12 BRINGING POOR DtNTY MOORE lb VCK - I MOT SEND HIM tOME. FLOWED W.THOUT MVIE KNOWJN'lTl 4, J I f 4 V 3 ALL RK3HT- HEW YORK STOCK' MARKET Biilway Share i Are Almoit the Only Redeeming' Feature of Session. SHOW GENERAL STRENGTH KBW YORK. Nov. 11-iUllway shares were almost the nly ied-mln feature rf today's irregiilir and professional mar ket, these Issues dtsplsylng general strength and a broader Imiulry, after an early perod of hesitancy. Krle m the moat active stork In tna hat end ad- a need to 464a, It highest price In a I meat a decade. Unlm Pacific's steady rlseof almost three polnla, to 14m. the t p Quotation of the vear, stimulated a demand for such stocks aa St. I'sul, Ureal Northern. Rending, Lehigh Vallfy and New Haven, which were higher by on to two points. There were sporadic iralna In the war and semi-war descriptions, aa well aa automobile and sugsr atocka, and United Fruit, but preaaiire upon theae Issues ti vartably waa followed bv reveraala. Mer cantile Marine preferred, which recently waa elevated on extravagant eatimatea t earnings for the current year, reacted three point to 7V Coppers failed to make appreciable progress In eplte of another advance in tha metal to li1 centa, the third upward revlalon In a week'a time. There waa further ad vera criticism of the Guggen helm dissolution plan. Cnited States Steel waa the largest of the short Intereata. and RethUthem Hteel ran red -'tween 490 and 474, rloaliiK at 4KB, a gain of five polnta. In irnneral. ape rlaltlea of all kind a susgeated an la. creasing lack of publle Interest. Trading waa dull except In the first hour, with total en lea of CSS.WIO aharea. T A tret developmenta In tha European alt nation, particularly tha crlala In tha Haitians, contributed meaaurably toward tha heavier tone of International laauea In I,ondori. That center waa attain a aeller here. Home of Ita liquidation being ascribed to continental Intereata. Virtual completion of tha New British eommer laj credit had a favorable effect on sterling exchange, which rose to Ita beat rate pf recent weeka. The weekly statement of the Bank of Knxland showed a gold loss of about $.o.ja. with a reduction of liabilities and reserves and a moderate decrease In total reserves. The Bank of France gained about SS.OuO.ooO gold, with a sub stantial Increase of Ita note circulation. Iionda wore firm to strong, with a fair request for convertible Issues. Total pr ,u. aggregated $5,4,OK United Htatea registered Is and 4a ad anced H per cent on call. Number of aales and leading quotation on stock were a follow: Saiaa. HlrV tx. Close. la Ooi Allli-Ctulinra Amrifun Het BHt&.,tt Aawiicaa w , Aaiertraa tocfmiMlve Aaxrlraa ti. ai R Am. R. 4k IV jM Aa. titnr Rerftilna Amarloaa Tel a Tat Amertma Tohareo Anarn4e Vntrmr AK-Meoa fulrivla IMiantle .... lultiatara 4k otilo BMbletiani Kuwl hrunhlra lUtjitd Tratwlt., t'alilorma leirolauaa l aaadlan P. niral ImIw , I heaaiaaaa a Ohio. , !! G. W t)lrS 11. t. P.... laa N. W. bi.eso. IC I. P. Hy. htna rper , V,lnnil Kvl 4 Ima... craclbta Rm !" H. O. ,14 I'latillm' tkwarUlas ... Krta Unral Eiarla Oraet Nortlxra ptd lra No. t)r nil Ouaaenhrlm Kiplunuloa. "4 11(4 . I.oe U , 1H. KM III h ill 111 lit llT I nr, imv4 I rut i.KO H W14. n, 1. Ita) V"H4j iiiisl km ll7t tat 1." e w 1.400 4Wi 4T4 i.nn m iiu 1.7WI IW14 1MV4 IUS Ml II, KM i'.iii , lt.aa) I. ' ittiie 0 4 444 IK lB't, M H14 74 U 41 4H4 irt to 4 4 'nii a -. 44 , Ik 1 ;, 4.4AS 11 14,1 nilaola oatral MM m 77 InlerlKin.aah loa. tor,.. 4.XA) 11 IntM-iMkllfNtal HarvaatM! 44 4.'.W Kokus I'm Bouihara..,. Ihlt Vilr Iaivlll a Nl.hrllU.... Mexi'aa Pi roi.wa lt1 I'lti . M4. i 11V, 1 too -ja I Si MH ailaml Capimr MlMourl, K. 4V T. sfd.. UIourl l-Klfle , N!hal HiMalt National .tut Marada ppor Now York 'ontral N. V . N. H H !r!k a w(ra N.wihern Parltlo Cat Ida Mall Cat-Hie Tol. Si Tal Ponuarlrafila Cullaiaa Calaoa Car.,., ft ay t'oa. i'vwr , Heading Hopiikllo ima a ul.. Riiuihoni CoA-lfto , rtuthere Kallwar etudohAaar (Vaipaay ., Teaooain 4'pior ..... Toiaa Cotrpan , 1'nKaa Cawlria t'nma Parltlo pit , I altoe Hiaioa HtooL... I'. S. Stool pld t'ta Oppor , V ootora t'alaa a oatiitakottoa Bloctrta afouuuta Cowvr .auaral Motor WotaYoh fct ...., l M'a 4u 74 It 1 tl. Ita 4. am it" 1 r 7 ! Ila at I li nt ai n natj ,,,,, i ...... .... .... 44 i.un 'iiu uii law it;v, im, int 10 t 11 an ti like im ja4j Va US 11(4 11 111 S4 aaat ita. ll Mr HI im too r,J M, 141 lll 141 , M eua r, , I. a II II. : ll'ti Mis " 14 M tn I4.14W , I.PtW aa 414 ST 'I 4ki , 1 TUB Jt I.4U0 tuix Total taJos for too dar. TM.ant akaras. Laveal earltlea. Qoolatloaa niralokod by lira, Brlakor A IVa 44 Omaha NaltoaaJ Bank kulldla. Oaa.ha Aam. Saeltora Sorojitloa f4 A m'vi A'a.? i'tty Nolluaal bulldLaa, T Bar east e(4- ., looro A Co., pt4 1 iz ratranotit Ceaaouorf pfd tj lok klukbor Co., 7 par seat lot sfd. .lot horald Uaudlas. 4 par 0004 pti a Now 04 lo lot. pfd , (xaaba a rooacll Blata St. Mr ft.... 1 boau Couacii Blurts Hj. a a. ate. aa fetalo Bonk ml Uaaaaa lit koltl A Company ,a taiua Slack tarda tUook bou4a Aoaio-Kroark f Bar aoat sotaa. IM ... T (joranaa Uovora't f aor aoot BBlaa. ItM I.Kaia Tol a Tol. oa. 13 at Mor-ao.nto lloat lJ,U ta. ttXt ti Cxnoha Wotor 4a, ItU u ,oaona .' tUutra ax By. ta, 1H4 ... M Oaaaa Uoa as. 111 pa Iowa hallway 4k Local to. 1M1 ....... M Ka Ouud Nooeaaaa 4a. 1M m kioos City Stock Yaeaa ta. 1M4 to 14 104 PI lei llM 41 tl 44 It "4T1 tot 1 Moua raiia a. u . aa, l3t Taaraua CovatT Nok. ta. UM .! !t4 I aloa atook Taida. S Oaaaka, ta. lal past p2 Wuaita I aioa kiua Tama sa, 1(4..., p lav IV4 lav wtowiaa camaty aKaooia. ta. lot f Uadea Sloefe Market. iyN'rxj.V. Nov U Except for a mod ri s mount of buaiita in the lower irwd tiatuars on the sttH-k markoi, Anu r .r. svi uriiles weie dull and inclined to di'""D on ti rit) in eachaiiiga. Ml.Vr K bar. H UIM; per o'lnca. MNt-y 4' ..r -nt. I acount rates, t--.it tva par ceui; months, 4 mt UP FATHER OOt,- I WANT MOO TO 1T Mt t)OM FLOWER?, AND VOUD BETTER VTE 4T DOWN 0 OU WOMT FORQ.T.T- B I U - I COLUMBIANS AND NOrlPAREILSTOPLAY Much Talked-Of Battle Between the Rival Eleveni Will Be Staged at Luxus Park Sunday. MANAGERS SETTLE DISPUTE The Columbiana and Nonpareil hare finally come to terms and will lattlA on tha gridiron at Luxus park Sunday. Both teams have been anxious for a game this fall, but Qulgler and lynch, managers of the Columbians end Nonpareils, respectively, could not agree on terms. After many heated conversation battles Qulgley finally gave in and accepted the terms provided by Lynch. The grudga existing between tha Columbians and Nonpareil I of long standing. Several player .on the 1913 championship Columbian team Jon led the Nonpareil this year, with tha result that they ar anxious to lick their former team-mates, while those .who remained I with tha Columbians are equally eager.! to trounce tha deserters. - Tha Nonpareil are leading tha Class A field to data. They handily defeated the Monmouth Parka and the Park de feated tha Columbiana. But the Colum bian ar e pec ted to put , up a setter game against Lynch' warrior than they did against tha north side eleven, and tha betting on tha combat Is about, even. Both team have been practicing hard all week and will continue to do so the remaining day before the game. No matter who win, it Is certain to be one of the beat amateur foot ball game ever stated In Omaha. Women will be ad mitted to the gam without admission charge. Nebraska Wesleyan is Preparing for Homecoming Day UNIVERA1TT PLACE. Neb., Nov. 18. (Special.) There was a feeling of keen disappointment In the Coyote camp for a few hour last Saturday when word waa received from the athletlo board ai the University of Wyoming stating that tha Wyoming foot ball team would be compelled to abandon Ita Nebraska trip lor financial reavson ,aa it had failed to make arrangement with another team which It had exoected to meet nn that re turn trip. Tha authorities here, however, wired an additional guarantee and hive received reply that they will be hers lor tha gam on Friday nest Some of tha Wealeyentte ' who hare been on the hospital squad for two or three) weeka ar rounding Into form,' and with the exception of Johnson the Coy otes should be able to present their strongest lineup. The team are about evenly matched. Judging from compara tive scores, and barring bad weather the attendance should be tha largeat that has ever, witnessed a game on Johneon field, aa It la home comlrvv day. Elaborate plana are being made to en tertain tha alumni, former students and friend who will rlock to University Place on the annual home coming occasion. Senior recognition eternises and addresses by prominent alumni will occupy the chapel hour, at noon an a la cart lunch eon will o served, at 1:10 there will be free moving picture for the visitor In the Auditorium, at t o'clock will occur the toot ball gam with the University of Wyoming and In the evening tha an nual foot tall banquet in tha First Meth odist Episcopal church. TICKETS NOW ON SALE FOR STECHER-HUSSANE MATCH Tickets ar now on saia for th tstecher Huaaana match at Lincoln on Thanks giving day and judging from tha demand at me aiercnant hotel there will be quit a bunch to go from thl city. Dan Gavin nas maa arrangements with th Burling ton to run a twenty-flv car special, leaving Omaha at 1 o'clock. That th Chicago men who want to ba 4 k. Turk can easily be accommodated la snown ty tna statement of Pet Loch who sent word to the aoorttnar editor nt The Be that h bad 600 to bet at two to on on Steelier. Th tlOO that Loch Dotted with Tna Tlaa as guarantee for a tU bet that he had a man right here in Omaha who could throw Strangler La aria, haa not been Covered and tho money has beea re turned. lwui was In Omaha last week and although his attention was called to th offer he did not jover th for- folt- llavvard Haa Nat Edge. CAMBRIDGE, Mas.. Nov. 17. A few houra ater (Viech llauahtnn .t h Harvard toot bail team had heard that cnwnini weuia not oe available for the ante with VaJe. becua of scholastic uiu.-utiira, 11s ioig a mass nirtmg tt Bludttuta ton.hl that neat CMtturtlay' I sou wa an even tuaiuiy preptteiuou. THE BEE: Copyright, International News Service. Ktglalered U. 8. Patent Office. ME I TToTrrTroTra flrnia''r1 io Off for Lincoln to Meet Cornhuskers IOWA CITY", la., Nov. lg.-(Special ) Twenty-five sturdy Hawkeye gridiron warrior, accompanied by the entire coaching and training rt-tlnue and tha first and second freshmen elevens, leave Iowa City tonight for IVncoln, whore they battle tha Cornhuskers Bsturdoy In the concluding game of the year. The stu dent body held a monster mas meeting on Iowa field this afternoon a a parting exhortation to the team. Tha players w'ho will make the trip ar Captain Harron, Uowlesby, Jacjbsen, Fosdick, Davis, McKee, Oross, Oarrett- aon, Kerwlck, Itun, Donnelly, Hoi men, Orubb, Blackburne, Tripplett. Ollllland. Hands, Jenkins, Mendenhall. Scott, Dun can, Wyland. Petersen and Barber. In addition Coaches Iiawley, Kent and Adam, Trainers Watson and Mann and Coaches Brueckner and Ounderaon of the freshmen eleven will make the trip. The Howkcye went through the final scrimmage drill of the year on Iowa field yesterday afternoon. With the exception of Oarrettaon, whose place was filled by Scott, tha varsity lineup was Intact. For over an hour tha regulara tussled with the first year men. The freshmen, using Nebraska formation, were unable to gain consistently against Hawley'a men and were repeatedly tosstd for losses. The Hawkeyes, on tha other band, were also weak on offense and fumbled continually. They were able to register but three touchdown In the long scrimmage. Davl featured the practice with a forty-yard run to a touchdown, after re- celvlng a twenty-yard pas from Grose. Uross also broke loose a couple of time for sensational daahe. Harvard Offers Ten to Eigth on Yale Game Saturday CAMBRIDGE, Ma., Not. 1,-The hard campaign of preparation for tha Tal game ended, the Harvard foot ball team Is prepared to receive the applause of tha undergraduates In tha stadium late today, With the sober elation becom ing to a successful army, which haa yet before It the crucial battle. The students, less cautious In their expressions of con fidence, rallied to give the players an enthusiastic send-off to their retreat on Tynga Island, in tha Marrimao river, where they will seek complete relaxation until Saturday. In spit of th warning of Coach !aughton that tha chances In tha game should be regarded a even, many beta were placed at 10 to t on Harvard. Tha general expectation seems to be that Tale will niaJts a sharp, bruising attack, which must be met by more scientific defense. Interact la especially keen In tha prospective kicking duel between Mahan and Guernsey. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. It Th Tale .foot ball team and substitutes, a quad of about forty, left today for tha gam with Harvard on Saturday at Cam bridge, The men will go to Auburndale, Mass., leaving there Saturday for Sol diers' field. They were given an en- thualaatlc. send-off. practically tha entire atudent body being at the station to cheer them a tha train pulled out. Omaha High Plays Sioux City Today Coach Mulligan was still undecided last night who would start in several posi tion when Omaha High clashes with the Sioux City eleven at Rourke park this afternoon. Those who probably will start th battle ar: Nichols and Daugherty, ends; Grove and Crowley, tackle; Payn ter and Mason or Cohan, guards; Krogh. center; Neville, quarterback; Welrich and Logan, halfbacks, and Peterson, fullback. It la not certain whether Smith will work at a halg or at an end. Beard, tha regu lar center, who received a dislocated collarbone and numerous minor Injuries at North Platte, will be unable to play. "Chuck" More arty, th speedy halfback, will be unable to play on account of an Injured leg. Not much I known of th Bloux. and Coach Mulligan Is making no prediction on th outcome. Th Sioux were able to core on tha tinooln High team early in th year. Although this was more than Omaha was able to do, It gives no real Hn on their ability. A big mass meeting was held In the school auditorium yesterday morning. Coach Mulligan, tha Girl Booaters' aiea club, th high school cadet band and Warren Howard, a former Omaha High school and Nebraska university foot ball star, war tha headltnere. Jack Ness Signs White Sox Contract SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Not. ll-Jack Naaa, first baseman of th Oakland club. Coast league and holder of the world's record for hit made In consecutive S antes, haa algned a contract fur next year with thl Chicago American league club, according to a atatajsent of Danny Dong, representing tbe Chkago club, made publlo today. OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1915. VANT TOUE TO T eVS-- A A . A DOZEH CHRfANTHFMUMf, WND'TAKE TM TO MURPHTt PLACE HOW DO ' DEM FLOVCLRtj' OMAHA U TAKES TARKIO TO FALL Offenam Play of Delamatre'a Pu pils Wins Against Heavier Opponents, 19 to 14. OPEN PLAY GOOD FOR GAINS In a game replete with spectacular play, the University of Omaha foot ball eleven humbled the strong Tarklo, Mo., team yesterday at Chi Is Lyck park 1J a 14. Though slightly outweighed the Omaha squad put up an offense that brooked no opposition. Omaha gained consistently on open style of play, two of their touchdowns being the result of aerial passes. The Scarlet and Black also hammered the Tarklo line with good results, Bruce Adams. Leach and iplllanv plowing through for their yarda when the occasion required. The Mlssourlans repeatedly opened up on forward passes, but the perfect work of Omaha' ecnndary defense made It Impossible for the visitors to have but momentary success at this style of play Game Fast at tart. lng. Tarklo reeled off noveral long passes In the first period, but after that Omaha Intercepted the ball for long run. Neither side resorted much to booting, preferring to loose the ball on line play or Incompleted forward passe. Tho contest started off In whirlwind fashion for the Mlssourlans. On in. klckoff the visitors carried the ball to tha center of the field and by straight root nail worked It to Omaha's ten-yard Hn. On the next play Grimm was shoved over for Tarklo's first touch down Ust four minute after the aama started. McCoy kicked goal. Tarklo's second touchdown Mm. after, when Lunnan plowed through for a ten-yara smash after the ball had been worked rapidly toward Omaha's godl. Th local found It Impossible to stop the onrush of the visitor In thl quarter Time and again tha Tarklo back came tearing through Omaha' line. In thl quarter the Mlssourlans had the Omaha contingent bested in every, department of tha game. All of Tarklo' point were mint in thl quarter.' Reversal ta Second. Omaha had a reversal of form in ih eoond quarter. Duncan received th. ball on the klckoff and adv.no. 4. twenty yards. Sullivan reeled off tew more with a wide end run. Ad.m."... 1 off five mors bv sklrtln, .h" i ana umtnt was on their way to a touchdown. Tarklo held On thole aovoM- yard line for two downs. On th next piay uapiain ruc with a tackle back Play waa shoved through the line for Omaha's first score. Omaha lost Its K. , , . .. . ' v Se!n .v. v ' ka.,Ck When Ada,M dropped tha ball on the punt out The period ended with the ball in tho -.t-- of th field. Though Tarklo had tha ball In Omaha' " itt wiiwnai terrltorw several tim.o t- .a. - an second . nalf. Omaha had the better of th argt ment- Tarkln hid l - , . - , v v,. H iiumuer or time to booting, and a-alned tin but twlc on atralgh foot ball. Second Score fop Omaha. Toward the cloae of the third quarter Adam made Omaha's second touchdown wlth a sensational run around l-ft a fop forty yards, through a field of Tarklo ! played. Leach kicked goal. Th last period found Omaha ad van- ' clng th. ball at a rapid rate toward the visitors' citadel. Short snappy m ' and wide end run. completely daisied the vlaltora. Om.h. T.kin. 1. . , I IVdowrwh'Adg'aln1' looforathirty-vardrun '"k 1 loose for a thirty-yard run. Leach kicked goai. ine contest ended with th oval on Tarklo's forty-yard line. For th locals Adams and Sullivan did th best work. Both th halfback were consistent ground gainers and Invariably made their yard when called upon to perform. The long apectacular run of th two halve were the feature of the gam. Leach at fullback also did good work, especially on the defensive. On th line Captain' Bruce, DeBolt and Dutcher showed up well. DeBolt and Dutcher- tackle spilled many of th visitors' plays before they were well un der way. Urlaash a (.roaad tialaer. Grimm showed up well for Tarklo. The hard-hitting full wa the most consistent ground gainer. In the last quarter while making a tackle he suffered a broken nos and was replaced by Orr. Lunnan also waa In tha limelight, hi hard tack ling preventing Omaha from adding to Its score. The contest was unusually fast and well played. Both teams played clean, steady foot ball. Th line-up: vr ait a TARKIO Korbmaker C. iSelbert R.U. Da Holt N..U11 Uruc (c) R.T. Dutcher L.T. Callahan H.K. in laimatre u Adams Rll Ucb F.it hulllvan L.H. 1 eraon ' , ' C. Pet RO.., UO... RT.., L.T... H.E... Cow Osrorn n'VT sMoCoy Ixinnaa r.U..... Grlniin L.H B.ird enkaj UK lIV IQialn Duooiitu.ro: Lunran ror jenks, Orr for Grimm. Touchdowns: Adams t, Bruoe. Ortnim, Luunan. lioals kicked: Ieach McCoy J. lieferee: Hud Kerna. Bellta ue. Umpire: t'harl-a Thomas. Omiht. ea.l linraman: Morev t'ohn, Owaha, 7Uus of quaiurs; U minutes. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus CH -CHRU-NO! CRlt- UN -THUM - IT Kansas Trying to Get Lined Up for the Missouri Game LAWRENCE, Kan., Nov. IS. -(Special.) Practice for the coming Missouri game began on Monday of this week. Prac tically every member of the Kansas team who opposed the Cornhuskers la In a bruised or stiffened condition. Early practice of the week came nearer being drills in calisthenics than foot ball. Real : work was begun Wednesdsy and will con ; tlnua until tha day before Thanksgiving. ! The Kansas quad 1 In bad shape, and .practice thus far has been extremely ragged. Reber has a wrenched knee, sus tained In Saturday's game, and may be I unable to play against Missouri. Croft's 1 malaria Is bothering him again and I greatly hinder hi effectiveness at guard. Reedy, who haa a sprained ankle, get about with difficulty. Ill losa aa a klckar will be felt. A possible change In tha backfleld line up against Missouri was Indicated during Tuesday's practice when L. Gillespie waa played at fullback Instead of "Swede" Nellson, who ha held that position all year. Captain Tony James would ' not affirm the rumor that the shift would be permanent, but admitted that th Kansas coaches were considering such action. Lindsay, Fast and Wood will be used In tha other backfleld positions. Wood's showing against Nebraska Saturday was exceptionally brilliant, he being the only man on th Jayhawker squad who tackled Chamberlain as though he were not afraid of him. Huskers Will Not Go to the Pacific Coast for a Game LINCOLN, Netj.rNov. l&-(Speclal Tel egram.) Nebraska will not play on the Paolflo coaat New Tear's day. It was definitely determined, when Chancellor Samuel Avery this afternoon received a telegram from th Pasadena management withdrawing tha offer t th Corn huskers. MAX BAEHR COMING HOME FOR THANKSGIVING DAY (From a Staff Correspondent.) W AKltTNIfJTOV ftnv 1ILarxu.ol T.lo- gram.) Max J. Baehr, former American consul at Berne. Switzerland, was In Washington today en route to his home .,T"mnxon ..y tn oul? to bon ?D" "na th Tn" giving ana c-nrisimaa nouaays witn his iamuy, Mrs. Baehr has been in ftenfWa-na Cuba, since his resignation from the con sular service, and, having large holdings there, haa been Interested in develnnlna- ' and managing a tile company which gives "ouia.Bing a uie company wnicn gives prom," of b,n verttabla gold mine for those Connected with the ntrnnralltia The lata consul tn Rwttaeplantl eolto today upon the head of th consular service in the State department, by whom wrtiLi m itie oiaie department, ny wnon a. . . . . . .. "w wo. a iiiuoi graciously receivea. tne uni- "vra regret being that he could not have ai. . -t . "to wtajr ciear to accept tne post at Rt Mlchala A m, aa-klxh ... a.-,,.-., ,hlm In the summer. Mr. Baehr. had he known that the St Michaels station was In the same class with Berne, would nmhahiv hovn, ac ,cepted the transfer, but having no knowl- " to hoW th d8"rtmnt looked Upon St' MlcHaxel-. tendered his reelgntv- w .'a. L. EWtpwo mon "aniiy V? 8U1 deprtmnt n "' '"m "" "ho spok. 7 B"hr ta th" nearly twenty years he had been con- T't?' WUh- h m. . a l ot 'u5" undertakings. Mr. Baehr, after a day or two tn New Tork. for which city ha left today, will reach St. Paul In time for th Thanks giving turkey. NATIONAL LIVE STOCK GROWERS MEET IN EL PASO DENVER, Colo., Nov. 11. 8pcleX A call has been Issued for the convention of th American National lav Stock association to meet in El Pain t January SS to IT. Among tha many sub ject ior consideration ar: Ferderal control of publlo grastng lands; the eto-acr graaing homestead bill: administration of fureat reserves. eravdlCAtliin lit rtiloinAiia . .l.. lng of live stock and Ita product; delays ; at terminals; stock yard facll tlea; flnanc- 111a live aioi'a loaua; vaiutiona In railroad live stock contracts; rharfa for cleaning and disinfecting- of cars; railroad rales and service; recent rate casea before the Interstate Commerce commission:' sup- fireaalon of the foot and mouth and other nfectloua d'seeses; sanitary regulations of different stales, problbiton of the im portation of live stock an animal pro ducts from countrlejt where mnial.,iia ,dlaeea exist; inspection of meakt and ii nn tiuiu mpiKu, iraitiiun or Amer 'rn "va stock owners and rachmen In Mexico; live stock conditions In foreign bavrr ' countries; destruction of predatory an- ... Long tct'lmals; exports and import a of live stock Green nd rn"ts; meat inspatction law: prohlbl- iita 11a aria wtwainuars onnai , urauvu teitts latlon; resporta of offtcera and stantung Us Th Bee' "Swapper" column. tallraavaa 1st Maw aisle. . BOSTON, Masa. Nov. 17. "Th pall roads of the country, from being a peril and a corruptive force tn politics have now become the helpless eubleols of gov ernment communions and too often their Mt-tuns," t'ultttd states Senator Henry Cabot Lodg said today. ROSES! I 1 u J ( ) r AMS tOME PREXIE TIP MAKES DEAL WITH MOGULS Ed Hanlon Says O'Neill Resigned Western Loop Presidency After Compromise Was Effected. DETAILS ARE "IITSIDE STUFF' Ed Hanlon. owner of the Sioux City club and acting pres'dent of the West ern league, and Frank C. Zehrung, president-elect of the leag e. rret in Oinaht Wednesday to make preliminary arrange ment for Zehrung to take up the affair of executive of the loop. Zehrung becomes the active head of the circuit January 1. Until that time Han lon will continue a the acting head. Th election of the Brandels theater manager waa unanimous, according to Hanlon, both Isbell and Holland, who favored retaining O'Neill voting for hlra when they found Tip's case was hopeless. Hanlon brings back word from the San Francisco meeting that O'Neill re Uned. "Didn't he demand his salary for 191H?" Hanlon wa asked. "He did when he first came out," said the Sioux magnate, more or less evas ively. "Why tha sudden change of heart after the declarations of war,' continual the Interviewer. Comprnanlae Effected. "Well," saldV Hanlon. "w compromised with him. That, of course, is Inside stuff and I couldn't give It out." Just what the compromise was there fore remain uncertain. It is thought, however, that O'Neill did not get his salary as he originally demanded as th Insurgent magnates. Including Hani n. vigorously declared before they went to the coast that no such concession would be made to Tip. That Tip lost heart and came to easy terms when the creden tial committee gave Pa Rourke th West ern league seat on the convention floor Instead of O'Neill, Is th general belief. la th future there 1U be eight direc tor of th league Instead of three. Bach magnate In the loop will be a director. This last action was taken at the special meeting In San Francisco In order, to appeas Isbell and Holland, who were frossn off th board at the Omaha meet ing and who put up a lusty howl as a result. Not Acquainted Yet. It will be a case of the magnate lie lag Introduced to the president they have Just elected when they hold th meeting tn Lincoln the first of th year. Only two of th club owner before yesterday had ever met Mr. Zehrung, Owner Jone of Lincoln and Pa Rourke of thl town. It was a case of Mr. Zehrung beng In troduced to Hanlon when they met at th Fontenell laat night. But this will not make any difference In handling tha league' business, for Zehrung Is )ery much Interested in the success of ths league and probably will make a visit to each of th town repre sented before the season starts to liven up Interest tn ths Western. "I have no policy except trying to get everybody to attend the games," sa'd ha last night. "That will be my aim and I see no reason why the public, which al ways likes good ball, should not continue to patronise It when it la provided. We have just gone through an unfavorable season, but with conditions different there Is no good reason why the attend ance should not reach the old marks." Nothing hss yet been said by the mag nates about the length of th playing season. It Is quits possible th meeting New Overcoat Arrivals "We have just received some nobby Young Men's Overcoats like this il lustration. Box backs, patch pock ets, velvet collars, 42 inches in length and in handsome novelty patterns. They are,a very dressy coat for young men and are very at- t r flOA tractively priced at tjlO-ipiCsU Cooper's Ribbed Under- Ji or wear, $2.00 value pi3D This is a high grade, closed crotch union suit. Splendid fitting, ,heavy ribbed cotton garment. Just the weight for winter. Every one knows what the Cooper quality is. We of fer the $2 garment this week for $1.35. at Lincoln January 1 wlllbe aachedule meeting. Hanlon Is In favor of this If the others are agreeable. Penrose Says He Did Not Authorize Report His Hat is in Ring DENTON, Tex., Nov. 18. Boles Pen roe, I'nlted States senator from Penn sylvania, made the ftillowing statement today about reports last night from San Antonio, Tex., that he would shortly an nounce his candidacy for the republl- can nomination for the presidency. "I have been mentioned for the presi dential nomination next year, but there is no authority from me for the state ment from San Antonio laM night that my announcement is shortly to be made. As a matter of fact, there are no candi dates for the republican nomination yet. other than the complimentary votes and boosts for the favorite sons and for neighboring states' favorite sons, and the probability now Is that the question of a nominee will be quite unsolved until the convention baa acted. "Rome of the greatest republican presi dents hava been of such convention nominations. Lincoln, Grant and Hayes, not to mention tho others, hav been li this class." Senator Penrose was here for a few minutes during the passage of th.3 Liberty bell today. Auditorium Ready for Shrine Work Ths Auditorium Is all set for the Shrint ceremonial that will be held there today, the members of Tangier Temple officiat ing. Shrino mechanism and Instruments of torture were installed this afternoon, and the first floor has every appearance of a well-regulated Shrine lodge room. At 10:30 o'clock the ceremonial will be gin with the Initiation of mor than 10) candidates, men who have taken the Scottish Rite degree during th Masonlo meeting that has been held here this week. The Initiation will continue all day, with a short breathing spell for luncheon at noon. The secret work will be concluded late In the afternoon and at 530 o'clock a banquet will be spread. Following thl and In the Auditorium there wll be a muslral and literary en entertalnment, -concluding with a dancn later In the evening. Chamberlain's toagh Remedy lloat Effect aal. "X have taken a great many bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ani every time It has cured me. I have found It most effectual for a hacking cough and for colds. After taking it it cough always disappears," write J. R. Moore, Lost Valley, Ga. Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement Genung Funeral Largely Attended GLEN WOOD. Ia., Nov. IS. (Special.) Many prominent men and women from n distance joined the home friend and neighbor at th funeral of Hon. L. T. Genung, which wa held at the family residence here yesterday morning. Rev. Mr. Stevenson of the Methodist Episcopal church conducted the service. An address waa delivered by Hon. John J. Stone the man of all other who knew Mr. Ge nung best.