TIIE OMATTA SUNDAY BEE: XOVEMBTHt 14, 1915. 8 A Nebraska f.ADTTAT'C W7DCT MGJIAY FALL State Board Eas Made Call for Esti mates of Amount Required to Fix It Up. KEPT THE SITUATION QUIET (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. 13. -(Special.) Plan have been drawn and a call for estimates mad by the board In chars of the state how for the purpose of doing eomethtns to aare the writ wine of the ancient trurture from fall In down on top of the people who are seeking to earn their bread by the aweat of their browa work in on the inside, Thla la something entirely new and un looked for In atata houae condition. It haa been known for aeveral year that the east win of the build Ins waa on the verse of collapse and considerable money haa been laid out in an effort to keep the southeast corner from falling out, the foundation havlne already settled about eight Inches, but nobody knew that the west wing wa in a dangerous condition mtll about a week ago when a part, of the foundation In the basement crumbled and fell Inside. - Matt- Kept Qolet. The matter was kept quiet by the board, but the fact that estimates had been asked for at the time Indicates that the board considered the matter serious. About 178.000 ha been paid out in the last four or five year on the old shell In an attempt to get It In condition so that people who had taken a chance on av political Job might have a show of serving their terms without having to rail on the undertaker. Now It appears to be a pretty good chance that some time. If something Is not done pretty soon, the state may be called upon to pay heavy damages to the families of those who some day may be burled In the ruins of the shaky old building. It xnay need some such calralty to convince future legislatures that the state really need a state house which may not be taken by visitors to be one of the old ruins found in Mexico moved to Ne braska. Phone Consolidation. U B. Wilson of Columbus and E. M. Mors man of Omaha, representing the Bell Telephone company, with C. J. Garlow of Columbus, representing the Platte County Independent Telephone company, were holding a conference with the State Railway commission this morn ing looking to a consolidation of the two companies in Platte county, the Bell selling out to the Independent The conference was nothing more than an effort to find out what would be nessary in order to meet the approval of the commission in making the deal. Gibson Realsrns. The state normal board ha received the resignation of Prof. II. H. Gibson, of the department of biology and agricul ture of the Kearney Normal school. Prof. Gibson resign to accept a position with the Ames agricultural college of Iowa at salary about one-thrld more than he ba-Deen receiving at the' Kearney School. .... i Heart of South Side Father Made Glad at Finding His Children The heart of a father on the South Sid is singing with joy today. For out of the slaughter house of Europe ha com word that his fire tittle children are safe and well, sheltered In the convent of 6t. Antonlus, Aerseelle am Delnse, West Flanders, Belgium. The happy father Is Richard l Foort. West q street. For more than a year he has tried in vain to get word of his chil dren. He wrote to the convent where he had left them when, following the death of their mother, two years ago, he resolved to com to America to try to ran out a new fortune and make a home for the fire moth ness ones. But. In the turmoil of wsr and car. nags, his letters were evidently lost or undelivered, and the father knew not whether the little ones had gone to Join their mother or were still In the world About two months ago he cam In to see Postmaster Wharton in' 1.14 li- case sadly before him. The postmaster' wrote to Beoretary of Stat Ianslng. Aftsr wni further correspondence be tween Omaha and Washington the State department set Its International ma chinery in motion to carry to flva little waifs the news thst their father was living and thinking of them and to bring to an almost distracted father the news that his fir little ones were alive and well Saturday came a oablesvam which had been received by the State department from the convent. The mail were too slow to carry such glad news and It was flashed In an instant across 3,000 mile of ocean and relayed on to Omaha, Maurice and Ueorge and Ravrhet and Lionet and little Anna are safe and well. An Richard Ds Foort on the South Sid Is talking rapidly In a foreign tongue with many smiles and gestures, telling how his little children have been found by the great government of thla good land. And he Is planning to bring them over to lir with him and go to school her on the South Side. i DR. WILD STILL HOLDS THE FORT AT LINCOLN (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Nov. ll-(Special.)-Wlth a persistency worthy of a better causa, the Stat Board of Secretaries of the State Board of Health still persist that Dr. Wild, ,tate bacteriologist, must pick up his duds and get out. All attempts so far have been unsuc cessful In convincing the state board tbat Dr. Wild should K and now they come again, with a proposition that they have a man who will work cheaper. ThsTt Is. he will accept the same salary that Dr. Wild gets, but will use it to hire the help needed to run the office according to the Idea of the secretaries. attempts of the secretaries to get the doctor scalp wm not eucceMful ud - he will continue to sit on the lid and keep the secretaries from getting their hands n the soup. Dr. Wild this morning received a let fWTth m,nar9r t th Nebraska tr.rtcompal,jr d'nyln that the ater at Nebraska City 1. bad. He does ,k,nT, Where the Islington "lcial got hi. Idea thst the water wa impure, J?C .y" Umt they are following Dr. W I Id , Instructions and that the water Is satisfactory to Nebraska city people and a JL m Cm " Th board " received petition signed by nine of the twelve in Nebraska City asklng the Wa in the interests of the health of the peo- Son W,M hi" prcaPnt p'- SLIGHT ERROR IS MADE IN REPORT OF EXPORTS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. 13.-(SpecIal.)-Fig. ure prepared by Mr. Sleeth. giving the amount of exports yesterday should hav0 rid exports from Nebraska, instead of from the United States. Mr. Sleeth pre pares another table this morning itlving the Imports from other states into Ne braska during th same period from April l'to November 1. April 1 to November 1. The amounts do not Include shipments of stock to public markets: Stallions, 106; horses, t.OU; mares. 766 mules. 1S8; cattle. 3.025; dairy and breed ing cattle. 914; sheep, 25,'JUS, and swine e.Ms. m oIea of ,abara. AUBURN, Neb.. Nov. 13. (Special.) Albert Delung, residing at St. Dcroin, in the extreme southeast corner of this county. was badly cut and wounded by Abe Kahorn yesterday, and it was thought at first the wounds would prove fatal, lie was stabbed in the neck, just missing the Jugular vein, and in the back and the shoulder. The last report la thai he Is likely to recover. ... Miss Irene Tyler, daughter of Dr. and Mis. E. M. Tyler, departed for Cali fornia Tuesday. On her arrival at Modest. Cal.. she a ill be married to Neal Cecil, a prominent business man Kit that place. i NOTES FROM WEST POINT AND JMJMING COUNTY WEST POINT. Neb.. Km- 11 The district court for Cuming county ha adjourned to Monday next when Jury cues win oe tried. The criminal can against 8. Warahavskv. the man of passing a bogus check upon Bchln stock Bros, of this place In payment for a carload of horses, has been adlnurnl over the term and meet likely will not oe aisposoa or until next spring. The following residents of Cuming county ob tained their final citisenshlp at this term of court: Arvld Pllgren. Sweden; Andrew Alfred Dahlqulst. Sweden; Christian Niel son, Denmark; Hons Hemmlngsen, Den mark; John Radeckr, Helniich Schlaka and Herman Thommet, all born In Ger many. Soma very Important civil cases win be tried to th Jury during next week' soselon of court. Judge Welch presides. The Cuming county Sunday school con vention will meet at Wlsner November a and 23. The officer are J. Herman Larsen, president; Emma R. Miller, sec retary. Miss Margaret Brown and A. Kimberly, state worker will be in at tendance at the convention. New haa reached th city of th mar rlag at Kansas City of William Fischer, former resident of this place, to Mis Marl Elmer of that city. The ceremony wa performed by Father Breen at St. Aloysius church. Th groom Is the son of Mrs. John Fischer of this county and the bride Is a former resident of Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Fischer will make their home at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Theodora Schwarts, pioneer resident of CJming oounty, cel ebrated their golden wedding this week. They both enjoy good health, being 75 and 78 years old, respectively. All their children were present, as also twenty-five granacnuaren ana four great grand children. Th death is announced of Henry M. Klln. only son, of Mr. and Mr. George Kiln of this city. In a hospital at Toledo. The deceased was a native of Pennsyl vania and wo in his tMrty-flrst year. Ha wa brought un tn thla nommiinlrv hi parent being among the earliest set ters or ims city. He leave a wife. BROKEN BOW MAN SUES ' BURLINGTON RAILROAD BROKEN BOW, Neb., Nov. U.-(Sp-ctal.) Action for damage in the sum of $S.N0 ha been brourht aralnat the. rtnr- lington railroad by Nile Ferguson, a young man who was injured during the summer by Vie overturning of hi auto. Th accident occurred about three mile at of town. The petitioner Is th son of Rev., Mr. Ferguson, pastor of the Christian church here. The caae win h tried In th federal court, having been reraovea rrora the district court of Cus ter county to that tribunal. According to Mr. Ferguson's statement, he did nnt know then wa a railroad, much leas a crossing, in that section of the country, a there waa no sign to indicate auch a thing. H wa within fifteen feet of the railroad crossing, when he noticed a train bearing down upon him. To save himself he Jammed th wheel over, threw th car into a ditch and capsized it. As a result, he was In the hospital for several week. .Votes from Falls City. FALLS, CITT. Neb.. Nor. 18. (Special.) William Heutne. while sawing wood with a buss saw, caught his arm tn such a manner as to loose his left hand, which was cut off above the wrist. A great deal of dirt go into the wound and lots of blood lost from th severing of blood, vessels. Fear of blood poison caused the physicians In charge to administer serum today. Lloyd Giannlnl. who moved with his family to th Miles ranch near Bern, Kau.. wa taken HI Monday and waa hurried to the hospital at Sab the, Kan., where he was operated upon for gall stones, the appendix wa found to be In a bad condition and moat ready to burst and it wa remqved also. He re covered from the anaesthetle and seems to bo doing well.' The 8-year-old daughter of Mr and Mr. O. H. Belcr. living near Preston, fell off a chair and broke her arm abora'thj elbow, the bone protruding through the flesh. An anaesthetic had to be admin istered before th break could be ad-Justed. State Board Gives Estimate of the Crop of Oats (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Nov. 13. -(Special) Accord ing to figure prepared by th Stat Board of Agriculture, th state of Ne braska raised 73.76l.2S4 bushels of oat thl year on 2.077.803 acres, an average of 84.8 bushels per acre. . Knox county led In th number of acre, th amount being 84,680, on which was raised 8,461,170 bushels, an average of 84.1 bushels to the sere, which was also th largest number of bushels raised In any county. Arthur county rained the least number of bushels, only 4.730 bushels be ing raised on 230 acres, an average of S.l bushels per acre, Dawes county raised th highest aver age per acre, the report showing KM bushels. Other counties which raised fifty or more bushels to the acre were: Deuel, 60; Morrill. 61.0; Scott'e Bluff. 60, and Sheridan, SO. Boyd county was th only county which failed to report. MURRAY FARMER BADLY INJURED BY EXCITED HORSE -AVOCA. Neb., Nov. IS. (Ppecail.) Joseph Hathaway, a farmer, living near Murray, came near losing his life this week from bring trampled and kicked by a maddened horse. Mr. Hathaway had been butchering and his clothing was plentifully spattered with blood, and upon going Into the barn, where hi team waa standing after dark, on of horses became excited, presumably from the smell of the blood and In kicking and striking knocked Mr. Hathaway un der Its feet, where It trampled him tn a vicious manner. Hi crlea and a noise mad by th horses brought help and th unfortunate man wa rescued. Upon being examined by a physician h was found to have received a compound frac ture of the ankle, th bone being splin tered and protruding through th flesh and on arm badly fractured above th wrist and otherwise crushed and bruised, lie wa taken to Omaha and it is feared . that on foot may have to be amputated. I DAVID CITY VOTES BONDS TO BUILD NEW HIGH SCHOOL DAVID CITT. Nov. 18. (Special Tele gram.) The proposed 860,000 bond lasus for th erection of a new high school building carried at a special election today, by a vote of 434 to 107. The band had th support of th local Clvio league. Woman' club and Commercial club. School children paraded th streets Fri day afternoon. FIRST SNOW OF SEASON FALLS UPON BEATRICE BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. 18. (Special Telegram.) Th first snow of th season fell here thla evening. Th temperature la falling and haa almost reached th freezing point. Hermit Dies er Kavtsss. RAVENA. Neb., Nov. UL-declal.) Herman Meyer, an ecoentrlo character, who haa lived the life of a hermit near Ravenna for many year, died thla morning. Being found sick and alone at hi place by a neighbor several day ago, attention was given him and a physician called. This morning, on advloa of the physician, preparation were mad to bring him to town, where he might receive better attention. HI bed waa placed In a wagon, but Mr. Meyer died before they reached town. H wa a German by birth, ES or 60 year old, and often declared he had no relative. H owned a small tract of sandy land and a few old horses. Pender Roll Vp Bis? Isere, PENDER, Neb.. Nov. 18. (BpeoUJ.) Fender High sohool foot ball eleven de feated th Wal thill team her Friday, by a aoor of 88 to 8. Both team played a dean game, but Pender wa too much for th WalthlU boy. Hern took Smith half in th third quarter and Rogers, half in th laat. Fullback Wank wsa re placed by Grave in the last Quarter. For ward passing by Wenk waa on of th feature of th gam. i I or era Ko nmtrr - xi i. - - . NORTH GEND. Neb.. Nov. 13-(6pu-clal.)-Lux Bros., living four miles west of town, lost four good horse Friday morning and ha three more that are very sicic from overeating of wheat This loss was caused by a rat which ate a hole through th kin. The wbeat lan out and the horses found before the ownrr did. ( Don't Buy aLottery Buy the Certainty DR. ItRAPBURY IX XKW OFFICES. What Is your knowledge of DentiftryT Tho difference la the material and work are easily disguised There 1 a certainty when you put your money in Dr. Bradbury' Dental Work. HI established reputation of 87 year and thou sand of patron In every direction to verify It are proof. The will of tbe majority is convincing. You will patronise Dr. Brad bury through Information. Ask tbe people. WtX'IAL HOME TRKATMKXT for Gum Diseases. Write for particular KlCCfchSFUIj HUUHik WORK to upply minalnat teeth without the plate, guars nietxi 10 years w'f'J1 t,1n'try by uae of electricity aal well tried medicines. u . . ?lJa rulings. 81.00 an. Bend for Booklet on Unusual Dentistry. DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST 27 Year in Omaha. 021-23 Woodmen of the World IMdg. Phone D. 17M. 14th and Far nam St., Omaha. Hours, H to ; Sunday, 10 to 13. Nebraska Omaha Wins in ' Effort to Secure Endeavor Meet NORFOLK. Neb.. Nov. 11 (Special Telegram.) Omaha won the contest for th next meeting of the Nebraska Chris tian Endeavor union at the Saturday es slon of the state convention here. Has tings was the only othrr conttfeMat for th net convention. The vote In favor of Omaha was unanimous. The following r wofflcers were elected for th ensuing rears: President. It. H. Price, Friend; vk-e president. Rev. B. A. Fhlvely. Callaway: secretary. Miss Addi Wagey. Cambridge: treasurer. Miss Clar Klmmerllng, Beatrtr. Rev. Thomas Mc Evans of Omaha wa elected superintendent of general liter atur. About fifty Omaha delegates swelled th attendance her Saturday, but cold and snow resulted In a cancella tion of e street parade and open air ong service. About 800 of the delegates planned to attend the divine Esperanto service Sun day morning. Th visiting minister will fill th various pulpits In Norfolk en Sunday. Stewart C. Wlggs of . Omaha, Dr. William Shaw of Boston and Rev. Bdgar T. Farrlll of Milwaukee and Miss Mildred Haggard of Minneapolis and Rev. A. Reittel were among th speakers Saturday. Cwaier Fair Elects Oftirs. BROKEN BOW, Neb., Nov. 18.-tSpe. eial.y At the annual meeting of the Custer 'County Agricultural society, th following officer were elected for the coming year: President. J. E. Wilson; vlo president. J. T. Cole of Broken Bow; treasurer, Alpha Morgan of Broken Bow: secretary, Emery Buxh of Broken Bow; eireotor Tor three-year term. B. J. Tlerney of Ansley. R C. Gibbon of Oom stock, C. IT. Zachsrv of Merna: directors for on and tyo-year terms, respectively, J. B. Demlng and Fred Hayes, both of Broken Bow. The auditing committee for 1915 comprises J. E. Wilson. James Leonard and Tred Hayes. WOMEN SUFFERERS NEED SWAMP-ROOT. Thousand upon thousands of women hav kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women' complaints often prove to b nothing else but kidney trouble, or th result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not In a healthy con dition, they may cause th other organs to become diseased. Tou may suffer a great deal with pain tn th back, headache. loss of ambition, nervousness and may be' despondent and irritable. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, a physician's pre scription, obtained at any drug store, re stores health to th kidneys and la Just th remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a fifty cent or one" dollar bottle immediately from any drug store. - However, if ?i wish first to test this great preparation send ten cent to Dr. Kilmer dc Co., Blnghamton, N. T.. for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention tbe Omaha Sunday Bee. OVERCOATING OMAHA MEN at oo That's a popular task nt thia store. Never before., liavo wo offered such re markable values or so many of them in any one price Overcoat. Think of the ordinary $20 Overcoat when you think of a KLXG-TECK $15 Overcoat. 1 Dress 0' Coats-Shed Bain Coats-Bal-macaans-Box Back Coats-Auto Coats - Great Storm Coats Plush Lined Coats, and Coats for ,every purpose. Overcoat Sensations $20aj25 Strictly Hand Tailored Garments in every particular. Choice up-and-a-coming Patterns and Fab rics. Every worth-while M.vle at $20 and $25. K --and we must consider those Suits at $15, $20, $25 -they're so different, so decidedly better than the ordinary suits selling about town at these prices Recent shipments have brought us the cleverest collection of Suits for Young Fellows and Fellows who feel Young that has ever graced anj Omaha store. Pattern tbat are full of good style, durable fabric, every one In Hand-Tailored throughout and rightfully belong In the $20 to $35 claa instead of G1& - $20 $25 S&EXI Our Clever, Cozy Shop presents a constant contradiction to the ever present dy: "HIGH COST OF LIVING" $10 and $15 Buys a Suit That's plenty good and stylish enough for any man, Classy Furnishings here, too. Priced far less. United Clothes Shop Der Grand Hotel Bldg. 16TH AND HOWARD STS. Model E International Motor Truck $950 Model E, $950 cash f.cb, Akron, Ohio 'TVTODEL E, of 1,500 pounds capacity, is built to insure the owner against delays. Simple, tardy, reliable construction and ability to work steadily show in every line and in every detail. Tbe type of motor, the simple ooatrol, effective olatch. Bo oh ignition system, thorough oiling arrancoineot, sailed governor, and aooeaaibility of all parta, these ail help to make Model a mooey-malcer fa any fine of trastneo that require a steady foiof track of 1,500 pound capacity. This price includes chassis and eapre body, a shown above. Bodies of different dnaigna, suitable for any bnsinnaa, can be furnished. Besides Model E, tbe fnll line of International Motor Tracks inolades 1.000-pound capacity Models MA (air-oooled) and M (water-cooled) at fSOO and ST10, and a 2,000-poood oa pacify, ModelF (chassis ooJy)t 91,500. All prices cash f.o.b, Akxoa,0. Write the nearest address for complete information aboat the trucks and about Intern auoaal Harvester service before and after the sale. International Hamster Company of America Osaka, . OsUr Falav Iaf Ooaoareia, Kaa. Ooaaen XI off. Ia. Orawtsve. Ms. BnMit, Xa. IMnw. Quia.) Daa Motase, Ia. BibR4iu, I. I Tort OoA. Is.; Wslaaa, aaoaai Kansas City. Mo. JUaoiMa, bra Otty, .( KlUMpoUl, sOaa. S. iotS S0"' City, la. j aiuu rUs. S. Xl j Ant il in Umet'aa' Territory. Wits, Wire er Tboea mA.JulL.ilWL,ii-im i. ji jj iiuii iii' ii ' ,ui -1 i i ii Don't Merely Ash for Duffy's Insist on Gottlng Duffy's Manufacturers, who hare built up successful businesses throng th sale of rellabls products, are occasionally the victims of envious comnflt. itors and dishonest merchants who try to sell the unsuspecting pfblio unknown and very often unreliable products, instead of supplying trade marked and reliable brands asked for. , For TOUR protection and the reputation of the manufacturer -we di rect your attention to the distinguishing points on every genuine bottle of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. If you are careful to familiarise your self with them, no merchant, no matter how clever, can deceive you. The genuine Duffy's Puro Malt Whls koy v " ' VsB-.BBmi.sm-ae- Vf " PuffW Pure MM 1old In snaJsd botUss only never tn bulk and I wranped In Duffy Annual a shown at left of IlliaHration. Aftsr you hav removsd the Annual, look rot tb "Old Chemist" trademark on th labet and aeal vr pork, also th oo rap any name blown In bottle. (Bes right of Illustration.) Th majority of merchants are honest, but yoe. will occasionally coma In contact with the mr chant who consider profit more than your health. Trad whr you get what you ask for, ' "Get Duffy's and Keep Well" Sold In aaaled bottle only. Beware of imitations. Btotb ot Duffy from your loeal Arnr. gist, grocer or eseier, tl.oo per bottle. If fee oaanot supply you, writ a, we will sU yo waere o ft It. Kedioal booklet free. The Duffy Malt Whlakey Co., RoohMter, K. X KM CAN BE CURED Free Prooff To You All I want U roor nsm and sHdrMssol ran trad roe a free trial treat iant. I want you Ju,t to try tlils traauuaat tbat's all lust try It. TUat's mr siily argument I've been in tliadrni bnalneas la Perl Warns for IS years, nearly svwryeo knoweat and knows about mr aucreaaful treatment. Over thrwe tKaxisamt aeeal oetaiUa Port Warm hare, accord I uf to their owa statcateata, brea cured by tbia Ueatseut suns I Srat nut this offer public It yon ha to Eczema, Hch, Satt Stbettss, Tetter neeer mind bow bad ear treatsMnt br cored the wont caeee i eer saw atve as a chanee te svev say claim. Srnd me Your name and addreae on the coopon below and get the trial ft a treat I wsat set yon r net., me oouera accouipiieuea in your owa caae win ue street. aeewe aaa ewi ewa ew aea aw aa CUT AND MAIL VOOAT wan J. C. HUTZELLf Druggist, 836 West Main St., Fort YVayae, lad. PI send without east or obUsaUoe to sae your Free Proof Trsstmemt. Name- rsst office.. .fits. Street sad No... Let The Bee get you a good job. Situations Wanted" ads are free