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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1915)
t 10 T7TE BEE: OMATTA, NOVEMBER UD15, 4 n ci 19 4 . :i "I . ru M M ;j t M t r f 1 r i l WANT ADS Want aria received at any time, but to Insure proper classification mint be pre sorted before 12 o'clock noon for availing ed'Mn and T:4S p. m. for morning and Sunday editions, want ads received af ter Such hour will be under the heading, To Late to Classify." CASH RATES, consecutive time. 1 eent a word earn Insertion. Two or nor consecutive time. ltt rotiU a word. On lime. I cents a word. CTtAROS! HATES. Seven consecutive times, I cents esch Insertion. .. Three consecutive time. It cents a tin earb Inaertlon. One time, 11 rente a line. Count alx average words to a line. Minimum rhsrce, M cents. An advertisement Inserted to be run until discontinued nuit be etopped ty written order. . . All claim for error most be rnsde wlthta fifteen eys after tha last laser. Uob of U advertisement. Yen ran place jrour want ads In Ths Bee bjr telephone. TELEPHONIC TTLER id"- LODGB NOTICES. ORDER OF STAGS next meeting will be held Sunday. i December 6, a p. m., Swedish Andl- Lorlum. We new bare over 800 members. Our aim In Omaha ia 2,000. Charter fee of $6 remalm until next meetlnc. Dues 76o monthly no assess ments. BENEFIT8: Weekly sick or ac cident, $7; 125 funeral. Free physi cians, IS to select from. Free em ploy merit bureau. Free lawyer. Stags' Office. 106-8 BrentJels Theater. Douglas 68. Open till p. m. DEATHI AND FUNERAL NOTICES KIMBALL Richard Rogera. at Lone Reach, Cel., Saturday, November 6, lft. Funeral aerrlrea will be held at the realdence of Mrs. Thomas L. Kimball, XX. Ht. Mary 'a avenue, at I p. m., Mon- oey, Novemoer 15, Kev. T. J. huckijt oi flclatlng. Interment at Foreat Iwn. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Plrthe Fouler and Mary Benedict, 1810 Rug glee, girl: John and Therxa, llalley, t7uS Maple, boy! Oeorge and Myrtle Burke. 2317 Deer Park boulevard, boy; Albert and Fay H.lbert. North Twenty-seventh, girl; Robert and Htella Murdoch, 6U South Twenty-fifth avenue, alrl: I). A.' and Hellene Murphy. 80) North Twentieth, boy; Paul and Anna, waaterhauaen, 2497 North Nineteenth, girl: George and Mattle Noren. IikH Nicholas, boy; John and Alice O'Uonnnll, 1361 Uuat, boy; Hamuel and Para Crar- rello, 1111 Houth Twenty-eecona. girl; Ralph and Irene Bandera, 1117 Center, girl; Frank and Hophht Wlnnlnghoff, 272S Ames avenue, hoy. Ieatha Hiram WT Hrown. 4R, Four teenth and Capitol avenue; Mn. Annv Pindalr, b, 117 North Twenty-rourth: William K. Roberta, 43, Union Paclflo yarda; Perry Ambler, 40, 2MH Houth Thirty-second avenue; Frances J. Bren ner, hoepltal. ' M A RRI AttH LICENSES. I ' Licenses to wed have been granted the I following couplea: . j Name and Mddreaa. Age. J Albert Swanherg, Omaha 26 ! Cecelia, Hannaner, Omaha 21 j John B. Berg. Madrid, la 55 1 May Moore, Les Moines, I 41 , Otis Thorn Kmgle, Grove, la IT Margaret Llllane, Orovo. Ia 28 James H. Reynolda, Kanaas City 21 Bertha Frances, Kanaas City Zl Herman KenvaJdt, Denlson, la. SO Bertha, Hofert, Uenleon, la 22 Kimball B. DUL West Point. 23 Mamie Oohr, Dodg-s U TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Oewiiewa, EMTRESS 15 & Douglas "The Lighthouse by the Sea." l-reel Ks sanay dramas "Hats Is Hats." Vita- graph comedy. "A Cellar ETpy," Lubln eomedy. Hearst-Sells; No. so. I'RINCESS. 1817-19 DOUGLAS. The 1915 world's champlonahlp baae ball aerlee between Boston Americana and Phlladelpnla Natlonala, ahowlng all tin- fortant plays and players. The Law of uty, s-reel drama. Hannah's Henpecked riwrninn, pitm cn rued y . Aortk. GRAND. 1TH AND BINNET. Country Ptore Night. Mutual Weekly "The Idol." the great atory featuring Helen Roeson and John Bheehan. "Twin LOTilROr. 14TH AND LOTHRoE Mary Plckford In "Hearts Adrift." oatau . APOLLO, S8S4 LEAVENWORTH Hearts and Masks," 2-reel special fea ture. PeHg. "gueertng uupld." 1 reel Kslem. "The Banker and tha Thief," 1 reel Biograph. Wwt. MONROE, 1855 FARNAM. Paths presents Thurlow Bergen In "A Prince of India." Seath Side. BCSSE. J4TH ft N. "In Affair of Three Nations." starting Arnold Daly and Hheldon Lewis. A Gold Booster production In I seta. OHPHKUM. ItTH AND M. 6ee America First; The Evsr-Llvlng Isle; love and Bitters; To Rent Furnished. eUAV V 1 e J FEATURES 2 TODAY eT UESSE, I4TII AND N In Affair of Three Nations." a, Oold ICoosler prtjductlon In acts. frjTHROP. .4THAND IXJTUOPT s-'ary Plckford In "Hearts Adrift." MONROE, 1655 FARNAM j sine presents Thurlow Bergen In "A AXNOl'NCEMEJfTS r. v i .KNibll cooka. bakers. dlsh- ir noieis ana restaurante Jittciiitttionul Frnployment Office, loil l Tyler 2,1J. . t iuinK at r- M. C. A hue! us bite Munry.' Home Milliner. Kud AUTOSIOHILa luou.irml Oersse C'u.. m i ltaroy eLs. Jt I "1 '.'JkloblLK oeners, we want youtu our toonlot "How to Avoid Carbon TiouLie." A rUe, iLcis. Tne N. ki. ltugtrs tf . ,!iiloo A. Peru, Ncli. S ACTOMOnil.ES Whenever you are considering exiling of burin a used car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to per for what they are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the used car column of The Bee. Phone Tvler lino. AUTO, clearing houw. Buy, sell and ex chance urid rare tw Farnam I. Ilia CHICAUO eletrio pleasure car; in fine condition; 1314 model; complete equip ment. Tfl. Harney 250. Overton e for leaky radiator. S"c. dealers, or by mall 1i-4 Ave.. Co. Bluffs, la. wo MILKS of mileage In your old tires (Rebuilt). Fend them to DLO TIRE CO.. 1(11 Chicago St FORD 1M4. 6 passenger: bargain at 1-10. fall Domn-Town Garage. Ask for Mr. Johnson. DHTROITER touring car, electrlo Hunts and starter, fully equipped IS. T. J. Northwail Company, H14 Jones Ft. Tele phone Ttougtaa 1 107. NKHIUHKA Bulrk Pervlce Htatlon, 1914 rernam Ft. Phone louglaa 7Z1 BARGAIN 6-passenger 4-cyl.. 8-h. p., completely overhauled. 4737 N. ITth 115 FoRO touting car, good condition; electric llffhts: Kalxon horn. For niilc.k eale, $75. Francea Auto-Co.. 2W4 Famam PACKARD SO Perfei't order, Juat done over, llmoualne and touring hod ee: har- geln. tl.WW. Telephone Ioiglaa '.?. DODGE Flva-paaaanger touring car, practically new. if this Var doea not ault you, wa have eome used cars that will. MOTOR COM PANT, 2041 FARNAM. HOO REWARD for any magneto we can't repair. Colla repd. Baysdorfe.. 210 N. Uth. BUSINESS CTIANCES If your Runlneea Chance wfll stand lipid Inveellgatlon a no la lt what It Is advertised, or If you are looking to start In bualneaa for you will be per fectly aatlafled If you ue the Rualneaa Chance column of The Wee. When buy ing or eelilng a bualneee Hione Tyier 1000. BUhlNluSS place, land, clly property handled, all atatea. Jim Wray, Olous City. Ia. FOR SALIC Mult sell at once, on ac count of 111 health, one of the anapplt book, atationery and wall paper atoiea In Iowa. Holng a fine raeh bualne. Will aell at a bargain for caah only. Mutt get action quick. Will require about 4,0u0. Addreaa Y 1M. Bee. , Bl'LBNDIO oiporiUnlty for one tntereated In millinery and ladles' lurnlahlnga; rtork and fixtures invoice tH.ftlO; popula tion, 6,6uO; muat aell on account of fa, ling neaim. Aon re i pe. THKATKKS Buy, lease or aell your the ater, machine and auppllea through Theater Kich. Co.. I Farnam !. 1W7. health. Addreaa z in. nee, ASK for my Real ICatale Bulletin. H Includes largeat and beat Hat of bar galna In II atatea. W. G. Templeton, 6o3 ltee Rldg. A LIM1TKIJ amount of 7V per cent pre ferred stock, cumulative and non assessable. In Nebraska, Omaha corpora tion at par, $10u per entire. If you have surplus funds and are looking for a good, safe Investment that will net 7V4 per rent, address Box 12. Omaha, .Neb., or tele phone Douglas FOR SALT? Restaurant, hotel and barber shop, txul Ave. A, opposite rar barn, Phone Black' IMS, Council Huffs. 11AVU a client who wants a grocery In town of "0 to g.000: must be clean stock; not a trade proposition; can Inveat I2,M to 14.000; give particulars. Also have a man with fcft.OOO to secure control of hank In western Iowa or east ern Neraaka CO-OPEHATIVT9 RFFBTIBNCB CO. 101S City National. TO SELL or buy a business, call on Busch A-Borchoff. rrenxer Hik. T. UIS TO OKT In or out of business call on OANOKSTAD, 4M Bee lildg. loug. J4T. BEK Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In eatabliahed shows. O. . HALF Interest In saw mill, railroad; fifty millions feet timber; four billions feet tributary. Fir Pine Lumber Co., Glen- dnle. ore. WILL HXCHANOB A NEW MODERN brick building, located in a fine Omaha residence d strict and dote to a business district. Price, llO.ono. Also a -room house In Council Bluffs In first-class con d tlnn and In fine neighborhood. Price, t&ouu. Will eKchange for a good groocry or a first-class general merchandise stock. Address 2311 Cuming ft, Omaha. KOr7"8ALEOR MAT EXCHANOB for clear city property or good land, one of the finest and most money maktnv grocery and meat markets In Omaha. This store will stand the closest Investi gation. Do not anawer unleaa you want a business and mean business and have the atuff to offer. Price about 110,000. Address E 21$. Bee. FOR 8AL.H or trade, modern hotel, thirty rooms: steam heated; In county aeat. 240 acres land, I miles from town. SO screa land, I mllea from town. Address Jos F. Vltek. Winner. 8. I). 16 SO Implement stock and business at executrix's sale In Aitell, Neb., Novem ler 2-i, 1915. Write Hague A Anderbery, Minrirn. Neb., for particulars. MOVING PICTURE THUATERS. Over twenty rood money-makers on our list; locate where buslneaa and on-Jitlona are right. HFRE ARK THREK OOOD ONES: Town !. largest house, 11,200. Town 20U0. best house, $1,700. Oood suburban house In Omaha: seats 4X' good business. 22,000. New and secondhand equipment, re pairs, aupiilies. accessories. The mmt reliable, exchange In the mid dle west; reM'onetble and dependable; no uuarepresentatluna. OMAHA THEATER 8UPPLT CO., Balrd Bldg. Omaha. Neb. ICK buslneaa. Including II acres ground, house. Ice nnuee and barn; plenty of ...... mlll aull - l,u ra.ln If l.k.n mi once. ' Address bog iti. Itandulph, Neb. EDUCATIONAL Tlie VAN SANT SCHOOL BTENOORAPHT-BOOKKEEPINa, Day School for Toung Women, Evening school for Youug Mea and Women. Saturdsy morning; class in type wrt una. lone C. Duffy. Owner and Manager. K4 Ro itth St Omaha. luXPt.KT lady stenographer will take pupils; shorthand, touch typewriting. Spelling and punctuation taught. Indi vidual InNtrucliuo. 4u4 DuugUtS St TeL Walnut isrt. bUBlNt-SU COLLKUhi STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For eaja. with good reasons for selling. S variety of courses In a reliable Uut. cess School, one of the leading business colleges of Omaha. WU1 be sold very ruuoable-4ir below reaular Dru-s. If you are considering taklug a course Investigate uiis at since fall terns begliw won. Call office. Omaha Bee. DAT SCHOOL BOY LK( COLLKXIa NIGHT Bt'lluuL Every day Is eiurollnter.t day. Book keeping, bhorthand, btcuol,?y, Typewrll Ug. Tolearaphy. Civil Service all Com. tneroiai aud kugllaU branches. Catalogue ires. BOTLE8 COLLEQE. Uth and Harney Uta Tel. Douglas lb. Boyles Bldg. Tel. D. li6. Omahe. Neb. KuK sale, the following scholarships Is a first class Omaha, Lualneas collage' One unlimited ouiubinalloa busiuess and rhoriliaid course. One unlimited stenographic course. One turee-mouUia' buauieas or sleno (raphlc touree. W ill be sold at a discount at the office Of 'A tie Omaha tee- Foil SALE r arallare, tluesraiold lawvda, able. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HAhDW ARE. IKS) N. 34TH. WEB leu?. 2 steel rsngea bookcaae. Webxter 7 2-. BAbK Bl'RNKH. cost tJ. tsill eacru.te tvt 140 If taken at oucc' Waluul iw ,t FOn HALE KsjmHare, Ilonsrhnld t.oods, Kte. HAnD roal stove: Howe ventilator; Phone Tyler 2: W. Of-CARTfor naTeThoep. Harney !!. Tlnol. w bought and eold. J. C. Reed. I?"7 Famam Ft. Douglas 14. KtK SAI.rJ Here la a classTru-atlon that Is of the utmost Imports nee to every reader, as this column offers some excep tional opport unit lea everr dny and a email want ad will pell your article at Its lull value. Fhone Tvler i FOR HAI.Kllousohold furniture on ac count of leaving town. 2UT Capitol Ave. Horace and Vehicles. FARM wagon. t; harness, (: both new. Johnson-Lanforth Co.. lth snd . isra rts MA TCI I FID pstr of mares, 2,700 lbs.; also delivery horse, J.Ouo lbs. Lady owner. 1?4 fa. 24th. DANDV S-year-old mare, sound, weight l.lOn. Phone Florence 1W1. 16 HKAH of good, aound work horses; weigh 1,000 to 1.4110 li s.; will be so'J cheap for cssh; every horse tried to your sat 1b ruction before buying. Vlctcr place, cor. Willis and Sherman Aves. Web. ami. TO! 'NO pigs. Phone Florence 410. FOR BALR One double wagon, good re pair, cudahy Packing Co., 14th and Jones Rts. ON K range bay horse, weight 1,i0 lbs., 8 years old. extra fast, cheap, or will trade for Ford car and pay difference. Wal. 1117. Mirl I natraasenle. AN upright piano, ebony case, very rea sonable. Tel. Walnut eng. FOR KALB-hteger piano and muslo cab- m-i, nunnmny case, r-none nir. 1H7. KW WASHBURN guitar. Red 2R.T6. MXD grain. 100 lbs. ll.7. Wagner. SOT W it STEHKOTVPK matrices make the beet " rneapest lining ror poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. Tte a hundred at The Kee office. Typewriters. FOR SALE New and second hand carom sjd pocket bll'.lerd tables and bowling Sllevs and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy paymenU The Brunswick-Vialke-Collander Co.. n7-40S S. 10th St. 8TKNOTTPB for sale, good as new. $a. Doug. IW. TYPE WRITERS for rent. 221 Bee Bldg. BBLIANCK Ribbon and Carbon Co., car bon paper and Inked ribbons. D. 2245. TVPUWlUTUrUI sold, rented, repaired, Central Tyiewrlter Kxc. 1 Farnam. Mtspelianeoae, HOLSTEIN-Jersey heifer calf from" high producers on Nov. 4. Prloea tUM tut quick sale. J. W. Welch. Benaon 40S ITO H ail r rui. li, Business College' Course. Fuji and complete voholarahtp In ons or tne best Omnha ousmess schools. kK'jZftl?" f,?r ell,ni perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will he aoll very reasonably. Jf Interested investigate t once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars inquire at the office of The Omaha Beo. !?!t?JldillJ!!l?-njlJi'00,le" C Bee. CQ 01Gola,', w Whisky, full l)0.iU,,,rU, bottled In bond, pre T Pld. Cackley Bros.. Omaha Coal baakets delivered, $1. 8. Roeen- ,-mi ix-n,Riw,irin if. own. I electrlo motors. Room ft. Bee Bldg. FOR SALE Metal Garage. M. D. Cum- SOU SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling slleye and accessories; bar fixtures of all klnrla; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collendnr Co., 407-408 8. 10th St. FOR HA LB Full sised bed comforters, travelers samples, Harney HUM M AUK sale Wed., Nov. 17, at t a. m., 24th and (J Sts. Benefit Social Set tlement. 6BCOND-HAND sewing nachine $10. Phone South S12. OOOD diamond ring for sale, fcla Bee HELP WANTED -FEMALE C'lerienl faad Office. Bteno., p; Com p. Opr.. 2.16. WATTS REF. CO., KlH-42 Brand. Thea. BUSINESS MEN'S RKK. ASHN. lt6 Woodmen of the World Bldg. Aerenfa eejd Savesvromest, SALESLADIES AND SOLICITORS. 7 iiu cuiiiniission to saleslady of ability who can sell high-class specialty to women; references required. CIS Bran dels Bldg. A woman of reflnemenet In every town In state for demonstrator. State experience, salary, references, tn first letter. Gilbert, 203 Nebraska State Bldg,, Lincoln. Am a mww raws UIRF, to learn h.lrdreetina. FIFTEEN machine operators In necktls I salnff llntl eft. I 1- a ... nm mil, CO.. iJtn snd Castellar Sts. ' THE Sefvsnt Ulrl Problem Solved. The rr;-, -- OTrani vtiri wanted Ad h?..",'?".1 ,you f ,l th ."red results! 6" --"" M'.iuwiiii oi umana, south maha and t:ouncU Bluffs. Bring ad to Ihe Bee office or telephone Tyler luuO. WANTED Oood German houaekeeper. Catholic; widow between 20 and 36 pre ferred: one nr Iwa , I i . , L j . . , - -w ,,'u, c, ,m uujectiun, must be Catholic, clean and neat, by Ger man wmower wun i children, on farm I miles from town; wages, te a week. Ad dress and references to Y 1W, Bee. WAN TED-Competent white girl for gen eral housework. Mrs. Roff Towle. 2bu IodKe St. Phone Harney 1263. ' EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; two liyfamlly. SQlO California St. MTdDLE-AQED lady to help with light housework and to be companion for an elderly lady; Just one In the family; no wages expected. Web. 31ii. 2764 Urand. WANTEl Maid for general housework. imrr i mi ley. v roster IJtrj. WANTED Ulrl to assist with housework and care for small child; one attending school half day preferred. Phone llaruey yoi'NO girl to e-slst lth housework and children. (21 Park Ave. It 7W7. WANTED A young girl to assist with vm. Niamey mil, f u pi. 40th. MIDDLE-AaEi woman for general housework out of town. Ar... m Third ave. Red Oak. Ia. Phone 7tJ WANTED-School girl to work for room and board. Walnut 845. YOI'NO girl for general housework; smVli fa m 1 1 y ; g.od home; U. Tel. Wa Inut . WANTED Qlrl for general housework; family of three adults and small house. Call at 114 North SXKh SL quick. Phone Harney SiH. WANTED Experienced German or Dan tah girl for general housework. Refer ence required. Oood place for the lUht girl. Mrs. M. M. Robertson, 2i;4 Dodge. WANTED Experienced w title tfirt to Uu general housework la situtll apartment. 3 in fsmlly. Webster 9ii WANTED A iimld for general house work, three In family, phone before In the morning and between and 7 In the evening Harney 2443. 418 N. tsth Ave. W ANT ED While girl for general house wura, suoa nume; gooa pay; no cbil dren. 2640 Harney. Harney 6619. WANTEI A girl for general- housework ln a family of 2; no laundry. 8. iilj WANTED At once, ulrl for general housework; small family; good wajtea. Harney 741 14 S th St. WANTE1 Experienced while girl for general housework; no wajtnlng or Iron ing: ittuHt be neat and clean and a good cook; highest waes pid lor vxperiencmd girl. No other need apply. 117 N. 4id St. Harney WANTEIk-OIrl for general housework; family three adults; email house. 114 N. 3ih ft. Tel. Harney fcoi. WANTKU-A young white girl for light housework; no cooking. 1704 Ike tt Web. HIM. WANTE1 A rompeuiit girl for general housework. Walnut 1. "WANTEIK-'onnelei4tl girl for boustt work. No washing. Walnut 26ii2. OIHL for general housework; 3 in ninny. .,i i r amain. it. Z1. MlM-ellaBeues. WOMEN WANTKIt-Oo eminent Joha. LUt free. Write immedlHtely. Frnk llu Institute. DvpL 614 J. ltoches;rr. N. Y. UK LP WINTffl FKMALK Mlacellsmeoeis. TOtTNO women coming to Omaha as strangers sre Invited to visit tne Young Women's Christian aoclatlon building at St Mary s Ave. and 1"th St., where they will te directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Ixink for our travelers' guide at Union station. BTENO.. state experience. K 1H5. Bee. WE FURNISH rooks, maids, waitresses, waiters, bellhoys, htisboys and dish washers, especially for hotels end res taurants. International Employment Of fice. 514 8. 1.1th St. nELP WANTED MALE f lerlcet rtnd office. WANTED At once, ambitious and will ing young man to learn advertising buelncrs; small salary to start with; un limited opportunities. Call Manager, 14 Hee Bldg., between 10 and 11 a. m. Monday. Ftalesman, A-l proposition; Bkkpr., 173; office clerk. ti5; Steno., $6). WATTS RKK. CO., H.Ki-42 Brand. Thea. OFFICE Clerk, out of town, salary 275 to start. Apply st once. 1408 W. O. W. njdg. IMGH-URADK commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE BOND A83N, 7f2 Omaha Nat. P.ank Bid. mon'fym'akerr' OUIDEROOK MAOA CINBi, fc postpaid; enlightens you richly. New Century Supply, Des Moines, iown. AQvertislng rate. 2c word. AGENTS wanted In every town to sell our vuleon xers to auto owners. Biff pr.(ltB. Smith Mfg Co., Omaha. SALESMAN, Neb. territory; lluo and ex. Bkiir., Steno., . WATTS R.EF. CO., faH-40-43 Bran lelsThc. COAL agents wanted in every town; net trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. GOOD opening for experienced. Industrial Insurance salesman; no lapse debit; apply St once. 1 Brandels Bldg. WANTED Omaha manager to sell monthly payment accident and health Insurance fur large - old line company. Highest commission contract and an al lowance for six months. Bond required. Write, giving experience, age, etc., to C 4US. Bee. AGENTS Share In Immense Christmas profits; our agency system sure for old or new. Particulars free; clean and sure. Grey son George Co., Box 7H4, Little Rock, Ark. WHOLESALE dry goods house (not a local house) desires an experienced road salesman for eastern Nebraska. Stale experience and territory you are fa miliar with. If at present employed your letter will be considered confidential. Ad drees Y 140, Bee. - Factories aacl TraSes. WK need men; had to turn down two Jobs per week lately: get In; learn by our method: get one of these lobs. Cata logue D. B. free. Nebraska, Automobile School. 2408 Leavenworth St. MOLBH BARBER COLLEGE) LEARN the barber trade by our sys tem of expert instructions and free clinic. Positions watting. Call or write for cata logue. Omaha. Neb., A. B. .Moler. Pres. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trt-Clty Barber collrse: low rate tuition. Including aet of tools; wages paid; eleo trio massage, hydraullo chairs; catalogue free. 1124 Douglas St.. Ouiaha. Drug I'tore Snnpr. Jobs Kneist. Bee Bldg. Tailor Wanted All aroun I man. Address Bush Tailoring Co.. Plattsmouth, Neb. Miscellaneous. RAILWAY mail clerks wanted: TO month: Omaha, examinations comlnn; sample questions free. Write Immediately. f ranklin institute, Dep't xa J, Roches ter, N. T. OOOD MEN WANTED at onoe to learn auto work te fill positions which we have open right new and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autos, tractors, else, starting sys. Free catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 20U Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. WANTED a good reliable and ambitious young man lor news editor, who knows somethlns about .printing and the busi ness of a country dally. Address Times, Fort Morgan, Colo. ABLEBODIED men for firemen, brake men, 3120 monthly; experience unneces sary. Address Y 121, Bee. o WANTED Names of ambitious men. 13 or over, wanting railway mail clerk positions. 375.00 month. Answer Immedi ately. Y 129, Bee. HELP WANTED UALR AND FKMALK. WANTED Man or woman to . put out leather ventilators. Write for sample and particulars by mall, 10c L. S. Har den, Hotel Neville. Oman a. WANTED Cooke, malda, waiters, wait resses, bellboys, dishwashers and house keepers. International Employment Of fice, 614 S. 13U1. SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNG man wishes position around ma chinery. WeD. 74UO. WANTED Position as steam fireman. hotel clerk or all around house and yard man. Call F. W, Carter, Phone Douglas 7 u7. WANTED Position as houaekeeper by colored lady, good references. TeL Doug las 246S. POSITION as nouseman, caretaker or handyman; reliable, honest, sober. Ions experience; extend me an Interview and let ine prove to you that I am capable and qualified for your offer: best of ref erences, city or out. E. J., 1821 Cass. Tel. Tyler 1464. CHAUFFEUR Experienced, reliable. wishes position wun private ramiiy, de livery or service car; beat references and satisfactory service guaranteed. Address R. B. Stanbrough, 2106 Farnam St. MIDDLEAGED lady, neat, competent and reliable, desires a position In a fam ly of 2; no laundry work; references fur- nisiud. Tel. Web. 63, between V and 12 a. m. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants w,,. lor Wednesdays and Thursdays; good references. 3M4 B. luth St. GERMAN woman, over 40, alone, clean worker ana gooa plain cook, wants position as housekeeper in email family where lady Is employed, or would like to take care of children. Mrs. Koch, 1013 S. llta St. YOUNG man and wife want work on farm. Steady. Ed Patterson. Hubbel Mouse, istn ana Howard. Omaha, Neb, FIRST-CLASS Uundrees wants work for Wednesday and Thursday; good refer ences. 3344 8. lth. MAN and wife, who are first class farm hands wish position on farm. Can furnish beat of references. Call Harney m O, O, Benson. 27t Dodge SL LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found ads In Omaha's Lost and Found mediums means ths Immediate re turn of that article It advertised In The Bee. the Lost and Found paper OMAHA aV COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost sums article would do well to call up the office 'of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether tbey left It In the street cars. Many articles each dsy are turned In SJ.d the ompany Is anxious to restore t .em to the -Ightful owner. Ca'l Doug. 4S iST In Rlvervlew Park, a field glssa lens, hinder please osll Harney 444. LOST lodge pin with name, Bramle and Oerman-Ainerlcan flag engraved on It. Reward. Call Webster tn. LOST Judy's gold watch, open face; ..,....,.",... f. 1, An I. - A.. I,. in. ltevikrd Is returned tt'tiil Harney. ' I, n llarMtu 9JnA P LOST Platinum bar pin. set v-it, sat phlres and pearls; reard. Call H. -S LOST Fancy hair pin. set wlih bril liants; between 20th and Davenport and 2th and pttdxe. Finder call Hainey 614J. LOST Bunch of keys, ring and chair. attached, In or near P. O. building. Return to Room 23. P. O. Bldg. Hewarl PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your jld clothing, furniture, niaga tinea We collect. Wed.strlbut Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call t ell and Inspect our new liuiuC, 1110-UU-ilU pvdgc St. PF.HSONAL Invalids Need Pensions 5,000 FUSBCRIPTIONS EARNS irt.ono. For the Inval'ds' I'enslon association. The Indies Home Journal. 21. W: ratur- Iday Evening Post. 11.50; Country Gentle ; man $1 0. 3''S needed in Novemlier. Tour I order or r-ncwMl contributes M cnta. 'I'lcsso phone DonKlas 7163 or address. GORDON, The Mapaalne Man. Omaha. TO'JNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Chrletlun nssoclatlon building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will he directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Took for our travelers' guide at the Unit station. YOUR furnace cleaned, II; work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Douglas 4584. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really peedT It costs you nothing to loin the Swappers' club and you will find It lot of fun swapping things. Write Room 104, Bee Hldg.. or phone Tyler lOuO. ADDING machine; cost $000 new, ex cellent condition. Want Jewelry, book cases, filing cabinets, automobile. Good stock or anything of value. Address 8. C tr,, Bee. ALL furniture in 4i-room hotel; reason able srnt on building; South Side; will exchange for real estate; value $1,800. Ad dress 8. C. W).1 Bee. AUTOMOBILE Seven-passenger Mitchell Special, fine shape, full electrlo equip ment; trade for diamonds, real estate contract lots, or cleur land. A really fine car and a good looking rar. 8. C. M, Bee. AUTOMOBILE.- For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. A LOT Will trade for a Ford. 2S63 Man tit TBI HI . At,'iOMorJlLKr-l!i4 Mitchel Special, 67 h. p.. cylinders; In excellent shape: electric starter, electric lights; run around 10.000 miles; 4 extra tires; trade for clear lot or Iota or clear land or mortgage, diamonds or any good commercial prop erty or paper. S. C. M4, Bee. AUTO Light weight, 1916 model, perfect shape, fully equipped, new tires, to swap for four or five-passenger car. Address II. C. 339. Bee. tt BICYCLE Lady's wheel. In perfect shape except tires, to trade for small soft-coal heater, 8. C. 657 Bee. C. & H. BICYCLE In good condition, with new set of puncture-proof tires. What have you. B. C. 69, Bee, BILLIAiwj TABLE Brunswick, 3Hix7. complete; home size. What have your maxe me an orrer. a. c. Ml, nee. DESK Oak roll top desk for printing or office equipment. What have youT Ad dress B. C. 636. Bee. DUPLEX perforated snare drum. 4x-3 Inches, new heads. Drum Is In excellent condition, used very little. Cost $38. What have youT Address S. C. 648. ELECTRIC AUTO HORN Motor driven. vibrator type; cost 110 00. Will swap fcr assortment of late Edison (Amberol) records. Address S. C. SH3. Bee. tf FI N ra, large Regina muslo box with big bunch of tune sheets, all In fine shape Want small cad or motorcycle. S. C. 646, Bee. GOOD B-passenger Overland touring car, will swap for painting and plumbing. Address S. C. 363. Bee. GARDEN TOOLS Spade, tf shovels, 2 rakes, hoe and grass knife, to trade for 4 mlnute Edison records, or anything. Ad drees S. C. 334. Bee. tf GOOD sized bay horse, will make good delivery or express horse, down In flesh, but good tn life, value $45. Will trade for furniture or what have you? Address S. C. 640. Bee. OAKLAND halt range, in fine shape, to trade for gas range, or what! S, C. 652, Bee. HAVE diamond ring worth 375 to swap for a set of lady's furs and fur coat. Address 8. C. 643. Bee. " HAVE a Marlln lever action, 25-shot. ,22 callber rifle, whlchehas been used only 2 months. Will swap for good foot ball and good headgear. 8. C. 647, Bee. I WILL exchange cement work founda tion for good car suitable for truck. Ad dress 8. C. 64it, Bee. I. C S. HANDBOOKS Set containing complete couiae .In general Illustrating; wanted, a camera or typewriter, portable preferred, or what have you. S. C. 614, Bee. JACKS' bell buttons. 10-inch, and fine home movers' rollers to swap for what have you. S. C. 6ul. Bee. MOTOR One Wayne electric, 1-16-horse power, 110 volts, 60 cycles, tn good run ning order, to trade for H-horse power or larger. In any condition. 8. C. 608. MOTOR 1 moter, 1912, Interlocking relay. made by the Union Switch and Signal Co.: cost $70. What have you? Address 8. C. fifi. Bee. NEW electric iron, with all connections; slso 5 Inree volumes of MacFadden's Encyclopedias of Physical Culture, last Usue; will swap for fow chickens, pota toes or anything useful. S. C. (14, Bee. ! NEW dresser, oak f.nlsh: will trade for good Iron bed and (food sprlngi. 8. C. RIO. Bee. ' ONE new model F-2 Gibson Mandolin and leather case, cost tHj.50. and in perfect condition, on account of excellent care. Will trade for diamond. -Address S.C. 5t. Bee. PIANO Hamilton piano tn tip-top shape; black walnut case and cost 0. Trade for clear lot or lots In Omaha or Bluffs. S. C. 663. Bee. 11-ROOM house, 2440 8. ivth Ave.; 120 acres of land 4 miles west of Sterling, Colo.; will trade for smaller Omaha or South Omaha property, or any business place. E. 423, Beo. RIO Rubber tired, 3 seated rig, or buggy, with full leather top, side cur tslns. etc.; almost new. Will sws for groceries, or what have you? Address S. ('. 61'. care Bee. STOVEPIPE radiator, new. To heat an upstairs room without any cost Ad dress 8. C. .t. Bee. STENOTYPE Brand new stenotype will trade for typewriter or anything I can use. Address S C. 637. Bee. 1913 Hooaer hard coal stove; will trad a for double-barrel hammerlesa shotgun of any standard make. S. C. 611. Bee. SEWING machine, drop head, t drawera. oak esse, good condition. Trade for rug. or what have you for It? Addreas 8. C. 642. Bee. STEEL tank, good condition, 22 feet long. 3 feet high. 3 feet wide, w hat nave you? Address S. C. 6.O. Bee. STENOTYPE To swap at a bargain; new. S. C. 346. Bee. SiNOLE-BAKHEL breech-loading shot gun. In perfect condition, coat 3&. ana leather case that oat is. What have you to offer? Addreas Dwtght Williams, care The Bee. Omaha, Neb. TYPEWRITER Remington No. 2; lust rebuilt and tn good shape. Wish a light buggy or harness to value of about L.-0. Address 8. C- 666. Bee. THREE 34x4 auto Inner tubes: baritone born; some good Jewelry, good furni ture, si'nall cook stove; elegant standard novels and other books; will trade for talking parrot, two canary cages or any thing elsa I can use. S. C. 6u. TO SELL or trade your ahotgun or rlfuv See FRIEDMAN. 1211 Dousiaa WANTED TO TRADK Typewriter for hard ooal base burner In good condition. S. C 635. Bee. WATCH Gold watch for lady's bicyclo. Ad, itss S. C . Bee. WILL swap drvsar. In good condition, for small heating 4tove. 8. C. 64a. Bee. WlLL swap a new Rensor gss heater on or for a rifle or shotgun, give details. s. c. 6a FOR RENT AtxirlnriK ai t la ia. The For Bent a tver'iaoiiK-nv aiiyetjiAj te tne For Rent columu of The Bee dally cannot be beat for vuncty that will please and fill the needs of any one dcslrng to rent Phone Tyler lOO. 4-R. mod. ex. lit. iKiug A Park. Red 4ifW. MOD. 7-K. apt.. Including beautiful east sun room, for rent lw. 1. H. 110 Comfortable, la rue 3-r. apartment, part mod., block to car and storrs. goo! neiBlinornoou. iit rim b. it. (CONVINCED ON COLUMN 6KVK.S. TR13 PAGO Ready Reference Directory ine following firms oiler will rfntn llifi moSt rritien.1. ABSTRACTS OF TITLR. RF7TD ABSTRACT CO, cldfst abstract office In Nebraska. i6 Brandels Thea, Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract offlr. 2068. 17th St. Phone D. 67. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 433-4T7 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 74h. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. M. F. Shafer CoTlh. Farnam. P. 7474. AMATEin FINISHING. FTLMS developed free If purchased from Photo Ciaft Shop. 418 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett 8. DodVla. S12 Payton Blk. D. JfW. ATTORNEYS. C T. Dickinson, HI Paxton Blh. P. 1M. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co., 1115-H W O W. R. K39. AUTO INSURANCE. ATJTOMOBILB MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Douglaa 2R1J. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. tm Far. P. ni. BATHS. BATH 214 Balrd Blk.. nth and Douglas. Mhr:?hi''MEI? 7T nd lern Turkish .m;.. i , T. anu eenneme wis si tar '""""L Swedish r 118 Farnam St. Doualas 24S7. UAKE1UK1. t HREEDEa 1M6N. 18th. Web. 3297. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIEST" Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th end Martha Sts. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. t23B22d. Douglas 5C0. Lessard Son, lft Cap. Are. T. 1632. q W. Hokanson, 2S08 Lvnwth. Tyl. 2192-J. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTI Pr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bids-, p. Ml, I I REMOVE TUB CAUSBJ OF Nervousness, liver and stomach nerai'; nr6"1'""' WtoevTnd iVi 1 , 0 Borders. Consultation ?i"ce prnaacr.c!s' L,m.lted " DR. KN0LLENBERG, a Bee Bldg. TyIer lm CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford. 820 Pax:. Blk. Red 4587. COFFEE BY MAIL. Poffp SJL "Yf' better VUliCe offee 16 lbs. high grade 13 60 W i ct.i.10?,1 P0,t' Prepaid. ' w' Ska'fe & Co.. Omaha, Neb. t-OHSEls. NuBone corsets. Weh-Sun. bk. Red 4392. DANClISQ ACADEMIES. FALL term open at Mackle's. Doug. 6441 PE LUXE ACADEMY, m s. 18th St. ...F7117,118 8COOL OF DANC1NO. 28th and Famam. Classes and prlvats lessons. Harney 6143. f ' ' Just completed, forty-four-page book of new dances for 1816 and 191. Clearly de scribed. Compiled by Albert Turpln. Ev. ery teacher should have a copy. Mall orders filled. Price, 31. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college. JOtb. & parnam LADIES' JACKETS remodeled In the lat est style; reasonable price. 1911 Far nam St. Phone Douglas 2829. DRESSMAKING by day. All work guar anteed. Web. 6896. ( DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Kelsterg Dressmaking Col., 1623 City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATB Pry Clng. Co., 120 N. 12th. P. 6072. DETkCCTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 213 Neville Block. Evi dence sec urea in ail cw- ii DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 13 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckles. 724 City Nat Rank, Taft Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglaa D. 2184. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 818 orders; catalogues free. Sherman Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. C4 Bee Bldg. Red "BVKBvTHISO FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleatiiii; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstltlchlng. point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding. cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleattof Co.. 2W Douglas Block. Douglas i ""furnaces ami tinwork. HABER8TROH, 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 7t KLORISTfc. BATH'S, florists. WA Farnam St. D. 8000. JU HENDERSON, 1814 "-. D. 2fr Member FlorUts Telegraph Del. Assn. HESS A BWOBODA. 1413 Farnani St. A. DONAOHUEJg2Harney. Doug. 1001. " irURHIERS. SAM KNEETER. W Farnam. Red 6S34. H. Wnthhols. 2818 Leavenworth. H. 2763. HISTORICAL COSTUMES. thk larsest stock of masquerade and theatrloil costumes In the c,.un' Tneo Dleben Sonl514 Howard. D. 411a. Instruction. English. French Instruction. 806 Lyric Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H H CLAIBORNE, 612 Paxton Blk. Red 740L Notary public, deposition steno. C V. BRITT. 301 Baker Block. "LIGHT I Si tiT FIXTURES, WIRING. D URKIN tcumtngg'st live stock'coumission. M A RTI N BROS -0- Fior.g Dldg MASSEL KS, Massage, women. Call D. 3227 for spptmt. " " MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos. The Motorcycis Man." 27u3 Leavenworth. MY l'li twin, t'-.ree-speed Harley-Davld-son. 315J, with laims, reir rcat. ga tank leggint nd gloves. Clt-ur bill of sale.' A-l condition. AdJreaa J 4U, Bee. "'MOV ING PICT URtfl MAC III N E . OMlHt mm Ex.. Hth end rv.-i'jf rtbA plcturo aiitl film bari;a... ucvLinr. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you caa. Dra McCariyllll W. O. W. Bldg OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINK ARMSTRONG. 313 Bee Bldg PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. TeL Red nil quality and expert service tny" PATENTS. It. A. Sturges, t3 Brandels "Theater Bldg PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO., Mattresses made to order or remade. 1907 Cuming. D. 2407. PLUMES CLEANED. CTTRLED. dyed. D. Elsele. 11 M City Nat. SAFE AND TIM B LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES Opened, repaired, comb. , changed.- F. E. Daven-1 port. 14 Dodge. D. 1821. PIANOS FOR MEN T. 13 60 per month. A. Hospe. 1R1S Dotiglsa I PRINTING. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality Printing. TeL Doug. 2180. 624 8. 13th SU f . 1 w, nun v J. sjjjxfia SIM, . DOUGLAS Prtnttnif Co. M. Pouirliii M4. I scale: repairing. Dm. BtanilB e Brseslsa r art a xa. smm .... im j, nivy r., VL0 CJ. J V. II. eLV.SWir SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BRQ3.. shoe repair, til & 14, Harloy Shoe Rep'r. Co . tot Fsrn m. R.344t EW1NO MACHINES. " W 6 repair sell needles an4 Parts for all sewing machlnea "MICICEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 16th and Harney. Douglas 16 STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet MetarCompanyjlsjl 1 STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shele. lng, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., 414-18-18 R 12th. Doug. 2T4. STOVE AND FURNACE! REPAIRsT ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove iwr icm-vi uougias et. jiyier w. TELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHTLL ELECTRIC Co.. Bee Bid. D.387S. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. 6 TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINQ A 8TEINLE, 180 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT 'an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for 33. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 81 S. ISta St, All makes for sale or rent. RENT a "Remington " not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 12S4. VACUUM CLEANERS. ALL makes. E. B. Williams, 808 8. 18th. Tyler 1011. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptf. Co. w inesTan d liquors! ' ALfiX JETE8. '201-3 S. Uth Bt. Wines, liquors, cigars. .Plata dinner 11 to 8. 10c HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, loth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquors St Klein's Liquor house, m N. 16th. Douglaa IMS. MEDIOAXj PILES, FISTULA CURED. Pr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula an4 ether rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DH. E. B. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re suits guarant'd. Dr. Bowser. 3l Bee Dldg. FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. FOR RENT MODERN APARTMENT S rooms and bath, in Urbana. 1317 Park Ave. Hot and cold water, heat and Jani tor service; 340 per month. Very desir able. 7-room modern house. West Far nam district; las per mo. WKSTKRQAAKD & PKTER8ON. 3M-4 Brandels Theater Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Tel. D. FINE steam heated apartment, 4 or rooms. OH West fc'nT-num U. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1W2 FARNAM ST. CHICAGO. 2013. Nice S-room and bath." Apartment. XK RENT 2407 Binney St. 6-r. brick "i. -i.w. co. tai. 4-ROOM apt.; also 1 room and kitchen; i,v,ut-, ,i. aiio jiniiimun. loug. 2.4b. FOR KENT H-roum flat, strictly modern; oak finish, 2104 California. Phone Ketl 4750. Hoar aaa Shawms. Furnished Rooms that otter every mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of the high est class will be found in the Furnished Rooms coluiuo. of The Bee. Phone Tyler luOfl. Room and hoard In private family. H. u62. Board and room. Private lamlly. Col. 3848. lHO Binney; td. and rm. fj week. w"lTl3 CALIFORNIA. 2S4 All mod., hot water neat., private taut.; reasonaDle. M 24-ia, N. 2od. 6lf AioUern rooms, lioug. lajl. BOARD AND ROOM In private home for two. Call Webster 76"3. ROOM suitable for two men; good board. Webster 6I7. A-'urulabed hwoisi. NICELY furnished room, close tn, all modern. 5.11 8 22d St. ONE large furnished front room, all modern, and one room with sleeping jP'ic,.; ealklng distance. b06 S. 2jth St. n0ll.j 4Ji3. Nicely furnished roa", fur rent; privet 1 i.ii.iiiy. 1 any or nisa "d wife. Col. ;'.!;. PLEAEAti'l south rOLini; 2 mun prefurred" 37 each. 3111 Webnter Jt. H. 7121). TliK MILLER HOl'SE. 2162 ht. Mary's Ave., excellent rooms by day or week in fine location; handy to business dls- trlct. DousIhs 4ti'2. ROOM in private home. Bemls Park dls tiict; breakfast if dmlred. H. 1721. West Kai nam-Larue, nicely furnished room; modern: hot water heat; private' ws'king ilisiance. Phone Hqrncy S012. 13 7 M.itila, fur, sleeping rins.,W. VT Furnished rm.. private" fam i 1 y. Web. 4h2t. NICELY f urnialied mum, close In- all modern, fi 8 2Jd Kt. Fl KIHLD room, suitable for girl or Kcntleincn, cheap. Red liCTi. S. 21ST AVE, 610 Nicely fumisuetl, ntod ern lui.j-u., close In; qultt home. Tel. iKiuglas 7flS. tl AU LAJW RATtS TO PERMANENT OU'tXTS llfrrvL SAN FORD. lth ant Farnaax Ht.Tl-LJiRLKYOthend! 2214 DOL'ULAS-Newly furnished rooms. Fuinace heat Close In. Red aVil. TH'u sll modexn liouoekei-ping rooin-i, 221 Jackson. (CONTlNt'EnToN P-ATtrEELVEN, COLLilN CNE.J