elaatlo, non-Kaptnf, non-lrrttatlng satisfactory underwear as when yon boutht, so tremendous Is the tensile strength of "Mesco" underwear. Get the whole family Into perfect-fitting, long wear-resisting "Mesco" Quality underwear today. ... Made In a wide range of styles. In a variety of weaves and weights. Union Suits for children, 50c to 91.00. Women's Union Bulls. HI .00 to $3.50. Single pieces for women, 50c to 91.50. Men's Union Suits, 91-00 to 90-00. BURGESS-WASH GdMRAMY "KVfiKYBODY'8 BTOIIK." Mr Ai? y Are Your Hands TIED By Rent Receipts? Do your living expenses eat up your income t Do you feel that, though you work hard and persistently, you do not have a ohance; can save nothing because there .are always bills, bills, de . manding most every cent you bring in t So that you feel as if you are in a treadmill and forever doomed f . But there is hope! Even though your hands be tied by rent receipt by rent, the greatest of living expenses there is hope. You can, in fact, turn this expense into a saving. But it requires decision and action on your part. "We of The Omaha Bee rfll help you, but, after all, suocess or failure in your fight for freedom lies with you. TUB BEE does offer sincere and concrete assistance. Ton will find it in the Ileal Estate columns. There we place you in communication with reliable real estate men and builders of whom you can buy real estate on reasonable terms, and with competent builders, who will help you plan and erect the new home you have in mind. And, remember, always' Use THE BEE as Your Real Estate Guide 2Z Put Your Money In a Homo