Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1915, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily Bee
Advertiting it the pendu
lam that keept baying
and telling in motion.
VOL. XLV NO. 124.
rv Tt1". at Hotel
Wew stead, ate M
Men Taken Into Cuitody in Connec
tion with Investigation Made
by Sheriff and the
King Dodo ' and Lady Jane Cause
Detention of Men Against Whom
' There Wag No Suspicion.
Four arrests and a search for a
trail by bloodhounds, which was ot
spectacular interest to hunrders of
residents of Benson, were the fea
tures of investigations of the murder
of James,. Maney made by Sheriff
McShane and Omaha police yester
day. The following men were taken
Into custody in connection with the
Charles Daniel, Forty-second and
Redman avenue, a junk dealer. A
revolver, one chamber of which had
been discharged, was found in his
Orville Pryor, 2720 North Sixty
first street, Benson, a carpenter. He
was taken to the sheriff's office by
Deputy Larry Flynn, as the result of
threats which he is alleged to have
made against Maney's life.
It. J. Johnson and his son, Vern,
aged 18 years, who live at 6007
Oretchen avenue. Bloodhounds led
the way from the scene of Monday
night's crime to a barn on their
premises. .
There waa no grounds for suspicion of
Johnson or his son, officials admitted,
except the fact that the hounds followed
a trail to their home, which is situated
three-quarters of a mile northeast of the
iHmgla county fair grounds, where the
murder occurred. At the police station
Johnson and his son protested that they
were Innocent and declared they were
able to account for their whereabouts
Monday night.
Two Other Men Held.
The bloodhounds followed a road for
half a mile, then went through a small
cornfield and circled around to the barn
yard In the rear of the Johnsons' home.
They were allowed to repeat the trip for
three times and each time entered a sta
ble. . . ' '
wnatever trait was lerc by the - man
who killed Maney waa at best difficult
for dog to follow yesterday since It waa
eighteen hours old and many persona had
passed over the vicinity of the crime In
the meantime.
A Urge crowd watched the dogs work.
Scores of email boys crowded to the
front and hampered the efforts of the
aleutha James Hughes, Benson police
officer, was assigned to the task of at
tempting to control the boys, but found
It difficult Typical village "constabules"
topped men who were present on busi
ness and the atmosphere was charged
with excitement. A moving picture oper
ator waa grinding out a few feet of film.
Pryor, who waa detained for question
. lng by the county officials, was asserted
to have declared hla belief last August
that Maney wa; partly responsible for
lila having been ' sent to the Inebriate
asylum at Lincoln. He Is alleged to have
made threats to harm Maney. He waa
discharged from the asylum September 19
and said ha returned to Omaha one week
ago. Ha waa arrested at 2308 J street,
South Omaha, by Deputy Flynn.
Daniel waa arrested after officers had
followed wagon tracks from the fair
grounds to his home. He declared he
waa at horn inched at the time of the
( tnurder. ..
QUINCY, Mass.. Nov. .-The super
dreadnaught Nevada completed another
of lta official trips off the coast early to
day by running twenty-four hours at a
ten-knot speed, and consuming sis
pounds less oil a knot than Its contract
The Weather
Forecast till T
D. m. Wadnearinv
For Omh
Council Rlufis and Vicinity
-Unsettled with probably ihowers
Ttwprrmir, at Omaha lntrdr,
.... H
.... Si
..x SI
.... St
. .. St
.... 41
6 a. ro.......
6 a. ni.
7 a. m....
S a. m....
9 a. m....
10 a. m....
11 a. m ...
- m 45
1 P. m 4
S P- m 44
J p. m 4t
P. nt 5
8 p. m 4
P. m 4)
7 p. m
T- m 4i
i'atpara t lr Voemt Rrror4.
ion. iwi. mx i9i.
Bil?hent yeaterday 60 61 40 ?)
lowest yerterday Si 33
Mean temperature 42 4!
d'reciitatkiii 00 .
Temperature and proclptatlon
tura frotn the normal:
51 41
ii &e
.oo .oo
Normal temiiera t uro n
Kicwi for the day J
Total deflrkn -y since March 1
Normal prcipltitlun , .At Inch
(eficincy for the day... M lnc1
ToMI rainfall rlnpe March 1. .2V;'7 Inch
Peflrlf-ncy inc Slurc1! 1 .M in-hes
ref clency for cor. peH.xl, 1I4. S. Inch s
Deflcleacjf for cor. period. VMX 7 aj inche s
R-ra fro at atatlaaa at T P. M.
Station and Ktata Temp. H th- B-iln-
. 0
ix.-nver, cloudy
Iee Molnea, cloudy
Iodge City, pt. cloudy..
I anoer, cloudy
North Platte, cloudy.'.'..
kmHha. cloudy
A'uehlo, e'oudy "'
Haptd City, cloudy.....'!
fait I-rke City, cloudy,
hunts Fe, cloudy...,..,.,
elt.eridnn, cloody
Floux C ty, cloudy
Valentine, it cloudy.
U A. WELSH, local Forecaster
THEODORE E. BURTON, Ohio's favorite son candidate
for presidential nomination, an honor guest
of Omaha today.
' , rv
i oV:Vi
f .'
T lJ
f ;v1
L " " '
I " s " v
U r " l
To Speak Here Twice Today and to
" Attend Reception by McXin
- . - -ley Clsb. -
Former Senator Theodore E. Bur
ton of Cleveland, O., prominently
mentioned as a candidate for the re
publican, nomination for president,
arrived in Omaha late last night and
is today the guest of Omaha and the
republicans of the state.' He will
speak at the Commercial club at the
public affairs luncheon at noon today
cn the subject, "Nineteen Fifteen,"
and in the evening at 8 o'clock in the
ballroom of the Hotel Fontenelle he
will address a mass meeting of repub
licans on . the subject, "The United
States and the War."
In the . afternoon, from 5 to 6
o'clock. Senator Burton will be ten
dered a public reception by the Mc
I.inley club on the second floor of the
Hotel Fontenelle. Many .republicans
from all parts of the state are ex
pected to Join 'with Omaha In welcom
ing the distinguished guest.
Senator Burton Is a public servant of
long- experience. lie waa firat elected to
the house of representatives from - the
state of whlo In 18SS, and served continu
ously In that body, Witt the exception of
a single term, until 1909, when ha re
signed his seat' to serve in the senate.
Tfclrtvea)' Years la Hoaae, ,
In the house of representatives ha was
for thirteen years a member, and for ten
aycars the chairman of the committee on
rivers and harbors. He was also chair
man, of loth the Inland and National
Waterways commissions, and with these
commissions ha made several trips to
Europe to study the water transporta
tion systems of such highly developed
countries aa France and Germany.
He la widely recognised aa an authority
on rivers and harbors, both In this
country and abroad, and has been a con-
t Continued on l ags Four, Column One.)
Two Women Killed
When Auto Upsets
LOUP CITT, Neb.. Nov. .- Special
Telegram.) Mies ' Mabel Luts and her
aunt, Mrs. Bennett, living about three
miles south of Arcadia, were almost in
stantly killed In an automobile accident
this afternoon.
The two were In the auto alone and
had Just started for town when something
went wrong with the steering rod. When
they lost control of the machine they
were on a level piece ef road, and the
front wheels cramped in such a manner
aa to ft row the car over.
They were found shortly after the acci
dent by some members of the family.
From all appearances they met an al
most Instant death.
Allies Land 300,000
Soldiers at Saloniki
LONDON. Nov. . Newspapers of Ber
lin, aa 'tiuoted by the correspondent at
Coi enhagvn of the Ex.hange T l?graph
company, say that the allies already
aave landed SOO.Ooi) men at Saloniki.
At Least a Boston Man Fonnd it So
While Out with' Some, o( HU ;
- - Omaha Friend. -
Shooting the festive quail in Ne
braska la a pleasant pastime, but It
occasionally proves expensive.
J. L. Bachelor, a wealthy Boston
man, is one who will testify that
there is more truth than poetry In
the above assertion.
Last week Mr.. Bachelor, in com
pany with W. M. , Burgess, Myron
Learned, Frank Hamilton, Fred
Hamilton and Fred Montmorency,
five prominent Oinahan. went, out
to Benkelman, Neb., to enjoy a few
days of quail shooting. Mr, Bachelor
had heard glorious tales of the excel
lent quail shooting in the Corn
husker state, so a private car was
fitted out and the party started out.
Qaatl Not Coaalderata.
Everything was lovely, although Mr.
Bachelor was heard to complain that the
quail vere -not very considerate toward
huntsmen . because rthey Jlew too high,
until one evening when the party were
enjoying the evening In the private car
following a day of shooting. Then It
John Holmes of Orleans, Neb., Is deputy
game - warden and therefore represents
the well known law. Mr. Holmes horned
Into the private car party, although he
wasn't invited.
He wanted a lok at the licenses. Five
men were In aight. He was given a slant
at five licenses. All seemed O. K.
But Holmes la foxy. He had soma In
slda Information. "Where's the sixth man
of this party V he. demanded.
No answer. Far be It from the Oma-
liana a Hn.i r m atwlk ......
I that would be deviating from the truth,
but they didn't have to answer If they
I didn't want to.
i So Holmes proceeded to Investigate the
car. and he discovered Bachelor secreted
In clo"et-
The I3oston man confessed he had for-
gotten to take out a nonresidence license.
So the cruel. Holmes took Bachelor In
charge, yanked him before a Justice at
midnight, and the Justice proceeded to
charge the Boston man SiiO.30 for shooting
j live quail. The scale waa determined by
astessments of I JO for hunting without a
license, i for each quail plugged and
111.30 costs.
This all happened last week, but didn't
leak out until Holmes made a visit to
Omaha and let slip the news..
Movie Coupon
By a special arrange
ment The Bee is able to
give its readers each
Sunday a combination
conpon good for a free
admission with each
paid ticket to a number
of the best movies.
In The Sunday Bee
lied Nations Urge Celeitial Nation
Not to Change Form' of Gov
ernment Till After
Japan, Russia, France and England
Ferinade Country Not to Change
Form Now.
FEKINQ, Nov. 9. The Associated
Press was authorised today to state
that the Chinese government had de
cided no change would be made this
year in the form of government of
the country.
Election returns given out today
make it certain that the proposal to
re-establish a monarchical form of
government had been adopted. These
returns show that eighteen of the
twenty-two provinces already have
given solid support to the project.
The election will be completed, but
restoration of the monarchy will be
The decision to postpone the
change in China's government re
sults from the representations made
by Japan, Great Britain, France and
Russia that such a change might en
danger the peace' of the orient and
Bhould be delayed until after the
European war.
Miss Slater to Go to
, . Wichita to Try to
Identify Ape-Mau
Miss Grace Sinter, who was with W.
H. Smith, the Woodmen of the World
cashier, who was murdered at Thirty
first and Podge streets a few weeks ago,
will go to Wichita to identify Artie
llausor, arrested at Indianapolis last Sat
urday evening.
Other Omaha victims of recent hold
ups will make the trip to the Kansas
town, where Hauser is being held on a
serious charge.
Miss Slater has been visiting her father
at Norfolk and upon her return Mon
day conferred with Captain Maloney of
the city detective department. Mr. Ma
loney also will go to Wichita.
. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. ..-Arthur
Hauser, who waa arrested hera Saturday
after several khota had hewn' fired In the
downtown district, , was today turned over
to police officers of Wichita, Kan., who
started "for home with their prisoner.
Hauser, who, the police say, confessed
to a number of holdups In thla city, is
wanted In Wichita for alleged highway
robbery and attacks on girls. He waa
arrested at the 'request of thej Wichita
police. . -
Britons Will Try to
Stop Migration of
Men of Military Age
LONDON, Nov. . The British govern
ment today took lta first definite , steps
toward preventing emigration of able
bodied British subjects, who In consider
able numbers have been using this means
of evading military service. A new regu
lation was laaued by the home office re
quiring subjects of the United Kingdom
who are 19 years old or older and con
templating emigration to apply at the
foreign office for passports. If the pass
ports are refused they must hand to the
officers supervising the embarkation the
reply of the foreign office to their pass
ports application, together with their
birth certificates with photographs at
tached. tflnoe the refusal of the Cunard com
pany to carry abroad British subjects
eligible for military service last Satur
day, the Anchor Una and the White Star
line have adopted an identical course.
Other lines are expected to take similar
Judge Hostettler May
Run for Governor
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. t.Speclal.) It Is un
derstood that friends of Judge Hostettler
of Kearney are organising with the Idea
nt hHniHnir film nut tnr the reDubllcan
j nomlnaUon for the governorship.
I Judge Hostettler has been district Judge
of .he Twelfth Judicial district, consist-
lng of the countlea of Buffalo, Custer and
Sherman, for many years and Is con
sidered among the leading men In that
section of the slat
Summary of Day's War News
reaewea o the froat la Frame,
Paris report'aa eoatlnejed flatting
by the lafaalrr arm vlclalty
ot Loos, where (be allies galaed
much sjroaad la September.
s ejaoted la Atheas a erlarla
that the Greek chamber will be
dlMOlvea aaleaa It saaorts the
iw cabinet.
rertly by aeadla troops ta Al
baala ta meet a threatened Hal
aartas lavaaloa of that caaatry.
throavh la mobtllaatiaa, dealrea
farther flaaaclal aaalstaaea from
f. KPORTI OK ( II Ah UK. la the Has.
alaa rablaet are eoaflrmed la part,
at least, by aa aaaaaacemeat la
Petroarad of the rvtlremeat of
allaUler of Agrlealtare H r I V o
ahela because of III health.
Germany Said to Have Subsidized
Large Section of the Greek Press
IjONDON. Nov. .-The Morning Tost'
today publtuhea a letter from "A well
Informed correspondent" In Athens, call
ing attention to the recent amcena of the
Greek pro-Uerman party, "thanks to the
powerful political Influence radiating
from the queen's entourage."
The correspondent says that already
eleven of the sixteen Athens dally news
paper have been won over by the Ger
man Interests, plus at least half ot the
provincial newspapers.
"The open propaganda," the correspon
dent adds, "thus has succeeded In poison
ing a large section of the public opinion,
not Indeed In favor of Germany, or
against the entente powers, but primar
ily against the Idea of Greece going to
war. The propagandlata have skillfully
played on the natural wishes of every
parent that their sons may be spared
the danger of getting killed, as well as
Premier Says Cabinet Will Not Ap
pear Before Lawmakers Unless
Assured Majority.
PARIS, Nov. 9. The French gov
ernment received today from Premier
Skouloudts, head of the new tlreek
cabinet, formal assurance of "our
neutrality with the character of sin
cerest benevolence toward the en
tente powers."
Hope r Premier.
Frcmler Skouloudls expressed the hope
that the feelings of the entente powers
towards Greece would not be Influenced
by attempts to Impair their friendly rela
tions. The communication waa In the form of
a telegram from the Greek premier to
Athoa Romano, Greek minister at Paris,
which the minister delivered to Jules
Cambon, general secretary ot the foreign
Wll He No thaaae.
WASHINGTON, Nov. . The foreign
office at Athens cabled the Greek lega
tion here today that "the new cabinet In
tends to put through the same policies
In foreign politics as were maintained
by the late cabinet"
Nebraska Corn Crop
Over Two Hundred
Million Bushels
WASHINGTON. Nov. . A summary
of preliminary estimates of rop produc
tion and prices tor the state of Nebraska
' compiled by the bureau of crop estimates
and transmitted through the weather bu
reau, United States Department ot Agri
culture, are as follows:
Corn Estimate this year, 112.000,000
bushels; final estimate last year, 173.KO,
COO bushels; price November 1 to pro
ducers, M cents per bushel; year ago, CO
cents. '
Wheat-Estimate this year, T8.OOS.000
bushels; final estimate last year, 68,118,
000 bushels; price November 1 to pro
ducers, 84 cents per bushel; year ago, 02
Oats Estimate this year, 69,ft00,000 bush
els; final estimate last year, (9,600,000
buahela; price November 1 to producers,
I 29 rents per bushel; year ago, 39 oenta
Barley-Kstlmate thla year, S.4U6,OU0
bushels; final estimate last year, 2,664,009
bushels; price November 1 to producers,
(4 cents per bushel;. year ago, 42 cents.
United States Estimate this year la 2M,
682,000 bushels; final estimate last year,
194,953,000; November 1, price 60.1 cents;
year ago, 41.T cents.
Potatoes Estimate this year, 12.300.000
bushels; final estimate last year, t. 440,000
bushels; price November 1 to producers,
40 cents per bushel; year ago, ST cents.
Apples Estimate this year, 1,270,000 bar
rels; final estimate fast year, 400,000 bar
rels; price October 15 to producers, 12.10
per barrel; year ego, S3.
Bridge at Yankton.
Means New Territory
YANKTON, 8. P., Nov. .-8peclal Tel
egram.) In the greatest election In vote
and Interest ever held In thla county, the
county voted today for 1300,000 bonds to
wards the cost of a bridge acroaa the
river here and for a new railroad north
through the county. Seventeen precincts
out of nineteen gave TS6 maporlty. In the
entire city only fifty-four noes were re
corded. This means a bridge across the Missouri
river at Tankton and a railroad north
through the county, opening new terri
tory for Omaha business men.
Wldener ta flarled.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. s. Peter A.
Wldener, Philadelphia's wealthiest cltl
sln, who died on Saturday, waa burled
today. Only close friends were Invited
to the services.
STEAD ADVA Nt ICS by the forces of
tho Teatoale powers sad their Bal
aarlaa allies lavadlast Serbia are
reported la today's (iermaa official
FIKLD MARSHAL Voa llladeaburg
reports m s acres for hla troops la
the heavy Ilghtlag aear Dvlask.
Tho Ucrmana have recap tared to
the weet of tho city the portloa at
a first llao trcach posit loa which
tho Haselaae took from them oa
November T.
I WOLHYNIA a victory for Geo.
eral Voa Llaslagea's forces aorth
of Kouiarow la recorded.
f TKAMICH IlACIA, which after hay.
Ia bcea changed from Geriaaa to
Amerlcaa registry waa aelacel by
tho Preach while oa a voyaao from
New York to Rotterdam with a
carao of cottoa aad later sold 1.
prise eoort proceedings, baa beca
aaak la the Mediterranean by a
Uermaa aabmarla.
the losnes of private buslnexs and per
sonal Interest through moblllintlon and
the pro-peots of war.
"With thla accomplished the propagan
dist have now opened a new campaign
in the army In favor of Germany, with
the unmlntakable aim of preparing the
way for the sudden co-operation of the
Greek army with the victorious Invaders
of PerMa.
"From army headquarters where the
royal Influence la paramount, strong pro
German Influences radiate out through
the army the younger officers who look
to the crown for future advancement be
ing selected to Influence their comrades
and all the offlcere who lend a sympa
thetic ear being Instructed to Impress on
the non-commlssloned officers and the
rank and file that the army must be
ready to obey unquestlonlngly the order
of the king."
Former Ambassador Announces He
Won't Contest for Ohio's
COLUMDU3, O., Nov. 9. Myron
T. Herrlck, former ambassador to
Frace, made the positive announce
ment here today that he will not en
ter into a contract with former Sen
ator Theodore urton for the repub
lican indorsement in Ohio for the
presidential nomination next year,
Mr. Ilerrlck's name has been promi
nently mentioned in connection with
the presidential nomination.
Mr. Ilerrlck's announcement read:
"In an Interview with Mr. urton
early in October I advised him that
I would not enter into a contest for
the Ohio delegation against him and
indorsed his candidacy. I will be a
candidate for delegate-at-large, feel
ing that I can be of service in bring
ing about harmony in the national
republican party."
Wilson Felicitates
Emperor of Japan
On Climbing Throne
WASHINGTON, Nov. J.-Presldent Wil
son today cabled to the emperor of Japan
hla cordial felicitations on the aocesslon
to the throne. The message follows:
"T6 hla Imperial majesty, Yoshlhlto, tha
emperor of Japan, Toklo. .
"On thla auaplolous occasion of your
majesty's formal accession to the throne,
I take pleasure In extending cordial
felicitations and In expressing the confi
dence that the Influence ot your high
Ideals of right and justice, which will
continue to guide you In your exalted
office, will Inure to the advancement of
your country. I assure your majesty of
my best wishes for your personal wel
fare and that of your majesty's family
and for the continuance of the friendly
relations existing between Japan "and the
United states.
President Asked
to Commute Iron
Workers' Sentences
WASHINGTON, Nov. t.-PreslJent Wil
son was asked again today by a dele
gation of union leaders to commute the
sentences of former officers of the Struc
tural Iron Worker anion, now serving
terms in Leavenworth penitentiary for
their convictions In connection with the
so-called dynamite conspiracy which In
volved the destruction of the Los An
geles Times and ramified throughout the
Clemency was asktd for Frank M. Ryan
of Indianapolis, former president of the
Iron workera and twelve others. It was
represented to the president that the
men have spont about one-third of their
terms and that the prison record of each
has been exemplary.
A year ago appeals for pardon were re
fused. The president listened attentively
and took the appeal under advisement.
American Soldiers
On Border Fired On
BROWNS VILLK, Tex., Nov. .-rrl-vate
Madden of Company C, Twenty
sixth United States Infantry, and seven
other soldiers were fired on twice from
the brush near La Feria, ten miles from
here. Monday, according to word reach
ing Fprt Brown today. Three fingers of
Madden's left hand ware shot away.
MEKTEETSR, Wyo., Nov. t. -(Special.)
James Dickie, who recently madi
several aeroplane flights at San Fran
cisco, la considering the advtsabllity of
purchasing a biplane for use In con
nection with hla extensive sheep business
In central Wyoming. Much time and
trout le mUht be saved, and many sheep
otherwlae lost preserved, he reasons, if
a herder were equipped with an aero
plane, and he may procure a machine
and make the experiment,
HASTINGS, Neb., Nov. .-(Speclal Tel
gram.) A petition asking Judge Harry
',8. Duntan of Hasting to tile for renom-
liieiton by the democratic party f jr judge
of the Tenth Judicial district was being
signed by lawyers here today. Similar
endorsement will beaeked for him In each
of the other cour tics in the district
Judxe Pungan mentioned aa a "dark
horse" candidate for federal judge to suo
eeed the latt W. II. Munger.
Extraordinary Gaini by the Central
Powers in Serbia Are Made at
the Expense of Other
War FronU.
Teutons Losinir Ground on Only
Other Front in Which They Are
Attempting Offensive.
nt i.i.ktii.
BKRLIN, Nov. 9. (By Wireless tt
Sayvllle.) Capture by the Germans
of the main Serbian positions south
of Kralievo was announced today by
German army headquarters. In the
capture of Krusevao by the Germans
7,000 Serbians were made prisoners.
LONDON, Nov. 9. The central
powers and the Bulgarian ally now
control about two-thirds of Serbia
and within a few weeks probably will
lave the main Serbian railroad, run
ring through Delgrade and Nlsh, In
full operation. This will give them
two routes to Constantinople, as
communication by war of the
L'anuhe to Bulgaria la already open.
That this has not been accomplished
without weakening the other fronts
Is Indicated by definite news of Rus
sian advances on the Riga-Dvlnsk
frontier, the last part of the eastern
battle line on , which the invaders
kept up anything in the nature of a
definite offensive.
Kntente Tlaay In Sooth Serbia.
Thus far the plana of the central pow
ers In the Balkans have worked like well-
oiled machinery, but the latest news from
Macedonia Indicates the Initiative la not
to be left entirely to the Invaders much
longer. Reports come by way of Paris
that the Anglo-French forces are making
their presence felt against the Bulgarians.
The entente allies claim their operation
are proceeding along the whole front
with success, notwithstanding the handi
cap of operating In a difficult country.
It la report od also that the Serbians
holding part of the Macedonian front
have checked the Bulgarians, after In
flicting heavy losses on tiiem. If the
Serbians can sustain the attack for a
short period-the French should bt able
to Join them south of Veloa ,
Itasslaa P-oroaa Active . -
Ths Russians continue their policy of
sharp and unexpected attacks at various
points along the front The latest of these
attacks, according to Petrograd, conaiated
of three successful assaults, southwest
of Riga, two southwest of Dvlnsk and
three west of the Styr, south of the Prl
pet marshes, where the Austro-Oerman
line was broken In two places.
Except for artillery exchanges on the
weatern front, nothing of great Impor
tance has occurred recently in that thea
ter of War.
Infantry Flahtlaar la Fraac.
PARIS, Nov. f. There has been Infan
try fighting In the region ot Looa, accord
ing to the announcement given out this
afternoon by the French war office; vio
lent bombardment near Beauvralgnea and
spirited artillery firing by the French In
the Champagne district.
The text of the communication follows:
"There has been continued Infantry
fighting. In which each side took part. In
the region of Looa; further to the south
there have been engagements between
patrols, in which wo had the advantage.
"Violent bombardments on the part ot
the enemy have takon place in the sector
of Beauvralgncs and In the Champagne
district In the region of "The Trapes.
Our artillery everywhere ha mad reply
with great energy. rf
"On the remainder of ' tliu front the
(Continued on I'age Two, Column Two.)
C2ZJ02Prt? FOR A
I f J mill MiCur)
-- - I I -it i rnroi-
All Mights lUMrrea.
"I'm looking foe a vacant boas.
And 1 want It right away)
I've nt arrived la Omaha,
Slut I thlak that X will star.1
If you're a stranger ta the tow a
And bouses are bard to find,
fast take a lojg at Bee Wan Ai"s
You'll find booses, any kind.
M say people who want a boas
avea't time to look aroaad,
o they look the waat ad over
Where most ail ksa eaa be found.
Aritvertise your apartments and fiat
and houaea In the "For Rent" column of
The Bee. You will Boon hav them filial
with rood tenants.
Write an Ad riving all the Informa
tion about your arartinenta, f:i or
tmusee that prospective tenant wish to
know and run It for a week In The
linaJia ' Bee. You will be well plettaeti
with the results secured.
Telephone Tyler J008 now and put