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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1915)
1 -15 Tim OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 14, 1015. a, What is Going On in Society Circles University Gab Ditner Dance. Saturday evening th University club gave ita fimt dinner-dance. In th cen ter of the dining room win a apace for danrlng. tha diner availing thetnaelves of the opportunity of dancing between tourwu. Many dined In parties of from twelve to four. One of the larger part Ira waa given by Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Rogera, whoee gueat for the occa sion were: Messrs. and Meedames Oeoree Sumner, C. IT. Everts, Osgood Eaatman, J i. W. Capen. ilsrrv nrpont. With Mr. and Mra. H. O. Montgomery were: ' Messrs. and Mesdames Harrv G. Kellv, Krd Thomas, Bryant Rora. Mylea Blandish. A rompany of dintra which nfierwajd made up a. theater party to .tha Boyd, Included: IT. and Mra. 43. Alasander . Young. tr. and Mra. C. W. Pollard, ' rr. and Mra. H. B. I.mere, Tr. and Mra. E. U Bridges, ' Miss Harvey. Parties of four wore' given by Messrs. W. H. Bmalla, John R. BJngwalt. A. 3. Oooley and J. T. Stewart. Other dinars were Messrs. D. C. Buall. William C. Ramsey, Harry Byrne. Walter Byrne, Victor Diet. Arr.oa Thomaa, A.( O. Green, R. U Patterson and Robert Ganlt. Mr. and Mra. N. H. Ixxmla enter tained a family party. , Those present were: - , Meaars. and Meadamee 1. 1. Arnold. TWO.. VHKA Miss Marguerite Burdeal of Three Rivera, Mich Mr A. C. uoomls. Dance for Foot Ball Team. Hotel Fontenelle will entertain the nest dance to be given by the ITniveralty Mlxera' club of Crelgliton unlveraity, on Tueaday evening, November M. Thla dance ta In honor of the foct ball team of tha university and the chaperonea will be membara of tha athletic board and their w1vs. The committee In chare of the arrangement for the dance la compoaed of R. Francla Mullln of the Medical col lege, Fiancla X. B'lver of the Law col lege, Gerald L. Vlollette of the Art col late. R. A. McCabe of the Pharmacy col lege and Stephen A. Mulvlhill of tha Dental college. Will Study the Drama. A coterie of member of the' Drama, learue ha organized to meet Friday mornings at the home of member to atudy the drama under tha direction of Mia Kate A. Mcliugh. The flrat meetln waa hold Friday at ' the home of Mra. Howard BaldrlK. The claae includes: Mesdamee W. K. McKeen. Arthur Itemlnirton, Frank V. Judaon, Osgood KaatiDun, F. P. KirkandaU, Meedames Harry Cumin'nirs, Howard KnldrlKc. E. H. ffprague, F. A. BroKan, W. A. C. Johnton, John MeHhane. , Fntertifn Dinner Party.' Mr. and Mra. Jerome WIHe entertain today at dinner.. The .decoration will be in a . Thanksgiving scheme. The guests invited are: Meecr. and Meadamee W K. AIM. K. H. Beekere. Arthur Muxfleld, Walter At wood. Mendimpt- . Meademea . , Mlla Berghausnn, Grace Mtlern. " ' St. Berchm&n'i Clui Dance. The senior class of Bt Berchman'a academy wilt give its flrat annual dancing COME TO BE THE QUESTS OF MRS. J. F. PEENTIS3. t 0 a a "fl " VT nil 1 1 iwm, i gfcgf mmammmm mm Miss Helen Miller . f . ; 6 i j. i Locke-Harmann Wedd ing Party KISS ELSA. fno to 'or --"'' "" """"v a y j ..-leton, i t '-v. ' t . i ; j " . M I., : ' ' armWW 1 i v re w . V I I 1 I j. j. iitnniintn, lis llton-: II! -All iuvDurtiiifv I 'll s ? I A. A. Galnea. . ill , . I I IN 4 V1' . 22is5 Higiiiia Lcithh party Tuesday evening at Chamber' academy. Following are the patrons and patronesaea: -. ;-, Mearra. and Mesdames T. J. Reoinono, . F. West. F. Hamilton,,.' Mesdame J. I'. Kedman James May, , , MlKa N. Uuanman. krun.- Messrs. n w Mainaa. W. M. llunhman. William Hannan. ' John-B. Haskell. Following are the member of the class of 'IS: - . MiMHta Misaea Henrietta West Martha I. Galnea. Klisabeth Redman, Ruth L. Wheeler, Kathleen McOr'ann, Vivian K. Foley. Agnes w . ouaiiinan. Entertaini Kensington. , Mr. . Frank Machal entertained the Dalaey kanslngton at her home Wednes day afternoon. Those present were; Meadame ' Medame J. Ulaas, A. Hug.. . Chrtetensen, A. Kratky, W. Hheliberg. rtaysaorter, C. FUa. . O. rhllca. C. Koutaky. J. Kiha. Sisterhood Entertainment. The Sisterhood of Temple Israel will give a dinner thla evening at o'clock In the veetry of the Temple. The dinner will be followed by an entertainment. Claii in Aeithetio Dancing-. A clan In aesthetlo and Russian folk dances ha been organised and will meet every Saturday forenoon under the leader ship of Mia Katharine Grable at Tur pin' academy. The new claia Includes: Misses Mlssea . Harriet Smith. Anne Glfford. . , I.uolle Bacon Gertrude Mela, - Blanche Deutl. Emily Holdrege. ' Mariorie McCord. ; lorothy bhaniian. ' Olga Mats, Suffrage Theater Party. Thirty seats have been reserved .by 6maha suffraglsts to attend the Orpheum in a body Monday night to re Mary Shaw. Among those who will attend are: Meaars and Maadama James Richardson. Miss Hilda Hammer, left Friday for E celelor Sprinaa. Mr. Prltchett expecta to o down for the week-ends while they sre there. The Yale foot ball team of which Mal colm Baldrlge of this city Is a member, were guests of B, H. Converse on board his yacht the Parthenla for tha last week end, going with him to his home at Marlon on Bustard's Bay after the game last Saturday. Mra. H. C. Van Gleson left Thursdsy for an extended tour of California and the northwest, accompanied by Mis Susanna Walker and Miss Marguerite Ross, both of New York, who snivel Thursday mornlrar. Mra Van Gleson may decide to spend part of the winter t least In the west. ... .- Complimentary Dinner. ' Mr. and Mr. Rome Miller will entertain the parents of the girls of the Twinkle club at dinner on Tuesday evening, No vember 23, at 8 o'clock. The parents will be the complimentary guests of Mr., and Mrs. Miller for the entire evening. Ifewi of Omaha' Visitors. Captain and Mrs. John Royden Kelly, the guests of Mrs. Daniel Stapleton for several days, have continued on their war to Panama. Mr. John Batcholder of Boston, who ha been the guest of his slwter-ln-law., Mra Arthur C. Smith, and Mr. Smith for sev eral weeks, left Friday. Mrs. John G. Bourke left Sunday for Washington. D. C. after two weeks' ! stay, the guest part of the time of Mr. and Mr. Victor Caldwell. Mrs. Charle Eddy of New York, who ha been with Mrs. J. W. Metcalf for several week, leave today to visit her sister In Arkansas and later will go to Los Angeles. Mra Charles D. Beaton expecta her mother, Mrs. E. A. Wurster of Milwau kee, to arrive Monday to vlalt her until after Thanksgiving. Mr. Wurster will also com for Thanksgiving. Mr. Jerome Magee arrived In Omaha Wednesday . from New York on her way to Montana. Mra. Magee ha been visit ing Mr. and Mra. E. Dlmon Bird at Green wich, and ha eleo been with Miss Curtis In New York.. If is Florence Robinson of St Louis ar rives Monday to visit Mr. and Mra W. T. Robinson of Dundee, and will be accom panied by her uncle. Colonel Robinson, who will remain only a day or two. Mia Robinson visited her last year, when she mad many friends. In her honor Mr. and Mr. Robinson will entertain at dinner Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mr. Donald McFerron ' of Roopeaton, III., arrived Saturday In Coun cil Bluff on their way from California. Thla evening Mr. McFerron' pa rente. Mr. and Mra Charles Stewart, are giving a supper In their honor at home. Monday evening Mr. and Mra. Clifford Wolf will give a dinner for them and several Omaha girl and men are Included In both partlea. Entertains at Kensington. Mra. C. B. Coon entertained at a ken slngton and lunrfheon on Wednesday. The guest were: ; Meadame Mesdame R. M. Lindsay, B. C. Brookfield, C. H. Marley, H. B. Ramadall, Frederic Bacon, L. A. Garner, C. O. Pickett. Mlaa Ion Chapel, laaao Douglas, Wedding Announcement '' ' Mra Jennie Senowlt of New York was I married Thursday evening to Ben Lev ensky of Kimball Neb., at' the" home of I the bride's sister, ' Mrs. J. Adler. thi I city. Rabbi Branson officiated. 'Mra Charle Udlnsky of New York attended I the wedding. The bride wore a gown of I blue panne velvet trimmed In marten fur. Mis Margaret Bage,' daughter of Mr. FORMER OMAHA WOMAN HERE FROM ST. LOUIS. c Y - I Jfrx Charles Urcjuharb and Mra C. E. Sage, waa married on Monday to Mr. L. W. Cooke of Trult dale, N. D. After the ceremony ir. and Mrs. Cooke left for Frultdale, where they will make their future home. Testa Chapter Flans Dances. Vesta chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will give the first of a series of dancing partlea Thursday evening at Chambers academy. The committee in charge Includes; Mr. and Mra C. R, Thlem. Mesdames Florenoe MaoArthur, Mr. M. C. Thomson Meads me s Howard Hutton. Misses Rita Carpenter, Modjeska Johnson. To Honor Guest. Mr. and Mra. R. Kulakofsky win be at horn Sunday evening between the hours of i and 19, complimentary to Mra. L. Richards of San Franolsoo, Cel., who has been their guest for several weeks past. Mra Richards plans to leave for her home Wednesday. Locke-Haarmann Wedding. The wedding of Miss KIsa Haarmann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Haar mann, and Mr. William Matthew Locke, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Locke of this city, formerly of Scranton, Neb., will be celebrated Wednesday evening at S o'clock. Rev. Mr. Poucher of Trinity Methodist church, formerly of Stanton, will officiate. This wedding Is: the culmination of a college romance. Vss Haarmann Is a graduate .of the University of Nebraska, where she went after finishing her work at the Central High sohool. There she became a member of the Alpha Phi sorority. Mr. Locke, who also attended the University of Nebraska, Is a member of the Delta Tau Delta. The maid of honor at the wedding will be Miss Virginia Leitch of Kansas City, a member of the bride's sorority, while the best man will be Roland Le Baa of Beatrice, a member of the groom's fra ternity. The 'groom's sisters. Miss Adrya and Miss Belle Locke, will stretch rib bons, and little Mis June Phlpp will csrry the ring. The musical numbers will be a feature! Mra 'John Haarmann, is leader of the (Continued on Page Three Col. Four.) THE SILK SHOP E. A. BESSIRE ail City aTaVl Bank Slog. Great Reductions oar ovm surrata stock onr Silks and Velvets KOIDAT JUTS IU 1 Brocade Silk and Satlna, Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepes, Mar quisette, Gros ds Londres, Chiffon Taffeta and Fancy Silk Suitings. 7 to 40-Inch width; $2.00 val ue, very special at 75c$l'perYd-. ' 25 Years MUi? "25, Years f&h AfcXb in Omaha" ?r. . of Success" kac THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS Every day the atmosphere becomes more strongly charged with the spirit of early gift-buying. Gifts of enduring quality are always the ones most acceptable. The practical element is allied closely with the beautiful in every article In our varied holiday gift things every piece Is the ideal gift for someone. We have provided richly for those whose Christmas gifts are to be kept within the range of $1 to $5. Berlla Brasses, Leather Voveltlea, Silver Xoveltle, Oold and Silver Jewelry Dainty Bnamel. For the larger expendlturea we offer almost unlimited choice. 1913 GIFT BOOK NOW READY Tbi splsadld illustrated Q tilde to Christmas shopping wlU be mailed ire any whar ontald Omaha. ' T T. L. COMBS & CO. OMAHA, XEB. "THB BUST MWXMHM' 1520 DOUGLAS ST. OUR ART Department A BOWER OF BEAUTY Everything New and Far Superior to Any Art Display West of Chicago' Visitors Welcome Oil Paintings. Water Color Paintings. Mezzo Tints. Etchings. Engravings. Photographs. Gold Frames. Natural Wood Frames. Frames for Photos. Pohlson Novelties. Cordova Leather Goods. Artificial Flowers. Lamps. Brass. Sterling Silver and Bronze. Pottery Vases. Cards. Sheffield Silver. Desk Sets. A. Hospe Co. 1513-1515 Donglas Street P. S. : Ask to hear" the Welte play the Mason .- & Hamlin piano. Mesdames Oeors W. ro an a. Knxma Spreoher, Ialsy Poana, Haael 'Hill. JlrS HtnryK.Adams T. . Hradv. Mcsdamea Draar Hmlth, H. C. Buiiwiey. Myrtle A. KeUey. Misses Joy HiKKins. Sophia Hanson, belle Dewey, Pr. Add Ralston. Tot the Future. The Plasa club will give a dancing party. Thanksgiving eve, November M. si aieiropouian nail, Tweniy-in.ira and Harney streets. Cinotara Opening Dance. The Clnoaam Dancina club mv itm opening dance Thursday evening. Klghty sou plea were preaeot Thaaaxt dane will b gueat night and will be given November St. Past Eventi. Mra. Bert C. Boauet kenslngton luncheon on Thursday for thirty guesu. Following luncheon sev ral musical numbers and readlnga from uie uiDi wer given. Hxceliior Springi Craetta. Mra S. B. Taung. Mra K. Da via. iara volt. Mlaa Hdm Mnmh vr Murphy and Mr. aad Mra !. Wllr of umana ar guesu of th Kim hetsU Ei lsior aprtngs. Mo. Ooiiin of Societr. Dr. H. C. iumnsy U big gam hunUng ta northern Mlnnaeota.' Mra. Charles J. Qreen is at th new Patae hotel In Han DWn r.i Miss Emily Keller went from Rose mary Hall to apend the week-end at Vas aar with Mlaa Krna Reed last week. Frlta Buchols has recently been taken Into the Alpha LUa fraternity at Itliss Vclle Locki Tale and Malcolm Baldrlge has mad Pal Upallon. Mrs. Joseph , Baldrlge, . who ha .been east all summer and haa been detained there for the peat few weeka by th 111- nasa of her youngeet son, Grafton, re turned horn today with him. Mr. Oeorge U Hammer, with his daughtera, Mrs. Harold Prltchett' and Prices Always Reasonable BE SATISFIED Tou "will always be sat isfied 4f yon have your olothes made at Lohr man'a ; If you vear a Lohrman suit iU will improve your disposition. LOHRMAN The Reliable Ladies' T.iUr 435 Paxton Block 16th and F amain Sts. "Tki Start Mm Brothers "Tht Start Btauttful 16th and Fansaxn Streets In U. S. Dank Bldfj. Announce Their First Radical no ugir a w mm Starting Monday Morning at 8:30 . That this tor is on of the moet vneoesafol store ever opened in Omaha is eoaeeded by eyerybody. Its large and varied stock ita exclusive styles its moderate prices its wonderful store serrioe hare all contributed towards making it the BEST store in Omaha for women's apparel. . Our extraordinary suit business this season has left us with many broken lines oar sales rooms are limited in space and in order to make room for the display of Winter Garments and Furs we have deeided to effect a quick clearance of all broken lines at a fraction t of their worth. 342 Beautifully Tailored Suits That Have Found Ready Sale at $25 to $45, to be Placed on . Sale Monday at $19.50. - The models include everything that is distinctive and fashion able, beautifully tailored from Chiffon Broadcloth, Dovetyne, Bolivia Cloth, Velvets, etc. Trimmings include Genuine Skunk, Opossum, Kaoooon, Hudson Seal, Marten, Silver Fox etc e Take Your Choice T-ltmrfmi nf thi tntir V wr wjsj w i0 vy eitew wr sr lot of 342 High Class Tailored Suits that sold at $25, $29.50, $35.00, $39.50, $45, while they last JLH aUet for women and misses. Every suit "shape-retaining and perfect-fitting." The richness of these garments will at once appeal to all women who are judges of material and tailoring, and who wish to purchase advantageously, both from a price and style standpoint ' Doors Open at 8:30 Monday A. II. i 7 : 1 1 Mr