THE BEE: OMAHA. FKIDAY, XOVEMBEH 19, 191.V 4 DOCTOR'S ACTION IS VINDICATED Post Mortem Showi Bollinger Baby 'r "Would Have Been Mentally Defective and Paralytic. MANY VIEWS TAKEN OP CASE , (Continued from Pare On) TO SFEAK AT TEMPLE ISRAEL nilDAY EVENING. hn s ramlytlo all Its llfw. My opinion fs Ihitt Pr. llsjselden wss rtjtit In not illoe-lnjr the baby to live." Tr. Halselden expressed trrtltude whn told that the Inquest hsd brrn ordered, though, ho wild. the' death from natural causes rendered one hardly nc rsrsrr Any true Investigation will make it nor rlear to the public that I am right." fie aald. - atafemeat hr IUil ,1n a aigned statement today Dr. Haleel- gave hl rase: l,"I ay again that It la our duty to de tend uursolvee and the future g-nera-tlons' asainsl the mentally defective -we allow to grow and Buffer among ua and dd to our burden and our problem. All eonsclence save It la our duty. ', -rannera select the beat stock for re production; the beet seed, without rust or aieeaee. for aowlng. J -Poor humana rely only upon chance and defectives are aa welcome as' any to enlarge famlilea. Think of It! '"Ahd only the mother will look after ie tdlot child. If the mother la Uken. the rather arid brothers and sisters will not care for It. It la pitched Into an institution forthwith and there the bur den of the poor unfortunate la weighted down even more. 'Inatltutlona ara an aoomlnatlon. To herd the tneane or the leseer defectives tfke cattle, aa a done, la a crime and, a in. And to make matter woreethla unfortunate claaa baa no attraction that la going to draw the keeper, the guard, the nurse, or whoever taJcea care of It. to greater kindliness. Those who tae care Pt the Inaane. many of them grow un feeling, unkind and Indifferent. ,l"And yet I waa asked to allow mat fchlH to live, knowing what I knew. I feel toward my critlca aa I would toward (.he who would willingly allow a hydro phobic dog to run In a flock of aheep and do aa Impulse directed, becauae thin one ahrar.k from hurting or crowing trfo tog. f Aaswev fHtlee. i!"If children of aome of my critlca were killed or Injured by a defective, they would aee a good reason for checking tna aupply of the latter In the world. It lg only when an argument la brought straight home. Into the very core of the home, that reaaon la born. Too frequently It la true, unfortunately. ."I have talked. t too many mothara of defective to. aay otherwise. I hare talked to too many mothera of defeetlvea o be awayed.ta my Judgment in mis present caae. Xanjr of tha taiea are pitiable. .' ' .' "One woman I know has a eon who la quite abnormal. .Ha la an aoellent swimmer and dellhU In th Once X anld to her: But auppoaa aome time ha should drownT 'and tha mother, with tUfAil promptness, answered! ,. j, "Wouldn't that Ira a blessmfT -,- : The mother. I knew, did not pray or ask for tha boya drowning. But, least, 'the did not hope agalnat It "So let ua be aenelble, Let ua approve the aterllltatlon of tha Insane and the defective khd the children, j of habitual drunkards, when- both father and mother are so. , : ' ' . ' Let na reproduce omrntr fn 100 par cent fashion, to that by tha weeding ont of our undesirables we decrease their burden and ours, and lay . the foundation of a normal race which would result four generations from now. Let na venerate a standard with soul and sense. Instead of desecrating It with crumbling traditions and mlndltsa sentimentality." ' Prom every corner of tha United Statea telegrams rama to Dr. Balseldan today expressing tha thoughts of physicians, aortal . workers, prominent women and men' on the strange case.' Tha surgeon la a bachelor. Ha has 'two adopted daughters. One waa abandoned by her mother at tha hospital and the ether la a New Tork orphan. ' rrlsrlaaJ Df amities. j Tha principal physical deforraltlee of the baby are the closure of tha Intaett hal tract, paralysis of the nerves of the I Hght side of tha face, the abaenoa of the Hghb ear, blindness of one eye and mal formation of It shoulders. - Dr. HalaeU den." who officiated at tha birth, 'noted jthe absence of a neck. The brain ha found to be only slightly subnormal, and I he cranial nervee were absent or unde veloped. ' "If he grew up he would be a hopeless cripple and would suffer from fits." aald the doctor. "Would his mind be clear. Would hie soul be normally silver' one of the vis (tors asked.' "That I do not know, but the chances are against it" ! ; Dr. John B. Murphy, former president j f the American Medical association, and physicians snd professional rn-n and wo- ! men, including a number of clergymen generally took sldee with Dr. Halselden, ; But his critics were Just aa numerous, pe' ' h V-". . 9 V y v ' j ' '0 '-y - - AUSTRIAN REPORT IS CONTRADICTED Dr. Greil'i Affidavit Sayi Ancona Was Shelled by Submarine After it Had Stopped. AWAITS DETAILS AS TO WARNING Jcsnetlclfirian Goldberg Mis Jeannotte Miriam Ooldherg of rhilad Iphla. field secretary for te Jew. Ish Chautauqua society, will owupy tho pulpit of Temple Israel Friday evening. The object of Miss Ooldberg's visit Is to set forth the work of the Jewish Chau tauqua In America, particularly In re lation to the religious school. Miss Goldberg arrives In the City Fri day morning and will remain over the week-end, the gurM. of Mrs. J. N. Kopald. The twenty-four annual asanmhly of the Jewish Chautauqua which Miss Goldberg represents, will be held In St. LOUIs, De cember 24-SO. WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. An effldavlt by Dr. Ocll Grell, the only t atlve American survivor of the Ital ian liner Anrona, directly contradicts the A uotro-H unitarian f overnment'g official Ktatement that the ship was not shelled by the attarklng subma rine after It stopped. The State de partment today was notified of the existence of the affidavit by consul dispatches. The text of (he message which was sent by American Consul Mason of Algiers follows: "Oecllle Crelle Klrelll Intelligent. Im partial witness, deposition not conclusive us to whether any effort was made to escape by Aneona. K1rt Intimation dan ger when she wss In dining saloon. Dis turbance on deck. Mtoppajrn. followed! shortly-' by shots which struck vessel. Testimony preiisan (probably means proves) that bombardment lasted forty five minutes snd wss continued after vessel had stopped, killing and wounding many persons. fllie saw destruction vessel by turpedo; saw red and white flag and six cannon on submarine. Knows nnthlns; aa to other Americans. Informa tion AUiers and lilserta considered to demonstrate .conclusively thst thirteen vessels were sunk from the November I to 7, by submarines, . going from Gib raltar toward Anaoona.'" 'vrtll Await More Farts. Ferrtary I-anslng will take no action, however, until Information of a more definite character regarding the more esuenllal details Is received. Huch in formation is expected by cable from American consuls and posnlbly from the French government, whlrh Is understood to be taxing depositions. The State department considers thst Mrs. r.rell'a rhnrge thst the submarine fired on the Anrona after the ship stopped, may be taken si conclusive ev. denre. Whether ' warning wss given still Is an open question. Secretary Lansing considers that the evidence on that fea ture la Inconclusive. It was polntjd out today that beca m Mrs. Greil was the only native American survivor of the disaster much weight would attach to her statement 'onrul Maon will sttempt to get more sfflda(ts from citizens of other nation alities, preferably from neutrals. A "For Rale" art wm turf eond-hand furniture Into cash. Everyone Likes This Cold Cure Tape's Cold Compound" ends a cold or grippe in a few hours. Tour cold will break and all grippe misery end after taking a dose of 'Tape s Cold Compound" every two hours until three doses ere taken. . It promptly opens clOgged-up nostrils and air passsires In the head, stops nasty discharge or nose running, relieves sick headache, dullnnss, feverlnhneas, sore throat, sneralng. soreness and stiffness. Pon't stay , stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! Knsn your throbbing head nothing else In tho world glvos such prompt relief as "Pape'e Cold Com pound," which costs only 3R cents at any drug store. - It acts without assistance, tastea nice, and causes no inconvenience. Accept no substitute. Advertisement. SIM0I IMA 'M1W LEAP HfstftlSSl ....ftiflaRffiBB1" ta so much richtr that It goes a third farther than ordinary shortening. For deep fat frying. It forma This keeps tha fat from aoaklnf Impossible to make heavy cake or paejtry the delicacy aod richness by packing It in air-tight AJn tha cose of Simon Par,'' onh f Aa fcasf sf Jie Armovr PtxmJucU win thm Oval Labci f Aa brand iAicn diaiin- . . . r f 1 A J A. fsitwi tna ptcm or oacn or trim nnmnr yrwmn. Xlndrr thi mark, yom'U find Star Strckintt Ham Dtvttuhirr Farm Sautagt Star Bactn Armour' t Graf Jait CUvrtittm Butter OUomargarint and o-vrr 100 HZZST CamuJ fdt AR M O t R ACOM PANV Kobt Bndnta, Mgr.. 13th end J one Sts. Totig. JOSS. W. X.. Wilkinson. Mirr.. BOth and Q Bta. TsJ, Bo. 170. iggglglgiSgglSlIIlgliilgg "Z.-r'i k-1 iiiii'!,fipS simon i-nra aa-.-s., , . r j Siswsss ii sr m crost almost inatantaneboaiy. A H V In. And It wookl be practically iioi with "Simon Pure." We retain j Ii H !3SBlS3BlgilIF MWEST1EOT THAT PAYS DIG DIVIDENDS A BEE WANT AD who holds that death U preferable t the life In a defective." The telephone rang. tr. Kalselden answered It and talked five minutes with woman. She pleaded with him to save the baby's Ufa. When he returned from the phone, he smiled, sadly: She called me names," he said. "It la strange what a fuss people are making over this case, when all these abortions go unnoticed." The little bundle, which waa the cen ter of all eyas, stirred and a feeble cry waa heard, "Not much longer to wait little one," aald the doctor, gently, adding to those near htm, "ha la dying." I'B) to Nat are. Dr. Murphy aald today: "The baby's life la In the hands of a higher power. Nature will provide the best remedy," Dr..- Rosalie M. . Ladova, commented: "A life ia a life and I wish Dr. Halselden .would step aside and let someone else operate." , Clarence D arrow, the lawyer, known also as a humanitarian, remarked; . - "Chloroform unfit children. Show them tha same meroy that la shown beasts no, longer fit to live.", . f ledlgestlenf Can't Eatf M Appetite t Dr. King's New Life Pills stir up your liver, aid digestion, you feel fine the next ay. Only Ko. All druggists. Adver tisement ' Darareoas ga, far Irftaxlost. NOW TORK. Not. IT. Thirty surgeons. Including specialists In vmrlous branchea of praotioe, and thirty-six nurses called' today on the steamship Noordam for London, as the second Harvard unit to nurse wounded soldiers. Trie party probably will be stationed at a base hos pital In France. Don't Be Bilious, Headachy, Sick or Constipated Enjoy lifel Liven your liver and bowels tonight and . feel great. Wake up with head clear, stom ach sweet, breath right, cold gone. Mother Reaaalas Near By. , sirs. Anna woiunger. tne mother, re mained In a room nearby.. Many times she asked: le It dead" She remained steadfast In her belief that death was best for the little one. Ehe has three healthy children and th plight of the condemned one la believed to have been due to an attack of typhoid fever which the mother Buffered recently ! The authorities took no action further than to determine that no death cert If! ine annum oe usuea until alter an in vestigation by the coroner. in cisruaaing his stand in the rase to dsy. Dr. Halselden cited the case of Roe well Smith, a supposedly harmleee defee tlve, who. after reaching the adult atage. auieg utile Haaei Weinateck. for which bo was hanged. A visitor, however, re marked that Fyodor Dostuvesky. born defective, and an eplletlc, developed Into a great novelist and one of the greatest physcologlsts In Kurope. Treat It ae l aeaaaf, ' Moat of tha visitors today treated the baby aa If it were uncanny. Dr. JIalse. den. .who had condemned It te death aione treated it Ilka a human being, it rareased Its little twisted cheeks and aaU tenderly: "He will be desd before the night over." it would be a moral wrong.' he con tinued, "ts allow this baby to -live, ft seems to me that a city whkh allows Ma.'H bana outiage every week, a thou sand abortions a dsy and an automobile sect-lent every round of tha clock hardly 1 a aoelliuu to critics a I Take one or two Caseareta tonight and enjoy the nicest gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Wake up feeling grand, your bead wilt be clear, your tongue clean, breath sweet, stomach regulated -and your liver and thirty feet of bowels active. Oet a box at any drug store now and get straightened up by morning. Slop the headache, biliousness, bad colds and bad days. Feel fit and ready for work or play. . Cascarets do not gripe, sicken or Inconvenience you the rext day like sails, pills or calomel They're fine! Mothers should give a whole Caacaret anytime to cross, sick, bilious or feverish children because It will act thoroughly and can not injure. ' Simple Home Treatment to Remov Hairy Growths (Ueauly Culture.) Two or three minutes' use of a delstona paste will tanUh every bit of hair from yotir face, perk or amis. This paste made by mixing some water with po aerea dualone. After the paste Is re moved, the skin should be wanned to free It from the remaining dulaton and It will be clear and spotless. You wilt not be dlrappotnted with this treatment If you are sure to obtain reat fleUtlou from your drugEiat. AdvirtiM-nit'iiL t :DII if' :I''IP(D)1IIS1HI- MOT U T0USK I i 3 M t3 1-3 FOR A LIMITED TIME only we will give positively free a $1.25 Polly Prim Polish Mop with every full quart (32-oz.) can of Polly Prim Polish sold at the regular retail price $1.00. , There are no strings to this offer whatever no coupons or certificates to save or sign nothing to do except to say to your dealer, "I want a $1.00 can Polly Prim Polish and a Polly Prim Mop", pay the dollar, and receive in return a full $2.25 value. You are going to buy polish anyhow, and you get a full dollar's worth of the best polish in the world in a full quart can of Polly Prim Polish. So there is no possible reason why you should not take advantage of this offer, and get a $1.25 Polly Prim Polish Mop free. You'll Like Polly Prim Polish Do not confuse Polly Prim with ordinary polish. Polly Prim Polish is a scientific compound, made after the world famous formula of Dubcck-Monhardt of Germany. Vou can sit in a chair that has been polished with Polly Prim and your clothing will hot be stained or soiled. It will not roughen, fade, stain or soil curtains, rugs or carpets. Used in a Polly Prim Mop it will not streak or smear. ' Polly Prim Polish is a clear solution without grit or solids. It contains no gum, rosin, acid or alkali, or any other ingredient that will injure the most delicate varnished sur face. ' It will not gum, become rancid or precipitate (settle). Polly Prim Polish accomplishes three operations with one simple application. It cleans thoroughly brightens like new and preserves the varnish. It removes stains, dirt, dust, grime and undesirable settlings, effecting im maculate cleanliness and giving a rich, glistening surface. The varnish pores take up Polly Prim Polish and it restores the varnish to its original brilliancy, at the same time preventing "age dry," crystalization, checking, cracking, scaling and dulling. ' Polly Prim Polish lengthens the life and is indispensable in the proper care of good furniture, pianos,' oil paintings, carriages, hardwood floors, woodwork and all finely finished surfaces. It is employed in fine homes, hotels, art salons, piano and furniture show rooms all over America and Europe. Polly Prim Polish is sold in three sizes fun quart (32 oz.) can, $1.00; 14 ozH 50c; 6 cz., 25c Br andeis Stores EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS FOR OMAHA Throw Away Your Old Mop Do not bother with an old-style, heavy, tiring, awkward, cumbersome mop no matter if it's brand new. The Polly Prim Mop is so light it does not tire you to use it. It is made of metal, handsonely nickel plated, with enameled wood handle. It is strong and durable; nothing to crack or break, and mop strands cannot come out. It is easy to keep clean; just remove the handle and throw the mop into boiling water. The Polly Prim Mop has an extra large sweeping surface, and yet the holding device is so small and com pact it can get into every nook and corner of the room, under bureaus, bookcases, radiators anywhere that you can put the human hand. The Polly Prim Mop is replenished without soiling hands. Merely pour a little polish into the reservoir and it will be evenly distributed throughout all the mop strands. You can hang the Polly Prim Mop back of the door without soiling wood work or walls by contact We know that if you once use the Polly Prim Mop or Polish you will never be contented to use any other mop or polish. It is the handiest, most convenient and nearest perfect mop ever devised. It is so light, strong and compact that it makes using a mop a pleasure. You must use the Polly Prim Mop to appreciate its many superior points. No other mop compares with it in actual daily use. It is a genuinely good value at the regular price of $1.25. For a limited time you can get a Polly Prim Mop free with a $1.00 full quart (32 oz.) can of Polly Prim Polish. UuLu rl r I