CAR JUMPS BRIDGE AND LAUDS IN TREE John Cunningham SuiUini Broken Leg and Fire Unknown Occu pant Are Bruited. BEEK TO AVOID PUBLICITY An automobile landed la m tree top on the Millard road, about ten miles west of Omaha, and its occupants, four men and ' two women, were lumped through the limbs of the tree Into a thirty-foot gullj, shortly after midnight Saturday night. The tree Is probably all that saved them from death. One of the occupants, John Cun ningham, 1103 North Twenty-third street. South Side, who operates a saloon at Twenty-fourth and Q streets, sustained a broken arm, an injured leg and other hurts. . The other autolsts sustained va rious Injuries. One of the women Is said to hare received a broken leg, while the other Is said to have suf fered a wrenched back. All were badly bruised and shaken up. Cunningham, who la recuperating at the home of hla brother, James Cunningham, SOI V street. South Side, aaya he does not know the namea of unf of hla fellow paaaengera in the wrecked ear, nor the name of the owner of the car. He says he waa Juat riding In from Millard with them and doea not desire to talk further of the matter. 1 Some of the Injured people were taken In other autoa to the South Omaha hos jltal. where their tnjurlea were attended to. Then they went away without giving their namea, the hospital authorltiea say, and Mimed to want to avoid publicity. Roy end Harry Swanson, 3010 California street, were motoring along the same road shortly after the accident happened, and with other autolsta helped the In jured people out of their predicament. Two of the men were taken to Fortieth and Farnam atreeta by the Swanson brothers, where they caught a late street car. The two young women In the party were taken direct to the hospital, aa their injuries were considered the most serious. Goes Over Brldare. The accident Is supposed to have re sulted from the speeding car striking a piece of timber that had been carelessly left lying across the floor of a big steel bridge. When the auto hit it the car veered to one aide and over the edge of the bridge, where It hung suspended, one end resting on the bridge and the other end resting in the tree top. According to Roy Swanson, one of the women remained in the boughs of the tree, while the other occupants of the auto wre dumped through the llmbe onto the ground, the severity of their fall be ing greatly lessened by the tree. Swan son aaya he did not learn the names of any of the injured people, nor the number of the auto that had the mishap. It was badly wrecked. Dozen Guests Are Invited to Hear Ex-Senator Burton A dosen guests front various parts of the state have been Invited to places at the speakers' table Wednesday noon at the Commercial club when ex-United States Senator Burton of Ohio la t at the public affairs luncheon. Those already Invited are: Con man M. P. Klnkald of O'Neill, Congress man C. F. Reavls of Falls City, Con gressman Charles R. Sloan of Geneva. E. J. Hainer of Lincoln, ex-Scnator Elmer Burkett of Lincoln, L. D. Richards of Fremont, E. Ourney of Fremont, I J. Dunn of Lincoln, Frank M. Currle of Brewster and A. p. Epperson of Clay Center. Senator Burton la to speak on "Nine teen Hundred and Fifteen and Its Rela tion to Business Conditions." At .night be is to speak to the McKlnley cluh. Omaha Hospitality Being Sung Abroad The letter carriers who were enter tained In their national convention by Omaha were very well pleased with Omaha hospitality, as witness the fol lowing paragraph from an article by Charles H. 8cogglns of Oakland, Cel., published In the Postal Record: - Never In all of my experience as a na tional convention microbe have I seen a more whole-souled welcome tendered by a city than that tendered the delegates to the Omaha convention by the gover nor, mayor and postmaster. Vest less, with wilted collars and steaming facs. red from the summer's heat, these men stood before us in all the sincerity of plain Informal manhood and gave ua a welcome that one could not but feet proud of, and the honesty snd sincerity that shone from their eyes told us better than words that they were glad to hare ua with them. Well I know that many an Omaha carrier's heart will beat in sadness when their present blg-henrWd postmaster must step aside. DIETZ GIVES PICTURES OF ANIMALS TO LIBRARY Children who avail themselves of the public library privileges are much Inter ested In a number of closo-up photo graphs of wild animals, which have been hung in the children's room of the brary. President C. N. Diets or the library board presented eleven framed photo enlargements of wild animals and Rocky mountain scenery, which were taken by Enoa Mills, the Estes park naturalist. Miss Edith Tobttt. the librarian, bung pictures of a grlxxly bear cub, mountain sheep and beaver In the children's room. Other pictures were hung In other rooms on the second floor. The photographs of the animals woray taken by Mr. Mills at a distance of ontyl six or eight feet, and are remarkable studies of their kind, resulting from long and persistent effort and great ezpert-no. Car Har of Cns. Nothing frightens a mother more than the loud, hoarse cough of croup. The labored breathing, strangling, choking and gasping for breath call for Instant action. Mrs. T. Neureuer, Eau Claire, Wis., says: "Foley's Honey and Ta l ured my boy of a serious attack of ir. up after other remedies had failed, i recommended It to every one, as we knew from our own experience thtt It Is a wonderful remedy for coughs, colds, cwup and whooping cough." it clears air passages, soothes and heals. Sold verywhere. Advertisement. I President Sends a IB CAR SHORTAGE IS BECOMING ACUTE Receipts Four Hundred Can and All Roads Have All They Can Pos sibly Handle. GRAIN IS FINDING READY SALE The freight car shortage starts in this week In a most acute form, with every indication that it Is going to keep on increasing. Qmataa grain re ceipts yesterday were around 400 cars, with eqaully as great at the other grain markets. Railroad men figure that In hand ling the cars In the most expeditious manner it takes at least a week for a freight car to make a round trip, and as a rule the time Is about as long attain. Thus it Is easy to be seen that the Omaha market alone requires an Immense number of cars to handle the grain In its trade territory. What Is true of Omaha Is equally true of Chicago. Kansas City, St. Louts, Min neapolis, Duluth, Wnlnipeg and the other big grain markets, so that besides the cars that are bringing the grain to the markets, there Is an equal number tak ing It to the sea ports and an equally great number enroute back to the loading points. Every road operating Into Omaha Is making every possible effort to get cars out mto the grain territory and at the same time every road finds Itself short on cars. Receipts Are Hravy, Right now the bulk of the grain com ing to Omaha passes through the ele vators here. Is blended and then goes out on the milling In transit rate, destined for gulf ports. Receipts are about the heaviest 1A the history of the ' market, so far as wheat Is concerned, the grain on hand In storage not showing the real 14 MAULL T1IK I1KK: Diogenes to Find tho C volume of the grain business transacted. Mlsaourl Pacific, Rock Island and Bur lington officials representing the roads that do the bulk of grain business to the gulf ports assert that the export demand Is the heaviest ever known, and that at Galveston and New Orleans scores of ves sels are lying at the docks or out In the harbors watting to load out. At this time the greater portion of the shipments are goiisj,- to England and France, though Germany Is able to now and then get out a cargo. American owners of the wheat and other grains going abroad are not taking any chances on losses. It Is asserted that In every Instance as soon as a boat ts loaded and before It welgha anchor the cargo of grain la paid for and the owner I has the money In his pocket. Omaha Represented in Big Studebaker Endurance Contest E. R. Wilson, local representative ef the Studebaker. started Monday morning on a 1,000-mllo journey In a Studebaker car, accompanied by an observer and an other passenger. Mr. Wilson ia making the run as a part of an endurance and reliability con test In which over 00 Studebaker dealers are taking part. Every state In the union la represented. The rules aro that the run shall be madft tho first four days of this week, starting this morning at 8 o'clock and concluding Thursday night at 6 o'clock. Each car must run 2Ti0 miles each oay between the hours of t a. m. and p. m. SNEAK THIEF GETS JUST THIRTY CENTS FOR WORK A sneak thief entered the home of Oeorgo B. Barker. 33 South Thlrty sevonth street, and stole ,"0 cents, ac cording to a report ragtateied at pol'ee headquarters. Joe Funculla's fruit stand ut Tenth and Jackson streets wits robbed of cigars and tobacco to the value- of f JO. Demand Full 14 Ozs. of Spaghetti for Ten Cents You're entitled to it. j You can get it by asking your grocer for Faust Spaghetti a full 14 bzs. net weight for a dime the weight printed on every package. You get over 16 more Spaghetti when you ask for the Faust brand you can easily prove this by com paring the weight of Faust with any other Spaghetti in this city. Of course, Faust Spaghetti makes its first claim upon you on a quality basis its goodness and flavor but you must have quantity and quality to insure value lor your money. Faust Spaghetti is packed in fine, dust-proof, moisture-proof packages. Made in one of the brightest pure-food kitchens in the United States. Faust Spaghetti Full 14 Ozs. for 10 Cents BROS. OMAHA, TUESDAY, XQVttMBKK 0, 1915. Man for that Federal Judgeship Vacancy r - OMAHA POSTOFFICE SECURES A. RECORD Parcel Post Packages Handled at Lower Cost Than Any Other City in the tJnited States. BIG INCREASE IN BUSINESS The Omaha postofftce handles par cel post packages at a lower cost than any other city In the United States, namely about one-fourth of a cent each. This fact was established by the semi-annual count of packages in the fifty largest cities of the country. The further fact was established that there has been a tremendous In crease In the volume of parcel post business and, while the sice limit of packages has been constantly in creased, the cost of handling has at the same time decreased. The semi-annual count la made during the first fifteen days of October. The Increase in tho number of pack ages handled at the local office is in dicated by these figures made during the first fifteen days of October each year that the parcel post hns been in operation: On t frnln a I nfn m t n tr 'THlllfT I IO lt. 1HM .HX tivs I.4.S October 1 to 1R. inn R7 sr. sn.stin 40,324 October 1 to 15, 1915 "2.S10 Of the 40,324 Incoming parcels during these fifteen days 27,431 were delivered by regular carriers without extra cost; 2,804 were delivered by substitutes on toot at a cost of S.l conts each; 4,463 were deliv ered by automobile at a cost of 1.83 cents each and 7.280 by horse-drawn vehicles at a cost of 1.4 cents each. The cost of delivery by substitutes on foot Is the highest of all delivery costs iM this mode of delivery Is constantly being curtailed, dropping from 28 per cent in 1913 to .S8 per cent in 1915. The low cost of handling the parcels In St. Louis, Mo. the Omnha office, which Is now i cent per parcel, has been reduced from a cost of .88 cent per parcel in 191S, when the parcel post service was Instituted. Plan Quadrangle of Eight Buildings for Medic School The new state hospital building to be erected In connection with the University of Nebraska College of Medicine in Omaha at Forty-second and Harney streets, is to form the central building In the group of medical college buildings that are eventually to form a stately quadrangle. Although up to the present tlmo there la but one building at the medical college, the architectural plan In Its entirely calls for eight structures, ar ranged lna magnificent square. The present building Is built according to the I Ian and Is to form one comer of the final quadrangle, whenever future legis latures shall appropriate enough to com plete the plan. The plana for the hospital building have been approved, and the regents of the university, In session at Lincoln today, plan to authorise the advertisement for bids. In order to be the central building In tho quadrangle of medical buildings the state hospital must be located directly southwest of the present medical building. A large space ia to be left between the two. It Mill Relieve Backache. Apply Sloan's Liniment to your back, pain gone almost Instantly. Don't rub, It penetrates. Mo. All drugglsts.-Ad-vertlsement. LAY CORNERSTONE OF THE BENSON CITY HALL SUNDAY The ceremonies attending the laying of tne cornerstone ror the new X,000 city hall of Benson are to take place next Bunday afternon at S o'clock. Th Wuii. men of the World camp of Benson Is to have charge, of the ceremonies and A. W. Jefferls and W. A. Fraaer, sovereign commander of the Woodmen of the World, are to speak. C Apkg, so APE-MAN CHARGED W1THSIMTH BORDER County Attorney Magney Filei Com plaint and Authorities Will Try to Get Him Here for Trial. OTHER CITIES WANT HA USER Arthur Mauser, alias Duck Weaver, t.nder arrest in Indianapolis, .and be lieved to be the ape-man wanted in Omaha for numerous crimes, is charged with killing W. II. Smith of Cmaha, in an information prepared ry County Attorney Magney and filed in police court. The murder was committed October 16 at Thirtieth and Dodge streets. The Information charges Ilauser with first degree murder. The pen r.'ty if conviction is secured will be f'eath or life imprisonment, accord ing to the decision of the Jury. The fact that the crime was committed during a robbery renders it necessary for the state to prove only that Ilauser was the man who held up Smith and that he fired the shot which killed him. Ml" Mater Only Witness. Mis Grace Plater, 21 years old, whom Mr. Smith was acrompsnvlng to her home, was the only witness of the murder of Smith and upon her testimony the state bases Its hope of conviction. Although Ilauser Is wanted for many Climes In numerous cities of the middle west, local officials believe that the man can be brought here for trial, since a murder charge Is usually given precedence over others of less serious nature. Ilauser Is also wanted here for the rob. bery of Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Ha use and their guests. They and numerous other victims of the ape-man will be able to Identify Ilauser, It la believed, as the holdup who committed a series of crimes la Omaha. Best Treatment for Catarrh S. S. S. Removes the Cause Specialists In Catarrh troubles have agreed that It is an Infection of the blood. The laboratories of the 8. 8. 8. Co., at Atlanta, have proven it. Once you get your blood free from impurities cleansed of the Catarrhal I bOlSOnS. Which It Is now a nm tn l.oratla nf It. nnhllll mmm th.a will be relieved of Catarrh the dripping In the throat, hawking and aplt tlng, raw sores In the nostrils, and the disagreeable bad breath, It waa caused, In the first place, because your Impoverished blood waa eaelly In fected. Possibly a slight cold or contact with someone who had a old. Bat the point K dont suffer with Catarrh lt ia not necessary. The remedy H. 8. 8., discovered over fifty years ago, tented, true and tried, la always ob tainable at any drug store. It has proven Its value In thousands of cases. It will do so In your case. Oet 8. 8. 8. at once an4 begin treatment 1C yours ts a long standing case, be sure and write the 8. 8. 8. Co., Atlanta, Oa.. for free expert medical advice. They will tell you how this purely Teg. etable blood tonle cleanses the Impurities from the blood by literally wash ing it clean. They will prove to you that thousands of sufferers from Ca tarrh, after consistent treatment with 8. 8. 8., have been freed from the trouble and all Its disagreeable features and restored to perfect health and vigor. Don't delay the treatment. Take 8. 8. 8.. at once. mm It's "Fruity" You like .the flavor of ripe fruit, don't you ? Then chew Spear Head. There's a fruity chew for you! A rich,' mellow, juicy chew with a mellow flavor that stays. pearHeab PLUG TOBACCO The famous flavor of Spear Head has made it the favorite chew for a third of a century. Spear Head is the high quality chew of the world, and it's made in one of the world's greatest plug tobacco factories. Try Spear Head youH never again be satisfied with any other chew. ttit AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Persistence's the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful. Five Minutes! No Gas, Indigestion or Acid Stomach Instant relief from aottrncM, heartburn, headache, dyspepsia, 'Tape's Diapepsin" is quick est and surest stomach relief known. i i Why not get some now this moment, and forever rid yourself of stomach trou ble and indigestion? A dieted stomach) gets the blues and grumbles. Give It a good est, then take Pape's Dlapepaln to start the digestive Juices working. There will be no dyspepsia or belching of gas or . eructations of undigested food; no feeling like a lump of lead In the stomach or heartburn, sick headache and dlsslneea. and your food will not ferment and poison your .breath with nauseous odors Tape's Dlapepaln costs only M cents for a large rase at any drug store bore, and will relieve the most obstinate ease of Indigestion and upset stomach In five minutes. There Is nothing else better to take aea from the stomach and cletnsa the stom ach and Intestines, and, besides, one single dose will digest and prepare for assimilation into the blood all your food the same as a sound, healthy stomach would do It. When Pis pepsin works, your stomach tests gets Itself In order, cleana upand then you feel like eating when you come to the table, and what you eat will do you good. Absolute relief frcm all stomach misery Is waiting for you as toon aa you decide to take a little Dlapepaln. Tell yoor druggist' thnt you want Pape's Dlapep aln, because you want to become thor oughly cured this time. nrmember. If your stomach feels out-of-order and uncomfortable now you can got relief In five minutes Advertise ment. i J 1 1 ' '' 1 M