Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    (...... iwV, 'il'i''.
W4dln( Blags SlDOlia, 7rwlr.
ZUfhtin; rtxtnraa Burg-ess-Ortnden.
are Bott Mat ft Now t)ren Press
Tot Tire m4 Tntl Insurance see J.
H. Dumont, Stat Bank Bids.
Today's Movie )TTin claaslfl.4
section today. It appears In The Be
EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the v.
rlous moving- picture theater offer.
Iwa of Yeasar Under the auspice
f the lrcal mr club, stereoptlonn
lewa of V'MMr college life will be
hown at the Central Jllgh school audi
torium this afternoon at J:16 p. m.
The Stat Sank of Omaha, corner 8U
teenth and Harney, paye r'Ol'R per cent
on time deposits and THREE per cent
on savings acoounta. All depoaita la thla
bank are protected by the depositors'
guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska.
Appeadioltls Operation Nina Ganse
tad, wife of E. Q. Qangestad, real
estate dealer, waa operated on at the
Wise Memorial hospital Saturday morn
Ing. At last reports, ahe was doing
Joint Improvement Meeting The
Northwest Federation of Improvement
Clubs will hold a joint meeting with the
Newport-Belvldere Improvement club,
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, at the
Central Park annex auditorium, Thirty
sixth street and Kansas avenue.
Serrioe at Worth Bid Christian
Services will be held at North Sldo
Christian church every evening this
week, except Saturday. Rev. George L,
Peters, the pastor, will preach. The
services will begin at 7:16 o'clock, nni
are a follow-up of the "Billy" Sunday
Government Ownership Government
ownership of telephones will be the topic
of discussion at tills evening's meet
ing of the Central Park Social center at
the Central Park school. Forty-second
and Saratoga streets. Arthur P. Mc
Ariama, a district manager of the Ne
braska Telephone company, will speak,
Aatns Without licenses The Wat sr
board .has failed to pay fees for two
licenses for automobiles, according to
records In the office of County Treasurer
Ure. The licenses for which no payment
was made are No. 40,7flS, secured August
21. and No. 49.33B. secured October ti,
The fee on license No. 919. secured last
March, was paid.
Will Meet at Koon A referendum
vote has JUBt been counted In which the
members of the Associated Retallera of
Omaha have decided that they will In the
future have their regular monthly meet
Incs at noon. Instead of In tho evening.
Tho regular monthly meeting for No
vember is to be held Thursday of this
week at the Commercial club rooms,
Must Henri $5,000
of Verdict or Else
Stand New Trial
Five thousand dollars of the $13,600 ver
dict which Wlllium Wunratn secured
against the People's Furniture company
In the thlrj trial of his personal Injury
suit must bo remitted or a new trial
will be allowed, according to an order
entered by District Judge Begley, sit
ting In Judge Estelle s court.
The defendant company asked for a
new trial on alleged grounds that the
verdict was excessive and was the result
of "pasalon and prejudice of the Jury.
Green Wants to Know
About the S. 0. Tolls
W. H. Green of the Southwest Improve
ment club and Real Estate exchange
asked the city commissioners during a
session of the committee of the whole,
why they do not insist that the South
Omaha 6-cent telephone toll should be
The gist of his remarks waa: "This toll
is unjust and everybody knows It Why
Is a line drawn along Vinton street from
the river to the west and the telephone
company allowed to collect 118,000 to
120,000 a year in tolls?
"I want to tell you gentlemen that a
storm Is-, coming. The day when a few
privileged men try to dictate to this coun
cil Is fast passing. Get from under with
out delay."
Mr. Green waa Informed that three
months ago a special committee of the
city council was appointed to investigate
this matter. Commissioner Withnell said
ha received from a telephone official a
detailed statement outlining the telephone
company's position on this question of
Bouth Omaha toll.
Green Withdraws
Objections to Board
Georgo T. Morton, Thomas A. Pry,
George Brandeis, E. Buckingham and
George B. Prlns will be formally con
firmed Tuesday morning by the city
council as members of the new City
Planning commission.
These men were agreed on u week ago
by the city commissioners In executive
session and confirmation was deferred
for a week upon request of V. H. Green,
who wanted to be heard.
Mr. Green has withdrawn hi objec
tions. The personnel of the new com
mission will be exactly as exclusively
announced by The Bee last week.
The Central Btate bank of Omaha, now
organizing, has obtained a lease on
rooms in the Pouglas block, southeast
corner of sixteenth and Dodge streets,
where the Bankers' Savings and Loan
company is now located. This will be
the only bank north of a Parnam street
The Commercial State bank, which Is to
be located in the Wead building at
Eighteenth and Farnarn streets. Is also
In process of organisation. There Is a
current rumor of the possibility of the
organisation of a new national bank in
the city also, but little has come to light
on this rumor.
Following the registration last night,
classes for the night high school which
will be conducted at the High School of
Commerce will be organized and class
work Inaugurated Wednesday evening.
Last night was not the last chance for
registration, however, as students will
be accepted any time during the term.
The alumni association of the High
(School of Commerce has taken an active
interest In the organization of the night
high school and la assisting in inducing
students to take up the work.
a mum
Will Fix Up the Old County Jail
and Hare Prisoner! Work on
the Streets.
The city commissioners, sitting In
committee of the whole, decided to
t'Old a special meeting next week fot
the consideration of a plan of pro
Mdlng work for city prisoners, par
ticularly this winter.
The proposition Is to counteract the
(.levelling opinion throughout the
country that Omaha la an "easy
town" for undesirable Itinerants.
The committee of- the whole
adopted Commissioner Jardlne'i
resolution that the commissioners de
vise ways and means for working
city prisoners.
Mast Pat Men to Work.
Captain Kline of the Salvation Army
mado this statement to the commission
ers: "It is an absolute necessity that
something be done to put these men ti
work. This plan would help the men
themselves and would tend to discourage
hordes flocking here for the winter.
Omaha is known as an easy town to get
j by In. Many come here expecting to be
I cared for in jail, where they' may be as
sured of food and shelter in Idleness.
During the winter before last we fed as
many aa 400 a day at our headquarters.
I have handled these men for fifteen
years, and before I started thla work I
was one of them myself. I know how
these men live."
To Kit I'p old Jail.
Commissioner Withnell recommended
that the old city Jail at Kleventh and
Dodge streets might be fitted up as a
comfortable shelter for these prisoners.
There was a doubt whether prisoners
committed to the county Jail by the po
lice judge could legally be taken out for
work by the city. The proposed plan
contemplates providing substantial meals
and comfortable beds for the prisoners
who are required to work.
Commissioner Jardlne expressed his be
lief that many floaters will drift into
Omaha this winter.
Chicago authorities have started a
campaign to apply the work test.
October Breaks
All Eecords for
Business Gains
October was an exceptionally good
munm ror tne retail business of Omaha.
Retail merchants In nractlcallv vrv
line in the city, are unanimous In this
statement, and declare that they did al
most a record business for October. One
tore handling women's garments, did al
most M per cent more business last month
than in October a year ago. v '
Even the Jewelers declare their hu.i.
ness has been excollent The retailers
ay there Is no way to account for the
good business dona excent hv iha vn.
ally prosperous condition of Omaha and
me state at this time. Ordinarily, they
point out. the last October would have
been expected to yield little return to the
retailer, especially clothing and shoes, as
the weather was not such as to encour
age the buying of winter garment.
The Increased number of conventions
held In Omaha la given some credit for
the Increase in the retail business, as
there is scaroely a week in the fall and
winter that does not bring In its hundreds
and thousands of delegates to some one
or more convention.
Public Meeting on
Light Rates Today
Considerable Interest is being taken In
the publlo meeting on electrlo light rates
to be held at the Commercial club
rooms this evening at I o'clock. . The
club's speolal committee on electric light
and power rates has called the meeting
and invited In delegates from various or
ganizations to give their opinions on what
hould be an adequate return for a pub
lic service corporation to make on Us
The committee has been at work for
many months on the old electrlo light
rate question, and waa Instrumental in
bringing the auditors from the east to
make a careful audit of the books of the
electrlo light company, with a view to
learning' details that would be of value
In determining an adequate rate.
Big Grain Receipts
Pound Down Prices
While Omaha wheat receipts were the
heaviest of the year, OT carloads, prices
sold off I cents, ranging around M to
WH cents, depending upon grades. With
ths receipts heavy the sales were still
heavier, nearly 1,000,000 bushels being
taken for export through gulf ports and
for delivery before the first of next
There were forty-six cars of corn on
the market, it selling off 4 of a cent
from the prices of last (Saturday. Sales
were made at U to cents. Receipts
of oat were eighty-four cars and prices
were down H to of a cent Oats sold
it H lo EH cents.
Violators of Law
Given Sentences
Lovera Black, 1421 North Twenty-first
street, was sentenced to twenty-day in
the county jail when arraigned in police
court aa a keeper of a disorderly house.
Morris Halperlng of the Berlin hotel,
Fifteenth and Capitol avenue, was sen
tenced to thirty days on a similar charge,
and M. McOovern, Sixteenth and Cass
streets, was fined 130 and costs. Other
alleged violators of the liquor laws se
cured a continuance of hearing.
The Franco-Belgian Relief society of
Omaha has just sent a case containing
well filled sewing bags, knitting yarn,
woolen socks, twenty-five rolls of paper
toweling and other articles to Miss Graoe
Rohrbaugh. secretary of' the Toung
Woman's Christian association In Paris,
for general distribution in France and
Belgium. The society will hold lu next
meeting at the home of Mrs. John A
McShane November IT and make further
plans for the sending of articles to help
alleviate the suffering In the war
: u?k j I
First Trust and Savings Bank of Chi
cago Awarded $500,000 on Pre
mium of $13,250.
The First Trust and Savings bank
of Chicago today was awarded $500,
000 Omaha school district bonds
upon a bid offering a premium of
The successful bidders submitted
their offer by mail, while six other
financial concerns had personal rep
resentatives at the opening of the
The finance committee of the Board
of Education and Treasurer Ure were
elated over the demand for these
school bonds.
"This shows great confidence In
Omaha," remarked Chairman Cowell of
the finance committee.
The following premiums were offered
by unsuccessful bidders: N. W. Halsey
& Co., Chicago. ,064; Klssell-Kinnlcutt
company, New York, $6,060; R. M. Grant
& Co., Chicago, $3,061; P. W. Chapman A
Co., Chicago, 17,650; Harris Trust and Sav
ings bank, Chicago, $,TSS; Continental
and Commercial Trust and Savings bank
of Chicago, I5.7W.
These school bonds bear 4H per cent
interest. The premium offered by the
First Trust and Savings bank makes them
yield a 4.84 per cent rate on the Invest
Members of the finance committee of
the Board of education are so pleased
over the ready market for Omaha school
bonds that they will at the next meeting
of the board suggest that other bonds be
sold at this time.
The bonds sold are half of the SVOOO.tOO
Issue authorised by the voters on May 4.
The bonds run for thirty years and the
money will be used to carry out a build
ing program outlined In detail last spring.
Quarter of Million
Go to Sunday School
All Omaha and Nebraska was Invited
to Sunday school yesterday, and from
the crowds that acceDted the Invltatlnn
It Is safe to estimate that 160.000 children
and adults attended the thousands of
such schools In the state.
Oovemor Morehead had officially en
dorsed the move to swell the Sunday
school attendance, because it was under
stood that It would especially promote
harmony and a get-together spirit among
Bible students, and because one of the
purposes was announced to be study of
nd prayers for peace.
Many Sabbath schools of Greater
Omaha had special exercises, like those
of the annual rally day, and each mem
ber aimed to take a friend. George U.
Wallace, past president of the Nebraska
Ktate Sunday School association, wss one
of the local men active in promoting the
observance of the special day.
French Fliers Wipe
Out Vile Gas Factory
GBiNEV'A, Nov., 8. (Via Paris.) The
polslonous gas factory at Dornach,
Alsace, which was attacked Friday by
French aviators, was virtually destroyed
according to a report which has reached
here from Basel. The manager and
forty-two workmen are said to have been
suffocated by fumes resulting from the
explosions, while other employes, who
were overcome have been sent to hos
Dr. Truman W. Brophy, noted oral
surgeon of Chicago, Is In Omaha today.
He will lecture tonight before the east
ern division of the Nebraska Dental so
ciety, of which Dr. William F. Shearer
is president. The lecture will be held In
the Fontenelle ball room and will be open
to the entire medical profession.
Dr. Brophy specializes in dental sur
gery and has attained a world-wide repu
tation. He arrived yesterday morning and waa
entertained all day by local dentists.
Henry A. McKlnney and Miss Chris
tena D. Trans were married at the horns
of the bride's sister. Mrs. Ainti iwn
2504 Saragota street, at 1 o'clock Sundsy
afternoon. Earl E. Bowen, pastor of the
Pearl Memorial church, of which both
the brids and groom are member rmA
the wedding lines. The young couple
wm reside at JS North Nineteentu street
Matt over A (a I a.
Mrs. Jennie Miner. Davidson. Ind..
writes: "I can truthfully say Foley Ca
thartic Tablets are the best I ever used.
They are so mild In action. I f like
I have been made over again." Good
health has no greater enemy than con-
tipallon. Foley Cathartic Tablets keep
the stomach sweet, liver active, bowels
regular and banish biliousness, sick
headaches, sour stoms h. Ktout persons
wslcome the light, free feeling they give.
Sold ever, where. -Advertisement.
Other Roads Will Make No Move to
Try to Follow the JLead of the
Missouri Pacific
Missouri Pacific officials here and
olsewhrre are waiting to hear from
the general headquarters ot St.
louts, relative to tho sale of tickets
In Nebraska at the rate of 3 cents
ier mile, an advance of 1 cent per
title, in accordance with the author-
j Ity given by the federal court last
Up to this time, however, the word
to apply the new rate has not come,
and consequently all sales are being
made at the old rate I cents per
mil hutwann VhraW r.Aln (
urncims here attribute the delay in
changing over from the I to the 3-cent
rate to the fact that the bond reuutred
by the court has not yet been approved.
The court fixed the bond at r.o,o to
hold until the final determination of the
suit In the United Staes euprrme court
In the event the Nebraska Slate Hallway
commission should appeal from tim de
cision Of Judges Sanborn, Munger and
Pollock. This bond is Intended to work
as a guarantee that the railroad will pay
back the additional cent per mile to
passengers In the event It should finally
lose the' suit.
Other knsfti To Prosperous.
So tar none of the other Nebraska roads
has shown aa Inclination to file a com
plaint with the State Railway commis
sion, or In federal court, attacking tho
J-cent rate, as did the Missouri Pacific.
It la assorted that there ' a question if
any of the other roads could maintain
such a suit, .unless It possibly be the
Rock Island.
It Is also asserted that the Rock Island
is the only road within Nebraska or
operating in Nebraska that could come
anywhere near proving that the passenger-carrying
business Is not yielding a
fair return.
Then, too, while the other roads are
fighting shy of getting Into court In an at
tempt to show that they are not making
money they are also holding off to await
the outcome of a hearing before the In
terstate Commerce commission, In which
all of the roads operating In the states
where the S-cent per mile law Is In force
have attacked the law.
Attorneys of the roads contend that If
the commission should hold with them on
their attack on the law the decision would
settle the question In each of the states.
If a decision should be rendered against
them, then they would be In a position
where they could go before the railway
commission of each Individual state and
there make their fight, the same as the
Missouri Pacific has done In Nebraska.
Kitchener Confers
With French Chiefs
PARIS. Nov. 1tA Vltchnr n,i
tab. secretary of war, before leaving for
the near east, conferred with Premier
onana, Minister or . War Oalllenl and
General Joffre, the French commander-in-chief.
The dlsnatoh eontalna th fir.t Vint
ot the route taken by Lord Kitchener In !
proceeding to the Orient. It apparently 1
Dears out the report in London that his
mission Includes an effort to co-ordinato
the work of the general staffs of ths
allied armies.
The Beat Medlcla for Ceaghs.
The first dose of Dr. King's New Dis
covery helps your cough, soothes throat.
Get a bottle, BOo. All druggists. Ad
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. I. A number
of managers of minor leagues arrived
here yesterday for the annual convention
of the National Association ot Profes
sional Base Ball Leagues, which will open
Tuesday and be In session until Thursday
and at which many of the problems and
troubles that have been grieving the lit
tle fellows for the last year will be given
A large delegation of minor league mag
nates and managers Is due tomorrow on
a special train.
It is expected that several major league
officials will attend the meeting where
the matters discussed will Include, it was
announced tonight, alleged unfair treat
ment by the National commission and the
big leagues, more consideration by the
National Board of Arbitration and the
adjustment of certain territorial rights.
Children Hate
Pills, Calomel
and Castor Oil
Give Fruit Laxative when
cross, bilious, feverish
or constipated.
"California Syrup of Figs"
can't harm tender stom
ach, liver, bowels.
Look bark at your childhood dsys.
Remember the "dose" mother Insisted on
castor oil, calomel, cathartics. How you
hated them, how you fought agalnat tak
ing them. '
With our children It's different. Moth.
ers who cling to the old form of physic
simply don't res.llie what they do. The
children's revolt Is well-founded. Their
tender little "Insldcs" are Irjurel by
If your child's stomach, liver and !.
els need cleansing, give only delicious
"California Syrup of Figs." Its action
Is positive, but gentle. Millions of moth
ers keep this harmless "fruit laxative"
handy; they know children love to take
It; that It never falls to cleanse the liver
and bowels and sweeten the stomach, and
that a teaspoonful given -today saves a
sick child tomorrow.
Ask your druaslst for a &o-cent hnt.
lie of "California Srruo of ,MpK
has full directions for babies, children
of all ages snd for grown-ucs nlalnlv
on each bottle. Beware of counterfeits
fold here, bee that it Is made by "Cali
fornia Fig Hyrup Company." Refuse any
other kind with contempt. Advertisement
pn. TRi'MAV w. tmornv.
Police Kept Busy
By Active Thieves
Nearly a score of complaints of petit
larceny, attempted burKlarlea, and other
depredations, kept the police on the Jump
Inst nlxht. Thoush there were many
reports of stranxe men seen prowling
about In neighborhoods where they ap
parently had no buslnc, the entire list
of complaints did not show over $10
worth of property stolen.
Ths police say that the cold weather
always cauaes a crime epldemlo In the
fall. Measures are taken to counteract,
however, and the damage la seldom ser
ious. Commencing today, the police heads
will make patrolmen work a "split trick,"
covering the period between I p. m. and
t a. m.i at which time the strength of
the department will be massed. It Is
usually during this period that the thieves
work, as they either have darkness aa
protection, or find householders away
more in the afternoons than In the
Quit Meat When
Back Hurts or
Kidneys Bother
Says Uric Acid in meat clogs
Kidneys and irritates
A glass of Salts is harmless
way to flush Kidneys,
says authority.
If you must have your meat every day.
eat it, but flush your kidneys with salts
occasionally, says a noted authority who
tells us that meat forms urlo sold which
almost paralyses the kidneys In their ef
fort) to expel it from the blood. They
become sluggish snd weaken, then you
suffer with a dull misery ln ths kidney
region, sharp pains In the back or sick
headache, dlsslness, your stomsoh sours,
tongue is coated and when the weather
la bad you have rheumatlo twinges, Ths
urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the
channels often get sore and Irritated,
obliging you to seek relief two or three
times during the night
To neutralise these Irritating adds, to
eleanse the kidneys and flush off the
body's urinous waste get four ounces of
Jad Salts from any pharmacy here;
take a tabltspoonful In a glaaa of water
before breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous talts Is made from the acid ot
grapes and. lemon Juice, combined with
llthla, and has been used for genera
tions to flush and stimulate sluggish
kidneys, also to neutralise the acids In
urine, so It no longer Irritates, thus end
ing bladder weakness.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot In
jure and makes a delightful efferves
cent llthla-water drink. Advertisement.
i; 'ii
WbM your hair falls gut, (hart la lank of nalura't
DottrUbmanU which wiuiaa from tb blood. Tha
VI i -4 at a Vacuum 4'aa draa tha Mood to th batr
r.. a a ad give It KKSKWICD 1,1 KK Thla U
lurw4 utn-UiaUna. whth titatenda tha mall blio4
v swell, rwuiuTing ail in t:l-ge4 aoa laigtM
blood tram aruuuU the balr rotg and aupplla
frt-ab Haw Wood Tha hair tavkaa ta kv jifa.
Mabaa yuur hair hava a haalfhy glow. H'ope. It
fro falUnf out aud rtie. th if In tha dur
tr.ant balr lolltrlaa aw Uat their aga'D grow a
baetllby bead uf hair. Ha aaud our caca gut an
la jamr own ha ma. Wa lt au ba tha Judga. If
you ara nut tail n ad Kb tha ahowlng mada fo
return tha Cap, aud there Mra no rhargva. Wa run
all tba rtab tbal you will h glad ta aurrhtvaa ih
ap at tha aad of aiit daa. or WK L(K. Tbara
la aa puts tell or utipltieu ant auto; laty aa all
ahtpruauia ara mad h Panal Puai without ad
van it) rig. Writa tdy fur our booalsH maU war
Uaulara, aaol aald lu plalu aovalopa.
Modern Yariium Ci Co.,
iHT llamlay lilork, lHnver, Oolo.
f 9
I t - -. i. l n -1f r , ., wm,..j
-4a A if)
M -
a Store Hours
Everybody's store
The New Location
of China Department
UK China Department Is now In rompMe readiness In Its
A new location in tbf Basement nt the foot of the stairs load
ing from the Harney Pirect entrance.
I? UKE chins v alntlns lesons every rlsy In this lop srtuient, !
to 11 A. M. and H to S P. M. Anticipate your Chilfitnios
MoihI.i), v. h, itt n.
Basement S
MILLINERY Combination-Hat,
Ostrich Fancy, Lining and Trim
ming Service Tues
day. Complete, $1.00
AMILINEKY offering right nt
the start of the winter season
that will prove, interesting to every
woman who visitB our Basement
Millinery Section Tueuday. beauti
ful new shapes of silk velvet and a
limited quantity of plush in black
and colors; fancy fluffy ostrich
bands, etc, silk lining and trimming
service free.
Choice of any untrimmed hat, val
ues to $1.98
Choice of any ostrich fancy values
to $1.98 . . . ; s.
Including 25c lining and trimmed
free of charge.
Women's - and Misses' $1 0.00
and $12.00 COAT6 Tuesday at
Child's 39c Union Suits 25c
A SPLENDID assortment
of children's warm
union suits, fleece lined,
drop seat, regular 39c val
' ues, very specially priced
Tuesday In the Basement,
Barress-BTash Oe. as em. at.
Blankets 25 to 331 Under
Present Market Quotations
OUR foreslghtodness In placing
reverts to your benefit In th
bedding st the lowest price.
4.00 Wool Blankets, $2.(17
Extra heavy, slse 6680, two
inch silk binding, pink and blue
borders, market price today is
14.00 per pair. pj
Bate price 3 J i
90.00 Wool Wsiiket. 94.T&
The market price today of these
large double bed slie, fancy
plaid wool blankets is $6.(0
pair. Sale price
Tuesday sPT O
ft:.0H Wool Filled lll k's, $2.07
Kitra heavy, double bed else;
the market price today on these
gray and white, tan and white
bli'e and white and pink and
white blankets is $3.8 the
pair. Sale price 0 Q7
Tuesday, atr .... 7
.Y5 Wool HlankeU, $-1.97
First grade, strictly all Califor
wool filled, double bed slro
blankets; market price today is
10.50 pair. Sale d0 ne
price, pair I3s7
llaly Plnnkets, Up
Size 30x40, with blue and Q
pink border. Kaon . . . . C
HOUSEFURNISHING NEEDS food choppers, com
plete with full set ot knives,
regular Mc value, 7tZ
st t)C
Hardwood kraut cutters, with
three adjustable blades and
slicing cutting box, f in
11.60 value 4 1 1 5
Johnson's floor wax, or
pound ran uDC
Hatchets, all steel, sharp Made,
very derirahle for cutting
kindling wood, etc, 26c iq
values, at X Jy C
Wlsard carpet cleaner, a dust
less sleeping compound 1 Q
large 2 So package.. laC
Extra heavy bread and cake
pans, assorted shapes A
and slses, l"c values for 1UC
8:30 to 6 p. m.
nroiti: xkws ion Tr?:iAV
Co. Baseman t.
A GOOD selection of nice
warm serviceable winter
coats for women and misses.
Made up in the choicest coat
ing materials. A coat that
will keep you warm the cold
est day this winter. Regular
$10.00 and $12.00 values.
Women's $4.50 to $5.03
Skirts in One Lot at $3.95
Women's and Misses' 8'.lrts
mode of such favored materials
as serges, whipcords and waffle
eloth In black and navy blue.
Were 14. SO and tS.00.
Women's $2.50 Petticoats
at $1.98.
Women's 811k Petticoats In all
the new Fall and Winter shades,
regularly 1.60, Tuesday special,
at 11.98.
Bnrses.sTasa Co Basement.
Bath Towels 6 for $1.00
UICKIAH baih towels,
A nise 22x45 inches, good
quality, hemmed ends, full
bleached, limit of twelve to
a customer. Very special for
Tuesday, at 6 for 11.00.
Bnrreas-sTaaa Co. Basement.
our contracta long months ago
Is offering Tuesday. The beat
0.00 Auto Robes, $3.05
Hlnsdaie Woolen mills nuke,
sample robes which are worth
up to $6.00. Offered Tuesday
each . . . , $3.95
94.00 Auto Ilobea, $2.08
Chase Plush Automobile Robes,
60x60; a good storm protector.
Market iffice is $4. (Jo C O
Special, at P.i70
I OO Wool Nap nianket. $1.07
Large site, for double bed, ex
tra heavy; market value today
is $3.00. Tuesday,
Par v 1 .i?
Biitb. Kobe Illanket. $2.40
First grade, complete with
cords Over one hundred new,
beautiful styles. fo a r
Bt itfi.49
Mnlnh Comforter, $2.05
Filled with strictly sanitary,
pure white cotton, and covered
with a firm quality nilkollne;
pretty pntterns, worth nearly
double the sale 0 OCT
price T"lftv, . . . jga.iO
White Japanued sanitary bread
box, round corners, Urge size,
regularly :.p, p
Tuesday DiJC
Baking outfit, consisting of
tilu minum pan with cover ami
white enamel bake pan, the
three-pieco o-itfit is a regular
$1.00 value, CO
Tuesday OlvC
Oe. aiasemsat.
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