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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1915)
I 8 TIIE KKK. OMAHA, TUESDAY. XOVKMHEK 10, 1015. i! 15 ! 4 A 3 3 4 u 1 is i I sri : i t 4-4 M 3 K FA H si -4 ti I t : J I i I ; -i i l By MELLIFICIA. Monday, November 15, 1915. ABIDE from the study affairs, the social calendar of the week Is not a crowded document, I must admit. Is it a case of sighs from across the sea? There is a threadbare Joke charging Cholljr and Reggie with turning up their trousers when they learn it is raining in London. A Paris costvmer'B model tore her skirt from hem to knee at an aviation meet, and, In consequence, within a year American women, from Doston to San Diego, were wearing silt skirts. 80 the little anecdote of Cholly and Reggie is not so utterly absurd after all. Tracing It down to its basic principle, there is a great element of sym pathy In humanity's wllllngnexs to adopt the styles as they come; and this sympathy may be most pronounced when least suspected. 1 hare Just called up popular hostess after hostess. "I can't explain it, but I am planning nothing," one said. "I Just simply feel I must be quiet for a month or two," said another. From the calendar my eyes stray to a special cablegram in an eastern paper. "Society In European capitals Is no longer in evidence," I read; "even dinner and theater parties are becoming rare and rarer." Sighs from across the sea that explains my calendar there Is sym pathy in the terrible things as well as the frivolities. At the Orphe-ttm Theater. Two big reservations for this evening have been made at the Orpheuin theater. The larger is by the dedication class of the Scottish Rites for fifty seats. Twenty have been made to Mrs. M. C. Kellnji for a party of twenty suffragists to see Miss Mary Shaw tn "The Dickey Bird." Box parties will be given ly Senator and Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitchcock and Mr. H. P. Whltmore. Mr. F. H. Fltsgerald will give a party to eight. Parties of five will be given by Messrs. Charles Beaton, Norrls Brown and I M. Cohn. Messrs. C. L. Fsmsworth, A. V. Klns ler and O. C. Redlck will have parties of four. Supper for the McFerrom. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Test Stewart gave a buffet supper last evening for Mr. and Mrs. Donald McFerron, who are paying their first visit to the bride's home since their marriage last spring. The table was deoorated In yellow chrysanthemums. Those present were: Messrs. snd Mesdames Donald McFfrrron. Clifford W. Wolfe. Charles T. Mewart, Dr. Donald M.'-rae. City, a notable gathering of professional women, which Includes many writers. On the Calendar. A card party will be given Friday by women of the North Sid Progressive club at Druid hall. Mesriainon Leonard Wlldmen. M Uses IxinlKn Dinning, Mildred Butler, Messrs. Ben Warren, Kdwart Hart Mesdames John T. titcwart, Misses Elisabeth Dsvte, Mellora Davis, Mary Murkier. Messrs. Robert Mums. Rfer Keellne, lUUip AleU, Dinner for Gueiti. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Wolfe will entertain this evening at dinner In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McFerron of Hoopeeton, 111., who are the guests of Mrs. McFerron's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teat Stewart of Council Bluffs. The table will be decorated In a low mound of large yellew chrysanthemums with a gateway at either end In baby chrysanthemums. Yellow candlesticks will add to the color scheme. The living room will be decorated in Ophelia rosea Those present will be: Messrs and Mesdames ' ' t'l fford W. Wolfe, Donald McFerron, MMHS Kllsabeth Davis, Messrs. Roger Keellne. Hubert Burns. Misses Mellora Davis. Philip Mets Traffic on Farnam Blocked Half Hour by Battle of Words An srgtiment as to whether a sidewalk freight elevator which was resting at peace In the center of the shaft should be propelled up or down blocked the Farnam street sidewalk In front of the t'nited States National bank for twenty Hlmlnutes about 11 o'clock yesterday morning. The wordy battle ensued between two men who were unloading a 8 warts ft Hlrsch wagon containing potatoes for the Lincoln Inn in the basement of the bank building. The elevator stopped In the very middle of the shaft and the two men disagreed whether they should start the car up or down. While they argued the matter scores of pedestrians crowded around the guard ratling In the hope of an approaching fight, with the result that traffic along the north side of Far nam at that particular spot was confined to the street for about twenty m'nutes. Mesdames Howard Goodrich, C. J. Hubbard. D. A. Johnston. Otto Showers, K I Huntley, W. O. Nicholson. Avery l.esu'aater, 1 C. Conn. J. K. Pulver. With the Social Clubi. The Comus club will give an enter tainment this evening for the husbands ot the members, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dlrnlck. Miss Hasel Mathesen entertained the Kewple kensington this afternoon. Thursday Horning- Bowler. The Thursday Morning Bowling club met this afternoon. The members of the club are: , Mesdames W. It. 1 a France, A. I Green, it. V. Oulnter, Oeorge Curtis, R. W. Beasluy, ieorge A. Carter, K. A. Beardsley, Waller Hilver, Austin Braun, K. fcU Jdagee, Omahans in Lincoln. Mrs. William Walters and Mrs. Charles Morrlssey of Omaha wore out of town guests Wtdnesdsy afternoon of the Palm Leaf club ot Lincoln, which was enter tained by MUs Leahy. The guest's prise was won by Mrs. Morrlssey. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lloyd spent the week-end with Mr. and, Mrs. Chester Nlrraan. Mrs. Ray Goddard ' was the guest at a kensington Saturday afternoon enter tained by Miss Ellowene Hamilton in honor ot her slater, Mrs. J. V, Barn trover. The wedding of Miss Bessie Bandlovlch to Mr. Max Katleman brought many guests from Omaha. The officiating clergyman was the Rer. Jacob Fle.sher of Omaha. Other Omaha guests were: Messrs. and Mesdunes J. Katleman, K Katleman, H. Kat'eman, Morris M. Rosenblatt, Mrs. R, t h ai -num. Miss Kva Katleman. Mr. Cart Katleuian. Personal Mention. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Splesbcrgrr will go to New York City towsrd the end of the month to be gone four or five weeks. Mist Shaw Oaett of Preu Club. Mis Mary Shaw, appearing at the Or pheum this week, wUl be honor guest at - the Omaha Woman's Press club luncheon Thursday at 1 o'clock at ths Hotel Loral. Among her activities, IMss Shaw is pres ident of the Oamut club in New York City Eecognizes Union Musicians By a vote of four to three the city council committee of the whole recom mended for adoption a resolution, the ef fect of which will be recognition of union musicians by the city. Mayor Dahlman and Commissioners Kugnl, Wlthnrll end Butler voted In the affirmative; Jardlne, Drexel and Hum mel in the negative. The situation dates back to last summer when the council decided to show equal recognition to union and nonunion bands playing tn the public parks. As a result of that action the musicians declared the Auditorium on the "unfair" list when it was tsken over by the city. To restore the Auditorium to the fair list the musi cians demanded complete recognition of the union by the city, which demand has been conceded. . MRS. JAMES W. GERARD, wife of the American am bassador to Germany, has been deoorated by Kaiser Wilhelm. This is the first time the kaiser has bestowed a decoration upon a woman not of royal blood. Mrs. Gerard is a daughter of the late Marcus Daly, the mil lionaire Montana silver mine owner. UNCLE SAM MUST HAYE ENOUGH PAY Is No Respecter of Perioni When it Comei to Collecting Hit Postage, SO PUT ON ENOUGH STAMPS if ' ... 3; Ti f V " ; ' 'Or i if j - " 1 ! if ' , 4 . ! "Whpn In doubt? pat on another stamp." This is the page advice passed out I by Loyal 8. Mole, parcel post expert of the Omaha postoffice. Mr. Mole swept a hand toward a large pile of forlorn looking parcels and a mournful expression swept ever his physiognomy. "All held here because of Insuf ficient postage," he said spulchrailjr. All the parcels seemed to groan In un ison like prisoners from whom all hope has fled. "Home people," said Mr. Mole, "guess at the weight of packags and they us ually guess too little. Others weigh them wrong. But there Is a large class who think they ran slip through with a cent or two less the legal postage." Mr. Mole then entered upon an exposi tion of his Vncle Samuel's strict methods The clerks csn tell almost Instinctively when a package has too little postage, fluch parcels are chucked on the soale and If they weigh the merest trifle over the weight that hss been paid for they are thrown Into the discard and the sender Is notified to mrward the necessary stamps. That Is why some people-Just when they are Joyously figuring that Aunt Mehatlhel up In Condflah Corners, Msss., Is Just about receiving that dolly for A Winter oatch Harts the I.aanars. Ir. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey stops the cough and prevents your cold getting worse. It's guaranteed. Only !5o. All drugglsta Advertisement. No Change in the Birth of a Nation Injunction Case District Judge Redlck, who declined to issue an order retraining the showing f the film, "The Birth of a Nation." at the Brandels theater, previous to Us first ap pearance Sunday evening, said that there was no change In the legal status of the pictures. , Omaha negroes have not renewed their petition that the showing of the film be enjoined, on the ground that race prejudice will be Increased In Omaha. In the event a restraining order should be granted which should not be sus tained by the courts after subsequent hearings the plaintiffs would be liable tn damages for loss of profits caused by stopping the showing of the film, and a bond adequate to cover such damages would be . required by law before the restraining order would be binding. LOOKS FOR FIGHT, FINDS ONE AND LANDS IN JAIL Mike Roach wanted to fight Sunday night, ao he chose Special Officer Wal lace of th Sunday tabernacle. Wallace accommodated him for the exerclso, after which he brought Roach to Jail, where he received ninety days in the county Jail from Judge Foster. He still wants to fight. For Women Who Think! You are interested, almost as much as we are, in extending- the use of the Safe Home Match. It is the most reliable, the most efficient and the safest match that can be made. It is absolutely non-poisonous. It is made under conditions that for ever do away with one of the worst of occupational diseases. It removes a poison from the reach of children in American homes. Wi ask you to use this newnon- ' poisonous match and to urgo others to do likewise. Sc. All grocers. Ask for them by name. The Diamond Match Company "Coffee gJ)ellcious'' Hzr 35per 'S f i tU u ' ''i'M.'f JheZlnique iftPL jorrromen Milady )ecollete Gillette IT 1 Ot 1 1 1 1 i j j j ;nnmnnnnnmiini 11 DIM IIIHIIIII! ! A VII il l V 4 ..: i J &WPricc $5. TPS the fashion ! Every woman who h a care for her personal appearance will welcome this dainty toilet ac cessory as a gift a beautiful little gold-plate safety razor set which she uses to keep th underarm as smooth as the face. Milady DecolletS Gillette a 14-Karat gold plate Safety Razor Set, in French Ivory case, lined with Purple, Old Rose, Green or Old Gold velvet and satin at your department tore, drag, jewelry or hardware etore $5. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR COMPANY BOSTON mm! WM li illliililill!! I'iiMl i Hlliillilhlil her birthday receive a card from the Omaha office ststing that "a parkajre mailed by you Is held at the local office for Insufficient postage. Kindly forward 1-cent stamp with this card and the pack age will be forwarded to addressee." Tou can't put one over on your ahrewed old Vncle Sam, good peopte. The butcher may 'let It go" If the hamburger weighs a trifle over a pound, because you're a good customer. But Vncle Sam? Not on his chin whiskers! Tou can send ' a million package a day, but you don't get any discount. "I kerry these here packages as fast as steam'll kerry 'em," says Bam, "an' hy gun I gotta hev my price. Rebatln' is sgln' the law, anyway." So If you're sending calico to Kalama 100 or cans to Kansas City or apples to Minneapolis, or springs to Springfield, or bells to Bellevue of valentines to Valentine or anything to anywhere by mail, put on enough postage. SOCIAL SERVICE CIRCLE PLANS MONTHLY MUSICALS The Social Service circle. Including a number of musicians, who plan to give muBlcale once a month t local Insti tutions, will give a series of musical af fairs on Wednesday evening. At the House of Hope, the four Yet sisters and William Hetherlngton will enter tain the inmates; at the county hospital, Helen Miner will teli stores and Grace Poole will sing at Rlvervlew home, Jean Jones and Harry Disbrow will give piano and vocal numbers. Mrs. Samuel Goldsmith, reader, and Mrs. Josephine Elllck, pianist, will en tertain the old people at the Old People's Home, and at the Social Settlement there will be these musicians: Misses Jose phine Craig, Bess Sherlock, Madge Mae Bourne, and IX Clary, Fred Eeistman and Paul Castor. if Orxr Annual Dollar Sale of Silks Continued Tuesday PEllS linn if 95c naDkins. $2.50 is, 21-inch $1.75 In spite of difficulties encountered in the importation of linens, our sale this year offers all the advantages, and some additional ones, of previous sales. We Becured our stock very early and at price concessions that cannot help but emphasize this store's resourcefulness. A few of the excellent values follows : DAMASK 72-inch All Linen Damask in the Scotch, Irish and Austrian Linen, a large variety of new pat terns, worth $1.2o and $1.50 yard, special, yard. Napkins to match, doien SS.te NAPKINS Full bleached all linen damask dinner napkins, 24-inch size. All beautiful floral pat terns. Regular $3 values, special, dozen Full bleached all linen damask napkins, 21-inch size. Drop patterns, no cloth to matcn $2.50 values, sale price, dozen MADEIRA NAPKINS Made of fine quality Irish linen, finished by hand, in the rose scallop. 15-inch size.r j fr worth $7.00 a dozen, special at 3)t)sUU 54-Inch size, Cloth to Match $5.50 45-Inch size, Cloth to Match $3.98 18i36-Inch, Scarfs to Match. . .$1.25 18x54Jncn, Scarfs to Match. . .$2.25 Madeira Sets, consisting of nineteen pieces, beautifully embroidered, regular $10fw sx values, set p t)U PATTERN TABLE CLOTHS Fine quality Irish damask, all linen; 70x70 inches. In a range of very elaborate patterns, Regular $3.25 values, special in this i p sale, at each )iL0) CRASH Extra heavy quality, Scotch make ; all linen ; 18 inches . wide. Plain and fancy borders. Specially priced in this sale, 18c values, at yard luC BLANKETS OF THE BEST QUALITIES AT UNUSUAL PRICE CONCESSIONS Oae Special Lot of Extra Lars lToolnap Blankets, full 72x84. Ex tra beavy weight, splendid dur able twilled blankets with short felted nap. Gray, lisht tan and white, also plaids and checks. Regularly priced at f QO tj.60 op to $3, pair 5l.yO Beacon Crik Blankets, fast col ored, In pink, blue and plain white; sizes 36x50 and 30x40 Inches. Large assortment ot nur sery patterns. Many hare wide silk ribbon binding. Reg- CQr nlar price to $1, sale price,.. ww Tfoel An to Bobes, with wide hemmed edges. Sise 64x66, full 80r per cent wool filling. Good durable robe moderately priced, l QO Well worth 14. special. ei7le70 Beacon Bath Bobe Blankets, ab solutely fast colors. Extra size, 72x90. Conventional designs, Nav ajo Indian and floral patterns. Waist girdle, neck cord and frogs to match. Well worth S3 Oj'i z Q and more, complete, at..J).U7 811k Moll Covered Comforts, dainty floral patterns in blue, pink, yellow and lavender. Made with a wide mull border to match. Sise 72x80. Regular price J1 no 14, sale price, each vL70 Chase Flush Auto Bobes and All Wool Steamer Bogs, with or with out rubber Interlining. Sizes 64x60 and 64x72 Inches. All-Wool Steam er Rugs with wide fringed ends, plaids, checks, etc Well P i Q C worth to $7.50, each ....t.yO 1 V, A Saving on This Knit Underwear Women's , Union Salts, in medium and heavy floeced cottons; all styles, 11.00 values, per ()q Wemea's Union Salts, fleecy lllned cottons. Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length. Regular and extra sues, rer sutt Women's Heavy Telas tie Testa and Pants, all sizes. 69o quality, 2Q special. Garment.... Oy, Mlsss' and Boya' Union Salts, medium and heavy, fleecy lined. Ages rn. .50c up to 16 years, suit. WEDNESDAY WE WILL OFFER 120 Fine Sample SUITS AT ABOUT Half Price See our windows and advertisement in the Tues day afternoon papers. Piano Satisfaction for a Lifetime "When you purchase a Piano or a Player Tiano, you expect, and rightly so, to have Life-Long Piano Satisfaction. This can be accomplished only by selecting an instrument of Known Value, in which the best material and workmanship is included. Do Not Sacrifice Tone Quality, Perfect Action and Durability Thinking to Save a Few Dollars in the First Cost. Every Piano we sell is under an Unconditional Guarantee, and we will arrange terms of pay ment to suit your convenience, BRANDE1S PIANO DEPARTMENT THIRD FLOOR TTT" Low IFslfcbs Soottlml VIA Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Reduced rate, round trip winter excursion tickets on sale daily to many points In the South and Southeast. Augusta, Ga. $10.78 Palm Ueach $00.18 Mobile, Ala. $41.18 New Orlen $41.18 Tamp. Fl $eaji8 Iilloxl, Mtea $41.18 Jacksonville, Fla-, vU direct routes Jacksonville, Fla-, via New Orleans in one direction. Jacksonville, KU., vU Washington In one direction. Liberal stopovers allowed. Other attractive diverse route tickets on sale, also delightful tours tsa (ha West Indies, Panama Canal and South America. Four dally trains provide service of the well knowa high standard of the "Milwaukee" Road and afford good connections at Chicago for all points South and bast Let us help you plan your winter trip. W. C. DOCK, C. P. A., C.,M.G St. P. Ry., 1317 Farnam St., Omaha Neb. A rests (or All Steamship XUaes. Havana, Cuba $87.18 harleton, 8. C. $50.08 CJulfport, Miss $11.18 ........ $.1.0.08 $il. 8 $t.OO