Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Confederatei Believe with Field
llanhal on Boene it it Not Too
Ite to Stop Teutons.
entente troops are moving
LONDON, Not. 8. The political
crisis. In Greece, which has clouded
.the Balkans, has been finally over
. come, M, Skouloudls having accepted
' and performed the task of organising
a cabinet, which being composed of
' aU the members of tbe Zaimis
t -cabinet, with the exception of the ex
premier himself, will carry on the
" former gorernmenfa policy of maln-
gaining , neutrality.
The new cabinet la at the mercy of the
Vontseloa majority In the chamber, but
. -the Impression la that no attempt will
Jbe mad to turn U out. thua avoldlns
.dissolution of Parliament and a eon-
aequent election, the reault of which
..fcould not -be predicted while the army
jremein mobilised.
While the alllea now can have ltttlo
- hope of Oreece aiding in the defense of
Serbia, the belief la sUll held here, that
It la not too late to turn the table on
the Invader. The departure for the east
: of Lord Kitchener, after conferences In
V Paris with Premier Brland. General
t Oallleni, th war minister, and Genera!
'. Joffre. the commander-in-chief of the
field force, has given Inference that
(be campaign Is to be carried on ener--getlcally,
by the man who knows the
east better than almost anyone else.
, Advices from Balonlkl and other points
. today show that much larrer forces than
wore thought to be near the scene ara
being landed at Balonlkl and are proceed-
. , ,bir to points where it Is believed they
.can. do the most rood.
Troop trains are continually leaving
Comment of American Press o n
the Note to British Government
Following la comment of American
newspaper on the note of the United
States government to Ureal Britain in
re nurd to the interference of the British
navy with American trade:
New York Sun: Tne note reflect ex
actly American aentlment and deacrlbea
accurately American purpose. W stand
upon the law and demand that' Great
Britain shall obey that law; and this
administration only expresses the will of
the American people.
New York World: On such a showing
of courage a Is here mult, the terms
of the American protest must be regarded
as exceedingly temperate. To gain a
military advantage more or leas Import
ane. Oreat Britain has become a grievous
offender of laws; against Its own cher
ished principles; against several of the
small nations of Europe, which It has
aasumed to champion and against the
beat and most powerful friend that It
has among the neutrals of the earth.
It has not killed Americans; It has killed
American rights. It has done more than
seise American property; It has elsed
the opportunity thus wantonly gained
to extend Its own trade. If even a gieam
of sense can penetrate Downing street.
the . British must soon perceive that un
less It changes Its methods, Its own ac
countants will have something to do
New York World: Upon International
law, as this existed before the outbreak
of the present world conflict, the govern
ment of th ITnlted States rests Its cause.
In tha belief of what It holds to be the
lights of neutral commerce. It will spring
to bear the full strength of Its diplomacy.
For fullest reparation for damage done
American commerce. It will insist with all
Its strength.
Boston Advertiser: The not state the
American ease .very strongly. But. for
that matter, so did the note which was
first sent to Greet Britain on this same
subject many months ago. And at Inter
vals, the United Htates has been saying
tha uma thlna- very loslcallr. very now-
Balonlkl. hut so much secrecy Is being rfuuy, very urgently-and without any
perceptible effect, that anyone can note.
'u maintained that It Is Impossible to com
pute the number of men,
One repo-rt says an Italian-Anglo army
has Mnded at Valona (Avion) on the
Adriatic, with the purposes of crossing
Albania- The Ruadans still ar con
centrating In Beaaarbla, to b prepared
to. make a descent on Bulgaria from tha
vieat. .
; Meanwhile, tn northern and eastern
In changing the British policy,
Baltimore American: Great Britain has
Indulged In no murderous work, but it
has destroyed millions of dollars of
American property. This U the gravest
charge the United States can bring
against it. but It U a mighty serious
charge; one that may endanger the
friendship of the two great English
peaking nations.
Washington Post: This note signed by
tier, big battles are in progress. The
v'Autro-Germans claim to bs advancing Robert Lansing, secretary of state. Is
'. ..all along the line and to have reached destined to become a classlo In the liter
." the Morava river, which has been Crossed atur of International relatione. If Great
,t some points. In their advance, they Britain values the friendship of the
are, picking; up prisoners, guns and war I United Btatea, It will pay Immediate heed
Materials. . . to this note and abandon It attempt to
I v The Montenegrins, like the Serbian substitute force for law.
allies., are fighting stubbornly in defense Cincinnati Volksblatt: The note of the
their country, and report that they
-,iiav . repulsed .an attempt by . the
.' , Austrlana '. te cross - their border from
vBersgovlna, and. captured rour guns, a
7. 'Quantity of supplies and a few men. They
' also claim success over the Austrlans In
president to England oomplaining about
the violation of our neutral rights. Is un
available, in fact, law and logic, but de
serves the reproach of coming too late.
Cincinnati Frele Pressei President Wil
son's note to oreat Britain is not uxeiy
h. ft.n1k INnvUnturl where thev can- apprehension In Downing street
p fonr mora field auna and aaverel H Waist, of course, that the American
hundred men.
'in the south the French are reported
to be over the Bulgarian 'frontier, where
Ihey Ja taken several vilages.
Lit,' would appear, therefore, that the
fehtral poweni, who have obtained thslr
Initial objective the opening of the road
to Sofia and Constantinople have a tot
f fighting ahead of them 1 Serb!, Is to
be overwhelmed.
f The ' Italians continue their offensive,
ut on the western front the fighting
consists only of local engagements.
' The" weather, which has turned wintry.
has pot interfered with the Russian of
fensive along the - eastern ' front The
Russians have extended their attacks to
the' district west of Riga, and thence to
the south of pvlnsk. They are keeping
the Germans on the move, and the latter
admit that in the region of Lake'flwaaten
the Russians penetrated their lines.
The battles continue, although' neither
side Is - making -any material progress.
The Russians claim to have taken 1,000
prisoners by a thrust across the Stripe.
while the Germans declare they have
captured S.000.
government cannot submit lo further dis
regard of International law, but noth
ing contained In tbe note uhksu
further violation of American Hunts by
Great Britain would be considered un
friendly. In tone measurable adopteJ In
our diplomatic Intercourse with Berlin.
Indianapolis fitar: In scope and com
prehensiveness, the note leaves llttlo or
nothing to be desired; for apparently the
whole range of British contentions Is
brushed aside as untenable, and even of
fensive. Tasen In connection with the
full acceptance Germany has made of
almost every American contention thls
not puts up to the British government
a very sharply defined choice between
radical amendment of its course and a
conscious defiance of the United States.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican: Our
government's neutrality requires ft to
play no favorite. We have successfully
fought out with Germany the Issue of
submarine warfare In Its relation to the
rights of neutral noncombatants. Most
bitterly have we been denounced by Ger
man sympathisers for favoring Oreat
Britain, it I possible now w wilt be de
nounced with equal bitterness" by British
Such trading rights as are Involved In
the controversy with Great Britain can
not conservatively lead to any rupture
of friendly relations between the two
countries. The diplomatic warning sent
to London cannot be regarded as dis
quieting, although there 1 iron in It
Bt Louis Westllche Post: We highly
commend the assertion of American
rights and principles as contained In the
note, but we ask why American com
merce had to suffer almost a whole year
before the administration Saw fit to
launch a vigorous protest against the
arbitrary measures employed by Great
Britain and It allies to the detriment
of American prestige. An even now,
we do not find anything In the note to
reassure us that the government of the
United Slates Is ready to effectively
safeguard American rights and Inter
est. St. Loul Olobe-Democrat: Secretary
Lansing's belated note to Great Britain
is an assertion of this country's rights.
supported by concrete Instances of their
wilful violation, and containing definite
and conclusive refutation of the various
pretext Great Britain has set up in
Justification of Its lawless course.
' The plea of necessity cannot be raised
with good grace by Great Britain In
light of its relation with the United
Btatea during the civil war.
New York Btaats Zeltung: A very
clear, able argument free from all senti
mentality; businesslike, convincing. But
It does not contain the slightest hint as
to what our government Intends to do,
should Great Britain say In answer:
"We are of a different opinion," and
then proceed without further ado. to
continue the practices called illegal and
unwararnted, those to which the United
States caa no longer submit Probably
we shall be able to submit a Wl for
damages after the war, and that seems
to be the only purpose of these diplo
matic writing exercises. .
Pile of Tar Barrels and Store of Fer
tilizer Avert! Tremendous Lois
M Barns Go Ablaze.
A pile of tar barrels stacked near
several thousand sacks of fertilizer Is
probably all that saved the Union
Stock Yards company of several hun
dred thousand dollars' loss at their
haybarng north of L street on Thirty
first street, South Side, when fire
broke out Sunday at 9:15 o'clock
In the top of the old haybarns.
Fanned by a thirty-mile gale, the fire
had transformed the entire block of
three-story buildings into a roaring
furnace. The loss Is estimated at
The fire originated in the center
top of the old hay barns and was
discovered by John Zaloudek, son of
Special Officer Zaloudek of the South
Side police force, night clerk In the
stock yards chute house. It Is
thought to have orignated through
crossed electric wires.
Oorle Establish Stand.
Battalion Chief Johnny Coyle of the
South Side fire department arrived oo
the seen a few minute after the blase
had gained full headway and proceeded
to direct the efforts of the entire South
Side apparatu to saving the new brick
haybarns directly outh of th burning
cast Iron building. Aided by the large
pile of tar barrels and fertiliser, which
was piled between the baled straw In the
north end of tbe building, whtre the
fire originated, he was able to establish
a solid stand for the fight that was to
roiiow before Fire Chief Salter
The chief
hundred or more barrels of tar and sev
eral thousand sack of fertiliser produced
In the new Incinerator plant recently
Installed by the tock yard company
were destroyed completely. The fire was
under control at 10:30 o clock and was
practically out at 11 o'clock.
For a time it seemed that the blaie
would spread to the new haybarns and
thence to the north end of the atock
yards Just across the street. A change
of the wind from north to northeast
brought the focus of the blase on the
railroad yards east of the barn. Rev
ert 1 switch engine crews worked with
feverish haste clearing away the count
less freight cars that were sidetracked
About 1.000 people from the South Side
witnessed the blase, which lasted more
than an hour. A hundred firemen worked
Incessantly, while ten or more policemen
kept th fire lines clear of traffic. Su
perintendent Jack Walter of the Stock
Yards company was on ths scene hand
llng the situation for the stock yard.
It la roughly estimated that tha total
loss will approximate about 130.00S.
Germans Report
Defeat of Russians
Along Dvina River
BERLIN, Nov. , VU London.) A
determined offensive movement by the
Russians near Riga and down along the
line of the Dvina rlvev to Dvinsk la re
ported tn today's official statement by
German army headauarters. It is de
clared that the attacks of the Russians,
however, were repulsed with heavy losses
to the attacking forces In somo sectors.
A "For Sale" ad wilt turn second-hand
furniture Into cash.
No horn Is complete without an In
strument Every home that has one Is
brighter and happier. Let A. Mospe Co..
407 West Broadway, sell you an organ
or Piano. Easy payments.
Colo's High 0 ttangea.
A heater and cooker all in on. Price,
110. $3J.M, 136. P. C. De Vol Hardware
Co., 604 Broadway.
arrlved shortly after and
took Immediate charge of the fight. At
10:06 the wall of th old building caved
In Jut after the blase was at It height
No attempt was made to save the old
building, a it waa too far gone when
tne apparatu arrived. Engine crew No
o aid valiant work and the water pre
ure produced was Instrumental In check
ing the blase. The tar and fertiliser had
taken the heart out of the onrush of th
flames, however, and It waa almost an
eay task to keep the new building cool
and devoid of dangerous sparks that were
flying about
Barn to Oroiad, '
The old building burned to the ground
resulting In a total loss. Four carloads
of straw were unloaded only last Sat
urday In the north end and It waa hare
that the blase gained It headway. A
Cry of Fire Causes
Another Panic in
Peabody School
PHABODT. Maes.. Nov. 8. A cry of
"fire" that rang through the old high
school building, where 800 pupils of St
John's parochial school, recently de
stroyed by fire, had assembled for their
studies, today caused a panic and a wild
scramble for the exits. There were no
fatalities, although a boy who, . who
Jumped through a window, broke his
arm. The pupils evidently were still
nervous from their recollection of the
fire on October 9, which resulted In the
loss of twenty-one lives. The sight of
steam escaping from a radiator fright
ened on of th pupil and hi shrill ory
waa Instantly followed by a stampede.
W7ten Baby Comet.
Before baby conies there is a period
when experienced mothers are glad to
aid the expectant mothers. They urge
the nse of Mother's Friend, obtained
at any drug store, becaus this safe,
harmless external remedy is positive
ly necessary since it brings relief in
easing the muscles, cords, tendons
and ligaments involved, and unneces
sary pain is avoided; thus it serves to
ease the mind and has a beneficial
effect on the nervous system. In many
cases' nausea, morning sickness and
other distresses are avoided.
Fay and Associates
Charged with Plotting
NEW YORK, Nov. l-The federal
grand Jury today presented to Judge
Harland Howe In the criminal branch of
the United States district court an in
dictment against Robert Fay, Walter
Schols. Paul Daeche, Engelbert Bronk-
horst. Max Brietung and Herbert Klensle.
They are charged with having engaged
in a conspiracy to despoil owners of ves
sels of merchandise cargoes and to de
stroy vessels to the injury of person who
had placed insurance on them.
Get a small package of Hamburg Breast
Tea, or as the German folks call it,
"Hamburger Brust Thee," at any phar
maay. Take a tablespoonful of the tea,
put a cup of boiling water upon It pour
through a sieve and drink a teacupful at
any time. It Is the most effective way to
break a cold and cure grip, as It opens
the pores, relieving congestion. Also loos
en the bowels, thus breaking a cold at
once. ' .
It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable,
therefore harmless. Advertisement.
LONDON, Nov. . The Globe, sol7T
oy me pence on fuimj, wna nui in
Control of the authorities today. . When
asked as to the probable period of sus- ,
pension, Charles Palmer, editor of tha
Globe, said:
"We are under military law, calmly
awaiting developments."
No steps have been taken by the gov
ernment to prosecute Mr. Palmer.
deafnessand head
noises ; .
If you have Catarrhal Deafness,
or head noises go to your drug
gist and get 1 ounce of Parmlnt
(double etrength), and add to It
pint of hot Water and ounce, ot
granulated sugar. Tak 1 tab'-,
spoonful four times a day.
This will often bring quick relief 1
from the d stressing head noises."
Clogged nostrils should open, '
breathing become easy and . the
mucous .stop dropping Into the
throat It Is easy to prepare, costs '
little and Is pleasant to take. Any '
one who ha Catarrhal Deafness
or head noises should give this,,
prescription a, trial. Advertiser,-,
To Keep Straightcst,
Unruliest Hair in Curl
(Women'a Tribune.)
Tbe stralshtest. contrarlest hair can he
kept In curl by such simple and harmless
means, that tne use or tne drying, singe
ing, blistering curling Iron la
Inexcusable. One need only get
ret a few
out ces of plain liquid allraerine from the
druggist and aptly a little to the hair be
fore retiring, me result win De quite re
markable, a the looking glass will show
in the morning. The hair will be delight
fully wavy, fluffy and glossy, without be
ing In the leadt greasy, gummy or
The sllmerine I best put nn with a clean
tpoth brush, drawing this through the
hair from crown to Qp, preferably after
dividing it into strands. The application
seems te gradually improve, the texture
and growth, of the hair. Advertisement
Nothing excites more criticism than a
woman wtlh her tace all daubed with
face powder In her desire to hide a faulty
or an aging skin. Instead. of using pow
der, which clogs and enlarge tt pores,
it Is far better to use a good, face lotion
that will Improve and permanently bene
fit the skin. By dissolving four ouncei
of apurmax In a half pint of hot water
you can make an Inexpensive lotion that
will do wonders as a skin whitene-and
complexion beautifler. It removes all
shlntntss. irallowness and roughness," and
gives the .skin a .smooth, velvety tone,
while It doe not rub off easily , like pow
der, nor does It show, on the skin. .v..
By washing the hair with a teaspoonf ul
of canthrox dissolved in a cup of "hot
water, afterward rinsing thoroughly with
clear water, one finds that it dries
quickly and evenly, Is unetreaked, bright.
e, - .1 van fliiffw. mn flufrv. 4n fact-
that It looks more .abundant
and so soft that arranging. 1
pleasure. This simple.
shampoo cleanse the hair i
oughly of all dandruff and dirt,, and
leave a clean,, wholesome feeling. AU
scalp irritation will disappear, and $he
hair will be brighter and glossier than
ever before. Advertisement .
fluff. 4n fact.
idant than It Is
nc it Decomes a
a. inexpensive
p and scalu thor-
Witness Tells of
New Haven Efforts'
to Choke Competition
NEW YORK, Nov. a-Tha alleged
aleps taken by the New York, New
Haven Hartford railroad to harass
the Central New England railroad and
Its eventual acquisition In pursuit of the
New Haven' Plan, as charged by the
government, to gain a monopoly by the
England transportation facilities, formed
the subject of testimony at th resump
tion today of the trial of eleven former
director of th road accused of crimi
nal violation of the Sherman law,
Cheater W. Chapln. former owner of
the Central New England, told how the
completion of that line was held up by
the Inability to obtain thirty rods of
right-of-way through a farm and how
the road was finally compelled to build
around the farm. Chapln waa able to
recall tittle about the litigation, which
the government alleges waa Instituted by
the New Haven to prevent the road
from crossing the farm, but he testified
that "as soon a w got around it th
New Haven lost Interest In the matter.''
Chapln further testified that he sold
the Central New England to the New
Haven through J. P. Morgan. William
VftU.'ltaly. Nov. WVla Pari. Nov. ' " "!"?
B LTh. a nw nk.KIII. I " " '
a Wnlrf.l nriala 1. On. , I Or.
. i.i ti aHftfj inaj
Bucharest correspondent of the Corrlere
Delia Bern. Eva
position, n asserts, with the gov
einment . that military action must d
pend upon the strategical situation In the
A majority of th people of the nation
em to believe that Inasmuch as Rou-
manla Is virtually surrounded by fight
ing force t entry Into the war would
mean th ueele sacrifice of a reserve of
men upon which the entente might rety
when the sea route, the only sure road for
rnl'ltery Auppllc. again la opened.
Lin of the chiefs of tbe Intervention-
late, is .'credited with having ald vry
thing tndloate that Roumanla's military
aid; erould decide the Balkan war ant
thl this neti wilt be offered at the moat
pr iltlou moment..
Roumania's Action
Will Depend Upon
wrawii ui ins vornere I ft n r.
th. InUrrenUonlst op- (JOlQ StOTage IlggS
s, agrees with th. gov- I O OO
Must Be Stamped,
Says Order in N, Y.
Berlin Reports Loss
tiftof Cruiser 'Undine
BERLIN, . Nov. . (Via London. -Th
smiU Carman cruiser Undine ha been
toft4aed and sunk by a submarine off
the . Swedtah coast It waa officially an'
Bounced today.
-"The small cruiser Undine," says the
.official announcement, "was sunk by
(-two. torpedoes from a submarine on the
afternoon of November 7 while petroling
j) th aouth Swedish coast Nearly the en
tire crew was saved."
" The undine waa a protected cruiser of
t.tfl tons displacement, S feet long and
1S.I feet- In depth. )t armaptent con-
' slated ot ten t-t Inch run and IMnch
toroedo tube. It wa buUt at Uowalt
'In U0I.
NEW, YORK, Nov. IV-Cold storage egg
sold In this city after November U must
be stamped as such and all dealer la
tham must display signs stating that cold
storage gga are on sale, ay John 3.
Dillon. tat oomralseloner of food and
market. In a warning bulletin received
by egg merchant today. Mr. Dillon ad
vised th retailers to require whole
Balers to state plainly on bill and re
ceipt whether the egg they sold ware
fresh or cold s to rasa.
Mr. Dillon artd he Is Informed that
H.OuO ease of cold, storage egg are be
ing sold and consumed In New York City
weekly as strictly fresh egg. This, he
said, 1 In violation of th tat law regu
lating the sal of oold storag product
and probably th fdral pur food law
as welt
Villa Garrison at
Nbgaleis Reported
l Ready to Revolt
DOUGLAS, -Arts.. Nov. t. -Major Gen
eral Frederick Funston left this morn
ing for Nogales, Arts., where, according
to official advice, th Villa garrison at
th Mexican town Just across the- border
1 on th verge of transferring Its alle
giance to General Carransa. General
Villa Is reported enroute to that place
from Naoo, Bonora, while General Manuel
Digues, commanding a Carransa force
aid to number 7,000, Is making his way
north from MansantUo.
Much uneealneaa prevailed last night
among American and Mexican army of
ficial. General Funston stated today,
however, that no American troops 'have,
been ordered to Nogales, Arts., as yet
NOGALES, Arts., Nov. I.-Carlos Ran
dall. Villa governor of Sonora, denies
today that he intended . to transfer his
allegiance to Carransa.
Carransa agents, however, were active
among members of ths Villa garrison at
Nogales, Sonora, Just across the border.
Two week's provisions were brought
to the Mexican town today by 100 Villa
soldiers from Naoo, Sonora, -
ITHACA. N. Y., Nov. .-Trutees of
Cornell university In session here, an
nounced that George F. Baker, chairman
of the First NaUonal bank of New York,
Is the donor of the fund of 1360,000 for
three Cornell dormitories. Although Mr.
Baker made hi first gift two years ago
hi nam wa withheld at hi request.
Went to tn HawBltat.
C. E. Blanc hard, postmaster at Blanch
jyard. Cat. writ: "I had kidney trouble
., o bad I had to go to the hospital. Foley
jviuuoy run were ' reoommaudvd to me
land they completely cured me. I cannot
v apeak too highly of them." Sufferers tn
every state have had similar benefit
from tola standard remedy for kidney
and bladder ailment. It banlshe back
I ache, stiff Joint, swollen muscle and
;!! th various ymytoiua of weakened
r dieaad kidney. Bold everywhere.
Governor Dunne
Will Call Extra
Session of Solons
SPRINGFIELD, lit.' Nov. (.-Governor
Dunne announced today that he will
call a aueclal session of th Illinois legis
lature to meet probably next Monday.
The extra aesalon waa madf necessary
by th action of the state supreme court
last wek In holding that large appro
priations mad by th last aaeemtily were
technically Illegal.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
TOKIO. Oct Th Japan Christian
Purity society, of which the leader la
President Saburo 8hUnada. president ot
the house ot representative, will help the
movement for a "moral Kioto" during the
coronation period launched recently by
th Japan Christian Woman's Reform
association. Th Salvation Army ha also
A Heir Tonic W hich Yon Can Make
At Home llerooves It in m Few
, Applications.
Dandruff and. scalp eruptions can be
removed In from one to five nlghta by
the foUovrtnaT simple recipe, which you
can mix at home or have put up by any
druggist at very little cost. It does not
color the heir and la perfectly hermits.
Water : One-half pint.
Bay Rum One ounce.
Texola Compound...... One-quarter ounce.
Glycerine One-quarter ounce.
A halt-pint I all you will need. Rub It
into the scalp well at night and after a
taw application the dandruff end scalp
eruption will disappear, and the hair will
top falling out and become soft and
gloy. Advertisement
! l 0.-0.
: Am
11 V
fK ,V'.
U 3
Battr She Sleek
Otto Click's
Sbo Stors
7. O. W. Bids;.
Oa Sale Neat
All the Women's
lress Shoe, in-
eluding all thalr
a m pi Unea.
worth t y m
P to Z.ft.n
II a pair. vw
.Plots to
The chief feature-article in THE LITERARY DIGEST for November 6th deals in the most
comprehensive manner with the plots against ammunition exports that have been uncovered in this
country aince the war began. v
The editorial comments of American- newspapers of all political complexion are shown, in
cluding the viewpoint of the German-American press.
This article is strikingly illustrated with special photographs, one of which shows the dis
quieting possibilities that may lurk behind innocent looking exteriors. For instance, a suitcase
next to you in a street-car or a quiet house on .your street may hide enough explosive to wreck a .
block. All the ramifications of what appears to be a widespread plot against United States in-
dustries are clearly shown.
This number of THE LITERARY DIGEST is particularly rich in other subjects of interest '
to the great American public, among which may be mentioned: .. .
War Orders Bringing" Labor More Leisure
Is State Regulation Responsible for Railroad
Musical Culture by the 4 'Elevator' ' Method
A "Kulturbarbaxian" Retorts
Doubts of a Possible Armistice
The Religious Perils of Middle-Aged People
Is the Bertillon Identification System a Back
Our Population Still Goes West
Germany Sees Visions of Peace
England "In a Hole"
Does the French Cabinet Reorganization Mean '
a Restrengthening?
Belgium's Present Conditions Under German
The Derivation of "Boche"
An European Holiday for Theology ( ,
Catholic Feeling Over Carranza
Banish Noise If You Would Aid the Poor
How the Wireless 'Phone Works
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