THE BEK: OMAHA, TIlirnSDAY, NOVEMHKK 11, 1015. At Once! Stops Stomach Misery and Indigestion Instant relief from sourness, ; eras, heartburn, acidity. dyspepsia. Tape's Diapepsin" is quick est and surest stomach relief known. Wonder what upset your stomach- which portion of the food did the damage do you? Well, don't bother. If your tomach Is In a revolt; If sour, gassy and upset, and what you just ate has fer mented Into stubborn lumps; head dluy and aches; belch gases and acids and eructate undigested food; breath foul, t tongue coated Just take a little Pape's Diapepsin and In five minutes you won der what became of the Indigestion and distress. Millions of men and women today know that It la needless to have a bad stomach. A little Diapepsin occasionally keeps this delicate organ regulated and they eat their favorite foods without fear. If your stomach doesn't take care of your liberal limit without rebellion; if our food Is a damage Instead of a help. remember the quickest, surest, most harmless relief Is Pape's Diapepsin which costs only fifty cents for a large case at drug stores. It's truly wonderful it dlgents food and sets things straight, so gently and easily that It Is really aston ishing. Please, for your sake, don't go on and on with a weak, disordered stom ach; It's so unnecessary. Advertisement. BEAUTY DOCTOR TELLS SECRET Detroit Beauty .Doctor Gives Simple Recipe to Darken Gray Hair and lYomote Its Growth. Miss Alice Whitney, a well known beauty doctor of Detroit, Mich., recently gave out the following statement: "Any one can prepare a simple mixture at home, at very little cost, that will darken gray hair, promote its growth and make It soft and glossy. To a half pint of water add 1 oz. of bay rum, a small box of Barbo Compound and hi ox. of glycer ine. These ingredient can be bought at any drug store at very little cost. Ap ply to the hair twice a week until the de sired shade is obtained. This will make a gray-haired person look twenty years younger. It is also fine to promote the growth of the hair, relieve Itching and boalp disease, and is excellent for dan druff and falling hair. Advertisement. raaarMi' vyf T-EDAR BROOK is everywhere that service is supreme the pure, rich age -mellowed bourbon that cheers the jaded tourist like a message fio.n home. At leading clubs, hotels, and restaurants, from leading dealers, Jo ask for CEDAR BROOK is a mark of good judgment a certainty of satisfaction. For sixtv-eight years the mel lowest and best W.H.McBRAYER'3 Cedar Brook . -Ths World's Fiae.tWhi.kcy- HDTTLFS BOSS 7 f.i.j. : Use The Bee's "Swapper" column. Lav. IRv - v' mm mm u 4sz i-suJ n mi niiiMmmnn 4 rm k. s K, , 4 Ml V"ai - ..--aaaaw &r-- -ri. Nebraska WILD STILL HOLDS STATE JHOUSE JOB Bacteriologist Appears Merely to Have Been Working for the Parent Board. SECRETARIES ARE PEEVED (From a Staff Correspondent.) TJNCOtN, Nov. 10.-(SpeclaI.) The at tempt of the secretaries of the State Board of Health to get the "goat" of State Bacteriologist Wild is causing con siderable merriment. Most people fa miliar with the workings of the board of secretaries are looking upon the matter ba the Joke of the season. Whether the State Board of Health, which appoints the members of the board of secretaries, will allow the secretaries to dictate to it has not been divulged. The meeting adjourned yesterday with out action on the part of the present board, and It Wi the opinion of many that as far as the State board is concerned, no further action will be taken. erreturtea Plqard. It is evident that some of the secre taries were piqued because the state Tao- I leroioisi wouiu nui luiiwn n 1 1 - Instead of those of the parent board, , which had elected him to the position he ' holds. The secretaries appeared to think that because they had made the recom mendation of Dr. Wild for the place, he was under their Jurisdiction and should take orders from them. That he has failed to do so appeared to h the foundation for the charges. It is i said that other charges may be brought If the board falls to fire the doctor, but rumors of their nature Indicate that they may not be any more convincing to the board than were those brought out yes terday. N An amusing part of the hearing yester day appeared when Dr. B. Arthur Carr, a member of the secretaries board, charged that Dr. Wild had sent out some letters to different sections of the state in. an effort to find out what the board of secretaries was trying to pull off and that these letters were written on letter heads of the State Board of Health. He thought it was misleading and out of place for the state bacterolotlst to use such stationery for his purpose. A Bit of History. Dr. Carr had probably forgotten that during a campaign some years since in which he took a lively part he was criti cised because he used the letterheads of an organisation of which he was for merly secretary to flood the country ith letters favoring a certain candidate for a state office. Dr. Wild admitted it was true that he had used the letterheads of the board, but had only sent ten letters and had paid the postage out of his own pocket. , On questions of the members of the parent board as to the qualifications of Dr. Wild, the secretaries who had brought the charges admitted he was eminently qualified for the position and that outside of his failure to obey their orders he was a good man for the place. The activities of the board of secretaries recalls the rumor which was afloat during- the 'session of the legislature that they' favored a plan which would put the pure food department under the oontrol of the board, which' they claimed would bring all things connected with sanitary matters under one head. They were not able to effect the change. NOTES FROM TECUM SEH AND JOHNSON COUNTY BROKEN BOW, Neb.. Nor. 10. (Spe cial.) A would-be safe cracker entered the office of the Dlerks Lumber com pany during the early hours of the night, but before he could reach the cash box was frightened off by Manager Joe Moly neaux and a friend. The manager went to the office about S o'clock in the even ing, and as soon as he entered saw that something was wrong. The safe door stood open, a back window had been pried up with a loading bar and the back door was open. Only a small amount of money was in the cash box, which had not been reached. Miss Delia House and Harry Tlerney, two young people of this city, narrowly escaped serious injury when a car In which they were riding turned turtle. The two were driving toward the city when the side wheels of the car dropped Into a four-foot ditch. Miss House fell under the machine, and Mr. Tierney was thrown against the bank, with his back pressing the car. Exerting all his strength, he held the machine In posi tion until his companion had escaped to safety, then made a quick Jump and al lowed the car to turn over. Neither was injured. District court Is In session this week, with Judge Hostetler of Kearney on the bench. It Is a Jury term and several Im portant criminal cases are on the docket. BELIEVED ROCK ISLAND IS AFTER HIGHER RATES FATRBURY. Neb.. Nor. M. (Special Telegram.) Preliminary steps to secure an advance in passenger rates by the Rock Island were taken today when blanks were furnished to all Rock Island passenger and freight conductors of this city to make out what is known as rate card data for each trip for every train operating in the state of Kansas for a period of thirty days from this date until December 9. The blanks were sent to Rock Island headquarters by operating officials of the second district at Topeka. Practically all freight and passenger trains operate through this point Into Kansas. The new report involves con siderable work for conductors as they must" account for every Vnd of fi"Tght moved, every passenger transported over the division and other numerous Items. It Is believed by business and railroad men that It is the Intention of the Rock Island to make a showing before the In terstate Commerce commission that an Increase In rates is warranted. Care J Mojr of Croat). Nothing frightens a mother more than yte loud, hoarse cough - of croup. The labored breathing, strangling, choking and gasping for breath call for Instant action. Mrs'. T. Neureuer, Eau Claire, Wis., says: "Foley's Honey and Tar cured my boy ot a serious attack of croup after other remedies had failed. I recommended it to every one, as we knew from our own experience that It Is a wonderful remedy for oougha, colds, croup and whooping cough." it clears air passages, soothes nd heals, h.t every w here. Advertisement. Nebraska W. U. WILLJIGHT RATES Telegraph Company Wants to Make Showing: on Nebraska Ten Word Message Charge. ACTION UNDER RECENT LAW (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 10.-(Speclal.) Repre sentatives of the Western Union Tele graph company appeared before the State Railway commission today and asked for a hearing on the law passed by the legis lature known as the Stebbens act which I made a uniform charge of li cents on all ten-word messages within the state. One of the provisions of the law al lowed the officials of the company to make a showing after a certain time whether the rate was compensatory or not, and it to for the purpose of this showing that the officials appeared. The hearing will be had on the third Monday In January. Among the officials was F. W. Lineau, traffic expert, from New York City. Three-Quarters Of Million Paid For Sugar Beets SCOTT'S BLUFF. Neb.. Not. la fln clal.) The second "payday" for the Scott's Bluff Sugar company, for beets. meaning the delivery during the last half of October, occurred today. The oompany distributed anion the tnrmtrm rt th. Scott's Bluff country a total of over $780. 000. The greater portion of this goes to Scott's Bluff county farmers, although Morrill county, Nebraska, and Goshen county, Wyoming, each get a big chunk of cash. Notes from Beatrice And Gage County EEATRTCT". Neb.. Nov. 10 At m.- Ing of Company C Tuesday evening First lieutenant Mao U. Abbott was elected captain to succeed C. Otho Sears, re signed. Lawrence Jones was elected first lieutenant and Harry Austin second lieu tenant Addresses were made by Colonel Holllngworth and Captain Abbott Albert Frits of Wllber was severely hurt Tuesday a mile northwest of the city while coming to town on his motorcycle. He ran over a small dog while speeding the machine at about forty miles an hour and was thrown headlong in the road, sustaining Internal Injuries and se vere cuts about the head and legs. A stranger dropped into the city Mon day and remained hers Ion enouvh tn work off a forged check for $30 on a mercnant He presented the bogus paper to the clerk after nurehaslns mail bill of goods, drw the cash and walked out or the store. The check was drawn on the Union State bank in favor of "J. W. Thompson," and was supposedly signed by Victor Lang of this city. The officers have received no clue to his whereabouts. A horse buyer of this city Tuesday esti mated that at least 1.000 head of horses and mules havo been shipped from Oags county to the war son In Europe the last few months. v - . EDGAR BUSINESS MEN PLAN WASH DAY DINNER EDGAR, Neb., Nov. 10.-Speclal.) The Edgar Commercial club through the ener gies of Editor Scott held a business men's banquet at the Commercial hotel yester day noon. There were fifty men present. Several members were called on for short talks, as follows: President Boomer, Will Brookley, Lee Hill, Dr. O. R. Woods, A. D. Scott and C. A. Voorhees. The talks were all good and were along the line of an enthusiastic revival of the oCmmer clal club. It was decided to have a wash day dinner, that la, while the women are at home getting out the family washing the men will get together and enjoy a good time at one of the hotels. This meet ing will be the first Monday In December. CUPID TAKES "MANY HOLT COUNTY TEACHERS JOBIE, Neb., Nov, 10. (Special.) It has been found very dlffloult to secure teach ers for all of the schools in southwestern Holt county this year. Cupid seems td deserve most of the blame in the matter, as a large per cent of the ranchers of the community are bachelors, and many jvuus: wuihvu woo come put nere co teacn school give up their profession to become housewives. District No. 226, which' boasts an at tractive new school house within a half mile of Josle postofflce. is still without a teacher, though the district voted to hold eight months' school, beginning Oc tober L Aeraaed of Forarvry. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Nov. 10.-Spe-clal.) John Fowler, recently out of the state penitentiary of Iowa at Fort Madl. son, is now arrested in this county, where he Is charged with forgery. After having gained his liberty at Fort Madison, where he had spent four years and five months for the same offense, he repaired to Ne braska, and having secured some checks on the Bank of Boonevllle, la., he uttered one, drawn in favor of William Baker, for which ha was taken. The man was ar rested near Waverly tramping into Lin coln. Fowler admitted the transaction, also telling of an additional one In Wis consin, besides the ones In Iowa and Ne braska. He was bound over to the dis trict court Notes from Lindsay. ' LINDSAY, Neb.. Nov. 10. (Special.) Miss Rose Nlenaber and J. drlesan wm married at the Catholic church Tuesday. A reception was given at the targe farm home Just north of town. The groom lives near Platte Center, where the couple will make their future home. Rev. Father Cyrlac of Columbus has taken charge of St Bernard's rvthnii parish, succeeding the late Father Clem ents. Father Cyrlao read his first mass there Sunday. He Is not a stranger here, bavlnz been stationed at Platte Center a few years ago. Baak fhaasre at (ivrlaar. SCOTT'S BLUFF, Neb., Nov. 10. (Spe cial.) A. L. and H. T. Bowen have pur chased the controlling Interest In the First National bank of Oerlng. This Is the benk known rm the Thornton bank, of which Harry Thornton was cashier for so manv years. Helps Weak Kldaeys sas l.amjiaao. Get a 25c bottle of Sloan's Liniment, spply oa back and taks drops four times a day. All druggUU. Advertisement Nebraska STATE BAPTISTS ACTIYELTAT WORK Reports of Department Heads at Grand Island Reveal Unusual Efforts by Denomination. MANY MISSIONARIES BUSY GRAND ISLAND, NrK, Nov. 10.(3pe rlal Telegram.) Iteports of tho heads of the varloi's departments of work f the iBaptlst denomination In thl state con tinue to lie the KailniK frnttire of the Baptist state convention In session here. These Include the women's work, the f r etgn and home missionary work a .d the evangellstto work, etc. The work In Japan was covers I In ai especially direct report by Re,-. William Axllng, a missionary In that countc The report of the statj b,arl shows I the value of the church property In this state to be twt.178, the cur. e it e.pen es of the board were $i28,4U and lenevo lenoer IJW.0W. Twenty-five mlselonary worVeri have labored In the state. Including evangel ta, colporters and pastors at Itrgo. i.ore than 125 special evangelist o campa una have been he d dur ng the last ye .r. Thirteen churches are without pastors. Today reports were made by the local associations by counties. The convention elected the foil wlng officers: President, D. M. Amsteny. Broken Bow; first v p.rsl ent, J. A. Maxwell, Omaha; second v. re pruHkiciil, J. L.I Barton, North Platte; recording sec retary, J. O. Batsle, Fremont; corre sponding secretary, Fred Berry, Lincoln! treasurer, W. E. Rhoadea. Omaha; his torian, R. R, Coon, Grand Island; trustee, J. W. Alter, Tekamah. The plana for the ensuing year of the national convention were outlined by Dr. Chapman of Lincoln. Increase by baptism has been exceeded In only two previous years. All mission aries have been paid In full, with a bal ance in the fund of every department FARM RESIDENCE BURNS AS RESULT OF EXPLOSION FAIRBURT. Neb., Nov. 10.-(f pectal Telegram.) The farm residence of C. B. Clarke, five miles southwest of Fatrbury, near the county poor farm, was totally destroyed by fire early this morning. Ac cording to a statement made by Mr. Clarke when he was brought to Falrbury to receive treatment for serious burns sustained while trying to fight his way through the flames to secure IT0 in cur rency and valuable papers, he and his wife were out of doors when a can of vermin destroyer exploded on the stove as he was thawing it out. Owing to difficulty in securing Insurance money on another home burned several years ago Clarke had lost faith In fire insurance and was struggling along without any protection In defiance of the companies. In addition to being a farmer Clarke does veterinary work In the southwest part of Jefferson county. News Notes of Geneva. GENEVA, Neb., Nov. 10. (8peolal.)- William F. Flory 6f St Edward. Neb., came last night to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Flory, and sister, Mrs. A. E. Holt Ha leaves St. Edward In a few days, where he has been connected with the First National bank for about ten years, to make his home in Califor nia. ECM ON BABY ING SCALE On Neck and Head. Cross and Fretful. Stopped Growth of Hair. Trouble Disappeared. HEALED BY CUTiCURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "When our baby was about four months aid, he was troubled with ecaema on bis neck mad head. That on his head covering the whole top and stopping the growth of his hair. It caused him to lose all the hair from that part of his head. It was In the form of an Itching seals and we had to make him sleep with mit tens on his hands to pre vent him from scratching. He was cross and fretful. "Finally, we decided to try Cutlcura Soap and Ointment lie began to be beneflte4 right away. In one month's time the trouble had entirely disappeared, and in a short time his scalp was in a healthy con dition." (Hlgned) R. 8. Lowder, 302 W. 112th Bt, (wicage, I1L, Jan. 1, 1015. Sample Each Free by Moll With S2-p. Hkin Book on request Ad dress post-card "Cutlcura, Dast. T, Bow . Sold throughout the world. ELL-AMS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Combing Won't Rid Hair of Dandruff The only sure way to get rid of dand ruff is to dissolve It, then you destroy It entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply II at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with tip finger tips. - Do this tonight, and by morning, moat If not alt, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of It no mat ter how much dandruff you may have. Tou will find, too, that all Itching and dlgKtng cf the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous. glossy, rllkv ai d soft, snd look and fee! a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It U Ir.ri" Hniv; ami never fall to do the work. Advertisement ITCH I J . . . , v. , 1 - r TltnTWlllMaa I WSJg I tUll inrasinartTin 1 " i J I ' ! " ',1 ' I j . : "; : ': 1 1 1 a rune, wiftfri 1 ifft IfHarJfl -a- Bayonno a, k . fciM f JT -SV 't -" ' -ll'."S I S ft a. . 1 , a " y 1 I v ' wn..y wmi i-aaa.iii imtmmiwmw yiii..,ai . ... . . . . I -':V: v-.y. "' ' v : ' y - ; : When Violet In her Parisian creation, In furiated, came faee to face with the wash woman attired as stunningly, she uncon ciously furnished J. Rufua Wallingford and lilackie Daw the theme forthe scheme which makes another "sucker" willingly turn his pockets inside out. Join our fashion show in this week's installment of THC NCW ADVCMVftCS OP U.vfI4 See the I'athe Motion Pictures in your favor ite theatre which obtains them from the local PATH (( iff )) DCQ1AKG? You most read the .torr. It I. Of OearM Randolph Chutar, creatur of Willing ford. It appears In this week's SUNDAY BEE m MESTffllERlf t V-.,...' mmmmtmmm)mmymmmftikiti unim v w nm awg , j Niifol . aBBaaaaaaaaBBBBBaaaaa RE9.U.S. PAT. A PURE WHITE MINERAL OIL WhyYourDoctor Prescribes Nujol for Constipation LAXATIVES can very easily do a great deal of harm. 1 Nujol can do no harm, because it is not absorbed into the system, but acts simply as a mechanical lubricant. Laxatives give only a temporary relief, and by their after-effects aggravate the very condition they are meant to cure. Nujol is odorless and tasteless, absolutely neutral, and is not digested or absorbed into the system. It acts merely as a me chanical lubricant. Nujol is not a drug. Its use will not give quick, temporary relief. But Nujol is a genuine remedy in that it relieves consti pation in the most natural way by lubrica ting the lining of the intestines, softening the intestinal contents, and thus promot ing healthy and normal bowel activity. Write for The Rational Treatment of Constipation," an informative treatise on constipation. If you cannot get Nujol fr6m your druggist, we will send a pint bottle prepaid to any point in the United States on receipt of 75c money order or stamps. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) "--"- r.i.i-n'-n-- riuim (3v f j Y - ; ,Sr .... M V Ml T.J .Ml 1 1 1 11 1 if 1 1 H VI 1 1 If If I a MM w mm w i . SSJ' M1A U t f Hiaw "- in r New Jersey i.rin.. i.i . ".in ' TDAT PAYS DIG DUTDETtDS A BEE WANT AD.