TIIK BKK: OMAHA, TIIUllSDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 191 JY 11 n.m kfnt Board aad Rooms. ROOM suitable for two men; good board. Webster 1187. . llixiMg or "board and room wanted for four biilno women. ll."-.' l,wv LAROK nloelv-furnished room In private family; close to car; 1" minutes to port office; will rr,t reasonable; board If de al red; reference. Web. 7W4. . Furnished Hoiims. NICFLY furnished room! close In; all modern, mi w. f'l.RASANT south room, 2 men pra ferdTACj!nW THR M1M-F.R HOTSR. II M St. Murr'l Ave., excellent rooms by day or wek; In fine location: handy to business dis trict, uougias STT7Ttriw T- MOl ..1 a. mm.. Mnm fflfW. ti J DIN r. I SSI.. ),, unco, . mf , - white furniture; suitable for three; 11.60 per week; private home. Harney JV KN1SH KD room for gentleman, close In. s:4 f. zist en. NICELY furnished room; close In; all modern. r-M s. ot MASON, WIS Two modern rooms, en suite, fumlhed complete. Harney 4ivi MOPF.KN, newly furnished '-P",' and second floor. 1018 N. Hut. South Oinnha. I'bone wo.nn NEWLY furnished room In Private family; modern flat. Reasonable. W. it.. JACKSON. 2717. beautifully .Lrfn",?d rooms. Wltn Or wmurm. FimNISHEO room In private home. TT. 37U 117 8. KTH ST. LWht house keeping and furnlrneii rom: ni cihqd BEAUTIFULLY furnished room suitable for private lamuy. n. an. afii..i t I I V WATF.M TO PKHMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SAN FORD. 19th an J Farnam, HOTEL HA RLKY. ?th end Farnam. MODERN roomull b' tor two. W. KS2. 1214 DOUGLAS Newly turnlshed rooms. Furnace neat iiose m. m-u THREE furnished rooms; partly modern; reason Me. X424 Pahlor, I nfnrnUI-.i-a Rooms. I OR 4 unfurnished rooms. Web. 67. Furnished llonsea. 8-ROOM modern bungalow: completely rurnlsneq; near car. , -- MY home for 6 months or longer, near 89th and Harney. Phone Harney IsTl. HotiacVt-n"t Rooms. tin DAVENPORT TWO OR THREB NICELY FURNISHED HKPQ. ROOMS. NEW BRICK FLAT. .leases aod Cottasree. Worth. SEVEN ROOMS 2427 Charles, 818. rhons Walnut z. 2526 PARKER ST. e rooms, t!8. Doug. 61& IJOSEVEN rooms and bath, all modern, m - , C5 lltnk OHVi m' Manoerwm rt. . ELEGANT 6-r. eottape, modern except FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern conveniences. H block to car. 4..13 N. th St. M. A. Past. 4519 N. 38th St Phone Colfax 1173; . 2635 Bristol New', mod., bungalow. 127.50. FOR KENT Beautiful modern resi dence, T rooms and bath, iot water heat. Large garage: at 3920 Florence Rlvd. Pnone Colfax 39S0. 6-room. all modern. 117 Lwhrp. t22.M. WALKING distance, 2638 Dodge, 8-room, modern. 825; key. 1640; call Web. 48,5. WALKING distance," 268 Dodge, 8-room, modern, 825; key, 2640; call Web. 4875. Rent Reduced Nice 8-room house, modern except heat; storm windows; arranged for two fami lies If so desired; rent 822. 2511 Corby bt. lei. weu. 8EVKN and five-room houses; modern; walking distance, uougiaa "o. -ROOM oottage, 4 lots, near car and school. 4244 Fort St. , NICE 5-room cottago, with bath, gas, electric light, shades. 2610 Wirt St.;. 818. 6-R. mod, cottage. 24(16 EmmetTweb. ldfii). nutk. 2706 Howard, mod, oak (I., metal w'th'r stripped windows; beaut. Int. Wal. 2017. 7-ROOM house, strictly modern, with garage; splendid neighborhood, 3o32 Ma-rcy; 830. Call Harney 27U6. STRICTLY modem, 7-r., Hauacom Park. cottage, oak floors. 82a. Tel. Hax. 4.9. 1-KUOH, modern, 2369 Poppleton Ave. IIUUKKN 7-1 oom house. lal Par Ave.. IS6. Pnone Harney 1566. 827 PARK AVE. 9-room mod home, Stf; garage extra, Oarey Cleaning Co. H. 7307. PROOM cottage. Ill S. 28th St.. 8U. Water paid. 6-R. houne and sleeping porch. H. 3824 Fine modern home, practically new, prettily decorated, good woodwork, easily heated, good location, near car lines Inquire 712 Park Avo. Harney 1241. b-r. house, mod, ex. heat, too 8. 21st. 6TRICTLK modern collage, large yard, fenced In. 818. 2419 So. 24th. Call 2411. see. 8 ROOMS WEST FARNAM. 3.104 Daven- fort St-, good modern home or large family; beautiful yard. ROOMS West Farnam, dandy, new, all modern home; sleeping porch; mahogany and white enamel finish; very choke, 3310 Dav enport St., 845. Peters Trust Company, 12 Farnam St. Douglas m.o 438 North 38th Ave. 4 rooms down; In mahogany and oak; 8 rooms, bath and space for sleeping porch upstairs; will finish third floor or build garage. Price accordingly, owner Just left Omaha. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha Nat. Douglas 2715. Phone Sunday. Wal. 3.18 or Har. 4778. o. A VERY cholco flat. 6 rooms and bath. modern, ground floor, close to cross town and Leavenworth car lines, bee owner. 546 . 27th Bt. Miscellaneous. HOUS ES A PARTMEN TS FLA TS. 827.60 6-r , t(4 S. H4th Ht., modern. 816.00 6-r., 3321 Ohio, partly modern. 8J0.00 e-r., 224 Ruggles, modem. iW.OO 5-r., 54o S. 26ih Ave., mod. flat 842.50 4-r. apt., The Harold. 27th and Jackson SLs. 8V).0O 7-r., 112 S. S7th St.. modern, hot water heat, garage. 800.00 g-r.. tXM Harney, mod., first class. 875.00 8-r., 3321 Farnam, extra fine. GEORGE AND COMPANY, Tel. P. T56 902 City Nat. Hunk Flrtg. t ROOMS, modern. West Farnam die strict; furnished, 846; unfurnished, 840. 8 rooms, modern except heal, 81". t rooms, partly mod., 714 Hickory Kt., 815. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, 2o2 So. 17th St. roug. IwlS. 2JH N. 27th St.. 5-r., mod. ex. heat, 81S. 1110 N. i2d St , 4-r., mod. ex. heat. 816. 3o36 8. 16(h St., city water and gas, $i0. RASP BROS., 108 MCAGI'E HI.IiU. 2425 Spencer St., -r., all mod. houjse, 8-S. 620 N. 41nt St., 6-r., all mod. house. 8 .5u. 1122 S. 32d St., 8-r., all mod. house, 8J5. U19 Grnce St., 6-r., part mod. house, 8'6. Is43 N. 21st St.. 4-r . part mod. house, 113. 2o.ll Capitol Ave., 6-r., part mod. house, U. oo. FOR COLORED. 607 N. S2d St.. 4-r. house. 810. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO. M First National Rank Bldg. Douglas 722. 2.08 N. 24th Ave. &-rwoiu huse, 810. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; S-borse vaa ar.J 2 men, 81.26 per nr.; storage 82 per rio. Hatiria.'itnn tfuar D. :cts it Ty. 23U. KlVK-ROM cottage. 54ii 51st SU ENTIRE downstairs, 5 rooina, nice house, private entrance, good neighborhood. 814. Welster 60t. Gordon Van Co.3j tit N. 11th 8t Tel D 84 or Har. U0f. EE the Central Furniture S lore s FREB i t.- k' r a r . r i "t Maggard's SSbS tag. paclniLg. hipping. I7ij Webster fib Ijouglas IT. HIKE'S Crelgh Bona Co.. Bee Bldg. UOUb'-a la all parts of the city. FOR IIF.XT llonsea aad t vltasr. nDEUTY"SJ7iS FREK Pbnne Doi'KlAs PS for complete list ol recant houses and s part me ma; also for torase. moving. V'th and Jckson f'a S-ltOOM mod cottnse ij . i9th. R. Vv-8 161S N. THT"rear, S-r. house and base ment, with sink and toilet, walking dis tance, colored, 810. T. J. HOOK. 1W1 V. 1TH. 11"6 N. 18T11. tSood 6-r. cottase. part modern, walking distance, saves car fare, fi. T. J. HOOK. 1101 N. ivnf. T C Reed .ro moving, storasa I2U7 Farnam- D. 6141 REAL KSTATK LOAN MONET TO LOAN. To people wishing to build homes or business buildings. For complete information con cerning terms, etc., call on or address BANKERS REALTY INVESTMENT CO. Ground Floor Bee Bldg. Telephone Douglas 29J6. a FARMS and city loans at lowest rates. TO LAND TRUMbLLL. 448 Be Blrtg. o 8100 TO 810.000 made promptly. F. D. W VV ...... tJ;J.. ( . L - . . . " t-.iv. .-.m m rarnam Dia CITY and farm loans, 8, 6H. per cent J. H. Duniont A Co.. 414 state Hank. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. WANTED Geod farm and city loans at lowest ratea PETKR3 TRUST CO.. !S Farnam. CIT property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomse 22n Stst Rank Rldg. OMAHA homes. East NebraKa farma. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. im Omaha NatToial. Phone Douglas ml MONEY on hand Tor city and farm loans. i r i, i i . . . . . . . . . n. vr . riinier, raiionai nanK mag. iC' CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberg. r. U Brande. Theater Bldg. WANTED TO BUY WD pay Chicago prices for aluminum serap castings. Paxton-Mltchall Co. OFFICE fiTtilture bought and sold. j. neea, rtn f arnam. Doug. . Strictly high grade piano Web. 872. Tale bua everything 2d hand. Web. 404 HIGHEST prices for old clothing. D. 4714. I.EAl, ESTATE FOIt EXCHANGE VKltY nloely located Income proierty, worth $20,000. for exchange for N. E. Colo, land; mortgage. 7.wu, equity, 8ia. '00 Want clear land. B. 407. Hee. DENVER property for exchange. Seven room, one and a half-story brick, mod ern except heat, lot 50x130; price 83,000. mtg. 8s00. Four-room frame bungalow, modern except heat; lot 31x130; price 81.608, clear. Both houses are in good neighbor hood, and will trade for Omaha or Lin coln of about same value. Y 128, Bee. 8-room cottage. Council Bluffs. 80 acres Irrigated Colorado land; for lota or cot tage in Omaha. Colfax 8309. HEAL ESTATE FARM A RA.Nt II LANDS FOR SALE. Kansas. CHOICE Improved W in Phillips county, Kansas, black soil. Exchange for cat tle, other land or cash 8tj,4oU. Hellycr, Republican City, Neb. ebraka. 200 ACRES good timbered stock farm, well Improved, easy terms; 2 miles from county seat. Write for full infor mation to Miss Rosa Stefka, Route L Burwell. Neb. FOR BALK 160 acres, one-half mile from Clarks, Neb.; 80 acres in wheat, balance In pasture, hay meadow and timber; good buildings. Price 8120 per acre, half cash. W. D. Abel. Clarks, Neb. FOR SALE Best large body high-grade medium priced land In Nebraska; very little money required C. Bradley, Wei bach. Neb. e 160 ACRES raw land to break In Keith county, 6 miles from Ogalalla. If ln terestcd write A. A. Qrler. Kingsley, la. Minnesota. 40. SO or 1E0 acres good, heavy aoll. well settled part of Todd county. Minn.; good roads, schools and churches. Price, 115 to 82O per acre. Terms, $1 per acre cash; balance l per acre a year; 6.i) acres to select from. Schwab Bros., 1(124 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Missouri. 85 DOWN, 85 monthly, buys 40 acres good land; some timber; near town: price 8200. Other bargains. Box 426-V, Carth age, Mo. NOTICE Investors, here Is your chancel 6.000 acres in Dent county, Missouri; all tim ber, good farm land when cleared. This Is a lumber proposition: lumber estlmnte 6,000 feet per acre. Price. 8s per acre. Will be sold on very easy terms, at a low rate of interest, or would take in some Omaha property. Call and have a talk with Mr. Prugh. He will show you he is from Missouri. W. S. FRANK, 201 Neville Block. a. Wise asla. CPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and general crop state In the union; settler wanted; lands (or sale at low prices on tasy terms. Ask for booklet 84 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested in fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orcuarda Address Land and Industrial Depart., Bo Line Kailwar. Minneapolis jalnn. Miaeellaaeona. HAVE) TOU A FARM FOR SALS? Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City, la.. Journal. - . i ml . 13 I if n Ail Ua. dlura." Twenty-five words every Friday evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days tor 2;. or 60 words. H. or i ws, Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, Xal.uov reader dally Ut four great etates. REAL ESTAXE WANTED WANTED to Buy A homestead renn- 4560 N. 14th St., Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE CREIGHTON'S FIRST Six rooms, with living room across front of liouse, dining room with Dutch windows, nice kitchen, pantry and back entry, two nice bedrooms, sun room and bath on second floor, oak finish and floors, elegant electric fixtures, modern In every detail, cement basement and walks, close to school, close to Hanscom I'ark. Price. 83,600; 86uu down and bal ance monthly. C. 0. CARLBERG, 812 Brandels Theater Bldg. Six-Room House Lot 63x140 Price $1,600 $300 Cash This Is a good buy. 8010 S. Mh, east front, plenty of shade trees, one block from Farnam car, ten minutes' car ride from down-town district. Chicken yard and chic ken house fenced off, also chicken tight fence around entire lot. House is in very good condition; six nice large rooms. Mr. Worklnguuin, this is your chance to get a good place cheap, and one where you can raise your own garden, chickens, etc. Call us at once for furtlier information.. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. noomai.a Nat. UK. Ulcig. I'll iiw D. 48. NEAR HANSCOM PARK In oak. lot 4 X142, east front. Price, 82,'juO. V-ju cash, balance 8 per month. C. (J. CAKLUERO, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cash Wheat H&a Stronger Tone and rrice Advances One Cent Over Tuesday. CORN AND OATS ALSO RALLY OMAHA. November V 1 5 The wheat market Imd a stronger tonn today, and although the receipt of this cenal were only falily heavy, the mar ket advanced 1c. Cash corn also advanced, soiling V4T IV hUh r, and there was a fairly gooa demand. Oats were quoted t.fiyje hig'er, whilo rye n unchanged to higher. Barley was unchanged. Cleaianoa were: Wheat and flour, equal to 1,40. ,0(0 bu.; corn, S9.000 bu.; oats, 62 (W bu. Liverpool clone: Wheat, Id lower to tid higher; corn, unchsnged to Hd lower. Primary wneat receipts were 2.MIT.1O0 bu. and shipments 2,:fVi,000 bu., against re ceipts of 2,017.000 bu. and shipments of 1.1S...O0O bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 7M.000 bu. and shipments 2U3.0O0 hu.. against receipts of 84.u0i bu. and shipments of 476,000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 1.S8S.000 bu. and shipments I.6IS.U00 bu., against re ceipts of 1,1.16.000 bu. and shipments of 813,000 bu. last year. CAKLOT nECF.IPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 212 151 428 Minneapolis 6-9 ... Duluth T:l Omaha 66 17 35 Kansas City 17 13 4 St. Louis 127 84 87 Winnipeg Wl These sales were reporUd today: Wheat No. S hard w ntcr: 4 cars, 9Sc; 1 car, l7c; I cars, 96c; 8 cats, !c; 3 cars. SMWc; cars, Mc; 1 car, 2c. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, mc; 12 cats, lc; 1 car, poc; 8 2-5 cars, ihc; H car, 90c; I cars, Me; 1 car, Ro. Sample: 1 car (sprlngi, 9."c; 1 car S:c: 1 car, STc; 2 cars. 86c; 3 cars, R.cl 1 car, STc; 1 car, 77c: 1 car, ioC. No. 4 spring: 1 car, 8oc; 1 car tllght). Sic. No. 2 hprlng: 1 car, '. No. 3 spring: 1 car, 95c; 1 car, S.k!. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 9ic; 2 cars, Ulc; 1 car, JWo; 1 car, 7c. No. 1 durum: i cars, 9e. No. 3 durum: 1 car. 94Sc; 8-6 car, 3c. Com No. t white: 2 cars, nlc. No. 3 white: 1 car, OOSc No. 6 white: 3-6 car. 0c. No. 2 yellow: 3 3-6 cars. 62c. No. 3 yellow: 13 6 cars, le. No. 2 mixed: 1 car (near yel low), 61i,c; 2 cars (near vcllowi. 61c: 3 cars, c; 2-3 car. 6Hc. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 61c; 1 car, oc; 4 3-6 cars, Ooc. No. S mixed: 3-6 car, 6lc. Oats No. 3 white: 15 cars. 84c. No. 4 white: 6 cars, 33'c Sample: 4 cars, 32l4c: 2 cars, 82c; 2-6 car, 31c; 1 car. ;K ltye No. 2: 2 cars, 4c. No. 8: 2 cars, 93c;. 1 car, 9ivc; 8 cars, 91c. No. 4: 1 car. 8.io; 1 car, 88ic; 1 car, 88c. Sample: 1 ar, 8".o. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 tur key, 9WciTi8!.iO; No. S turkey, "WfiWe; No. 9 hard, ofie;; No. 3 hard. 92i(Sc: No. 4 hard, S7'yl4c: No. 2 spring. 35frr7e; No. 3 spring, Ii39r)c: No. 2 durum, VnUrfprc; No. 3 durum. 9.Vgmic: sample, 7V(t8.c. Corn: No. 2 white, flomiOti-o: No. 3 white, 6(VS60'ie: No. 4 white," 6.4rr'04c; No. 6 white, 691i0c; No. white, 6H4 69c; No. 2 yellow, 6fiA2c: No. yel low, SlWWlVic; No. 4 yellow, fffimc; No. 6 yellow, 60Vi61c; No. ve low, tOVi 6ic; No. 2 mixed, eomff Hie; No. 3 mixed, 6.iUe: No. 4 mixed, 6'?iic; No. 6 mixed, 59H'5'fi014c : No. 6 mixed 64 felloe, oats: No. 2 white. 84tff3fic: stand ard. S414(p34Hc; No. 1 white. 833le. Barley: Malting, 61(fi6c; No. 1 feed 45 tOc. Rye: No. 2, 3i.t4c; No. 3. 'Otn'Jlc. Chh;ago closing p.itea, furnished Th Bee by Logan & Bryan, stork and grain brokers. 313 South Sixteenth street: Artlclel Open. Hlgh.f Low. I Close. Yes y. Wheatl I Dec. II 02ti 104 102H103AI 1024 I 1 03 I Mayll Wtt 1 06 1 03 1 04Hi 1 0 ' t 104V. 104 . . Corn, ill i Dec.luSe 60 6!N, BOM.WH T.9 . May6'i7 63, 62 63'4Ai61T'.i.J n . i 662' I Oats. ( Iec.l S8 JWHiSSWV 38HA 384j May 394(ff H 3S 39H 3A SSOi . 639 Pork. Dec. 14 45 14 45 14 30 14 SOB 14 50 Jan. 16 2& 16 40 16 15 16 32 16 30 16 20 Lard. i Jan. I 8 96 I 8 97H 8 82 t 92 00 REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE 6-ROOM HOUSE Modern In every way, oak finish, good sleeping porch, full basement. Milton Rogers furnace, lot 40x125, located on the boulevard, near the Prettiest Mile. This Is a good buy at 83,500. Reasonable terms. House is vacant. I will be pleased to show you through at any time, W. S. FRANK, 201 Neville Block. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a HEAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE 325 CASH-812.50 PER MO. Will buy a dandy 6-r. bungalow. 1 year old; good well, 2 corner lota. Price, 31.200. Located at 5306 N. 18th. RAXP BROS. Pouglaa K68. 6-ROOM cottage, bath, gas, shades, fenced. 1411 N. 41st St., SW.00. C. O. Hutchinson Co., 1623 Farnam. OWNER will sacrifice 8-r.. strictly mod ern houae, with large sleeping room, oak floors, woodwork nicely decorated. Tenna Phone Webster 1127. REAL ESTATE VACANT FOR SALK By owner, lot In Evanston, the exclusive residence district; on Harney St., near 63d; 60x136 feet. Price 31,150. one-third cash. O. I. Carpenter. Phone Harney 6987. WANTED, AN OFFER on 3 fine lots on the southwest corner of 27th and Burt fits. ; they need no grading or filling; the lots lay fine and are in good ne'uhborhood. Will sell for cash or psyments, either one lot or both. Write owner. Wallace Benjamin Room 1, First Nat. Pk, Co. Bluffs, la. Phone S03. REAL ESTATE SUBURRAX Dundee. Trade Your Cottage as psytnent on this fine Dundee home In the new part of Dundee on Farnam St.. on a beautiful corner lot, 59x150; every modern convenience; Islington one panel oak doors throughout the entire house. Rudd automatic hot water heater, hext plurnhing, tile bath, beautiful oak finish and oak floors, 7 rooms. This Is new. never occupied, splendidly built and well located: can take your cottuge as part payment, balance at 331.50 per month. Charles W. Martin & Co., Phone Tyler 187. 742 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Fine two lots, 45x130 feet, Kansas Ave., south side Miller park, half block west 24th St. car line, sur round) d by beautiful new homes Cool In summer, warm in winter. Web. eauO. TBTE ART OFlCLLINO FOR CASH This little brochure expUlns fully bow we can sell your real estate or business for cash, no matter where located. We mean It- Write today describing what you have to sell, buy or exchange, and receive this booklet free. H. F IOo CO.. 4i3 W. Walnut St.. Ds Molnas. la. KENT 840 PRICK 83.000. Where can you beat it for an Invest. mentT Four nice little cottages, well lo cated and always rented, tee ui quick annut i nia PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 6th Floor Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Douglas 17KI. o FARMS WANTED DAIRY farm for rent. About l' ace. Two miles from council I'luffs. One of tho best dairy farms in the country. Sf Ter acre. Apply to George O. Clark, 18 Pearl l. Phone 17L Council Bluffs, la. 8 00 I 024 8 87HI 8 37HI 9 0--t l1l Jan. 8 9" 9 OS 8 MV4J 8 SH 8 9JV 8 8 97H'9 02BI 9 07V, Mav te A Asked. B Hid. CHICAGO ORAM AMD rROVIMOli Feat a res of the Trailla and t losln Prlree on Board of Trade. CHIC A(K). Nov 10. Wintry conditions northwest, giving sanction to reports that the maximum or spring crop movement had been rearhed ere effective today In lifting the wheat market here. largely as a result the finish. ilthoiiKh unsettled, was lS'ulV net higher, with December at Sllsiv and May at ti.04Hfrl.04V Corn Clored iVdlHe up. oata ahewtng a gln of He to Vl'-c and provisions varying from 20c decline to a riKe of 20. I'nexpected strength In quotations at Liverpool added to tho anxletv that wheat traders manifested In consequence of advices about snow and told and rain threatening the Dakota an.j Minnesota as well as the Canadian prairies Recent sellers rushed to cover and rommlnslon houres gave evidence of a decided Influx of new orders to buy. lter a setback In prices came about, the reault In part of temporary weakness In all street and also because of rumors that some European purchases of Mani toba wheat had been cancelled. The de clines, however, were promptly succeeded by a strong rally, offerlmta here having dwindled almost to nothing. Pit speculators in wheal had an un usually bad day. Kach time a majority of the crowd tried to force a break In the market they were put to rout and were compelled In self-defcneo to buy at a higher level. Corn showed Independent strength. Cn settled weather was an Incentive for buy. ing and so, too. was an Inirease In the number of husking returns that had been a disappointment to owners of the grain Oats hardened with other cereals Ship ping demand, though was onlv fair. Hog arrivals much In excess of what had been looked for weakened the provi sions Mat as a whole. Nevertheless, a few upturns at the last were scored be cause of the bu'se in grain. Chicago Cash Prices When! : No. I red. noinlna:; No. 8 red, tl.07'r.il 0S: No. 2 hard, nominal; No. 8 hard. lt.0"t 1.03. Corn: No. 2 vellow. old. 64U"65Hc; No. 2 white, old, 6444)4c; No. 2 white, new, 62Sc- Oats: No. 3 white, SnHP ;We ; stand ard. ,ViM!39c. Rye: No. 2, nominal; No. 3, 97M.i99c. Barley: 54fl'vV-. Seed: Tlmothv, 8(i.OuK.oo; clover. 310 u2rt on; potk, 814.30. Lard, 3S 77. Rlha: tlO lJffNn 62 BITTER Higher; creamery. 33'B"0o. K.O38 Irregular: receipts, S,"S7 caaea; fresh gathered extra fine, jt940e; extra firsts, Sfv&JSc; firsts, SI j 35c; seconds, ifjSOc. POTATOES Ixiwer: receipt. 68 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin whites, 68fW)c; Minnesota and Dakota whites, f.nfft8.; Minnesota and Dakota Ohlos, &04?56o. POULTRY Alive, steady: fowls. 12o; springs, 13c; turkeys, old, 16o; young, 3o. NEW YORK GKMKKAL. MARK Ell' Quotations of the Day on Various Com modi ties. NFW YORK, Nov. 10 -FLOT'R Steady. WHEAT-Spot, irregular: No. 1 durum, $1.12. f. o. b. New York; No. 1 northern. Duluth. 1.07i, and No. 1 northern. Mani toba. 81.10, c I. f. Buffalo. Futures were firm: December, ti ll. CORN Spot, barely steady; No. I yel low, 74c, prompt shipment. OATS Spot, steady. HAY-Pteady; prime, tl W; No. 1, 81 ; No. 2 , 8t.; No. 3, 31.01C1.05; shipping, ic HOPS Quiet; state, common to cholco. 1915, 2?X; 1914. 7''fl2c; Pacific coast, rafi, liHii15; 1914. 10tJ2e. HIPFNStrady; Bogota, 30JJ31c; Cen tral America. 29c. LEATH Kit Firm: Hemlock firsts. TW 84c: seconds. ;'33c. PROVISIONS Pork, unsettled; mfess, t16.frtfel7.'iO: family, 821.5(Vrt;2.50, short clear, 818.6OQ20 00. Beef, sttady; mess. 816.5317.01); family. 819 0v.t1S.50. Lard, tai-y; middle west. 89.15ifO.35. 1 TALLOW Steadier; city, 7c; country, 'f'ic. i:l'TTER Firm; receipts, T.637 tubs; am try extras. 30ii'32c; firsts, 27if .,ic; seconds, 25(-'7c. I i-.OO-S Irregular; receipts. 7.637 cases: firsts, 3T4(40c; first, 834136c; seconds, 2tf iCc. CHEESE Steady; receipts, 8,733 boxes; state, whole milk, flats, held, specials, 15fl6c; same, average fancy, 16o; same, current make, specials, li-USc; same, average fancy, 16c. POULTRY Dressed, firm: western fresh chickens, barrels, 1l4MSc; fresh fowls, iced, lfrl7c; frosen turkeys, 1!) 22c. Live, firm; western chickens, 14!(ji 15c; fowls, 14loc; turkey, 20gnac. Kansas City Oraia and Provisions. KANSAS CTTY, Nov. 10. WHEAT No. 2 hard, Sl.0ogi.06; No. 2 red. ll.0S4 1.10; December, 9c; May, 31.00. CORN No. 2 mixed. 68c; No. I white. R8'5(5c; December, 66gioyc; May, 69Hc. OATS No. I white, 7(ir37c: No. t mixed. 34g36o. BUTTER Creamery. 29c; firsts, 37o; seconds, 25c; packing, 19o. KOGS-Firsts, 80o; seconds, 22c. POULTRY Hens, llc; young rooster. 12c; broiler. lc. Mlnneaplol Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 10. WHEAT De cember, 9c; May. 81 01'i; No. 1 hard. 31.03; No. 1 northern. tl.OOOfll.Ot FTjOlTl Unchanged. BARLEY-61C. RYE 94c. BRAN 818.25. CORN No. 3 yellow. r"W7c OATS No. 8 white, 3434o. FLAX 82.04ig2.09. Liverpool Orala Market. LIVETtPOOU Nov. 10. WHEAT Spot No. 2 Manitoba. 11 4d; No. 3, lis Ssyd; No. 2 hard winter, old. 12s 4d; No. t Chicago, new, 11 2d. CORN Spot I -a Plata, f. St. IO n Is Grain Market. ST. IXJUIS, Nov. 10. WHEAT No. I red, 81.15$rl.l6; No. 3 hard. 81.04; Decem ber. 31.02V: May. 31.04. CORN No. 2. 60c; No. t white. 60c; De cember. 67e; Msy, 61o. OATS No. 2, Soc; No. I white, nom Inal. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 10. COFFEE The n-arket for coffee future was somewhat unsettled by near month liquidation dur ing today's trading and after opening at a decline of 3 to 6 points prices eased off to a net loss of about 6 to 13 points, with December selling at 4 71c, Mav at 6.S2o and July at .95c. Talk of rather an easier tone In the primary markets prob ably accounted for some of the scattered selling, hut prices rallied a few points l&te in the afternoon on covering. The close was 3 to 8 points net lower. Bnles, Including exchanges of December for May at 10 and 11 points, were 49.7 0 bans. No vember. 6.74e; December. 876e: January, 8.76c; February, 8.7c; March, 8R2c; April, .84c; May. 6.87c; June, 6.92c; July, 6.97c; August, 7.01c; September, T.0$c; October, 7.10c. Spot, quiet; R1o 7. 7c; Santos a, c lower, at Sc. Tho cost and freight market was reported easier, with quota tions ranging from about 9.26e to 8. "5c; for Santos 4s and around 7.35c for Rto 7s. bssls English credit. The official cable reported a decline of 125 rel in the Rio market with Santo unchanged. Metal Market. NBW YORK, Nov. JO.-METALfl-Lead offered at 86.15. Spelter. 315.75fl!l 26. Cop per, firm; electrolytic, 81 lSrft 18.37. Iron etcadv and unchanged. Tin strong; spot J34.5W97 60. At Ixjndon: Snot copper, 74 17s 6d: futures, f75 5s: electrolytic, .) ls Spot tin, 164 6s; futures. 164. Antimony' 136. Lead, 24 15s. Spelter. 78 10s. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fralt NFJW YORK, Not. 10. E7VAPO RATED A PPLRS Steady. DRIKD FRUITS Prunes, firm. Apri cots, steady. Peaches, easy. Raisins, steady. LEGAL NOTICES May nibs. Notice Is hereby given that sealed pro poeals will be received by the Board of Directors of the Short Line Irrigation District at their office In the Village of Bayard. Neb., for the purchase of flf. teen thousand five hundred eighty-two dollars face value of the 8 per cent serial bonds of said district until 1:80 o'clock p. m. on the 7th day of December, 1916; said bonds are Issued under and by virtue of an Act of the legislature of the state of Nebraska, approved March 26th lfu. Session Law 1A96. Chapter 70 and all amendments thereto and pursuant to a vote of the majority of the qualified elec tors of said district The Board expressly reservea the right to reject any and all bid and will in no event sell any of said bonds for less than ninety-five per cent of the face velue thereof. By order of the Hoard of Directors (Signed) CATH WHINE ROBKRT8, Secretary Bhort Liu Irrigation District , N9&X ; OMAHA UYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Large and Trade it Slow to Lower Sheep and Lambs Mostly Steady, H00S AROUND TWENTY LOWER OMAHA, November 10. WS. Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs, dheep Official Mondav IS T 5.140 2J.S14 Official Tueada'v 6.702 4 192 1K.5: 1 -slims te Wednesday.. ,500 4.7ofl 16.&m Three day thl week 30.076 1 4 02 67.M4 Same days last week. .71.293 10.812 47.0XH Same days 3 weeks auo 84. 6.730 6 921 Same days 3 weeks sxo SO.;'.'i3 IS 9S Same da 4 weeks ao 44.2.4 .76 110,74)i Same days last year.. 15.140 16.737 43,9i Ihe following tame anuw th" receipts ef csttle. hogs and sheep at the Omaha live stock market for rne year to date, as coi.ipared with last year: 1913. 11 1n. Cattle I 042 24J 810,676 HI. 569 Hogs 8 27o2M 1 9.V..4"3 .V4.661 Bheep 31900.926 3.610,;37 90.1x8 The following talla snow the average prices of hogs at the Omaha live stocs market for the last few day, with com psrlsona: Date 116. 1914 1U I lit I911J 119 Oct. Oct Oct. tH-t. Oct. Oct. Oct Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 7 87, 3 461 I 3 84! T0t IJ 7 671 8 08i t4i 8 471 7 54) 191 8 36 7 59 36 8 l 8 131 7 54 7 41 7 68 7 7tf 7 74. T i9 7 s-; 7 r. 16, 12 8 01 04. 7 t; 10: 7 91 T 711 7 T5i 7 71 7 4. 7 " 7 74 7 70 7 I"! 8 091 1 31 8 07 ' 7 86 IS' 1 7 ' xl 8 01 7 7. 12 7 H 7 7 III 7 Mi 7 73 -oioay Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union look ards, Omaha, for tcnty-lour hour ending at 3 o'clock yeaterday : RECEIPTS CARS cattle Hogs. theep.H,e. C. M. A St P 3 2 1.. Wabash 1 .. .. Mliaaourl Pacific .. 1 Union Pacific 119 21 89 8 C. & N. W., east... 14 3 3 C. N. W.. west... 40 10 14 1 C, St P., M. O.. 1 8 7 1 Ol, B. at Q. east.... t .. U, B. & W, west.. 166 11 4 t C, R. I. A P., east. 8 7 6 .. C. R. I. A P., west 1 Illinois Central .... 13 I Chi. Ut Western.. 4 11.. 7 35. 7 33! T 01 7 111 8 96 8 3 7 09 7 0,v-- 7 0f T 80 7 12 7 76 7 M I 1 121 7 71 7 0? 7 68! 6 l 1 7 10 t 8V. 7 09 7 66 e 8 M'S 7 U 7 HI 81 8 fc 7 3., 7 N 7 M 6 Nixil 7 3X1 7 W 13, 6 1 7 841 7 631 7 7 a 73 I 7 651 7 s-; i.7 7 61 7 .7 6 6 61 7 5i 7 72 Total receipts... 379 68 76 14 DISPOSITION II LAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morri A Co 739 231 1.146 Swift A Co 817 )96 2.221 Cudahy Packing Co.... i 1.019 1.N92 Armour A Co 706 1,266 3,358 Schwarts A Co 86 Lincoln Packing Co.. 88 70 8). Omaha lack. Co.. 3 Corn Slate Serum Co.. ... 48 Kellogg Packing Co 324 W. B. Vansant On.... Ill Benton. Vansant A L. 339 F. B. Lewis 213 Hueton A Co 132 J. B. Root A CO 311 J. H. Bulla 77 L. F. Hu.a 29 Rnsenstock Bros 100 Kellogg 1!W W'erthelmer A Degen.. 841 II. F. Hamilton 266 Sullivan Bros 34 Rothschild 91 Mo. A Kan. Calf Ct.. 250 Christie 216 Hlggins 7 Huffman 1 10 Roth 3 Mey jrs 6 6 Baker, Jones A Smith 93 Banner Bros 46 John Harvey 3" Kline 161 Dennis A Francl 24 Jensen M .Vi:: Other buyer 1.300 -.& Totals 7,278 4.008 17,C CATTLR-Recelpt were very liberal this morning, not only here, but at most other selling point as well. At the same time there naa a general weakness In trice everywhere, with the reult that thl market was slow and weak along with the others. The weather was very much against the market, it being dara and rainy, so that buyer were late in getting out into the yards, and the fore noon was well advanced before anyono tried very hard to do business. Tue trade as a whole could be summed up a slo. wiak to lower, in the end killer of all kind sold at i rice that were anywhere from weak to 04; lie lower, A few of the choicest light feeder did not show much change, but I he. general run of both stockers and feeders was alow to 10uiuo lower. Quotations on cattle: Prime cornfed beeves. 89. 1 610.00; good to choice red yearlings, S9.oon9.76; fair to good fed yearlings, ta.&Kia.OO; common to fair fed yearlings. 86.iVkiiH.60; good to choice heavy beeves. S9.0O(rt.6O; fair to good cornfed beeves. 3a.00uie.00: common to fair corn fed beeves. 86.50ii8.26; prime grass beeves, S. 00718.60; good to choice grass beeves. S7.60(8 00; fair to good grass beeves, S6.754r7.60; common to fair grass beeves, tn.76ftrtl.76: good to choice grass heifers, S4.OfW7.00; good to choice grass cows, 86.8Oli6.50: fair to good cows, 86.0Oan.iw; common to fair cows. 84 OCX&5.00; good to choice feeders, S7.4W00; fair to good feeders, S6.76iif7.40; common to fslr feeders. tn.75'ri4.75; good to choice stockers. 87.504lrt.00; fair to good stockers. Si.75'ir7.50: common to fair stockers, M 6048 6.76: stork heifers. 86.75ffl41.75: stock cows. S4.7ixfO.00; stock calve. S6.6oa8.50; veal calves. S6.5Ofl9.50; bull. stags, etc, 84 r6 SI; Representative sale: COLORADO. 330 steers. ..1138 8 9 118 steer... 8fO 16 41 feeder. .1011 8(0 81 teer.... 809 8 00 IDAHO. 19 teers. ...1101 8 25 20 steer.. ..1050 183 I eow 1223 6 26 WYOMING 1 calf 150 8 (0 In leeder..028 8 96 17 steer. ...1126 7 81 13 feeder.. 798 7 26 II rows U&3 8 50 34 feed rs.. 93 7 35 NEBRASKA. IS feeder.. 406 7 50 6i calves... 396 1 80 7 feebers.. 951 t 60 6 calves... 410 7 So HOUS Local supplies continued mod erate, although most outside points were overloaded again today. Receipts were estimated at sixty-eight cars, or 4,700 head, bringing the total for the first half of the week up to 14,0.12 hesd. Thl 1 more than 3.000 larger than last week and over twice as large as two weeks ago, but Is 3.700 short of the corresponding period of last year. Chicago was deluged with hogs today, and while the local run was moderate shipping orders were slim. The few ship per buyer that did get out were aliie to purrhase whatever they wanted at prices that were at least 169 and In siHrt as tnucn as o lower. Top failed to neat 86.70. Packer used heavy runs and slumping market at other point a a club on the local trade, and while early rounds were dull killer buyers succeeded In forcing a too decline. It was well along towards mldforenonn before much of anything sold, but after a trading bssls was estab lished movement livened up. and a pretty decent sort of a clearance had been made before 11 o'clock. Bulk of the sales was mad at ' with the long airing selling at 36 60. and scattering sales both above and below thrse figures. Today's bulk snd average are the lowest since the latter part of Julv. when price hit the vear' low snot, while tops today touched the lowest nolnt reached since early In April. Current value are mostly 40c below last Bat uHir Representative sales: Ne. At Eti. Ft k. A, a. Ft 9 41 ... IN to Kt 1)0 I M Tt ii ii t 45 it ii4 im t a 41 107 VI M 71 VI ... t K li 4 M 60 XI 180 t M rr s7 n mi it in ... u 71 II 1 ... 4 44 i ... 6 to 41 re ... 4 et 74 im ... 146 4t IM ... 4 TO pms. 4 121 ... 4 00 10 1W ... BHEEP Receipt were somewhat larger than on the same day last week. Cut with that exception were the smallest for a Wednesday since August. About seventy rsrs, or lk.suu neaa, were received, bringing the total for the week to data up to 67,644 bead. This Is 10.6u larger than a week ago. and li.OOu heavier than for the same week last year, but ll.Ouu short of two weeks ago. A good percentage of fat lamb waa in cluded in today s supplies and packer took a bearish streak, early offer being generally lower than yesterday. The sellers refused to rut loose at less than steady prices, and Intimated that they thought values should show a Utile improvement. None of the packers broks over, however, and first sd'es maco looked shout a dime lower. Very little sold until nearly noon, when bids were raised a trlfl and sellers carried their Point to a certain extent, prices being steady or nearly so In most cases, al though In spots trade was quoted a dime off Bulk of the lambs moved at 8s XVif 8 M, the latter price being top. There was nothing here to compere with the 89 00 laml'S yesterday and It la probable that another conslsnment of the same sort of stuff would have duplicated that figure today. old muttons were generally lower, al though the decline was fought hard and quite a few aged sheep In killing flesh remained In first hands up to noun. Such stuff a had sold up to midday was fully a dime lower and In spot was ? noted 15c off. Pretty decent ewes had idled to beat 85.40. while yesterdny top was 85 55 and wethers took 85. M, sa sgalnst 8no Tuesday. The few yearlings here brought about Meedy figures. A hesvy class moved at 86.70. while a lighter string, although not so well finished, landed at 3 75. Feeding lambs old fully steady with yesterriav. Choice ones were scarce, but best again reached 86 60. Feeding ewe at 85 K looked about steady. Representative sale: 64 Idaho ewes M 4 TS 116 Idaho bred ewes Tu 8 80 119 Idaho feeder lamb 69 8 10 440 native lambs 69 8 00 9M Idaho lambs 72 8 96 , - It'...., i t u a 1 1 jku )) j)iuiutK injmB tar I H 2.'3 South Dakota feedr lamb.... 48 8 40 827 South Dakota lambs 71 3 76 837 South Dakota feeder lamb.. 68 8 40 CHICAGO HYE STOCK MAttKKT Cattle Rteady Hoar Weak sheep Weak. CHTCAOO, Nov. 10-CATTLlO-Re-oelpte, 16.0X) head; market steady; native beef steers. t6.tvtT'lii.40; western steers, S6S.V(i8 60; cows and heifers. t3.70ft10; calves, S6.enid10.M. HiMJB Receipts, 42.000 head; market w-eek. I5tik- lower: bulk of sales. 86 4oyi 4 9.; light. S UOW7.06; mixed. 86 154f7.26; heavy 86.104f7.S0; rough. t6.10HT6.26; pl. 83.7NH. 00. 8UEBP AND LAMBS-Receipts, 18,000 head; market weak; wethers 35.9OC6.40; ewes, S3 fcnuii.Ml; lamb, 87.0O4j4).16. I ' tit. t.onla l.lve Stork Market. ST. Ilt'18. Nov. 10. CA TTLK Re celnt. 4.H110 head; market, steady; native lcef steers 17 60fi 10.40; yearling teers anil heifers. St.5oj'l0 35; rows, 6. 0017.60; stockers and feeders. 86.007. 75; southern steers, 85 26jf6.50; cows and heifer. 14.000 6.50; native ca've, 86 Oom 10.60. HOO-S Receipts. lt,M head: market lower: pigs and lights, t6.7S4K8S; mixed sndbutcher. t6.60V7.00; good heavy, 16.90 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1.400 head; market stesdy; native muttons, yeerllngs, 868057 3f : lamb. fa.0iN9W.U0; sheep and ewes. 85.tVi(tbS 26. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 10, CATTLE Receipts, 8,700 head, market steady; prime fed steer, 89.2610.00; dressed beef steere, 87.50440.00; western sieers, S6.60T 40; stock er and 'feeders. !5.5o37.75; bull. 84.60i 6.00; calves. SH uj 111 00 HOGS Receipts 18.000 head; lower; bulk, 86 4"r6.70; heavy 86.6541-6.80: packer and bin -hers. t6.504j.75; lights, f6.40tT4.fl5; pigs. S6 2nf6.0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt a 18000 he. d: market steady; lamb, IV.Vff't 91); yearlings. 84S5f7.36; wether, 6.60S.28; ewe. 34.7506.76. Inns City l.lve Stock Market. MOTTX CITY, la., Nov. 10 CATTLE Receipts. 3,600 head- market 10fl5o lower; native steers. 8.60e7.76: butchers, 84.60a 6.25; rows and heifers, f4.15tjn.90; canners, tS.0OHN.86: Blocker and feeder. f4.754i4 60; calves, 34.604.g5; bulla, stag, etc., 84.50 HOOS-Recelpta. 6,000 head; market 16c lower: heavy, t6.454T6.66; mixed, 8640r46; llpht. 8100r6.4O; bulk of sale. 36.40if(6.46. BHEEP AND LA M BS Receipt. 3.000 neau; market steady; ewes, 4.4iP&-00; Iambs, 87.006.60. St. Jnaenk Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 10,-CATTLT&-Re-oelpts. r.40) head: market slow: ater. 86 0O4J9.S0: cows and heifers, f4.00tr.00; calve. t6.frrfM.tS. HO IS Receipts. 8OO.head; market for shjpvers. 107115c lower; top, 88.67; packers doing nothing; bulk of sales, it.4nfrt!.S. SHEF.P AND LAMBS Receipt , 1,000 hosd; market steady; lamb, 88.0LKQ3.90. Stock tn Sight. Receipt of tlv atook St the five prin cipal western markets: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha 9.500 4.700 16,900 Sioux City 2 miq 6.00 2 mm Chicago 16.0U) 43.000 18.000 St. Louis 4.800 14.200 8.400 Kansas City 8.700 13.000 13.000 Total .40,500 78,900 61,2(X New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 10. MERCANTILE PAPER 34i:t ner cent STERLING EXOHANGK Sixty day bills 84.61; demand. 34.6V; cables, 84 6576. hil,v.ii uar, wo; Mexican dollars, 88e. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. TIM K IOANS Steady; sixty days, 2 V? per cent; ninety day, Iqp3 per cent; si months. 2.1cS ner cent CALL MONEY-Steady: high. S per rent; low, 14 per cent; ruling rate. 144 per cent; last loan, 1 per cent; closing Did. 14t per cent; offered at 3 per cent Closing quotation on bond today were as follow: 0 . rf. Sa. reg.... M Mo. FSa or. 8s 41 e eoupoa N N. Y. O. dab 4s.. ..10116 C. . 8a, nm Ml N. T. ritr 4Hs (H do eiwsoa mi N. T. tutl 4S 11 V. S. 4. r IM N. T . N. H. A H. do eousoa lie or. ut Panamo ! coeseo..l01l4No Paetrlo ia. m'4 Am. Hmolur ...... I) 4o Ss A. T. A T. 44S. .107 O i. L rat. 4e.... M Armour no. 4o.. UHr.e. T. T. ta Ml Atchlooa rn. 4i ... llHPenn. 000. 4la 10414 (Dal. Ohio 4a 9o4 4s sn. H n. PuKle 1st W 4W4las saa. 4a 4m !) a Ohio tu... n. L. A B F. r. 4s. ins, ( n. O. I. 4.... i 0s. Pax. try. la I(i7 o M g P s .. 101 as rr. 4s u C. R. 1. r. r. 4.. MURa. RallvaT 6a im C. B. rar. 4s ... M t nlon Paciflo 4a I7U, D. A R. O. rat. Ss.. 41 4s or. 4a MS4 Brla a. 4a T4HU. B. Rubber s... Oaa. KRaetrla (a 10 1' S. Hll Is UMtt til. No lat 4ws.... lattWahaah 1st ta K1V4 111. Ota. rat. 4a U Wart. Calna 4Ss.... K. C. a. rat. is.... 94S4Waat. Biaa ov. ta..iutk LAN. sal. 94 Ansle-rroaoh ts .... Ilk M. K. a T. lat aa. . II Bl. Cotton Market NEW YORK. Nov. 10.-XTTON Boot. steady; middling upland, 11.75c; sales, I 000 bales. Cotton future opened stesdy; Decem ber, 11.43c; January, 11.58c; March, 11.79c; May. 11 9.'c; July. 12c. Futures closed steady; Tiecember, 11.61e; January, ll.76c; March, 11.96c; May, 12.10c; Julv. 1116.V The cotton market closed steady at a pet advance of from 16 to 10 points. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 10. COTTON-Spot tteady: good middling. 7 22d: middling. 8 58l; low middling. f.40d. Bale. m.OvO bale. Omaka liar Market. PRAIRIE HAY Choice upland SlO.OfVfj in 60; No. 1. jnwffra.wi; no. j, 88 00-9 80; No. 3. S4.0offioo. Choice midland: SlO.Oo No. 1, M.50fl60; No. 8. S7.50rueV6n; No. 3. mH i DV)T C" h nl lAOvlanrf. XTa 1 37tiOw:oo'; No. . 86.007.00; No.' t. fl.OO STRAW-Wheat: IS.OOflB 80. Oat or rye: .ui'ni.u. ALFALFA Choice, t17.0Oflnt.0O; No, X. till and Rosla. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Nov. 10.-TCRPI?N TINE Firm. 67c; sales. 100 bsrrels; re relpts, 228 bsrrels; shipment, 177 barrel stocks. 12014 barela. i ROSIN Firm; sales, 923 barrel: re ceipts, 1 o barels; shipments, 713 barrels: storks, 63,997 barrela Quotations: A, B. C. D, E, F. O. H and 1. to.06-M.0TH: K. 15.70; M. 86-16; N. 84.40; WO, 8660; WW, 86.76. Drr Good Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 10 DRY OOODS Cotton good, quiet; gray good, easy; worsted yams, steady; nuriape, firm; em broideries, in better demand for spring. Colonel Ruppert Meets Fed Magnates FRENCH LICK. Ind , Nov. 10. rederal league magnate were met here today by Colonel Ruppert. part owner of the New York American league club, and ex peeled. It was aakl, later to meet Barney Dreyfus of Pittsburgh. No conference ere held among the magnate early to ds y, and If any peace terms were dis cussed or other base ball affair talked over with Colonel Ruppert the confab were kept secret NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Distinct Line of Cleavage Between Standard and Speculative Shares. CLASSY RAIL SHARES STRONG, NEW YORK, Nov. ln-A distinct lln of cleavage between standard stocks and thoe in the speculative e'.aaa waa the significant feature of today s active mar- ei. investment Issue, especially hlgn grade rallrcada. were consistently strong; and In good demand, while war share snd allied Issues were again subjected to severe shrinkage. Dm-1 nee in war stock during the precipitate oreak of the mid eeaalon ranged from 6 to 10 points, wh le Petri lehem steel at Its low figure of 400 showed a lose of 35 though closing at 43 1. The weakness of Bethlehem was tiatura ly ascribed to the damage and possible delay In operations resulting from a fire t the company's main plant, but the violence whl h attended the slump In such descrlvrtons as Baldwin Locomotive, Ptudebakar, Lackawanna Steel, Crucible Steel and Continental Can were largely In Hie nature of a weeding out of weak ened accounts. United btate Steel, In Which trading waa the largest of any recent day, opened at a traotlonal decline, but grad ually roae 3 to 87H. closing at a small fraction tinder it maximum. Meel strength was directly traceable to the Corporations hUhly gratifying October statement, which disposed an increase of about 850,000 tons in unfilled orders and exceeded any similar exhibit since thi early months of 1913. Hallway storks were at their brat in the later dealings. Southern Pacific and Canadian Pacific leading toe broad up ward movement. Southern Pacific' rise ol 1 to lAlti, It highest quotation in two year, gave point to the negotiation now under way between a banning syn dicate and the Pennsylvania railroad for the letter's largo holding of Southern Pacific shares. Average gains of 1 to I point wro scored by Union Pac.flo, St. Paul. Now York Central. Reading and Norfolk dc Weatern and specialties made pronounced recover a, some showing net gains on the day. Total sale amounted to 1.SJ0.000 hare. Bonds shared only In moderate fleeree with the advance In stock, additional "future" sale creating some Irregular ity. Total sales, par value, aggregated 86,356,000. United State bona were unenangea on call. Number of sales and leading; quotation on stock were as follows: Bales. HI. lAtw. Clo. Alaska OnM i.x S Allla-Chalmara 8S.u 1 17 J Amarlraai Beat Huar.. . . .64 6 American aa I4.sn0 It t 44 Amatiraa Loontalv .... 4.M J U Amarleaa g. A H 17.S04 94 91 94. Am. V a It. pf4 1 Am. Susar Kallalns S.44 H4 1U44. Amarlru Tal. aV Tm 1 IM 1 Amarloma Tottaroa 4-4 l4 811 Ut Anaoonda Mining .i $1 w AtrAlana 14 l"11 1V HaMwla lxenmntlTS ma lle l!w l"1 Baltimore A Ohle 94 M Balhlaltam Steal . 4M 4M 4U Brook I rn R.pl4 Tranall.. I.KW a a an Calllornia Patralaum .... 1.100 it 18 14 Canadlaa I'arlflo 11. M m 114 lbl4 Central I ather I. 0 47 Mj 66 47V4 (-4waaueaka Ohio 1.400 ti Uj lie Chicago O. W I.JO0 11), 16Uj 14 OMcaso. M. IH. P.... S.1 M Ohlcaso N. W lUSi 111 1JIJ4 ChliO. R. I. T. Rr.. 17.T 11 II 90'. China CWar 7.000 4H 1H Celondo lNa Iron ... ll.)W 41 4I4 40i4 IVuelbla Htaal 47. let 7t 67 7t Panvor R- O prd 1 Matlllara- gaourttlae 14 9n0 43 u, M 41 grla 11 41S 4 42 Oanaml Blactrta 1 IT 174 VI Oraat Northam pt4 l.MW 1st lUi IM Oraal No. Ora rtta II. we i 4S 41 Ouirtanhelm nplortloa.. 4.S04 71 OH 71 llllnola lanlral 107 Iflterhnrouch n. Corp.. 9.K 3 1114 11T4 Inaplratloa Oppar 14. TOO It 41 41 Intarnailonal Hanaalar... I0 Kt 107 Kami CHr goutbara.... 4.0no 1S rt Jl'i Laklgh Vallay 8.100 81 71 90'4 Inllavllla Naativllls l.74 M.ilran Petroleum S.ioo TUj 84 Miami Ooppar 4.100 tlv, S2i Mlaaourt. K. 4 T. (4.... TOO 14 Ik 14 Mtaaourl Parltlo 4.4M INa 7H 8 National Blacult 1 National Lull 8.100 44 44 4 Naiada Coppar l.tM It U4 Naw York Caatral 4.1W 14 1o)s lnti N. Y.. N. H. H 4.400 SOH 71(4 IS Norfolk Wura....... 4 oo 1114, 117 1194 North.rn Paetlls S.tue 1I1V4 14 1UU Pacino Mall 110 11 II it raetfls Tal. A Tal SO0 41 41 41 Pannarlvaala 8.4U0 SO 4H4 rullmaa ralaos Cr M Bar Cob. Coppar 1. 40 tt 84 H Raaaln 84.MO 1H KcvablTs Iron gleal... 4,1 40 47 40 goutiMra Paal'la 84.40) lul Iy lSi Smuthara kailwar 4.on0 U 3 U tuaabakar Conipaay 4. W0 111 11 141 Taawaaaaa CVpuar M Taiaa i-empaay 1X0 IM 1w lax Union r.oin 81. lo 1S7H lit in Vnloa Paolfla ofd oS $t t Unltad Stataa ((teal. 834.400 K 414 47 It. g. (Raal p!4 700 11 llf. W t'UB rappar U.OOO 11i 70 7114 Waatarn tinloa s7 Waatlnsbouaa Elactrt ... 81.000 07V. H 47 Montana Howar 100 40 414. OanaraJ Motors I7 87 l"4 Wahaah B pf4 S.IOO 10 10 Total salas for the day. I.UQ.400 sbaras. agar Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 10. SUGAR Raw. strong; centrifugal. 4.89c; molasses, 4.13c. Refined, firm at 10 point higher; cut loaf, 8.c; crushed. 8fi; mould A, .30c; cubes, 4c; xxxx powdered, t.toc; pow dered, 8 86c: fine granulated, 6.75c; con fectioners' A. 8.05e; No. 1. B.SOe. Further strength In both raw and refined led to a renewed demand for future and price advanced 4 to 13 point early today. Lon den Stock Market. LONDON. Nov. 10. Further blockg of American gold bond were brought out for sale and readily absorbed on the 'Stock market today. American rail were quietly steady at a lower level without special feature. SILVER Bar. 34d per ounce, MONKY 8WiB4 per cent. DI8COUNT RATES Short bill and three month. 4Ta per cent. Bank Clearing;. OMAHA. Nov. 10. Bank clearing for Omaha today were t3.U3.K73.13 and for the corresponding day last year t3.197,- 7U.. Orders for iter! Increase. - NEW YORK. Nov. 10 The unfilled ton nsee of the United ft tea Steel corpora tion on October 81 totals (,1i.4o3 tons, an Increase of 817,834 ton over September. What Will Happen to War Stocks When the Kaiser and the King Shake Hands? n ( An article that appeared In the September number of McClure's Magaxlne will give you aa Idea a to what a lot of tho so-called war supply plant will do to utilise their surplus facili ties when peace again reign In Europe, f We thought the article go practical that we secured McClure's perming Ion to publish It In pamphlet form, tn order that pec pat Interested tn War Stock could sls up the sltaationv for themselves. 1 It will be sent without ehai'xe upon request. Ak for t-O.B including booklet explain. ug "Th Twenty Parment Plan" tA'ilseaaaav 10 40 ExdMkac rtac Nov Terk ir;BiK;BEM!Mt.t.'"trrg:aft. ODD LWT ABOUT BTCXtlca " Tlawlr eoaisiaat lr " obar StaS beaw s( THIS naat lr " obar StaS beaw s( THIS LOT BJtVlEW. ti.00 a rrar. Simula oa rw.b -Jan Mulr a Ctmoi f. ban ef Iba Na Yurk Aiock Bxibaaga, ,,..)-..v NIrw Vnrk -l)v OLID )il llr.Mi.lway. Nrw YorkOfv