Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Subordinates of State Health Board
Object Because Wild Obeys
the Real Board.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 9.-(Speclal Telegram.)
If the board of secretaries of the State
Hoard of Health have their way the
rcalp of Dr. Wild, j.state bacterologhit,
will be dangling from their belts and
1 people will not be allowed to bathe In
'the Missouri river nor ride on trains
without a certificate showing that they
have not the smallpox.
Putting those things Into effect may,
however, be not so easy as preparing
the resolutions calling for the state
board to do these things, as the meeting
held in the office of Governor Morehead
this afternoon Indicates that the secre
taries may have some trouble enforcing
Fame of their rules and a areat deal more
trouble getting the scalp of the state
That Increase In. "alary
Charges were made by the secretaries
that Dr. Wild was incorrigible, that he
would not do as they wanted him to do
and that he talked back in harsh tones,
etc They first charged that he was
drawing an increase In salary from $2,000
a year to $2,400 without authority for so
doing because the secretaries had not
recommended the raise. However, the
board remembered that they had raised
the doctor's salary and did not seem to
think that the secretaries had very
much to say about It any way.
The charge made by the secretaries
that the doctor considered himself under
the orders of the taard Instead of under
the orders of the secretaries, did not get
very far as Dr. Wild said that he pro-
posed to obey the orders of the board
f which hired him and not the secretaries
who only recommend him, and while the
board, which consists of Governor More-
head, State Superintendent Thomas and
Attorney General Reed took no action it
was evident that they agreed with the
doctor that he was under their jurisdic
tion. Why Secretaries Object.
The aacretarles admitted that Dr. Wild
was well qualified for the position In
rv wh.v ann inni nn vu AminAnriv
good bacteriologist, but they objected to
his refusal to be governed by their
Dr. Wild said that he had become
tired of waiting for the secretaries - to
move and went ahead and did thing
because the people wanted results and
the secretaries were not giving them
" results'. He had been unable to make
reports to the board since his assistant
was taken away from him because ha
could not find time to fix them up as
he spent many hours both night and
day trying to kep his work up.
Governor Morehead testified to the fact
that Dr. Wild was the hardest worked
man In the state house and that he knew
lie worked late nights trying to keep up
tils work.
The board of secretaries consist - of
Dr. Burchard of Tails City, Dr. E. ' A.
Carr of Lincoln, Dr. Cummlngs of Seward
tnd Dr. Stark of Hartington.-
Straw Stack Near Farmer Nelson's
Bam at Aurora Set Ablaze by
AVRORA. Neb.. Nov. . (Special Tele
gram.) The mystery In the Nelson-Luff
assault case became deeper yesterday In
the discovery of a fire at Nelson's place.
An old shed and straw stack close to his
bam burned, and the tmrn was saved
through the efforts of Nelson and his
County Attorney Whitney and others
claim to have found tracks of an auto
moolle which they followed clear to the
Chapman bridge. They believe that the
fire was started by someone who came In
the automobile and escaped across the
river. They also claim to have found a
placard pinned to a wagon In Nelson's
yard which bore this legend: "This Is a
second and last warning."
The words were printed. The authori
ties declare they have accounted for Luff,
and no suspicion attaches to him as to
the fire.
Luffs preliminary hearing will take
place Wednesday before County Judge
Jeffers. An amended complaint was filed
today charging him In two counts with
assault to commit murder and with in
tent to do great bodily injury.
Houston General Store, Maddox
Hardware Co., Norcross Phar
macy Principal Losers.
YORK, Neb., Nov. 8. (Special.) Evan
cllHt Oscar Lowrey and hi assistant
clcsed a five weeks' series of meetings
bunduy night There were 73 conven
tions. A thank offering .was taken at
i ho Sunday services and more than
!2,vhj was paid In. Mr. Lowrey and his
larty left yesterday morning for home,
. lieie they will rest preparatory to open
ing a cumpalgn at Senandoah, la., on
vernier 14.
l.lederkrans Celebrates Anniversary.
GRAND ISLAND, Nov. 9. (Special.)
The F.iedeikrans society celebrated Its
forty-five anniversary at its hall, about
800 of the members and their families
being In attendance. The event was fea
tured by the bringing out of a new or
lanlsatlon called the Ciederkran Ule
club, a mixed chorus of eight voices,
under the direction of Prof. Schluer of
the Grand Island conservatory. The or
ganization has put' Ha musical accom
plishments on what la conceded to be the
highest pinnacle ever attained by the
organisation. It ha the original male
chorus, ladles' .chorus, a mixed chorus,
a male quartet and the glte club, and
is able to render a very diversified pro
gram with Its own talent. David Kauf
man was re-elected president, William
Vett. vice president; Gottlieb Meyer, sec
retary, and C. II. Menck, treasurer.
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 9. (SpeclaU
Rev. J. B. Davis of the Christian church,
who left Beatrice a few years ago to be
come pastor of the First Christian church
at Spokane, Wash., has received a call
to Lawrence, Kan., and may locate there.
Since locating at Spokane he has made a
strong fight against the liquor interest
and as a result has receiver! ni,mh
threatening letters. i
The barn of Harry Wylle on the GarrI- '
son farm, eleven miles southwest of Be-1
aince.waa destroyed by fire Sunday
morning, together with some hay and
grain. Four head of horses perished.
Experts from the government corn ex
periment bureau will arrive here Friday
to harvest their experimental crops which
were planted last spring on the farm of
Joseph Sceheve, northwest of Beatrice.
The different varieties will be separated,
tested and checked. Fourteen varieties
of corn were planted in small patches
under government supervision for the
purpose of experimenting to ascertain the
variety best adapted to this section of
the state.
Mrs. Minnie CuUhall of Wymore was
granted a divorce Monday by Judge Pem
berton from Ira T. Cutshall, ex-mayor
of Wymore. They were married at Wy
more August 28, 1900. and have two chil
dren. William Retchless. a pioneer of the Lib
erty vicinity, died Monday, aged 70 years
He 1 eurvlved by four sons and four
daughters. He was among the -first
homesteader on the old Otoe reservation.
: Goes Before Jury
-FAIRBURT, Neb., Nov. .-(SpecIal
Telegram.) With Judge Pemberton of
Beatrice on the bench, a Jury was
selected today to try the will case of
Maria A. Blauser appealed from probate
court. Judge L. J. Nutzman set aside
the .will la September. '
In her last will purported to have been
executed by Mrs. RIbu.ap in uvi-i .
ha gave C. U E. Blauser, who repre
sented the Thirty-second district in Ne
Ibraska legislature
. - r r ....iVi (VW
In property; to eight other children, ap
proximately 116,000. and to her baby
daughter 1100 in currency.
Tha contestants allege that undue In
fluence was extracts ed by Representa
tive Blauser. Attorneys Hu.iv --a
Barnes of this city and Sam Rlnaker of
ceatnee nave been retained by con
testants, while . Denny, Hartlgan and
Moss and defending C L. E. Blauser.
Aoranam Blauser, father of the
Blauser family, died March 21. ixw hi.
wife died last January and left an estate
nm at tw.vw.
MILLER, Neb., Nov. 9. (8pclal
Telegram.) Fire at 6:30 this morn
ing of unknown origin destroyed the
north half of the principal business
block of Miller. It was first discov
ered by Irvln Noble, who spread the
alarm, but the fire had gained such
headway that it was impossible to
save any of the buildings of the
The heaviest losers were Msddox Hard
ware company, J. P. Norcross pharmacy
and C. I. Houston, general store. Th
Maddox Hardware company lost a f 15,000
stock of hardware, furniture and harness,
with $5,000 insurance; ulso a building
valued at $7,000, Insurance 12.000. J. P.
Norcross pharmacy lost a $3,000 stork and
$1,500 building, with partial Insurance. C
M. Houston lost a $9,000 stock and $3,500
building with M,O"0 Insurance. Other losses
sustained were two-story Masonlo hall,
two small bulldlnas, containing shoe shop
and clothing stock, one building occupied
by a restaurant.
The bank of Miller quartered In th
Maddox hardware building Is unable to
ascertain any loss besides the furniture
and fixtures. Tt will be unable to open
its safe for several days, owing to It
being he.nted through. The total loss I
estimated at $50,000 and the closest esti
mate at this time Is not over $15,000 In
surance. In the building occupied a a
lodge hall the Masons, Knight of
Pythias, Odd Fellows, Modern Woodmen,
Royal Highlanders, Grand Army of th
Repuhllo and Royal Neighbor suffered a
total loss of paraphernalia and furnish
ings. The village has no water supply or ade
quate fire protection, so it was Impossible
to stop the fire.
Autoists Reckless
On Lincoln Streets
Scrofula and All
Humors Give Way
There are many things learned from ex
perience and observation that the older
generation should Impress upon the
nunger. Among them is the fact that
scrofula and other humors are most suc
cessfully treated with Hood's Sarsapa
rllla. This great medicine Is a peculiar
combination of remarkably effective
blood-purifying and health-giving roots,
larks and herbs, and ha been tested for
forty year. Get it today. Advertisement.
Hastings Hunter
May, Have Drowned
HASTINGS. Neb.. Nov. R rwwtni Tel
egram.) Neighbor and the county au
thorities have been draceln . in
near Hastings steadily since. Sunday night
in an unsuccessrui . search for Frank
Obenchain, 87 year old, employed on the
m. uaiioran rarm. Obenchain and . Ed
Nowka went to the lagoon to hunt duck
Sunday afternoon. They separated and
when Newka prepared to return he was
unable to find his eomnanlnn. Nn tnu
of him ha been discovered. He is sup
posed to have stepped into a hole in the
lagoon and drowned.
Entire Shoe Stork ef
Otto Glck's O.-Q. Shoe Store,
W. O. W. Bid.
Ob Bala Next Tharsday
All th Women's Pumps and Ox
fords, patent and dull leather,
regardless of style or p 'If
quality, worth to 2)1.3
$3 50. for
V .
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Nfw Chareh at Grand Island.
The members of the Christ Un Sr-i
church of thi city have dedicated their
church heme, -erected, lneludln th ln.
at a cost of $5,0), to Its services. The
church "Was completely filled with the
mem Deri and friends of the congrega
tion and aside from the regular service
there was a brief hlstorv of th rhii,
in this city from the time of Its inception
In 18S until the present The soikkih.
tlon ha made rapid growth. Mrs. Feh-
renkamp Is the first reader, and Mr-
Glade the second reader.
Hunter Bertonsljr Injared.
HASTINGS, Neb.. Nov. . (Special Tel
egram.) W. E. Young, woh .has been
paying the city $4 60 per day for a pop
corn vender's licence, or more than sa
loon keepers pay for liquor licenses, was
put out. of business today while hunting.
The accidental discharge of a com
panions gun struck him In the leg. Am
putation may be necessary.
Seek Bad Cheek Artist.
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. . (Special Tel
egramsThe officers are looking for a
stranger supposed to be William Thomp
son, who la accused of passing a forged
check for $20 on a merchant In this city
jtcteiday and escaping.
Best Treatment for Croup.
"I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy In my family for the past five
years, and for cmup I have never found
Its equal," write! Bernard George Nel
son. Mo. Before becoming acquainted
with this remedy Mr. George st a child
from an attack of croup. Obtainable
j c ver where. Advert lrement.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 9. (Special.) An auto
mobile driven at a high rate of speed
yesterday came down Eleventh street, a
busy automobile thoroughfare, and col
lided with another car containing 8. B.
Mains of Crete and his wife and three
children. Mr. Main saw the machine
coming and that It would strike htm. He
shouted to the driver of the other ma
chine, who attempted to turn out, but
skidded and struck the Main machine
directly In the center. The two men in
the strange car Jumped out to see If their
own machine was all right and then
raced away without ascertaining If the
other were Injured. The number of the
car, however, was seen to be 20,739, which,
according to the records in the office
of the secretary of state, show that
number issued to Charle Damrow of
. There is need of an automobile law
similar to that of Massachusetts, where
every auto driver I compelled to take
out a license and if an accident occur
his licence Is revoked unless he can make
a proper showing before the automobile
commission that the accident waa not hi
Reavis Called East
By Illness of Son
FALLS CITT, Nb., Nov. 9.-(SpeclaI
Telegram.) Congressman Reavis waa
called to Ithlra, N. Y by the serious Ill
ness of his son, Frank, jr., who la a stu
dent at Cornell university, and who un
derwent an operation for appendicitis.
The five or six speaking dates of Con
gressman Reavis will be cancelled, as he
will be gone from the state for tend day
or two weeks.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. . (Special.) Because
of an article iu The Bee recently calling
atentlon to the fact that the superin
tendent of the eBatrlce instltulon had
failed o make report on recelpa and ex
penditures of the trust funds of the In
stitution placed In his hands, as the law
requires to the Mate- auditor every month.
Auditor Smith this morning received a
statement from the head of that Institu
tion giving the amount of money In hi
hand and the' amount expended. In a
letter accompanying the statement. Su
perintendent Fast says that he did not
know that he waa required to make such
a statement until he read It in The Bee.
The statement show that there waa
turned over to Dr. Fast when he took
charge of the institution $4,197.15. hTat
he ha received since that time $27,550.48
and ha paid out for clothing, etc., $22,
550.48, leaving a balance ou hand at the
present time of $11,194.03.
It is understood that heads of depart
ments and of Mate institutions will here
after read The Bee in order to keep in
touch with what Is necessary to run
their institution according to law.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. . (Special.) Max
Katleman of Omaha, at present corpora
tion clerk In the office of Secretary of
State Pool, was married this afternoon
to Miss Bessie Sandlovltch at the hnma
of the bride's parents itys'hls city, the
rabbl or the Jewish church of which they
are attendants performlngthe Ceremony.
Mr. and Mr. Katleman left on the
evening train for Omaha, but will go to
Chicago for the wedding trip, expecting
to be away for about two week. On
their return they will reside In Lincoln.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. . (Special.) W. B.
Howard of Omaha, former state auditor,
called at the state house today and vis
ited for a short time with Auditor Smith.
Mr. Howard Is connected with the insur
ance business, his former occupation be
fore he was elected to serve the people
He feels more at home in that bulne
than serving the state at a starvation
salary Uh free kicks thrown In fur
loud nieasui"
i . vu
rnnamnamnnnnananinsannBaaanaaa n l IV .
i EvSIli.s
1 1 " :V....,.,.v...,.:::,:,.,;,..-.,.w,,,.-,..V.;, ,. nfc y.
a H
7-ftttOKicj tobacco
Velvet Joe's System
That's no royal road to fortune, ,
But the trail up to that height
Is blazed with thoughtful pipeful,
In the watches of the night.
For it takes a lot of thinkin'
An' of scratchin with yo' hoe.
To raise two dollars, sonny,
What one dollar grew befo
We might add:
"It takes a lot of maturing to
make even the best tobacco as
mellow as it can be."
As one of the largest tobacco organizations
it the world we have little difficulty in securing
the "quality" of the Kentucky Burley leaf crop.
But we don't stop there.
Two years and more are spent in maturing
that "quality" leaf. But the game is worth the
candle, as you will agree after your first pipe
In 'no other way could VELVET acquire
that age-mellowed smoothness, that super
fragrance and flavor which
VELVET smokers expect
and get
Other ways have
tried, but Nature's way
slow, patient ageing
Panama-Pacific Exposition's highttt award
Thu Grand JVixa hat bmmn awardmd to
VELVET "for Ut npmHor quality.:'
Copyright, Ml
lOc Tin
5c Metal-lined Bags
One Pound Glaaa Humidors
been ' whdMS .