Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1915, Image 7

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Hopes Women Will
Adopt This Habit
As Well As Men
Glass of hot water each morn
ing help ue look and fe
claan, sweet, frtah.
Happy, bright, alert vigorous and
Vivacious good clear skin; a natural,
rosy complexion and f re edom , f rom Ill
ness are assured only by clean, healthy
blood. If only every woman and like
vise every man could realir the wonders
of the morning Inside bath, what a grati
fying change would take place.
Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic-looking
men, women and girls with
pasty and muddy complexions; Instead
of the multitudes of "nervo wrecks."
"rundowns," "brain fags" and pessimists
we should see a virile, optimistic throrvg
of rosy-cheeked people everywhere.
An Inside bath Is had by drinking, each
morning before breakfast, a glass of real
hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate In It to wash from the stom
ech, liver, kidneys and ten yards of bow
els the previous day's indigestible waste,
our fermentations and poisons, thus
cleansing, sweetening and freshening the
cnllre alimentary cinal before putting,
more food Into the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache, bilious
ness, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds;
and particularly those who have a pallid,
sallow complexion and who are consti
pated very often, are urged to nbtn4n
a Quarter pound of llmpt'-m r hTii'intc
at the dru? store, which will cost but a
trifle, but Is sufficient to demonstrate the
quick and icmarkabln change In both
health and appeurance awaiting those
who practice Internal sanitation. AVe
must remember that inside cleanliness Is
more Important than outside, because the
skin does not absorb Impurities to con
taminate the blood, while the pores In the
thirty feet of bowels do. Advertisement.
$25, $30, $35 and up.
IF you have never
known of the real
value that the Nic
oil System of Tailoring
mean to yo u h o w
about starting in now,
It isn't alone the price;
it' better fabric bet
ter tailoring better
trimming and better
all around satisfaction
than you'll find with the
average tailor.
We've a line of Over
coats ai $25 and $30
r that will please yoa.
NIC0LL TheTailor
x W J err ems' Sons
209-11 So. 15th St
C Ao Click's O.-O. Shoe Stcre,
W. O. W. BUf,
All the Men's
Shoes that the
O-a store sold for
I! fid anfl II nn
styles and d A
pair v4.UU
Ail me ens
Shoes, worth
S3.B0 and up
A New, Harmless Way
to Banish Hairy Growths
(Beauty Topics)
By following this suggestion any wo4
man can. In the privacy of her own
home, remove every trace of hair or fuzs
from her face: With powdered delatone
and water mix enough paste to cover the
not wanted hairs; apply and in 1 or 3
minutes rub off and wash the skin. This
method Is unfailing, harmless and quick
In results, but care should be employed
to get the genuine delatone. Advertisement.
Wat-fir A-s
The man
who asks
. for
Bond &
ttn r.
& try
If 1
Whiskey '
displays excep
tional judgment-
he know quality,
original Japanese fashion print of costume in which the Mikado receives the foreign am
bassadors in his palace at Kyoto. It is of yellow, red and gold silk, and is completed with a
lacquer headdress and clogs. In the center the ancient Japanese throne. At the right
the coronation costume of the empress. At the lower left the Nljo palace at Kyoto, where
many of the ceremonies take place. Next is the Emperor Yoshihito. The little picture shows
the sacred well at Kyoto, from which the water to make the rice wine for the coronation
banquets is drawn. At the extreme right the Banzia tower, in course of construction, com
memorative of the coronation.
BY ...iif " " i f I L
v.-.. '( J
Wedding Xlngs Zlholm, jeweler,
tilghtiar rixtsrea Burgess-Qranden.
Bar ftoct Mit It Now Bmuma Frss
Tor VUto Olaaa and Burglary Xaaurano
see J. H. Dumont. State Bank building
Hew Jrwslry Btwre A new jewelry
store, Klurob & Smith. Jewelers, Is now
open for business at 208 Brandels theater
'Today's Hone Program" classified
seetlon today. It appears in The Uei
EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what tho va
rious moving picture theaters offer. - -
Tor Safety rirst In Life Insurance aen
W. H. Indoe, general agent State Mutual
Life Assurance Co. of Worcester. Mass.,
one of the oldest (Tl years) and best com
panies on earth.
Veterans Will Moot Charles F. Maw
derson Post No. L Bons of Veterans, will
hold Its rerular meetin Thursday eve
ning In Memorial hall at the court house
at t o'clock,
SfoCHlton to rreslds E. C. McQllton
Is fo preside over the meeting at the
public affairs luncheon of the Com
mercial club today noon, when ex-Senator
Burton of Ohio will speak.
Some Creditor (set Money A number
of creditors have received 80 per cent of
their claims against the Fred B
Jewelry company, according' to a report
by the receiver approved by the district
Monmonth rark Club to Xeet rrlday
The Monmouth Park Improvement club
will hold Its annual election Friday night
at the Monmouth Par school house.
Prof. Cams of the Central High school
will speak. ,
Draws Big" rtaa Henry Caver, col
ored, 2U08 North Twenty-seventh street,
charged with massaging the head of Bert
Oarber, U Dodge street, With the busi
ness end of the shovel, was fined $0 and
costs when arraigned in police court.
The State Bank of Omaha, oorner Six
teenth and Harney, pays HOUR per cent
on time deposits and THREE per cent
on savings accounts. All deposits In this
bank are protected by the depositors'
guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska.
To Wed for Third Tims William 3
Armstrong, 69 - years old, seoured a
license to marry Miss Clara Latham,
aged ii. He gave hi address as "Colo
rado." It was the third time for Mr.
Armstrong. Two previous wives had
Hugrh Wallace Bpeaks Hugh Wallace,
who is to be building manager of the
new First National bank building when
it is completed, spoke before the Omaha
Building Owners' and Managers' asso
ciation at the Commercial club rooms at
noon on the floor plan of the building.
Cathers Promoted Six months ago
Roy T. Cathers went with the Paciflo
Fruit exrress as an lnspoctor at the
Omaha loading station. Now he has been
proomted to the position of agent for
Denver, Greeley and a large area of Colo
rado fruit and vegetable territory around
Denver. Mr. Cathers left for Denver to
day, but his famlfy will remain here
until spring. Frank Wilson, former agent
for the Pacific Fruit express at Denver,
has resigned.
Missionary from
Omaha is Shot by
Some Revolutionists
R. H. Secord, connected with the Mis
souri Paciflo Railroad company here, has
deceived word, announcing that his
brother Rev. C. F. Secord, a missionary
In Guatemala, was shot and wounded by
revolutionists of that country, October 25,
and that he Is now in a hospital in Guate
mala. Rev. Mr. Secord was born and
reared In the vicinity of Louisville, this
state. He studied for the ministry and
subsequently became a missionary to the
Central America states. A couple of years
ago he was here on a leave of absence
and spent several weeks In Omaha.
The letter sent by Morano F. Emdredes,
a representative of Presldont Cobrera of
Guatemala does not state how seriously
Rev. Mr. Secord was wounded. It says:
"Rev. Mr. Secord had been out with
the president's party several days. Octo
ber 36 the party was surprised by revolu
tionists. Three of the president's body
guard were killed and your brother was
wounded. Scouting parties found two
wounded mombers with your brother, tied
to a stake, and on an ant hill, where
they would have been devoured when the
night had passed.
"Tour brother is now in a hospital In
Guatemala City and will recover."
J. W. Gamble, chairman of the Missouri
river navigation committee of the Com
mercial club, and President John L. Mc
Cague of the club are delegated by the
executive committee to attend the meet
ing of the National Rivers and Harbors
congress at Washington on Deoembor
to 11, Inclusive.
Happr Old AST.
When old age carries with It hosts of
friends, good health and an abundance
of this world's goods. It should be as
happy as any period of our existence.
That Is old age as It should be, but too
often it means poor digestion, torpid
bowels, a sluggish liver and a general
feeling of 111 health, despondency and
misery. This condition can be greatly
alleviated, however, by taking one of
Chamberlain's Tablets each day Immedi
ately after supper. That will strengthen
the digestion, tone up the liver and regu
late the bowels, then that feeling of de
spondency will give way to one of hope
and good cheer. Obtainable everywhere.
Hitchcock Favors
Preparedness as
the Best Policy
Speaking on "Preparedness" at the
noonday luncheon of the University club.
Senator G. M. Hitchcock endorsed Presi
dent Wilson's program, but asserted that
the United States should also Immediately
acquire sufficient munition plants, so that
it could make all Its own guns, powder,
equipment, warships and armor plate.
"I believe in war preparedness," he
said, "but I am against extravagance In
preparation for war.
"We should support the president In his
Idea of preparedness, and we should pre
pare socially and Industrially as well as
In a military and naval way. Let us
support the president in a nonpartisan
way for preparedness against war is a
nonpartisan, national necessity, for the
unity and safety of the United States in
the future."
Rammer Complaint Cared.
Dr. King's New Life Pills will rid the
system of fermenting foods and poisons.
Keeps stomach and liver healthy. 26c.
All druggists. Advertisement.
Jeremiah Delaney, grain dealer and
owner of four grain elevators In Ne
braska, has brought suit' for .o,0u0 dam
ages against the Cavers-Sturtevant com
pany and the Omaha Grain exchange, al
leging that the defendants have refused
to handle his grain and have Injured his
credit. According to the plaintiff's peti
tion, the defendants refusfd to deal with
him because they asserted he declined to
submit a business dispute to arbitration,
according to the rules of the grain exchange.
Rheumatism is a tormenting and
stubborn malady. In some cases it
yields to treatment which is without
avail in other cases.
The darting pains, lame muscles or
stiffened joints only disappear by grad
ually expelling the uric acid, and so
many thousands have been relieved by
the blood-enriching oil-food in Scott's
Emulsion that you should give it a
faithful trial. Scott's Emulsion acts as
a powerful blood-purifier by increasing
the red corpuscles and it strengthens
the organs to carry off the acids which
cause the trouble.
Try Scott's Kmulsion. It cannot harm.
It has helped thouviuds ami may be ex
actly what you nctd. No Alcohol,
fccuU & Bowuc. IJloumCcld, N. J. jj-;9
Electrical Week
to Be Celebrated
The Omaha Electric club has made K.
M. Bickel director manager of th activ
ities of Electrical Prosperity week which
is to be celebrated In Omaha November
29 to December 4. Special pages of ad
vertising of electrical devices and ap
pliances will be carried at that time In
the Omaha newspapers. Appliances and
equipment for the use of electricity will
be demonstrated in the store windows
throughout the city.
"Do it electrically," Is the slogan of a
placard that is to be widely posted
throughout the city during that week,
and the whole plan of the campaign Is to
call the attention of the general publlo
to the many uses to which electricity
ean be put, and to the many convenience
that result from the use of electricity
wherever It is possible.
The movement Is a nation-wide one.
Cascarets Sell
Twenty Million
Boxes Per Year
Best, safest cathartic for liver
and bowels, and people
know it.
They're fine! Don't stay bil
ious, sick, headachy, or
Enjoy life! Keep clesn inside with
Cascarets. Take one or two at nlht
and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and
bowel cleansing you ever experienced.
Wake up feeling grand. Your head will
be clear, your tongue clean, breath right,
stomach sweet and your llvor and thirty
feet of bowels active. (Jet a box at any
drug store and straighten up. Stop the
headaches, bilious spells, bad colds and
bad days Brighten up. Cheer up. Clean
up! Mothers should give a wholo Cat
caret to children when cross, bilious,
feverish or If tongue is coated they are
harmless never gripe or sicken Advertisement.
1 Met , "!L - "
I SI - j"- K
Oeaeral DUtrlbatore
Omaha, ftfefc.
RELEASEDFR0M CUSTODY Washington, colored. W North
Thlrty-rUth street, arrented en BURplelon
of having held vp Clarence Anderson,
ill Purt street, and Pteila Schoor. 15
North Hilrtlcth. on the nlsht of October
I, has been released from custody.
Washington was arraigned In police
court for a preliminary hearing and es
tabllnhed a complete alibi as to his
whereabouts on the nlsht of the holdup.
Ml (ichonr. who Identified him at first
" the n inn thnt held them up. aaarrtrd
In police court that shs was not certain
that Washington was the. man. Numer
ous folk appeared and tcMtfled as to
Washlnston's good character. Mis fam
ily was In court and asserted that f ol
lomlng some shopping esrly In the eve
nong he came home with his wife and
never left the house after that.
The city tnuntv . iy approved the
members of the new city planning com
mission. Th commission will meet for
organisation within a few 6svs.
McDonald Wants to
Run for Sheriff
City Comptroller O. It. McDonald wants
to enter the race tor sheriff on the re
publican ticket.
"I have Just about made up my mind
to enter the race," he declared yesterday.
"While I am not resdy to make a positive
announcement, yet t lelleve I will file. It
has been my ambition to succeed to the
office which my fsther held. I'nless un
foreseen circumstances arise I will file."
Rumor baa It thst several other repub
licans have eyes foctmed on the sheriff's
office, and 'tis snld that several demo
crats are chertahlnir similar ambitions.
Indications are there will be a merry
piintat y race next April.
Millions Use It
to Stop a Cold
Tape's Cold Compound" ends
severe colds or grippe in
few hours.
The city commissioner accepted an
Invitation to attend the laylnsr r.f t,e
cornerstone of the new city hall at Pflnson
next Sunday afternoon at t o'clock. Mayor
Mather of Jtenson ex en1d the Invita
tion. The city hsll w II cost 125,000.
Relief comes Instantly.
A dose taken every two hours until
three doses ars taken a HI end grippe
misery and break up a severe cold either
In the head, chest, body or limbs.
It promptly opens clogged-up nostrl'S
snd air passages In th bend, stops nssty
olacharge or nose running, relieves sick
headache, dullness. fvrshness, sore
tin -int. sneeslng. soienens and stiffness.
Don't stay atuffed-up! Quit blowing
and anuMinr! Ka.ic your throbbing
head! Nothing elc In the world gives
such prompt relief ps "'s Cold Com
pound," which costs only cents at any
drug store. It sets without assistance,
tastes nleo, causes no Inconvenience. Be
sure to get tbe eonulno Advertisement.
tTe The Tee's "Bwapprt" column.
Store Hours, 8:30 A. M to C p. ra. Saturday till 9 P. M.
urgess-Nash Gompaot
TtirmlMy, Nov. O.
'everybody's storb
Phone Doug. 137.
New, Warm Winter Coats in
Fashionable Models-Two Lots
' 5
$ gj50
WINTER couts are still arriving, and these
are the newest, just arrived this week to
go on Bale Wednesday. Our coat sales are al
ways important events and this one is even
more important thau in the past because of
the considerable larger stock, the greater va
riety of styles and the striking values. Smart,
stylish coats in such favored materials as:
Variety of Plaid Mixtures and Pile Fabrics.
Ths roots ar noted tor their style, for their
expert tailoring and their luxurious fur collars and
The prices Wednesday are extraordinarily low at
t5.0O and f 1 9.50.
lrgess-VasB. Co. sooad Zloo.
China Dept. Now
in the Basement
THE China Department has
been moved from the Fourth
Floor to the Basement at the foot
of the stairs leading from the Har
ney street entrance. This De
partment is splendidly prepared
to meet any demands In this line.
Free china painting lessons
every day 9 to 11 A. M. and 3 to
6 P. M.
Stamped Goods
Wednesday at 10c
A SPLENDID assortment Includ
ing; stamped baby dresses, pil
lows, centers, scarfs, pin cushions,
shirt waists, prince slips, bath
towels, linen towels, bags, etc,
specially priced Wednesday, at,
choice, 10c.
Perl Lusta crochet cotton, white,
ecru and colors:
Sites 1 to 10. special. . .7o
Sites 10 to 80, special... So
Sizes 30 to CO, special. . ,0c
Sites SO to 70, special, ,10c
Sizes 70 to' 160, special.. llo
Bnrgsss.Ilssh Co Third Tloor.
Get Your Doll
Ready for the Party
Which will be held In the "Cricket Room" of the store next
Saturday afternoon, November 13. The affair will be in honor
of all the little girls who bring their doll baby and will be en
tirely complimentary to them.
on Fourth floor, and can be had on application. Get your
tickets In advance so we can make the necessary arrangements.
Standard Make Sewing Machines
$2.00 Down and $1.00 Per Week
FALL and Winter sewing time is here and we are prepared with a
full line of high grade sewing machines to supply you with Just
the machlno yon need at prices and terms to suit you. We give free
lessons In sewing and show you how to get the
most work out of your machine with 'the least
trouble and expense, By this -we help you to
have an extensive wardrobe at little expense.
Featuring for Wednesday .
The latest models In the Standard Bewlng
Machine in many different styles of cases spe
cially priced at sl270 to 00.00. Regular $35.00
to $70.00 values.
Singers (used), f 10.00 to $25.00.
Drop head sewing maehlnes, different
makes, $8.00 to $15.00.
Surrsss-Wasli Oo ewlaf Kacbiae eotioa Third rioo.
s Burgess -Nash Co.-Everybody's Store 16th and Harney Bts.
Today is Pineapple Day all over the Country
dLr; Jl ' , In 10c to J5c s cm according
fl.rijl I. BE to bize uf can snd srsdeui
I M jAf, flnfti ha quliu chesper than it's
K V 'ftfVI C I ver brioie. Juat sale
VY I S ' 'r cui ui iUwaibn fine-
W U.
You will instantly see how much hotter and
mors economical it is than the partially
ripened "fresh" fruit. Hawaiian Canned
Pineapple is picked when perfectly ripe and
full-flavored; it's packed immediately. The
r:al pineapple taste is retained.
Your Grocer
Sells It
Association or Hawaiian PixiArrLS Packisi
Garland Building, Chicago
Make it Pine
apple Day in
your home by
serving Hawai
ian Canned
Pineapple to
the family for
dessert. The big
luscious slices
are simply