Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1915, Page 7, Image 8

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    Tim bee: omaha, Tuesday, xovkmkeu n?, 1015.
Wsd ling Jtlngi Edholm, J.w.l.r.
Lighting- fixture Burgess-Orsnd.n.
JHt o ' Print XI Now Beacon PT.s
Tor pUt glass and burglary Insur
ance see J. II. Dumont, State Bank Bldg.
"Today's Mori rrornn" classified
section today. It appears tn The Kh
EXCLUSlVtXT. Find but what the va
rious coring picture theaters offer.
Oood fellowship Blcaer Another good
fellowship dinner of the Commercial club
In In store. The entertainment commit
tee announces It Is planning one
for the last week In November.
The State Bank of Omaha, corner Six
teenth and Harney, pays FOUR per cent
on time deposits and THREE per cent
on savings accounts. All deposits In this
bank are protected by the depositors'
guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska.
Suns Blot Maohlne Charles Jacobsen.
who conducts a pool room at 4418 North
Twenty-fourth street, was arrested and ,
nrougnt neioro judge rosier cnnrseii ,
wun operating a sioi raacn;nc. 1 11c mn-1
chlno was confiscated and Jacobsen fined j
$25 and costs. j
Son Bora to Former Omaha Folks .V I
son was born last Friday to Mr. ami Mrs.
C. E. Childe of Sioux City, formerly of
Omaha. Sir. Chlldo was formerly with
the traffic bureau of the Omaha Com
mercial club. He is now manager of the
trafflo bureau of the Commercial club
of Sioux City. Mrs. Chllde was formerly
Hiss Lorella Jameson of Omaha. Inciden
tally the Chllde baby Is the first "twilight
sleep" baby born In Sioux City. Mr.
Chllde is tn Omaha on his way home
from KanBaa City where he has been on
business in connection with his traffic
Masons of Scottish
Rite Hold Four-Day
Reunion in Omaha
Several hundred Masons of Omaha, Ne
braska and western Iowa are holding the
fall semi-annual reunion of Scottish Rite
bodies at the handsome new Scottish Kite
cathedral, Twentieth and Douglas streets.
About 150 candidates will receive various
higher degrees In that branch of Ma
sonry during the four-day session, and a
banquet Thursday evening will close the
Degrees from the fourth to the four
teenth are being conferred, under the
charge of K. C. Pattern, venerable mae-
ter. On Tuesday degrees from the fif
teenth to the eighteenth. Inclusive, will
be conferred by John W. Dlsbrow, wise
mater. The nineteenth to the .thirtieth
degrees will be bestowed upon candidates
Wednesday by B. N. Bowles, comman
der. Thursday the thirty-first and thirty-second
degrees will be conferred by
John H. Grossman, master of Kadosh.
Quite a number of Scottish Rite Masons
from other consistories are visiting the
Nebraska consistory for the reunion.
Meals are served at the cathedral by the
Scottish Rite Women's club.
Stop the Child's Cough
It Is
Croup and whooping cough are chil
dren's ailments. Dr. King's New Discov
ery is what you need. It kills the cold
germs. AU druggists. Advertisement,
Withnell to Advise
Fire Box System in
Business District
Superintendent Withnell of the fire
department will recommend to the city
council Tuesday morning the installa
tion of a modern fire alarm telegraphic
system in the "high value business dis
trict," bounded by Lake, Pierce and
Twenty-fourth streets,
Mr. Withnell has an estimate which
places the cost at $60,000 and 16,000 a year
for malntalnence. It is proposed to build
a central station, which may be enlarged
as the alarm system is extended.
The first proposition was to cover the
entire city at an estimated expenditure
of $150,000, the fire underwriters urging
this additional protection as necassary
before Insurance rates are lowered.
Mr. Withnell feels confident that the
proposed system in the business district
will meet the requirements of the un
derwriters and at the same time afford
needed protection. Tentative plans call
for 200 boxe within the territory out
lined. GtrU In Bad Health.
Hundreds of girls go to work day
after day, afflicted with some ailment
peculiar to their sex, dragging one foot
wearily after the other, working always
with one eye on the clock and wishing
for closing time to come. Every ..such
girl should rely on Lydla B. PinkhanV
Vegetable Compound to restore her to
a normal healthy condition, then work
will be a pleasure. For forty years this
famous root and herb medicine has been
pre-eminently successful in controlling
the diseases of women. Why don't you
try it? Advertisement.
Hero of "Clansman"
Brother-in-Law of
Mrs. H. H. Baldrige
The hero of "The Clansman," on which
"The Birth of a Nation" is founded, was
a brother-in-law of Mrs. Howard Bal
drige of Omaha. Ho. is Colonel William
Garland, now of Los Angoles, Cal. When
Thomas Dixon went down south to get
material for "The Clansman" young Gar
land, whose father had been interested in
the Ku-Kluk clan's activities, took him
around and told him many of tho Inci
dents of those days. When Dixon wrote
the book he modeled his hero after this
young man.
Vour.g Garland ha9 had a most eventful
life. He is a deep sea harbor con
structor and a leader in his profession.
He constructed a I art of the harbor at
Hamburg, Germany. He lived ten years
in Rio Janeiro, llrazil, where he was
engaged in constructing the harbor there,
and he has had charge of the construc
tion of many of the harbors of the At
lantio and Pacific coasts of this country.
Cared ttoy of r tap.
Nothing frightens a mother more than
the loud, hoarse cough of croup. The
labored breathing, strangling, choking
and gasping for breath call for instant
action. Mrs. T. Neureuer, Eau Claire,
Wis., says: "Foley's Honey snd Tar
lured my boy of a serious attack of
croup after other remedies had failed.
I recommended It to every one, as w
knew from our own experience that U
is a wonderful remedy for coughs, colds,
croup and whooping cough," t clears
air passages, soothes snd heals. tu
every where. Advertisement.
New Tariff Received and Advance
is to Go Into Effect on
The local passenger office of the
Missouri Pacific has received Its
tariffs providing; for the increased
rates within Nebraska, as provided
for by the decision of the federal
court, recently banded down here,
when Judges Sanborn, Munger and
Pollock enjoined the Nebraska State
Railway commission from Interfer
ing in the proposed lncrtase from 2
to 3 CPn(s p,r mUe on al, lntr&atate
The new tariffs do not make any
changes In the rates from competitive
points to competitive points. For in
stance, the rate from Omaha to Platts
mouth and Nebraska City, and all other
stations where there are other roads
operating between the points, remains at
cents per mile.
The following Is given as an example
of what the advance amounts to In the
matter of the cost of tickets, the rate
being from Omaha:
Old Rate. New Rate.
Springfield ,
..$ .4i
$ .fi9
fort Crook
Auburn ....
Weeping Water HO
Union 68
With the exception of to and
competitive points, a corresponding in
crease applies to all stations in the state,
both to and from Omaha and likewise
between stations.
According to tho Information received
from the general offices in ft. Louis, the
new rates will become effective Wednes
day of this week.
Pioneer Resident
of Omaha is Dead
Martha Bernndina Olson, 76 years of
age, resident of Omaha for forty-five
years, died Sunday evening at her home.
1432 South Eighteenth street. Funeral
will be at 2 o clock this afternoon
from N. P. Swanson's chapel on Cuming
street. Rev. Mr. LJnder of the South
Side will conduct the services.
Mrs. Olson Is survived by her husband.
O. R. Olson; a son, Robert LJndberg, for
many years in the claims department of
the local Burlington offices and now In
the Chicago offices of that company, and
Mrs. John Undberg, daughter-in-law, of
814 Hickory street. There are eight up-
vlvlng grandchildren.
, Burial will be at Forest Lawn ceme
Flush Kidneys
With Salts if
Back Is Aching
Noted authority says we eat
" too much' meat, which
clogs Kidneys.
Take glass of Salts when Kid
neys hurt or Bladder
bothers you.
No man or woman who eats meat reg
ularly can make a mistake by flushing
the kidneys occasionally, says a well-
known authority. Meat forms urlo acid
which excites the kldneya, they become
overworked from the strain, get sluggish
and fall to filter the waste and poisons
from the blood, then we get sick. Nearly
all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble,
nervousness, dlzxlness, sleeplessness and
primary disorders come from sluggish
The moment you feel a dull ache In
the kidneys or your back hurts or If th
urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi
ment, irregular of passage or attended
by a sensation of scalding, stop eating
meat and get about four ounces of Jad
Salts from any pharmacy; take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before break
fast and In a few days your kidneys will
set fine. This famous salts is made from
the acid of grape and lemon Juice, com
bined with llthla, and has been used for
generations to flush and stimulate the
kidneys, also to neutralise the acids tn
urine so It no longer causes Irritation,
thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts la Inexpensive and cannot
injure; make a delightful effervescent
llthta-water drink which everyone should
take now and then to keep the kidneys
clean and active and the blood pure.
thereby avoiding serious kidney compli
cations. Advertisement.
A Simple Way To
Remove Dandruff
There Is one sure way that has never
failed to remove dandruff at once, and
that Is to dissolve It, then you destroy It
entjrely. To do this, Just get about four
ounces of plain, common liquid arvon
from any drug store (this la all you will
need), apply It at night when retiring
use enough to moisten the scalp and rub
it in gently with the finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or four
more applications will completely dis
solve and entirely destroy every single
sign and trace of It, no matter how much
dandruff you may have.
Tou will find all itching and digging
of the scalp will stop instantly, and your
hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, srlky
and soft, and look and feel a hundred
times better. Advertisement.
When Itching Stops
There Is one safe, dependable treatment
that relieves Itching torture Instantly and
that cleanses and soothe th skin.
Ask any druggist for a Xo bottle of aemo
and apply it as directed. Boon you will
find that pimples, black heads, ecseir-a,
ringworm and similar skin troubles will
A little ifitio, the penetrating, satisfy-
lng liquid. Is all thai is needed, for It ban
Wthea ull skin eruptions and makes th
blin soft, smooth snd heullhy.
Ztino, Cleveland.
Promising Young Attorneys Arc
Now Seeking the Practical Joker
A professional-looking young man
wandered Into The Bee editorial rooms at
five minutes before 11. noon. He looked
anxiously around and thsn approached
a reporter and whispered:
Where will I find Powell, the car
toonist?" He was directed and disappeared across
the bridge of sighs that spans the alley
and up the steep stairs that led to the
palace of art.
Scarcely had he gone when another
professional-looking younr man, wear
ing glasses, appeared, looked anxiously
around and approached the reporter.
"Where is Powells office, the car
toonist T" he Inquired.
He, too, disappeared across the bridge
and up the stairs.
The clock struck 1$ and Into the edi
torial rooms came three professional
looking young men. They eyed each
other askance. Finally one of them ap
proached the telephone girl and in
quired: "Is Powell, the cartoonist. in?"
The second went to a reporter and
asked :
"Where Is the cartoonist's officer
The third approached the telegraph
editor's desk and bent over and whis
pered: "Where will I find Mr. Powell, the car
toonist?" All disappeared across the bridge and
up tho narrow stairs.
Then they began coming, thick and
fast, Three and four came in at a time,
but always they separated and whispered
an Inquiry to some individual In the of
fice and disappeared across the bridge.
Anon was heard the clatter ng of many
feet coming back across the bridge and
j ry' . . ' I
L rw I hto , mm , , nim 11 . . . : m- l. . - 11 His mil i i im i mi . umismmmmmmmimmmmmamammmBmmmJJ
L '
Cartoonest Towell appeared like the Vied
Piper of Hamlin, followed by a wh lv
crowd of professional-looking young men.
Towell took his two-pound pipe out of
Ms teeth and remarked to the city
"Wonder what's the matter here. All
these gentlemen sny someone telephoned
to them that I wanted them to eall here
st 11 o'clock to draw their pictures for
next Sundays Bee. They're all young
Ton could have heard a volume of
Ulaekstone drop as the scorn of embryo
legal luminaries waited.
The city editor Immediately handed
down his decision.
"It Is evident, e plurlbus ununi." he
remarked, sagely, "that a Joke, Jest,
qulh or other trick has been played, per
petrated, coneoeled and pulled off, non
vult or otherwise, by some person or
persons to this court nt the present time
unknown, sine ouanon."
The twenty legal lights stood with their
hnnds in their oven-oat pockets. Several
slipped out, some grumhhvt, but most of
them laughed. Several expressed an ar
dent doslr to know where the practical
Joker could be found, stating that they
would have speech with him.
After the victims had all filtered out
and away, a professional look ng young
man in a long overcoat came quietly into
the editorial rooms and tiptoed over to a
"Can you tell nie where I fill find Mr.
Powell, the cartoonist?" he asked.
Ho was enlightened and saved a trip
across tho brtago ana up me stairs.
The cartoon of a number of the older
lawyers In last Sunday's Bee made the
work of the mysterious Joker all the
Habeas corpus proceedings will not be
started. What's the use?
Cedar Broo
TTCTHEN the call comes, "What will you
have? You should always say
"Cedar Brook to be sure" if you want to be
sure of superior quality. Ask the most com
petent judges of whiskey what brand is the
best, and they will surely answer, "Cedar
Brook to be sure." Ask them what brand
you can always be certain of when there are
so many whiskeys of varying quality and
theyll answer always "Cedar Brook, to be
sure." You take no chances on Cedar Brook
It's certain ly the best Same unvarying
superior quality since 1847 largest selling
brand of fine Kentucky bourbon whiskey in
the world. . Youll know why when you try it
At all Leading Clubs, Bars, Restaurants,
Hotels and also at all Leading Dealers.
An Effort to Be Made to Raiie the
Money Asked by the Wichita
A determination to bring; to Omaha
Arthur Hsuper, highway man snd al
leged murderer of W. H Smith, Is
expressed by Acting Chief of Police
M'chael Iioinpscy.
"I think that $1,000 Is more than
a sufficient sum to bo aked by the
Wichita folk, but regardless whether
it la or not, we are going to attempt
to rnlse the amount they demand. '
remarked Pemjisey.
In consultation with Commissioners
Butler and Kukel It was determined thnt
a proposition be put before tho council
to raise the reward of ll'OO offered by
tho city to "-00. This will bo discussed nt
the Tuesday session of the council.
Also Captain Pempsey has talked with
Chief Deputy Sheriff William A. Foster,
who will ask Pherlfr McShane on the
hitter's return to the city, to commu
nicate with Governor Morehend for a
f.XKi reward from the state. "As Smith
was a cltlien and taxpayer of Council
Bluffs I think they should offer some
thing, and we are certain that the Wood
men of the World will increase their
$io reward. We will have no difficulty.
I am sure. In getting tho required sum
to bring this msn to his Just deserts."
Chief of Detectives Mal-mcy expected to
receive requisition papers from Governor
Morehead yesterday, and if the Kansas
authorities can be satisfied within the
next twenty-four hours Malonsy will leave
this afternoon or evening to bring back
the prisoner.
Omaha to Lose
tho Tom Kellys
in Early Spring
Omaha's musical circle Is to lose the
Kellys In the early spring, when Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly will remove to
This Information comes In the Issue of
The Musical Courier Just received in the
malls from New York, which further In
dicates tho field they will occupy in
Chicago by annotinc'ng Mr. Kelty as open
to engagement as "vocal coach" and for
lecture recltnls with Mrs. Kelly.
The Kelly have been so long In Omsha
as lenders In tho music, field that they
lave come to be rcgurded as fixtures
although It has been known to friends
1 nt ihev have been mere than once
tempted by offers rrom other cities, snd j That's whst thousands of stomach trf-r.t-raumhlv
this timo have yielded to the 1 ferer are doing now. Instead of taking
As mnsleM critic for Th Bee for many
eirs Mr. Kelly made a reputation as an
BV.thorltntlve writer on musical subjects,
and ss onouctor of tho Mendelssohn
choir, which has given concerts in con
nection with the Thomas orchestra, has
achieved recognition throughout tho west.
According to Monday's reports to the
railroads it win wlnterlsh out in the
stale, but clear and calm. Numerous
places reported trmeraturea of 20 de
grees above sero Sunday night. A few
points in the southern part of the state
report as high as Sfl degrees above sero. snow was reported through tho
Black Hills and In central Wyoming and
l, . .
Uq "
Get a small pneksge of Hamburg
Breast Tea, or ss the German folks call
It, "Hamburger Brunt Thee," at any
pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the
tea. put a cup of boiling water upon It,
pour through a sieve and drink a teacup
full at any time. It Is the most effective
way to break a cold snd cure grip, a It
opens tho pores, relieving congestion.
Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking; a
cold at once.
It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable,
therefore harmless Advertisement.
nt the Real Ciatise Take vr.
ttlwnrdV OIItc Tablet.
tonics, or trying to patch up a poor diges
tion, they are attacking the REAL, cause
of the ailment clogged liver and disor
dered bowels.
lr. Kd wards' Olive Tablets arouse th
liver In a soothing, healing way. When
the liver and bowels are performing their
natural functions, away goes Indigestion
and stomach troubles.
If you have a bad taste In your mouth,
tongue coated, eppetlte poor, laiy, don't
care feeling, no ambition or energy, trou
bled with undigested food, you should
take Olive Tablets, the substitute for cal
omel. 1 ir. Fdwards" olive Tablets are a purely
vegetable compound mixed with olive oil.
You will know them by their olive color.
They do the work without griping, cramp
or pain.
Take one or two at bedtime for Quick
relief, so you can eat whst you liko. At
100 and 2cc per box. All druggist,
The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, O.
V - i.i! ; warn
rutijlb, '
. -V
u.ri? DRAY 1
fl - VVHISKtY. j
Bottled in Bond