THK HEE: OMAHA, FHIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 11 FOR KF.XT t'ffrntheil llunme. TWO 1,11 modern housekeeping rooms IT:'; ,lnrknn F"H KKNT-one r om to gei.thmnn. i i strictly modern private h me, cl ee In; re fcrences. Phnn Tylrr r.'T. KtM'NTZE PLACE private !mm; suit able 1 or 2; board optional. Webster f;6S. NICKI.Y fiirninheft rwim for refined gen- tleman In strict I v private modern Ii omo. JSn Deer lark Hlvd. Tyler JM2-W 9W6 PACIFIC Delightful, roiy. home like roonn, fnp business men; rt'iitly modorn and newly furnished. Home privilege and reasonable rates to rlht parties. Oil Harney Rj19. FOR RENT Dec. 1 iatgeTtirnlshed room; nrlvate hath: Inn?, r'o hno izood reference. Well loea'el. 1 1 1 -fK j I nfur-i" ' " i ' iiiii, i ONE or 2 unfurnished rooms, strictly mod- j em; parties without children. D. 4302. 1 llfnweke'ilr w fctnuiiia. ; TWO t'NFfRNISHFK room! for light hou'ekecpinsc, on first floor, with ti I vate entrance; partly modern. Call Col fax i'9. FOR RKXT-Strlctlv modern, newly fur nished rm.-. heat firn.: private. H. iW. Iluuira nnil (.Ottawa. nrtk. :-?EVKN rooms and hath, nil modern. 2-.24 Manderson St. Web. 32ft. MX-ROOM house, modern. 3J N. &ld. fj? Colfax 3.'T2. FOR RKNT-5 rms., furnished, electrt lleht, hent and krs. 27ifl N. Ave. 6 KihiMS. newly decorated, aood loca tion, nrar car: special Inducements to desirable tenant. Phone Webster 3779. FINB 7-room house, 2.d nod Evans Ste., with good parage; tent. f W. S. FRANK. Dour. StVX). '.n; Neville Rlk. SIX-R'H'M col'iiue nodi i ll except heat, 2"IS X". 19th St. Rhone Webster ?,;:i. KI VI'.-ROi .t house, nc.irly new. modern except furnace, only fr.t. Call Col. 1096. R EN ' r K i Tl ; EFt i R T WO WEEK 8-Nlc elKht-rocm house; newly decorated; modern except hcai; il rm windows and doors; price reduced to $1S. Web. 5060. fOR SM XTTT FA Alii rYliTi tire upstairs of fesidence; 3 nice larse rooms and bath: moderti except heat; clean and rnmfonsble: I'd. Web. f-ROOM Cottage- mod. I".11 S. IMst. H. -QJi.. WALKING distant. 0:iS Dodge, 8-room, modern, $25; key, 2840; call Web. 487S. Rent Reduced Nlr 8-room houie. modern except heat; storm windows; arranged for two fami lies if ao desired; rent 12. till Corby tit. Tel. Web. 72. 2407 Binney, 6-r. bin k flat. Web. 731. 7 ROOMS. 24J7 Churlcs, $!!. Wal. :... 140S EM .MKT, 6-r. coltane. W. 1i"i! FOR RENT 5-room, new, modern, ui-to-date biick flat. 2i;t0 Willows Ave. Kent 2S. Tel. P. 1S3". Bonth. COTTAGES. TrV-U SOUTH 20TH AVE. $14 RKR MONTH. Two 7-room houses, S. W. corner 33d Bnd Howard. These houses have been "very completely remodeled; new fur naces, combination liKht fixtures, hard wood floors, new paper In every room and closet. Summer porch, screened In; In fact every comfort, $30. AI-FRKD THOMAS 308 1st Nat. Bank. l'ANDY mod. t-r. cottane; larne yard; Iron fence; on 24th car line; splendid lo cation; new k.ih alove; electric lights; HMO. 1411 R I4th. FOR RENT New, mod. 6-room house and sleeping porch, full basement, east front, excel lent neighborhood, close to car Hue. fcouth 7t. bTHiCTlV modern, 7-r., Hanacom Tark, cotlnige, oak floors. $2fi. Tel. Har. 4229. 7-ItOc.M. modern, :'!bi 1'oppleton Ave. MoDEKN 7-room house. JM9 Park, Av., $3. Phone Harney 16". 627 TARK AVE. 9-room mod. home, $36; Karaite extra. Carey Cleaning; Co. H. 7307. 6-ROOM cottage. Ill S. 2Mb. St., $1& Water paid. ALL modern, fine repair, 8-r. ; $30 B. 29th St., near Mason. to08 N. 28th Ave., 6-room houae, $10. Stores, moves, packs, ships; S-horse van and 2 men, $1.25 per hr. ; storage $3 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 & Ty. 230. M lacellaneoaa. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; $-horss vaa and 2 men, II. !c per hr.; atoraca $2 ir nv. Katlsiailon guar. D. 4338 tt Ty. iM. Gordon Van CaSS Storase. tl N. llth St. Tel D m or Har. 1MT. 2-U S. 3Ski St., rooms and bath 3V05 Franklin St., 6 rooms and bath. 3'7 Franklin Pt , 5 rooina and hath. PHONE DOUGLAS 2M. MOO, 5-r. cottage, full basement, reason able to adults. 1947 8. 2th. Har. 46o4. SEE the Central Furniture Store's FREH RENTAL, MKT. Magganfs Ing, pacMit, shipping. Eougas 14MS. an and Storage Co. Call ua for es timates (or mov 1711 Webster St. (-ROOM cottage, partly modern; good condition, $16.00. 4J3 N. 84tl. H. 2781. Pbone Douglas KS for complete list of vacant houses and apartmems: also for storage, moving. 10th and Jackson r1 BURDETTE. 2226, 6-room house wlfto bath and furnace, $30. Call Web. 464. WANTED Tq buy on niouthly payments, small store room, with living looms sbove, In Central school district. Phone Red 7K54. H.-msou Crelgh Sons & Co., Bee Bid. J I T) J Kxp. Ce. moving, .L.KGGQ packing i storage, "N-,1-VVVV-1 ;j.,7 r',mtra 1. !. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE SEPAKA'i'E, locked roumu, for house hold goods and planus, muting, pauklug ana snipping. OMAliA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. ft S. Ulth St. Doug. 41o3. $25.00 6 ROOMS, strictly modern; nice. homelike place; fine yard; 3M0 Frank lin St. $3f.00 6 rooms; strictly modern cottage; paved street; practically new houae; 1411 bherwood Ave. SCOTT AND HILL CO. Douglus 10u9. 114 8. BTH, 7-r all mod. house, newly papered and painted; cloae. In; $26. 2216 N. 27th, 6-r. cot., nn.d. ex. heat, $15. 3i.l6 8. l"lh, 6-r. cottuKe. pail mod., $lu. 53u6 N. lMh, 6-r., not modern, $IS. RASP BROS. DoUKias W.3. lores asd Ofliees. FOR RENT OR LEASE. At 714 South 13th St., Omaha, cold stor age rooms appi'ox.niatcly 4uxl20 feet, cooled with Ice, ruilwuy siding for two ears, suliable for fruit, veKetablea, beer, meats, butter. Cheap. R. Walter, phon.e 257 or 336 beuton St.. Council Bluffs. o WANTED TO UL V SLIGHTLY used roil tup aenk, not less than 64 Inched Ions, l'refer new oak sanitary type, gJod make. Also flat top deek or table and chairs, tiive beat cuali price and deecriptlo l. Address C 4-".', Bce. GOOD 6 cr 6 room, well located, clear houae, around $j,jou. 1'ay for U in clear lots. I'o f.ix 4 3 WE ray Chicago prices for aluminum scrau "istii,Kt Paxtou-Mitchfll Cu. f.ttiitlv tilvh Kiade piano. Web. 3T2. Yaie nuyj e i-ythlng 2d hand. VVeu l4. W A NT ED Second-hand lpMthvr initio any size or quantity. Leather Preserver Co.. 642 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chkago. 111. REAL ESTATE FARM Jt RANCH LANDS FOR HALE Ut, FOR SALE or exchange, my H OuO equity In a 163-acre, easletn Iowa farm. First class Improved land, iy properly or stock of gocds. For paruculaxs address Box 412. Wstertown, S. i. MISSMStt. 10 ACRES. Meeker county, Minnesota; I'M under cultivation: clay loam soil: balance har meadow and pasture; good buildings; $70 per acre- easy termu. Au gust Leoson, Ii. t, Litchfield. Minn. rsT iTE smraaAx )H(H. STUDY THE CIRCLES pmm? ' BENSO , c fNSDUNDEE CrUNDEE 3 MILES iX ' I (MR) l lNVbccr. FROM BUSINESS CENTER li W- ACfESJ ""' " ' MINUTES BY STREET CARj 1 1 . Ltf JeJuRNAn sr. lihcqlw O W,Jm $25 Cash, $10 to $14 a Month for a Few Lots in Dundee's Newest Addition Dundee's Newest Addition placotl on tho market only a few weeks ago. EIGHT now houses already started. No better time to select your lot and plan that new house. ALL LOTS ON OR NEAR. STREET CAR. This new addition, between 49th and 53d and Dodge and Howard Streets, will interest ,you, whether yon want to buy or not. Secure our prices and compare them with prices in other residence districts. Phone Douglas 756. REAL ESTATE FARM A RAM H LAftJJH FOR SALFJ" HIbsmsIs, 40. M or 100 acres good heavy soil, well settled part of Todd county, Minn.; food roada. schools and churches. Price, IS to W per acre. Terms. 1 per acre cash, balance tl per acre a year; i,(M) acres to select from. Schwab Bros., ilUt Plymouth Rids;.. Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska. FOR AII 640 acres, miles from Klm- oau. Neb. ; near railroad station; iiz.du per acre. Will consider Omaha (clear) residence property In part payment. Ad dress L. Bee office. South Omaha. DIRT CHEAP My 240-a. farm. 31 miles rrora Kimball, 3,ouo In Improvements; school on farm; 1JO per acre If sold within 90 days. R. D. Wilson. Kimball, Neb. eiT lork. NEW YORK FARMS FOR SALE RENTER. DON'T BLAME FAILURE IN LIFE TO LACK OF OP PORTUNITIES. Hera Is one today, waiting for you to grasp. 48-acre farm, new house and barn, orchard, woods, village and summer re sort, i mile byraouse, state macad. road all the way. Price, Jl.SuO; $600 cash. $100 ytTHf3 BAROAIN OFFSET'S ALL, EX PENSES AND LEAVES A HANDSOME PROFIT. as-acre fruit farm that turn off $1,00 yearly. Prioe. U.400. WHY TRAVEL, ABOUT LOOKING FXJR BUSINESS? luO-acre farm; buildings worth 19,000. Price. $6,000; $800 cash. $2U yearly. Writ for photos. ft. Ii. fare one way to purchaser. E. Munson, 2424 8. Sallna 6t., Syracuse. N. T. FOR SALE Fruit farm 1 acres; 26 acres bearing apples, pears, peaches. cherries, plums and grapes; best fruit county in N. x. price. iiA.uuu, wua stock and tools. WILLIAM C. METCALF, Wayne Oo. Clyde, New York. o Wlseeasla. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dalrr and general crop state In the union; settlors wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet S4 on Wiscon sin Central I and Orant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lands aRk for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept.. 8o I.lne Railway. M nnentoll. Minn. Miscellaneous. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR 8ALET Write a good Jescrlptton of your land and send it to the Sioux City. (la.) Jour nal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Bunday for one month, giving sin teen adg on twelve dif ferent days for ii; or to words, $4, or 76 words. 16. largest rlrculatlon of any Iowa news psper. 250.000 readers dally In four great slates. FARMS WANTED DAIRY farro for rent. About 400 acres. Two miles from Council Fslufrs. One of tho best dairy farms tn the country. $T per acre. Apply to George V Clark, 18 Pearl St. Phone 174. Council Bluffs. U. REAL ESTATE LOAN'S. fl'4 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. Uih & Farnara Eta CITY and farm loans, 6, 64. per cenL J. H. Dumont A Co., 41S Slate Bank. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture into cash. WANTED Good farm and city loans at lowest rates. PETERS TRUST CO.. 183 Famam. 6 A.M for loans on best class city residences in amounts ii t up, also farm loans Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRI 'ST CO . 1622 Farnam St. CITY property. Large loans a spe llT7. W. H. Thomas, State Bank Bhlg. OMAHA homes" East Vebraska farina O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. 101 Omaha National. Phone Douxlas fT15. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans H. W. Binder. City National bank Bldg. (CITY UUNH. C. O. Carlberg. Hf u U Brnde Theater Bld. r reaij estate si ni Rnix Dandre, i SOUTH OriAKA. George & Company REAL ESTATE NORTH sIDB CONTRACTOR'S SALE . Am going- south, must sell, my new 7 'room home, beautifully finished: 4 clear lota well located, 1 mortage. Price no object, but must be all cash: also Mitchell 1 special auto In fine condition, furniture. paint, lumber, everytning goes. PHONE COLFAX 4193. 1824 SAHLER, BUNGALOW New, 4-roora, bath, electrio lights and gas; corner lot, t blocks from car; $100 down, $26 a month. Douglas 7392. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Must Be Sold $3,300 House for $2,650 This five-room, all modern, nearlv new cottage Is located In the south part of city juat off the Deer Park boulevard. Dandy big lot and nice homes on all sides. You must see this place to appre ciate it and we will be glad to show you any lime. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Oiuuiiu .Sat. Halm uiug. lei. li. ijH. WILL TAKE $300 CASH as first payment on brand new (-room houae, two bedrooms and bath on 2d floor; oak fin. ah, Dutch window, all mod ern, cement basement and walks, east front lot, nicely sodded; close to school and a little west of Hanscom Dark. Price $3,000. Located 2332 S. lAh Ave. C. O. CARLBERG, Sit Brandnls Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATK INVESTMENTS Investment Oppor tunity $29,000 Well Located Apartment LOCATION East front corner lot, close In and easy walking din lance; lo cated where ground values will surely In crease. CONSTRUCTION First class In every way, with guaranteed heating and plumb, ing of the beat; entire building Is as near fireproof as possible. TENANTS High class tenants; with no loss of rent, always a waiting list. PRFCF5$a.0im, $Vi0 cash required. INCOME Better than 10 per cent net. This is a new building and a high class Investment property, In a location that assures exoellent returns and a safe in come for all time. Full information at our office If In terested. Glover & Spain Doug. SM2. ll City National. For Two Days Wa offer 50 ft. on Farnam near 20th for $48,000. Act quickly. Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATEWEST SIDE FOR SALEOTtliENT NEAR 29TH AND FARNAM STS. Seven-room bouee, not new, but in good repsir; fully modern; lot alone worth It.ouo; will mske a fine, close-In home for someone. WANT AN OFFER. Cen make easy terms, or will consider lot or inui i gsge paper or smaller house as part pay ment, or will rent. RASP BROS., Ka'McCague Bldg. Douglas Pi3. Hi: U, ESTATE SITU KHAN Paved Streets, Sewers, Sidewalks, Water, Gas, Ornamental Lights City National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE WEST HIDE EJUHT blocks from the car, In Benson, Just outside oily, where taxes are low and where one oan pasture cow free and ralne chickens on free range and cut down the high cost of living, 6-r., (nearly new), lVfc-etury cottage, wltn large pan try, closets and store room; 100-barrel fil tered cistern, with pump in kitchen, con nected to cesspool: electric light anil tele phone: large chicken house, wired run, big lied of strawberries; all kinds of extra selected fruit, shrubbery and shade trees; t full lots; near school, churches and stores. An Ideal place for family desiring to live in the country and at the same time enjoy all city conveniences, except high taxes. Prloe, I2.DO0; (100 down. $16 month. Owner, 6206 McKltiley St., Ben son. Phone Benson 681. BA.Mt UTAIKMKMI. NO. 2775 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE JHK1K HANTS. NATIONAL UANK, at Omaha, In the stste of Nebrac st the close of business on November lu, 1915: it P. HO U RUES. Ixians and discounts Overdrafts .$4,766,040.79 . U 151. 16 U. S. bonds: U. H. Iono deposited to secure circula tion (par value). ...$ 2S0.00O.O0 V. S. bonds pledged to secure U. S. do poslta (par value).. 80,000.00 Total U. 8. bonds Bonds, securities, etc: Bonds other than II. H. bonds pledged to secure postal sav ings; deposits 38,000.00 Securities other than U. 8. bonds (not 1 n e I udlnv stocks) owned unpledged... 64.A42.M Total bonds, securities, etc. Subscription to stock of Fed eral Reserve bank, less amount unpaid Value of banking house Net amount due from Federal Re serve bank 143,526.28 Net amount due from approved re serve agents 1,786,024.72 Net amount due from other banks and bankers 1,391,076.96 Exchangee for clear ing houae 147,669.36 Other checks on banks In the same city as reporting bank 23,479.04 OutHlde checks and other caah Item.. 63,496.63 Fractional currency, nickels and cents.. 2,013.40 Notes of other na tional banks 47.310.00 Federal reserve notes 2&,juau0 Coin and certificates 610,278 00 lieal tender notes. 72,00,OuO Redemption fund with L. 8. treas urer (not more than 6 per cent on circu 830,000.00 92.642.86 80,000.00 Uu.0u0.00 lation) 12,600.00 4,229,17.17 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In Surplus fund , Undivided profits. la current expenses, interest and taxes paid Circulstlng notes outstanding... Due to banks and bankers $2,023,92.31 Dlviduiid unpsld 37100 Individual deposits subject to check... 4.612.3S2.S8 Certificates of de posit due In less than thirty days... 267.278 90 Certified checks Cannier a checks out standing 136,926.11 I'nlied States de- , Plts 73,949 B Postal savings de- - noslis 36.63404 Time certificates of $9,609,002.08 Soft 000 Afl doo.ooO.oo 8X3.822 &0.OUO.UU deposit p a y a b arter thirty or more days 723,141.42 7.976.179.69 Total $9.-.00t 08 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss: I. Fred I. Hamilton, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly awe a that the above atatement la true to tlfo best of my knowledge and belief. F. P. HAMILTON, Connect Attest- Cashier. LUTHER DRAKE, FRANK T HAMILTON. . HA M ROIJKKS. u , ,, , . Ilraotora. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Utti oay of November, 1916 B H. WOOIV Notary i'ubjc. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Receipt Are Good and Oenveral Ad vance in AH Cereals Mtrki Day' Trading. WHEAT IS ONE CENT HIGHER OMAHA. November 1., tl. Tim receipt of all grains were good today and there was a general advance In nil iii .i k' in The laxlt demand for wheat wn unite active, some grades of thle cereal aeillnii at unchsnNed irlcca. but tne bu.k ol th. sales were timdc. at an advance o( Ic per biinhel. t'o-;i i"-rc r.inacd from tc to o hiht'i. Tin re hmk i-on,:.,irrMhU' ltniroe nieui m the net , pis of this and the cash ilem.ind a od (at. followed Torn and wheat In the advance and sold from unchanged to 'ti higher. The re.-elpts of rye were ft od. but those of bailey were unimportant, 'loth of these limi ne! remained pntcth all unrhan ;. and there wore very f-'v salea of either of these cereals "cportcd. t leai'itnce. were: N heal and fl'ur et)ual to 2.(a.(itio on.; corn, 61,0 0 bu.; oa'a. ",.( bu. 1. vet pool close: Wheat, VtiTld lowt-r, com. '.ftr;l lower 1'llniHiy wheal receipts were t.Sdi.tW htl. and shlpint tils wl.'Mt bu.. ngnlitl receipts of 2. ifkf.nn Ini. and shlptmnls of I.Ml,i bu. lust year. Primary c rn receipts were .'64.H bu. and shlpmenta L'4-.4 ru . ngalnsl receipts of T.M.iOi bu. and shtpmonis of SSIl.niu bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were KR4.0O1 hu. snl shliments 1.404. iV bu , acainst re celpts of till. don bu. and shipments of !'!4. 0w bu. lust year. CAIUiT RF.CE1PTS. h -at. Coin, tists. Rye. Chlcapo ifi IKS 1!4 M .nnenpolts 363 Iniluth ,...o7 Omaha 69 36 2 11 Kan.oas Cltv C4S 31 St I ills 1.14 36 11 Innlpeg U'H These sale were reported today: Wheat: No. t hard winter, 1 car, $100. No. 8 hard winter; 1 car, PKc; I car, .'V; 8 care. !7c; (-Rr, 96 V, 1 car. 9Sc; 1 car, ft'V-; 2 ears. 9tc. No. 4 hard winter: I car. 6c; I car. 96c; 1 2-6 cars. (He, I car. fl'v: ; rars Kit-; i ,-ar. 2c; I car. 91 o ; 2 cars, 91 1 ; 6 cars. 9ftc; 3 cars. 89c; 5 cTTra. Me; 1 car, tCc. Hample: 1 car, ; 1 car, Mt ; 1 ear iscreeninasi, 61a. No. 4 spring: 1 car Wic. No. 8 mixed: 1 car, 1 car. C.V. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, IWc; I car, 8?e. No. I durum: 1 oar, 96c. No. I durum: 6 3-6 oars, 96o, No. 3 durum: 1 car, 9i'.4; 136 cars. 96o. Rye: No. 2: I cara 9lc; 18-5 cans, 9tMo; No. a: I rare. t"c; 1 car. K9c; 1 car. WiCo. No. 4: I cars. 87r. Sample: 1 ear, Kio. Oirn: No. 1 white: 4V, cars. SJtv No. I yellow: 1 car, 4'c; I car. 64o. No. 8 yellow: 1 oar, 4c; 14 cars, MVtjo. No. 6 yellow: 1 car (new), ' V. No. i mixed: 1 car. 24o; 1 cars, tuo. No. 8 mixed: V ear (near yellow), i.'I4c; 1 car (near yellow), SVr; 1 rar, 62iv: 1 car 2c. No. 4 mixed: 1 ear mew). f.8c. No. 6 mixed: 1 oar. 63c. rj mixed: 1 car. 63c. Oats; No. 8 white! 1 car. 36c. standard: 1 car, 3P4c. No. 8 white: 8 cars, HTi ; 8 rare. 84c: 7 8-6 cars. 344c No. 4 white: 1 car, 34V4C,; 3 cars. ,S4o. Sample: 1 car, 82So; 1 ear. 3-Y; 1 car, 31V- 2-5 car, Slo. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. i tur key, li.omfri.ol: No, 8 turkey, Ho(?t11.00; No. 2 hard 97cj !.(: No. 2 hard. 44fr; No 4 hard, (t?tff'"V. No. 2 spring, 0tiJ Jl 00; No. 8 spring. 94lritc: No. 2 durum, 9f4'fl'c.; No. 3 durum, 9.'46le : sample, 6hufi. Corn: No. t white, iJt62o; Na o wnite. tiitj'aniY ino. white, mjjMV; No. 6 white. nifinir; No. 6 white, floStf lc; No. 2 yellow, 64M4V.c: No I yellow, MVoMc; No. 4 yellow, 6.1V4ifW3r; No. 5 JeUow. 63ii3Vc; No. 6 vellow. 6iig6Uc; No. mixed. KitfaV"; No. 8 mixed, 61Sf 624e; No. 4 mixed, 14'iWc; No. 6 VA-Tmy-iav, 1 t,. W, D1SH:M(.; Oats: No. 2 white, SBHOflRc; standatd. S"." S54c; No. 8 white. S4'7Uc: No 4 white, 34(1340. Barley: MaJting. RS(ff67o; No. 1 foa AfjRtJln II ... V 4 C ... 7. . 1 . X- . Chicago closing prices furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 816 South Sixteenth. Omaha: Articlel Open. Hh. Low. Close. I Yea' v. Wheat Dec. May. 1 -MaiHl 1 VJ 1 OJhIi 0644 1 m 1 u. 1 O&HVs 1 W'A 61 Vi' 1 (4,1 0rt4' (.orn Deo. 60 6344 61V4A May. 634 -4 V 60 A SRTfcA 404A tu'e 38 14 89 ! 14 M 16 674 oats Dec . May. Pork Dec. Jan. Lard Jan.. May. Ribs Jan.. May. 8XV4 SHU 401 40 V 14 F4) 14 TO 16 80 9 20 9 40 14 M) 14 Kf 16 67 16 624 16 724, 9 10 9 07410 9 174J9 10C US 9 274 9 86 9 i74 9 15 9 17' 9 17H 9 3241 9 074 17ti 9 124 9 274 9 27419 80tKi2' A Asked. rillCAUO GRAIN AND PltOVlBlONS Features of (be Trading; and Cloelag Prices on Board of Trade ri r rr A nr. x?AU . . . 1 -.' ...-.v., ,-.'. , 1. rt ,nr 1 null. Iliai steps being taken by foreign governments U .... I I I .. -I ... ' J . . . .. . , . ' .uuui a, reuuciion u l ireigm rstes on the ocesn gave decided strenslh today to the wheat market here. Prices closed strong. 14c to lVulc net higher, with eceniber at $1.06SiQ'l.4 end May at $1.074131.074. Corn gained lo to 14a and oats c. In provlHions the outcome was on hanged to 74c higher. W heat had an upward slant almost con tinuously throughout the day. Gossip was current that the British and Italian governments had assumed virtual direct control of all freight vessels belonging to cltliens of Great Britain or of Italy. Such a move was generally regarded by the wheat trade as meaning an end to private combinations to hoist rates and as an effective method to diminish the cost of getting foodstulfs to Europe. The consequence was to stimulate bull Isft sentiment, especially after traders (minted out that when lake navigation was ended It might he impossible to for ward by rail to the seaboard enough Canadian wheat to supply urgent Eu ropean demands. Wet weather north and oer the winter crop region as well drew attention to reports of the comparative scantiness of country marketings of wheat. Prospects were for a decreased movement, as rural holdings were appar ently becoming more and more pro nounced, but a general freese and result ing good highways were being relied on by the bears as likely to enlarge de liveries. Corn rose with wheat and as a result of unfavorable conditions for curing and shipping, besides, foreigners were said to have been buyers here of the Decem ber option. In oats the main bullish In fluence was the strength of other grain, fair amounts n ( n i . ...t n .1. . of to the seaboard. provviona responded slowly to an up turn n the price of hogs. The best de mnd was for lard. Chicago Cash Price Wheat : No 2 red. $1.11; No. 3 red. $l.n&irl.lo4; No. 3 hard, nominal; No. 3 hard, 98c'(jl.fl6. Corn: No. 2 yellow, old, 66'(pe; No 4 yellow, new, 644iiOc; No. 4 white, new. f-KuMMrt Oats: No. 8 white. Solttwto; standard. Sf-tATfc.. H- N'n nal; No. $, 9.V Barley: fATfUM. Timothy: 9f..nor(r 00. (lover: $l0fty.(i 50 Pork: 14 4S jrd: WW. Ribs: 3l0.(Kff 1060. BUTT EH Steady; creamery, 2344eJ04c E'lOS Ijower; receipts. 2 674 cases firsts, t; ordinary firsts, '4I74c; at mark, rases Included, jnfj-IWe. POTATOES Higher; receipts. 30 cars; NMchlgsn end WIconsln whites, Whic: Minnesota and Dakota whites 67Hic; Minnesota nnd Dakota Ohlos, tSSffior POULTRY Alive, lower; fowls, 8'jll4c- REAL ESTATE MlW'liitJxAVEOlJS HAVE about ' city lota in growing cltv In Wyoming. Will trade for real estste near or in Omaha. Make an offer. Address M-414, care Bee. LEGAL NOTICES Notice is hereby given that sesled pro posals will lie received by the Board of Directors of the Short Line Irrigation District at their office In the Village of Bayard, Neb., for the purchase of flf l..n thousand five hundred ainkiu . dollars face value of the 6 per cent serial bonds of said district until 1 as o'clock p. m. on the 7th day of December 1916; said bonds are Issued under ajid bv virtue of an Act of the legislature of the stste of Nebraska, approved March 26th 1j6, Session ui into, chspter 70 and all amendments thereto and pursuant to a vote of the majority of the qualified eleo. tors of aald district. The Board sxpreMiy reserves the right to reject any and all I, Id. and will In no event sell anv of ...... bonds for less than ninety-live pr Mnt of the face value thereof. By order of (Signed) CATHERINE ROBERTS Secretary Short Line Irrigation District springs, lie: turkeys, old. 16c; young, lift 1C 8K KIRK (1KNK.RAI. MARKET Qnotatloas of the Day on Vartoaa C'ommorlltles. NEW YORK, Nov. IR.-FLOUR Firm. WHKAT-SKt. firm, No. 1 durum. $1 MS, f . n. b , New York; No. 1 northern, Iniluth $1 o!A, and No 1 northern, Mani toba, $112. c. I. f, Buffalo. Ftituies, firm; liecemlier. 81 124 CORN Spot, steady. No. 1 yellow, 7..V pr t OATS-Ppot, firmer; No. 8 white, 41tf : . MAY Steadv; prime. $1..TJ4; No. 1. $1 80; No 81 No S fl(,""ii: shlxnln. IIOP8 -yulet ; Ktate common to choice, V.(., 21n:v; I 1 4. ,111.1 I'acitc co:im. I'.u.i. l:'o ' ft! h ti r.v, HIIiKj tjulet; I'oKOta. :tof,sir; Central Antcrlca, rvc. I.iCATIU.R-Firm, hemlock firsts. 34c, seconds, .ti'i.Wc. I'Rt 18IONS - l-oi k. steadv: mess. $17.ftifli; 6; fainllv, $?7 (IiL'J Vv ihort fliers. ( l'.eef. nviet; nvnn, Ilii.Soi; fainllv, $i tri(t 'm. ,rd, firm; middle west. $:t .: n i :,v TAl.t)V-8teady; cltv, 7Vc; country, 71 74c; fti-etlal. He . RUTTEH-FIrm; receipt s, 4.4'.'4 tubs; creamerx extras. 3 Vu .Vc ; firsts, 274tir ;iOt. ; stM-ontls. '3iV'.c. IXIC.S- I rregular; receipts. 6.4!J cases: frrtdi iiathered extra fine, 4fi4V: extra flints. 4'"ii4:r; flrata, 35r!c; seconds, 2X'Ji tc CIIEFSK-- Finn; receipts, 1.148 esses. Hate, whole milk, tints held. siecals, 16'jc; state, whole milk avernse fajicy, IR ! 1Vr ; state, whole milk, current make, siH'clnls. i,v,iflc; stste, whole milk, aver aue fanc, li'.tfC. POULTI! V-1 'reused. firm: western fresh chickens, barrels. lRirSSr, fresh fowls. Iced. 13nil7c; frosen turkeys. tt yip. Alive, steatl: western cttlckens, lfo; fowls, 13V"'II"-'; turkeys, lliwkv Kenans 4 My fire In anil Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 18-WHEAT No. 2 hard.;; N. 2 red. H lOnlU; Deeemher. '.'c; May. $1 0:4. CORN No. 2 mixed, ; No. 2 while, Ri'iTiifc: December. rt7c; May. lc, OATS-No 3 white, S7ti374c. No. 1 ndted. .'"iV.c. Ill TTHl -Creamery. SV; firsts. 2V; seconds. ?: packers. 19c. F. Ml t F1 ret a . :'4c; seconds. J2e. I'Ol'l.TRY- Hens, )l'o; young roosters. 12c; lu oilers IB--. . . . 1 Minneapolis 4rnln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 18 WHEAT December, $l .04; Ms v. SI OK Vu'l "3Tn; No. I hard. $1.07'.; No. 1 northern. $1.02 M 0f.. run n ( ncnancen. BARLEY iviihSJc R Y E - m-'W'.tjiv BRA N $17.7'(frlS 00 CCRNNo. 8 vellow. tUT!4c OATS No, 8 wh te. 84(S64o. SKED-Flsx. 82.0SVrW2 074. I St. t.nnls t.rnln Market. ST. 1A1UIS, Nov. 18.-JV"HEAT-No. I red, $1 1441.17; No. 2 hsnl. nominal; ie cember, $1 M; May, $1.0114. CORN No. 2, new. lc: old. 8?c; No. 2 white, new. 604(rlc: December. 6c; May, 4fiij2To. OATS No. 2. 30c; No. I white, nominal. Liverpool Unlit Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 1R.-WHEAT-Spo. No. 3 Manitoba, 12a 64: No. 8 lit 44d; No. 2 hard winter, old. lis 4l: No. 2. Chicago, new, lis 3d. CORN spot, la Plata, ss. I Newt York Money Market. NFW YORK Nov. 18. MERCANTILE PAPER 8iS4 per cent. STEHMNU EXCHANGE- Sixty - day Mils, $4.63M. demand. $4.6MK; rabies, $4.6!WV -SILVRH Bar. 614o: Mexican dollars, 394c BONIVt Oovernment. firm; railroad, stning. TIM HI LOANS Easy; sixty dsys. 24 per cent- ninety dsys, 243V per cent; six months 3 per cent. CALL MONEY Easy; high, t per cent; low, 14 per cent: ruling rate, IV per cent; laat loan, 2 per cent: closing bid, 1 per rent; pfferod at 2 per cent. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: V. 8. ret Is. res.... MI4-M0 rc ee. ta.... 41 do eounon n N. Y. C. sob. s....11iu V. S. m Imv-V. Y. OtT 4w l4k do coupon tol 14 N. T. Slstn 4m. .. Ill r. 8. 4a, rog 10SN. Y . N. II. at H. do roupon 119 ev. As JITtt Ptnama cowoa..iell4No. IMnlMs 4s Am. (Hnslttra Ill do Ml A T T. n. 4m..l07u,r) g L rr. 4s 4 Armour Oo. 4HS.. HUPlt. T. T. Att-htaos sn. 4s... Pal. ft Ohio 4s .... Vn. l"o1fin let..., -h' ft IH1I11 4UJS.. Hrnn. enn. 4Vis 11 M do nn 4Us.. ..Iffl 014 Heallii sn. 4s. M4 a.1 . I. ft a r. r. 4s 7IV4 H'iBo Per. tr is 1S7 O. ft O. I M s R P m 4..12 do rrf nw C. 'It. I. P. r. 4a M o Rstl loJi (' ft p. ret. 4Vta ststt'nlns Pttrtflo 4a S714 ll. A R. O. rt. ts.. n do etr 4. mis Rrls -n. 4 TVAtT. S Rubbsr Sj....lolw )n. nisetrlr ks lOM!'. B. HImI la 144 Ol No. lit 4U Xl' wrwi lie w imuj III. Osn. rat. . IIH'WM. I'nlos (HI .. s4 . (MtWwt. Klse. ev. Is. .in K. C. Bo. If. f.., 1. A N unl. 4s .., M K. ft T. 1st 4s. DU. H Anlo-Frorh Is .... S7K 0 Coffer Market. NEW YORK. Nov. IX. COFFEE-There was further scattering liquidation In the market for futures st the opening today and first prices were 74 po'nts lower. Offerings were less active around 6.67c for Mnrch and 678c for May, or some 80 to 40 points below the recent high level, however, and prices later rallied rather sharply on covering of shorts and a re newal of bull support, which seemed to be enooursged by rumors of less favor able new crop prospecta Trade interests were moderate sellers on the advance, which carried May up to 6.80c, but the market closed steady at a net gain of 6 to 12 points for the dsy. Bales. 40.(K) baga; November. 8.70cs; Deoemlier, .7o; January. February, March. 6.70c; April, 74c; May. 6.79c; June. 6.84o; July. $ 89o; August 6.94c; September, 6.99o; October, 7(4c. Bpot steady; Rio No. T. 74io; Bantoa No. 4. 940, Coat and freight offers were somewhat Irregular, quotations ranging from about 9.06o to 6.6o for Santos 4s. English credits, and from T.00C to 7 e for Rio 7s, American credits. The offlc'al cablea renorted a decline of l-82d In the rate of Rio exchange on Iondon, the RIo market unchanged and Santos 100 rets lower Minna Cits- IIt atork Market. RIOTTX CITY, la. Nor. 18.-CATTLJ0-Recelpta, 2,000 head; market stesdy. na tive steers 85.0Oif7.ft0: butchers, 84.6tVg TO: cows and heifers, $4 ffW.85; eanners. 83 60 (M 26: stockers and feeders, $6.7Mf 2-V, ra'ves, '$6.002.H; bulls, stags, etc, $4.00$ 6 1 0 IIOHH Receipts, 3.60 "head: market 1V rOe higher; besvy. t.30i4O; mlsed, 98 20 8 TO; light, 86.10.u6.20. bulk of sales, 1H..Q 6.8S. rfHErTP AND LAMBR-Reeeipts, 1600 head; market I'kSc higher; ewes, $4 0o1 6.1.; lambs, $7.0Oj.36. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 1 8. COTTON Spot, nulet: middling uplsnds, 11.76c; sales, 200 bales. , , Cotton futures opened steady: Decem ber, 11 46c; Jannarv, 11.60c; March. 11.86c; Mav. 1202c- July, 1209c. The market cloaed steady at a net ad vance of 6 to 14 volnts. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 13. COTTON-gpot, bsrely stesdy; good middling 7 0d; mld dl ng. 6 9)'.d. low middling, $.4d; sales. 12,0u0 balea. Mtork la Slaht. Pecelpla of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets: Cattle. Hnra Sheen South Omaha 2.901 4.WO 8 701 8t. Louis 8S10 Kansas City 8.VO Chicago 7,00 Hloux City 2.0 O Total receipts 18,900 49.700 23,400 t. Joseph Mt Stark Market. FT. JOSEPH. Nor. 18. CATTLE Re ceipts 2,t head; market slow; steers. 6 '; rows and heifers. $3.7699.00; calves. $6 60ttf9.00. HOGS Receipts. 6.SO0 head; market 10c higher; top. 87.60. bulk of sales, $6.2f4 6.46 8HEF.P AND LAMB9 Receipts. 4 000 head; market steady; lambs, $7.76ttf8.60. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov.18. METALS Lead offered at $5 36; spelter. $17 7tiHS.76; coo per firm; electrolytic. $19 25. Iron steady snd unchanged. Tin oulet. t41..-fl 2.u. At London: bpot copper,79 I64; futures 79 6a; electrol vtis, 4.94 IPs. Spot tin, 173 10s: fuurtea, 172 6s. Antimony. 136. Lead. 2 6s 3d. Hpelter,87. 7..VO 1.2m 6.'.t 4.010 2.oirt 14,noo 2.6110 1,600 ! Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 16. tUMAJt Raw. easy; centrifugal, 4.77c; molasses, 4.00c. Rellned. dull. Future opened steady on covering and a littl support from trad intei ems. lAt noon prices were 1 lo $ points higher. I i OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Some Eatier in Spot8 Lambs Strong to Ten Cents Higher. HOGS FULLY TEN CENTS HIGHER OMAHA, November IS. 1916. Receipts were; Cattle, lings. Bheen. Of Iclal Monday 10,S 14,.12 OfJI. tal Tin so.! v 7,-r.,1 t.h- 18.614 orflclnl Wednesday ... 6,478 4.34) II. pit) Emlniiile Thursdsy .... 2.900 4.Stn) 8.70) Four davs' totals 7.524 16.978 62.7W Pane tUo l-t.t week..4l l.:47 Same 2 weeks tun ; 14 310 M.0 Same ;i weeks ngo '.f.1'1 9-'4 80.5!t Heme 4 weeks ato 36 i6 16,4) ln3,.Vl fame das last year. . .12,ol9 26,)1 44,318 The follow-in tahlo sit.iws the receipts of rattle, hoax and sheep at the Omaha live stock 111:11 ki t for the vear to date, as compared with last year: lVo D14. Inc. Cattle 1.07SS.D 829.318 247,.;3t Hogs , 1.29 .! 1,9 WO 30S.642 vheep 2.976.4:: 2.87r.,67 9'.742 The following table shows the sveranti prices of hogs st the Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with com parlsons: Dat e. I 19I.V I 114.' "i;4 1 1!'I2 I Hdl l.liO. Nnvi Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov Nov, Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. IS'ov. 1.1 I 024.1 7 s; 7 7l 4 04, 6 101 7 87 7 91 7 72 7 7 6H 7 74 7 70 7 .1) 1 . 1 S 99 i. t fc4 4.1 6 8.'S. 7 10 7 09 7 11 7 35 7 3M 7 34; 1 (a 7 81 7 4.; 7 5.. 6 111 $ 09 13 8 07 6.1 8-S1 7 4ii 7 8.1 7 96 6 ft"',- 7 11 1 7 61' 7 5 I 7 72 7 M 7 n 7 ni 7 74I 7 H6 7 at 7 68 7 n 7 73i 7 75J 7 tM 6 1 6 14 7 H 6 T 6 nv 12 6 11 6 17 6 87 8 03 7 75 IHI 7 61 7 6' 7 4.' 1 77 7 )( 7 73 7 96 7 73 7 S4 7 7; 7 81 7 f4 7 88 7 74! 7 6ej 7 97 7 44 7 9 7 44i 7 93 7 M 7 6 614 6 48 , 7 6 :. 6 .S6-4 7 4t 7 671 7 63 7 8l 7 91! 7 67 7 71 6 16 6 3841 I 7 68 26 6 8i 6 33 ' I7 6 14', 18 6 2341 7 M 7 2M T7V till I uln y. CAATTLE There was a fair run of Cattle for a Thursday. 116 cars being re ported In. For the five days the total amounts to 27,624 head, being more than double the receipts of a year ago. '1 here seemed to be a fnlr demand for raugn beef steers, especially for this late in the week, and anything along that line commanded steady prleee. On the oilier hand cornfed beeves were ex tremely slow and weak. While a few choice nornfeds always sell well at this time of the year, eaiieclally light year lings, no one wants the half-fat or warmed-up to pretty good kinds. Such cattle do not kill out t as good advan tage as the hard, well-inatiired range beeves, and packers invariably give the latter the preference. This means that the market on corn ted cattle, aalde from fancy grades, ts unsatlsfsotory to sellers, not only here, but at every other market point , Cows and heirors showed little change. ' pices for the most part being steady. Feeders, as is apt to be the rase this late In the week, were slow. Speculators already had a good many cattle on hand and were not Inclined to take on vei y much unless they oould shsde prices a little. As a result the general market was slow snd weak to lower. Quotations on cattle: Kit me com tea breves, Jtt.ifrHlO.flO; good to choice fed yearlings, H0fu9 78; fair to good , fed yearlings, H.oiV(j3 00; common to fair fed yearling'. $ 6 fiti.ot); good to choice heavy beeves. $, (Ut 60; fair to good oornfed beeves. $7 7t yM.oo; common to fair corn fed beevea. I6.604jr7.7j; prime grass beeves, 6K0H4IS.6O; good to choice grass beeves, 87.tKK0s.0O; fair to pood grass baeves, $ 76 4(7.60; common to fair grass beeves, $ i 6.76; good to choice grass heifers, 8o.76i 6 76; good to choice graas cows, k&.&ottf..; fair to good cows, $4.7Mu6.60; common to lair cowa, $17664.75; good to choice feed ers. 37.Jr.y.OOi fair to good feeders, 9 6tI f.26; common to fair feeders, $6.50tfi W); good to choice stockers, $7.6OG.0o; fair to good stockers. rt 6"ff7.60: common to fair stockers, $6.6oifr.60; stock be! fere, SS.76 6.76; stock cows. 14 W.7: tojk calves, lOXU.26; veal calves. $t.00j.60; bulla, stags, stc, $4.00tMOO. Representative sales: HUUB-Recetpte. while still very mod erste, were the largest of any day th.a week, and In fact the heaviest for any rtav since last Thursday. About l'y: seven cars, or 4.600 hesd. were reported in. making the total for the four da 16 978 hesd. This Is 3 0 sma.l-r than last week srid 10.600 short of a year ago, out Is about I.jOO larger than two weeks ago. Kilppina outlet broadened somewhat, snd fully a fourth the offerings sild to outside buyers at prices that were any way MilOe and In some esses close to a dime above yesteroay. Tops scored a fist dime tdvsnre. reaching 3t 40. Chicago, while still reporting pretty heavy runs, reacted this morning, aad on the strength of the advance there loral packer trade opened stronger, 'and by '-he time the bulk of the hogs started to move prices were fully lOo above yesterday. A fairly active trade reaulted, and a clear ance was made by the middle of the fore noon. A few loads of underweight west erns fslled to sell until toward th close. The bulk mived at $6.ko.30, wlthh big string at $6.26. Severel bunches of the light westerns mentioned ware bought at $6.(kh.16. BHKKkw-Moderata supplies were again the ordeVof the day, arrival amounting to some thirty-five cers, or 8.7oO head. With the exception of two weeks ago thig Is the smallest Thursday run received since early In August. For the week to date supplies total 42,736 bead, being 8,600 smaller than a week ago, but mora than 8.0O larger than two weeks ago, and a gain of 19,000 over th correspoodllng days last year. Fat lambs made up just a fair share of the total offerings, and sold In pretty good season at prices that were strong to hi much as loo higher. Bulk sold around $8.86, and while the good lambs that went here were unable to beat this figure, lit tle sorting was done, soma bunohes gotng straight. As was th oaa yesterday, nothing very choice was Included In the offerings. Lamb that sold at $8.16 were not very deslrabla. Feeders looked fully steady again today, and In some cases stronger. There are still plenty of buyers for the good light lamas, as was evidenced when a oar of good 68-pound Wyomings was sold at 18.56, while fleshy seventy-pounder were bought to go to th country at $8.80. Few feeding ewes were offered, extremely plain ones bringing $4.96. A few weighty yearlings were bought on feeder order at $6 40. As compared with th total raostpU, of ferings of aged sheep were fair, and prices ruled about steady. Ewea, as usual, made up the bulk of th mutton supply, snd best here sold at $6.K, Which hss been th outsid prloe for th last three days. Quotations on sheen and lambs; Zaunb. good to choice. $8. 68.86; Ismbs, fair to Kocd. f8 .16.25; lambs, feeders, 87.7?jt 8.66; yearlings, fair to eholee, H SOija.JO; yearlings, feeders. 86 flrtij.T6: wethers, fair to choice, I6.00fl6.76; ewes, good to rlic 1,-e. tS.OiM6.2S; ewea, fair to good, $4.60; ewea. feeders, $4.0046. 25. CHICACiO LIVES STOCK MARKET Cattle Weak Hon Wink. Weak Sheep CHICAGO, Nov. 18.-CATTl.B-Reelpts, 7.04) heed; market weak; native bee' cat tle. tS.wmlO 2.'.; western steer, 36.Si7rt.4fi. cows end heifers, $2.75B.2S; calves, $6.0ou 9.75. HOGS Receipts. 28.000 head; market weak at PV'il"5 advance: bulk, 98.2tni.tjo; hsht. $S 80r.d0; mixed, $6.9'dI Sb: heavy, $iiffi66: roiivh, $.0" 2'.; nigs $4.0yn6.7;i HHEEP AND LA MRS -Receipts. 14 000 head; market weak: wethers, $5.75?6.26; ewes, a.7r.tj5.50; lambs. ti.t"iii.W. , Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 18. C ATT UD Re ceipt. 2,5.0 head: market steady; prime fed steers. $9.2 lO.OO: dressed beef steers, $7.MWi9.0o; western steers, $6.60"i8.a6; stock ers and feeders. $ 'o7.75; bulls, $47S 6.(K); calves. $6.00(110.00. HOGS Receipts, r00 head; market higher; bulk, ti-H'M-iil heavy, packers au) but -hera. $6.4o6.6; lights, $6.10'ti'6.-0: piss, $j.3o'(j6.4rt. SHEEP AND LA .MHS Receipts, 4.000 nt-ao ; maraei sirong, lamoa,; yearllnas. ft.t nj-i.ou; ewes, $o.00(a6.66. wethers, $5.6vvpvl0; I St. I.onls Live Stack Market ST. IXriS, Nov. 11 C A TTLTO Re ceipts, Mt head; market lower: native beef s'eers, $7 ..On 10.40; yearling steer snd heifers. $6..Vil0.Si; cows and heifers. 6u) 4(7. 00; stockers and feeders, $6.01g1.75; south. rn steers, $t.2'4i8 ); cows and heif I ers, 4, native eaives V 1 11 00. IKKiS Receipts. 7.&u0 head; market higher; pigs and lights, $6.o4 90; mlxel and butchers, $6.3Ua.86; good heavy. 8U.6S 4j(75. SHEEP AND I.AMBJ4 Rsoefots, Una head; market steady; yearitnga, Pi-uiw 2o lsmb. $S.ou.76; sheep and w 6-6dtf