Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1915, News Section, Page 7-A, Image 7
7-A HOMER A. SEARLE MAKES GOOD OH DAKOTA RANCH Homer A. marl la down from hla Tounf Mr. Bearie rot In en tha (round floor lomt two yr ao when home tteade were drawn la tha Roaebud coun try. Ha settled on tha prairie, broka It BP, retard com. hay and cattle, until now ha baa qulta ' a aubeUntlal little ranch, Wa bar mora of a Mock country than anything ele whrra I live," .aid Mr. Frarlr, "but ConalderaMa corn and train It rained In aome parts of the country. Of caiirae. a Buffered like everybody elae thie summer from the faK'k of enough eunahlne to mature the corn when It ahoutd have matured." COWGILL GOES BACK TO THE BARTLETT-FRASER COMPANY T. 8. Cowgirl, for eerenteen yeara In tha areJn bualneaa In Omaha, active In the ortanliatktn of tha Omaha Grain es chanira and Ita effalra, and prealdent of tha TranaminitMtppl Grain company alnce Ita organisation, la to leare tha rlty and become one of the officiate of the Bart-let-FYaer Grain company of Ohloafe, He will leare for hie new field of labor at once, but hla family will remain until tha final of the year. While Mr. Cowclll will more away from Omaha, he will retain hla property Inter her and will continue aa preal dent of the TranaTTilaalaalppI Oraln com pany, with KX 8. Weatbrook aa manager. Mr. Cow(IU waa connected with tha Bartlett-Fraaer company before coming to Omaha. and box Nrhtrra thnt the people are gl'it tnna fnr piinlehmrnt and always come ha. k for more. Poor t'mplrel "Oeorge Ktovall," announced a. acrlbe, "I the forty-two-ccnllinctcr gun of the Ferlx." Ilow'd yaw like to have a forty-two-oentimeter gun aqulrt tobacco juice on you? oh near White RlTr. a D ruitlna parent, and friends In Omaha. Ha la a on of 8. A. Bearie, attorney la Omaha, At waya Pm Pill. experience ha taught the proamtera TTae The Bee'a "Swapper" Column. TTIE (WAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 14, 1915. TV X t , a I Sunday, November 14, 1915- Tlotor Seoorde for aTovembe. Many " Catchy SMtmbera. Come Bear Them." -BURGESS-NASII STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY. I Omaha 'Oaa Ton Only M Br"ee-ireeh the CniobertBe; Telephone Douglas 137. Here's Very Important News From Burgess-Nasli Where's the Boy Who Said He Didn't Believe in Santa Claus? YOU just wait, young man! Santa Claus is going to be at Burgess-Nash real soon, himself in person, to convince boys and girls who don't believe, and you'll find him the liveliest, jolliest old fellow in the world. And oh! The toys, playthings and dolls that ha will have with him, when he comes to open this splendid world of make-believe on our big Fourth Floor. We shan't tell another word now w are so busy retting our big Toy Town ready for Dear Old Santa. He is sending so many things ahead that Toy Town has had to spread out into several times the usual space It regu larly occupies, but we will let you know In plenty of time when he come. BURGESS-NASII COMPANY. American Beauty and Richardson Package Goods. 25c to $1 Values, 15c INCLUDING stamped library scarfs, combination suits, gowns, chil dren's dresses, dressing sacques, Infant's dresses, child's hats, lin gerie waists, 18x45 white dresser scarfs, white 22-inch centers, 18x45 linen pin cushion, child's aprons, baby bonnets, baby bibs, guest towels, corset covers, boudoir caps, etc. All of these goods have floss sufficient to complete the article. Values from 25c to $1, very special, Monday, each 15c Bnryeaa-lTaeh Co. .Third Floor. This $10.g0 SOLID OAK ROCKER Like the Picture, Monday at $6.95 THIS is a most unusual value one that will appeal to, every home fur nisher. The rocker Is exactly like the ac companying illustration, made of solid well seasoned oak in either golden, wax or turned finish. Automobile seat with sixteen coil springs and upholstered with No. X Spanish leather. The rocker Is the Sort that sells regularly for and is worth every cent of 910.50; Monday, very spe cial, while a limited quantity -..lasts, at $8.95. y Bnrgees-ataafc Co.TMrd floor, Are You a Patron of Our BLACK and WHITE; ROOM?-Second Floor IF yon are you know About Its splendid appointments and service it you are not. let ns tell you about it. The Black and White Room la maintained for the benefit of those - women who regard good grooming aa one of the absolute necessities to whom fresh loveliness and perfect cleanliness appeal. Featuring: ' Toilet reparations lfair Dreatinft Manicuring Chiropody Scalp and Facial Massage Expert Attendants Children's Hair Dobbins Special values In balr goods. Wavy hair switches, excellent quality, made in three separate stems for convenience of dressing, at $3.00. Switches, same quality hair. In gray, $4.00. Three stem switches, 18, 20, 24 and 26 inches long, specially selected and prepared first -luallty hair, at $5.00 to $28.00. Transformations, etc. nrr sJraafc Oo- Second floor. Men's $5 Sterling Buckles and Belts, $3.50 AN ideal men's Xmas gift. Here's a bargain special for Monday only. Sterling silver, hand cut, one, two and three Initials, mounted on a hand-turnod black leather belt. This is a regular $3.00 value ders taken for later delivery, Monday, only, at $3.50. Bargees-aTaah Co Kali moot. . Or- Fancy Silks on Special Tables That Were to $1.25, Two Lots, 49c and 69c THE offering includes almost every possible weave la a wide range of colors. Taffetas, foulards, meesalines, kimono silks, etc. Very de sirable for waists and dresses and very special. 36-Inch Bilk Poplins, 79o Yard The shades Include navy, nickel gray, brown, Alice blue, lettuce green, wisteria, wine, tan, pink, light blue, Belgium blue; also plenty of black or white. Satin Stripe Tub Silks, at 98o Satin stripe tub silks, with a neatly woven stripe of dainty colors in different styles from which to select Very much In demand for shirt waists. $7.50 Dress and Suiting Velvets, at $3.95 Fancy velvets in brocades and neat stripe effects, 40 inches" wide and in a splendid selection, of colors. arfeei kBTaah Co. 3aTaln Floor. Most Wanted Dres3 Goods 42 to 54 Inches Wide at 95c INCLUDING such favored weaves as storm serges, Vigor eaux, granite crepes, French serges, fancy checks, awning stripes, fancy plaids, diagonals, whip cords, French crepes, poplins, gabardines in a splendid range of colors; also black. ttrf-eee-KaaH Co. Kala floor. Drugs, Toilet Ar ticles and Soaps Thermos b o t ;tles, 1-qt- siie, for $1.08 Williams shav ing powder, I special, at . lc ; Ivory soap, 5c sice M o n d ay, cake Bttc DJer Kiss tal c u m powder, nt B5c Dressing combs, 25c kind ,.10u i Borrsss-Wash Co. ataln Tlooir, German hair re storer, fl else, for 79c Sal Hepatic, 26c else . .10c C h amberlaln's cough remedy, 2Bo size . . .16o Fels Naphtha laundry soap, 10 cakes . .38c Canthroi, for s h a mpoo, 50c size 29o $7.50 DIAMOND Cuff Links, $4.95 M1 cuff EN'S solid gold links, set with full cut genuine white diamonds, sold regularly at $7.50, Mon day only $4.95. f.12.50 Watch Bracelets, $7.85 Ten-Jewel nickel movement, fully adjusted, small size in a 10 year guaranteed case and detach able expansion bracelet Regular $12.50 value, special, $7.05. Bargeaa-waali Co. Mala Tloos. These $9.00 Cedar Boxes Monday Very Special at $5.00-Third Floor ' A N opportune offering -right at housecleaning time when J you findo many things to pack away,, there's nothing more convenient than a cedar box or two, . , ; Cedar boxes," size .16x32 inches, made of hard seasoned cedar, witib reinforced cleat, heavy bars, hinges and lock, package of cedar shavings, $9.00 value, $5.00. $13.50 Cedar Boxes for $9.45 Reinforced top and metal side ; bands, sire 16x42 inches. Regular $13.50 value for $9.45. $18.50 Oder Boxes for $10.45 Retnorced side and top, two-inch brass straps around entire box; contains pack age of cedar shavings; $16.50 value, $10.45 Cedar boxes, size 20x48 inches, with brass strap on top and aide, for $18.oo. Cedar boxes, size 21x44 inches', with brass straps on top, eliding tray, for $21.00. Cedar boxes, 22ftx44, Adams design. $25.00. 21x42, with top, special, Cedar boxes, slse brass trimmings on at $22.50. , Cedar boxes, 22x48,'. Jacobean design,. $22.50. Cedar. boXee, 22x48, William, and Mary design. $22.00. Borreee-JTaeb, Co Tblr4 Floor. Exquisite Collection Evening Gowns in a Clearaway Monday at V$ Off IT'S indeed a charming selection rare, exclusive, individual copies and adat- tations. of many were Parisian creations that Our Personal Shopping Service la a department of expert shoppers selected by ns to be of assistance to our customers. No charge is made and our shoppers render every service possible. $55, $75, $100, $150 $350 Now Underprice Including Afternoon and Evening Gowns of Velvet, Soiree, Tulle, Taffeta and Com- binations of Silks and Georgette Crepes Every dress is from our regular stock and comprises many of the beautiful" gowns shown in our recent Style Show. Personally selected by our skilled style experts, they portray the highest expres sion of the designer's art and reveal in ap pealing variety the individual 'desires of every fashionable woman. aigeas JlaaA Oo. con rioe. dearaway of Floor Samples of Sewing Machines The Dest Values Offered Vf O N DAY " we a r e going to close out all floor samples and demonstrating machines a I radically re duced prices. Borne of these are s 1 t ghtly marred from being moved around in the Department, some are exchange machines and there are a number that cannot be told from brand new Kvery Machine Ls fully guaranteed. 23 of Them in All 1 Arrow, agent's price $20.00, Monday's price ....$9.05 2 Arrow, agent's price $23.00, Monday's prioe $12.95 2 New Home, agent's price $45.00, Monday' price tttS.OO 1 Blnger, atgent's price $55.00. Monday's price ' $26.50 8 Howe, agent's price $25.00, Monday's price $19.75 2 Clarke Rotary, agent's price, $60.00, Monday'a price. . . .$36.00 6 Paragon, agent's price $4 6.00, Monday's price $27.50 8 Singer, agent's price $48.00, Monday's price $18.00 4 Standard Rotary, agent's price $50 00, Monday's price. . . .$33.75 Terms at Low at $1.00 a Week avgess Vsak Cp Tfclr4 Floor One Day COAT Sale $(J00 At Including Values of $15.00 to $20.00 That Surpasses Any Offering That We've Announced for a Long Time THE surplus and sample line of a prominent manufac turer who became over stocked ;on account of the mild sea son and who willingly let go at a sacrifice. The coats are all brand new, made within the past two weeks in the season's favored styles, all have full flaring skirts, some belted models, few fur collars and soraejwith chin, chin collars. The materials are: Black Kerseys Novelty Heather Mixtures Striped and Tlaid Zibeline ' Black and White Checks. There are all sizes 'for women and misses and every coat is a splendid $15.00 to $20.00 value, Monday, at $10.00. Barree-Srek Oe. ecoa& CTee ' Black Zibelines Broken Checks Two-Tone Zibelines Novelty Mixtures. ' 1 yTmYJ The Thanksgiving SALE of LINENS At Prices Fully 15 to 25 Under Present Quotations THERE'S one time of the year when the dining table demands new linens Thanksgiving Day. Our displayjis very extensive and the prices are far less than the present market quotations. Austrian Damask Pattern Cloths In five different qualities, these goods have the wearing quality and beauty of finish combined and the de signs are most exquisite. We quote one popular number. . 72x72 Cloths, each .$6.00 1 72x103 Cloths, each $9.00 72x90 Cloths, each $7.50 81x81 Cloths, each. .... .$7.75 fl Irish Damask Pattern Cloths ; Our stock is large and extensive! covering a wide range of qualities and sixes from two to 4 yards. We nave oniy space enougn to quote one number. 1 24x24 Napkins, dozen. . .$7.75 .72x72 Cloths, each. .... .$5.00 72x90 Cloths," each. .... .$6.75 72x103 Cloths, each. . . . .$7.50 72x144 Cloths, each. .. .$10.00 72x126 Cloths, each. . . . .$8.75 25x26 Napkins, dozen. . .$7.25 2-Yard Pattern Table Cloths, $1.75 Mercerized damask pattern table cloths. 2-yard site, beautiful deslcus. with a five-Inch colored border, pink, blue or gold, each $1.75. ' Madeira Hand Embroidered Linens Dolltee, center pieces and table covers, 6 to $0 Inches, napkins and lunch sets, all new. Madeira lunch setsconsisting of six 6-inch, six 12-inch dollies and one 24-lnch center piece, all hand em . broidered. Special, the set, $5.00. Hand Embroidered Sample Linens 8PECIAI' Importer's sample line of doilies at about 22 U to 60 less than regular price. A very exten sive line of designs, a limited quantity of each, some slightly soiled- 6-lnoh dolUeS, hand embroidered, each 10e I 18-tneh dollies, hand embroidered, each. 9-lnch dollies, band embroidered, each 89c I Barresa.aaii Co. aula rioer. .08c BUMS-NASSff BASEMENT, STORE HE very best grade all wool, part wool and cotton batts for making comforters jaway X below the present market value. $3.25 Pare White Wool Batte for $2.00 Roll Slse .1190 pure white wool batts, cheese cloth covered, 13.25 la the present market value price. Monday, (or entire comforter, tQ rr roll 3aOi? $2.5 AU Wool Batts, at $1.8 Roll Slse 72x0, all wool Southdown batts, $1.50 ls the present market value; aale price Ji QQ Monday, for entire comforter, roll. . . . 4 1 .Oa7 $9.00 Wool Batts, $1.00 Slse 70x90 Royal fUece wool batts, $2.00 is the present market value, sale price : Q Mondsy, for entire comforter, roll . . . . J JL tOJ $1.75 Wool 1WU, $1.25 Else 72x20 Data via wool batU, 21.71 is the pres ent market value; sale price, Monday, tl . OC for entire comforter, roll P 1 e3 $1.25 White Cotton Batts, 75c I?Ttv.2f Four-neund, slse 72x20 hand rolled Xila a. snow white cotton batts for making ex tra thick, warm comforters, 11.25 ls the present market value, sale price, Monday for ; r entire comforter, roll I OC 85c White Cotton BatU, 60c Cvf rnf Size T2x90, full three-pound hand rolled snow white cotton batts. 85o is the pres ent market value, aale price, Monday, rrt for entire comforter, roll 23c OX ton Batts, 18c Governor and White Rose, everybody's favorite cotton. We will sell 10,000 of these beau- in tlful batts. Instead ef 25c, Monday, per roll IOC 22e Cotton BatU, at 15c Full pound roll, snow white True Blue cotton batts; 2 So Is the present market value, Iff. sale price, per roll IOC 15c Cotton BatU, 10c Reliance, Ruby and Butter Cup cotton batts, 15c is the present market value; sale , "1 re price, Monday, per roll . .' lvC 10e Cotton BatU, 5c Little Gem, pure white batU, 10c ls the present market value: sale price, Monday, ff roll Material for Covering Comforters Away Under Present Market Valaes Yard wide, fancy floral. Persian, oriental and figured cretonnes, all are 36 Inches wide, 12 He la the present market value; sale Q 1 price, from the bolt, yard OgC Sllkollnes, at 5c Short lengths, fancy figured and plain colored, yard wide, llrst quality sllkollnes, will Ca be sold, at, yard -. :.. OC 12 He Sllkollnes, f He Ysrd wide, finest quality light, medium and dark colorings, newest patterns, sllkollnes, 10 to 20-yard lengths to buy from. per ent market value, sale aarreas-aTaak Co. aaraB. 12Vc ls the pres- y i price, yard JJ C Striped Wool French Flannel 59c Quality 25c STRIPED wool French flannel that is worth and sold in every city at 59c per yard, sale price, from the bolt nfi Monday at, yd.. . ,3C $3.00 Beacon Blankets Monday at $1.98 Pair Cwfraf Fancy plaid Beacon CtXlia. blankets, eiie 6il0, have never before been offered at such a low price by any store. An unusual special lot to select front. Included with the Beacon plaid blankeu are extra heavy wool finished slse 72x80 gray and tan blankets. Here is a bar gain that will be long remem bered. Blanket depart-4f )Q ment. Monday, at. . . . ?lJO arrecs-Vask Oo, aaameat. i mil EYE RYD ODTb .OTOHC Send Us Your Mail Orders Your mall orders sent here will receive the saaae prompt and oourteous attention as if you made persoaal visit. Write for November Shopping Quid now ready. f ' i 1 1 V.