1 TITK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 14, 1015. DEATOIi & LAIER GO. " 415-417 South Sixteenth Street Omaha, Neb. Two cntliro wccko actually spent at marking down prices and preparing for this The GREATEST FURNITURE EVENT in the history of this state. Positively nothing sold until Monday morning at 9 o'clock at these GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. OEATOIl & LAIER GO. 41 Ml 7 South Sixteenth Street Omaha. Neb. WE WANT 5000 NEW' CUSTOMERS A.T ANY COST X AYfWRW V UUVJ IXr-JLI IJLr-O o5fc nT aoitL ' k wr' a a j w a ik. "w b abb r v v r x b. r it w bi it, iv i i r x- k - air If you Intend to buy any Furniture, Floor Coverings or Draperies with In tho next 6 months by all means Don't Miss this Opportunity E j I'zzrrTS .1 HfflBfl-BI' "Hun- (V Sl "Seethe rrS : '"ni? J.... 4 M I vi '- Kv-p - 'Jr T7vv?-i-rr About 1 ft fl B fl I H H : ' RPR fx El 1 IB Ik il J- II Hliiliii Btyl. Amirlou Qnart.r.4 Oak Duffot (itMtl; 1.1k. Ont) KT7 plaakM top, &Sx4S-lBeh. B.a to b. M.a to b pr)U la4 "Bllr.no luU tit tt I v 1 M tNi Vrlo Un " u r i Duffot Z..rr and SXstriT. (Hx.otlr 1.1k. Ont) Dtr nT7 plank top, 1U 4 iaoh Iiftrv. kTi pint, mirror "Stlr.Vp C 9 A , , Otlcill Stylv Wood 8et Diners fUk. Ont Slip Sett Cinert Uk CHI) OUA (OMMnil o.k fnU too ..at. 0aalB. Uathr i M t. "Stlr-Dn BmlmM"aU At; rrto. M raln If II 13 Leather Large Red Sale Tags on Every Diners (Kzaottr Uk Oat) 100 only f atsMd oak, mlaaioaa atyl. trairht 11a. Olaarai fall toatk Hall kroira Vpaatali lMtbn. "miT-TTo Baal. $2.45 fc if" iUIJ - -N !3J oroU XMTi nip B.at Diners (Bzaotlr Z.lk. Crt) O-jM.u oak, toll laatfc.r Up a.at. , "BUr-Uo Boain..." . 94 A C Sala Trio. . W a.l"v Pedestal Extension Dining Table (filmOar to Cat) Solid Oak Golden or Fumed full 0 ft. extension with extra leaves, all com plete. "SUr-Vp CO 7C .V Vil v nuslneas" Sale pr. Massive 60-Inch Colonial Buffet (Bxaetly Uka Cat) Balaot oartax4 oak, aithar pol labad, roldaa cr waxad. "8tlr-TJ ITZZ.... 548.00 "Only a Few Prices Mentioned HeroJust to Give You an Idea" Come, see big reduction in every price on entire stock N Triple Mirror Dressing Tabb (Exactly like eut) Genuine quartered oak llandaome berried plate lr mr "fttlr-l p Ilus- lneaa" aale prii 817.25 Sotmlets BnsttsIs .Rusa ft.tn.xrrt.K pal s.M ft. a ft-, aU a ft. U. a 16 f t. irn aala 7.B0 ft. x II fv, aala .7 Velvet ind Axmlmter Bugt ft. M It ft, tlp.QaiHBaaa laJa la. Extra Heavy Axmiaster Bugi ' t ft. a It ft, aa kaavy ft la. x 10 It. C la aala.kfl7.4S Wilton Velvet Rujs 0 ft. 1 ft, -trp ItrluN . mo. ,i$9 Fine Wilton Velvet Rags ft U. s io ft , aala. .ae.a ft a It ft, aala prtoa. .tM.ao f V u A 4a-Uate roaad top, -f oot astaaaloa taala, axae!? Ilk. eat (ivw ala Frtoa t09ilO Plalar akalra. to isatck, aimliu to ent .alaot aurtmd oak tarooa-boati flalakaa old JBafUaki fall alip aaatai A-l 80 0C paalak laataa ayholat.rr. Bala Frloa, aaoa J9 9i9 a-rm akal to atatak. ...tlta Otaat old Bca-Uak aialnf akalra, prloaa aa low aa ttSS KBEsi Kitchen Queen (Similar to Cut) All complete with f lour bins, etc., Stir-Up Business" Sale Price. $5.85 Electric Irons (Ilka Oat) . All ooaplata with ataod aaA eorda. A arat barcala aad Nrlll not laat loaa nl'tx doora opaa. "BUr-Vp BaaL. ZZVZ: SI. 65 Meat or Food Choppers Every borne b o u 1 d bave one. Commenc ing at 0 a. m. Monday, and while they 4 So M Our Mammoth 2d f;loor uovotcd Entirely to Display of Rugs. Carpets and Linoleums All at Greatly Reduced Prices for This Big Sale mi & -rvrTT ! . p- i - - - i x. .11 Trnn 35,05 "Stir-Up f Business" 523.76 il Mahocanv Princess Dresser (Elxulimjr to Oat) Xarra oolanlal aeroll rtluni wtia laiaa-inob. plata narrerl nukorur ftiUah oalv. "nr.Vp buIum" ail nr 2-Inch Oontinupus Post EnaneledSteelOed (BlKilar ta Oat) MTxlte or VernU Martin Fin. Uh one-lnrh fillers, "Stir l'p Uualneaa" aale C ft C pHce ; 3aw3 anwvarwammntnr a UNaMsa' ' a-irKa iRrtHHHl S9IRm IT 1 : . 1 - .T 1 a . f El r 1 r T "Stir-Up f Businesa"- 0M3 ' 8-lnch loat. Massive Brass Ded with extra heavy filler (exactly like eut), colonial style, atralght ptiaia. "ritlr-l p Uual. neaa" sale price. . . . S23.75 Larga 8-Inch Contlnuoua Tub Bw urass uca (Exactly llk cut), would be cheap at 9 4 .. A masle, hand eome bod with extra heavy filler. "Stir-Vp nusineaa" ' 11 aala price .W. I "Stir-Up Business" $5.05 &aatkav Oaakloa Boat Arm Rocker (X4k. Oat) rum4 oa - faaaiaa laatkar coahloa m. "Btlr-tr lul. Z Bftl S7.75 "Stir-Up Business" & Qaaaa Aaaa Fibre Rocker (Zdko Oat) Sltkor krowa or gro.a ' vary liandaoma. "lUr-ug Bulun'' BaU ..C QC Prtoa j-ktj C-l av r I I 1 r H Oaaaiaa Zatba Boat Arm Rockci (Xdka Oat) Oold.a oak or f tuna A oak brows Bpaalah laathar, aprtnf mi A tml bars-ala- "trlr- Vp Boalaaaa" $4.95 Good Floor Linoloum For bnth, kiu hen, brler ahopa, etc. 'Kllr-rp lluineaaw 19 price, jard 4.w LwrWWtrVkWrWWWWWWWrVtkk ) Hot juot a fow artlcloo at roducod prlcoc but ovorythlnc In tho ontlro building ata bio reduction In prlco LAX u VUVJ 415-417 South Gixteenth St. G MAM FLOO "nsT" Omaha, Web. RAG RUGS 200 only while they lat 18 80 tochea Not over 2 to a ens tomer, ao at to give all A ft a chance, each BwU Help Make' This the Largest Mall Order Business In rtho Middle West If You Can't Come. Send Us Your Mail Orders! Ik 11 1Z