Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1915, News Section, Page 12-A, Image 12

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12 A
Birthday Yesterday
Lowell Lays Low
L. IjowU. apodal airnt for the
Illinois Central. " yera old Mlw
guy, and tcau It i tha.Wth. ha ra-
fuard to work, r1o on tralna. 1ltnr or
tfrt care, for far of enlleotln on hi.
Lowell lat yoer enriute throurh
tha atate on hla Mrthflay. aim a Pull
man car.- Tha Wrrhdsy occurred on Frt-'
day. tha lSth. which fact he communica
ted to tha portir.
At Levlna-ton the train itnirk a tramp
and irnwoed him up aomelhlns ler.ltle.
The porter at rolled' throuirh the ear,
looked at IxywrW and ahonk hla head,
aadly. , i . , .
Nr Grand laland another wajrfarar
of the road waa fractured. The tratn
pulled Into tha atatlon, and tha portar
came and itot Inwclt'a liiKgar.
"How did you know I waa Solne to tat
off here?" Inquired tha aperkil scent.
"Ah didn't know whethah ro' waa
not," replied tha- porter. Kurt Wllltama
llka, "hut Ah kaowed' thin, that ona of in
two waa mn', ao Ah thought wa mlKht
be ahle to abltrmta yeah on tha platfom
hettah. Man yo', an' jro' birthday, an'
thla conn caln't travel no fartha. . If you
roroa In, aah, I'm srtn' out. Th all!"
Lowell, bavin arrlred at hla deatlna-
ton, pfked a pin from tha travel fir
Itod lucly and argued no further.
, CM niaato Caau Retatle.
Rloan'a Unlment will help your sda
tlra. Oet a. " bottle now. It penetrate,
kllla the pain, atopa many achea. All
drufflata. Advertisement. '
Stockholders of tha Standard Oil Com
pany of Nebraska will be remembered
at Chriatmaa time thla year.
At a meet In ir of the board of directors
held here on Friday a dividend of $1 per.
ehare waa declared, thla ti apply to all 1
atockholdera ,cf record of November V
The ateadlly Increaalna; demand for gas
oline by automoblllata la aald to have In
rreaaed tha value of these aharee ma
terially. One - stockholder remarked when ha
heard tha news. "Wa will be able to da
a. llttls brttrhtentng In our comers this
year at Chriatmaa time."
"Boag" Ribboncraft Exhibit de Luxe
We bsve eecufed for a snort time tie finest dieplay ef ribbon novel
ties In the United States, and art snowing them on the main floor of
the store this. week. '
No ona in Omaha should nrlee seeing this remarkable exhibit of ex
quisite hand-mads ribbon flow era and novelties.
5)M f!l IpMrllCc
(r "rk lT5h IF tfPlM
agaasMacMPaaaaaaasiaasai mi if
New holiday merchandise it arriving daily, and those who
ax careful about their elections may shop now at their leisure.
1 Dolrr Silk
. ....... i !
Almost Two Times as Good Merchandise as Last Year. Our Greatest Sale.
We will not shade or qualify, our statement in any way in declaring this
the greatest value giving Dollar Bilk Sale ever held by this store. Last year we
thought we had reached the high water , mark, but the silks in this year's sale.
arc. by actual ligures, worm aunosi twice as mucn a muscuiwocm
$3:93 AO-inch Bro
caded Chiffon Velvet
$3.93 -36rinch Black
Moire Chiffon Velvet
$2.50 42-inch Extra
Heavy Crepe de Chine
$1.73 40-inch Black
Chiffon Taffeta
As our customers know this sale includes all broken lots of silks and vel
vets, regardless of value. The lowest valued goods are worth $1.75 a yard, the
highest, $3.95, and the average worth of the entire lot is $2.95 a yard. We will
put it up to our customers to judge whether or not this is a full dollar's worth.
$1.93 42-m. Satin Stripe
Silk and Wool Poplin
$3.30 33in. Satin Stripe
Moire Antique
$2.95 33-in. All Silk Extra,
Heavy Coating M at el ass e
$3.50 42-inch Embostcd
All. Silk Cassimere Crepe
$2.95 42-inch Brocad
ed Charmeuse
$2.50 42-in. Brocaded
Silk and Wool Faille
"New Materials, All the Good Colors, Desirable Lengths
f, .- . . .. . . f
Tkt linen mtrkttt 0,lkt wertd
quiver with activity ' whtn
this gnat tcuntry'i Thanksgiving
day draixs near. Grtat quan
tities art froduttd expressly for
tkt American trade, ani tkey all
pie wttk taek etker in offering
teneessions in prices ta secure
targe orders.
All-Linen Xapilns.
Regulation site. No seconds or
I no perfections, all perfect; In a
rarletjr of pretty pat
terns. Each....
Hand-Erabroldered Madeira Doll'ei
Made of a fine quality Irish
linen. In the renown rose scalloped
edge- j '
6-Inch size, 1 P
each.... ......I3C
12-Inch site, )Zr
each aVuC
18-Inch size, , nn.
each. .I....;. ..7OC
This la a fine mercerized cloth,
all very pretty patterna. 65 Inches
wide. Regular 39c value,
special In thla sale, yd..
All linen, extra heary quality
double damask, 73 Inches wide. In
a range of beautiful patterns.
Regular price 1.25,
tale price, yard ,
'2.7 LnncheoB Sets, SlJg,
These seta consist of . one hem
stitched or scalloped cloth, 46-inch
size. with six napkins to match. A
very special offering' qt no
In this sale. set.. ..i?I.Vo
$iM Cloihs, IL98.
All-linen, hemstitched or scal
loped ends. Made of a heavy Irish
damask. In the luncheon size.
Specially priced, .
Scalloped Seta.
These sets comprise one round
scalloped cloth with six scalloped
napkins to match; pretty patterns,
Regular 16 values, all
neatly boxed, at
" . Llaem Seta. .
All linen. In the Irish make. One
70-inch cloth and one doien nap
kins to match, In' a range of beau
tlful patterns. 17.60 val
uee, neatly boxed, set
Hemstitched Seta. ,
These are all linen. . One. , hem
stitched cloth and six hemstitched
napkins to match. Each aet put up
In a box. "Regular ,15 tC2 Cft
values, sale price..'. ...... vO.JU
Glass Cloths.
' All pure Hnen, in checks or plaid
patterns, blue or red colorings, ab
solutely fast. Regular Z80
values, In this sale, each..
Full, bleached, extra heavy the
quality that will wear. Fancy
borders. Regular price A
IS He, sale price. d lUC
ftp kin a.
Hemmed, ready to use.
nice quality mercerised
IS- Inch alse. In the base
ment, 8c values, each
Made of
... 5c
' Tkt tig Uts-that e emprise tkis .
special Thanksgiving- tale af e-urs
include anly high gradt qual
tties, although -the salt prices
art abtut 75 tents on the dollar.
It is a good time to buy lintns for
tkt tnttrt year.
I&00 Damask, 11.50.
All linen, superior satin finish,
high class double damask . In the .
most exuuislte patterns; 73 Inches
wide. A special offer In
this sale. yard..
34-Inch Najkns to'
Match, doien
Table Cloths.
Made of, Austrian linen (now at a
premium), in very neat v patterna.
Breakfast size. -.Worth. $1-05.
Thanksgiving Stle,
1 Hack Toweling.
Mill end. ' all denlreble lengths, '
in stripes or figured 'designs. IS
Inches wide. ' Regular. 15c .value,
special in this, tale,
.5 c
Dresser Sets, v
One beautiful embroidered and
scalloped scarf with pin cushion
top to match. Regular $1.50
values. Thanksgiving
Bale price
Extra Special.
64 and 73-Inch Lace Dinner
Cloths, trimmed with deep lace all
around, drawn-work centers, with
beautiful embroidered de
signs. 73-inch alse
64-Inch also,
Dress 'Goods
One Big Let ef M and it-Inch
All Wool Dress and Salting
Fabrics, in all thV hew'faahlon
able weaves .and. colors forfall
and winter wear;., medium and
heavy weavee.'-- . .
. Such. weaves a .... . .
64-Inch Novelty Suitings
64-Inch All-Wool : Costume
Serges -
54-Inch "A 1 1-W o o 1 ' , 8 e o t c h
Plaids. - - I , ; j
64-Inch Bedford Oorde ' ' 1
54-Inch Novelty. 8tripee j
63- Inch Broadcloths) '.' 1
64- Inch Cascade Crepee
54-Inch Diagonal Suiting
63- Inch Fine French Barges ,
64- Inch Chinchilla Cemtlnga-f
fl Ext-;
All Goods Sponged and Shrunk
Free Monday. , '
i ' i
-; Fur
' ! . .
The past few days we have received some of the snap
piest new tailor-mades we have had this season. The; won
derful possibilities offered in the fur trimmings to t show
up the elegance of the new fall suits are 'taken advantage
of in these new models. , . .,.,, :
Beaver '..
Skunk Martin -Skunk
Lynx, Fox
Furs Used In Trimmings
New Cloths Used In Construction
The Colors Are:
Kitten's Ear
Pau de. Sorise
Duvetyne -
Belgian Blue African Brown' Field Mouse
Copenhagen Subterranean Green . Navy & Black
$35, $39, $49, $59 VS" $89
mi... ... i r
Black Cotttg , ' . T . TARD
Brown Conty . .
. White Ceng . .
. Gray Corny ' ;. -.J
Fitch Corny -;. ,
Martin . . . .
Black, Brown
. A White Qoney
Real Squirrel . .
t Marmot . ,4
Krimmtr, Beaixr
Black Opossum .
Br own Opossum .
Chines Wof r . .
Marten . . ' .
White Icel'd Fax
Marten,, black, white and 'all
new evening shades; worth 50c,
' sale price.' Monday, yard, 30
t a Sale of Rugs
' Thig gale compriaea lots bought from two New York jobbers, and while tha stock Is not largo.
It is well assorted, containing nigs in many new shades and all desirable designs. Some mannfao
turers would call these rtxgs "run of the mill," but the majority of them are practically perfect,
and certainly the values are unequal d.' Hero sre some of the items :
I PI. i 1 T L
....... I -. x aprsurj liruaucia xvugu, m
oeamiess vviiion
Velvet Rugs, seamless, 9x12.
Worth to $22.50, specially
priced at--
French Wilton Rugs, . the
very best rugs made. Regular
$60.00 values, Monday
Saxony Rugs, size 36x72
inches. . Worth $9.00
Rugs, wor th to
$42.50; good pat
terns i n 8-3 x 1 0-6 and
9x12 sizes. Monday,
. '
Axminster P-ugs,.
room sizer sallicgood
patterns. Worth to
$25.00. Saleprice
of them seamless. Worth to
118.00, beautiful patterns, apodal
27x54 Wilton
$4.50, special-
Rugs, worth
Velvet and Axminster Rugs,
sire 27x54. Worth to $2.25,
special Monday
n 35
New Taffeta Dancing Dresses
Dainty new frocks for evening affairs, in
soft, delicate shades cf taffeta, lace and net
combinations. Specially priced at
525.00, $35.00 and 1549.00
New Afternoon Frocks
Many new models have been received in
the paat week, in popular priced frocks for
afternoons and bridge affairs. Crepe Me
teor, Taffetas, Charmeuse and Crepe de
Chine, combinations', of Georgette Crepes,
rrieea 910.00 to 35.00
New Wool Velour. Duvetyne Coats
The smartest garments of the season are the'new
wide flared, belted, military coats, made of the soft,
light and airy wool velours and duvetynes. The soft '
colors and textures make them desirable for the ex
acting people; pretty, full, fluffy fur eollara and
edginjr, at -
$25.00, $35.00, $39.00 and $49.00
New Silk Velvet and Velour Coats
1 New ideas for "seml-dreas and dress affaire are
shown in these beautiful modela. - Lustrous silk vel
vets, rich silk velours, besutifully fur, , trimmed,
pretty silk lininrs "
39.00, $49.00, $59.00 up to $98.00
... , 4 . 1 . )
SS-Inch Dress and I Wrapper
Percale, in all the aeason'a beet
stylea and , v patterns; blues,
graya, reds, blacks and ltht ool
ors in neat stripes. . checks and
figures. Reaular line quality.
absolutely fast color, 1 Q 1
Monday, yard Oyt
J7-Inch Dress ' Gingham, the
genuine Red Seal Bread. In seat
strlpea and checks. In' light and
dark colors. None .better for
children's 1 school dresses and
boys' shirts. UV4c value, Qi
special Monday, yd. . '. . . . OtC
40-Inch Longcloth. snow white,
excellent quality for women's
undermusllns. Worth regUlarly
15c, sale price Moa- , in.
day. yard... .....1UC
17-Inch Mercerised C o 1 1 on
Poplin, In all the : beet sludee;
beautiful texture for street and
evening weer. Worth q
15c, sale price. yd.........y"jC
full Btandard Apron Ging
ham, good quality, compares fa
vorably with Amoskeag; in all
the wanted checks .and broken
effects. 7c value, , r i .
yard iJ-JV
Genuine Swiss and Amoskesg
Outing Flannel, neat atrtpee and
cheeks, light and dark colors;
also plain white. Regularly
worth 10c, on sale Oi
Monday, yard OC
St-Inch Cotton Challle, the old
reliable comforter covering, in
ell the best Persian and Oriental
patterns, in light and dark ef
fects. e value, ( 1 .
yard... fyt-
I-Pound Quilted Batting, best
quality cotton, spread in one
large sheet for full, size com
forter, covered with good qual
ity cheese cloth. Worth CI i ft
11.75. special 1. 47
. 1 Ounces Batting, pure white
cotton, soft and fluffy. ' o
Worth 1C special, roll ...... OC
Some Extraordinary Blanket Bargains
Tomorrow we will offer a lot of
Extra Large lze Double Cotton
Blankets, in tan. white and gray
colors; made from fine selected
cottons. Very ' durable, heavy
blankets, well worth . CI 70
12.00. pal'- V l'
Bath Robe Blanket, extra large
else woolnap robe or wrapper
blankets, wide range of desirable
patterns, light, medium and dark
colore that will not fade; cords to
match. Regular IS.00 quality.
Monday, each, complete
Monday we will place on sale
about 100 pair of Fine All-Wool
Filled Staple Blankets that were
bought exceptionally cheap. These
come In plain shades, plaids and
white; full 11-4 and 13-4 else. Pre
ferred to all-wool, as there is less
shrinkage. Made to sell
from 15 to S, choice, pr
Double Beacon Blankets, . large
size, soft napped blankets, look and
feel like fine wooL White, gray
and tan colore. Always priced
Sir!.6.0.:..'.r. .$1.69
Sateen Covered Comforts, extra
large else, white cotton filled; fine
quality sateen covering, tied and
fancy scroll stitched. Medium and
winter weights. Material to make
would ooet 12.00 to g 7Q
110; Monday, each. 7laf 7
' Large alse 811kollne Covered
Comforts, pure white cotton filling,
fancy stitched and tied with wool
yarn. Material to make would
cost 11.75; Monday, .
Daiiity New Laces in a Sale Monday
Gold and Silver and Novelty
Colored Laces
Gold and Silver Lace Flounc
, Ings, embroidered on silk ma
line nets, 18 to 27 inches wide.
1 Flouncings in black and col
ored effects
18-inch Colored Novelty
Flouncings ..'
36-inch Metal Finish Gold
ind Silver Allovers. .
Worth to
$2.50 Yard,
at .
Just the Thing for New Lace ... A. .
Blouses: Worth to
Special showing of Cream, $2.00 Yard,
Flesh and "White Allover Laces, . at
36 inches wide
42-in. White Silk Tosca Nets.
18 to 27-inch Silk Shadow
18-inch Net Top Flouncings,
in cream an I white ,
38-inch Filet Flouncings....
Good Gold Eyed Needles. pkg..l
Stockings and Skirt Stretchers, all
sizes. Regular 25c values.
pair VvlOe?.
Hair Net with and without rubber,
5 nets u an envelope; all colors,
package 10c
J. A P. Coats' Best Darning Cotton,
4 spools ..J..... 5et
. Men's Neckbands, - special,
, each .., 24
Coat ft Trouser Hangers. eaco..2
Paper Mache Buckle Forms, all
i sixes. Each 2 H? and 50
Good Shell Hair Pins.' 26c valua.
box .....5a?
12-Yard Bolts of Bias Lawn Tape,
each '.-54
60c Notion Boxes, each. ... ...100
Pearl Buttons, special, card.... let
Inside Skirt Belting, worth -
15c, yard 50
One big lot of Barret tea and Braid
Clasps, each ....50
Sanitary Aprons, 39o and 60c
values, each .............. .150
60c Sanitary Napkins, special.
dozen ..100
Tatting Shuttles, best quality. '
each 100
Large bottles of Machine Oil.
each 50
Bur son's Seamless Stocking Feet.
Pair 5
West Electric Hair Curlers, 6 on
card, for 19
M. ft K. Knitting Cotton, ball. 30
One big lot of Scissors and Shears,
all worth np to 11.00, soma are
Keene Kutter. Each 500
All our Black and White Hat and
Tunic Wire. Large lOe bolt. 50.
De Long's Best Rust-Proof Safety
Pins, 10c values, special Monday.
card 50
Needle Books with assorted sizes
. of needles. Each 50
Extra Good Soft Face Chamois.
each 40
Bone Rings, all slsee, bunch. .100
r-n rr '