Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Hires Billion Bushels on Basil of
Hovember Prices Worth Over
Two Billions.
Veteran Insurance Man Preaches
GENERAL SIR 0. 0. MUNRO, the new British commander
at the Dardanelles, appointed to succeed Sir Ian Hamilton,
leaving the war office in London, with Lady Munro, after
the general had received his instructions.
Thompson-Belden & Co.
Sermon on Sunday and Pastes
Away en Monday.
WASHINGTON, Not. 8. The na
tion's corn crop this year was the
ncit valuable ever grown. Baaed on
trices paid farmers November 1, It
is worth nearly two billion dollars
11,118.015,000 In exact figures. In
site, It Is second only to ths record
crop of 191 J. The production wss
3.090.509,000 bushels, or 34.000,000
leas than the country's previous big
gest corn crop.
Unprecedented harvest returns,
rwith many crops showing production
(records which may remain unbroken
for years, are shown In the Depart
n ant of Agriculture's November re
port, made from a canvass of the
country on November 1, and issued
Wheat, with a production of almost
one-fourth of the world's entire out
put tais year, nas estannsned a ree
crd never before reached by that crop
la any nation.- The American bar
vest this year exceeds the previous
record production of wheat In this
country by mora than 110,000,000
Oats, barter, rye. sweet potatoes, hay,
tobeooo, rtoe and peaches all have been
produoed la quantities never before hsr
'vested in a single year In the history of
the nation.
With hither prices being paid to farm
ers beeause of Duropean war Influence,
the nation's crops this year undoubtedly
will be the most valuable ever grown,
notwithstanding the heavy production
which ordinarily would have the effect
t lowering prices.
Statistics shewing the else of the
various crops, preliminary estimates in
most Instances, with figures giving last
year's crops and the average of the five
years from 19PS to 1911 for comparative
purposes, were announced today as fol
lows: (In thousands of bushels. I.e., MPs
Iftf . 1914 1-Year
Crops. Estimate. Crop. Aver.
Corn .............. .S.cwo,o J.I7J.W i,7ue,34
"Wheat i.i2,w Mi.oi? m.m
Oat 1.517,471 1.14X.I) 1.131.176
tXarley 13S.HB1 1M.W4 lsi.tM
Jlye 44,17 4I.77S M.U
buckwheat 1.W l 1,;9
Potatoes IM.Jf.S K.?7
Bweet potatoes.... SMSA 6.674 67 H
Hey. tame, tons.. 70.071 6,s7
liar. wild. tons... SO 2d 14 lll
k'otton. pounds. ..I.vo.oni) T.71,to S.H4.0M
Tobsoco. pounds. .1.0M.CS 1,0M.7 SwJ.OM
iVIasseed 1A.44S 16,M It.m
nice M.3R1 23.S4 24.016
Peaches M.liS M.10R 42,114
Peers 1M U.tH 10.M4
Apples u,m tain
Sugar beets, tons S.1&8 1,283 4.IIS
Details ( Yield.
Other details of the crops are:
Corn Stocks of old corn on farms No
vemberi estimated at M.009,CO bushels,
compared with sO.04S.ouO bushels a year
ago and 104,407,000 bushels, the average of
the preceding five years.
We ght per measured bushel:
Wheat 7.S pounds, against tS.0 last
year and 3.1, the tea-year average.
Oats M pounds, against 11. 1 last year
and JIT, ths ten-year average. ,
Barley 47.4 pounds, asalnst 4CI last
year and 4S.I, the five-year average.
Acre yield I
A ve. '
M. 1
U 6
-'om .......................
Barlsy i.
17 I
.... 16.01
.... I D
.... t.
S3 I
Fwret iotatoes
Hay, tame, (tons....,
Hay. wild. tons)...
Cotton elba)
Tobaooo tlbs.)
feugar beets (tons).
Four Inquiries Are
Begun Into Fire in
'Brooklyn Factory
NaTW TO EX. Nov. 6. four investiga
tions were begvn todsy in an effort to
fix responsibility for the deaths of twelve
parson mostly young girls, who perished
In the fire which quickly destroyed a
Sour-story factory building In Brooklyn
last Saturday.
District Attorney rCopsey of Brooklyn
announced that be would conduct a pre
liminary inquiry today preparatory to a
publlo inquest to bo held before Coroner
Wagner tomorrow.
Firemen were engaged today In search
ing the ruined building for one man re
ported miulng.
IOTTX FALLS, a D., Nov. l-8pe-cial
Telegram.) Judge Jones, of the
state circuit court, after having had the
matter under advisement for about a
week today granted an Injunction re
straining J. U Wlngfleld, state publlo
examiner of South Dakota, from enforc
ing his order requiring ths Stats banks
throughout the state to deposit SO per
cent of their reserve with state banks In
the cities of South Dakota designated as
reserve cities.
Application for the Injunction was made
by the four national banks of Kloua Falls,
acting for themselves snd the other na
tional and stats banks ef the .
e have gone into effect November IS.
The order ef the publlo examiner was
to have gone Into effect November 13.
Attorneys representing the Stats banking
department announos they will at once
appeal the case to the state supreme
Ths granting of the Injunction by Judge
Jones ties up the matter of putting the
order Into effect until next summer at
the earliest, as a dec 11 on of the supreme
court cannot be rendered before that
Srrs. rvarl r-ritrkaj-d.
Mrs. pearl Prltchard. formerly of
Omaha, died Sunday at her home In
New Tork City. She was SS years ef
age. The body will be brought back to
Omaha for burial In the family lot In
West Lawn orntetery. Mrs. Prttrhard Is
survived by her husband, her mother,
Mrs. t. W. Reee of Omaha, and her
aunt. Mrs. Ben F. Marthl of Omaha,
Mrttlaa ttworr laak.
tONDON Nov. a The Brilluft staojuer
f rJM et i.r0 tjjta aud the Uknnwr of
i u toi.e bave baa auus, Tte crews
voce aa.tO.
5 II 1 .1. ILIM UIWI'M I ) a V.. I ..... Illf I
j - . " - r'
r. ' I .:
if f - - i- f i
! I s SJ - '
. ., i
("W.x.iAu'J riSli ii 1 ., i ... . - ..i. .- . .. . S
(Contlnusd from Psge One.)
bor, "the reports recommends that all In
ternational unions be urged to give the
plan their support.
The report eovers the recent Investiga
tion by labor leaders of the Dlok mili
tary law. In that connect'on, it says:
L'p to the present we have received no
complaint nor have we learned of any
act In which the military arm of the
government had misused the Dick law to
offeet or curb the aspirations of the
working people of the land. We
refer particularly to the situation In
Colorado last year. The corpora
tions had practically coerced and intimi
dated ths officials of the state and had
over-ridden the laws of the state, see
There Is not nesrly so grave a danger In
the Dick law as there Is In ths menace
threatening our Institutions through ths
private deteotlve agencies and the pri
vate army of gun men.'
Praise tor Chairman Walsh.
Attention is also called In ths report to
ths work of ths -United 'States Commis
sion ' on Industrial Relations. Chair
man Walsh and the labor representatives,
Meiirs. Q'Connsll, Lennon and Oarret-
on, are praised for their "judgment and
dotsrmlnatlon which brought to light
many wrongs and Injuvtlcea that might
otherwise been eoncealed or overlooked."
The commission's report Is strongly In
dorsed by ths executive council, which
recommends that the convention urge the
next congress to make the report and
hearings of the commission publlo docu
Because the commission did not follow
conventional lines and so presented facts
and materials that are usually carefully
suppressed ' and not available to the
masses of the people," the report con
tinues, "there was Initiated against the
commission a campaign tor the purpose
of discrediting in advance the final re
port. However, the labor movement as
well as all cltlsens who have sympathy
and understanding of the tlvee of the
wage earners united In a determined ef
fort to defeat this campaign and to make
known their approval of the policy the
commission followed."
Seantea's Bill Aprrevea.
In reviewing legislation by ths last con
gress the report expresses the executive
council's approval of the seamen's bill.
The law. It says, will afford a Urge
measure of safety provisions for the gen
eral publlo who travel the high eeae and.
the report adds, "we feel confident In
asserting that ths passage of this legisla
tion by the Blxty-thlrd oongress was one
of lu distinctions."
Statistical reports were read showing
the average membership for the Amer
ican Federation of Labur tor the year
was 1,946,347, a decrease of T4.U4 members,
the first decrease in total membership
slnoe 1901. While the average member
ship for the year shows a decrease of
74,124, the September membership is
1.9M.U1. a decrease of only 4,460. A
steady growth In membership la predicted
to follow the readjustment of cond'tlons
affected by the European war. Expendi
tures for ths year li were and
receipts, 1771,626:61, as compared with
1166,737.11 and t--3.1St.97 In 1911
Rioting Eeigns as
Efforts Are Made to
Use Breakers on Cars
WILKKSBARRE, Ta.. Nov. 9. With
thousands of men and hoys Idle .today.
rioting end disorder by sympathisers of
the striking motormsn and conductors
of the Wllkesbarre Railway company,
which Is attempting to operate cars with
strike breakers, assumed serious pro
portions. Six riots occurred during ths
day and three men, one a polloeman,
were seriously Injured and several cars
were wrecked.
In the borough of Edwardsvtlle. a da-
tall of state police brok up a crowd of
too men and boys who had stoned a car
and driven the crew to shelter. In the
niramagtng one stats trooper, It is
alleged, struck a bystander over the
head. Inflicting a serious gash. A war
rant has been Issued for the officer's
Indignation against the strike breakers
asumed such serious proportions that
officials of the oompany decldsd to stop
the operations of ears an the half doaea
tines that have been kept open since
Friday. No care have beast run after
Apartments, Data, nouaaa and cottages
eaa be rented quickly aad cheaply by a
Be To Rent.
(Continued from Page One.)
Dvlnsk. The offenalvs movement of the
Russians in Oallcla along the Strlpa baa
been halted for the present and ths long
battla In that region has ended. There
are no developments of Importance on the
ether fronts.
French Offensive Proceeding.
BALONIKI, Nov. a Vla London.) The
French offensive against the Bulgarians
is proceeding surely but slowly because
of the difficulties of the terrain In the
sector northeast of Btrumltaa. Kschaly
and htelmlsly were ocupied en the 6th
and Dolombo was stormed yesterday It
Is reported here. The French advance
toward the north Is said to be continuing
uninterruptedly today with a British con
tingent on ths right wing.
The Serbs are reported to have repulsed
heavy Bulgarian stacks In the Krivolak
sector, where the French alio have ma
terially extended their line, which reaches
northwest beyond Oradsko and west be
yond the Theme river .to the Kavacar
region. . . " i T
Turkish Official Report.' -CONSTANTINOPLE.
Nov. a(Vla Lon
don.) The following statement le Issued
by the Turkish was office:
"Near Anafarta we have bombarded a
torpedo boat and a transport of the en
emy. Several hits were observed. The
transport fled enveloped in smoke.
"On Saturday one of the enemy's aero
planes damaged by our fire fell into the
sea near Kutschuk TemlklU
"Nsar Art Burnu there were artillery
combats and vigorous bomb throwing.
"Near Seddul Bahr the enemy after
artillery preparation vainly attempted to
advance against eur center.
"On the left wing the enemy fired LJOO'
shells unsuccessfully."
(Continued from Page One.)
Impossible to deal with questions arlslns
between the allies and the United States
while Ignoring the practices of Admiral
Von Tlrplts and the changes in policy
which they enforced upon ourselves and
our friends."
Blames American Shippers.
The Oasette says the British govern
ment has shown a desire to reduce In
convenience to neutral trade to a mini
mum, but that It la notorious that the
methods of concealment, which it d
Clares havs been adopted by American
shippers exhibit a variety and Ingenuity
demanding the most thorough counter
"If we have been driven to Introduce
new precedents Into International law,
we are only following In the footsteps
of the American government In tar less
dVastlo fashion than the records of the
civil war display."
It contends that ths spirit of Interna
tional law la superior to the letter. "To
that spirit," it asserts, "we have ad
hered with the closest fidelity and with
a generosity to which some fuller recog.
nit Ion from leading neutral powers woul.t
not have been lnappropr.ata. To resign
any portion of our ability to strangle the
commerce of a pirate enemy, out of
deference to merely technical argument
would be treasonable alike to our allies
ana to the blood and sacrifice of
own cliUrne.'
C, E. Dailey, Shot at
Charivari, is Dead
MARnt-KTON, Wyo.. Nov. l-Bpc-clal.)-C.
E. Dailey, cashier of the Mar.
bleton State bank, who was shot through
the stomach while leading a party
chlarivarlng Dan B. Crafton. died late
yesterday from his wound, and Crafton
has been arrested on a charge of mur
der. Crafton, who considered Dailey his
closest friend. Is prostrated by arrief.
Dailey Is survived by a bride of five
months. Me was $8 years of ace.
Deatartsaeat Ordrea.
WASHINGTON, Nov. a (Special Tele-ra-m.)
NJtiraaka pensions feranted:
Lury A. rMckerlng. afuatare, $ 1. F.lisa
beth J. Limes, t'rrawa', $1$; Amanda H.
Ithyn, Omaha. $11
W. H. Itabbr of Martin hu hem,
awarded the contract for cnrrylng the
mall f rum Martin to Marrlntan. a. D.
Albertua HugUn waa eppojitad post
master at Juneen-nia. ainade county.
South Dakota, vaue Charles W. Gray, re-
-ustofflcee established: Banana, Orant
county. Kebraeaa. with atlntJe U.
banana as posunastsr; Cleveland. Arthur
county. Nebi-aaaa. with ('tis R. Mo
Laaetilin as puatmasutr: Tlvia, Maade
county. South lKa, with Mrs. NalLs
M. Ttvat aa postniaaler.
Just after celebrating his eighty
fifth' birthday a week ago Sunday
John Dale, well known old resident
of Omaha, prominent Methodist
churchman and veteran Insurance
man, died yesterday at his home,
1688 Occrfia avenue.
Heart trouble and general break
down due to over-exertion, acute in
digestion and advanced ae were the
contributing causes of death. He
had preached a sermon Sunday morn
ing and was suddenly taken 111 Imme
diately afterward.
Funeral arrangements have not been
completed, as two sons are not In Omaha
and have not been heard from.
Typically a "self-made man," Mr. Dale
was left an orphan when very young, had
only a common school education, ana
yet had attained prominence In his ohosen
field and won the respect of all who
knew him. He was born In England Oc
tober 11, 1830. and was taken to Canada
by his parents. Richard and Isabella
Craddock Dale, when 1 years of age. He
attended the publlo schools of Buffalo
and was married to Miss Ellen Johnson
at aKnkakee, III., In 1666.
Five Sobs lervlv.
Besides the wife, five sons survtvei
John F., Arthur B.. Walter H., Dools
R. and Fred B. Dale, all of whom were
bom at Kankakee. All are residents of
Omaha and engaged In insurance work,
except Arthur B. Dale, who la secretary
of the Poung Men's Christian association
at Evanaton, 111. Louis R. Dale is out
of the city at present, being a special
traveling Insurance agent.
The Dales came to Omaha In 186 from
Kankakee, where Mr. Dale first engaged
In the Insurance and banking business.
He was known as dean ef Nebraska. In
surance men, and for his religious ac
tivities. They helped organise the Han
scom Park Methodist church, corner of
Woolworth and Georgia avenues. In 1S8S.
He contlnusd an officer and leading mem
ber of that church, and later also be
came a trustee of the Diets Memorial
Methodist church on South Tenth street.
Always an ardent Methodist, he was
authorised some years ago by the real
dent bishop as a local preacher. Since
the organisation of the Jennings Me
morial Methodist church, Mr. Dale had
beon in charge as its acting pastor.
Prssvchea Samoa Saw day.
A week ago Sunday he distinguished
himself by preaching one of his most
powerful sermons on the occasion of his
eighty-fifth birthday. Again last Sun
day morning he preached at the Jennings
churoh. apparently In hie usual health
and vigor, delivering a forceful sermon.
His collapse followed and he gradually
sank Into unoonsclousn'Ms. Surrounded by
his wife and three of his sons, he passed
away peacefully at I p. m. Monday.
At the time of his death Mr. Dale was
senior partner of the firm of John Dale
Son. In which he -bandied life and ac
cident Insurance 'with hie youngest son,
Fred B. Dale.. The other sons here handle
fire Insurance In soparate agencies. Mr.
Dale was at his office, in hie usual health
and attending to his business as recently
as last aSturdav. '
He was a strong prohibitionist. In prac
tice and (reaching,, as well as In politics.
He belonged to thS ' Omaha , Commercial
club and was a member of the Nebraska
Life underwriters. He also belonged to
the Canadian dub-and was the local
treasurer' of the British Relief fund for
war sufferers.
Berlin Reports Great
Damage in London
. by Zeppelin Bombs
BCRXJN, Nov. 8. (By Wireless to Bay
villa ) Very serious material damage
was done In London and the metropolitan
district by the Zeppelin bombardment of
October IS, according to Information ob
tained from an authoritative military
source here. The raid was vastly more
effective than any one of these which
preceded it. Not only were several docks
damaged, but warehouses were burned
and soms of the ships hit are said to
have been destroyed. Ths Woolwich ar
senal. It la claimed, was struck and some
of the machinery destroyed.
It Is asserted that the London docks
were effectively bombarded, as were the
East India docks, where a big warehouse
was busned. Ths quay wall of the city
of London docks . was damaged and
cotton warehouse was burned at Victoria
docks. Ths tower of London and the
tower bridge were bombarded.
The city proper and the newspaper
quarters suffered heavily, the Morning
Post building being damaged. Many
buildings were demolished in St. George.
Lehmann, Liverpool, Moorgate and Min
orca streets. Chancery Lane, Bishop's
Uate and Old Gate. In some places en
tire blocks havs been wiped out. Among
the blocks burned was that occupied by
the Booth western bank.
Pork Vrlcee Oo Down.
' BERLIN. Nov. $. By Wireless to Itar
vllle.) There has hern a decline in the
retail prices of i-ork In Berlin of 10 eenta
a pound, it was cms to ine orop in
whnlvaala nriree last week on account o
I Urge ahlDmenta of hogs to Berlin etnek
vnrrts for Kale rerore tne enforcement
of t e maximum price regulations made
by the federal council.
The Easiest Way
To End Dandruff
There Is ons sure way that never fails
to remove dandruff completely and that
Is to dissolve It. This destroys it
tlrely. To do this. Just get abont four
ounces of plain, ordinary liquid arvoa; ap
ply It at night when retiring; nsa enough
to moisten the scalp and tub it aa gently
with the finger tla.
By morning, moat u not au, of year
dandruff wtll be gone, and throe or four
more applications will eosnpletsly dissolve
and entirely destroy every single sura and
trace of it. no matter how much dandruff
you may have.
Ton will find, too, that alt Itchtog and
dUtging of the scalp will stop Instantly,
and your hair wtll be fluffy, lustrous,
glossy, silky aad soft, and look and feel
a hundred tuuee bettur.
Ton can got liquid anroa at any drug
store. It la Inexpensive, and tour oaneoa
Is all ya will need. This strapis -rem
edy has avevar been known to CalL Ad-
Value is Abont Half a Billion Dol
lar! Great Than that of
191 i Output
WASHINGTON, Nov. t. The na
tion's principal farm crops this year
are worth about five and a half bil
lion dollars, exceeding by mora than
half a billion their value in 1914, the
previous banner year in the country's
crop history. There has been an un
precedented harvest, many of the
crops exceeding their best records,
and high prices, due to the influence
of the European war, have con
tributed to swell the total value.
Statistics announoed today by the De
partment of Agriculture in its November
crop reports base values on prevailing
(November prices. Corn with a produc
tion of 1.090,609.000 bushels K 000,. bush
els below the record crop la worth
025,071, the most valuable corn crop ever
grown. It exceeds the former biggest
value crop, that of 1914. by $10.000.000.
Wheat Worth More.
Wheat, with the largest prodctlon ever
known in any country, 1.002,029.000 bushela,
or about one-fourth of the world s orop
this year. Is worth 9M.t,9. or 164.000,000
more than the record made In 1914.
The oats crop also was a record one
both In point of production and value.
The harvest was 1.617,478,000 bushels al
most 100,000.000 bushels better than the
record of llS-and its value 1532.580,822, is
$31,000,000 more than the record value of
the 1914 crop.
Barley, rye, sweet potatoes, hay and
rtoe were recorded crops In point of pro
duction and tobacco almost equalled its
best production. The rye and hay crops
were recorded in point of value, .
The approximate value of the barley
crop is tllS.5n.SR9; the rye crop, $37,861,408;
buokwheat, $U,854.7M; potatoes, $218,426,824;
weep potatoes. $4S,46,060; hay, $877,064,890;
cotton. $908,700,000; tobaoco, si'G.wz.imu;
flaxseed, $30,060,634; rice, $22,311,360; apples,
$W4.S80,480; peaches, $0,81S,73S, and pears,
Pautses Tkrf Billion Mark.
In this year's harvest the corn crop
passed the $.000,000,000 bushel mark for the
second time, and the wheat crop crossed
the 1,000,000,000 bushel mark for the first
Potato prospeots declined 9,000,000 bush
ela during October, the crop now being
placed at 859.258.000 bushels. That Is 46, -000,000
less than last year's crop, and the
prospective moderate supply for winter
use Is reflected In the sharp advance in
farm price from 48.7 cents a bushel on
October 1, to S0.8 cents on November 1.
The November 1 price Is 8 cents higher
than a year ago. The crop is shortest
In the northern states, which grow the
surplus of the late crop. The quality,
too. Is below the avera&s
A Tor Sale" ad will turn second-hand
furniture Into cash.
Saoo Stock
Otto Glide's
O.-Q. Shoe Store
W. O. W. BU(.
Oat Sale Nast
All the Women's
Shoes that were
sold at $1.80 and
II, patent leather,
kid skins, dull
oair, etc, etc.,
3 "$1.95
Ladles Handbags
Pocket Books
Manicure Sets
Although we ars known as Om
ha'a Boat Baggasre Builders' ws
would havs you know that we carry 3
very desirable atook of small leather
goods. Our lines of Handbags, Pocjict
Books, and Manicure Sets are so
complete that buyers find pleasure in
making selections. Ws offer yO'i
quality merchandise at reasonable
prices, and aive each customer per
sonal attention,
Freling & Steinle
CotmtticB Not Nemded;
Peel the Skin Inttead
One reason why meroollsed wax Is so
strongly recommended Is tnat It really
taSes lbs pkaee or several diueront ooe
meUos, saving tluia. paUenua and es
oanaa. It Is better than any cleansing
eraam, bettor than any maaaage oreaju,
and better than any rouge, fur aooom-
pilahmg tne results lor wtiicn arucn sr
Ucles are aaed. As ths wax actually ab
surbs an old, faded or discolored eutloto.
a little oacn oay, ma unaoriying sain
which graduauiy appears, la clearer,
suftor, healthior-hu4 and more youthful
than any ousmotlcmaiie eonutaxjta.
Bpreadtmf on a thin coat of thla was at
nlgbt, washing It off mornings, a a weak
or so produces a inarvalous iraaafornut
tkm. Just one ounce of nwrcotiaed wax.
obtainable at any drug at jra, will do the
work. There's nothing better to remove
freckles, moth palettes, liver spots, sal-
lownesa, Dioicnos, puupiea or Diecaneaoa.
For wlukkas and loose, sassr akin.
far bath made br diaaolrin 1 om. pow
dered aauiolile lb H PC witch hasel. Is the
beat tluns Uiat can oe rtcunniri. 11 Tilt
has remarkable astringent and tonic prop
erUoa. Advert Iwwnl
1 aa) 1
ft W I I
Let the Redfern Corset
reshape your figure
The old-new figure is here
again the round, shapely
waist not tight but dis
tinctly fitted. Nat ore's
curves taking on the
shapely lines of the corset
this is what a Redfern
Model does.
Redfern Models are as
comfortable as they are
shapely. Come in and see
the new fall styles.
$3.50 up
De Fitted
Corset Section 3d Floor
FofjJ5riakf7 ""
iutniuigcij' "'ll'tie,1
M to. Is- wem -HOaOJCK-a- yov soar gat fenlaaHrSs.
Itu? tno&t?aic
Our reasonable prices appeal to persona of Judg
ment. Our moderate service charge appeals to dis
criminating people who wish to pay only for what
they receive. "Value received" is the motto of this
Horte or Aato
Drawn Funeral
Omaha's Only Independent Undertakers
DOUG. 887.
Weak, unstrung nerves
"shaky" feeling, agitation and
excitability, resulting from mental
stress or suffering caused by lack
of phosphates in the nerve cells.
Renew ths nerve-force, and brace
the nervous system by taking
Acid Phosphate
Keep g settle ie yes asset
Remember Registration
at Free Evening High
School- Wed. Evening.
17th snd Leavenworth Sts.
Tours for Service
High School of Commerce Alumni
Monarch Weather Strips
Keep Out Draught
Wbv buy Storm Sash, wtien yon
eaa have Monaco sietaJ Waaxner
Strtp at loan eoot. and set it Pr
mm jrs aoot.
BCakas) vlasrsi ama. doors ass-feet
Vopo all resume. Soon pars
few iWf. erst partoee, Utecwtase,
sv, treat
F. H.Turney & Co.
COS ware Bawk. Oaaaa, D. 9sa.
il . jii-wisssssnasawsai
hfjjsj3gg,,3saa.!w i
Lady Attendant
Residence Parlor
24th and Harney Sts.
Bargains in
practically new
articles in "For
Sale" column: read
The Only jTlgh Class Yenderllls Clroolt, '
Hal I r MtttiiM. I li SUM. . it.
Other acta Uls wnki
Ball 4 Waat: Willi
Solar: Carlisle A Romar;
Ha rrr 4 I Pack: Bol
sar Bra.: Max Purd aad
Gwtruda Dolul Qrpheuia
Tranl Weakly.
Frleaa: tUtlnae. sallarr. loo: tw easts (aaoapt
Baiurdar and tiuudari. ate. M labia 10a, tte. too
and 16c ,
Caraoall ULanLI
Edward LYNCH tiSUirff"'
Vlrtiala Haraad'e Oraalaat Dnunatl. Trtaaah,
Twm wokas xi utaarin. '
fats, ISO, 830! rrrs-, SSe, SSo, BOo.
BTov. 14 1 "TOe Birth of a sTation,
a-av "fa Toaitrht a Wednesday
a-- a- Matinee Tomorrow
Walker Whiteside
Nights, SSO to Si.60. Wed. Mat.. S6e to $1
Tsars rrt.. Sat- Stat, Sat.
Nlsht. S5o to Slja Bat. MaU SSe t !
(tests Now.
HI D D Oontlnnone from 11 a.m.
f I to 11 p.m. All Seats 10s
Sota AXteraooa St Urn.
martes Twla Staters la
"Tata ncan srar."
A Poweerfnl Brkiry of the XrrnsT XtH.
Yoa aa. hard tb ' Suoa."
ana "Oo. UftM" baaaa. but
rol ..r h.mre "THS
tkSOt-a lHJnilE DANUf"
I UIHW Uia Acta. n4 D"
In I aaru. uh R ma Mou and
"-:! v ,l tur.:
roo EX.
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