Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1915, Page 11, Image 12
thi: hkk; omaiia. tuksday, xovkmhhu k?, 11.15. 11 V t I'OU HKNT I nfnrnlvh- if Hnnmi, j Tt 4 unfurnished rooms, Web. ST. ONE or 3 unfurnished room, strictly mod ern; parties without children. D. 4ji'e, llonirkrrptnK Hitoias. FAHNAM, 2ST" Two nice housekeeping rooms; electricity, stonm. i rn 1A VKNl'OHT, JtHS TWO OK TIIHKB NICELY FI RNISHED HKFU hlOMS, REASONABLE rent. famished Hoases. -ROOM modern bungalow; completely furnished; near car. l&oi Plnkncy St. T-R. house furnl"hed, H. 3W1. MY home for months or longer, near SUh and Harney. Phone Harney 171. Hum and 4 il taK-a. ftiortfc. I.KV-PEVEN rooms and hath, all modern. 2524 Manderaon Ft. Web. RENT FRKE FOR TWO WKEKS Nice eight-room house; newly decorated: modern except heat; storm windows and doors; price reduced to IIS. WeJ. WfiO, FOR RKNT-4-room house, all modern conveniences, block to car. 4filJ N. Sth St. M. A Past. 4519 N. Kith 8L Phone Colfax 1171. FOR SMALL, FAMILY Bntlre upstairs of residence; I nice large rooms and bath: modern except heat; clean and comfortable; 110. Web. 5QS0. l-KOOM cottage: mod. 131 8. Hist. H. -TO. ' WALKING distance, 2638 Dodfire. 8-rooni, modern, $36; key, 3640; call Web. 4K7F. Rent Reduced Nice l-room house, modern except heat, torm windows; arranged for two fami lies If so desired; rent i-i. i611 Corby St Tel. Web. 78K2. r t-R. mod, cottage. 24"6 Kmmet. Web. liif.9. -ROOM cottage; partly modern; the rent in miuiTu, ranicr. S-ROOM house and bain. 9'H N. 2rtth St. T ROOMS. 247 Charles. Ill Weh. M." Inltk, not Howard, mod., oak fi metaJ Wth'r JPwlndowsbaut. Int. Hal. 2.47. COTTAOFJ8. 2M-il SOUTH-2oThAVbI 114 PER MONTH. Two i 7-rooin houses. S. W. corner 33d and Howard. Theiee houses have been "Very completely remodeled; new fur naces, combination light fixtures, hard wood floors, new paper In every room find closet. Summer porch, screened In; n fact every comfort, MO. ALFHEl) THOMAS 3m lHt Nat. Bank. FOR RENT New, mod. 6-room house and sleeping fiorch, full basement, eaat front, excel cnt neighborhood, close to cur Hue. South 71. feTRiCTLY m dern, 7-r.. Hanscom Park, . cottage, oak floors. 136. Tel. liar. 429. 7-ROuM. modern, !bii Poppleton At idOLiERN 7-room house. lils Park Ave., t'S. Pione Harney IMS. 627 PARK AVE 9-rootn mod. home, ,;lo; nnniii! Air. v arey i leaning Co, H. 73117. 6-ROOM cottage. Ill 8. aith St., 115. ALL modt rn, f;no repair, 8-r.; 830 8. 29th St., near Mason. S508 N. 28th Ave., 5-room house. 810. Stores, moves, packs, sTupT; 3-horse van and 2 men, $1.25 per nr. ; storage $2 per Vnn Ktt I I mf u f Inn ...... . . . 1. . m. .. . . . .... v,..,t Bupii. u, -j.ia -ly. BOtJTH OMAHA RESIDENCE. four rooms, city water, electric lights, small table; near Corrlgsn school. $S per month. S. A. Searle. Owner. Phones Douglas SSO or Harney 1526. MlierllaoFoat, i Globe Van&Storage ' Stores, niuvea, packs, ships; S-bursi van Jd 8 men, $1.26 pr hr. ; storage U per mo. hat IM solum nuar. 1. 433 & Ty. 23x -K, cottage, newly decorated; rent cheap; mod. except heut; storm win . flows. 8120 Corby St. Web. 1345. Gordon Van Co. St loraaa. bv n. nth bi lei I) m or Har. 117. Sail S. 33d St., rooms and bath i05 Franklin St., 6 rooms and bath. 8oo7 Franklin St.-, S rooma and bath. PHONE DOUGLAS 2M. 11 OO. 6-r. cottage, full basement, reason able to adults. 1947 8. 2xth. Har. 46i4. $12.60220 Clark. 4 rooms. $14.00 2i22 N. lmh, 6 rooms, toilet, $14.00 lot N. 20th. 4 rooms, toilet $16.00 2til Seward, 6 rooms, barn. $&.00 218 N. 18th, 8 rooms, bath. $35.00-.-62 St. Mary's Ave., 12. r.. mod. $46.008310 Davenport, 6 rooms, mod., new. RINOWALT. HRANDE13 THEA. SEE the Central Furniture Store's FRJ2B RENTAL f.lST Maggard's lag, uat.n.x, snipping. I'.it Webster SL luf;iNS 14HA. 6-HouM coituge, partly modern; good condition. $.i0. 423 N. 84th. H. 27&1. FIDELITY h- VHLK Pbona Dotxlas tSt) for complete list ot Vacant houses and apartments, also for atorami. niovma. i:tn arid Jackson (t WANTED To buy on monthly payments, small store room, with living rooms above, in Central school district Phone Red 7864. BURDETTli, 21Ut. 8-room house wlfh bath and furnace, $30. Call Web. 464. KirillKfh Crelgb Sons A Co., Be tllugT J, A 13 J tip. Co., moving, .v.Keea storage FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE SEPAi.A'l E, locked rooms, or house hold goods and p.anos; moving, packing ana snipping. OMAHA v AN AND STORAGE CO. iM S. n;th St. Doug. 41ti3. Mores and Offices. 8-ROOM house, strictly modern, hot water heat. jM. 2716 Burt St. NEW brick store with basement; corner 24th and Ersklne, near Luke. $35. S. A. Sea lie, owner. Douglas b&O or Har ney laid. WANTED TO RENT BY refined young man, university stu dent, good room In mou'ern home; apartment preferred; breakfast and even ing dinner; within four blocks of 4th and Farnam. Address S 419, care of Bee. WANTED TO BUY WE pay Chicago prices for aluminum scrap cast.nKS. Paxton-Mltchell Co. Strictly high giaile piano. Web. 372i, Yale buyj e-ryi' 2d hand. Web 4W4. WANTED Second-hand leather belting, any size or quantity. Leather Preserver Co.. 642 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago, 111. REAL ESTATE FARM & H.tAtll L.V.N OS FOR BALE! Kaaias, CHOICE Improved 4 In Phillips county, Kansas, black soil. Exchange for cat tle, other land or cash $.4M. liellycr. Republican City, Neb Jtl lu e c mil In. 40. 80 or 10 acres good heavy soil, 'well settled part ot 'iodd county, Minn.; IT'cd roada, schools and churches. Price, 815 to &JO ner acre. Terms. 11 lMr arm ch, balance $1 per acre a year; 6.OJ0 ecrwa to sW.-ct from. Schwab Hros., 1028 Plymouth Bid.. Mlnneatxjlls. Minn. Nebraska. FOR BALK 160 acres, one-half mile from Clarks. Neb.; M acres ln wheat, baJaoca 1 J?!.,ture' n,y meadow and Umber; good buildings. Price 1120 per acre, half cash. Wr D. Abel, Clarks, Neb. FOR BALE Bt large body high-grade mstllura prtoed land In Nebraska: vary llttl money required C. Brdley. Wal acn. Neb- m F9i;.A.LP-w niilea from Klm- ball. Neb.; near railroad station; 112.60 Pr acre. Will consider Omaha (clear) residence property in part payment. Ad qreas L. Bee office. South Omaha 40 ACRES A bargain ln a school land lease In Keith county, running 30 years Only 1375. Write owner, U C. (Sandal' 1644 Locust St . Lincoln. Neb. ,"T"natl!; Wlmuli, UPPF.R WISCONSIN Best dalrv and g m-ral crop state In tile union; settl -it wanted, lands fr sale at low prices on ny trnn. Auk for liooklct 34 on Wiscon sin Central Lund (Jrant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If interested In fruit lands aak fur booklet on Hpple orchard Address I.snd and Induiitrial Dpt., S-o Line Railway. Minneapolis, Minn. REAL KSTATK i FARM A R4.M II LM FOR S4I.R t I Miscellaneous. II A V 15 TOi; A FARM FOR SALET Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City. Ua.) Jour nal. "Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Medium. ' Twenty-five words every Fri day evenlnit. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening- and Sunday for one month, slvlng aWteen ads cn twelva dif ferent day for tJ. or 60 worda, ft, or 75 words. IS, largest circulation of any Iowa riewe paper. 0.000 readers dally In four great states. FARMS WANTED DAIRY farm for rent. About X) acre. Two miles from Council Muff". One cf the best d ilry farina In the co"ntry. $T per acre. At ply to Oeorse O. Clark, 18 Pearl St. Phone 171 Council Fluffs. In. REAL ESTATE LOANS. $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Pldg., 18th A Farnam Sta, CITY and farm loans, 6, SH. per cent J. H. Dumont Co., 418 Stste Rank. A "For Pale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. WANTED Oood farm and city loans at lowent rates. PETF.RS TRUST CO., K22 Farnam. rf CITY property. large loons a specialty. w. it. Thomas, izs staie nana t'uia OMAHA homes. Ernst Nebraska farms. O KEEFE REAL KSTATK CO., 1"1 Omnha National. Phone Doualas TIS. MONEY on hand for city and farm loana. H. W. Hinder, City National Hani hioik tier CITY I41ANS. C. G. Csrlberg. 81S " 0 U Rrns. Theater Sldg. REAL ESTATF NORTH rinR &-H(K'M h iue, mmiern except heat WSl Manderaon. Owner. Douglas 8281. BUNGALOW New, 4-room, bath, electric lights and gas; corner lot, 8 blocks from car; $100 down, $25 a month. Douglas 7392. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE HAVE YOU GOT $300! A dandy brand new 6-room house with sun room, all modern, oak finish, cement basement with hot and cold water; east front lot 4ixl42; close to school: good lo cation. Price only $2,900; monthly pay ments. Located on 3uth Ave. between Martha and Arbor. C. O. CARLBERG, 812 Prandela Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATHI INVESTMENTS Fine Chance for Investment 80x280, 1 block from Ames, I block from Fontenelle Park, $700. 60x160, north side of Ames, near 30th St., $500. Quick sale. $1,000 Cash for Both. Tel. Walnut 1940 or address F 411, Bee. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS ACRE and quarter of ground, all set to fruit and 1earlng; eight-room house on premises; well and cistern; must sell cheap; S9th St.; three blocks south county line. South 1557. 61X-ROOM HOUSE, with one-half acre of beautiful ground; little ways from street cur line; price reasonable. 1st and Haskell Sts. Harney 6898. HAVfc. about 2ou city lots ln growing city ln Wyoming. VVUl trade for real estate near or In Omaha. Make an offer. Address M-416. care Ree. NEW 6-room modern, close ln; paved street, all paid; fine location; oak fin ish and floors. Equity of $1,700 for $1,100 cash. Harney 6M5. LEGAL NOTICES Notice la hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the Board of Directors of the Short Line Irrigation District at their office in the Village of Bayard, Neb., for the purchase of fif teen thousand five hundred eighty-two dollars face value of the t per cent serial Donas oi said aistrict until 1:30 o'clock p. m. on the 7th day of December, 1915: said bonda are tsaued under and h virtue of an Act of the legislature of the state or rMeDrasaa, approvea March 26th, 1805, Session Laws ISSs, Chapter 70 and all amendments thereto and pursuant to a vote of the majority of the qualified elec tors of said d let r let. The Board expressly reserves the right to reject any and all bids and will in no event sell any of said bonds for less than ninety-five oar cent of the face value thereof. By order of the Board or uireciors. (Signed) CATHERINE ROBERTS. Secretary Short Line Irrigation District. N9d20t Japanese Women Receive Honors KIOTO, Japan, Nov. 16. merican residents In Japan today collectively sent a memorial to Emperor Yoshlhlto con gratulating him on his coronation and emphasising the peace and security of life ln Japan. Japanese women are pleased by the In clusion ln the coronation honors of five women, three of whom, Umeko Tsuda, Koukko Kaetsu and Kajlko Yajlma, are octal reformers. Among the workers who have received decorations Is Colonel Yamamuro of the Salvation Army. Tonight the emperor went through the elaborate ceremony of deification. Fay Has Offered To Give Evidence NEW YORK, Nov. 15. Robert .Fay. who w'th four others Is held on charge of attempting to blow up munitions ships, had a long talk In the Tombs today with William J. Flynn, chief of the United States secret service, and John C. Knox, special assistant United States attorney, and as a result it was said, he had of fered to turn state's evidence. AFGHANISTAN STARTS REVOLT AGAINST BRITAIN BERLIN, Nov. 15. "Afghanistan is preparing to war against the British possessions ln India," according to tele grams received by the Overaess News ajrencv from Confttanttnnnle vitrhintr I on the Afghanistan-India frontier," th Turkish advices add. "already has be gun at several places.' ALLIES REPORTED TO BE CONTINUING THE ADVANCE SALONIKI, Nov. 15. The French and 1 British troops continue thuir advance ' along the whole Una. It la officially an nounced that the proportion of wounds! to killed on the allied side so far In thi Bslkan campaign is as ten to one. Use The Bee's "&waper- Column. Oil and Hoala. SAVANNAH, !.. Nui. 10. TVRPF.N TINK Atrong; 6ju:c; sales, 1 bbls receipts. ml t.bU. , suipii.tiiU, W ols stork. 11. 1 hi, la. I'.OSIN-Firm: sales. 1.23 bbls.: re ceipts, 1,1X3 bbls.; shipments. l,7s bbls stock, 61.K37 bbls. Quote: A B. C, D. K. F, O, B2Sc; II 6 'm-; I, 6 3,k; K, 6 "; M, 6-tt'c: N 6 WU. .Aic; WW,' . GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Run ii Rathrr Htavy and the Demand is Moderate at Unchanging Price. CORN IS NOT VERY STRONG OMAHA. November 15. 191 ". The wheat run wss rather heavy tod.iy and there was a moderate demand for thls cereal. The wheat market ranged from un changed to le lower. The corn market was not very strong and il.l-,4iSe lower. The recclp.a d ccreai were light and ine tl niunJ wa cot very at live. There was a preity good demand for cats and ihey sold (mm um hanged to V' higher. Tlie reoeipts of rye were very good and the prices for this cereal remained prac tically um hanged. The demand was hardly strong enough to take care of the hta receipts. Receipts ot barley were fair and there was a moderate dnmnnil for this cereal, the maraet remaining unchanged. t. lettiauct-s ot wneut aim uour were equal to l,il6.0uu bu.; corn, bO.OUO bu.; oats, !,ti0 bu. At Liverpool wheat closed unchanged; corn, unchanged to Hd higher. Primary wheat receipts were S.721,OiO bu. and shipments S.W4.i"K) bu., agalnt receipts of bu. and shipments of l.(KJ.miO bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 7til,000 bu. and shipment 343, iav bu., aguusi re ce pts of 1..w.Oh bu. and shipments of 34n,ooo bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 1.794.OH0 bu. and shipments 1.134.UJO bu.. against re ceipts of 1.UM.000 bu, and shipments ot 1.OJU0U0 last t ear. CARLOT RliECIPTS. VA heat. Corn. Oats. Rye. Chicago 1S4 U4 187 & Minneapolis .... u.D ... ... ... Du.utu 1.446 Omaha iul 67 32 iS Kan tuts City.... b.'O M 24 St. Louis 3-7 W 74 Winnipeg 2,181 ... iice suits were reported today; Wheat, iso. s hard winter: 1 oar, 8C No. 3 hard winter: 2 tan, 9ic; I car, tic; b cars, ic; 3 cars. tivc; 1 cars. Wic; 7 cars, MHc; 6 cais, Kuc. fvo. 4 hard winter: a cars. c; 1 car. Hoc; 1 car, 4o; 1 car, WtiC 10 tars. iMc, cars, M-c; cars, Mo; 4 cars, sic; 1 car, o-ic; 4 irs. Due. bainple: 1 car, kiic; 1 oar. fco: 1 car, 4c; 2-6 of a cur, 7oc. No. II spring: i cars, 1.00; 1 car. trio; 1 car, Wo; 1 car, Hoc. No. 4 spring: 1 car, ..c; 1 car t.4J lb.), 7tc. No. a mixed: 1 car, Via; xso. 4 mixed: 1 car. 3o; 2 cars. 8o. No. 2 durum: 4 cars, 7c; No. 3 durum; 2 care. Wo; cars,6Vc; 2 cars. l.o. No. 2 mixed uurum: 1 car, fcu; 1 cur. Wo. Hariey: No. 4: 1 car, b&c. Sample; 1 car, 4.0. Corn: No. 2 white: 6 cars, 61c No. 3 white: 3 cars, bio. No. 2 yellow: 3 cars, Si:c. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, tio. No. 2 mixed: 1 Car (near yellow), cars, bUfcC No. 3 mixed: 3 cars, 61c; 1 car, 61c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, buc. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 61c; 1 car, blc Sample: 1 car, fiO'c. Oats: Standard; 2 cars. 3jrC. No. 3 white: 2 cars, 3uc; 6 cars, 34 'e. 2 cars, S4ViC No. 4 white: 7 cars, 34c; 2 cars, Wc. Sample: 2 cars. 33c; 1 car. S3o; 3-5 of a car, 32c; 1 car. 3Hc; 1 car 27c. Rye: No. i, 1 car, Vic. No. 2, 1 car, 3c; 2 cars. 924C No. 8: 1 car, Mc; 1 car. M'o: 3 cars, UJc; 2 car, Dlstc; 3 cars, Die. No. 4: 1 car, 9oc; 3 cars. tsfc. Omaha anh prices heat: No. 2 tur key. Ostein. 00; No. 3 Key, 5Hi"; No. 2 riaid. 97f(i.v; No. 3 hard, 94VO'-" c : No. 4 hurd, h'.i:uc; No. 2 spring, MTi'ufl.01; No. 3 spring, .cii1.00; No. 2 durum. Vic; No. 3 durum. DjUWOc; sample, 6.t)Mu. Corn: No. 2 white, 6o,gfiUv No. 3 white, l0i&lc; No. 4 white, eOttGCOe; No. 6 while, Hi'fiVc; No. 6 white, 5vtf(io4c; No. 2 yellow, 62MjH3ic ; No. 3 yellow, t.2it 4iU2-11c; No. 4 yellow, 624i5JVic; No. 6 yel low, 61'ji214c; No. yellow, 1Mj 2c; No. 2 mixed, 614i(61Vkc; No. 8 mixed, tildjlc; No. 4 mixed, 0r(iili4e; No. i mixed, 60V til He; .No. 6 nilAtd. mV.iy lie. uti; No. 2 white, ja3tc; standard, 3ti4'o6 nc ; No. 3 white, iHVu-lic; No. 4 while, 3:1 tgS40. Parley: Malting, bZiiftc: No. 1 feed. 46 j fOc. Rye: No. 2, iVu'4:c; No. 3, klitf nlca go closing p. Ices, furnished Ths Ree by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, sli South Sixteenth street: Artlclel Open. Hlgh. Ixiw. Close. Sat' y. Wheatl 04' 3X Dec.. II 04V 1 06 1 04 1 07Vl WV. 1 OUA 1 07toA 1 06 1 004 May.llObW Corn, i Dec. 161 31X 61 H 60'4iB flUKM May.iMWWI 04 63 :64io'viMy Osts, I Dec, 38 Si. 40l 40 May. Pork. Dec. Jan.. Lard. Jan.. May. Ribs. Jan.. May. 40''g-H 40A 40 i 14 10-30 14 80 16 66 9 07 20 14 10 16 45 9 00 14 15 Id 46 14 40 16 66 lli 66 07'!!O6 s on HI 9 is la 9 12U'15 Uttiuj9 2125 9 OOli.K 1215 9 17 9 a 9 07 9 07 9 00 9 17 9 15 17 A Asked. B Bid. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of ths Trading; and Closing Prices on Board of Trade, CHICAGO. Nov. 10. Foreigners buying future deliveries had a bullish influence today on wheat. The market closed nervous, but ldilc net higher with De cember at fl.0;. and May at 31.07. Other leading staples all showed a lusa corn a shade to c, oats Hr0"Vtu and pro visions 74l25c. Although some hesitation was evident at the outset ln wheat, the market quickly began to display a definite lean ing adverse to the bears. Continued shrinkage of stocks in Great Britain was reported, and predictions were received from there that liberal buying would he done to provide for winter requirements. European purchasing of deferred options here and at Winnipeg appeared, there-" rore. rather significant, especially as foreigners were said to be urgently ln queut of flour. Minneapolis reported In this connection that the country milling demand for wheat was the strongest ever known. Selling on tie account of the United States visible supply totalled at one time to a decided bearish reaction of the wheat market. The fact, however, that the enlargement of the total was not so pronounced as had been expected by many traders caused considerable short covering later, and left the market in the end at the top prices of the day. In corn the prospect that central Illi nois would show a big movement of the crop this week and next was too much of a handicap for the bulls. It was said also that the country was selling freely, Influenced by the clear, cold weather auspicious for curing corn. Oats felt to some extent the effect of liberal receipts. The stock here, though. Is still far below last year's total at the cor responding time. Provisions were depressed by a sharp break In the value of hogs. Packers gave the market some support, but not until after a material decline. i'hlcaao Cash Prices Whent: No. 2 red, ll.HSCfll.lftMi; No. 8 red. $1.0iiW.12i4; No. 2 hard, l.jrl 08 No. 3 hard, 11.01 l.ft". Corn: No. 2 yellow, old, r,fJi.V..c; No. 4 yellow, new, G91i mc ; No. 4 white, new, 67'4ic. Oats: No. 3 white. 3T,4i Slic; standard, ?9V-j19in. Rye: No 3 6c. Parley. &6i.ic. Seeds: Timothy! 35. 005g 00; clover, 10 O&3).oa. Provisions: Pork 114.16; lard, $5.75; ribs, $10.00t(jl0 10. Bl'TTER 8tesdy; creamery, 23tr3uc KOGS Receipts, 2.797 cases; firsts. 3ii 30c; ord'nary firsts, 27i&'J8c; at mark, casea Included. 20ijy3oc. POTATOhiH Receipts 67 cars: higher; Michigan and Wisconsin whites, iyw(J'io; Minnesota and Dakota whites. Gixy⁣ Minnesota and Dakota Ohioa BliSc. POULTRY Alive stesdy; fowls, 12c; springs, 13c; turkeys. Idyllic. NKW YORK (.KMKH4L MARKET Qaotatlons of the Day oa Varloas Com mod 1 1 1 ea. NKW YORK. Nov. IS-FLOITR VteaHvr r.rlncr nitahli tK HtMK 7K p-ents. $6.4"ti6.fO: wln'b r straights, $5 2i enrisn iiiaiKDii. s.i.4.yrft.9J. W MIT AT lrr.,n,la.. KJ- $113'. f. o. b.. New York; No. i northern. I'uiuin. i.u. ana rvo. 1 northern Msnltoba. $1.1214. e. I. f., Buffalo, Futures, steady. December, sill. CORN-Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, 7Co prompt. OATS Spot, steady; No. 2 whits, C'jr 42c: ordinary to f incy clipped, 40fi4. HAY Steady; prime, $1.3:'; N'o. I $1 SO No. 2. $1.30; No. 2. Si.K'al.'; ihipplm:. Ita?.' irif' K'i & v .,. " ' . -. . . ... i, r r i chrlce I'll'., n'niOr-, iftu, 74 'C; I'ad'ic LIBIl '13. .'IV.C, lill. 1( lit-. HIDEH f'teady; Bogota MX.elc; CVn tr 'I A inerl' a. 2 c. LKATHFR-Mrm; Hemlock firsts, Slfi "4c- secon-'. P'i'it'i'-'A. P"l I V I II I VH I'nrk utuurf $17 Curyli.ju; family, $-.'.0 i;2 3 "; short chars. flViVb lieef, steady; m an. 31 ...OulT.-O; lamlly, I H.iXUv.O, lard. enKy; ml, Idle went, .Oi.uv l.. TALLONN Dull; city. 7c; country, 74jic; special, c. Hi T'l KK r li incr; receipts. t.R2S tubs; creamery rxttus, SCuitl'jc; firsts, 2;vuH:; seconds. 2.''iLTc. K.tHiS- Irregular; receipts, ,T9H rases; freKh gathervd extra fine. 414ii-; extra firsts, gtuav; firsts, J4(i3,c; seconds, 2tf 3.V, CHKKSK Steady; receipts, 1.17S boxes; state, whole milk, flats, held Specials, ltic; average Inncy, UV; current make, spe t ll. n i; ic; averaae fancy, lhvc. I'lU'LTUY-Allvt.. price unsettled. Drrast'd stesuy; wcntern fresh chickens, linrr-ls, Kviiilc; frenh fowls. Iced. Mii7c, froaen turke.vs, liMik.'. OMA1I. .KKnl, MARKRT. POri.TRr-Allve: Turkeys, any sit over 7 lbs , 17c; broilers, I5 vtil7c; springs. He; dinks, 0c; geese, loc. hens, Pullc; young guinea hens. each. 3Th-; roosters, 8 OYSTKHS Chesapeake, atandartls, per gallon, 11.10; standards. U.K. selects, 1 1 t"; northern, standards, 31.46: selects, II. 76; New York counts, $1.9o. Northern, small cans, :4li'i2Rc; large cans, .VwiHoc. Chesa peake, small cans, JOthlttc; large cans, 3..C. FISH Halibut, 12c; salmon, fresh pink, 9c; fresh red. 12c- catfish, fi-esh, lc; trout, fresh. 1.V; white fish, fresh. 17c; red snapper, fresh, 13c; catfish, froten. 13c; smelts, froxen, 10-lh. boxes, 11.26; smoked white fish, 14c; kippered salmon. 170. FROZFN FISH-Hslibut. sites to suit. 10Sc; catfish, large, for stesks. ISc; sal mon, falls, 9c; salmon, silvers. 10c: No. 1 trout, lie: No. 1 whltefish, dressed. 10c; No. 1 whl eflsh. Inrge, lfc; No. 1 wnlte flsh, Jumho. ISc; pickerel, round W. C. Re: pickerel, headless, ; black bus, order sue, 2ic: herring, dressed, pair froxen, 6c; blueflah, extra fancy. 1-c: red snapper, headless, dressed 10c; floun ders, 10c; scallops, per gallon, 12.00. SMOKED FISH-Whlte. lO-lb. baskets, jer lb, 14c. KIPPKKKD FISH-Salmon, 10-lb. bas kets, per lb., 17o. CFLKRY Vsmmonth, per doi., Tfic HKiiF CCTS Ribs. No. 1, V.ic; No. 2, lc; No. 8, 12c. Iolns, No. 1. ':ic; No. 2, ISc; No. 8, )4c. Chucks, No. 1, 10c; No. 2. 9c; No. 3. 9c Rounds, No. 1. 14c; No. 2, ISc: No. 3. 13c. Plates, No. 1, V'e; No. 2, Hr; No. S, 8c LIVE IDI LTHV-Broilers, 1 to 1 lbs., in separate comp., 17c; over 1 to 2 lbs.. 16c; springs, any slxe, )2c; ducks. Picket!, price, but not wanted, l3o; hens, over 4 lbs per Ih, 11 c: roosters, 8c. Turkeys, 17c; old Toms. 16c; under 8 lbs., 8c; less than 8 lbs. each not wanted. Geese, full feathered and fat, 8c; picked, price, but not wanted. Guineas, each, 26c; young, 1 to 1 lbs. each, 36c. Homer squabs. 14 os. and over, 23.00; 10 to 12 oi., 12.00; No. 1. must weigh 8 os., l.Bi; under 8 os, jOc Pigeons, any kind. er dos., 60c ruit and vegetable prices furnished by Gil nski Fruit cimpany: r hi. 1 1 uaiuornia Valenclas, 136s, box. $4.76; l&Os. $6.00; 17ts, bA. 216s, i&os and 2s, 26.50. lemons, Golden Rowl, soon, box, $6.60; , $,.00; Silver Cord, 3t's, $6.tW; 3, $4 50. IVaches. Colorado Fl bertas or California Salways, crate, 76c. Pears, Winter Nell s, box, $2.26. Grapes, Tokays, crate, $1.75; Kmpemra, $3.00; Em perors. In kegs. $3.76; Imported Malagas, bbl., fil.oO to $6.60. Bananas, bunch. $1.X to $4.00. Grimes Ool Jen apples, fancy, $2 01 per box; YYIneasps, old fashioned. Washing ton. $2 25 per box; Arkansas Blacks, fancy, $2 50 per box; Staynien Wlnesaps. fancy, all sixes. $2.26 per box; Black Twigs, extra fancy, ull sizes, $2.26 per box; Rome Beauties, extra fancy, all slscs, $-'.(10 per box; Wagners,, extra fancy. all auea, $2. 26 per box; Spltienhurgs, i largo sizes only, $2.50 per box; Jonathans, , Idaho, extra fancy. $1.73 per box; Jona than, fancy. $1.50 per box; Homo Beauties I extra fancy, all sixes, $.'.00 per box IPearmalnes. extra fancy, all sizes, Colo I rados. $-.00 per box; IN annuities, fancy, tl.75 per box; Pearmaines, choice, $1.60 per (IX. I J. M. Bechtel's Jonathans, $4 50 per I barrel: Wallbrldge, $4.00 per barrel; Gen ii ens, $4.00 per barrel; Black Twtgs, $4.00 per barrel; Ben Davis, $3.60 per barrel; I Missouri Pippins, $4.00 per barrel; York Imirials. $4.00 ner barrel- Willow Twin $4.00 per barrel; Wlnesaps, $4.00 per bar rel; Huntsman s Favorites, $4.00 per bar rel. Star Brand Ben Davis, $2.75 per barrel; Willow Twigs. $3.25 per barrel: Wlneaaus. ,83.50 per barrel; Jonathans, $3.60 per bar rel. . Shield Brand Black Twigs. IS.50 per barrel; Black Twiga. commerlclal brand, $3.26 per barrel; Ben Davis, Illinois, $2.75 per barre'. VEGKTABLTCP Cabbage. lh.. lo. Head lettuce, dos., $1.00; leaf lettuce, 40e. Cel ery, Pascal, dog., 7lo; Jumho, 7no; Mich igan. 3nc. Onions, Spanish, crate. $1 50: red. lb., 2c: yellow, lb., lc. Cauliflower, crate, $3.00. Brunsel sprouts, lb.. 20o. Tomatoes, lug, $1.50. Peppers, basket, 760. I'arsley, dor., 36c. Rutahages, lb., lo. Green beans, wax, basket, $1.00. Suash, lb., Pumpkins, lb., lc. Artichokes, dos:, H.2f. Cnssbas. crate. $3.0). I'ota-t- ea, Colorado white stock, bu., 7f; Ohlos. 65c SweetlKitatoes, bbl., $2 50. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1. lb., 16o; Mac. $c; hlckorv nuts. 4c; filbert", li'ic necans, 12Hc; n axils tlarge.wash.), 16c; I. X. L 8., 17c; aim nda, N nparells, 19c; Ne Plus Ultras. lc. Peanuts, No. 1, raw. lb., c; roasted, So; Jumbo, raw, 7c; roasted, 9c; salted, can, $1.16. MISOKLLANBOTT8 Cracker jack. rase. P.fO; half case, $1.75. Dates, Drum, box, $?.7&: Hallowl. lb 8c; Fard. 12'tc; Sugar Walnut, box, 21:50. Oornpops, case, $3 25; half case. $1.8f,. Popcorn, 4n 1-lh. pkgs., case. 22.60. Honey, case, $3 76; Airline, $1.80. Cocoanuts, bag, $6.00; doz , 76c. Kansas C'ltr Grain aad Provisions. KANSAS CITT, Nov. 15.-WHKAT No. 2 hard, Sl.03iBl.08: No. 2 red tl.10Cpl.12: December. S1.A)1.004; May, Sl.OSU. CORN No. 2 mixed 69c; No. 2 white. 69Va(Vi; Deoember, 67Htrfi7p; May, 60Vo. OATS No 2 white, S7037Vio; No. t mixed. 84i350. BUTTER Creamery, 29o; flrsU, Xlc; seconds, tto; packing, 19c FGG8 Firsts. 28c; seconds. 22o. POl'LTRY Hens, llcj young roosters, 12c; broilers, 19c. MlnneanoM Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 15. WHEAT Dccercber, $1.(04; May. $1.04H; No. 1 hard. $10614: No. 1 northern, S1.0214S1.06U KLOUR Unchanged. BARLKY 614jii9c RTK-8p. BRAN-$18.00. CORN No. 2 yellow. Wo, OATS No. S white, 84t 3414c. KLAX-SaXaHtf) 2.07. I at. I.oola liraln Market. ST. lAH.nS. Nov. 15. WHEAT No. 2 red. Sl.lUi'1.18: No. 2 hard, nominal; De cember. S1.04fil.0r; May, $1.0rt4?f1 OkS CORN No 2, 61i6!c; No. 2 white. 1& lc; December, 6tc; May, 62c. OATS No. 2. 35c; No. 2 white, nomi nal. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVF-UPOOL, Nov. 16.-WHEAT-Bpot No. t Manitoba, lis 6d; No. 8. Ua t, No. I hard winter, old, 12s 4-1; No. 2, Chtl cago new, lis 2d. CORN-Spot. I Plata, 8a FIOCR Winter patents, 41s Sd. HOPS In London. Pacific coast, 48. Mstal Market. NKW YORK, Nov. 16 METALS Lead: Offered at $5.1!S. Spelter, He .Wi 17.50. Cop per: Firm; electrolytic, $Ih. 5018.76. Iron: Steady: No. 1 northern, $l.76ia 17.25: No. 2. $16.60,17.00; No. 1 southern, $17.0i3i 17 60; No. 3. $1.7517.25. Tin: Strong, $13.10146 00. At I guidon: Copper: Spot, 78 10a; futures. 78 6s; electrolytic, il pis. Tin: Spot, 176 16s; futures, 176. Anti mony, 125. Lead, 25 17a 6d. Spelter, M. Isfir Market. NEW YORK. Nov. IS. SUGAR Raw, steady, rentrlfugal, 5.01c; molasses, 4 24c; refined firm, 15 itolnts higher; cut loaf, C crushed, t.faOc; mold A, g.46c; cubes. 'J,c; XXXX powdered. (USc; powdered, 6. loc; fine granulated, tone; diamond A, 6ii0c; confectioners' A. S.tSV; No. 1, 6.75e. Suuar futures opened quiet today with a little scattered covering and some buy ing by trade Interests. At noon prices were unchanged to 2 points higher. I (nttns Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 16 COTTON Spot, octet; middling uplands, II. 90c; sales, ft bales. Cotton futures opened steady; Decem-, ll.TSc; January, 11. Mc; March, 12.13c; May. 1Z c; juiy, ii sic The cotton market closed steady, net un hanred to 8 points higher. LTV F.TPOOL, Nov. ii.- OTTON-Spot. firm; gocd middling. 7 4?d; middling, 7.0M; low, b.ttr sau-s, IO.uim Laieo. llrv fiMila Market. NEW YORIC, Nov. V: -4'olton gi0(a and varns, steady; yarns and di'i:.i goods, acilve; raw silk, blghar; knit goods, ac tive. A "For bale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into carh. I OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET General Run of Cftttlfi Moves at Steady Prices Sheep Steady to Some Lower. HOGS FULLY FIFTEEN LOWER OMAHA. Novemlwr IS. 1!15 Receplts were: Cattle. Hogs, feheep ,00 14 (1 fame day last week. . .13. "74 Hame day 2 wks. ago..l5.MH Same day 2 wks. ago. .U.94 bailie day w as. ago. .12.S0 6.140 3.411 3.876 :i3i 14. 1W 2'i.Ui i.Si4 Kaiue nay last )eMr..4.7i ft.a !. The following tahls shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and aheep at the Omaha live stock maiket fur the vear to date, as H. -4t) wmiru wun last year: mil Inc. "attle I of,7 IK mi ft sil 1.17. :'s5 HOKS f '.-XI 714 1 .N llott Slli 70S Sheep sWtWi SiK.710 !.!. The following table allows the average prices of hogi at the Omaha live stock market for ths last few davs. with com porlsons: Daje. Oct. f Oct. ti Oct. t! Oct. ( 1 ft . J 1 H . J J9I.1 I 1912 J 1911 , 1910. 7 11 ( K i 9.1 u I i cm ? ri.ll liltllUITU T 7I 8 08 13 S .! 7 HI 1 0o 7 Oh 7 20 7 12 7 74! 7 i 7 7; 7 . 7 111 1 1 13: 7 tli 18 I 7 TO Oct 7 1 S Ul S Oil Hecellits and dunntlflnn ..r llva iltinu at the Union stock vards, Omaha, for twenty-four hours tiding at 2 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS-CARS Cattle Hogs Sheep. c. m. ft. r... ab.'ia Missouri Psclflo 2ti . 2 . 1 . ST. . 33 . "H . IB . 1 .139 . 13 . I . 21 l nlon Pacific .. 4fl 1 1H 13 C. A V v east. . west .. C. A N. W.. Ht. P.. M. 17 C. B y., east, i V., B. A y , west. ' H 1 A 1 1.1 v ., rv. 1. r west. . Illinois (Vntrnl Chicago tit. West Total receipts ! .ITK)N M orris A Co l 379 53 102 H i-,AD ,ns 2 S '4li 9711 6 u,3 81 411) 112 i'.14 IK KM li 4K7 2Ut l')3 m 141 11 13 K 34 10 1 46 12 31)7 164 91 20 104 t"9 1,078 Hwlft A Company 1 Cudiihy Packing Co...l, Armour A- Co J. W. Murrhy Lincoln Packing Co.... 6J4 3.00 l.K'7 :.s 0 947 i.m 40 v . m. vanaant Co B.-nton, Yansnnt Sk Lush Hill A Fon '. B. Lewi Hunton Co J. B. Rct ft Co J. II. Bulla L. F. Hubs ' Rom-nstock Bros Kellogg vverthemer fr Degen.. H. K. Hamilton Hulllvan Bros -Mo. Kan. Calf Co... K'hrlstle Illgiilns 'Huffman ,. Jtoth Meyers Olnssbcrg Baker, Jones A Smith. Banner Bros John llurve' I ( 11 nls & Francis Kline Jensen A Lungreen.... Oilier buyers 1, .... 10.0.W 3.777 2o,6i: Totf Nov. 1. Is 1 m t 99 S 86 s u s smJ .... .0N2 1 ; ! !!! S 04 7 87 7 91! 7 72 T -7 6H 7 74 7 70 7 . 7 73 7 7: 1 M 7 M I Nov. 2. , Nov. 2. Nov. 4. 'Nov. 6. Nov 6. fa- 1: 1 Nov. n 7 10 7 09 S 10! 7 ; b S 00 T 11 7 36 7 3i T Sol ' 81 S (11 T 95 7 fcl 7 HA ti 7 61i 7 7 7 J, 7 791 S IN, S 14 ml 7 341 7 fl 7 6 7 72 7 Ml 1 77 S l 8 02 t,7 61 S 42 i 7 Si 7 So 7 47 12 7 Sol INov. 10 II 27 7 M Nov. 11 7 04 7 . 7 lii 7 84 Nov. i now S M 7 41 1 : 7 76 7 SM. Nov, 7 57 7 S3 S 27 2C Nov, 7 70 7 74 7 821 1 74 Nov. S 88 7 f, 7 91, S Hi T 64, 7 97 'Sundiky CATTLE There wag a very fair run of cat.le today, 847 cars being reporte I In. Utlll the receipt were tn lowest of ny recent Monday, being 7,000 less than the record-breaking run on Monday three weeks ago. At the aamo time today re ceipts were almost double what they were i on the corresponding uay a er ago. esiern ucei steers were in gooa ae msnd this morning at fully steady prices. Buyers, ss a matter of fact., were in some rases calling the market a little strong is compared with last week's close. On the other hand, half-fat oornleds were very much neglected, no alien, Ion being paid to them until the range beef were all cleared up and the market was oon seuuently slow and weak. Cows and heifers did not show muoh change, there being possibly an under current of weakness In spots and a 11. tie strength In other spots, making the gen eral market steady. The better giaiies of stockera and feed ers, that Is, cattle ranging from go.,d to choice, were fully steady to possibly a little stronger than last week's mean close. Other grades were generally steady. Quotation on cattle: Prima oornfed beeves. $9.7510.00; good to choice fed year iigs, $9.feJ.7a; fair to good fed yearlings, $8.0Otjt.0U; common to fair fed yearlings, $..ji.oo; good to choice heavy beeves, $.i.0Xnl 60; fair to good cornfed beeves. $7.7C4.0O; common to fair corn If 7LbeV8"' -OW7.76; prime grass beeves, s ooto'8.90; good to choice grass beeves, $7.504,8.00; fair to food grass beeves, $. 17.60; common to fair grass beeves, $u.7u S.76; good to choice grass heifers, $7). 70 J 6 76; good to choioa grsss cows, S6.604j 36; iu iwiii cowi, . lomnuv; summon to fair cows. Si.75S'4.75; good to choice feed ers, $7.u.tfi lair to good feeders, $A 5o9 7.26; common to fair feeders, $5.5Ou4.60; good to choice stockers, $7.60CC8.OO; fair to good stockers $1.50(81.50; coirunon to fair stockers, $G.60ff(.60; stock heifers, $S.75 S76; stock cows, $4.6oft6.76; stuck calves, ti.0"3w.2r,; veal calves, $tj.00j.60; bulla, stsgs, etc., $4.0O&00. Representative sales: BEKC STEERS. No. at. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 7 2J 16 ( til 7 00 STEK.iS AND HEIFERS. sit I M liKIFEHS. 17 40 t 10 i 4M 40 It 610 4 00 I 460 7 00 CALVLS. 17 4i T to 4 141 9 04 1 W0 00 STUC lis AND FEED BUS. 14 11 IK II lom st 11 4 , u t w I i4 31 1044 4 40 HOUd There was only a moderate Monday run of hogs on hand at this point, although Chicago was extremely well supplied. I-ocal receipts were esti mated at ftrty-threa cars, or 2,700 head, being IX) head smaller than a week ago, and l.ttiu head short of the same day last year, but slightly larger than two weeks ago. bhliipliig orders were very limited, and the few choice light and butcher weight hogs thst did move on shipping account were fully 16c lower, and In spots looked 20c below last week's close. Tops fallnd to beat $ 6, ae against Saturday's high price of $tf.70. Heavy supplies at Chicago weakened the market all around the circuit, and in sympathy with the declines at other points, local values broke fully IfTc. Early packing offers were largely ax lower, but before much of anything moved urlces Improved slightly, and in the end the bulk of the killing hogs sold at figures that were generally 16c down. Movement showed a certain amount of activity after a trading basis was fHtahllahed, and while ths market was never enaclly lively, nearly every thing hsd sold by 10 o'clock. Moat of the packing bogs moved at H 36 fi 40. the long string at the latter figure, and a sprinkling of shippers moved around K 46 with two or three loads as hlah ss $: M the ton. Representative sales: No. SS... At. h. Pr. llil SMI 6 00 No. 4a.. AT. ..ISO Sh. Pr. ... 6 40 1 KANSAS STOCK RANCH WITH ALFALFA LAND Great hog and cattle ranch. SS0 acre growing alfalfa. Irrigation not ns54bseaxy. tuo acres bottom fsrni land (no overflow). 1,100 acres ln pas ture. Good Improvements. Two sets of buildings. Abundance of go.d water. Consldsiable timber near buildings. I own the ranch and wish to get In touch direct with purchaser, not real estate agents. Heat euulpoud ranch In Kanaas at a very low price; will sacrifice for oulck sale. Wait some caah, could tal.s good eastern Kansas or Missouri farm land as Dart pay and reasonable mortgage. Talk business in first letter. Box 626. B. M. KUHN, BL00MINGT0N, ILL. 14 M t to M r 44 t K 74 t" ... ia M SS0 0 4 6 M 114 ... t to 7 tit ... t 14 ... U M. li ... 4 Ml U tW ... tu .1 1M ... IM SIIKHI'-Fur ths first time In weeks the week opened with a snisller run at this IMiInt thnn Chicago reported. At that, though, local supplies were pretty decent, be tig the largest to show up on a Mon dsy since three weeks sgo. Kstlmated receipts of 102 csrs. or !4.0i head, show an Increase of nearly 2,0no over last Mon dsy arw nearly twlcw as large as two weeks sgo, and two and a ha t times as heavy as for the corresponding day a year ago. when onlv 8. MS head showed up. Chicago, with heavy receipts snd a sharply lower trade, proved a weakening Influence this morning, and while local supplies of fst laniim were not burden some, values broke liil&c. Trading started In good season, but the market was only fairly active as a good many sellers held on for the last lilt of strength tnere wss In the market. Geneim ii.iallly was noth ing to brag on. and toppy stuff was ry Scarce. Best here brought S.W. with the bulk of the fair to good stuff moving dow nw ard to tN 60. l-'eedcr outlet was broad, and while feed lit lambs made up a good share of the offerings they moved readl y enough on a steady basis. Good llsht Slid medium we ght feeder made $10, which was last week's top. Falrlv good feeding ewes that sold at $." 6 10 looked about stesdy Fat ewes, which as usual made up the bulk of the mutton offerings were in fairly good supply, and sold about a dlmo to posslhly l.c lower tlmn last weeks close. Good ewes of desirable we ghts reached $0.60 (quotations on sheep and lambs: Imb. good to choice, $H Wu.70; lambs, fslr to gocd. IvdvM..-; Isiiibs. feeders. $7 7i.JH ; yearlings, fair to ch, h e. $" .Ofrrt 75; year lings, iiedeis, 100.7 00. withers, fair to choice, So.i'rtvirt ewes, good to choice, Ii 0i, u; ettcs, f hi r to good, $4.7iid6.U, iwea, feeders, $ 60'ii6.16. Representative sales: No. Av. Price. 31 Idaho yourllnns 100 70 4 Idiihn yearl hgs 95 7 H'i Idaho lambs 75 8 70 3S Ideho rv i'i l.'l 6 50 l.Vi ldiiho ewes 112 6 60 8 cull ewes '. In 4 00 12 Idaho ewes 88 6 60 41 CHICAGO I.IVH TOtK MABKKT tattle Weak Unera Weak fchceu Weak. CHICAGO. Nov. 16. CATTL1S Re ceipts, U.O00 bead; market weak; native hee.f cattle, STt.voiu'lO.SO; western steers, $il.8.'.!tfi.46; cows and heifers, $2.7.4J8.26; calves, Ss 7Mii0.75. HOGS -Receipts. 48.000 head: market, weak; 1M!25 lower: bulk of sales, $rt Si"lf .M: light. $R:,a.85: mixed, is lo'7.i heavy 4,10ii 7,06, rough, 0. 1 itfO 30; pigs. $4.00.J 'Veil $4.00.,J'Vi FHKKP AND TAMBH Receipts 88.0-10 hesd; market weak; wethers $6.iu4.2u; ewes, $3.604j0.56; lambs, Sxi.75 yS.OO. Kansas l ltr Lire Hloek Market, KANSAS CITY. Nov. 15. CATTLE Re ceipts, iMoort bead, market strong: stock ers and feeders, lOUc higher: prime fed steers. $9.26010.00; dressed beef steers, $7.6ojin0; weKtern steers, $6 5tVy'8.50; stock ers and feeders. S3.50U-7.76; bulls, $4.60 6.75; calves, $rt.00ffi 10.00. HOG9 Race pts 8.600 heal; market, lower: bulk of sales fl.i'W flfl; henvv Ml S'wij'fl 70; packers and butchers. $.605 S.70; llirhts, $0 8.vbH.0; nigs. $6.46((1.40. BHEICP AND I.AMU8-Receti '"M head: market lower; lambs, SS.Kim.66; yearlings. $1(2617.26; wethers, l.ij"W-&; ewes, S6.0OU6.76. i , at. I.onla Live Ktork Market, PT. LOIMS. Nov. 16 CATTLE Re ceipts, 8.100 head: market strong; natlvn beef steers. $7 6(ff 10 40; yesrllng steers and hclferr $.50rtl0 3.V cow. Sfl.fl04T.5n; stockers and feeders. Sfi ntvg-7.73; southern Weers. $fi.2.Vu 8 5; cows and heifers, $4.0i4J 6.60; native calve. $il.i'it 10 60. HOGS Receipts, 9. MO head; market lower; pigs and Hshts. $8.00ii'H.K6; mixed and butchers. $S.5OHD0; good heavy, $u.6) (8 8". SHEEP AND LAMBS-Racelpta. 1.W) head: market strong; native mu'tir,, vearllnus, $6 60fi'7 25; lambg, SS.OCigv.OO; sheep and ewes, S5.60itP3.26. glows Cltv S.lve Block Market. HIOI7X CITY. Is., Nov. 18. CATTLE Receipts. 6.000 head: market gteadv ; na tive ateers. S6.5cfiY.0O: bulls. $4.60(ff L6: cows and heifers. $4 60fl85; canners. $3"0 Si4 00; stockers and feeders. $6.0oOV60: calves, $il.00t)9.00;' bulla, stags, etc., $4.60 46.!5. HOOS Receipts, 8 000 head; market. 15 ifiZOe lower: heavy. S6.S6flS.40; mixed SH.S0; llrht $6.1UdT.S9: bulk if sales. $ SOUL 16. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rscapts 8,"0 head; market lofillc lower; ewes, $5.0.0 6.40; wethers. S3.75tff8.35. I St. Jn'nli Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. IS. CATTLE Re ceipts 2 100 head; market steadv; steers. $SOnir8.50: rows and heifers, S48.00; cslves. $ OnjM.25. HOGS Receipt". 8 500 head; market ire lower; top, $6.65; bulk of sales, $6.SCt? 6 60. SHEEP AND TJlMnSRecelrts 1.501 head; market steady; lambs, SS.0u4J6.Tl. Stock In RlaTht. Receipts of live stock at the five prln elnnl western markets: Cattle. Hnrs Sheen. South Omaha Kansss City St Louis Chicago Sioux City S.700 24.000 10 000 n'0 .flOD 46. Oi0 2,000 l.fiOO 86.010 $.000 Totals ..70.100 29,800 72,600 Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 15. Rumors that Europe was becoming a less active buyer In Hrnsll and talk of an easier cost and ' freight situation were accompanied by some scattering liquidation ln the market I for coffee futures here today. Trade In terests also appeared to be moderate ciicia nun aiisi iteoiiifiai et of 4 to 2 points actWe months sold about 7 to points net lower with March easing off to 6.64a and May to 6.78o. At this level, however, prices steadied on foreign buvlng and covering which caused alight rallies, with the market closing at a net decline of S to points. Sales. In cluding switches, (OOilO bsgs. November, 66S0; December, 6Sn; January, e-.fifiei Februsrv. S.67c; March, S 6Ho; April, $.78c; May, 677c; June. 6.&2c; July, i.Wc; Au gust, 6.92c; September, 6.060; October, IflOC. Spot, easy; Rio No. 7, 7c; Santos No. 4, lc. Cost and freight offers were compar atively scarce owing to the holiday In liraz I. but quotations were heard down to y 16c for Santos 4s, English credits. Mllrels prices were 60 rels lower st Bnnlos and 2"0 rels lower at Rio. Rio exchange wag l-22d lower. I trade OH Aarala Advaaeed. PITTSnUROH. Pa., Nov. 16-An ad vance of S cents a barrel on all grades of crude oil, except Itagland, which ad vanced S cents, waa announced today by the South Penn Oil company. Loral geearltlea Quotation furnlahtd by Dunn, Brl nkar ft Co., 4 Omaha Nallooal bank bulldlug knock llnnkeia llortesTs Loaa city Timet. pM CHI National Bldg., 1 pair oast pfd.. Deer ft Co . pfd Iralrmoat lilyainarT. pfd Ford Mutor rompany. 1'anaa Ktak Hul.lisr I'o. 7 per oenl drat p(,l Serald Bulldtns I par cent pfd 1. 1 nr., In Tel ft Tal , ora Now Kiaia Tel. pfd Omaha a C H. St. Rr., pfd flmans ft C. B Rr. ft B- pfd 8ule bank of Omaha win a to tnion tiluck Tarda Block Bonds Anlo l- rench I par oenl aotas, ISM. German (ioT. I per cent ntea. 1M. I.lnnln Tel ft Tel. , lfza Marchanu H ft H. la. lt-1 Omnha Watar 4ia 1441 Omaha Clas la. ltlf Oaia.U ft I' H Ht. Br 4a. 142 luwa, Rr ft UtM ta. 1MI 4(ed Cloud. Net.. 4Ha. 1.'4 gloua lllr Htork Tarda ta 1IM loui rails. R P., la. IM t'nlon Hlwk Tarda. Omaiia. 4a. IStl., Wl.hlta t'nlon Block Tarda 4a, UM.. Wajus Count? Hohools la Bid. Aaked. 14 14 SA 10, id 1 16 lot 44 TO SS 111 111 7 400 1 4 100 4 41 11 SB iio" 7 ii 4 M '00 M 4 II 101 vlt l 46 4 4 S4 40 ' 106 11 , 11 HOa li .. 8 000 ..M.OiiO .. 6 100 ..22 000 . 6.000 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Succession of Declines and Fitfnl Rallies Marked Course of Exchange. OPENING IS FAIRLY STRONG NEW YORK, Nov. :5 A succession of doi 1 ins and fitful rallies marked the course of today'a Irregular market In wh eh the fp. ml'inr specit atlve tactics of recent weeks were again conspicuous. The worst decline followed a mooerately strong opening, the second occurrej at midday, on rumors of another marine dis aster In the European war sons and the thltd snd niopt effective- came In the last hour, largely obliterating all galnn Final prices showed some improvement, mainly on the continued strength of tho metal group. Coppers, w.'re, In f-vct the rest feature of the list, those Iraues being consistently strong on another sdvance In the price I of the refined metal to ls cent n pound. I Anaconna rose to me new recora oi i SH1 and I'tah also made a new maxl i mum on Its advance of 1 to 77. American I Smelting was i-uhject to resiling sales -of Its recent uprusii ' Studehsker was the most erratic of 'the wnr shares, opening at an advance of i points to 170. which was soon cancelled. Iter It regained much of Its decline, oniy to fall lower thnn before. Other I automobile Issues, especially Wlllys t)erlaud snd General Motors, rose snd I fell In slm Isr manner, and the ssine un i even tendency was shared by mlr.or In 'duMibil and equipment stocks, j l nlld States Steel wan under steady , prcHKiite after Its Initial frnctlonal rising, idecilnleg from M7 to S; gnd eos ng st '87. Bethlehem Steel was sluggish, closing; at 4k,. 1 up. Rails were prominent ln the early deal ings, chiefly because of the activity In ! Krle, Rock Island. Missouri Paclf'o and I Denver A Rio Grando Issucp at tempo I rarv advances of 1 to 8 points. Canadian I Pacific, Chlcaso Northwestern and 'Northern Pacific wore among the few I elements of strength In the representa 'tlve class but these also lost much of 'their advantage In the late dialing. Total sales amounted to 7!.0oB ansrea London continued Its offerings of our stocks and bonds, Mercantile Marine lasues. which were very strong, forming a large part of the foreign selling. Total sales of bonds, par value, aggregated $6,r.xi,ftn0 I'ntted States and Panama bondg were h'shcr hv to 1 per cent on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Silos. Htrh. Lew. Close. Oold ! "' H r1 Alla rhalmora W U Amtrlun BNt Oupr I XX) M 1 7 Amfrimn -n 14-0.. M 4 Anwrlraa Icomnttrs .... 4 1 v 444 V Amorlwn g. K 14.600 lt4 t Am. 8. K pM 111 Am. eHln.r Rrflnlnf l.SIW 117 T7 117. AfnrWn TmI a Tml . 1.10O 1 lt? 117 ! Americas Tntwvoee ... o in in at Anmn Cnppsr 11 . r 1(17 us M 444 n 11 ih M U ' Atrhlpoa l.T" 1" 1" w I Hshtwia UiermiAtlre It MO 1 111 Aaltlmnrs Ohio S.m 44 M Ilflhl.h.m Steel Iirnokirn Rapid Transit California Pvtrnlsvna ... SO 44KV4 He w 1,000 to 1 Cauitlas Pacific 14 1SSS 15 (Vntrsl ImOiw I tm t ! 1-heupMk Ohio U S4 t-hl.-sn (i W and 1 Ollcaao. M am. T 16 4 Otilcarn ft N. W 4V9 1U 144 134i tlllcain. H . ft P. Rr.. ,7" l?H -t 11 ruino ivntifior M.tTO s 7 JS 4 44 J 44 CVilnrado Tu A Iroa.... lo.lo C'runihlK glucl It. MX) imiw R. O rrg Hn IM.illlcnr sortirltics 6 7fln HI 44 4 Rrt , lnral WIscfTio 177 1711 ecat Northern a-M.. Urtat No. Or fa . l.tno 134 llf. liv Ouii.tilMln IOi pi oration.. 11,000 74 71 T llllnola rentral 17 Intertmmugh (ion. Corg.. 4 4O0 M 13 32 Inacliallnn (Virvor 14,7n 44 44 44 International Hametor... ft ! lot 1 Ksnaaa Clrr Southam.... fna a 1 11 Ihlsh Vallsy ,nno 11 H4 kim, Ixniiavlll Nashxllls... ton 117 m 1-14 Votmn rvtmleuis 12 wrt II m Miami roetisr 4.1'X) IS .14 U Mlnnurt. K. ft T. pfd... fc 1 14 IS -4 Mi-4aonn ractrin 10. TOO 1 T4 7 Blaoult 1 National l .... l.MVl S4 e) .v Nevada Oorner H'4, Nw York -ntrl N. T . N. H. H Norfolk ft Wcatera Nnrtharn Paclfls Pacific Mall i so 1" 10?V4 ioh ( x WIT4 ," 110 4,000 117 80 7 11 114 . l''t 1'6 li 41 14 4'i a-. It pn 14 W 1't " , Pncltlc Tl. it Tsl j Pennarlwanfa ! r-iiMmn Palace Car , 4.400 10 (4 Ra Ton. Gnppsr 11 " Renilln t.Sna ,PephH Iron ft Rtasl.... 4 4"0 I t i i ii 14 1 '4 ronhcm Pnctflo .... Southern Hatlwar ., .sv wn OB t4 Pludehaker f'nmnanf IR.rOO 10 Tenneeaee rw-per f. 4'S Snl Texas romnany 1.100 114 t'nlon Pacirtn la.4'1 11" it-nlnn Pectflc tM 11lr 170H 1""'4 11- 1S an 41 I'ntted Rtatea Htaol (0 too r V ft. Steel nfd 1.40 1' !' I'64 T'tah Popper Weat-m Pntsn Wemlnshmiss Klaetrlfl Montnnn Power flenerat Motor SI 4W Tf 7 son , 17 40 (VI 10 ' loa S7 41 ri Wnhaah B alit. I eon M Total bsIm for ths dar. In, OHO sham. Nw York Moaey Marksl. NTtV TORK. Nov. IS. MERCANTILE p PThR .VS per cent. STERI.INO faXCHANOEl Sixty -day bills, S4 62; demand. S4.6u50; cables, S4.25. SlLVEK-Bar, 00o; Mexican dollars, S8VK. nONDS Government, strong; railroad, strong T1MB5 LOANS Stesdy; sixty days, 1 Kr cent; ninety day and six months, M per cent. CALL MON KIT Steady-; high. I per cent; low, 144 par cent; ruling rata, I per rent; last loan, S per cent; closing; Did, li tP cent; offered at S per cent. Closing quotation on bonda today vara as follows: V. g. ret. la, rag.... twitMo. Pas. rr. U 44 So aonpos W N. Y. C. dob. 4s.. ..111 V. B. ta, rag 1meN. T. Oily 4...'.1S do coupon lotvlN. T. Bute 4s....lUV IT. g. 4s. iwg 104HN. T., N. H. ft H. go soupoa 110 sr. 6s ..117 Panama la s4Mtioa..MlNo. Pastfle 4s....... tt Am. Smalters Ss....ll4 dels ,, 6u A. T. ft f. s. 4a..l(i7 Oi 41. U rat. 4s.... R Armour ft Ce. 4s.. 41 Pas. T. 4V T. ss..... 4 Atrlvlaoa m. 4s.... S4 Penn. eon. 4a iaj Bl. ft Ohio 4s 1H do gwa. 4 Via. loo lien. Paolfla 1st eVVtTUadlns ssn 4s s Chea. ft Ohio Sa... ! T U ft g. T. r. 4a C. p. ft Q J. 4a ... eSugo. po. ct. to 107 J O M ft 8 P g 4a.l07V do rsf. 4s MV C. n. I. ft P. r. 4a. I Bo. lull war la 104 f. ft B. ref. 4Vva ... rrvvPn'on Pacific. 4s.... 7 T ft R. 0. ref Is.. 1 do sr. 4a M Erie sen. 4a 14H p. g Rubber 6a.. ..101 Ocn. Blectrto Is. . ..104H r. B. Btaal Is 10414 Ot. No. let 4Ha. ... Wahash lat to 101 III. ( en nf. 4s ID Weat. Tnloa 4Ua Mil K. r. Ho. raf. to... M'We. FJUa. eT. to.. 117 LAN. unl. 4a 44 Anglo-French, to -e M 14 K. ft T. 1st 4s.. Bid. I.nadnn Btoek Market. LONDON. Nov. IB. American sciir tles of the stock market were qutte steadv and a moderate business was transacted. Large sa'es of American bonds were probably due to reports that the banks are advising clients to sell In order to assist the exchange situation and the adverse trade balance. MLVFR Har, 24 7-ld per ounce. MONEY 4 per cent. Discount rates: Short bills and S months, &(&& per cent. Kvanoralefl Apples and Pried Fro Its. NKW YORK. Nov. 18. F7VAPORATED APPLKS Easv; fancy, -B1c; cholca, S trc: prime. 7v.417c. PKIRD FRT'ITS-Prunes. Irregular; Callforniaa. S4i3in: Oregons. TJ40. Apricots firm; choice, P-'ulOo: extra choice, lOWfilOUc; fahv ngilHo. Peaches, firmer; choice. 6V.1r;-; extra choice. 54r,ic; fancy, 6toic. Raisins, steady; choice to fancy seeded, 'jc; seedless. Htl'lle. "Oldest Cnrb Houss la the Ooaatr Bend for Oar Weekly Market Letter No. 605 M" rBATrRBS IN THIS ISflB BAllOOCK WTLCOX im.4!)EV CX)PPEB II KCIjA mining KATHODJAN IIROXZE Catlin Cl Powell Co. IS Broad 8trrt New York "Oldest Ooxb Xoass la the Ooutgy TUB OlU UT KBV1BW (I een apMIO He. geetlona tolling Sow rim aany taewH aaiall sums la New Tork Stock bobSJin sewsrtlua. leaued weeaiy II. W) a rear, ud lor ai pa copies. Joaa klnlr ft Os 61 ITnadwaj Kew YorS Cl(. ' , l4i N M 7S-4 14 4T 4H cO4j TS'4, 74 1 Ml