T1IH HIA): OMAHA, Ur.Mi.U, AO iv, ,lr. illae Bees Home Magazine 'Page I 1 : 1 i : Why We Quarreled No. 10 The Man's Shi The Huahand Who Objected to Hair Dye and Houge Tells II in story. : : : : By VIRGINIA TKKHUNK VAN DE WATER. . Copyright, 1915. Star Company. . It la eald that nrnurt vain., lVrhap they. are. In yw- but I told. my wife one you do. not see a man watching his mirror 'tp discover If he is beginning to look old.' ' " ' ' ' ' ' . 1 "No wonder!" Laura jeered when 1 made this remark. "It makes no differ ence to a man If he la no longer young. Gray hairs give him an air of distinc tion.' If he has lived properly the1 yeXra refine and Improve his face. But with a woman the case is entirely different. Why. here are you over 45 yet, were you, single.' any5 young girl would bo proud to have you court her. Tou would be as eligible for marriage as when you were 26 la fact more eligible. But aa for me" I "interrupted her with a laugh. I could not help it. "Great Scott!" I exclaimed. "Is that what's worrying vou? Are you thinking of getting married again? Well, my dear. I don't mean to give you a chanoe. I hope not to shuffle off this mortal ooll- for some time yet." ,"Oh!" she ejaculated. "How mean you are: to make, fun of, me when you know that is not at all what I mean! I only said that to Illustrate what I was trying to tfrove-rthat ago does not make a man less attractlVe. Jt , makes a hag of a woman. And I'm going to fight it as long as I possible can." :To this end she takes swimming les sons, physical culture. Turkish baths, facial massage, eta. I acknowledge that all these. things keep her In good condi tion but they use much valuable time and money. And In spite of them all she still sees the dreaded crows' feet at the corners of . her pretty eyes and the gray threads In her abundant hair. 'At least she saw the gray, threads until a year ago. - Then she; went to a hair specialist and consulted him. 8he told me ofhla verdict, .-. "He says," she explained with a rapld ! liy' of' utterance that betrayed her ner vous fear of my disapproval,' "that if I go to' him regularly ho can restore my hair to-, the color tt was in childhood." "It's--very nearly that color now, isn't It?" I asked. "It was always dark brown - of course." ' , ,' "Oh,-, no. It wasn't!" she denied. "It was a kind of reddish chestnut shade." 'I looked skeptical. "I am surprised to hear 'that," I ovserved, "for with such dark, eyes and such a brunette skin as yours one would' not expect' light hair, , even In a child." ' " ,' She Ignored this, and went on to tell me of what the "specialist" had said. I saw that she Intended to take his treat- ment and I offered no objection Just then. .-:ThJlralmeni.'ieiitalnly changed. the color of Jaura's hair. Reddish and i bronze streaks soon appeared among the brown-locks, and at the end-of a-few month she had rick auburn Jiftlr-. ' "Just exactly -what .1 had In my girl hood'.Jhe told me proudly. "8o many people .adrnlr it now that I am glad to have It restored to me again after all these years. Jacquet Is surely a wonder." I gaxed , often at those Titian tresses and always with a lingering doubt in my-mind. I did not tell my wife then that this striking shade of hair was abso lutely unsutted to her skin. It make her complexion lo'olc.paqty and faded. At last aI--deided to ; ascertain the truth of my . auspicious. ..Jacques .. was not the only fashionable' halr-dreeser and specialist in .town, -and I went to another whose repu diation was equally good. ."Is It possible," -I asked him, "to re store dark brown hair to the color of " Its youth a dark red shade?" f'But certainly, monsieur," the voluble ' ' Frenchman declared with a twinkle In . his eyes. "We have wonderful conv pounds now and peroxide and henna will work marvels." ' I did not smile. "I mean Just what I . say," I told him. "Can hair -be restored by any natural process to a lighter color without being bleached or dye.', for in stance?" - He ceased to grin. "Indeed, no, mon eleur. It Is absolutely Impossible without ..the use of art. That Is why our excel lent and unexcelled coloring preparations are so valuable'. ' T fc.il hAHrd enough. It was henna then that gave my wife's hair Us beautiful , hues. ' I Bhe knows now that I know this. Tet j such Is my loyalty to her that I uphold 1 o our friends her statement that she has '. 'restored her hair by massage, etc ir she fibs I must fib, too. ' ' Nevertheless, such is also my disap- ' proval that, not long ago I broke the silence that had kept me from open critl- ' clsm of her complexion, and told her that her renovated tresses made her look pale and old. She was startled, I saw, and an expression of determination came to her lips. I did not understand It then, '. tint I understood it a few evenings later when she appeared at dinner, at which ' we were entertaining some friends, with an exquisite pink flush In her cheeks. At first 1 attributed this glow to the . fact that she had been walking briskly V,that afternoon in the cold air. But when I remained throughout the evening I changed my Ideas. When cur guests ad departed I asked her what she had ' been doing to her face. ' . "I had a facial massase , thla after noon," she replied, turning away hastily. "It always brings the color to my cheeks." -:- "You allowed the maeseuro to put on artificial color, too!" I accused. ' "Well, what If I did!" she exclaimed. nYon't you let me make myself look decent-even If I am growing old?" ' "I'U let you make yourself look decent but not indecent!" I declared. "As i do not care to have my wife look like the type of woman who dyes her hair and paints her face. I forbid your doing to any longer." Bhe pretends to have obeyed me but at N,lmea, when we are in company, I still "aot an unnatural pink tinge on her cheeks, and her hair still retains the restored color of Its youth." Ttsse for Ills Lark to Chaaare. He Was your father very angry when you told him of our engagement?' bhe Not particularly, ile said he had been rather fortunate In the stock mar ket of late figured it was about time for his luck to turn. Rlcbmoai Times-iiispatcb. This would make a charm i n g 9 u i t in green velours. Four yards of. velours would cost $14; three yards of satin to line the coat, $3.75; findings, $1.25. Total, $19, without the fur. Our Wonderful Reserve Power V How the Human Body Stores Up Surplus Energy for Use in Emergencies. By Woods Hutchinson, A. M., M. I. Nature can be economical to the verge of penuriousness on occasion? but she likes to conduct her main operations upon a liberal scale and a wide margin. She believes with George Eliot that any In telligent calculation of the expected must include a certain amount of the unex pected. In most of our transactions a little too much Is Just enough, because you never can tell what may happen. For Instance, In the Important and en joyable matter of food and work she bal ances accounts like an expert bookkeeper: so many pounds of .food containing so many heat units (calories) eaten, on the one side; on the other, so much work done with arm and heart, so much heat given off, so much waste, . so much weight, gained or growth made. Add up the tr.o columns and they balance to an ounce or a per cent of a kilowatt. To keep one's self fit, in good working con dition, without loss of weight or strength, we must eat just so many pounds, so many calories, or "run Into the red" In our body bookkeeping and suffer the con sequences. But when It comes to the broader and far deeper question of keeping alive, I noiaing soui ana ooay together, upon scanty or insufficient rations, nature dis plays unexpected resources and an as tonishing power of reserve. We need, unquestionably, a liberal amount of food every day to keep up a good head of steam an I prevent deterio ration of the plant. But if we don't get it and obtain only three-quarters, or half, or even a third of that amount, we do not immediately fall ill and die; on the contrary, we pull ourselves together, do rather less work or poorer quality, draw upon our Internal reserves, live on our fat, as the saying Is. and make the best wo can of the situation. And that "best we can" may endure not merely for months, but even for years, other wise, two-thirds of us would not be here. For, as one of our best known econo mists bitterly and tersely puts it, "L'p to seventy-five yeaTs ago three-fourths of the population of Europe never knew what it was to have all they could eat at any one time in the course of their Uvea, and were never comfortably warm from November to May." We cannot only continue to live n very Insufficient amounts of food, but we can even live for a very considerable time without any food at all, providing that we have plenty of water to drink and can remain at rest In moderate com fort and warmth. Thla wonderful survival power of ours has Juat been dramatically brought to our attention by the reports which have filled the newspapers of the happy res cue of a group of Pennsylvania miners who Jiad been burled for nearly a week by a cave-In. After they had narrowly escaped drowning by the flood of water which cau4 the cave-In. they remained Smart Pin Money Frocks Republished by Special Arrangement with Harper's Bazar If velours are used for this suit four yards ($14) will suffice; three and one half yards of satin would be required to line findings, Total, the coat ($4.38) J 4 1 findings, $1.2! AA Total, $19.G3. From the November Number of Harper's Bazar. huddled together for warmth in the wetwho will turn to the records of living en- clothing for six days, during which time their only 'food was a portion of a roast chicken and some pieces of bread left over In their dinner buckets, and a few "cookies" of a composition of fish oil and wax used In tjhtr miners' lamps. Thla strikes us aa a remarkable feat of endurance, but, as a matter of fact. It was probably only a third or fourth of the endurance of which those sturdy miners would have been capable If the rescuer had been longer delayed reaching them, and waa well within the limits of what any on of us. even city dwellers, in a state of reasonably vigor ous health, would have been able to en dure and survive without permanent in jury. The only reason why It strikes us aa so remarkable and strange Is on ac count of the very fortunate rarity of In stances of any sort of complete depriva tion of food In thla present day of civil isation. In this sense, "Blessed la the nation that has -no history," as the shrewd old French cynic remarked. - But any one Advice to Lovelorn I Tell II Ira. Dear Miss Fairfax: I was In love with a young man and had a row with him about a year ago. He then became en gaged to a young woman and gave her a nice ring, which she said was too small, so he broke the engagement. After a while he asked me If I would go back to htm again. I said I would, because I know I loved him. We are soon going to be engaged. I suppose he Is going to give me the ring he gave the other girl. I like him too much to hurt his feelings. I don't rare If the stone was very small, or that he gave me none at all. What makes me feel bad Is to think that the ring was not got for me; she got it before me. I. W. Don't make yourself miserable over such a trifle as this. There Is no reason why you should not be perfectly con tented with the engagement ring that waa bought for someone else- Nor, on the other hand, is there any reason why you should not susgost your fiance that for sentimental reasons you would be hap- ,ood lote "tngth much more rapidly and pier with a ring be had bought specially "Urvs "'' "f lve moderate amounts for you, and that If tt went cause him I of looho1 or bf ,e or ny of th '0 any Inconvenience or extra expense youicallp(1 veetb'e stimulants and endur wuM h. murh h.i., . h. M -v. "c 'vers, such ss coooa. mate or tea. . ... . . . . ... . you would feel waa purchased with you i In mind. Llstea tn Year Mother. Dear Mis Fairfax: I am 1 I met a man three years my senior. He aakei me to make an appointment w th him. Kindly let me know whether I am old tnough to make appoinm-nts, s my mother objects to my going out. II- B. Of course you are tco young to go out with boys, and the fact that your mother object ought to settle the matter for you. Don't dream of making appoint ment without your mother's consent. A . three and one-half yards of J 1 satin to line the coat ($4.38); A findings, $1. Total, $19.38. tombmcnt of human being or animal In mlno accidents, earthquake, avalanohes or snowslldes, will find that Instead of being an exception .U Is, on the contrary, well within and below the average of survival endurance under these circum stances. In the frightful earthquake at Messina, for Instance! a few years ago, there were a score of 'instances in which not only men and women, but ponies and dogs. ln!who had been burled alive, uninjured, but with good air and mcderate. In some cases very smalt amounts of water, Just the leakage along the moist upper sur face of a ledge in one Instance, survived two, three and even four weeks and were ultimately rescued without permanent injury. In fact, surprising aa It may seem, there are comparatively few cases on record of death simply by deprivation of food in such circumstances under three weeks. And life In human beings, horse and dogs has been known to be pre served for, In some rare Instanoes, as long us six weeks without a pxrtlole of food. This extraordinary reserve power of ours Is also showa by the feat of the professional fastera, of whom Dr. Tan ner, the Italian Sued and other are familiar recent examples. These men at tained a tremendous amount of notoriety i by undertaking, usually for a bet or wager,' to live a certain number of weeks without food. Many of us remember the excitement and eager comment when Dr. Tanner succeeded in reaching his fortieth day of total abstinence from food, whining his wager and exclaiming Joyously: "Now for a good old watermelon." Disbelief and scepticism were freely expressed on all sides. The water of which the doc tor drank copiously during his fast 'was alleged to have been heavily "stiffened" with alcohol, to contain large amounts of Invisible mist essence, or not to be water at all, but some marvelous and secrtt tropical elixir of life, a cup of which had the nutritive power of a loaf of bread. These suspicions, however, were Improb able on the face of them, for the sim ple reason that repeated experiments have shown that animals deprived of I than If they are given nothing but water I f rtrink. HeMldes. the tt in Dr. Ten ner's second fast were so carefully super vised and controlled by competent physi- clans and scientists aa to leave little rea sonable doubt thst his abstlnenoe from food was genuine and complete. Indeed, what really happened was that a score of local Imitator of the great faster sprsng up In different parts of ths country and many of them, in the language of the day, "beat him to it," equalling and a few exceeding his fea Bo that the edge and ths distinction wers quickly taken off hi reputation; and Velveteen is well suited to this simple suit; four yards forty inches wide are required ($14) ; when Buoci actually succeeding In accom plishing the astounding boa-constrictor-like feat of going sixty days without a particle of. food all mere thirty or forty day f asters were out of the running en tirely ' and" could hardly draw a crowd at a county fair sideshow. Rat don't est Safe Horn Matches. They can't be mad to eat them. That' been proved. Safe Home Matches are mad of ingredient which, although non-poisonous, ar obnoxious 8c Alt grocers. anion X XV is a careful Mi rV"V I I i tftan I i 1 rf.---. k a ii i ML. PRODUCTS Making a Fuss Over Nothing By BKATKIC1E FAIRFAX. Most women are potential heroines. In emergency. In danger, a woman who Is worth the name Is self-saorlflcing and brave. Many a woman who shrieks at sight of a mouse or a beetle will climb three flights of stairs In a fire to carry out a sick child. Hut, after all. life Isn't made up of emergencies. Few of us ever have the rhnnce to prove ourselves heroines. And the Judgment of the world Is based on how we face the mice of life rather than on what we do when we meet Its lions In keeping with the tendency to face great dangers and shrink at little, ones, woman bears great sorrows and fright ful tragedies nobly and well and agitates herself to the point of a nervous break down over negligible palna and trifling slights. My grandmother actually went out as a nurse during an epidemic of cholera In a little western city. And she fairly made my youth a nightmare by her hysterica over the thunderstorms that so frequently visit the middle west. Woman has a certain pioneer quality that makes her face bravely all tremen dous emergencies and fuss and fume over things unworthy to take any of her en ergy. How many women make their hus band's lives miserable by their Insistence that all sorts of trifling dates be remem bered. I have a friend who has gone to bed with a nervous headache for no more overwhelming cause than the faet that her husband forgot the anniversary of the first day he ever saw her. She expected a man who had a business to swing and large affairs to manage so that he might give her luxury and ele gance, to do all that with one lobe of his brain and with another to remember to call her up every day at noon to tell her what his whole life was proving that he loved her. Because he couldn't remember such things, she nagged him to the point where everyone expected separation or divorce to put a period to their love story. And then came a crash, Mr. 'Smith lost practically his entire fortune and with It most of his credit. And neuras thenic, nervous Mary Smith rose from her bed, put on a gingham apron, went Into the kitchen she had not visited In ten years and set to making Jam. The Smiths are on the high tide to fortune again because Mary, who could not bear to have her lightest wish neg lected and her lightest whim forgotten. could bear the loss of everything that had previously made the whole of her selfish life. Women are like that. And men will never fully . understand It. Without a whimper Eve bears things that would almost Justify her In shrieking to high heaven. She either endure them with a traglo passlveness that commands re spect, or she gets up and, with Ama sonlan force, conquers them. But no woman who ever lived failed to suffer when the man she loved prom ised to telephone her at noon and had not summoned her by 1 o'clock. Perhaps because so few of us have any thing better to think about, we think about trifles. Perhaps, aa we go out Into a. world of larger interests, we will conquer the selftove that makes us de mand constant proof of fealty. Until we do, until we learn not to make I ! IM MSSMBSSSSSS JTmsT Rats Don't Eat Safe Home Matches to rodent. Safe Horn Matches light easily, but not too easily. They ar safe afe and sura. Stick ar e x tra long extra strong. They cost no more thaa other brand of matches. Ask for them by nam. ant selection of choicest leaf fat open kettle by the Armour method richness makes it go a full ordinary shoilming. Pastry made with "Simon Pure" is both de licious and digestible. "Simon Purm", packed in air-tight pails, is oU under the Armour Oval Label the mark which duttnguuhe strmour proaact. N5k .. ...ii lefcan ii funs over trifles, we are bound to suf fer needlessly. Loyalty, friendship, lov Itself are all proven In large ways. No failure In trifles undermines or disproves the beauty of any' large devotion. And until we learn not to demand constant proof or affection, not to fuss over tri fling omissions In attention and thought fulness we must Indeed be "the weaker sex." Pain Gone! Rub Sore, Rheumatic Aching Joints Rub pain away with a small trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs Oil." Plop "dosing" Rheumatism. It's pain only; not one case In fifty requires Internal treatment. Rub sooth ing, penetrating "St Jacobs Oil" right on the "tender spot," and by the time you say Jack Robinson out comes the rheumatic pain and distress. "Ht. Jacobs Oil" Is a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints and doesn't burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching Joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and neuralgia. Umber upl Get a small trial bottle ol old-time, honest "St. Jacobs OH" from any drug store, and In a moment, you'll be free from pains, aches and stiffness. Don't auffert Rub rheumatism away. Advertisement. 0 "XEAF LARD ren - third farther the best grade of each each as wj, -just wnac 1 m I Want!" m Ql. ' "Give me cake made X with Calumet I know to lint QtU TO! I'm getting I know It's (XI pud pur,wholetoms, nourishing, &G JfVf! tempting and tasty. . . -r WVIIIM IC.T.UIUK anil 101ll j?Vf Xf power Its absolute purity. Alj , IA Us Calumet for uniform : V results and economy." - Xr fX iUeelTed Highest Awards iC- 1 V v Cms JmI tnr- V I Stmr Sttcitmt Ham Jrmwft Cntpt Star Bactm Juki Drvuhiri Farm Jnd Ovtr 100 Samtagt SOJUXT OUtmartarhu Catuud ' FttJi 1 ARMOUstCOMPANY j BOBT. BUSATB, Mgr., 13th and Jonas ts . rhone XKmgUe 10SS. Omaha, Msb. W. X WUklnauB. Mgr., Sih ft Q. Tel. tt. 1740. j ! it