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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1915)
TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 14. 1015. rAi. the m "v f. monf JtOIIRIae !M Daily 2:15 Every Right 8:15 readers P Tho Dost of Vaudevlllo Ucck Starting Sunday, Nov. 14 mm In s "The Dickey Dird" jr Harrey OVigrlaa sTarrlet Tord Authors of "The Arayle rase," "The Dummy" and 'Polygamy." 1 t ', c$ r - ' K. '1 fJ r t. . 1 - a Tf I -afc 1 SHAlJ 1 RALPH DUKlial "Hon lnger" In Momrntw Mimical Yxouvarr Eccentric Oenlua of the Violin ami I'lano. QCEEwir dcxedist Tli Variety OHrt CXAAX.Ha (CVIO) AXS Impersonator nf Humorous mil Rural Character Hturile Taken From Ufa. jtaJtra iinor TloUnlot ORFRSUIt TRAYBX. WIMit Around the World with the Jr pheum Circuit' Motion Pic ture Photographre. Dillic Burke's "Tango Shoes" Yaa.devUle'a sTeweet Vovelty. faicra Matin, Qallory, 10o Bt ate (excapt Batarday and Sunday), 8 60. wights, 100, Sfto, 8O0 and too. km TODAY HODGES & TYNES Mimical Tabloid, "A NKJHT O.N A NEW VOltK HOOK CJAHDEN." All New !5nt the Name. 13 I'eoule Hnl 10 lllg Hong Number. A 111(1 film, 11KVIK. DELMAR'S LIONS Not the Illgget, But One of the lkt. FERNGlZELL ' Mark ami Tan Comedy. THE LIGHT HOl'tiK 11Y THE SKA," A llrania of the Hca, in 3 rails. "HATS IS HATS," With lluijhle Mack. "THE CEIXAH KrV," Lubin Comedy, 10c "Always Oood how Only a XHms or o." 10c linn Contlanona from 11 a. HItM lo 11 1. a, 1U II 1 1 I ata lOo, Both Aft. ernooa and Bvealag. Home of I'ara mount llcturea -OMAHA'S Vim CBBTXR" (jCjrj f tri J 1 k Cally Hats., 18-85-SOe Eiily Arlington That Fanny Uttl t Hobo witn T Is e GOLDEN CROOK if tha Mmum. Frank f,tna. KlHiwf Curhran. J -all Mall I. Alva, MoOHI. Tha KallJwt OUars. Kadi' Sim a KaUas Weak pay. Special Today Only "Hearts of Men" A Thriuiaa; Story of Yeagesnos and Komaaoe, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday mm TJnqnastloaed Queea of tho Sorosa, la Paramoaat Motares of tko Worldi Bamoae Olaaalo, "MADAME B0TTE1FLY" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Charles Cherry la "THK MVMMY AND THE HUMMING BlItD." aS Apartmenta, flats, Tiouaea and oottage can bo rented quickly and cheaply by a Be "For Rent." 4 ' 1 Attn . V2 Wtt tfeAatY i5nm. a&yrr Viola Alltn hThe We Sis fet' X HE BIRTH OF A NATION," D. W. Orlfflth'a wonderful photo ipectacle, oprna at tho Brandela theater tonight to remain Indefinitely. It la to bo aeen here In all Ita mualcal and electrical glory, the aama attraction that la being aeen on Broadway and at the Panama-Iaclflc exposition In Ban Pranolaoo, down to the very amalleat de tail. Orlfnth e "The Birth of a Nation" la the flrt 12 pit lure ahow. Whether or not It will aver have a aucceaaor dependa upon whether or not another like pre aantatlon can ever coma up to Ita excep tional precedent. It haa been reviewed and pictured and described in all the magaslnea and dlecuaaed In the preaa of every city where It haa been ahown. It la baaed in part upon Thomas Dlxon'a The Clanamun," conaequently It la rather warm and aenaatlonal of Incident and rather gripping of narrative, but it goes baok much farther than that and extend much beyond tho end of the Dixon work. In it 18,010 persona compoae the aotlng cast and S.000 horaca are at one time In battle acenea. It coat a round half million dollara to produce, required over eight month' contlnuoua toll to mka and la freely acknowledged to be tha mlghtleat apectacle aver aocompllalied by man. It conalsta of nearly three hours of hlatorlo tableaux, nearly three hours of amlles and teara and warm heart throbs and gripping panga of eadneaa, a panorama of life and lova that preceded tha flrat shot on Sumter, and then the break, tho south declaring for state rtghta and seoes alon, tho north aa one man rallying to the flag that ia Orlfflth'a Inconceivable 'Birth of a Nation." A great aymptuuay orcheatra will fur nish alt tho aplendld mualoal score, which la ao important a part of tha big ahow, nd all tho sound and wonderful color and mechanical effects will be 'given. 4 . f, ; :; .-is- . v . : fit Thouaande of people have already gone acroaa tho country to witness Ita pre sentation in the Liberty theater in New York and at tho Illinois theater in Chi os go. The entire lower floors and moat of the balcony of both tho above theater are held at 13 per seat and seats are now selling for four or more weeks in advance In both Instance. Mary Bhaw, an actreaa of special dis tinction, who haa supported nearly every prominent, star from Modjeaka to Mar low, and who. In her own right, toured tha country In a repertory of Ibsen plays, will bo tha stellar attraction this week at 'the Orpheum. She I to head a bill which la likely to bo regarded aa one of tha moat pleasing entertainments of tha scaSon. "The Dickey Bird," by Harvey O'Hlg gtna and Harriet Ford, la the one-act play to bo offered by Mlsa Shaw. Tho offering la on which served formerly aa a curtain-raiser when "Polygamy" waa being presented la New Tork at tho Park thea ter. . Omaha playgoer will recall that a num ber of seasons ago Miss Bhaw presented Ibaen'a "QhoaU" at tho Boyd theater and later offered Qoorgo Bernard fihaw "Mr. Warren' Profession" at the aama playhouse. Vaudeville' newest novelty, BUM Burka'a "Tango Shoes." will ha another of thla week's oonaplouous offering. The ahoea are supposed to be a mechanical contrivance . by means of which tha par son wearing them become an excellent dancer. A quintet who will appeal especially to . mm . Sajs, . Viola Alien m iVfiite Jtseer mualo lovera of thla city ore Ralph Dun bar'a "Salon Singers." Admirably en dowed vocally, they are to preaent a pleas ing act which they term "Moments Musical." Over the Chautauqua circuit they were Joint headllnera with William Jenntnga Bryan. Chick Bala Is to come back thla week. Orpheum patron will reoall him a the clever Impersonator who present "A Country School entertainment." Ho por tray humorous type from childhood to old ago, from tha little clrl speaking her "pleco" to tho village "constable" mak ing a few remarka. Chick Sale la re garded aa the moat atriklng Individual aot In vaudeville. - Eooentrlo gentua of the violin and piano, Vlollnsky play both Instruments In a manner moat unique. It la aald that hla method of execution materially enhances tha value of his mualo. A concert violinist who formerly baa confined her talent to symphony orchea tra work and dignified recitals la Miss Marls Bishop, who will b another ad mirable attraction for the current bllL I-aat season she made her flrat appear ance on the vaudeville atage. "Tho variety girl" la the description phra,-e applied to Queenle Dunedln. Ona of here feats Is to do a monologue while aha performs on the alack wire. She ia a grace-'ul girl of exceptional versatility. Tha Orpheum Travel Weekly la to pro ject motion picture A lew of Indo-Chlna tyws. Um Laks of Corns (Italy) arvd la old Biskra (Algeria). $ Jacobs and Jermon'a "Golden CVook" corrpsny, well known to all patrona of musical burieaque. I the attraction at the popular Oayoty theater, It having opened a week' engagement last night to an Immense aud.cnoe. Although the title of this attraction ia a familiar one. Its sponsors promise that tho name la the only feature of the show that la not entirely new. The company, which Is an unusually largo one, la headed. In tho comedy department, by Billy Arlington, whoa portrayal of tho American hobo haa been declared a laughing classic Mr. Arlington not only contrlbutea hla alwaya popular specialty, but I also the central figure in a two act musical revue called "Tho Midnight Club." Thla burlesque. Judging from New Tork reports, where the tho "Golden Crock" company waa selected to open tho season at the Columbia theater, 1 all new, well staged and apiced by the presenoa of more than forty young and mora than average looking chorustera. Among tho well known entertainers in the company, tcside Billy Arlington, ar Frank Dobaon, tha original funmaker; Eleanor Cochran, a sprightly aoubrette: Alva MoQill, gifted with a fin voloa and attract! va stage presences tha Beau Brumnr.el trio. In new and pleasing roelo-. die and Hit and Reflow, tha Varnon. Castlee of tha burlesqu stag. An added (Continued on Pag Bevenr-Coluinn On) LV OPENN The IVorld's T.lichticst Spectacle D. W.Griffith's 5,00 SCENES 2 HIGHLY IMPORTANT: "The Birth of a Nation" will never he pre sented in any hut the highest clas3 theaters, and at prices customarily charged in such playhouses. D. W. GRIFFITH. ; 1 ,80 EiICDIaaSES 18,000 CHARACTERS NIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY OF BATTLR SCENES Invented and Perfectad at a Cost of $12,000. WONDERFUL ARTILLERY DUELS, in which Real Shells Costing $80 Apiece Were Used. Miles of Trenches Thou sands of Fighters "War As It Ac tually Is." COST $500,000 Management off MESSRS. ELLIOTT & SHERMAN m n ! ITU U LAI uu LMLlr PCalCES Mights 50c, 7Sc, $1, $1.50 and $2. -TIKI Afternoons 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 jmL33 Sisir-,