Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1915, News Section, Page 9-A, Image 9

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Bat ti D&y Before H Retire j He
Performs Most Remarkable
Old Jim, en of the Union Faclflo'a
moat faithful employea.. hu been slated
for retirement cm pension and ths chance
re that while Jim will not draw any
money from the pension fund he will
lira a Ufa of ease during hta remaining
Jim la 1 years old and has heen eon
tlntiensly In the employment of the Union
Paeifio during the last ten years. Jim
setoff a horse, he 'does not have to con
form to aome of the conditions required
of men and women who go onto the oom-
paay pension rolls.
The retirement of Jim Is mainly due to
the fact that the work that he has heen
doing during the last ten years In the
future is going to he done by an automo
bile. In the past Jim's work has been
to haul the Union Pacific mall wagon
between the headquarters building and
tha depots. Jim knows the details of hla
duties as well ss his driver, Ed Howk. as
evidenced by his performance Friday
Jim's last mail delivery from the head
quarters building to the Union station,
week days. Is made at o:46 o'clock In the
afternoon. At - least that Is the time
when he and hla driver should leave the
building. Friday afternoon he was at hla
past of duty at the appointed hour to
kep hla date with his driver. The driver
was In . the building and waa not In a
hurry, but Jim was. lie remained at the
curb until S:C6 o'clock, when nex seemed
to realise that b had to get started If he
faught a :W o'clock train to deliver his
mil. Without waiting longer. In his
teeth ha picked up the leather strap to
which wsa attached a ten-pound Iron
weight, turned around and down Dodge
street, at a . slow trot, started for the
depot. Arriving there ha waited the usual
length of time required to onload the
sail fftrai the wagon, again picked up
hla weight and left for the stable down
an Seventh street, hear tha smelter.
At tha stable tha hostler, knowing that
at waa time when Jim ahould have fin
ished bis work of tha day, unhitched him
and turned him Into hla stall, where he
was given hla customary allowance.
Ta tha meantime Ed Howk, the driver,
had gathered up. hla mall at tha bead
quarters, but when ha emerged from the
building oould not flnf Jim. He loaded
tha sacks onto a street car and at tha
Station learned that Jim had been there,
arriving and departing on schedule time.
Knowing tha habits of the horse, Howk
went to the stable, where he found the
horse, he apparently feeling that ha had
performed his duties and waa entitled to
tha rest that followed.
Children 's Doll Party at Burnasco Store
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Germany Renames
Many French Cities
(rorrenpondence of the Associated Frews.)
BKRU1N, Nov. .-The nUlroad ad
mtnWitration publishes a list of fifty-nine
names of French station and their new
dor man names, which munt he umd in
passenger traffic 8ome of the stations
and their new names a ret rVurcellne,
Kurael; Avrlcourt, Blfrlngen; FYesns-en-Bautnol.
Fechen; Unooart, linhnfen;
Mrslerex. Vnoheren; Vnntnui-Vallleres.
Wanten-Wallem; Indonvlllers, Landen
wetler; lyOMrevllle, Lansenhrlm; Moullna,
Muehlen bet Met: Novnt. Nmburg;
Ancy, Anslg; RemUy, Remelach.
ardia Vm at 1IH.
Daniel Mo(7lane, a hardy rVotrhmen,
who wee married at the ace of f rears
and has eleven children and a number of
grandchllrtren, celebrated hie centennial
by learning to drive an automobile.
W llh a tauntlred years behind him. but
still hale and hearty, the old man At
tracted much attention a he scorched
through the streets of the town at the
wheel of a motor car belonging to his
d&ushter. Mrs. l. T. Ambroee.
Mcdiine came to Olllomla during the
gold ruah and has been a reoldtnt of
een roiinty for many year. He came
here for the celebration of his one hua
dieilth Mrthdey.
"Whoop!" exclaimed the rentennarlen.
returning from his Joy rifle. "I never
knew when I waa at the helm of a sell
ing hf eeventy-ftve years no that I'd
be running a craft Ilka this!" flan Krun
rlaoo t'hrpHe.
Judge Foster Has
Vision and Lets a
Boyhood Tal Go
' FVanJt Randall of Nelson. Neb., was
braucbt before Judge Foster Saturday
morning for a. slight toffense. 1
'allo, Frank," replied the Judge. "tm
bid to aee you. how Jong are you. .going
te be in tewnr
"That's up to you. Charlie," replied
The judge. Idly fingered a "blotter and
tbv a moment gamed dreamely into apaca.
Ra had visions of a weatberbeaXen school
hwm, two kids fishing In a rippling
Stream and later plunging Into' a calm
deep pool, sunlight reflected daaslngly
from tha school house windows.
Eavidently tha reflection hurt hla ayes,
for ha brushed them with the back of
hla hand started and looked down at
tha prisoner ...
"7 guess yon can go, Frank," said the
"Thinks. Charlie," replied the prisoner,
and turning left tha room.
T haven't seen that fellow since we
were youngsters," remarked the judge.
Tff how things have changed."
Perfeot Man Here;
Girls Pursue Him
Look out girls, the perfeot man la In
Uraml Ha not only admits It, but offers
to prove tha statement. Ha la O. X
fX Li. Wlldene of Ban Franclaoo, who
appeared before Chief of Detectives Ma
loney yesterday.
"Captain." quoth Wtldone, 'Tra ta
Ton Ye In tha wrong department. Os
car," replied tha captain. "Sea Hans
Kiel sen; he's tha humane offloer."
To, eaptain, I want a detective to find
nay affinity, explained Oncer. "I'm what
la known an a perfect men. and have
been forced to leave every town In which
I stopped because tha women chased
aaa so.
"X came to Omaha a few days ago, and
while passing the court house I looked
Into tha ayes of a girl, poorly clad, but
beautiful; and that moment I met my
fata. X don't know who she Is, but I
want yea to find her. Do so, and I will
tor you tha beat nickel cigar In town."
Maloney, stirred to notion by the prom
ise) of tha reward, led Osoar to the outer
air. "Young man." you're perfect, all
fight" ha said. "In fact, you're the
most perfect specimen of a soft-shell
walnut X aver saw. I think you'd batter
leave this burg or tha women here will
pursue yo uand beat your brains out with
a featheg."
Oscar jeaved a sigh, tossed his head In
a haughty manner and, adjusting hta
wrist watch, set out alone in search of
hta affinity. .
Table for Figuring
Parcel Post Rates
.A table giving at a flanoe just what
parcel post none any town or city la In
bsa been received at tha postoffice. This
table has been prepared at Washington
and similar tables are sent to all other
noetoffloes. each office requiring a dif
ferent table, because of its different lo
cation. This table can be tised only in
eonjunetion with the postal guide.
As far as parcel post matter Is con
earned. Alaska. Canada, the Canal sons,
Cuba. Quam, Hawaiian Islands, Mexico,
Philippine Island, Portlo Rloo. Republlo
M Paaama. Bamoaa Islands and the
Us! ted States postal agency at Shang
hai. China, are In tha Eighth aone and
require postage according to that.
Stags, the Newest Fraternal Organi
zation, Starts Out with Large
Members assert that no fraternal, bene
ficial social organisation ever started In
Omaha has met with such enthusiasm
and so large a membership secured In so
short a time as tha Patriotic and Protec
tive Order of Stags of the World. Or
ganisation work In Omaha was started
Septemoer 1, and up to the present time
over 800 have joined. At last, Sundays
meeting In the Swedish auditorium over
400 were Instructed Into the mysteries of
the order. This 400 in addition to the 400
initiated at a previous meeting, making
00 up to now, and by December S, at
which date another class initiation will
take place. It Is expected that the mem
bership of Omaha drove No. 1J5 win ex
ceed 1,600 at that time.
At the meeting last Sunday Mayor
Dahlman delivered an address, In which
ha complimented the organisation depart
ment on the work accomplished. Fol
lowing Mayor Dahlman, Harry B. Fla
herty, W. N. Jamleson and 1 J. Qalmby
made speeches that aroused ovary man
present to make a strenuous effort to se
cure at least one new member before the
next meeting. Temporary 'officers were
appointed to act until the regular elec
tion of officers takes place.
The charter will remain open until De
cember 8. The International director has
an offloa at SOS Brandels theater building.
which la kept 6nri until o'clock every
evening for the benefit of members and
prospective members.
Southwestern drove No. 1 will hold
Its second meeting this afternoon at S
o'clock at Koblela's hall. Forty-second
and It streets. South Omaha. This drove
has Increased Its membership 100 per cent
In the last two weeks and bids fair to be
one Of the leading organisations In that
part of the city.
.Woodmen of the World.
Sableskt camp No. 75 will meet today
at New Bohemian hall, Twenty-ninth
and Walnut streets, at t p. m., for tha
monthly meeting. The regular business
will be transacted, followed by the lnltl
atlon ceremony.
South Omaha camp No. til will meet
on Wednesday at 8 p m. for work. The
drill team will give its Initiatory per
German-American camp No. 104 will
Initiate a Urge class of candidate Tues
day evening at New Bohemian Turner
hall. Thirteenth and Dorcas streets.
Schiller camp No. 804 will meet Thurs
day evening at tha German Home, 4408
South Thirteenth street, for initiation.
An entertainment will be given at tha
cioee oi ine worn session.
One of the most successful entertain-
menu of tba season waa given by Druid
camp No. 24 at lis new home. Twenty
fourth street and Ames avenue, las
Monday evening. It was for tha benefit
of tha camp members and their friends,
and was greatly enjoyed by all present.
The program consisted of athletlo stunts
such aa boxing, sparring and wrestling
matches. Following the entertainment,
refreshments were served. The enter
tainment was tn charge of FX1 I. Foster,
clerk of tha camp.
Nebraska LJpa camp No. IAS will meet
In regular convocation Thursday evening
at the New Bohemian hall. Thirteenth
and Martha streets. Joa Wolf will have
charge of the entertainment.
Omaha Seymour camp No. 18 his an
nounced an open meeting of Its camp for
Monday evening, November ZS. at the
Swedish Auditorium hall. Sixteenth and
Chicago streets.
' United Workcaea.
Tha South Omaha Ancient Order of
United Workmen will meet in tha temple
at Twenty-fifth and M streets Tuesday,
when South Omaha lodge. No. 88, will
be tha host for tha Joint meeting. John
I Kennedy will speak on "Tha Open
Door of Opportunity."
! North Omaha lodge. No. 1, Degree
team will give a danoa at tha Da Luxe
Dancing academy Friday evening.
Union Pacific lodge. No. 17, will be the
host Friday for tha automoblllsts.
, Kalghte of Pythias.
Last Monday evening tha rank of Paga
was conferred by Nebraska lodge No. 1.
after which a social hour waa given at
eats and cards.
Next Monday evening the rank of
Esquire will be conferred on a claas of
Pages after which tha supreme represen
tative of Iowa. F. H. Ferris of Sioux
City win deliver tha address. -
Roral Neighbors. .
Ivy camp. No. i. Royal Neighbors will
entertain Benson and Daisy camps at
tha Modern Woodmen of America hall.
Fifteenth and Douglas streets, Wednes
day evening. Special entertainment and
Knla-hts and I-adles of geearlty,
Loyal council will give a dance Thurs
day evening at tha hall. Twenty-fifth
avenue and Iaavon worth street
Ikrlaeis. . .
This week the Shrtners will take ever
the Auditorium and put In readiness (or
the ceremonial session that will be con
ducted by tha members of Tangier tern,
pla Friday afternoon. Tba occasion ta
going to be a busy one for Tangier. Tha
business meeting and election of candi
dates starts at 10:SD o'clock tn the morn
ing. At 11 tha candidates aasemblo In tha
Blua lodge room of tha Maaonlo temple,
to be prepared for tha oeremonlal session
at tha Auditorium at I o'clock ' ta tha
afternoon. At 1M tn tha evening at tha
Auditorium there will be a musical en
tertainment for the Shrtnara and their
wlvss. It to be followed by a ball. ,
Tha aaml-aiBiual meeting of tha Scottish
Rita Masons will ha held In Omaha this
week, when a elaa af between sixty and
aeventr-Ove, coming from ail parts of tha
stata. will be Initiated. The sessions will
all ha held at tha Cathedral. Twentieth
and Douglas street, commencing Monday
and continuing until Thursday. Thursday
evening there will be a banquet given
by tha local lodge. It Is expected that
moat of the visitors will remain over
Friday, taking part In tha Shrine cere
monial at tha Auditorium.
At tha coming meeting of the Scottish
Rite the exercteea will be conducted by
local members of tha order. It not being
expected that there will be present Scot
tish Rite of Doers from outside Nebraska.
The Promotion
of Health
I i t
. A, Room for tha Roomer, or a Roomer
fog tba Room. Bee Want Ads Do the
I'li-irttLi'Jl lAiiV" fy
Good health must have
its start in the Stomach,
Liver and Boweb, for these
orjjans are the controlling
power and have direct influ
ence on the entire system.
If stomach weakness is
allowed to develop, digestion
becomes impaired, the appe
tite begins to wane, the liver
becomes lazy and the bowels
Therefore the great im
portance of establishing and
maintaining strength and
vigor in these organs at all
times. To this end just try
It is Nature's one best aid
in the promotion of health.
W man's Aaalllary, O. A. It.
Regular meeting of General Henry W.
Lawton auxiliary. Grand Army of tha
Republic on Wednesday evening. All
members are requested to be present tor
A Room for tha Roomer, or a Roomer
for tha Room. Baa Want Ads Do tha
Denver Man Loaded
Down with Drugs
I A.' Cox, ben boy of Denver, was
arrested at the Paxton hotel and a
package wbloh ha had checked, contain
ing 1.000 grains of cocaine, heroine and
morphine confiscated. Cox asserts ha
c flocked the package for a atranger and
knew nothing af their contents. The bet
ties. In which tha drugs were contained
bora tha label of a Oretna, Neb., drug
store. Chief Maloney thinks they were
stolen In a recent burglary. '
Co, who Is 11 years of age. Is being
held for Investigation.
Glass of Hot Water
. Before Breakfast
a Splendid Habit
Opan aluloaa of tha system eaoh
morning and waah away tha
polsonoua, atagnant matter.
"Vulcan Coke" is the Sort of Fuel a
WOMAN really LIKES to handle!
Women like "Vulcan Coke" because it is absolutely
clean, easy to handle, kindling very quickly. Men
like it because it represents a smaller expenditure of
money than hard coal. Think of a fuel that gives
forth no smoke; having no clinkers; leaving very
little ash; one that holds fire all night, and you have
an idea of "Vulcan Coke. ' It is a clever by-product,
made from mixture of the propor sorts of coal; the
results accomplished by it would have been deemed
magic a century ago; today it's what we expect of
! science. Try it and know its scope.
rnone fn rer
Tyler 17M VDU Ton.
We Are Wholesale
and Retail Agents,
210 S. 17th St.
Brandeis Theater Building.
Those of us who are accustomed to
feel dull and heavy when we arise; split
ting headache, stuffy from a eold, foul
tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, lama
back, can. Instead, both look and feel
as fresh aa a daisy always by washing
tha poisons and toxins from tha body
with phosphated hot water eaeh morn
Wa ahould drink, before breakfast, a
glass of real hot water with a teaepoon
ful of limestone phosphate tn It to flush
from tha stomach, liver, kidneys and ten
yarda of bowels the previous day's In
digestible waste, sour bile and poisonous
toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and
purifying tha entire alimentary trmrt
before putting mora food tnto tha stom
ach. Tha action of limestone phospate and
hot water on an empty stomach Is won
derfully Invigorating. It clean out all
the sour fermentations, gaaes, waste and
acidity and gives one a splendid appe
tite for breakfast and It Is said to be
but a little whUe until tha roses begin
to appear In tha cheeks. A quarter
pound of limestone phosphate will coat
very little at tha drug store, but Is suf
ficient to make anyone who Is bothered
with biliousness, constipation, stomach
trouble or rheumatism a real enthusiast
on tha subject of Internal sanitation.
Try It and yau are assured that you will
look better and feel better tn every wag
hortly. Advertisement.
wear IV mi y-v
The great tragedy that must come into everyone's
life demands the services of an experienced, able un
dertaker. We have every facility in our perfect or
ganization to conduct a funeral in a manner that is fit
ting. The funeral can be priced to meet the exigencies.
$75 Black Broadcloth Caskets. $30
Horse or Auto
Drawn Funerals.
Lady Attendant.
Residence Parlors.
Omaha's Oply Independent Undertakers
Stack l Falconer
Douglas 887.
24th and Harney Sts.
AJBEE iaiy CoMWt
Each and Every Day Ths
Week in Our Peerless
Demonstrating Rooms
The Victor Victrola Will Be Used, the
Program to Be as Follows:
As meaty tvM no doubt with to poet on or more of the "Fai rar" selection
after hearing them rendered exqwtkely, toe herewith combine our concert pro
gram with the size, number' and price of each record.
Records by
Carman Jo das rtea na at apian ts OOeMMTi Air) ta
FYeaeh I ,. Blaot
Carmen las baa dasta la nootajrna (Away ta Toader Moun-
taJaa) la Vreaeb Blset
Bow CM I Leave Tbeaf (OM Oermaa Air. a BngHsh
, with Lole Homer
Madame. Bntterfly TnttJ I Hor (Duet ef tha V towers) la
ItaJlaa ....v., . ,. . with Homer
Madame Butterfly -Jawtterfiys Deatb Boone (Finale alUme).
tn Itallaa ,. I"uoclul
Te Bejiks and Itreea o Bonnie Txxm, tn FnglUh ....Burns
Madama Butterily-Ua bal dl veareme Cucim tey Ba U Cwa),
in Itallaa , Ieolal
Mr OM Keatacky Home, l fcngliaa.. .roster
rtobla Adair, in English ,w....i.i..Wpl
Con In Thro the Hf, la lgMe......., . .Old Hootch
Loag, Lmc Ac, la alagttsa.. MM..MM...Thma rly
Lov Bw Brasla Uahh. Blsbo
There Is Absolutely No Other Flustcal Combina
tion So Perfect, So Peerless. So Enlranclnfi as
See Omaha's Greatett and Grandest Victrola Stock Sea Various Model
From $15 to $200 See the Victor Record Demonstrating Rooms That Have
Been BUILT for the Purpose See a Truly Modem Store.
i! '
Many who wonld oCbanrta be amaMe to bear sOvar-Ciroatad OaraMtna Vrrar wfll be acablod to hoar hef
M to Ufa, ram t expanaa, by simply attending oar dally oonoarU. Coma any Lour; records will ba played for
yon whenever yon request It Own a Victrola now If aver; cash or aagy payments; trade in your old-tim
-bora" tailing machine or piano or organ toward one If yon wish. ' Wa ship Vlctrolag to any point In America
(chargea prepaid) on absolute rRK TRIAL, records and'nlL Buy, only If tba Instrument Is all wa claim.
What COUlaO ba faicart Buirt now wlUi a Viator-Vlotrola and bar KBAIi entertainment tba winter through-
ta Cycle (Ca
Phone Douglas 1C62 Cor. 15th and Ilamcy Sts, Omaha
The Same Concerts at Coxmcil Dhtff Store, 334 Broadway
1 iVi.vTT r-.Aft .
mm it t HvVthyA'!
1 i