TITK BEE : OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1915. 11 for RENT FmlahPl Hnnmi, VOPF R oms Jt hie for two. W. 4. 2214 IKII'GI.AS-New'y furnlehr-d rooms? t urna.e neat cm in. n"i sf.si. THRKK furnished rooms; partly modern; reaaonnhl,.. a;4 Fnrilrr, I ifriilikr Nmni, FIVK rooms, upstair. ?"14 Hortor Blvd. rlswiM-W f i-n KoAml, 201 DAVF.NPORT-TWO OR THRKB NICELY FURNbHED HKFO. RUOMi NEW HRIOK FLAT. Haasea and Cwttaa-a. North. ftrTVFN ROOMS 2427 Charles, 31.1, rhon Walnut W. PAKKKR ST. rooms, Doug. HI 14 8-ROnM cottage, modern except fur nacf. 2M Plnney, Call Wen. 2174. ITfCgirvFrN rooms and bath, all modern, 2S24 Manderson Bt. Web. 37Q5. ELEOANT-b-r. cottage, modem except heat. Arply S31Q Hamilton PU KOR RKNT (-room houae, all modern convenience, Vi block to car. 4M3 N. SSth Bt. M. A. Fast. 4519 N. SSUi St Phone Colfax 1178. 2KS. Bristol New. mod., bungalow. 327 60. FOR HH"NT -Beautiful modsrn retl dance. T room and bath, pot waUf heat. Larva garage: at 3320 Florence Blvd. Pnone Coif a MM. -room, all modern. T-07 IOttirop. 22 .VK WALKING distance, 26J3 Dodge, l-roora, modem, 125; key. 240; call Web. 4S78, WAtiKINO dlatance. 2S Dodge. 8-room, modem, 2R; key, 2641; call Web. 4S7K. Rent Reduced nuuiii uuua... ...uu.,. - - r " ' torm window; arranged for two faml lles If so desired; rent iill Corby bU Tel. Web. 7882. eEVEN and five-room houses; modern; walking distance. Pougla U. 8-ROOM ax use. strictly modern, hot water heat. WO. 2716 Burt bt. 110 N. 1STH Oood 6-r. cottage, part mod ern, walking distance, aavea car fare, 118. T. J. HOOK, 1101 N. 18TH. C-ROOM cottage, 4 lots, near car and school. 4244 Fort St. MICH B-room cottaKe, with bath, gaa, electrlo light, shades. gUP Wirt St.;, 118. 6-ROOM house, all modern. 3832 No. 23d St., 122. Colfax jwTiZ. 1513 N. 20TH Rear, 3-r. house and base ment, with sink and toilet, walking dis tance, colored, $10. T. J. HOOK, 1101 N. 18TH. oath. t-R. cottage; mod. 1031 8. tlst H. SMS. J-KOOM house, strictly modern, with garage; splendid neighborhood. 3033 Marcy; 3.10. Call Harney 2706. STRICTLY modem, J-r., Hanaoom Park, cottage, oak floors. $26. Tel. Har. 4223. t-ROOM, modern, 2469 Poppleton Ave. MODERN 7-room house, 1U3 Park Avt, JS6. Phone Harney 1585. 27 PARK AVK.-s-room mod home. IS; garage extra, ttarey Cleaning Co. H. 7307. t-ROOM cottage. Ill S. 28tb St., U&. Water paia 8-R, houne and sleeping porch. H. 3(U4. jnne moaeru home, pracucaiiy new, . ,,m.. jt . ....... .i n easily heated, good location, near car line. Inquire 712 Pitrk Ave. Harney 1241. 6-r. house, mod. ex. heat. $60 S. 21st. FOR RENT 7-room house all modern except heat. 1721 S. 9th St. 6TH1CTL modem cottage, large yard, fenced in, $18. 241S So. 24th. Call 2411. 8 ROOMS WEST FARNAM. S304 Daven port St., good modern home for large family; beautiful yard. ROOMS West Farnam, dandy, new, all modern home; sleeping porch; mahogany and white enamel finish; very choice; 3310 Dav enport St., $45. Peters Trust Company, 1822 Farnam St. Douglaa 898. o A VERY cholco flat. 6 rooms and bath, modem, ground floor, close to cross town and Leavenworth car lines, bee owner. 646 a. 27th St. Miscellaneous. FREE RENT 1 MONTH on 14 real bar gains, 3 to 8-r., $5 to $36. McKltrlck R. E. Co.. 318 Ramge Bldg. D. 1482; Ty. 2140J. 2Ut No. 27th St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $16. 1110 No. 22d St., 4-r., mod. ex. heat. $18. 3038 So. 16th St., city water and gas, $10. RASP BROS.. 106 McCAGUE BLDO. 850 N. 2Mh Ave., b-room house, $10. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; (-horse vaa and I men, $1.36 per nr.; storage $2 par mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 433K A Ty. 23a FIVE-ROOM cottage. S345 61at St. ENTIRE downstairs, 6 rooms, nice house, private entrance, good neighborhood. $14. Webster 6060. Gordon Van Co. S33 H N. lltb 8t Stores. Tel. D 394 or Har. 1W7. EE the Central Furniture Store's FREU RENTAL LIST Maggard's an and Storage Co. Call us for es timates for mov ing, packing, snipping. 1711 Webster 8b Douglas 149ft. TT mi bob Cretrh Sons ft Co., Bee Bldg. IlOUBeS in J, prt, of city. FIDELITY "-tal KEU Pbon Douglaa 188 for complete list el vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving, l'tn and Jackson StA. FOB RENT -ROOM mod. cottage. M2 S. 19th. R. R8M. 1618 N. 30TH, rear, 3-r. house and base ment, with sink and toilet, walking dis tance, colored, $10. T. J. HOOK, 1101 N. 18TH. 110s N. 13TH, Good 6-r. cottage, part modem, walking distance, saves car fare, $18. T. J. HOOK, llnl N. 18TBL J.C.Reed jg Exp. Co., moving. cuing storage. r I'nam n. 14C tores aad Offleee. MODERN STORE, near postofflce; low rent. Q. P. Stebbtns. 1610 Chicago. REAL ESTATE LOANS FARMS and city loans at lowest ratea. GLA-ND THUMUULL, tM Be Bldg. $100 TO $10,0u0 made promptly. F. D. Wead. VWad P.dt ISth k Karnam Bta CITY and farm loand, t, 61, per cent J. H. Duinont A Co.. 416 Mate Bank. A "For Bale" ad will turn second-hand furnlturo Into cah. WaNTKU-Uwod laita aud city loaua at lowest rates. PEl'EKd TRUST CO.. y,22 Farnam. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas 22 St' Bank Bldg. OaiAHA homes. Vam NebraKa farms. rKElfK REAL ESTATE CO, fll Oniahs National. Phone fo);glas fTH. MONEY on hand (of city and farm loans, H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. ic' CITY LOAN H. C Q. Carlberg. 31ft w U Branc. Theater Sldg. WASTED TO BUY OFFICE fun.ltura bought and sold. C Reed. wn Karnaro. Doug. (IV, e trlotiy high grade piano Web. 3738, Tale bus everything U hand Web. 4ui HIOHEbT prices for old clothing. D. 4714. HEAL ESTATE Mm ESCHAXGg VTjTV i..-.ly locaud Income pr.Jlerty, worth $-H,0i). for exchange for N. E. i'olo. land; morig gu. equity, iu - 0U Want rlear I n'i. P. T7. Sea. DENVER property for exchange. SeveiU room, one and a half-ktory brick, mnil rern ''et hrat, lot 5lxl3o; prlre $J.tJ, tntg. $ftU). Four-room frame bungalow, modern except heat; tot 3U130; price $1,600, char. Both houses are in good neighbor hood, and will trade for Omaha or Un co 1noal)02Usnm,, value. Y lix. Be. tVroom cottage. Council Bluffs. M acres Irrigated r dorado land; foi lota or cot tage la Omaha. Cuifax 3Nut. REAL ESTATE Hl'Dl'MlAX REAL ESTATE Sl BOUlAN GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET OMAHA LI YE STOCK MARKET T-To7sO VfiH Cnnn r I 1- a-o T rf"C Al1 crl Take a Slump, with I :sirable Kindt of Cattle Steady and llClVC 1 UU OCC11 1 IIUOU i-.ULO Wheat Falling at Much at , Common Kindt Weak Sheep Three Centt Lower. ; Stronr to Hieher. OATS, CORN AND RYE DOWN tOQS FIVE TO TEN CENTS OFF $25. 1.00 Cash $10.0014.00 a Month In DUNDEE'S NEWEST ADDITION where everything hag been done for the. romfort and convenience of the home owner. Just Think of It You can buy a beautiful Dundee lot aa low as $1,100, by paring only $25 cash, located within ONE to TWO BI.OCK3 OE THE CAR LINE. Graded ready for building, with sewer, city water, gas, cement sidewalks and electrlo lighting system In and paid for. Streets are now being pared with aaphalt. Reasonable building restrictions Insure good houses. Now Is the Time to PICK out your lot In the 2 blocks between Farnam and Howard and 9th and 50th Streets, which can be bought on the unusual terms Of $25 cash and $10.00 to $14.00 a month. Go Out Today Take any West Farnam-Dundee car,, get off at 49th Street, walk one block West and one South and select your lot, or call us up and we will gladly call and show you these beautiful lota. George & Company Fhone D. 75S. 902 City Nat l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM 4t RAMI! LAM)M FOR BALK. Mebraakau 300 ACRES rood timbered stock farm. well Improved, easy terms; SH miles from county seat Write for full Infor mation to Miss Rosa Stefka, Route L Hnrwell. Neh, TOR SALE Best larte body hlgh-srads medium priced land In Nebraska; very JltUo money required C. Bradley. W el bach. Neb. a ItiO ACHES raw land to break In Keith county, 6 miles from O&alalla. If ln terested write A. A. Orler, Klnfaley, la. Iowa. F ARM FOR SALE 166H acres at $SS per acre, If taken at once: a good stock farm, with running; water, two wells and fair buildings, g miles north of Council .'tuns. iiuio. vi n eiiun, rnonQ d-i. Cresoent. Allnneaola. 40. or IflO acres rood, heavy 'oil. well settled part of Todd county. Minn ; rood roads, schools and churches. Price, tlfi to $J0 per acre. Terms, $1 per acre cash; balance $1 per acre a yeur; 6.000 acres to select from. Schwab Bros., 102 Plymouth Blily., Minneapolis. Minn. SI laaourl. $5 DOWN, $5 monthly, buys 40 acres rood land: some timber; near town; price $20o. Other baralns. Box 426-V, Cartb aite. Mo. NOTICE Investors, here is your chance! 5,000 acres In Dent county, Missouri; all tim ber, good farm land when cleared. This Is a lumber Dronosltlon: lumber aHmt t.OOO feet per acre. Price, $8 per acre. Will do aoia on very easy terms, at a low rate of Interest, or would take in some Omaha property. Call and have a talk with Mr. Prugh. He will show you he is from Missouri. W. S. FRANK, 201 Neville Block. o. WtseOBstsk CPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and general crop stale In the union; settlers wanted; lands tor sal at low prloea on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wiscon sin Central Land Orant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchard Address Land and Industrial Depart., So Line Hallway. M In nea Dolls jilua. MiscellaBCoaa. HAVE TOy A KARM FOR 31 ALB T Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City, la.. Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads oa twelve dlffereut oays tor Hi or W words, $4, or 7E words, $6. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, XiO.OuU readers dally In four great states. REAL ESTATE FOIt EXCHANGE FOR Exchange A six-room house, lot and barn: rents fort $16 per month. My equltv $1,000 to II. 2o0. Want a good, five or seven-passenger automobile worth an even exchange. Give full description of car and where It can be seen in answer. Address P 404 Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED to Buy A homestead relin quishment, rash. Address W. D. Klrod, 4500 N. 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE! WEST SIDE 6-R00M IIOUSE Modern In every way, oak finish, rood sleeping porch, full basement, Milton RoKers furnace, tot 40x126. located on the boulevard, near the Prettiest Mile. This Is a good buy at $3,500. Reasonable terms. House is vacant. I will be pleased to show you through at any time. W. S. FRANK, 201 Neville Block. FOR SALE OR RENT. 29th and Farnam 6ts. Peven-room house, not new, but In good repair; fully modem: lot alone worth $2,000; will make a fine, close-in home for some one. WANT AN OFFER. Can make easy terms, or will consider lot or mort gage paper or smaller house as part pay ment, or will rent. RA8P BROS.. 106 McCague Bldg. Douglas 1663. REAL ESTATES NORTH SIDE NEAR CREIGIITON rooms, all modern, large garage, east front lot, located east of Central Blvd. on paved street. Price, $4,2M. This Is not an old house. Occupied by owner. Will trade for cottage not over $3,600. , C. O. CARLBERG, 812 Brandela Theater Bldg $26 CASH-$12M PER MO. Will buy a dandy 6-r. bungalow, 1 year old; good well: 2 corner lots. Price $l.Du0. Located at U0A N. lath. RASP BROS Douglas VfiS. 6-KOOM cottage, bath, gas, shades, fenced. 1411 N. 41st St., 31T.O0. C. O. Hutchinson Co., 1623 Farnam. 30TH AND FOWLER AVE.-NORT1I It's easily worth $3,600, but you are In lurk if you get it for $2 MX) and on reasonable terms. It's a strictly modern $-room house, osk and pine finish: beau tiful location; onlv 3 blocks frem the tar. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 6th Floor Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Duuglaa 1731. o OWNER will sacrifice 3-r., strictly mod ern bouse, wlin large s eeplng room, oak floors, woodwork nicaly decorated. Terms, Pbone Webster 1121. REAL ESTATE VACANT FOR BALE By owner, lot In Evaoston. the exclusive residence district; on Harney St., near 6Jd; 60x136 feet. Plica $l,15o. one-third rash. U. I. Carpenter, Phone Harney L'Ml. Dundee This dandy corner lot, 100x120, fronting on three atreeta. Is a fine buy at the price asked. This lot has water, side walk and paved streets on the three sides. Address, north side I sard 8t. and ith Ave. to COth St. If you want a bar gain, sea this today, Creigh. Sons & Co. 608 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 200. Besios, BENSON lots, close In. near sohool: easy terms. Phone owner. Benson 337 w. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE JUST COMPLETED $2,000 i rooms, with sun room, oak fln'sh, furnace, modern In every detail; fine cement basement and walks: east front lot, close to school; locatod near Han acom park. Terms to gond rarty. C. G. CARLBERG, 812 Bran lets Theater Bldg. $300 Cash Buys choice hunvalow: reception hall, living room, dining room, f nlshed in oak; nice kitchen, two big bedrooms and bath room In whlto enamel. Hons In first -class condition; corner lot. south and cast front. All paving In and paid for. Price. $3.6fiO. Located one block from car. two blocks from sohool, four blocks from Hanscom park n flrst-clasa location. Call us up and we will take you out and show you this pluce. D. V. SHOLES CO., 915-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 49. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Fine two lota, 46x130 feet, Kansas Ave., south side Miller park, half block west 24th St. car line, sur rounded by beautiful new homes Cool in summer, warm In winter. Web. 83U0. OMAHA. November 3. llf. All cereals on the list continue down Ward. Wheat takes the biggest siump, selling unchanged to 3o lower, tints were next, selling lc lower, although the bulk of the sales was c low r. t pro followed the wheat and oata, being quoted un changed to fc lower. Kye was Mj to 10 luwur. Barley was nominally uncnaiged. Clearances were: Wheal and flour equal to l.MU.uxt biiMhfls; corn, s.000 bushels; oats, Ki4,uu0 bushels. Liverpool close: Wheat, unchanged to lo lower: corn, unchanged to lo lower. Primary wheat receipts were 3.43S.000 hushela and shipments of l.M.ouo bushels, against receipts of 3,$l5,0u busht-ls and shipments of 1,100,000 busliels laat vrar. Primary corn reeJpie were dtit.tw) bushels and shipments of 219,0uO bushels, against receipts of 143,000 bushels and shipments of 1K4.0U) bushels last year. Primary oata receipts were 1.W9.000 bushels and shipments of WsoOO bushels, against receipts of LISo.Oro bushels and shipments of 76,000 bushMs last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. (Jet a. M0 4031 .7M SS. 4ru tn.Mt K M.tM I M M.WH am nui Chicago Minneapolis . Duluth Omaha Kansas City St. Louis .... Inn I peg r2 is 7tw w 310 1M .1.668 3 21 n 38 (I6 OMAHA. November . W$ Receipts were: rattle. Hogs. Sbeett Official Monday 13.374 6,140 23.31 Estimate Tuesday wOnO 4.400 la,0W Two days this week..l.7 Same days last week. .22.WO Same days $ wka. aao.J7.AM Same dsva 3 wka. ao.n.T7 Kama lara 4 wka. ago.K.7J Same rtva lt v-. - mjiu .ns iniiowing table awnwa lTi receipts ef cattle, hogs and sKoea at tha Omaha live stock market for me year to date, as compared with last years 1914. 1314 tn Catlla lmort . 3?,J"1 Moss 2M6.77J l.t1.17 iM. Sheep 2.8HJ 67 2.801. 44 S1.13J The following tal le ghnws the average trices of hos at the Omaha live stock market for the laat few daya, with comparisons: Date I HIS. 1141 liJ im$ 1 1011 I 1M0. These sales were) reported today: Wheat No. 3 hard winter: 1 car, 37Ho; 1 car, 37c. No. 3 hard winter: I car. .c; cars. 6c; $ cars, Wc; 3 cars, MV; I cars, 94c. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, 9uc; 1 car. Me: I car. 2c: 1 car. 81c: 1 car. lo: 7 cars, Mc; 3 cars, 8fc; 1 car, 87c; 1 car. 86c: 2 3-6 cars. Hoc, Sample: 1 car, the; 4 earn, 80c. No. 2 spring: 1 car, 9o. No. $ spring; 4 cars. 83c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car. 984c No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 7c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. Vic. no. mixed: 1 car. -c: 69Wc. No. 6 mixed: 3 3-6 cars, to',o. No. i mixed: 1 car: (c. No. 6 white: 1 car, two. Oats No. 8 white: 2 oars j3Ci 30 cars. 33Wc. No. 4 white: 1 car. 384c: lo cara, 33c; 6 cars. S2c. Sample: 1 car, 3iStc; 1 car. $0Hc; 1 car, SOc. hye No. 3: 1 car, 94c: 3 cars, 8:iHc. No. 3: i car, 91V-", 3 cars, 9ic; 1 car. 8W4C. No. 4: 1 car. "c; 6 carp, ifcc; 1 car. 87c. Sample: 1 car. 8Hc. Omaha Cash Prices Wrieat: No. 3 tur key, tWvVNo. 3 turkey, 9VWc; No. 3 hard. I7. s; No. 3 hard. 94itiW.'c: No. 4 hard. R4Hh4Ho: No. 2 spring. 9W87c; No. 8 spring, 92dfSc; No. 3 durum,' V4W 86Ve; No. 3 durum. 93VV34Hc; samile, 76 85c. Corn: No. 2 white, MH4C."-to: No. 2 white. 69aC9Hc; No. 4 white, f8jr(o; No. 6 white, MyijWc; No. white, fxW(3 Uo; No. 2 yellow, 60fflo; No. 2 yel low, OOHtllc; No. 4 yellow, eojplOV: No. 6 yellow, 0f(jyHc; No. yellow. 69 ti)o; No. 2 mixed, 64fc; No. $ mixed. 6tu.;.9Vt; No. 4 mixed, Vufo; No. 6 mixed, M4Qy⁣ No. 8 mixed. " 4jWc. Onts: No. 2 white. 84,(8i3ic: stand ard. !HVaSl4o; No. 3 w hlta, IWpiSV; No. 4 white, 32(433V- Barley: Malting, 61 !&; No. 1 feed 4Tfi0u. Rye: No. 3. Itf-tftHc; No. 3, IllStllW. Chicago closing p. n-es, furnished The Bee by Logan Bryan, stock and grain brokers. ai5 South Sixteenth street: Artlclei Open. HlgH.i Low. I Close ) Yes y. Wheat Dec.ll024W 102V 1 dzv. May'l OSXm-I 1 01 1UV Com. 1 Iec.l5!Mi!'il M s v Itil VSi-i C2U iftk us is. 1 rec.!381fr'4 10H, 1 03 Msv Pork. Dec. Jan. I Lard. Jan. I May 14 fO 16 30 9 or.fr 07H 9 2iKfi 9 12U Rlhs. Jnn.!8 96fil Mayl 16 I 1 02HA 1 034!rW 1 OH til IBllifW S8H 9) 14 Ml 14 86 20 8 3 t 16 33 38' 4" Out mt 14 60 1 17V 00 I 06 I 87H1 14 M 16 30 9 00 9 OfrW 9 or 8 1 03'4jtf 1 03'4 1 044 6ia Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov Nov. Nov. Nov. T H, T 33a 1 111 f 93V, 7 06 S 1 30 V I 80V4, 82V s Ttn (M T W 1 06 f U 1 12 e T 101 7 0 T 11 7 7 38 t I7i 1 401 34i $ 4 I 8 341 191 8 3 T 401 I 191 8 81 7 871 8 W IS T 741 7 T 7 T W 7 71 7 I 8' T 71 I T Til T M JMtll 7 4N 7 3-1 1 I 13 II 1: I 01 $ 04! 7 3. 10) 7 91 10 8 09 18 8 07 1 1 96 1 M J T M T 49 7 T 70 1 71 1 M 7 7 74 1 70 h 10 y In the forenoon. Other fed weaterns Idaho wheat field lamb which were or 1000 head, overran early estimates, hut at that were smaller than a week ago. For the week to date the receipts foot up 40,31 head, being 4, Ml head larger than both laat week and last year, hut ISrtiO smaller than for two weeka ago. With the exception of last week receipts the last two days are smaller than for any similar period sine early In August. I nder the Influence of moderate local supplies and higher markets at other points fat lambs opened strong and l'"3iMj higher, while In a soot or two values looked a Quarter hlsher. Bulk of the fair to rnod fed westerns sold as high aa 300 early n and Idaho whs held a the same figure had not sold at a rather lata hour In the forenoon. When these finally sold, tho fed lam'. which were too heavy, scaling eighty-six pounds broiisht 316, while the Idahoa made $8 9's scoring a 30o advnnoe over yesterday. Today s top of 19.00 Is the highest figure paid here sine August, Top a year ago this monin was $9.40. reeding lambs again showd a firm tone, best of which wer a little weighty, duplicating yesterday s 30 top. There has been quite a little call for breeding ewes this week, and buyers took everything they could possibly use again today. Beat here made le.O", while others, some of which had I'ttle claim to favor, old downward to 36(6. Aa It la so late In ths season this demand for breeding stock is regarded aa Just a flash Id the pan, and, of course? there Is no way of telling how long It will continue. Feed- 7 611 7 73) ll . t an 1 it'll tu. a 14. 7 t C71,! 7 111 T 77! ' 7 80 t 79 iillMay Receipts and disposition of II stock at the 1'nlon stock yards. Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 8 o'olock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARA Cattle Hoga.tiheen.H'ses. Ing ewes were picked up readily at good st rone d rices and some that brought IV16 would undoubtedly have bean stooped at 1 36.10 yesterday. One sale at a-. 30 looked ! scratchy and could not be said to repre , sent the market. as a reeiiu or xne revival rc inr riwn Ing ewe demand packers were unable to get many old sheen and paid a III tie stronger prices for the few they did buy. Fat ewes mads $6.66. (Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $Mt00; lambs, fair t good, $8.TMr86; lambs, feeders, 3T.7MP vearllngs, fair to choice. MOTrtre 80; yearllnss, feeders, $a.ftr7.lR; wethers, fair to choice, 36.60rffwAO: ewes, good to choice, 36 264W .66: ewes, fnlr to good, t4.7Mlt.26. ewes, feeders. 84.8Wr 30. Representative sales: No. C . M. St, P 6 W abash 4 Mtcsouri raclflo 1 Union 1'aciflc (1 C. N. W east.... 6 C. A N. W., west.... 68 C , ft. P., M. AO... 4 C, B. A Q., east.... 18 C, H. A y.. wet.... 61 C, R. I. A P., east.. 13 C. l 1. A P., west. 3 Illinois Central 7 Chicago Urcat West 3 Total receipts. ...212 t U i 3 8 10 62 10 I ' 26 ii 12 i 84 DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Morris A Co fwlft and Company.... t'udahy Packing Co.... Aunour A Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.... S. o. Packing Co K. P. Co CiVhy. Sioux City.... W. t. Van 8a nt Co.... Benton, Van 8. A L. ... Hill A Son F. B. Lewis Huston A Co J. H. Boot A Co J. H. Bulla Bosenstock Bros Ktllogg Wertlielmer A Degen.. 11. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros l.. 956 9.17 1,013 1.324 "'40 HO V4 K 2.611 1.177 1.880 i,u5 278 134 344 0rVf!9 07UBI 07-41 I A Asked. B Bid. &H l.ehmer Bros.. Bo:hschlld Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... ( hrls.lo HlgKins Huffman Roth Meyers Olatsberg Baker, Jones A Smith.. Banner Bros John Harvey Dennis A Francis Kline Jensen aV I.un green..... Other buyers S8U 14 80 1 47H 9 12'4 26 00 22 LEGAL NOTICES Notice Is hereby given that sealed orrv nonl will he, rciv4i hv th iin.-X r may. umim iininnsa unC'iJitTa KritoS fthT Jj? ,ower n1 Prov.slon. down Tc I'lsirict at tneir 01 rice in tne village of Bayard, Neb., for the purchase of fif teen thousand five hundred eighty-two dollars face value of the ( per cent serial bonds of said district until 1:30 o clock p, m. on the 7th day of December, 1916; said bonds are Issued under and by virtue of an Act of the legislature of the state of Nebraska, approved March 26th, 1S96, Session Laws 1S95, Chapter 70 and all amendments thereto and pursuant to a vote of the majority of the qualified elec tors of said dkttrlct. The Board expressly reserves the right to reject any and all bids and will In no event sell any of said bonda for less than ninety-five per cent of the face value thereof. By order of the Board of Directors. (Signed) CATHERINE ROBERTS. Secretary Short Line Irrigation District. N9d20t NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaotatlona of thai Day oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Nov. .-FLOURSteady. WHEAT Spot, easy; No. 1 durum. 81.11, f. o. b. New Ycrk; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 31.08, and No. 1 northern, Manitoba, 3I.0SH, c. I. f. Buffalo. Futures were steady; December, ll.uHV CORN-Spot, steady; No. I yellow, 74c, prompt shipment. OATS-Spot, steady; No. I whlta, 410 41 lie. , HAY Steady; prime. $1 36: No. 1, $1 SO; No. 2 81.8); No. 3. $1.01.06; shipping. 8-X3. HOPS Steady; state, common to cholco. 1916. 22030c: 1914, 7?Y12e; Pacific coast. 116, 12kj15; 1914. 10fj2c. HIDE Sttady; Bogota, 3u31c; Cen tral America. 2fo. LEATHER Firm: Hemlock firsts, 334V 34c; seconds, 'Mi'a.'ic. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; $lti.5oiP17.tX: family, t21.t0t22.j0; clear. 818 60020.00. Beef, at.ady; 316.5O&47.0O; family. 318 i 18.60. feusv: middle west. 19 2f,, 9.3o TALLOW Steadier; city. 7'c; country, 70Tc. BI TTER Firmer: receipt. 11,866 tubs; creamery extras. iVa31c; firsts, H)Hc; seconds, 'A'u'Slc. EtiOS Irregular; receipts, 10.276 cases; fresh gathered extra fine, S9Cu40c: extra firsts, aijtoc; firsts, 31U36c; seconds, 'ima 80c. CHEESE Firm; receipts, 8.810 boxes; state, whole milk, held, flats, specials, irV(16c; state, whole milk, held, flats, average fancy, 15'e; state, whole milk, held, flats, current make, specials, bW& 15vt,c; state, wholo milk, held, flats, av-t-rane fncv, htC. POl'LTRY Alive, unsettled; dressed quiet aud unchanged. meas, short mesa, Lard, Kanaaa City Grala and Pravlaioas. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 9. WHEAT No. 2 hard. tl.tKCrilOT; No. 2 red. $1 10 112; December, btS&c ; May, 98S 9c. CORN No. 2 mixed, Mi-inSc; No. 2 white, 6&Vtj60c; December, 6(i6u4c; May, 68c. OATS No. 2 white, 37ff37Ho; No. t mixed. 341 35Hc. BUTTER Creamery, 28c; firsts, 26c; seconds. 2f.o: packing, liHtc. (i.S Firsts. 2ac; seconds, 22o. POULTRY Hen. llc; roosters. 9o; broilers. 16c. Mlnaeapolls Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 9. -WHEAT De cember. &BV-: Msy, $1 OOSttjlOeH; No. 1 hsrd. 31.01: No. 1 northern, 8Tic8l.XV FIX5UK Unchsngtd. BARLEY 616i)ic. KYE "61 " Sc. BHAN-IU.M. CORN No. S yellow. fr,W7c. OAT No. 3 white, S3HI&34C. FLAX-$1.98V2 03V,. Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 9. WHEAT Spot, easy: No. 3 Manitoba. Us 4d: No. 3, Us 3d; No. 2 hard winter, old, 12a 4V,d; No. 3 Chicago, new, Us 2d. CORN Spot, easier; La Plata. 3s. A Room for the Roomer, or a Roomer for the Room. Bee Want Ads Do the j Work. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featarea of the Trmala mm Cloalaa Prlcea on Board of Trade. ' CHICAGO. Nov. Ranld enlarge ments of stocks, hnfh domAMtlo anil lun tended today to stimulate bearish seniimeni regarainff wnest. The market closed nervous, Tifilc to lffl'fc net lowr l'h December at r.2. and May at $1.0.?i43 1.03V Corn showed a loss of a sixteenth for December, hut Vir4e ad. vance for May. Oats finished unchanged to SGe. Hurried unloading by owners of wheat took place as soon as fUures Wero posted, disclosing a big Increase in the world's available stock. The bulls )ai previously been handicapped by liberal receipts at the chief terminals northwest and southwest of here, but tho selling pressure now became much more pro nounced and was only a little re'axed In the dealings near the end of the ses sion. Forecasts of showera that would lend to Improve the condition of the newly seeded winter crop formed one of the main elements adverse to any Im portant rally. Breaks In the price of wheat were fol lowed by reports that as a result farmers In Nebraska snd the northwest showed slens of adopting a policy of holding back consignments. Traders friendly to sn advance derived a minor degree of comfort also from word that estimates of ths Argentine exportable surplus would have to be cut owing to damage done by drouth. Corn developed comparative strength. Influenced by opinions that measured by feeding values the total domestic yield this season was but slightly above the crop of 1911 Judged by the same standard, an actual shortage was said to bo indicated for the surplus states. Oats held about steady. Offerings were absorbed by houses that usually act for the seaboard. Provisions gave way with hogs. Trans actions were almost entirely confined to packers and stock yards speculators. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red. nominal; No. I red, $1.04al.0w; No. 1 hard, nominal: No. 3 hard, 97VfccS41 .06. Corn No. 2 yellow, old. 64 Vic: No. 3 whits, old. e34c; No. I yellow, new, 60SSlc; No. 3 white, new, fnJc. Oata: No. 3 white, 3ty0Wc: standard, 8S4o. Rye: No. 2, $1.00. Barley: aWc. Seeds: Timothy, $5.00.00; clover, $10.0O4f30.O0. Provisions: Pork, $14.60; lard. $8.80; ribs. $10.12tf10 3c. F.1KI8 Higher; receipts, 2,823 cases; firsts, &3t4c: ordinary firsts, 27C8c; at mark, rases Included, 20fi28c. POTATOES Hlxher; receipts, 60 cars, Michigan and Wisconsin whites, 48fr67c; Minnesota and Dakota whltea, r,3a0c; Minnesota and Dakota 'Ohloa, 606660. POULTRY Alive, lower; fowls, 12V4c; springs, 13c St. Loala Grala Market. ST. LOUIS. Nor. 9,-WHEAT-No. I red, $1.16; No. $ hard, $1.04; December, 31.01S; May, 11.03'V CORN No. 3. 6reV,r: No. 2 white. 60c; December, 66&6fiV4c; May, 69ttW,4c. OATS No. 2. 36Vo; No. 3 white, noml- t nrtee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 9-XFFEE-The market for coffee futures opened steady at an advance of 2 to 7 points and sold about I to 8 points net higher during ths early trading oa foreign buying and scat tered covering after yesterday's setback. Reports of steady Bratlltan mirketa hefiiej the upturn, hut the market met some trade selling aa well as a renewal of scattered realizing and prices later turned easier, with March declining from 6.96c t.i 4.86c, while May worked off from 7.30e to 6.93c. The closing was 4 to 7 points net lower. Bales were 6ti..'i00 bags. November, 6.82c; December, .4c: Janu ary, .Mc; Fehruarv, $4c; March, XVj; April, 6.370; May. 6.91c; June. 9r: July, 7.6nc; August 7.06c; September, 7.00c; o totr. 7 16c Spot, steady; Rio No. 7. lo; Santos No. 4, 9Vfcc. The cost and freight market was reported rather easier In tone, with quotations ranging from Itic lo 9.40c for Santos 4s, Wngllsh credits. The official cable reported no change In the primary markets. Cottaa Market . NEW YORK, Nov. l.-COTTON-pot, quiet; middling uplands, 11. 60c Bales, 100 ba lea. Futures opened firm; December, 11.46c; January. U.6c; March. ll.MOc; May, 1194c; July. liOBc. Cotton futures closed steady; December, 11 4 c; .Isnus . 11 &c; March, 11.7c; May, II 4c; July, 12.00c. The cotton market closed steady at a net advance of 8 to 6 points. 1JVEKPOOL, Nov. 9. COTTON-Spot, steady; good middling. 7.19d; middling. Sd; low middling, 6 37d. Sale. 10.U00 bales. Totals ..10.186 4.120 8.021 16.781 CATTLE Receipts wee fair for a Tues day, although less than half aa many cattle arrived as yesterday. For the two days receipts amount to 19,(74 head, be ing the smallest of any recent week, but larger than a year ago by over 1,000 head. The market aa a whola was In very fair condition. Really good beef steers were by no means plentiful, and the market was fairly active at prices generally steady with yesterday. Cows and heifers sold In about th same notches as yesterday, there being little change In either direction. Some com mon and Inferior stuff may possibly have been a little weak. Good feeders were scarce and firm. On the other hand there wer a great many common to medium kinds, which ara not very much sought after and which ara slow and weak sellers every day. Quotations on cattle: prune com fed beeves. $9.76410.00- good to cbolos Ted yearlings. $9.0119.76; fair to good fed yearlings, $!t.6oi9.00; common to fair fed yearlings. ltU.Kri8.bO; good to choice heavy beeves, $9.0orrr9.60; fair to good corn fed beevoa, 38.0u4Y0.00: common to fair corn fed beeves, 36.60A8.26; prim grass beeves, $8.(i0tr8.n; good to choice grass beeves, I7.60irt8.00; fair to good grass beeves. $8. 767 60; common to fair grass beeves. $.1,7616.76: Rood to choice grass heifers, $6.orwfr7.00; good to cholo grass cows, $6.80'u.60: fair to good cows, $i.00r8.80; common to fair cows. S4.00tr6.00; good to Choice feeders. 37.40d4l.0O: fair to good feeders, 0.7Mi7.4O: common to fair feeders, tn.76iti6.76; good to choice stock ere, 17.608.00; fair to good stockera. 3. 76777.60: common to fair stockera, 8.60ft 6.76: stock heifers, 36.7&fi.76: stock cows. I4.766.00: stock calves. $6.6ft8.60 veal calves. ttbOm.W; bulls, stags, etc., 34 eMM.35. Representative sales: NEBRASKA. ?4 feeders.. IOCS 7 00 19 steers.. ..1141 (70 89 feeders.. 1031 6 66 38 steers..., 99 00 iO calves... 180 $60 13 calves... 247 7 60 18 steers.. ..1L 4 86 26 steer.. ..1138 30 WYOMING. 18 steers.. ..1302 7 26 8 feeders,. 1044 I 80 30 feeder.. 898 6 90 COLORADO. 16 steers.... 978 6 70 9 feeders.. 10M f 86 47 steers.... 991 6 20 66 steers..., 983 It) 16 steers.... 9n8 6 20 63 steers.... 99 6 90 66 steers.... 989 8 20 26 steer.... 983 4 66 IDAHO. 10M 6 86 6 steer.... 994 I 86 900 60 MONTANA. 1217 7 00 6 steers... .1098 16 SOUTH DAKOTA. 12U 7 26 'OWP, At. Pr. Ns. A. Pr. Sit 4 U 3 11M 4 at NT lU JO Ml U 10M 4 Tt 1 IMS I M b It 10 TM IN HEIFERS. mi 1 is as 44 i 4t 417 tli BULLS. 1230 4 40 1 97 3 CALVES. tt I M I til 7 SI Ui I I) 1 144 7 W ft I 10 1 M IN BTOCKEKsl AND FEEDERS. " Ml I Tt 14 Ill 4 M I W 3 14 171 BEEF STEERS. 411 10 I im 9 M Han I to t 1104 I 40 HOds-Receipts. while somewhat larger than on most recent Tuesdays, wer again very moderate. Sixty-two ear, or about 4.4o0 head, war reporttd In, bring ing the total for th two days up to 1.640 head. This Is a gain of 1000 over laat week, la twice as large as two weeks ago, and about l.Ouu heavier than for the corresponding days last year. Supplies for the last two days are larger than for any similar period sine th first week of September. Sh'pplng trade showed more life than on Monday, although prices again eased off a little. Top again reached 34.30, put In spite of that fact values wire quotably 6c lower all around and might have keen MnMOo off In spots. The load that brought $6 9i today waa on of th bast that hag been In th yard for some tlm. General market wa3 mostly 6471ie lower than Monday's average. Bulk moved at K 74i).7R. with a sprinkling on either side, snd extreme tup touched 890, Today's value are nearly 2Uo lower than at the eloa of last week. 13 cows.... I feeder. 13 steers... 38 steers... No. II I I II 41 n No. Av. . Ft. Na, At. Ik. a. Tl IM ... I lo Tl aM Its I TO II 170 ... I M M II 140 4M0 H W4 IS IN el SM NIT! M Ill ... IM tl M ... Hi III H7 II IU Tl 107 IM I 71 r ri m 101 m tut so ii IH 44 IM IW II IM ... Ill M Ml IU ........rt ... Ill it r Ml st im ... 4 at M ul m "pios. 10 Tl ... I M M 100 ... I OS 17 Ill ... Ill H u ... I at 33 Idaho lamha 1' native lamt-s , 101 Idaho lambs 6(4 Idaho lambs 111 Idaho lamb ltvm Idaho lambs , 346 Wyoming lamb 173 native lambs 1071 Wyoming lambs ....... lfiO Wyoming lambs . 21 nstlv feeder lamb .., 64 native feeder lamb .... 363 Wyoming feeder lamb 340 Idaho feeder lambs. 600 Wyoming ewes 4UWyomlng ewes Id Nevada ewes 0 Wvomlna breeder owes 611 Wyoming feeder ewe 100 M Wyoming feeder ws 94 M native lamb 31 668 native lambs 96 7 70 68 60 .. 73 .. 7 . 67 .. 80 .. 77 .. 68 .. 1 .. 61 .. 3 ..120 ..104 ..104 KM Av. Price. 77 8 76 8 AO 3 75 I 70 7 90 8 76 3 76 $ 60 76 76 T 80 8 0 60 8 60 i 60 6 60 36 26 I 10 I 00 00 I 36 CHICAGO LIVID STOCK MARKET Cattl Weal laeep BHKEP Supplies of seventy-five oar. Hogs Weak' traasT. CHICAGO, Nov. .CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head; market weak; native beef steers, $o.90Jlo.4o; western eera, r.NI 8.60; cows and holfsra, 82.7664.16; calve, $6 6047-10. 60. 1 1 VJ c t, v -v imi , iiwi r, fc weak; 109200 lower: bulk, 86.60477.10; light. l4l.XVXSP7.16; mixed, 16 3C47.40; heavy, $o.fJ 7.36; rough, tft.3D4j-6.36; pigs. W.7Ml.. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 7.010 head; market strong; wethers, $6,90434.60; ewes. tl.90O.M; lambs, t7.00Qs.36. t. Law la Live stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. .-CATTLE Receipts 60 head: market steady; native beef steers. $7.6oilo.40; yearling steers and K -I Ifl LMMil . t4MVft7ft. .ImIi. ers and feeder. t4.O0uI7.76: southern steers. !. shtie ou, cowi ana neuers, ft-vuav.su; native calve. HOutJIoM. HOQS Receipt. 14,700 heaJ; market lower; pig and lights, ! 0017.700; mixed and butcher, I4.t007.lo; good heavy, $7.05 67 10. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipt s. 1,70) head; market strong; natlv mutton, yearling. t6O07V6. lambs, t8.0U.uu; shp and awes, t6.6O04.26, Kansas City LIt S.Mk Market. KANSAS C1TT. Nov. 9. CATTLE Re ceipts. 18,000 head; market weak; prim fed steers, t9.2t4i40.00-, dressed beef steers, 17 7660 00; western steers, $6.60(04.40; stock era end feeders, $V6oQ;.76; bulla. $4,269 1.00; calves. t4.O4l0.0O. HOGS Receipts, 19.000 head: market, lower; bulk, t6.6txff4.76; heavy t4.5664.77Vs; packers and butchers. t4.704J6.8S; lights, $6.40(14 86: pigs. $6 60? 68. SH-iEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10 000 head; market higher; lambs, M.WVOO; yearlings, $6.2f.S7.; wethers, t6.60tf6.li; was, t4.76fr6.86. (Mo-- City Ltv Staok Market. SIOUX CITY. Nor. 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,800 head; market steady to loo lower: natlv steers, $6.00t4.60; butchers. $4 .608.00; cow and heifer. tl.BMt.80; cannera, 3 0iiJH.26; stockers and feeders, 14 60640.- calves, 84.0049.00; bulls, stags, etc., K6UR4.40. HOGS Receipts, 1,000 head: market, 10 (C16c lower;: heavy, 86 6664.70; mixed. $6 65, light, t6 40V6 66: bulk of sales, $4 66. SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipt. s.froO head. t. Joaeak Lira Stoak Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Nov. .CATTLE Receipts, 1.800 head; market alow; steer, $6.00460: cows and heifers, HOOtUW.W; calves, tt.0064.60. HOGS Receipts. 12.600 head; market 16r2oc lower; top, $340; bulk of sales, t6.60iri4.66 8HEKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4,000 head; market strong; lambs, $8.00414.85. ( Live Stock la Slafct. Receipt of llv stock at th five prin cipal western markets: Cattl. Hog. Sheop. South Omaha 6.000 4, I8.000 Chicago .0"0 81,000 7.0- Bt. Loul . 14.700 3.700 Kansas City 13.000 19.000 11,000 Btoux City t.900 6.000 3.600 Total .41.100 44,100 43.200 Local Stock aad Boada. Quotations rsralshed by Beras. Brisker m Co., Ml Omsfea NaOoaal kaak ballSlsg: Sloeks SI. Asked. paaksra Msrtsaa Lsaa 1IV II Cltr TrusU pa . " . Cttr Nstlaiial gailllaa, T aer seal fd ..... to Dows Co.. ,10 . Faineant Craary, wit M Kota Motor Ltowassr, Caaaa 4e rM Rubber Co., t ar sssi at 104 1 Moral BmIMIss r., I r sost eld... M 100 Unooln Tsl. Tol.. eoai 14 M Now atato Tel., U Oasba a X . c Rtx M-. fWh m O. B. Rr. A afd 44 !!V Kun Bank Ostsaa .... HI Seirt C 1H 111 tsloa Mtaca Yaras Stock 17 HV gonos Alo-e rer ot aetos, 110,,. 17 M Harass Oot. I ae ooni mntm. ll.... Mv, to UbmIi Tel. T.I. M. 1HJ M MV IM Assoles Ballnr Is, 140 Msraeaata 8. I U H. 1 6 M Ovalis Wiur 4Hi, 1M1 W lotvt Omaba Oas M, llf 10 M Omaba C. B. aX. Br. la lo M M H.4 Cloud. Noh.. 4VH. 1 Rvlft Oo M II Hioos Cltr Stook Ysrs Is. 1M0 M It Stout raits. . D . la lta l I'X tmton Btoek Tarla Omaha, la. IMt... v4j loon Wtrhlta llnloa Stock TarOS 4s, lilt... Hs 100 Si Wsrss Oousty gckssls Is IM 101 Loslos Stock Market. LONDON, Nov. 9 Th featur In th American section of th stock market was Canadian Pacific, which advanced Th rest of th list hardened from ba- . .... . , . u low paniy nu o"wi wiw j . SILVER Bar. 341-16 Pr auno. MONETT 3H454 per cent. IilWWNT RATES Short bill and I month. 4 per cent Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. .METAL Load offered. 16 00. Spelter, 811 30411 70. Cooper, firm: electrolytic. 118.1211.16. Iron, steady and unohangad. Tin, firm: Pot, $14 OuM.60. At London: Spat eorpr, sT74 t 64; future. 74 lis; electrolytic. 90 10. Spot tin. lt 16; future. 13 16. Anti mony. 3i. Lead, tu 16. Bpaiur. 73 10. gasrar Market. ftUOAR Raw, firm; centrifugal, 4.64c; molsssos. 3370. Refined, firm and II point higher: cut loaf, 4nc: crushed. 4.46c: mould A. 6. We: cube. 1.30c: XXXX powdsred. 140c; powdered. I.75e; fin granulatad, 146c: diamond A, 1.66c; eon fecUoner' A, t.ttc; No. 1. t.40o. Kve no rated aplee aad Heled Vwls. NEW YORK. Nv. . EVAPORATED APPLBS-Hteedy DRIED FRUITS Prun, firm. A.pri eots steady; cholo. HflOc; extra choice. 10-lOlfce; fancy. 1lH413e. Peaches, weak; chric. 4V4c; extra cholc. o: fancy, 6V. halslna, steady. Read Thm Every Py. It Will Pay! Th Want Ad In Th Be. NEW YORK JJTOCK MARKET Heary liquidation of Day Before) Renewed with Greater Vig-or. ' ALIEN OFFERINGS FACTOR NrTW TOTtK, Nov. .-Th heav llquldstlon which swept over yesterday lets market was renewed with greater vigor today, all pans of the list scoring row minimum for the current movement. The decline gathered Incressed force from prtresslonsl sources, traders in general belnn active on the short sld of the ac count. Foreign offerings wer also anj Important factor, estimates of London ssle ranxlng trom ..O0 to 60.000 shares. In fact much of the day's unset tlement was caused by further pessimistic advice from abroad. These bore largely upon political and financial condition affect-mi,- the allied nations and were supple mented by unconfirmed rumors that if','" orar were In danger of can cellation. Apart from steady pressure, however, the market manifested many symptoms of an artificial character which mad It vulnerable to attack, final prices wer only a trifle above low itlt. ... r hlh-irrd securities, whll specialties mad only nominal recoveries. All th activity of the session wa at th expense of values, trsdlng becoming dull on every covering movement. Total sole amounted to 1.1.O.000 share. Some of th extreme deel nea are: Stude fl'rl 't.,; Willys-Overland, 26. at 1 "nr"' Motors. 20, at 370; Baldwin Locomotives 4 at 113; tenneasee Copper, nd Great Northern Ore. 3. at - - - . ...f-i..,,, near war class, like Amertcn Unseed, common and; 1U..HI ; "ies inaustriaj Alconol, Ll!i".r Pecurltlea and American Coal Products, lost 3 to 10 point. United T' which was among th few lT.i-1? to. ,h.owJ. ctu' "trengtU at tha oprnlng. declined to 3H and closed at 4H. a net gain of 4. 2 V,Vh,t 11.",'r.y ,ac,ln' ran from 1 to L.".1"1 st- Pul. Norfolk A Western and the southern lines showing least r- ri,h.".n, u',ml- f1 "hares yielded their recent advance, although, !rrn'.c",,.c",",Lttong t,,,lt industry con lirU """""her favorahl. Among th Si Sf r,urn of the day waa that of ? j"'""""-! PBeiflo system, .howlng a, f 'i:sm September iiiM.ivl" ln y"1Pthy. some ,pao- i ln.i m"kl"" BPPraclabl de- U -ttnmToi'l.fBJr'i t"r v"us- kks-regatedi ihit tnlt,?1 tnds wer un changed on call. Number of sales and leading- quotation on stock wer aa follows: Alalia O.U "T "Jr- Aiu..i;r..- .:t f Amrran gugmr aC H Amvleaa t.1tn , Jf p Amerirsa looonotlrs .... l'o"0 . II. SM Its Wa 2s 7V II I. WO 11 111 1,4 l.;oo n mi it l.ie suu gn isi 4. J0 44 U U'4 . M 110 . 1, 7 JO M ! 'ire 'mi TOO 11-4, Isoo im , l.ton too i S.tut ! 'lira , l.tn , ao.se . Vo 7n , It M , 41 M I4 M 414 'ii-' 11)4 lilt MS 'ii n i Tl 11 4014 H 44 IW 40 1T.S4, 171 17. bO t I. KM T1V4 Amsiiiaa B. R. am. B. K. rt Asi. gusar Raflntni Amarims Tel. Tsl.... AoMrlean Tohxym Anaconoa C'opesr ....... Att'hlaoa Bllwls LK-nmodTs BslilmcMw a imuo..; Bethlehem lu il ro h I, n Rlnlrf T . .1 tslltnrnla Ptrolia ... vanaiuin -rllle Cenlral Isalliar Chleaso O W !..." i nieaso, M a Bt. P.... ( hi, mo N. W rhiiwao. n i a a u . tritno c opiwr , laiersos l--ul m Iron... Cruolbls BtMl i)iier a R. O. at PlMHisrs- aeturltlss ... Kris nerl Klsetrle Ortal Northers afl 4lrat V. lusahlm Itoplorstiool innow iwim 700 nterboroush ron. Cor.. I.mo ris Inaplrailoa Oopesr st.imo 43 Internallonal Marrmtw... tno K im Ksnssa t tir goatbora..., I. tno mi 8 Lwisn tsjisj i aoo LouMvlll Nwahrllls Mailfws Patrol.um I.MM Miami Omi I. iniiwiun. a. a t. pfi. Mimoiiri raoiris National Blanult NallonaJ L4 Ntvada Coppor Now Vork Contral,... N. T.. N. H. a II,.. Norfolk m We.... Northern Paalfls Psoitis Mall Parma Tel. a Tol.,,. Ponssylvanta Pullman PaJaas Car.. Rar iTia. Coepar Raaitlns Ilapubllo Iran A Btsal Bouthara Paclfle outhara Railway ... Iiolabaksr Cm pan; Twnian Copoar .... Taiaa rompaar Vnlon Pnollio t'nlon Pactna pfd.. failed glataa Steal... 11. H. KtMl pr t'tah rvppar Waalsrs t'nlon Waatinshnaaa glaotrto Montana Powar Oaaaral Molars wanaaa a dm "w 4744 41 1S4 111 lor Ht4 aia 111 tlw 410 II ni4 in los 1 u lUj II 4114 II 4V, 4C 171 TO 10l 101 11 41 044 7 ... ItilOO "to l.too "iii it4 a 4.4 TO 10T t 4I 10144, n 117 lH II 14 14 III UU, U'4 4941 I.io 101 H loo. loi 2 i.ioo ant, t,(4 Itrnl tliu liaaT I. 4.T00 IU4( 114H 1141 - II SIW 4 11 IW H ; r ii 41 II 14V. 4 S4 II 4 47 ana ai . 7.IO to TO ist . ll ooo . M.MIO 9S . . v4 . M.oo iO)H . 4. 400 tin , ii. too in ita . 7 tl . l ane las . l.ton im ja, vn in, u . I.ano in, n,H mi4 , 13.700 11 u . 1.009 II 3 MU " ISO IV, law a 1 111 m 1MI 1MU, M S44 l IT Total sal. for the' .;. l.UJ Oo4 ThariT Nw York Mossy Market. PR3PAKVeNrcr;nt,--MERCANTILB STKRLINO fcXCHANfllMMtT bills. niKSt ef.b'-f.. SSHc ,e""-. siexiean aoiiars. hBOND8-Oovrnmnt. steady; railroad. ' - "kw per cent: months. 244)3 per cant. CALL MONEY-Bteady; high. 2 cent: low. Ill rv. . n- ' T. - "9 - ul II M rmTB. i bTdr aBLJwKnrJf-r. .' Closing quotation on bonda today wer as follows: 0. g. raf. 3s, rg.... n Ma. Pas. . is .. i eoattoa tl N. T. C. lab. 4s. V. M. sa. raa Ml v v n.Z a.TZ 12' 12 2-1 'f4w.::::!o; os. rag lt fi, y.. jj M m U soupea 11 ev. lo 11TU, Panama to osupoa..loit4No. paclflo 4s...! !. livT Am. gmaltars la. ...104 do Is ... aftu A- T- "J-- 4s..itao. a. u rf. ;::;;. Jil Armour A Co, 4Vts.. ! Pmc. T. A T. Is ! Ms 104 44 I 7t'4 Vw4 six per 1H 43 10014 I0414 Atchlaoa son. 4a. rial a lima aa. .. (Vn. Puiria lat.. Tis. a Ohio IWt y. b. a q. j tl U Pann en alia 041 da sea. 4Wa. 4krtaaillna saa. 4a... Jlw". U . P. r. .r . " " rw. ot. as.... m m arm .sia. mi so rar. Is p. H I. a P. r. la M go Rallwar Is.." n i Hs.... Uwtnlo. pw,f,0 4,... n. 4 H. O raf. Is. . II o sr. 4s rte so. 4a 1V. g. gsbbar 4a.. Oaa. Blseirla la 10114 r g. tuM as. Ot. No. lat 4ws loo Wsbask lat la III. Oaa. rat. a atwWaM. rnloa 4Mb K. C. Be. raf. U.... 14 Waat. TCI.o. n as it KN4k"T.' ilt ii" ;'-' I .. 14. .101 4 . 17 . .loH .10144 .lot 4 . M .Ul . It '4 Baalc t'leartasre. OMAHA, Nov. . Bank clearings for Omaha today were 83.264.11b.S7 and for tha corresponding duy last year I2,7s4.1s6.49. MOTOR STOCKS We will furnish complete dotallol Information on th following com panies on request: GKXKRAI. MOTORS INTKitNATIONAL MOTORS WILLYS OVERLAND C HALMKRS MOTORS 8TI DKIIAKFR CXJRPORATIOX MAXWKLL MOTORS ad otnar Wl BUT. rglJ. ANT QPOTI TrIESg TOOK AND SOLICIT TOt'R gUHINKHe) CHARLES A. ST0NEHAM & CO. KBTABLISIIED 1103. COaCatTagrOsT TOCat B3iOnB4. Cklraaw 111 W. Jackaua Uoalavar. New Twk. MHw.uh.a, PivaTnn. THICK SWOLLEN GLAND3 ttuit max g horn Wbaera, Ror. har Thick Wind or Choka-down, can b rducd with ii as also an Bunch or Kwrellino-. No Kli,rr nrt hair gona, and hort kept at work. Coo. cantrsted only a few drops required at is application, tl per bottl delivered. Book 3 K frea. ABSORBINE, JrU,antiteptic liniment for man kind, reduce Cy its. Went, Painful, Knotted Vixicoa Vsint, Ulcer. It and 12 a bottle at dealer o delivered. Book "Evidence" free, J.YOUka. P. D. f mimik M. rlagll!.. I