Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1915, Image 1

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Advertising it the pendw
lam that hemps baying
and selling in motion.
VOL. XLV-NO. 132
Ob Tralaa, at Hotel
Raws stands, tc Bo.
S'Xefutei Wilson's Bequest, of Farther
Postponement of Execution of
Industrial Worker of the
State Official Asserts He Will Not
Lend Himself or Office to
' Such Action.
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Nov. 18.
Asserting his belief that a further
postponement of the execution of
Joseph Hillstrom, a member of tho
Indsutrial Worker, of the World,
would be an unwarranted Interfer
ence with the c'oruse of Justice, Gov
ernor William Spry telegraphed to
President Wilson this afternoon that
he cannot and will not lend himself
or his office to such interference.
The governor's telegram was in
answer to oae received yesterday
from the president requesting a re
consideration of the case of Hill
strom, who was convicted of the
murder of J. O. Morrison, a Salt
lake City grocer, and Morrison's
son, January 10, 1914.
The president's message waa received
by tho governor after resolution adopted
by the convention of the American Fed
eration of Labor at San Francisco, asking
further ronMderatlon of the case had
been telegraphed to the president.
Concurred In by Hoard.
Tho governor had the president's re
manent yesterday and until noon today.
Ills answer was submitted to the Stato
Board of Pardona today and was unani
mously concurred In by them before It
was Bent to the president.
Governor Spry says In his telegram to
President Wilson, declining to Interfere
further with the Hillstrom case, that he
la luitlsfled the president's request Is
based on a misconception of the facts or
that there Is some reason of an Interna
tional nature that the president has not
Hillstrom had not been advised of Gov
ernor Bpry's action late today.
A death watch waa placed over Hlll
strom at the state prison this afternoon
and he will be shot to death tomorrow,
prdbabiy earlr in the day. The five men
appointed to execute him have been di
rected to report at the prison at 6 o'clock
tomorrow morning. - - .
Review by Governor,
Reviewing the history of the case, and
particularly the president's action In con
nection with It, the governor says in his
"September 30, you requested a stay of
' ....
execution of the sentence to give the
Swedish minister an opportunity to pre-
sent his view of the case. Upon the
same day, at your request only, on the
assumption that you were In possession
of facts not presented to the board, I
granted a resplt until October 16, es-
peclally requesting that the Swedish mln-
later personally investigate wo cuao onu
appear before the board.
"Under date or OctoDer l, you aavisoa j Blelaskl, chief of the bureau of Investi
ng that your only reason for Interceding , nation of the Deoartment of JuntloA wkss
was the request of the representative of
a ioreign government, utiomr jo, si
egu ar un. . -
HIllHtiom's attorney advised the board
h.- ... nih.n. further t ore.
it Tim..rm Heniine tn n-
pear before the board again. The only
representation In the convict's behalf waa
a short telegram from the Swedish min
ister requesting commutation of sentence,
not by reason of any new thing in na
tion t3 the case, but. as he expressed It,
'for the sake of humanity and comity
usually practiced between friendly na
tions.' Because of the absence of ai
showing, the board terminated the re
spite .and again denied commutation.
(oavtet Henrntenced.
'The convict thereupon was. on the
eighteenth day o foctober, resentenced by
the court ti be shot .ovember 1. Forty i "08plta' Complementaire at Bordeaux, j Sunday organization aeeks to make Sun
flx daya after the granting of the re- "ancc, tella of the death on the firing j day greater and greater, and evidently
(Continued on I'ago Two, Column One.)
, .
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Friday:
For Omaha. Council Bluffa and Vicin
ity Fair and colder.
Temperature att Oni.k Yratrrday.
(a. m
6 a. m
7 a. m
8 a. m
8 a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m
1 p. m
2 p. m
3 p. in
4 p. m
6 p. m
6 p. m
7 p. in
8 p. m
.... 35
.... iM
(oinuarat It Local Record
IS15. 1!H. 1UI3. 191J.
Illehest yesterday 41 38 63 63
lowest yealerday Si 8 M 80 j
juvan ifiniHTftiurfl ..... m -
Freclpitatlon 01 T T
Temperature and precipitation depar -
tures fiom the normal:
Normal temperature
KxoeBs for the day.
Toll deficiency amca Murrh 1 "XH
Normal precipitation "3 Inoh
l'eflciency f Jr the day Winch
Total rallfall since March 1...2S.74 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 1.34 Inches
Deflc encv for cor. period. 1914. 3.65 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, lsU. T.b6 Inches
Heports from Stations at T 1. M.
Btatlnn and State Temp. High- Rnln-
of Weather.
i p. m.
et- fall
42 .6-1
4 .42
U .09 !
f,S .(10
48 .i4
48 T
41 .m
61 .m
42 T
FJ .04
& .00
44 .00
40 .Oi
48 .00
Cheyenne, clear 3
Davenport, rain 42
Denver, clear 44
Des Moines, clear 3
Dodge City, clear 44
Tender, elear 3)1
North Platte, clear 4rt
Omaha, clear 3H
I'ueblo, elear M
RiipH City, clear. ....... .40
Bait Lake City, clear 4H.
tianta Fe, cUtar 38 '
Sheridan, clear 34
Pioux v Ity, clear 3S
Valentine, clear 3ft
T indicates trace or prer-ipitetmn.
L A. WELSH Local Forecaster.
Post Mortem Shows Eolliner Baby
Would Have Been Mentally
Defective and Paralytic.
CHICAGO, Nov. 18. Mrs. Anna
Eolltnger, mother of the defective
infant which was permitted to die
yesterday, was told today of the
death. She made no comment ex
cept to repeat that denial of the sim
ple operation which would have
saved (he baby's life was best for all
A jury of six of the beBt known
physicians and surgeons of Chicago
will be chosen to hear testimony at
tn inquest over the baby's death,
Coroner - Hoffman announced. He
expected to empanel the Jury at once L,mllar articles published in Omaha
end before night select a date for the ftnd sold by dependent Syracuso
inquest. 'book and news dealers, Sunday has
Coroner Itoffmnn a decision to h.ld an j M d lawver8 according to dis
lnquest waa made after a consultation j . . .. .
with Pr. Henry O. W. Holnhardt and Dr. ; patches from Syracuse, and they have
John Dill Robertson health commissioner, ordered the dealers there to stop sell-
"I have derided to hold an Inquest, be- jng tne printed matter from Which
cause, for all we knw. a Hmiliiv caao revlvalist receives no profits,
may be brought to our attention tomor- . , ,. . . , .
row. ive should do aomethlr.g to prevent I For three weeks a fight has been
a similar death," he said "I am making ! developing between Sunday and the
no criticism of the physician In this case, j forward Publishing company of
Our only object Is to do something In Q ,aha whleh Bot out the independ-
the interests of humanity. I choose a ' ... .u
jury of physicians In the hope that they : ent literature and pictures of the re
will make some scientific recommendation vivalist and his work. Henry F.
to prevent similar occurrences." Kieser, secretary tf the local publlsh-
rnroner'n Thj-ii-iii Reports.- ling concern, says that it will pay no
Coroner's Physician Rcmhardt reported ;aUentlon to Sundays' objections and
to Coroner Hoffmnn the result of Ms ,
post-mortem examination of the baby's ; threats of prosecution, unless to en-
"My examination shows that the prob- i
'abilities aro, strongly, that the child,
would have been a mental defective,"
Dr. Relnhart said today. It would havo tj,ougilt "Mlly" Sunday's commerclal
(Contlnued on Page Four, Column One.)1 j ism in his revival literature and post
Will Allege Kaiser
Sent Funds to New
York to Outfit Ships
NEW YORK, Nov. IS. An allegation '
that the German government appro-
prlated f7GO,0"0 to charter and load a fleet
or teamsblpa whlcn clearca irom ntw ward compnny to Btop the sale of its
York early In the war to supply German . ..B1uy Sunday literature and picture,
cruisers operatln tn South American -because It was obectionable to Mr. and
waters will be made by the government MrB gunjay. "
at the trial of Karl Buena next week.:' K,'eser hn8 ,ctteri rrom an at.
according to United Btatea District At- tornoy named Young In Byracuse. In
toraey Snowden H. Marrtiall. ' which threats are made to invoke a
It Is atated thai the government will New Tork Btat iaw against ua'ng photo
try to show that the operation ofth aphs of .person for advertising or
supply. Bblpa ,WM directed, to a great trado fnfnJosea. without, the consent of
extent, by an official of the German tho person pictured. Kieser declares his
government, wno is stm in tne umtea
Buens, who formerly waa German con
sul general here and now Is managing
Airntef ft Vi n llnA .
, " . .. ....... ,
accused of violating the customs laws ,
and neutraUty of the United States by
sending out the supply ships.
Mr. Marshall says he does not Intend
to take up the charges of Dr. Joseph
i Ooricar that diplomatic) and consular
, representatives of the Teutonic allies are
. directing ine -worn or a large numoer or
spies tn this country, until A. Bruce
made ft report thereon to Secretary of I
( state Lansing,
Mr. Blelaskl returned to Washington
laSt nIg" wlt.hout maklnff M' Utement
concerning hla conference with Dr.
I Gorlcr here- Dr- Ooricar expects to
"" ,ynn ol lno unitea tatea"
secret service today, and4 to go to Cleve
land today or tomorrow.
Two Young Men
Killed in Battle
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Nov. 18. (Special.)
News from France received In two
Wyoming towns tells of the first Wyo
ming blood shed In the European war
A letter from Dr. '8. Lebreton of the
I Una of hla arm Ifonrv T Kt n
j went from Ca8per Wyo to at
the beginning of the war, and who waa
in the thick of several Important engage
ments on the western front. He waa
killed while charging German entrench
ments. Andre Conla of Meeteetse. Wyo., has
been notified of the death of his son,
Edward Conla, who waa mortally
wounded during the great French drive
against the German trenches on Septem
ber 22. He died three days later. Young
Conla. who was reared here, went to
France at the opening of the war and
volunteered. His brother Andrew, also
of this place. Is serving with the French
SAN FANCISCO, Cal.. Nov. 18.-The
Seamen's act waa endorsed today by
resolution In the thirty-fifth annual con-
. - . i . m . i , .
(,) I """un in i" American t eaeratlon of
(X) j Labor. Opposition waa expressed to any
1 efforts to weaken the measure and re-
I gret wa voiced at the lnterDretRtinn nt
several provisions by the Department of
t ommeree
The resolution recommended by the
executive council was adopted without
"We protest most enruentl'- r"l
"against any weakening of thla leg
Islatlon and we ure that it iu v.
ened In its aafety provisions.
"We regret that the Department of
Commerce has deemed it Its duty to give
to some of Its provisions a construction
which we believe to be contrary not only
to the spirit of the law, but to the
letter. '
Texaaa See Liberty Bell.
BAN ANTONIO, Te.. Nov. 17.-fMxty
thousand person, fifteen thousand of
them whool children, saw the IJuerl.
U-ll during lis two-hour stMv here latV
today. The train arrived here two huur
late. Tonight lliu beil ComuiJud its Inj
through Texas. '
Tells Syracuse 1
r Xhey
Must Not SeUw .i.kifts and
Post Cards Printed
Forward Publishing Company In
sists It Has Right to Sell
Stories About Sunday.
Since his profits from sales of
"Billy" Sunday booklets and post
cards at the Syracuse tabernacle have
been seriously diminished by sales of
force the Forward company s rights
un(jer the federal copyright laws,
while maklnir only a mild statement
for publication, Kleser Intimated that he
j card business would "soon cause the
I revival campaUfn to explode," and that
! Mr. Sunday "would spoil hl own same
I by hollering because he didn't get all
the profits."
Mr. ni Mr., ftnnday Object.
Charles A. Ooss and several laymen
and ministers In the Omaha revival havo
callod upon Klellcr the latter ays. at
lne inigi,,,, cf the Syracuse revival
headquarters, and have asked the For-
pr,ntC(j matter Is not a violation of the
Inw clteA. He asHerts that as the For
ward company has copyrighted tho post
cards and booklet It publishes about
i .- . .. n . a . . . ' ...
llljr BUnaay, ajia as tney doohi the
evangelist and do not Infringe tho law
or anybody's rights, the Forward com
pany has a complete right to publish and
sell them.
"The whole trouble Is that Sunday Is
not getting his usual profit from the
salo of pictures and literature at Pyra-
cuse, and so ho la hollering,'
' declares.
Snndnr Wanta Kvery Penny.
In a written and elgnod statement,
ftlllhrtflva tn. ni,KllflllAK . U T.. .
Publishing company, through Henry F.
Kleser. accretary. .a v.
; We are not fighting Mr. Sunday. We
believe that If K),000 cards are mailed
i from any city It can only help him. How
. nlB every penny ne
can get, to which. ,we don't object. But
If he has notified the dealers of Syra
cuse to stop selling our carda ond our
book, wa shall enter suit against him.
"He may set aside aJl conventional
laws, but he cannot set aside United
States law. He copyrights . his lermou
and holds everybody to it. We expect
to do the samo with our pictures and
"Much good results from a revival
campaign, and we regret that thla state-
I ment may tend to shake a few trail-
: hitters. But it remnln. a frt ihi ti,
seens to control everything or a commer
cial nature pertaining to a campaign."
13. J. Blls of Omaha la the only other
person interested with Kleser in the For
ward Publishing company. During the
Omaha campaign Kieser rV as manager of
Sunday's own book store, and Kleser says
he received only 10 per cent of the aales,
the balance going to the revivalist. At
the close of the Omaha campaign the
Forward company got out the publica
tions to the sale of which In Syracuse
Sunday la now objecting.
Italy Stops Liners
Between It and U. S.
LONDON, Nov. 18. The correspondent
at Zurich of the Central News forwards
a report that It has been decided to sus
pend steamship service between Italy
and America until arrangements are
made to deal adequately with the menace
of autmartnes to shipping In the Medl
teranean. Representatives of Italian steamship
lines here said today while they had
received no word that steamship service '
between Italy and the United States had
been entirely suspended because of the
submarine menace, at least five Bailing
from here during early December had
been cancelled.
Asquith and Aides
Quit French Capital
PARIS, Nov. It Premier Asquith and
his associate In the British war council,
who have been In conference here with
their French official eolleaguea. left to
day on their return trip to London.
The departing firittah cabinet members
were cheered by crowds of coniilderabla
lxe as the train on which they were
passengers pulled out of the station.
HERE ARE THE PRINCIPALS IN THE 0 ASE-Jvlrs. Anna Bollinger of 2013 Fletcher
street, Chicago, who. gave birth to a deformed infant, and Dr. II. J. Haiselden, chief of the staff of the Cerman-American hospital, who decided that the deformed child, if
. were allowed to live, would be a burden to itself and to humanity, and that it was best
-Met it die.
1 - r. , in- ii rv' '"
" ' ' . .i
. s ' k
. -. - -v - y i
Destruction of Birds Costs Billion
Dollars a Year, Says Colonel Shields
CHICAGO, Nov. 18. Destruction of
birds, according to Colonel G. C. Shields,
president of the League of American
Sportsmen, costs the United States
000.000 a year. Colonel Shields mado the
assertion in an address before the Chi
cago chapter of the Daughters of the
American Revolution today.
"Cotton growers." he said, "lose $100,
000.001) a year by the boll weevil. Why?
Because the quail, the prairie chickens,
the meadow lark and other birds which
were formerly there In millions, have
been awept away by the thoughtless,
reckless men and boys."
'"It takes more than 14,000 chinch bus
to weigh an ounoe, and nearly 60,000
r- ,
Secretary of State Telejrrftphs Jurist
that Hit Office Beserres Bight
to Decide the Matter.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 18. (Special.)
It is evident that if ustice Hgnheg of
the United States supreme court
wants to havo the petition which was
filed by A. C. A p person and others
to put his name on the prlma-ballot
for the republican nomination for
president, withdrawn, all he will
have to do Is to make a request of
Secretary of State Pool.
Mr. Pool of course will not cross
the bridge until he comes to It, but
It 1b fairly well known that If the
Judge auks for the cancellation of
the filing, his request will be granted.
As an Indication of that. Secretary of
State Pool this morning wired the
Judge's secretary as follows:
"LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. 18.
"Lawrence II. Greene, secretary to As
sociate Justice Hughes, Washington,
D. C.t This department reserves the
right to make auch rulings aa tn the
judgment of the secretary of state ap
pear within its province, and the per
sonal wishes of Justice Hughes will re
ceive most careful consideration.
"Secretary of State."
Ran. Own Orpartmeat.
It Is well known that Mr. Pool believes
he haa a light to run hla own depart-
(Cuntlnued on Page Three, Column Four.)
Air Craft Drops
Bombs On Verona
PARIS, Nov. 18.-(8 p. m.) A hostile
'aircraft flew over Verona., Italy, this
morning, aeversl bomts being thrown
from the machine, according to a Havaa
dispatch from Rome. One child was
slightly Injured. No other casualties por
any material damage done, the dispatch
The Midwest Bowlintf
Confrcat is about to start
ita tournament in Omaha
to decide championship
honor. Omaha's welcome
is extended with best
withes that all contestants
may roll in continuous enjoyment.
Hessian flies to weigh the same," con
tinued the speaker. "A quail killed by
an expert In Ohio had In Its craw l.ttt)
chinch bugs. Another killed In a Kansas
wheat field had Z.OOQ Hessian files."
The chinch bug coats wheat growers
another I100.000.0ii0, he said, and the Hes
sian fly tWO.000.000.
Colonel Shields added that potato
growera pay $17,000 a ya for spraying
poisons and remarked that a quail alaln
In Pennsylvania had 17 potato bugs In
its craw. He said that Mra. Margaret
M. Nloe of the acuity of the Maasachu-,
setts Stat university, after long atudy,
estimated that a quail destroys 75,000 bugj
and S.OOO.OnO weeds annually.
Information Brought tQ Noffalei by
Officer of Northern Rebel
NOOAX.E8, Arli., Nor. 18. Gen
eral Francisco Villa waa reported to
day to have been wounded during an
engagement that began last night at
Agau De Coyotes, a few miles north
of Hermoslllo, Sonora, between
troops commanded by Villa and Car
ranta forces now occupying llertno
Billo. The Information waa brought
to Nogales, Sonora, across the bor
der from here, by an officer of Vil
la's army.
Obrearon Boeematers Villa.
DOUGLAS, Aria., Nov. U.-General
Obregun was reported early today- Id
have encountered a Villa force of un
known strength south of San Pedro while
conducting a western flank attack pn
Cananea, Sonora, with an Infantry force
and a few field pieces.
General Calles' column of Jnfantry and
heavy artillery was said to be south of
Villa Verde.
A censorship of news of troop move
ments waa enforced today at Agua
Prteta and Naco, Sonora. Only Carranxa
officials are permitted to explain the
movements of Obregon's troops.
I.eavea for Nteo.
CALEXICO. Cat.. Nov. 1.-Captaln
Arturo De. Sarachn, a member of Oen-
eral Alvare Obregon's staff, left here to
j day for Naco, Sonora, with a message
from isstehan Cantu, independent gov
ernor of the northern district of Lower
California, to Oeneral Obregon. Neither
CapUiln Baraoo nor Governor Cantu,
at hla headquarters tn Mexican, oppoalte
here, would divulge the contends of the
(From a Htaff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. (Special Tel
egram.) representative Tom Steele, the
lone democrat In the house from Iowa,
has hla fighting clothea on over the ap
pointment of J. F. Kerberg postmaster at
tUoux- City when he had recommended
Edward Kirby. one of the best known
democrat In th nawktye atate. Mr
Klrby has lived In cJioux City most ot
his life, while It Is alleged Kerberg is
carpetbagger for fair.
Klrby Is at the head of the ball club
of Sioux City and la connected with other
enierpriaes, wnu jvaruots is i:j.ijiii.-j
as the editor of a paper with little or no
democratic influence.
It la Intimated that Senator Johnson of
South Dakota was largely responsible for
Kerberg's landing the poatofflce job, but
even If that Is true Congressman Steele
proposes to fight Kerberg's confirmation
with all th foroe ha possesses and Tom
Steele la sum fighter.
Yale Gate Mlllloa.
NEW HAVEN Conn., Nov. 17. Ap
proximately fl.UW.ft) Is to go to Yaie
under the will of Justus 8. liutchklss of
this city, filed for probate today. The
will dlaposrs of an estate approximately
about l.'.ouu.OOO. Mr. HotchkiB waa a re
tlid lumber dealer.
n a rt . . . . . . kiiu irum ina inmn.1 lucmi os tneir new
Refusal to Convict Lieutenant 0ak,turnlnB movcm,nt. whlch hM ch.n,i
in San Diego Explosion Caie
Arouses Ire of Secretary.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. Secre
tarp Daniels baa clashed with the
navy court-martial which tried two
commissioned officers and some! war
rant officers for responsibility for the
fatal boiler explosion on the cruiser
Fan Diego last January, and today Bulgarians re said to have been com-
, . . , . . . . pelled to retreat on the Vardaj front and
Usued a, statement taking ,excepUon 'fc .u.tata.d a check at th. hands
to thacourt s fiiullng and auelosTarloi u,e Bi-uinh in t Rawrwo-ectin. -
that on the Navy department' disap-f Ittitn KngWhiJ and France have greeted
j.roval the court altered Its first ver
The court first acqulttad th officers
and then changed Ita verd'et to hold 1
Lieutenant K. I mil. In charge of th
fir room, guilty, with sentence to los
forty numbers, but with recommendation
for clemency; Kdson C. Oak, chief engi
neer of th ship, was aequltted of
negligence; Chief Machinist Thomas
O'Donnell wa found not guilty. As th
court refused to reverse Its verdict as to
Oak, Secretary Daniels remitted th sen
tence tn Hill's case and Isaued a state
ment declaring the verdict waa a mis
carriage of Justice.
I am unwilling to believe that th
ldals of duty and responsibility of all
members of the court are so low as to
exonerate Lieutenant Oak of neglect of
duty, ' said the secretary's statement.
George Is Willing
To Make the Race
For Governorship
Walter AT George, former at at treas
urer, whoa nam has been frequently
mentioned In connection with th ap
proaching race for the republican nomi
nation for governor of Nebraska, has
Issued a statement in which he says he
Is willing to run and that ha la In th
handa of hla friends. Mr. George said:
"I rerellel today a great many letters
from prominent republicans who de
mand that I be a candidal for th re
publican nomination for governor. I am
tn th handa of my friends. If repub
licans bellev that th party can unit
on my candidacy, I am willing to make
the race.
Italian Socialists
Shot for Refusal
to Join the Army
BERLIN, Nov. M. (By wireless to
Turkertnn.) "The famoua socialist. Dr.
Lovegren, a member of the Swedish
parliament, describes th removal from
Florence, which he witnessed, of KJ0
Italian socialists." says the Overseas
Kews agency. "These socialists, who
wore uniforms of the army or navy, had
refused to Join the army and were trans
ported to A re no tn order to be shot."
Prisoner Jumps
from Moving Train
LEAVKNWORTH. Kan.. Nov. 18
Frederick McGuIre, a prisoner In tho '
I'nlted States penitentiary here, who wa
being taken to Portland, Ore., to stand
trial for robbing th United Stata '
malls, escaped from his two guards by
Jump'ng through th window of a mov
ing passenger train near Sand Point,
Idaho, last night, according to a tele
gram received her today.
Thomas) W. Morgan, warden of the
prison, received the following message
from the guards:
"W lost prisoner, with shackles on,
two nille went of Stand Point, Idaho,
Jumped through window of running train
No. 8, Northern raclftc."
McGulre waa under aentenoe of ten
years in tho local prison.
News from Balkans Largely Patch
work of Unconfirmed Rumors
and Repoiti that Are
One Report Says Serbians Hare Been
Compelled to Abandon Pass to
Avoid Capture.
LONDON, Not. 18. The British
aimy at the Dardanelles has resumed
the offcnnlve and captured 280 yards
of Turkish trenches.
LONDON. Nov. 18. News from
the Dalksns continues to be a patch
work of unconfirmed rumors and
contradictory assertions, without
(Ifictal statements to establish
tiearly the present status of affairs.
Il.o Serbian armies, with Insufficient
pnununltlon and Inferior numbers.
jliave been attempting vainly to meet
the wide turning movement of the
Piilgarlano, threatening Prclope and
Monastlr. Some dispatches from"
Athens report Prelepe already is In
TulgArlan hands. All admit the
Serbian position there Is untenable
pud that evacuation of the city Is In
evitable. News that the Bulgarian advance south
ward la proceeding rapidly and has
reached a point within a few hours of
Monastlr, Is said to have caused con
sternation In that city, whose population
la flrrlng to Greek territory.
Judging from the alse of the Bulgarian
forces rushing from Tetovo southward
entirely the military situation tn south
ern Serbia. Monastlr la In d'sttnet danger.
Not only haa tho Bulgarian maneuver
nereajiltikli.H hanilAnmint h IhA Rrhlna
j of their positions at Babuna paas, but
the Serbian forces which have bean hold-
tng this ent're region are now la peril of
being surrounded and cut off by the Bul
garians advancing southward from Krua
hevo. Ilnlirarlaa ttrpnrted Defeated.
In southwestern Serbia, sucoesses for
tho French and British are reported. Tho
with great enthusiasm the Joint war con
ference held In Paris. It 1 regarded as
marking greater solidarity and mora con
certed action amofig the allied armies.
Although no ' official Information ha
j born received concerning th subjects dU
cussed at th conference It is assumed,
th principal matter under consideration
Is th Balkan situation.
Britons Repalsvd In nelsrlatM.
BERLIN, Nov. 18. By Wireless to Bay
vllle.) British forces attempted a sur
prise attack yesterday on German peti
tions along the road between Meaalnea,
In Belgium, sis miles south of Tpra and
Armentieres, to th soutr of Meaalnea.
Th la attack, th war . offle announced
today, failed.
In tha Ar sonne the French mad prepa
ration to explode a mine. Thla action
was anticipated by the Germans, who
evacuated th trench menaced bjr th
Flight of Army
'Planes Postponed
WICHITA FALLS, Tex., Nov. 11. B4
ginning of th flight of th United Btwtoa
army aeroplane squadron from Fort 8111,
Oklahoma, to Ban Antonio, was delayed
today, with high winds. Fort 8111 reported
a forty mil gate ther and said It wM
possible the machines might not attmp
to fly today at all.
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