4 A 17IE . OMAHA. SUNDAY '.BEE: NOVEMBER 14, 1915. HAPPEIUNGS IN THE UAGIC CITY Tour j Hig-hwiyman Compels Gro-j eer Daughters to Staff Money in nit Pocket. ' KAKtS GETAWAY HI SAFETY . "Tou get tht rnorw-y up jot t'U blow your head off.". ', With a vicious flash of a monster ra Volvp. n unidentified highwayman aout X J ear of air, ormipelled Misses Henrietta and Roee Jaeohsen, daughters ef A. Jacobean, grocer at BM4 South Thlr (Vth street, "Bouth Side, to pick op aoma money ft had droppad. whll stuffing spoils from tha cash register In his pocket. Tiie father waa held at bay at tbo point Jf the run. jTb holdup and robbery oeoorrM at vl o'clock. Tbo man dressed In a. heavy brown overcoat that reached to MS ankles, entered the atoro and after dlck rlng vr tha prtfe of a certain article. Suddenly drew a largo revolver from bla ncket and demanded that tha proprietor and hla daughter all bold up their handa. They obeyed. The thief rot away with CM In eotn and bllla and made a clean get-away betnro Captain Drlgg arid a patrol load of orflrara arrived oir the sVene a few mlnutea later. iTha two girls wero ' nearly proatrated Ith faar and war? too weak to appear it the station. The man .waa described ahont years of ire, flva feet, elrbt ftichea In he'glit, smooth shsveh, rduch cmplasien, black allk hat. Tsrk ahlrt and troimers and wetting a long brown over coat. It i thought to weigh .abeut IT poanda I Concert at library, ( Hnry JL Ttock'a oreheatra Of the otith Side entertained a large crOWd of local' tousle lover at Library liall, at Twenty third and Vf atrenta. Miss Olga KUnor and Mr. William Hunt war soloist of jhe evening. Tha veteran mua'.o com mander will give a eeriee" of concerU to local poopla alone thl winter. Back haa flayed before many Omaha audlcnoea In tie Jaat two years. oath Dido Itawllag. i MEtiADT CU'B. m A I , Jst. M. M. Tot. fMeon ......, . Itt 1M so JUelerfy 110 12 it V luring- ia: 102 i Kelson 117 114 M Cahlll HO W 11 I Total! 1J Ml .f 1980 union btock yards ciatb. lat. Sd. Sd. Tot. towers m 11 m King 4 1W 1; 41J Parnard 17 174 160 41 HcCartan 15 V. 417 altller 131 1-4 144 411 ' Totala ra 744 1112 CUAT ROBINSON CU'B.. let. In. Id. Tot fur l"r)er ... Hanaen .. Hallov ... Kooakl ... i Total. m t. i i 1M i 41 4r7 Kl7 , a i w ' . 114 11 1" , M 131 1M 140 4a 69 7 7Jl 1217 GREAT WESTERN C1AJB. lat Jd. M. Tot. falling .... 1-teel ..... Pitta Nelann ... Chawgo ... . Total.. , 18 HI inO , it tm i in i4 it , IRS 14 17!i , ik ut ioa ITS ei '446 4' 714 M 747 :2JfTl ' Cltarek Mataa. ' St. lAike' I.utneraa, Twenty-fifth and K, Rev. $i. it 1rin. Vaator-dunday no.il at 44. freachlnaT aervlca at 11. Confirmation rlaa at I. Hither league at T. Bubjeot, "HoMln Forth tha Word of Life." Lader, R. A. Jaeobeen, Flrtt , Baptlet. .Twenty-firth anit 'IT, W illiam R. Hill, raatnr lHin. aerrwa M 11 and T :SQ. Hawttroaat-oerYtoe at ctpe or evening aermon. uoon ainring ny etirn ua -ehf4e aVinday r rKOH 4- a4f J'inlor aucletr at l.si Young people'a Vieoilnr at i.bO. Prayer and d i raJe Belt Ire Wednoaday evening at 7:K. Twenty- ttrth and M, Rev. H. K, Cornlah, Paator T-Bible school at t:4&. Morning worahtu )t 11. "erroon toplo, "My TeM What la t? Pong eervli at 7:). Uonuel aermon tt. S. Topic. "A Bundle of Ptloks." fanip Ira glrla Monday evening at 7. Prayer p'eotlng for toachera' training claas Vti;eeday evening at T.tt. ' ft. .Martin's Episcopal. Twenty-fourth Snd J. Kv. Jotin Vtallla Ulil. Rector Wvloe tor twenly-fourth Bunday after Jrtnlty: tVrporale communion ' of t. lllda guild at Mr). Sunday S'hool at 4&. MaUn and litany at 11. K'vaneeng at 7:i All-day meeting of Wonuin'i tlrmatlofl) claaa for instruction In chapel t T4.V. Ali-day meeting of Woman's I ixlliary at the horn of Mr. Maurer, Twenty-fourth. i United lreehyterlan. Twenty-third and I. Albert N. Furter. l'atlor-Hit.hth nhool at . Pi-eaching at U. Aridraae Sr rred C. Macfcltllan of L Molnea Sir. Xaoliiilan la a man of large bualnee feitareeia, being a railroad manager and Soaj operator, lie baa bad a wonderful 4uertence and ha a atory that wll In t ret every man. Bvery one welcome. J iniora at 1 Chrtetlan union at : f'reafhlnx by tha paator at I V. Prayer tieetlng Wedneaday evening St 1 Worn n s Mlaalonary eoclety bassr Thuraday and Friday avenlnga. .... . - Mal t tty Uoaalp. 5 Tba ladlea of tha l"lrst Chrlstlsn church 4lil give their basaar on tha afternoon f Dcmbar t t The IlllluK A LA aAI-t- t Vi- Wmmi rVeabyterian church will hold a r'mmM a, i a eaturosy, November X, at Twanly ona ana w streets. I The Iadlea- Aid Society of th Orea Ithodut church will giv a rcepllon t th churoh at Twenty-fifth and E TtcU ThuraUy evening. November M. Kv j. M . Murrta and family and new as aaii aa men of tuc cotigrp auon, are urged to attend. ' Rev. McDanlrla a illprVaoh at tha Tlrat ChUellan church St Twenty-third and I etreaia. Mot-mug Mrnwa vlll a at 11 e'rlnca and tha evening at t:W. Hundav school at :4 a. m. and Junior Rndeavor 4t J In the aftrruuon. Senior tmleavor win roori at o cioca sharp. 'it an tha peopl who should start saving arcM.nta would do so, .th fluan, iJ pmertty of Houth Omaha would re Wondertully Increwaed. The Savlnwa l'cpartnwnt of the 1jv i)irux Mxmn.i Hank, akouth Onmha. IS doing what It tau in th direction by heartily al kvuisna vw cp(vora, SWEDEN PUTS BAN ON EXPORTATION OF BUTTER lONDOK. Nov. Il.-Beg1nnlnr Novam bar U butter will ba added t th list at article wfcoc eaportatlon la forbidden by th SweClah governmeat, according to a Heutor dlepatch from Btockholm. Tls will msk aa embaroo on th esport oz I oca proa uets virtually complete. Washington Affairs ork of drafting the army appropria tion bMl in accordance wlih tha admlnla u&ilin a national ricfenae prorram will t-e undertaken next week by fcenator rimmivn ana nfin-jnntallve Hay, ....... .- ui cnrMiunai military rn mtl 4 - lrea'dent Wllaon iaaiieJ an ... lhoning Uaior Uenaral ilus lnt. hlrf cf Staff of the ermv "ti r.-..e- tt.e duties of awretary of war during the liinnaa or temporary aneence from the e.t of govemmeiit of the ae-retary of nr whenever during such llttiea or aO- mr xm um MBtsuni aevrviary ta alao ab- s.t." 2ix warrant ofrWra of tha mv, k . u. j i..r.fl4 bv eaajiiif-atlona for appoint r n.te a er1na. Ttiy are: VYUiiam D -liivao, V nint..n. chief tnMiiiiilat; iL.iaoe B. huru, Iechrd. Tein.. rhlef I'.art'iiiiet; Ktciiard A. bu'itw, t'hl'-aa.j. tr kuhlniai; Kugviie J. ItiTiiiifer, 8tiat-t-, i.a. rr.vtiiilt Adoiuh i. Ucikt, - f ivJ.U.it, bd Al'uvrt 0Lr mao ti.r. i . - . . Kellom School Center Has Social Meeting Kellom arhnc aorlal renter held a meeting laat night, which waa largely at tended. Tha following program waa given: Recitation. Mlna Joy Hlgglna; piano aolo, Frank Mlr; vocal aolo, Mro. Wetnateln, accompanied by Miea 'Outt- man; piano aolo, Mlaa Rote Outtman. Tha Kellom Improvement club will meet Wedneaday night at tha achool at I o'clock. GREY SAYS PEACE WAITS 0N VICTORY foreign Miniiter Beaifinni Ai qoith't Hiitorio Hedge of a ' - Year Ago. BRITAIN STANDS . WITH ALLIES LONDON, Not. 13. Rearflrraiv tlon of Premier Agqulth'i hlitorlc pldga rcgirdlnr the entente allle' tei'ms of peace, delivered at the lord mayor' banquet November 9, 1814, war made by Sir Edward Grey, Brit ish forelga aecretary, today In a writ ten answer to a question put by Sir Arthur Markham, liberal member of Parliament' for the Mansfield di vision of Nottinghamshire. Urvy'e Statement. After stating that Great Britain's position In the war Is fixed by It alliances with Japan, France and Russia, the foreign secretary pro ceeds: "In our view the conditions of peaca muat fulfill thoee laid down by tha prim mlnlater on November . 1914. It I very dralrablo that It abould ba underatood one and for all that this la tha deter mination of tha government, collectively and Individually, and of tha nation." What Aaejalth Said. At tha lord mayor'a banquet November f, 1914, Premier Aaqulth, In outllnlnr tha war altuatlon, aald: "Tbl la going to b a lonr war, but there la nothing In a long atruggla to de press ue, or In what haa happened. Our enemy baa tried tbra objective Parts, Warsaw and CVIal and haa been baffled In all. "That la not enough. It will not heath the a word, which wa have not lightly drawn, until .Belgium ba ra oovered mor than It haa aacrtflced; until Frano la adequately eacured against menaoe; until the tight of tha amallcr nation hav been placed upon an un aaaaltablo foundation, and until the mili tary domination of Prussia I finally de stroyed." Missouri Pacific Loses in Nemaha . ACBTON.1 Neb., Nov. is. (Special.) In district court tb Jury In the case of J6 phln Tynon against th Mlsaourl Pa clflc Railway company, today returned verdict for th 'plaintiff for t1.G. This wss th second trial of th ease. In th Tint trial liat spring a Verdict waa re turned for h defetidsnt. Judg B. K. Good of Wahoo, who praalded, aet th verdict aald and granted a nw trial. Lamb-rt A Armatrong and K. P. NealJ repr4bnUl ' the plaintiff and 'J. -A. C Kennedy, -general' attorney, and Kelllrar t rtrriMu or this plac appeared for tha defendant. . Tha other two case t for trial this week we re both settled and th court ad journed until next Tuesday, at whloa time Judge Begly of tb etocdnd district will preside, and Judge Raper will hold court for Judge Begley. Tha esses set for next week are: M. 8. Mel ninth against John C. Vollne, libel; Fred O. Hawiby against James Ppark. slander; I I Coryell against Jay WIU- lams, suit or contract to sell grain, and riter)lng Wilbarger agaJnat John E. Bpier, slender. , . Convicted on Wire Tapping Charges KANSAS C1TT. Mo., Nov. li John Flaherty and James Daniels, charred with obtaining S3. 300 from George Roth of De Molno by a wire tapping schema, wr convicted In th Kansas City. Kan., cir cuit Hurt today. tb met trial of th men a year ago raauiUd In a disagreement At tha for mer trial .Roth testified concerning hi visit to a fake pool ball which, he de clared, th defendant operated In Kan saa City. Kaa., but refuaed to coma from be Moines to appear agalnat th men at ime inai. mi testimony tsken a year ago waa read and a conviction followed a mlnut after th Jury retired. Joaeph Porter alao waa arrested with the two men convV-ted today, but the federal government claimed blm en a almllar charge and he is now serving a sentence In th federal penitentiary at Leavenworth. FIREMAN FLEES FROM THE INTERNED EITEL NORFOLK, V., Nov. M.-Efccana of a r reman named Thlery of tha crew of th Interned German auxiliary erulaer Prim Eltel Friedrlch was rarorted today to Rear Admiral neatly, commanding th conoia navy yard. Tha man la be lieved to hav evaded the marine rusrd conatastly maintained about th alitp by siiamg aovm th anchor chain and swim ming t hora beyond th llmlta of th ysrd. II Is ths firat bluejacket from either of th Interned ahlps hers to leave. although three commlaaloned afflcera and i warrant efftrere have broken parole and scpd. Cuatom officials and polio hav been asked to aid In finding Thlery. KANSAS TEACHERS ARE - OPPOSED TO "MILITARISM" TOPEK A, Kan.. Nov. 11 -Th Kansas Plate Toachera' aaaoclatlon. la annual convention here, today went on record aa oppoatng legislation which will en courage mllltarlem, wren a reaolutton pre aented by Dr. Charles M. Shelton of To peka. was adopted. Tha reeolutlun. a copy of which waa tent to Preeident Wllaon. urgea him and th member ef congreaa ta "adhere steadfaatly to tha htatortc principle of our government In favor of International peat and arbitration in all forelga af faire. Apartments, flats, houeea and cottage caa b rented aulakly and cheaply by a Baa Tor Rant" - RAILROADS DOING ! GREATBDSIIIESS General Manager Walters Says the Northwestern Has About All it Can Handle at Present. COHN CROP IS EX02M0US General Manager Walters of the Northwestern "railroad lines west of the Missouri river Is In from a tour of the company's Nebraska territory and asserts that condltiona In Ne braska were never as good as at this time. 8ald Mr. Walters: "The Northwestern Is handlfng an Immense tonnage In Nebraska and we have about all the business we can take care of. There Is a heavy movement of small grain and live stock. There is also a correspond ingly heavy movement of merchan dise and building material and coal back into the counts. . ! "Wheat Is coming oul fsr batter than a expected, both aa to yield and qual ity. Stacking tha wheat seemed to have put It through' a blending process, ma terially Improving the grade. "1 think th country along th North western lines .haa more marketable corn than at any time In the history of the stat. Of-coura. thereyte a large quan tity at aoft corn.. nd corn that will not grade' for market 'purpoeee. but all of this Is being used by fsrmars and stock man for early feed or fattening their bogs and cattle.' "Th potato erop baa been enormous and while growers are not ratting as much per buahel aa during om former years, th extra yield la bringing In mora money. "Take tha country a a whol. It was seem to hav plenty of mony snd theyr ra buying frely. thourh not rscklessly. i Everywhere th merchants are doing good bualneas." Principal of the South' Side High is Given Divorce Because Mrs. Vera B. Moore, In th opinion of DUtrlct Judg Redick. "would prefer cleaving unto her family and prcperty and bom in th atat of Kan saa, rather thsn following the fortunes of her husband In Nebraska," Samuel W. Moor, principal of tha South High chool, was granted a dlvorc from her by restrict Judge Redlqk. on grounda of desertion. Mrs. Moore's mother Is mentioned In th Judge' decision follow: "Th evidence convince th court that the defendant haa been under th In fluence of her mother rather than sub mitting to th Judgment of her husband." - Both Mr, snd Mrs. Moore, th Judge found, ar of good character, Mr. Moor wa directed to pay 130 a month for tha support of their son while be remain in hi mother' custody. .N"'!.m!"?Jr".ar.! Mf r' I xoept a Judgment for 2"J. without In-1 teraat. which h borrowed from hi wire rly in their married life. Correction' Made to Distinguish Two of the Same Name The John minnlntham, who wan In th' uto aocident near Millard, described In the Uau of Th Uee of November . I In th saloon bualnaaa at Twenty-fourth and Q Streets. South Omaha, and h been llvlnf with his brothsr. James Cun ningham. S901 V street, and not at 110 North Twenty-third streot. as slated in th article, th John Cunningham living at th lattsr address being a commission merchant with offices" In th Exchange building, who had no connection with th mlahap. Th Bee make this correction of Its own accord, attention having Just been called to th mlstak . In th addresses. Lincoln Elks Visit Lodge ip Omaha For ths first Urn in many years a large delegation from th Lincoln lodge of Elks paid a trstemal visit to th Omaha lodg Saturday and wltneased th Initiation of a big claas ef candidate. . Over fifty of th Capital City Elk mad tha trip, and a special program of speeches and entertainment, ending with a delicious olam chowder supper, was prepared In their honor. Among the visiting Elk wer: Ex alted Ruler John J. Lcdwlth and Secre tary William Haw of tha Lincoln lodg. Chief Juatke Andrew Morrlaaey, ea-Chlef Justice J. B. Barnes, State Treasurer Hall, John W, Cutrlght and John O. Maher. , Gary laaaea Stataneaat. NEW YORK, Nov. li-FJhert H. Oaj-y. Chairman of lh I nlted Btatea Steel cor poration, leeued a atatement today, ran llrmlng report that th corporation had withdrawn temporarily front the French Market quotmiona on it flntahed ateel pioducta, aith certain exception. Culls from the Wire Sarlna Storey a vaudeville actreaa, whoee rrlttcie;n of Colonel Rooaevalt a leh In Frt some time sto and re cent matrimonial troubles brought her conaldetahle notoriety, died at Taft. Pal., In the Weat Side oil fields, ef menlngltla frihe recently divorced her husband, Frank Le Itamals Storsy of New Tork. Herbert I-ang, an esplorar sent to tha Pelalan Congo In 1V by tha American muaeum of natural htatory aa th head of an exredltlnn to gather for tha mu aeum a collection of animal and bird llfa of Africa, returned to New York. Mr. In. aald that ti e expedition had gath ered more than ltAOOO apaiinena of ani mal lite, aa well as ever S.0ui specimens of bird life. The executive committee of ths national bank eeotlon of the American, bankers' aaaoclatlon met at New Tork for the pur poee of completlns, organlalng -and map ping work for future activity. The com mittee orsanlsed by rhnoaing J. El wood Coa of Mlshpolnt. N. C. aa chairman, and Frederic F.. Farpaworth as secre tary pro tern. The meeting wet larrely given up to a dlacuaelon of lglalatle mattera pertaining to the federal reeerve atm and Ha relatlou to the national banka ine uneny wu arnvea at Mn Diego Ca). While thouaands thronged the tree's waiting to aea the famotia relic It remained for two houre In th railroad liMi be-auae of dlfftculiiee In unloading It from its apeclel car. Moat of the crowd had dleperaed whan It finally waa eacorted by two troopa of I'nlted Elatea cavalry through the atreeia it the giounja of the r'iama- alitornla xp ttkn. where It will remain three days. It will go back to Lo A ng ales Monday and tbano aat. Blames Wilson For Ancona Sinking TARIS. Nov. 11 Commenting In tha Figaro on the sinking of th Italian liner Ancona, Joseph Relnach, widely known aa a political writer, derlarca that the victims of th Ancona trejredy dld aa a rcault of "tha - unpunished lAtsllanla murder." President Wilson could not ssy, adds th writer, that ha waa not warned that ; th traredy would be repeated "If It were hot avenged." VILLA WILL RECEIYE NO MERCYJF TAKEN Obregon, Who Is at American Nogales, Says Chieftain Will . Be Treated aa Outlaw. AMNESTY NOT OFFERED HIM NOG ALES, Arts., Nov. 13". Gen eral Francisco Villa, chief opponent of the Carranta government In Mexico arrived In Nogales, Son or a, opposite here tonight at the head of 2,000 troops a few hours after the arrival here of General Alvaro Obre gon, Carranra's military commander. General Obregon said that his presence here at the same time Villa was visiting Mexican Nogales, was nothing more than a coincidence. Th Carransa leader. In an Interview lat today announced that h earn her to Influence th Indiana now In General Vrbatejoe' Taqul army who formerly were under command of Obregon, to switch to th Carransa faction. Keee Sonora Taken Bonn. II predicted that force ot tba d . fl.l. a..a MnnAn H- n . 1 In mmMwJaA - "I pc-w.a.on ot ua ewui o, oonor. , witnin awaltlnr- rclnforeementa and further de sertions from Villa' army befor mak ing a decisive move to annlhUat . th rebel force. Reports that General Villa had - been offered , amnesty were emphatically denied by General Obregon, who deolared that Villa would be treated a an outlaw If captured. Oenersl Obregon said he would re main In Nogaleav but a few- day. General Villa announced that his visit to Nogales, Sonora. waa to confer with Carloe Randall, acting governor of that portion of Sonora controlled by Villa. He aid h might make Nogales bis bead quarters for future operations. Americans In th Mexican town hav not been molested snd gambling houses across th border were flourishing to night Border Chalked Mot. NACO, Arls., Nov. 12. The boundary line botwen Mexico and th Vnlted States waa chalked and marked at fifty yards intervals by American flag her today. This action was taken after a Villa soldier, escaping , from Naeo, Sonora, had toon pursued, by Villa cavalry i across' tb boundary- Colonel TV. C. BUtes- border aatrri arrld at the Mexl- Brown or th Tenth cavalry.- United can border to protest Just as General Jos .Rodrlgues of th . VUla forces, signalled to th firing squad ttast faced the prisoner. - . It wa explained tht th man executed waa wanted In connection with a shoot ing affray and that hla pursuers wer Ignorant of tbo boundary line. DEATH RECORD Mra. Jane Smith. NORTH BEND. Neb.. Nov. U.-Fpe. rial.) Th audden death of Mrs. Msry Jsne Smith, formerly of North Bend, oc curred Saturday. November s . horn at San Pedro. Cal. She died or heart trouble. Her only child. Mia NU tie. who 1 a teacher at San Pedro, sur vives her; alao a brother, who lives la Callfornls. Mrs. Smith waa a native of Canada and th body wa taken there for burial. Avoid All Meat if Kidneys and Bladder Bother Uric acid in meat excites Kid neys and irritates the Bladder. i " Take Salts at first sign of Blad der weakness or Kidney Backache. Kidney and Bladder weakneaa veenlt from uric add, jr a noted authority. Tha kidneys filter this acid from th blood and pass It on t the bladder. where It often remain to Irritate and Inriam. causing a burning, scalding sen satlon. or setting up an irritation at the neck of th bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or thro time during th night The sufferer la In constant dread, the water paaaea sometime with a Breed ing aenaation and Is very profuse; again there is difficulty in avoiding It. Bladder weakneaa, moat folks call tt. became they can't control urination. Whlla It I extremely annoying and sometime very painful, . this la really on of th most simple ailment to over coma. Get about four ounce of Jad Salt from your pharmacist and tab a tableepoonful in a glass of water before brakfaat, continue tbl for two or three day. This will neutrallae the acid ta the urine o It no longer 1 a eource at Irritation to the bladder and urinary o (ana which then act normally araln. Jad Bait I Inezpenalva, harmleas, and ta mads from th add of grape and lemon Juloe, combined with llthla, and la used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary dlsordera cauaed by aria acid Irritation. Jad Bait ir splen did for kidneys and causae no bad effects whatever. Her you have a pleasant, afferveacent llthia-water drink which quickly relieves bladder trouble. Advertiaement. sum mm MUNDAY WORTH A MILLION BUCKS LESS THAN NOTHING MORRIS. III., Nor. U Tha plea that r. R. Munday waa trapped at tha very start of- his Chicago banking ear, which resulted In Ma Indtetment ea a charge of coneptraey to wreck the La Rail Rtreat Trust aud Savtnga bank, waa tha argument to the Jury for tb defense today by Attorney IL B. Kaily, former United Stataa attorney la Colorado Kelly blamed William Lorlraar for bringing Munday to Chicago and aald that "Munday today 1a worae off by a 11,000.000 tbaa nothing." Nature's Sweet Song Tb wt mnto of our musically edu cated eanarlea I an perlor to that which is produced by arti ficial Inetrumanta, Invented by man, on-J the coat la murh 1ea. But when you buy a canary ba sure (that it's a rood Inger. Our famous Music Box" Reg. U. S. Tat Office No. SSI. Is given a real musical education In Germany and Its aweet natural song will entertain and charm you and youre In a way that you cannot 1m agin even In a alight degree. Three aweet a'nglna canaries ar Imported direct by ua and we ell them on I dys' approval in your own bom, under a written guarantee to sine; to your aatlefactton and entlredy different from any other cauiary you ?rr?.t..'"f.h: $6.00 Max Geisler Bird Co. HIT Farnam St IT Taara ta Omaha. "Living v 'llL-- --jJ 31 KINDS YOURS INCLUDED Wo mako a contract with Ap you on each soparaio delivery. Horo It lo. Road it Caro- fully.Ploaoo ECONOMY COAL ii Tncy woo srpTf 06.50 PER TON 1BEQLAEB Main Cffico--KooI.no t3ldg., 17th and Harney Streets ENTIRE THIRD FLOOR v a nnn ai i aurd hmaua ounur nnnr. 9R9 a e-e w n mm V MBWIMaMMM"MWI- 1l i Mill Hov We Make It Handy For Patrons-InTown . a A Phone Call to Tykr 345 Brici a Man, Dresher Bros., Cleaner 2211-2213 Faniaun Street; Om&luk, Sec reil cstzte columoj for bztfxinn Velvet Suits at Reduced Price i The fact one of worth less to us, them worth more 1513-1&-S0 FARNAM STREET. 70 MOTliEiS m w w if l e-a a s r aaweeM v wie aMwa and Out Oar dawn towa braAch mak tt pretty HANDY for you, whoa jro com to think of Itl Oca at Drveher Tbo Tailor's, 1111 Tr nam St; ona at tha Brandelsi Storea, and on at tha Barxsv NMh Co. MtAbllahmcot. And. all t ot town parti m hav to do la to oxpreM or paroal port thalr work to as, for pay chart aa eae way on ANT ctsod bondl) to ANT point In Asaartoa. Tea, la doad. ww po try to uaka mattera handy for oar patron. A large number of individual styles that are actually worth' from $69 to $79 are offered to our trade Monday at 00 J! that there are only, a kind makes them but should make to you. Fino Toamo and YELL-0 UAGOIIS 3) Place Your Next Order With Uo YELLOWSTONE LUMP ro nrMAcrs o outwhouum. $7.00 PER TON MHL 1 ! 1 JJ I ll .1.1 HIJ IJ. yj II II II J y i (swriau, . Sanatorium This tnstlttitlon Is th only os In tb cantral west with separata buildings n dated In their ampt (rounds, yet entirely dl tlnet, aad rendering It posatbl to classify cases.. The on bulalac belni fitted for and devoted to the treatment of non-contac long and Boa-rnantal diseases, no other be in ( ad nit ted I th other Reet CoV tar belai daalrned for and d voUd ta th axolBslva treatment of select mental cases rqttlrta for a time watchful car and spe cial auralnc Keeline Building rsnrly Stasa Bank Bandla7 nth and Harney Sb, Name f Tanaata Omitted frera orvnar Laat: J. E. Jaoobeon.... 0I 3!Ta J . JOl-l Alvln r. Jobnaon.. 7JI R. M.' Johnson $04 W. H. THOMAS V BON.