Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1915, Image 1
WHEN AW AT FROM HOME The Dee is The Paper Tom lit fori if y0a plaa to Ve a be at more tbaa a (aw days, have Tap Bh naUtd o roe. The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHTT Fair; Colder VOL. XLV-NO. 12:. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMIIKU 11, 1015 TWELVE PAGES. Oa Trains, at Hotel Mews Stenda, eto So. SINGLE COPY 'TWO CENTS. ENGLISH LABOR IS MADE SCAPEGOAT IN WARSCANDALS Delegate of British Union Tells Fed eration Workers Blamed for Mistakes of Diplomats and Politicians. AMERICAN PEOPLE LIED TO Story Toilers Delayed Delivery of Monitions Through Drunk enness False. CONSCRIPTION UNNECESo v SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 10. Brt lsh laboring men were declared to day to have been scapegoats for diplomats and politicians In war scandals, and to have accomplished through the war objects Tor which they have striven for years, In an address by C. O. Amnions, before the thirty-fifth annual convention of the American Federation of Labor. He appeared as the fraternal dele gate of the British Trades Union congress. Today's sessions, by vote of the con vention, was devoted to fraternal dele gates from other nations and other or ganisations. Including representatives of women workers. Conscription, Mr. Amnions said, wss an unnecessary measure in Great Britain, designed to throttle labor In the future, but proposed now In the excitement of war. Americana Lied To. "American people have been lied to," he said, "when told that British work men were in a debauch of drunkenness and were responsible for delays In the delivery of munitions. "Mistakes ware made by diplomats and politicians and some one had to be blamed. Tou may fill in the rest for yourself. "As to conscription, voluntary service has not failed. More men than can be equipped have been found ready and more will bo found If necessary. "Conscription Is not a matter of men for the present war, but an attempt to fasten a strangle hold on labor after the war. "Labor unionism In Great Britain has increased the pay of the fighting men In the trenches, and the powers that be had to come to organised labor If the war were to be fought successfully. "The war accomplished at a stroke of the pen what labor has been fighting for for decades nationalisation of railways, of munition factories and the practice of medicine. None of these shall ever go back into private hands. Labor will fight to save them." Labor to Harr Jland. "When peace comes finally," he said, "labor will demand a share In the making of the terms." American laboring men, he suggested, should "hammer out the final peace plan." "The laboring people of Europe," he added, "will demand a seat beside the diplomats and politicians to sign the peace pact, and they will see that that pact shall be such a one that never again shall laboring people be sundered. "British workmen have no quarrel with the workmen of other countries. While temporarily the international union has been sundered, the light of It has not failed, and it will be the stronger with the end of the war." Eamuel Gompers, prei!dnt of the fed eration, was confined to his room today by a cold. Ills physician said the change In climate affected Mr. Uompers, but that his indisposition was not serious. Pearls Stolen from Strongbox of Ship NEW YORK. Nov. lO.-Pearls valued at nearly 1100,000 were stolen from the strong box of the French line steamship Rochambeau, just before its arrival here on November S last, it became known today. The pearls were being forwarded to firms in this city from Paris by an express company at Paris, and at Bor deaux were turned over to the ship's pursur, who placed them in the safe. Theft was discovered when a number of loose pearls were discovered on the ship's deck. Customs officials declared that the robbery was the first of its kind in many years. The pearls were Insured for their full value with Lloyd's in Lon don. The Weather Temperature at Oinnha Yesterday. Hours. Dear. 4 Ra. m 43 8 a. m 30 7 a. m i a. m 5 9 a. m fs Wi. m R7 11 a. m 61 12 m 6S ' P. m n t p. m r? S P m c, 4 p. in 71) f p. m 6 " P in isx 7 n. 7 P- m 67 Comparative Lor . i. , t "''. 181. 1912. Highest yesterday .... 11 69 t .tit lowest yesterday 4: 11 21 is Mean temperature .... M 51 31 M 'rec.'-lAuon 47 M ,0J .' Tempi rature ard rroclptatlon depar tures from the normal: Normal tcinueraturv 41 Kxress for the day m Total deficiency since March 1 I i Noimal 'iect t .lion fli 'nch hxcefs for tie dry 41 lnc'i lo'nl rainfall -lnnie .M-.rci I. .2!.7 inches Deficiency siuci ..1 re I .... "i lnoh-s Jif e'en- y fore r re M, W. 9 W lnch"4 le klei cy f jr t or. erlod, H13. 7 37 ln h-s He'li- fro a : ut T l. SI. Sla'Tn n"d ttate Teirm. Hirh-It in- m ? sv e-t. fall. ' .'il M .01 S3 .tH - S .'8 38 .04 .14 'i .47 a i.i ' . o M .t! 4'i ..) !! .1! .22 U .01 Cheyenne cloudy '4 Tiavenport. cli ar t Denver, cloudy 40 Dee Mel .eg. r-ln '.. i I aner, cloudy j$ North Platte, clouHy 41 Omaha, rer- c.oidy .... f.7 Pueblo, clear 41 R"Pld City lo idy v alt Lae, part cloudy.. ! Panta Fe. p .rt elo'dy..Zl Khrrldan. part clou"y.... I: 8tom City, rain j; Valentine, clnurty 34 U A. WtLSH. Local Forecaster. FIOHTLNO ON THE MEXICAN BORDER Our own American troops in a trench at Douglas, Arizona, watching the Villa forces attacking the Carranza soldiers. fcj"". . 1.." 1 SEES YICTORY FOR THE G. 0. P. IN 1916 Theodore E. Buxton of Ohio Gives His Views on the Political Sit uation of thr Country. HOME POLICIES AS THE ISSUE "The conditions are very favorable for a national republican victory In 1916," skid ez-Unlted States Senator Theodore E. Burton of Ohio, who Is himself regarded as one of the strong possibilities for the republican nom ination for president Going Into the signs, which he looks to for Indication of a return of sentiment for a republican adminis tration, the senator pointed to recent elections throughout the east, and in his own state, where national issues vere largely dragged into municipal elections, and where the republican candidates were very largely elected handsome pluralities,' -"President Wilson should at this time be at the Ttrjr height of his popularity, and let at-th-height of-Ma popularity, he said, "and in spite of this we have these republican majorities In the vari ous elections and even old rock-ribbed democratic Kentucky went democratic, as I understand it, by a remarkably small plurality. Goes In on at Spilt. "Then, too. It must be remembered that President WUson went Into office a minority candidate by virtue of the split in the republican party, which Is rapidly heallnir." Asked If he believed the party would be united for the 1916 election, the sena tor said, "I believe It will. There Is a disposition everywhere to g-et together. I feel this: that the republican platform of 1916 should be a progressive plat form. It should be progressive In the matter of the tat iff. I am tired of hear ing the two extremes of the tariff fight. There has been a disposition on the Part of those who wanted high tariff to demand it higher than was necessary. There has been a disposition on the other side . to go to the other extreme. Personally, of course, I am a very strong advocate of a permanent tariff commis sion. Certainly It Is a matter that should be looked Into by a body of experts that would be Impartial. Does Not Affect Price. "i am more and more of the opinion that a high or low tariff makes little actual difference anyway in the price of commodities we buy. If the right laws for the handling of monopolies could be arrived at, the tariff would not make so much difference in the matter of prices of necessities." Senator Burton approved of President Wilson's European policy, but disap proves of his Mexican polloy. "The presi dent has done In the European situation," he said, "Just what such a president as Mr. Taft would have done: acted cau tiously and endeavored to keep out of trouble where possible. The dlssatUfac tipn with Wilson will not be so much with his foreign polity as with his domestic policies." Burton Urges This Seek for "Tho Tear 1915 and Its Flotation to business Conditions," was the subject of ftnutor Burton's talk before a crowded house at the Commercial club.' "There Is danger of a cranio in the ideals of mankind as a result of this war," he said "After this war there will surely be an era of mllitarlmn or an era of peace. Let us hope it will be the latter, but In the meantime let us prepare for exigencies. "Long continuance of the war means the economic ruin of the nations Involved. It is natural that at this time the nations should begin to reflect on this, and even now we are hearing some rumors that preliminary peace negotiations are in progress. It will take tent-flve or thirty years to repair the dau.atfe done In Europe. "As for America, ours will be a dimin ished market at the close of the war. Europe 1U be Impoverished and will not want to spend Its money for our goods. They will demand a 'balance of trade in their favor. They mill be fiercer com petitors than ever before." To Katesid Maa'arae. The senator then urged that the Amer ican business man extend his business in (south America and all over the world more aggressively than ever before. He pointed out that we have been taking Fifty or Sixty Killed by Tornado In Kansas Town DENVER, Colo., Nov. 10. Tornadoes early tonight swept through Great Bend, Kan., according to reports received here tonight. Ten persons were reported killed at Great Bend, according to meager ad vices received at the railway offices of the Missouri Pacific at Pueblo.. V Between fifty and sixty persona ore believed to have been killed in a tornado which swept this . town shortly after 7 o'clock this venlpr. , SNOW,' WIND, RAIN OYERNEBRASKA All Kinds of Weather During- Yes terday and Last Night, with a , Little Touch of Winter. WEATHER MAN'S GUESS CORRECT! ! The weather man guessed show ers and colder for Nebraska and along came snow and high wind In addition to the variety of weather that was predicted. Yesterday rain was pretty general over a large portion of the state. In the afternoon , a change to colder came and In the southern portion of the state there was snow. Fairbury reported thevheaviest fall of snow, but It was not heavy enough to work any Inconvenience as it melted about as rapidly as It fell. During the evening, while in the imme diate vicinity of Omaha it was reason ably calm, at Bennington, some ten miles away, and to the west there was a ter rific straight wind, scattering haystacks and outhouses. Other than this no dam age was reported. At Blair, Tekamah and soma of the towns to the north and west, a high wind during the early evening interrupted tele graph and telephone service. The wind was of the straight variety and conse quently did little damage. Heavy rain was reported and early In the evening there was a rapid and decided drop in the temperature. During the evening Waterloo reported a torrential rain, accompanied by a very heavy wind. Whether or not any damage was done could not be ascertained as the wires went down, cutting off communica tion. GREEK CHAMBER MAY BE DISSOLVED THURSDAY LONDON, Nov. 10. The section of the press favorable to the Ureek government affirms that a decree dissolving the chamber will be promulgated tomorrow, says an Athens dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company. Country to a Broader Market only the business that comes easily and have not reached out as we should have done to extend our trade whero business was a little more difficult to get. As an example he pointed out that we exported more to Canada with Its 8,000,000 people thitn we did to Germany with Its CO.O),000. "We have taken, what came easy," he ssld. "We must now go to South Amer ica, A Asia, and the remote places of the earth. We must -go more Into the detail of bus'ness it we are to keep our place '.n the great competition that Is ti follow the war. A greater America Is beginning now, and is sure to continue after the, wsr. With the peaie ard properlty we enjoy now there should bo a new birth of patriotism, and patriotism does not mean merely wearln the uniform. It means that we sh uld te a largo factor In the building of humanity. A iactry Is not Judged merely by Its output today. It Is Judged also by the conditions under which it works Its employes. The wrecks and waifs of humanity are receiving more attention today than ever before." The speaker Urged a greater Interest In publio affairs. lie declared that twenty-five years ago It was ess er to get men out to. vote, and that tuday the tendency Is for men to be toe much en. grossed In their business affairs to take an Interest la public matters. RAISE IN LUMBER RATES SUSPENDED Commerce Commission Acts on Tariffs on Carload Lots from West to Middle States. HELD UP UNTIL MARCH TENTH WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. Tariffs of transcontinental railroads propos ing an Increase in carload rates on lumber and forest products from Eas ton and other points west of Spokane, In the state of Washington, to desti nations In North and South Dakota, Nebraska and other states, were sus pended today by tho Interstate Com merce commission until March 10. The increase ranged from 1 to 6 cents per 100 pounds. It Is understood, however, that the de cision was due to the fact that Increases proposed by the same roads on other com modities have not been acted upon and the fact that an Investigation la ta be undertaken of live stock rates. Alice Tea Millions. The netltlon was filed several weeks ago, but final action on it was deferred until all members of the commission were present. The western roads In their original case asked for increases which they swld would mean added revenues of about $10,000,000 a year, but the commission granted such increases only as it cal culated would add about $1,5W,000 per year. In the petition for a rehearing the prin cipal reason given was that the commis sion had failed to consider the need of additional revenue. A reopening and re hearing was asked In respect to the rates on live stock, fresh meats, packing house products and grain and grain products. Ilehearlnsr Denied. In keeping with Its order for an in vestigation of rates on live stock and similar commodities of tho same gen eral character the commission also denied petitions for a rehearing on rates on these products from points in Colorado, South Dakota and other nearby states to Omaha and on the rates on the same products in peddler cars In southwestern territory. . Briefs and arguments before the com mission Indicate that the added revenue through the increases asked on fresh meats, packing house products and live stock would have been about $3,000,000. The lnvestlxatlon now undertaken may result In giving the carriers at least a portion of that sum. Submarine Attacks Transport; 23 Killed LONDON, Nov. 10. Twenty-three men were killed end fifty wounded In an at tack ' by gunfire from a submarine on the British transport Mercian la the Mediterranean. The Mercian escaped and reached port. Announcement of the attack on the Mercian was made tonight by the Brit ish war office as follows: "The outward bound transport Mercian was attacked by gunfire from an enemy submarine in the Mediterranean. It reached harbor safely with casualties of twenty-three killed, thirty missing and fifty wounded, who were landed and put In a hospital." The Mercian Is a vessel of 6.306 tons gross and 400 feet long. It was built In 1908 and is owned In Liverpool. Why Be Sore ? I .0- Laugh at Jiggs See. Today ' Sport Pafe A ft GERMAN REPORT SAYS LINER TRIED TO HAKE ESCAPE Overseas Newi Airency Statement Asserts Ancona Attempted to Flee and Subsea Forced to Fire. COMPELLED TO USE ITS GUNS Announcement of Berlin Bureau Asserts This Comes from a Reliable Source. NO OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION BERLIN, Nov. 10. (Hy Wireless to Snyvllle.) "Information from a reliable source Is that the steamship Anoona was sunk by an Austro-Hun-garlan submarine, " says the Over seas News agency. "It attempted to escape and thus compelled the sub marine to use the guns." Two imrrlcina on llnnrd. WASHINGTON. Nov. 10.-Two Italian- Amei leans sailed from Naples on the steamer Ancona, according to a dispatch to the Htate department tmlny from Con sul White. One of them was Mrs. F"ranv ceaca Maacolo 1-amura. Consul White cabled It was verbally reported In Naples that 70 persona had been saved. Consul White's dispatch said the other Ameri can citlsen was an Infant child. The consul gave the names of no other passengers. Ills dlxratrh was the flmt concerning the Ancona to be received at the State department. Consul White's dispatch said the Ancona was torpedoed off Blxerta. on the Mediterranean sea. North Africa. NEW YORK, Nov. 10.-The Ancona's agents thought It almost certain that there were a number nf Americans on board the vessel when she was sunn. On the Ancona's last tr p to New York It carried thirty-five Americans. It was pointed out by the Ancona's gents that more than twenty-four hours probably had elapsed since the vessel had gone -down, and that during that time they had not received word con cerning it other than prens dispatches. Kaiser Preparing for Big Air Raid Over Great Britain LONDON. Nov. 10,-The correspondent at Rotterdam of the London Dally Tele graph claims to have learned from an absolutely reliable source that in a sooru or more widely separated places. In Ger many tho construction of Zeppelin otrlglbls balloons is being carried out, and that in no department of construc tional work In Germany la greater activity being shown. Dirigibles of all types are being turned out, the correspondent understands, with feverish baste. From all the correspondent was able to learn, the Idea is to bring the war home to the English -people, who, hither to "have not felt its effects, so that thev shall be more anxious for peaoe." The Day's War Newt ITALIAN ITBAUEH ANCONA, sank In the Mediterranean by a nbmi. rlne, had 4H3 paasensTera oa board and, a rrew of 100, according to Rome advices. Of this lota of tt4H persons 834 bare so far been ae counted for. Some Americans a re reported to hare been among- tho paseenwers. London has a report front m Home news agency that lOO shells were fired Into tho An cona before It was torpedoed. BRITISH inillEH has sank two Uerrnss snbmnrlnes In the Straits of Ulbrnltnr, aceordlnsr to a tele, arrant from Alsjrerlrns, Morocco, to London, SOFIA RKPORT by way f Badnpcst . and Berlin says thnt In a battle between Krlvolak and I'rllep, In Serbia, the French and British were badly defeated a nd suffered heavy losses at tho hands of the Bularnrlana, TOWN OK VKLES, la soathera Serbia, has been recaptured by (he French, according; to advices received by the Serbian legation In Athens ROM K HAS A REPORT from Athens thnt orders will shortly bo Issued demobilising the Greek army. Ad vices from Athens state that news papers there supporting tho pres- tho dissolution of tho Ureek cham ber la Imminent. GKKAT BRITAIN will have appro priated S,310,0H,00 tor war purposes when the S2, 000,000,000 for which Premier Asqulth will ask the House of Commons today has been voted. PARIS REPORTS rrpalac of a Ger. man nttnek In tbe forest of Glv enrhy, in the Artola. Bryan Says Wilson and Roosevelt Quote Same Passages from Bible WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. Former Sec retary Bryan today added a chapter to his disagreement with President Wilson over the question of national defense by Issuing a formal statement In comment on the president's recent quotation from the scriptures In support of his advocacy of military preparedness. The same quotation had been used by Colonel Roosevelt In a recent published article. "It Is not surprising that Mr. Roosevelt should consult the Old Testament rather than the New," ssld Mr. Uryan'o stato ment, "because he classes Christ with the mollycoddles, but why should the president, a Presbyterian elder, pass over the New gospel in w hi 1 love Is the chief cornerstone aud build his defense upon ITALIAN LINER HIT BYT0RPED0 Steamship Ancona, Bound for New York, Sent to the Bottom by Austrian Submarine. DETAILS OF DISASTER MEAGER ROME. Nov. 9. (Via Tarts.) The Italian liner Ancona has been s ink by a large submarine flying the Austrian colors. It carried 421 pas sengers and 160 In the crew. Two hundred and seventy survivors, some tf them wounded, bave been landed si Blzerta. The Italian liner Ancona, sunk In the Mediterranean by a submarine, had on board eighty-three first cabin passengers, sixty socond cabin and 39 steerage. Few details have been received here at this hour concerning the sink-1 lug of the Ancona. News of the loss ! f the vessel caused the greatest anxiety in Rome. Prince Casnano Zuntca was aboard the Ancona. Three llaadred Drowned. LONDON, Nov. 10. A dispatch to Lloyds from Diierta says that 800 persons on the Ancona were browned. Most of the lost, the mes suge says, were women and children emigrants. One hundred and thirty survivors have thus far reached DIxerta. A dispatch from the Steranl News aency of Rome says that 100 shells were fired Into the Ancona before It was torpedoed. A dispatch to Lloyds from Blxerta states that some Amer icans are said to bave been on boart tbe Ancona. News Held Bark. News of the sinking of the Anoona was not made public. In London until shortly before noon, when the censer released the first dispatch from New York on the subject. This dispatch referred to the fact that a sensation had been caused by the torpedoing of the Ancona, but as nothing previously had been heard of the disaster the message was incomprehen sible. Subsequently, however, a flood of messages from Rome was released. Over Sis Ilaadfd Board. NEW YOtlK. Nov. 10,-No word con cerning the sinking of the Ancona had been received early today by Hartflald. Solarl aV Co., local agents for the Italian line, and it was thought In stoamshlp cir cles that the rigid Italian censorship had caused numerous private and press dis patches to be held back. A message from Rome today stated that there were 481 passengers on the Ancona, Instead ef 42X, as given In prevlouaraessgea, William Hartfleld, general manager for the Una here, said the crew numbered 160, mak (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) Evidence is Taken In Nelson Assault Case from Aurora AUnORA, Neb., Nov. 10. (Special Tele- ! gram.) The testimony of Nela Nelson, . complaining witness, and arguments of attorneys on the admission of blood ' hound evidence occupied the entire time of the county court today In the prelim inary hearing of Fred Luff who Is I charged with assault on Nelson with In- iem iu am. uecision naa not been given. Nelson declared on the witness stand that he did not recognise the man who ' pounded him over the head and shot at him. letter that same night he ssld when I Sheriff Towell asked h'm If he had any ! trouble with anybody over any girl he remembered that ha had started to keep company with Mary Peterson of Mar quette and he remembered that she had told blm that Fred I.uff had threatened to shoot her. Then Nelson said he sus pected Luff. Nelson testified that the following morning arter the assault upon him he talked with Luff in the road and found him friendly as ever. According to Nelson's story on the wit neas stand, be was assaulted at about 11 : In the evening. lie reached the home of a neighbor and telephoned for help aDoui minutes later. Neighbors fur-j ntshed a car and got him to Dr. Hutchin son's office in Marquette about 1 o'clock. Mary Peterson of Marquette will be the principal witness for the state tomor row. She Is the girl who told of threats made by Luff. She had been courted by both of the young men In the past. The Hamilton county court house wss crowded today with Interested spectators. Luff and Nelson came from the .ron berg neighborhood, east of Marquette, which la peopled with Danes and Swedes. Luff Is a Dane and Nelson is a Swede. Falls City F.Iks' Room Quarantined. FALLS CITY, Neb., Nov. 10. (Special.) Thomas Parson, the janitor at the Elk lodge rooms, wss taken sick on Saturday with smallpox, but waa on duty at the rooms Sunday. The city physician. Dr. K. M. Hays, says that the case Is very pronounced, and placed the Elks' rooms under quarantine until they were thor oughly fumigated. a passage in the Old Testament, written at a time when the children of Israel were surrounded by enemies? "It Is all right for Mr. Roosevelt to sound the trumpet, because all colors are red to him. He sees armies marching against us from every direction, but the president is a man of peace and he is In a position to know that no one la threat ening to attack us. It Is surprising, first, that In looking up Bible authority he should Ignore the teachings of Christ, and second, that he should select a pas sage that refers not to preparation against Imaginary dangers, but immedi ate act'qn to meet an attack actually made. What the world needs today Is a pentecoat, not an Armageddon." . TWEHTY-SEVEN AMERICANS UPON THE ANCONA DIE That Number Believed Lost with Torpedoed Italian Liner, Accord ing to Cable from Pare at Rome. ONE WOJAN IS A SURVIVOR Forty-Five of Crew and Passengers of Doomed Vessel Are Landed at Malta. PASTOR AND HIS WIFE ABOARD WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. About twenty-seven Americans are believed to have been lost with the torpedoed Italian liner, Ancona, according to a cable to the State department tonight from Ambassador Tage at Rome. The ambassador said the probable victims of the tragedy were Alexan der Psttsttlro. his wife and four children, of New York, Mrs. Frances Mascolo Lamura and about twenty unnamed third-class passengers. Mrs. Cecil L. Grell (first reported Grey) was named as the one known American survivor among the pas sengers. ' American Women Survives. LONDON. Nov. 10,-The first I 'at r all- able of the paaeengers on the Anionn contains the names of twenty-five Amer icans, according to a dispatch to the Ex change Telegraph company from R me. One American woman Is among the sur vivors, it Is stated. Fortr-Flve picked Is, MALTA (via London), Nov. 10. Forty- one members of the crew and four pna sengers of the Ancona, picked up at sea, have been landed here. Consul Makes Inquiries. ItOMB (via Paris), Nov. 10. William r Kelly, American consul at Rome, said today he was making Inquiries to ascer tain whether there were any Americans oa the Anoona, but thus far had been enable to obtain definite Information. Parson and Wife on Board. PATHJRSON. N. J Nov. 10. Rev. Dr. Can field B. Jones and wife, former resi dent of Paterson,' are reported to have been passengers on the Ill-fated steamer, Anoona. Reports to this effect reached here today from Mrs. Catherine Wents of Norristown, mother of Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Wents received a letter 'from her daughter on October IS, staling that she and her husband were on their way to America. According to this letter, helr. ' plans for sailing coincided with "the date ef the sailing of the Anoona. British Torpedo Boat Destroyer Louis is Reported as Lost LONDON, Nov. 10. -The British tor pedo boat destroyer, Louis, has been wrecked In the eastern Mediterranean. No Uvea were lost The following official statement waa. given out here today: "The British torpedo boat destroyer, Louis, Lieutenant Commander Harold D. A. Hall, has been stranded in the eastern Mediterranean and has become a' total wreck. . All of the officers and ' crew are safe." The Louis was one of the "L" class of destroyers, built in 1913. Its normal com plement was 100 men. Two German Submarines Sunk by British Cruiser. LONDON, Nov. 10. Telegrams received' here from Algeclras, Morocco, by way of Madrid, report a British cruiser has sunk two German submarines in the , Strait of Gibraltar. THE WANT-AD WAY An Rlshts X would like j ret rid ef air ear. Wo reasonable offer I'll bar, ' Tbe troth Is to tell Tho ear oug-ht to sell, for It hasn't been rua very far. , tt this young ma a had need a Wti Ad, sV great many snore offers he'd had: Bee Want Ads dont fall, He'd soon make a sale, Whloh, of eonrse, would have made hlra feel bad Do you want to buy an automobile? You will find a number of good offers In the Automobile Columns of today's UM. Telephone Tyler 160 now and pat your ad In THE OMAHA BEJB. , t